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Valdivia só terá que passar por exames médicos antes de ser apresentado oficialmente no Colo-Colo — Foto: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters
Sem clube desde que anunciou a saída do Al-Wahda, Valdivia está voltando ao futebol sul-americano, só que desta vez para retornar ao Colo-Colo. O vice-campeão do Clausura no Campeonato Chileno anunciou nesta segunda-feira que chegou a um acordo para repatriar o meia. Agora, ele passará nos próximos dias por exames médicos antes de ser apresentado oficialmente como novo reforço.
- Chegamos a um acordo com o Valdivia. Nos próximos dias, ele passará por exames médicos antes da apresentação oficial - comunicou o clube através de sua conta no Twitter.
Hemos llegado a total acuerdo con @el_mago_oficial En los próximos días se realizará los exámenes físicos y luego la presentación oficial. — June 19, 2017
A notícia cai com uma ducha de água fria ao torcedor do Palmeiras que sonhava com o retorno do Mago. Diante da saída do meia dos Emirados Árabes, o GloboEsporte.com promoveu uma enquete questionando o fã do Verdão se ele queria ou não o retorno de Valdivia ao clube, e houve uma vitória expressiva do "sim". Dos 106.865 mil participantes, 83,68% (89.437) foram favoráveis à volta do meia. Apenas 16,32% (17.428) votaram contra.
A pesquisa foi realizada logo após a postagem da mulher do chileno em suas redes sociais, dizendo que sonhava em ver Valdivia voltar a vestir a camisa do Palmeiras ou do Colo-Colo, clube chileno onde ele foi revelado. Antes disso, o próprio jogador, sem clube desde que anunciou sua saída do Al-Wahda, dos Emirados Árabes, no fim de maio, já havia agitado os palmeirenses ao postar em seu Twitter uma mensagem enigmática: "Só ligar que eu vou". | 500 |
FC Dallas midfielder Pablo Aranguiz has been called into the Chile U23 team by head coach Bernardo Redín for the 2019 El Torneo Maurice Revello taking place from June 1st to June 15th in the region of Provence.
Founded in 1967 as a U21 event, the Toulon Tournament, as it is commonly called, is a fairly prestigious, invitation-only tournament. This year the tournament is inviting under 22 teams and so this version of the Chile U23 was adapted to fit those criteria.
Estos son todos los elegidos por el profe @bernardoredinDT para representar a #LaRojaSub23 en Toulon#VamosChile pic.twitter.com/A9TMOArPBB — Selección Chilena (@LaRoja) May 21, 2019
Chile is in Group A along with England, Japan, and Portugal. Chile faces Portugal on June 1, Japan on June 4, and England on June 7.
Redin said of Aranguiz, "En el caso de Pablo [Aránguiz], ha tenido más continuidad en Estados Unidos y puede ser un gran aporte a este equipo". Which google translates as, "In the case of Pablo [Aránguiz], he has had more continuity in the United States and can be a great contribution to this team."
This tournament will for Chile be part of their preparations for Olympic Qualification that will be played in Colombia in January of 2020.
Aranguiz posted a short video of himself on Instagram as he departed on Monday to meet the team in France.
An image take from Pablo Aranguiz's Instagram video on his way to France to meet up with the Chile U23 team. (5-27-19) (Pablo Abanguiz)
Chile U23 Squad
Goalkeepers: Gonzalo Collao (University of Chile), Zacarías López (Sports La Serena), Luis Ureta (O'Higgins)
Defenders: Lucas Alarcón (University of Chile), Sebastián Cabrera (Coquimbo Unido), Alex Ibacache (Everton), Nicolás Ramírez (Huachipato), Nicolás Díaz (Palestino), Víctor Retamal (University of Concepción), Nicolás Fernández (Audax Italiano)
Midfielders: Gabriel Suazo (Colo Colo), Williams Alarcón (Colo Colo), Jimmy Martinez (University of Chile), Diego Fernandez (Iquique Sports), Ignacio Jara (Cobreloa), Tomás Alarcón (O'Higgins), Pablo Aránguiz (FC Dallas - USA), Ángelo Araos (Corinthians - BRA)
Forwards: Nicolás Guerra (University of Chile), Iván Morales (Colo Colo), Mathias Pinto (Ñublense), Franco Lobos (Union La Calera) | 501 |
Ces Anglais boivent du Coca-Cola au lait et en sont fiers
Le débat autour de la mixture est ouvert, rapporte The Independent. C’est l’humoriste britannique James Felton qui a lancé les hostilités, en publiant des photos de sa découverte du jour : à Birmingham, au Royaume-Uni, on boit du Coca-Cola au lait. « Le Coca au lait est un vrai truc. Les gens d’ici l’adorent », commente-t-il le 1er mars 2019, postant des photos de lui goûtant à la boisson.
Milk coke is a real thing. Brummies love it. We can all move on from this discussion now, I will be taking no further questions. pic.twitter.com/dQR8bg3UAO — James Felton (@JimMFelton) March 1, 2019
Les internautes ont alors majoritairement réagi avec dégoût et surprise face à ce mélange à priori douteux. « Je suis incroyablement offensé par le Coca au lait. Je pourrais tout essayer, mais pas ça », répond l’un d’eux sur Twitter, quand une autre déclare avec humour qu’elle a « prévenu la police ».
L’équipe pro Coca au lait intervient alors, soulignant que la boisson n’est pas si éloignée du « flotteur », ces sodas à la crème glacée consommés principalement aux États-Unis. « Ça existe depuis 50 ans, rien de nouveau! » assure ainsi un internaute. « Cela me paraît étrange que le Coca au lait ne soit pas de notoriété publique. Mes parents nous ont initiés à ce mélange à l’âge de 4 ans, il y a donc de cela 24 ans. À l’époque, on l’appelait “bop”, ou “vache brune”, et oui : si c’est bien préparé, c’est incroyable », explique un autre.
Sources : Twitter / The Independent | 502 |
Una corresponsal de la BBC responsabiliza a la policía de empezar los disturbios en Barcelona
La corresponsal de la BBC Jean Mackenzie cubrió ayer los disturbios que tuvieron lugar en Barcelona y ha dejado constancia en un hilo de tuits dónde deja claro, con vídeos, que fueron las fuerzas policiales las que provocaron el estallido de violencia.
En el primero de ellos, MacKenzie asegura que mientras estaba cubriendo la «vigilia con velas por los presos catalanes» aparecieron los policías «disparando» contra los manifestantes, de manera que convirtieron la situación «en aterradora y violenta en el instante», por lo cual, «miles de personas huyeron de la policía en todas direcciones».
Just watched rows of police run up the main parade in Barcelona shooting rubber bullets into crowds of people at a candle vigil for the Catalan prisoners. Turned the situation into a scary and violent one instantly. Now thousands running from the police in every direction. pic.twitter.com/PfN4eg9KEb — Jean Mackenzie (@jeanmackenzie) October 15, 2019
En el segundo tuit, la corresponsal indica que mientras estaba con su equipo «filmando a las multitudes», se vieron obligados a «refugiarse en las puertas de las tiendas mientras la policía dispara indiscriminadamente en todas direcciones».
We were filming shots of crowds, and seconds later are having to take shelter in shop doorways as police fire indiscriminately in all directions — Jean Mackenzie (@jeanmackenzie) October 15, 2019
En el tercer tuit recuerda que ha tenido que «correr tres veces» porque «la policía cambia de dirección y sigue disparando».
We’ve had to run 3 times now as police change direction and continue shooting pellets. — Jean Mackenzie (@jeanmackenzie) October 15, 2019
El hilo de tuits recoge pues la denuncia de que fue la policía la que empezó los disturbios de ayer en el centro de Barcelona.
Fuente: Sira Esclasans (El Nacional)
Sorprenden a un policía alimentando una barricada
Por otra parte, un tuit publicado anoche muestra imágenes de un policía alimentando una barricada con vallas en el Passeig de Gràcia, epicentro de los disturbios de anoche en Barcelona. | 503 |
nakon loših rezultata na beogradskim izborima a unutarstranački izbori bi tek trebalo da se održe.
“Saša Radulović i krug njegovih bliskih saradnika, součen sa izvesnim i ubedljivim porazom na demokratskim izborima u Dosta je bilo i obelodanjivanjem članstvu sistematskog kršenja Statuta DJB i aljkavosti koji je rezultirala odbacivanjem registracije DJB kao stranke, odlučio je da sazove neformalnu grupu i da izvrši puč u stranci donošenjem odluka koje nemaju uporište u Statutu i pravilnicima DJB”, piše u saopštenju koje je, kako su naglasili, izdato nakon online sednice Glavnog odbora DJB-a. Oni dalje dodaju da, kako su naveli, “pučisti” predstavljaju sami sebe, a ne Dosta je bilo.
U saopštenju se dodaje i da će biti pokrenut postupak za isključenje tih osoba iz DJB i da će od njih biti zahtevano da vrate mandate narodnih poslanika i odbornika kao i da prekinu sa uzurpacijom imovine DJB.
Izbori za predsednika DJB zakazani za 21. april
Glavni odbor je na današnjoj sednici raspisao izbore za predsednika DJB za subotu 21. april.
Članovi sadašnjeg predsedništva u ostavci Saša Radulović, Miroslava Milenović, Dušan Pavlović i Jasmina Nikolić su obavestili Glavni odbor da nemaju nameru da se ponovo kandiduju i da žele da otvore prostor da DJB pokaže da ima širok krug članova koji su pokazali da svojim biografijama, integritetom, dosadašnjim radom zaslužuju šansu da povedu organizaciju napred.
| 504 |
Policemen inspect the body of a man, with tape wrapped around his head and feet, who police said was a victim of drug related vigilante execution in Manila, Wednesday. Ezra Acayan, Reuters
Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Ronald dela Rosa insisted that the police organization does not have the money to pay cops the supposed P8,000 to P15,000 they allegedly get for every drug suspect they kill.
In its investigation, "If you are poor you are killed: Extrajudicial Executions in the Philippines' War on Drugs," Amnesty International cited an anti-narcotics officer who said that police units receive money for killing alleged drug offenders. The source added, the incentive is "paid in cash, secretly, by headquarters."
"Ewan ko kung sinong nagbabayad. Ako, wala akong perang pambayad kung totoo man yan. Hindi po binabayaran yang mga pulis na yan...Ako, ang PNP po, walang funding para sa ganung babayaran. Babayaran yung pulis na nakapatay? Bakit mo babayaran?" Dela Rosa told reporters on Wednesday.
(I don't know who is paying. Me, I don't have money to pay for that if that were true. Those cops are not paid...For me, the PNP has no funding to pay for that. You'll pay the cop for killing? Why would you pay him?)
He also dared those who are behind the claim to come out in the open and file charges before the appropriate bodies.
"Mahirap kasi 'yang nagsasabi lang. Ilabas nila yang tao na yan in the open," he said.
(That's difficult, when people just say it. They should bring that person out in the open.)
"For all you know, paninira na naman yan sa administrasyong Duterte...File a complaint. Ilabas nila yang tao na yan at dalhin sa Ombudsman para magkaliwanagan na tayo," he said.
(For all you know, that was just to discredit the Duterte administration. File a complaint. They should bring out that person and bring him to the Ombudsman so we can clear this up.)
The police force had been at the forefront of President Rodrido Duterte's war on drugs since he won last year's presidential elections.
However, after a series of scandals emerged over the past month wherein police were caught committing murder, kidnapping, extortion and robbery, the President this week ordered them to stop all activities related to the drug war.
He described the police force as "corrupt to the core" and vowed to cleanse it, while also vowing the drug war would continue until the last day of his term, in 2022.
He said the police would return to the drug war after he reorganized the force and, in the meantime, the military would become more involved. | 505 |
I’ve ever fast-forwarded through a mission. The set up for Mine the Cart was so ridiculously dumb. Jordan getting to swim all three times while the US had to have two of their women swim rendered the entire mission pointless.
As for the elimination, I don’t know why it was hyped up to be a “Super Elimination” when it was basically just an easier version of a Fresh Meat exile. Run For Your Life wasn’t anything special, but for some reason they felt the need to have it done in secret. Maybe it’s just because this season didn’t have any twists and they wanted to have something to drum up excitement, but it did nothing for me.
Episode Grade: C+
Season Standings
32. S̵e̵a̵n̵ (1)
31–30. F̵a̵i̵t̵h̵ ̵a̵n̵d̵ ̵Z̵a̵h̵i̵d̵a̵ (6)
29. B̵i̵g̵ ̵T̵ (32)
28. N̶i̶c̶o̶l̶e̶ (67)
27. W̵e̵s̵ (76)
26. L̶a̶u̶r̶e̶l̶ (97)
25. E̶s̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ (103)
24. B̶a̶n̶a̶n̶a̶s̶ (131)
23. I̶d̶r̶i̶s̶ (138)
22. T̶u̶r̶b̶o̶ (168)
21. K̶a̶y̶l̶e̶i̶g̶h̶ (176)
20. B̶e̶a̶r̶ (181)
19. K̶y̶l̶e̶ (197)
18. J̶o̶s̶s̶ (198)
17. J̶e̶n̶n̶y̶ (189)
16. T̶h̶e̶o̶ (214)
15. Ninja (217)
14. J̶o̶s̶h̶ (254)
13–12. G̶e̶o̶r̶g̶i̶a̶ and N̶a̶n̶y̶ (256)
11. Cara (258.5)
10. Kam (277)
9. Zach (293)
8. Leroy (297)
7. Paulie (300.5)
6. Ashley (314)
5. Tori (317.5)
4. Dee (333.5)
3. CT (348.5)
2. Jordan (349)
1. Rogan (349.5) | 506 |
Möglichkeiten werden zu Beginn von Epidemien in der Regel dramatisch überschätzt. Wir müssen Strategien entwickeln, die erst einmal ohne einen Impfstoff auskommen." pm, ots
English version
Helmholtz chief epidemiologist Gérard Krause has called for a change in strategy in the fight against the corona pandemic in view of the soaring case numbers. We must concentrate all the more urgently on keeping the number of serious diseases as low as possible," said the head of epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in an interview with the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ).
"It would be counterproductive if resources were tied up to put everything on containment, and then lacking the resources to optimise the treatment of the elderly and previously ill. This must not happen." The estimate of the Robert Koch Institute that ten million people could become infected within three months "is realistic", said the HZI chief epidemiologist. We must be prepared for a number of two million seriously ill Covid-19 patients. School and business closures did not change this. "We will no longer be able to prevent the virus from spreading in society. "It is to be expected that the braking effect will not last. Studies from London, for example, indicate this. "It is possible that we can only delay the peak of the first wave by a few weeks."
Sufficient care workers cannot be trained in a few weeks.
However, Krause said that it would not be possible to train enough intensive care workers in a few weeks. "The case may therefore arise that we can no longer treat everyone optimally. We will have to accept that." It is therefore crucial "that we focus on the care of the 20 percent of severely affected patients", said the researcher and demanded: "We need a 'VIP access' for those with pre-existing conditions and the elderly. They must be optimally protected from infections and must be given absolute priority in diagnostics, clarification, monitoring and medical care. We can do more here."
Expert warns of curfew
The expert warned urgently of the imposition of a curfew. "Massive interventions in the course of social events - such as a curfew - can also seriously impair health care," said Krause. "The production of medical goods and medicines must remain guaranteed, for example the production of insulin. The same applies to the supply of food." And the use of governmental force to implement a curfew "would create problems in other places that we don't need".
No breakthrough in vaccines any time soon
The epidemiologist does not expect a breakthrough in the search for a Covid-19 vaccine any time soon. "Experience teaches that the expectation that a vaccine or active substance will soon be available and the possibilities are usually dramatically overestimated at the beginning of epidemics. "We need to develop strategies that do not require a vaccine in the first place." pm, ots, mei | 507 |
Gunmen shot and killed a Mexican congressman while injuring two of his staffers in Michoacán. Authorities later arrested the two suspected assassins.
The murder took place on Tuesday morning as Congressman Erick Juarez Blanquet was riding in an SUV along Morelos Avenue in the northern part of Morelia, information released by the state public security office revealed. Two gunmen riding in a motorcycle pulled up to the vehicle and fired several times.
Mantenemos despliegue operativo con #PolicíaMichoacán tras hechos donde fue privado de la vida el diputado Erik Juárez Blanquet, y dos personas más quedaron lesionadas, en Av. Morelos Norte de la ciudad de Morelia. — SSP MICHOACÁN (@MICHOACANSSP) March 10, 2020
Juarez Blanquet, a congressman for the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD), was riding in the passenger side of an SUV with his driver and an aide-bodyguard at the time. The gunmen sped off on a motorcycle to avoid capture. By the time paramedics arrived, Juarez Blanquet died but emergency medical personnel tended to the staffers.
According to updated information from Michoacán’s State Police, authorities set up manhunts in Morelia and apprehended two suspects, seized a handgun and a motorcycle.
Derivado de la acción operativa en Morelia, detuvimos a dos masculinos y aseguramos una motocicleta abandonada y un arma de fuego corta. Se realizan actuaciones para determinar si están relacionados con el homicidio del diputado Erik Juárez Blanquet. — SSP MICHOACÁN (@MICHOACANSSP) March 10, 2020
In recent weeks Michoacán has seen a spike in violence as rival cartel factions aligned with either Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion or La Nueva Familia Michoacán/Viagras fight for control of the state’s drug production and drug trafficking routes. The turf war has led to several gruesome executions as well as several large-scale gun battles throughout the region. Michoacán state officials have worked to downplay the escalating violence to no avail.
Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at [email protected].
Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at [email protected].
Jose Luis Lara from Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project contributed to this report | 508 |
hull side
14.5 mm hull rear
Superstructure armor unknown Total production 2
Bibliographical Comment
The most accurate source on the Pz.Sfl.Ic is Panzer Tracts 7-1 written by renowned German Second World War AFV historians Thomas Jentz and Hilary Doyle. However, only a single page of this book is devoted to the Pz.Sfl.Ic, reflecting the dearth of primary source material for this vehicle.
An online article originally written in Russian by Yuri Pasholok and available in English translation provides a decent summary of the Pz.Sfl.Ic and helps to place it in the wider context of the development of the VK 9 series of projects.
Asides from a few photographs showing the Pz.Sfl.Ic on deployment (one of which was published in Autumn Gale), little else has emerged on this elusive machine.
Note that in the popular online game War Thunder, the VK 9.03 is mislabelled as the Pz.Sfl.Ic. The actual history of the VK 9.03 can be found in another Tanks Encyclopedia article.
Didden, J., and Swarts, M., Autumn Gale/Herbst Sturm: Kampfgruppe Chill, schwere Heeres Panzerjäger Abteilung 559 and the German Recovery in the Autumn of 1944 (Drunen: De Zwaardvisch, 2013).
Doyle, H.L., and Jentz, T.L., Panzer Tracts No.2-2 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. G, H, J, L, and M: Development and Production from 1938 to 1943 (Maryland: Panzer Tracts, 2007).
Doyle, H.L., and Jentz, T.L., Panzer Tracts No.20-2 Paper Panzers: Aufklaerungs-, Beobachtungs-, and Flak Panzer (Reconnaissance, Observation, and Anti-Aircraft) (Maryland, Panzer Tracts, 2002).
Doyle, H.L., and Jentz, T.L., Panzer Tracts No.7-1 Panzerjaeger (3.7 cm Tak to Pz.Sfl.Ic): Development and Employment from 1927 to 1941 (Maryland: Panzer Tracts, 2004).
Spielberger, W.J., Der Panzer-Kampfwagen I und II und ihre Abarten: Einschließlich der Panzerentwicklungen der Reichswehr (Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1974). Translated into English as Panzer I and II and their Variants: From Reichswehr to Wehrmacht (Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing US, 2007).
Pasholok, Y., ‘Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf. G: The Fruit of Unending Labour’. Read HERE (Russian), English version HERE. | 509 |
Nouvelle commande personnalisée pour une Belge! Une grande fan de la série Crash Bandicoot m'a demandé de réaliser une console à l'effigie du personnage principal. Je me suis inspirée des premiers niveaux du jeu dont « Jungle Rollers » et le menu en fin de partie, où viennent se fracasser sur la tête de Crash toutes les boites qu'on a oubliées.
Au départ, j'étais partie sur une console Aku-Aku avec le masque en relief sur une base rappelant la jungle. Mais le héros devait absolument figurer sur la console, ou un élément le rappelant (= l'orange). J'ai alors opté pour l'effet de vieux temple gris foncé / verdâtre avec pas mal de branches et quelques lianes. Un petit effet sablé à certains endroits et des crevasses. Les boutons Reset & Power sont en bois teinté. Des petites pierres sont disposées sur le Power pour rappeler un foyer de feu (level avec le sanglier et la première île). L'Eject est une boite de TNT vue du haut en bois de tilleul (handmade).
New custom order for a belgian customer!
A huge Crash Bandicoot fan asked me if I could make her a console with the main character on it.
My inspirations came from the first game levels (such as « Jungle Rollers ») but also from the end- game menu (when all the boxes Crash forgot come and smash themselves into his face).
At first, I wanted to make an AKU-AKU console with the mask on it and the jungle for the background. But the hero (or something reminding him) had to be on the gaming system. So I finally decided to create an old dark grey and green temple effect with branches and creepers. I applied as well a small sandy effect on a few places. Both Reset and power buttons were covered with tainted wood. Tiny rocks were also placed on the power button to remind us a campfire (like the wild boar level and the first island). The eject button is a TNT wooden box, seen from above, made from basswood.
"Jungle Rollers is the second level of the first island in Crash Bandicoot. It is the first level in the game - and, by extension, the entire series - to feature a bonus round and TNT crates. It is also the first level in the entire series to require a colored gem. It was the level chosen to represent Crash Bandicoot in the first ever Playstation 'Demo Disc' known as 'Demo 1'. " crashbandicoot.wikia.com
| 510 |
Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri said his side's desire to win the Champions League is greater than ever after they signed Cristiano Ronaldo this summer.
Ronaldo made his first appearance in a Bianconeri shirt in a 5-0 win over Juve's second team in a traditional preseason warm-up game in Villar Perosa on Sunday.
His arrival has enthused Juve's fans, with thousands descending on the small village near Turin to catch a glimpse of CR7. That enthusiasm is not lost on Allegri either, who says now is the time to go one better after losing two Champions League finals in his four years in charge of the Old Lady.
"This year, our ambition to win the Champions League is greater than in previous years, as is the desire to win the league, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa, but nobody is going to gift us anything before we've won them," he told Sky Sport Italia. "It's normal that Ronaldo brings quality and international experience.
"Above all, Ronaldo can motivate the younger lads to grow, and help the whole club to develop. Nobody gifted Real the four Champions Leagues he won there, it was down to everybody working and making sacrifices. We need to do the same.
"People had told me he's a consummate professional, but results don't come by chance. We're talking of a player who has won the Ballon d'Or five times and been top scorer many times. He always wants to win and this proves that Juventus have signed a great player, both on the field but especially off it."
Ronaldo scored on his first run-out for his new club and afterwards he paid tribute to the fans who have made him feel welcome in his first month as a Juve player.
"An emotional day in a special atmosphere which tells the winning story of Juve. Thanks to all the fans for the great affection!" he wrote on Twitter.
Una giornata emozionante, in un'atmosfera speciale che racconta la storia vincente della Juve. Grazie a tutti i tifosi per il grande affetto! #FinoAllaFine pic.twitter.com/odFWHqVFqp — Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) August 12, 2018
It was not only about Ronaldo, though, as Juve made their final preparations ahead of the start of the new Serie A season next Saturday, when they will travel to Chievo.
Leonardo Bonucci made his first appearance since returning to the club after a year at AC Milan, and there was applause for the Italian defender who had upset many fans a year ago by moving to the Rossoneri.
"He looked good," Allegri said. "He's an important player with experience and he's raised the technical level of our defence.
"Leo's been a Juventus player for seven years and now he's back and he's important for us. I'd say he's settled in already in the best possible way." | 511 |
�� 말하자면 그렇다. 지금도 스타2 연습을 하다가 잠깐 쉬고있다 왜냐하면 한국서버에서 레더와 프로리그맵이 다르기 때문에 프로게이머들이 레더를 잘 안하더라.
그래서 약간 맵이 바뀌길 기다리고있다. 그리고 미국에 가서 활동할 생각이고. 시기를 조율하고 있다. 아마 대회가 뭉쳐있는 시기에 갈 것 같다. Mmm, if I had to make a decision right now then I would say yes. I’m still practicing SC2 even as of right now but I have been taking breaks here and there. Mainly because the maps being used on ladder and the maps being used in Proleague are different so a lot of pro-gamers are not really laddering right now. So I’m just kind of waiting around and hoping for a map pool change. I plan on continuing my activities in America, so I’m planning out my timing for that. I probably won’t do it though until we arrive at a time where there are tons of tournaments available.
For Korean players, the inevitability of military service acts as a ticking clock against their already fragile careers. However, one player that came back stronger after his military service is StarDust. The affable Protoss, charmingly nicknamed "Cheesedust" for his arsenal of aggressive builds, shot into the limelight after his DreamHack Summer 2013 win. It came almost out of nowhere, but he managed to maintain a high level of play through 2014, which culminated in a spot in the Global Finals. While he has been taking a break since late 2015, it's only a matter of time until he begins competing again.We caught up with him to talk about his beginnings, his greatest moments, and his future in Legacy of the Void. | 512 |
The alleged interference of foreign actors is just a smokescreen to hide the effects of neoliberalism.
Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Friday rejected U.S. accusations that Russia is trying to destabilize democracy in Chile.
"The U.S. administration is taking advantage of Chile's difficult internal situation to continue its attempts to denigrate our country's foreign policy... Such unscrupulous methods have been used on numerous occasions earlier," Ryabkov said.
"We have never interfered, are not interfering today, and will not be interfering in any electoral or other internal political processes, wherever they are... We respect the sovereignty of any state."
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova also indicated that her country expects the Chilean crisis to be overcome "as soon as possible", in a "civilized" way and within the framework of the law.
The accusations about the Russian footprint in the Latin American protests are just "a smokescreen" to hide the consequences of neoliberalism, local political scientist Eduardo Luque told to RT.
"Economic policies being implemented in Ecuador and Chile harm most of the population," he added.
Con gritarlo no basta!! He escuchado, leído e incluso visto en la Tv declaraciones de violaciones y torturas, y aun NO HAY JUSTICIA. Marchamos x un #Chile + justo, digno y con derechos garantizados. Hasta eso que no exista, no debemos detenernos. #ChileViolatesHumanRigths https://t.co/9Ubs5xWVlS — emprendeelviaje (@emprendeelviaje) November 1, 2019
"Shouting it is not enough! I have heard, read and even seen on TV statements of rapes and torture. However, THERE IS NO JUSTICE yet. We march for a fairer, more dignified, rights-guaranteed Chile. We must not stop until we get that. #ChileViolatesHumanRigths."
As part of its official discourse on what is currently happening in Latin America, the U.S. government has tried to advance the idea that social unrest has been prompted by "foreign actors" who seek to inflame class struggle through Internet.
An unidentified State Department senior official would have said that Russia had “sought to exacerbate divisions, foment conflict and all round act as spoiler to responsible democratic debate.”
In that regard, for instance, the U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Michael Kozak, said that his government had identified "fake accounts" from Russia on social media. On this sort of statements, however, no details or evidence have been provided yet.
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump also denounced foreign "interference" in the protests during a telephone conversation he had with Chile’s President Sebastian Piñera.
On that occasion, the White House did not specify either which countries are supposedly interfering in this South American country. | 513 |
ệm thực tế trong công nghệ IoT và kinh tế, và nghiên cứu cơ chế Blockchain chính là tiền đề của sản phẩm Geeq. has highly experienced development team and advisory board in the field of finance, economics, and corporate governance. Practical experience in IoT technology and economics, and Blockchain mechanism study are premise for Geeq product.
About product ideas:
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+ Application products diversify in payment, IoT, Blockchain platform, transaction of encrypted assets.
Community: Relative development & Medium scale, however, the community does interact with products.
+ About the product: It still has no products. Roadmap is poor..
According to the roadmap, Q 4/2018, Geeqchain published MVP. Currently, Geeqchain has not published the open source code yet.
There is quite a much Token bonus in private sale while the number of allocated tokens is not clear. Thus, the investment risk is very high.
+ Some information has been not published yet
With the little aforementioned information, our final conclusion is that the project risk is very high, at least in present, we will not invest in this project.
Reviewed by icogens.com
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You are reading [ICO REVIEW]- What is GEEQCHAIN? Blockchain 3.0 overtops in comparision with Etherium?, tại chuyên mục Articles
Nguồn: Icogens.com | 514 |
La Carretera Central, la obra más importante de ingeniería construida por el gobierno español en Puerto Rico durante el siglo XIX, fue incluida en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos el 2 de mayo de 2019. Según la página web de la Oficina Estatal de Conservación Histórica (OECH), “[e]l Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos (RNLH) es una la lista oficial del Gobierno Federal de las propiedades históricas significativas por su arquitectura, ingeniería, arqueología, historia y cultura en general”.
La Carretera Central se construyó entre 1846 y 1886. Fue la primera carretera pavimentada de Puerto Rico. Tiene una extensión de 134.7 km, de los cuales 81.1 km fueron incluidos en el Registro Nacional. Cruza la isla de Puerto Rico atravesando la Cordillera Central, conectando la ciudad capital de San Juan con los pueblos de Río Piedras (hoy parte de San Juan), Caguas, Cayey, Aibonito, Coamo, Juana Díaz y Ponce.
Solicitamos por correo electrónico y obtuvimos copia digital del documento de nominación de la Carretera Central a través de la página web del National Register of Historic Places del National Park Service. Compartimos a continuación este documento con nuestros lectores:
Incluimos a continuación el resumen y una selección de los mapas y fotos publicados en el documento:
The Carretera Central, with its historic course built between 1846 and 1886, is a stretch of asphalted road of one hundred and thirty-four (134.7) kilometers in length that crosses Puerto Rico in a winding north to south direction connecting the island’s northern capital, San Juan, to the southern city of Ponce. Also known as the Military Road, the 19th century engineering marvel runs from the coastal plains of the Atlantic Ocean to the coastal plains of the Caribbean Sea, cutting its way throughout some of the most challenging terrain, topographically and scenery wise, in the high mountains of the Cordillera Central. Along its path, the Carretera Central connects San Juan, the town of Río Piedras,1 the municipalities of Caguas, Cayey, Aibonito, Coamo, Juana Díaz and Ponce (Fig. 1). The Carretera Central, a linear district, is composed of several contributing resources, among these, the road itself, bridges, historic sewers, and casillas de camineros. | 515 |
Svårigheten att reda ut orsakerna, i synnerhet om man vidgar perspektivet till flera länder, har fått många forskare att tala om en bred trend av kulturell civilisering som den felande faktorn. Våra samhällen blir undan för undan fredligare, vi accepterar inte våld och brott, de kulturella normerna har förändrats.
Det låter ju onekligen hoppfullt. Men hur mäter man egentligen sådant? Och hur hänger det ihop med det faktum att brottsligheten steg under hela efterkrigstiden - för att sedan plötsligt falla de senaste 20 åren? Varför just nu?
I väntan på att en kriminologins Poirot kliver fram i slutscenen med en heltäckande förklaring på mysteriet, får vi nog nöja oss med att glädjas åt att vi blivit säkrare - även om vi inte riktigt vet varför.
FAKTA FAKTA KÄLLOR Criminal Victimization, 2013, US Department of Justice Tough Case to crack: the mystery of Britain’s falling crime rate, The Guardian 31 aug. 2014 Nationella Trygghetsundersökningen 2014, Brottsförebyggande rådet Brottsutvecklingen för visa brott mot person fram till 2103, Jonas Öberg, Brottsförebyggande rådet Brottsutvecklingen för vissa egendomsbrott, rattfylleri och narkotikabrott, Johanna Olseryd, Brottsförebyggande rådet, 2013 U.S Crime figures: Why the drop? BBC 21 juni 2011 Serious violence in England and Wales drops 10% in 2014, Violence and Society Research Group, Cardiff University Patterns and trends in property crime, Office for National Statistics, Storbritannien Focus on Violent Crime and Sexual Offences, 2013/14, Office for National Statistics, Storbritannien Jagade, Alice Goffman, Natur och Kultur 2015 LÄS MER
Publicerad: 09 juli 2015 kl. 10.04
Kultur Prenumerera på Kulturens nyhetsbrev Aftonbladets kulturredaktion guide till veckans viktigaste kulturhändelser och mest intressanta idédebatt. Ja, tack! | 516 |
Many people go to Nepal, only because it’s a starting point for hiking in high mountains. There are beautiful tracks, but I’d like to say to almost everyone “don’t go to Mt. Everest”. If you’re a passione mountaineer, go there; but if you’re a random person who hardly ever climbed mountain tops don’t try to go to Mt. Everest only because you want to say “I climbed Mt. Everest”.
During my flight to Kathmandu, I met a man who proudly told me that he’s going to climb Mt. Everest. So I got curious and asked about other mountains he climbed, because I thought it’s his passion. Surprisingly he answered that he didn’t climb any mountains so far and that he is going to hike only to the base camp of Mt. Everest…
Wiele osób leci do Nepalu tylko dlatego, żeby rozpocząć tam wędrówkę w Himalaje. Oczywiście te najwyższe góry oferują wiele tras o różnym poziomie zaawansowania. Jednak ja często chciałabym wielu ludziom powiedzieć, żeby nie “wybierali się na Everest”! Jeżeli góry i wysokogórska wspinaczka są Twoją pasją to zdecydowanie te słowa nie są skierowane do Ciebie! Uważam to za dość żałosne, że najwyższa góra świata jest zatłoczona ludźmi “prawie że tam wnoszonymi”, tylko po to aby mogli powiedzieć, że “zdobyli Everest”.
Podczas mojego lotu do Katmandu, siedzący obok mnie mężczyzna dumnie mi powiedział, że wybiera się na Everest. Rozmawialiśmy chwilę, zaciekawiłam się i zaczęłam zadawać pytania jakie inne szczyty zdobył itp. Okazało się, że w ogóle się nie wspina, a wybiera się tylko do “base camp” – pierwszego obozu na trasie do Mount Everest… | 517 |
an act of aggression. It is true that international events in the following years showed that this agreement had had a huge symbolic impact but no practical effect other than reopening the Franco-German dialogue (evacuation of the Rhineland and establishment of the Young Plan). The criticism to which it has been open should not, however, be allowed to overshadow the innovative nature of the process in terms of both challenging the right to war and constructing a peaceful international society. In fact, until 1914 international law imposed no restriction on the use of force. In 1919 the League of Nations pact established a distinction between legitimate and illegitimate wars. In 1945 the UN Charter provided for the obligation to resolve conflicts by peaceful means (Article 33). The Kellogg-Briand Pact thus emerges as an intermediate stage in the development of the law relating to war in international relations. Furthermore, both Frank B. Kellogg in 1929 and Nicholas M. Butler in 1931 received the Nobel Peace Prize for their roles in the signing and promotion of the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
See alsoBriand, Aristide; League of Nations; Reparations; Rhineland Occupation; Versailles, Treaty of; World War I.
Primary Sources
Butler, Nicholas M. The Path to Peace: Essays and Addresses on Peace and Its Making. New York, 1930.
Lysen, Arnoldus. Le Pacte Kellogg: Documents concernant le traité multilatéral contre la guerre, signéà Paris le 27 août 1928, recueillis avec une préface, un tableau synoptique des projets américains et français, et une bibliographie. Leiden, 1928.
Myers, Denys P. Origin and Conclusion of the Paris Pact, and The Renunciation of War by Kirby Page. 1929. Reprint, with a new introduction by Charles DeBenedetti. New York, 1972.
Wehberg, Hans W. The Outlawry of War: A Series of Lectures Delivered before the Academy of International Law at the Hague and in the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales at Geneva. Washington, D.C., 1931.
Secondary Sources
Brownliei, Ian. International Law and the Use of Force by States. Oxford, U.K., 1963.
Buchheit, Eva. Der Briand-Kellogg-Pact von 1928: Machtpolitik oder Friedensstreben? Münster, 1998.
Elisha, Achille. Aristide Briand: la paix mondiale et l'Union Européenne. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2000.
Ferrell, Robert H. Peace in Their Time: The Origins of the Kellogg-Briand Pact. New Haven, Conn., 1952. New edition 1968.
Ferrell, Robert H., ed. The American Secretaries of States and Their Diplomacy. Vol. 11. 1963.
Dzovinar Kevonian | 518 |
os, teorías y modelos importados y se dediquen a comprenderlos e interpretarlos en su esencia.
De Anquín cultivó muchas amistades y recibió el elogio de pensadores contemporáneos como Leonardo Castellani, Julio Meinvielle, Juan Ramón Sepich, Charles de Koninck y Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen.
A su vez muchos pensadores lo tomaron como un punto de referencia: tal es el caso de Carlos Disandro, Arturo García Astrada, Judith Botti González de Achával, Máximo Chaparro, Alberto Buela, Juan Ignacio Lugli, y hasta hombres de la izquierda peronista como el historiador Fermín Chávez y el sacerdote Ernesto Leyendecker.
Un aspecto de la neoescolástica, nueva forma del realismo inmediato. Córdoba: Editorial Cubas-Madueño, 1926.
Córdoba: Editorial Cubas-Madueño, 1926. El problema epistemológico de la filosofía actual. Córdoba: Imprenta de la Universidad de Córdoba, 1927.
Córdoba: Imprenta de la Universidad de Córdoba, 1927. Antropología de los tres hombres históricos. Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1951.
. Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1951. Corto comentario al "Wozu Dichter" de Hölderlin. Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1952.
Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1952. Mito y Política. Córdoba: Ediciones Arkhé, 1956.
. Córdoba: Ediciones Arkhé, 1956. Ente y Ser. Perspectiva para una filosofía del Ser Naci-Ente. Madrid: Gredos, 1962.
Madrid: Gredos, 1962. Presencia de Santo Tomás en el pensamiento contemporáneo. La Plata: Hostería Volante, 1964.
. La Plata: Hostería Volante, 1964. De las dos inhabitaciones en el hombre. Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1971.
. Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1971. Escritos políticos. Santa Fe: Instituto Leopoldo Lugones, 1972.
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According to game industry consultant, Serkan Toto, several NX titles are currently being worked on by Bandai Namco. Additionally, Super Smash Bro's is allegedly planned to be a launch title for Nintendo's new dedicated console.
Toto reports that his source are very solid, otherwise he wouldn't have Tweeted the 'news'.
Bandai Namco is currently developing several NX titles. Smash Bros is planned to be a launch title. I am not sure about the date - yet ;). — Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016
@AutomaticZen Can't say (sorry), but the source situation is very solid. Otherwise I wouldn't have tweeted. — Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016
A new Super Smash Bro's is said to be a launch title for the Nintendo NX, but whether this is a completely new title or merely a port, is unknown.
@jpgames_de Genau. Wird gerade für NX entwickelt. — Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016
To follow up on my last tweet: I haven't heard if it's a completely new (numbered) Smash Bros or not. Otherwise, source situation is solid. — Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016
@kobunheat Couldn't confirm if it's going to be an entirely new title or not. — Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016
Bandai Namco has worked on numerous Nintendo titles in the past, including Super Smash Bro's for Wii U, which was co-developed by Sora LTD. Other titles include Dragonball Z, One Piece, Pac Man, and Project Treasure.
Nintendo has yet to officially reveal their new dedicated home console, codenamed NX. Back in March of this year, the late Satoru Iwata said that specifics and details about the NX will be revealed in 2016. According Iwata, Nintendo aims to surprise gamers with their console.
A few months ago, we reported that publisher EA will be "evaluating any and all opportunities” with Nintendo, as the Japanese company works towards the launch of the Nintendo NX. While EA decided to pull their Wii U support, things might be different with the NX around. “As we look to the future, we see a world where more people are playing on more platforms in more geographies than ever before. We see the platform cycle now, not just as a traditional six-year console cycle, but as a six-month refresh rate on mobile devices, smart TV’s, Internet-enabled refrigerators, or whatever it might be", EA’s Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Wilson, said during the company’s earnings call.
According Wilson, EA has had a tremendous relationship with Nintendo over the years, and they will “evaluate any and all opportunities” with Nintendo, in the same way that EA does with all platform opportunities.
We'll keep you updated when we learn more. | 520 |
The inclusion of businesswoman Janet Lim Napoles as a provisional witness under the Witness Protection Program (WPP) was long overdue, an anti-corruption executive said on Tuesday.
Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) commissioner Greco Belgica said he was happy of the recent development, noting that it “could not be true” that Napoles was the mastermind in the P10-billion pork barrel scam because the buck stops with the politicians.
“Happy ako dahil never naman po akong naniwala na mastermind ang isang businessman, it cannot be true that a businessman can be the mastermind because kung kahit na sinong contractor, kahit Janet Napoles pa yan, hindi siya ang last say sa mga kontrata,” Belgica said in a press conference in Manila.
(I am happy because I never believed that a businessman can be a mastermind of a scam because whoever the contractor is, even if it’s Janet Napoles, she does not have the last say in the contract.)
“The pork barrel [scam] is really a corruption of politicians. And businessmen are there just to make money. Kung ano gusto mo, ‘yun ang ibibigay ko [Whatever you want, I will give it to you], I just want my share,” he added.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) in February placed Napoles under the WPP as a provisional witness in a bid to turn her into a state witness.
READ: Napoles now under provisional WPP coverage
The move has drawn criticisms from the public, especially as it was announced days after the controversial dismissal of the drug complaints against alleged drug lords Peter Lim and Kerwin Espinosa.
The Sandiganbayan, however, in its decision to approve former Sen. Jinggoy Estrada’s bail, said it was Napoles who appeared to have the “extensive control” in the scam.
Estrada, together with former senators Juan Ponce Enrile and Bong Revilla, was accused of plunder and anti-graft and corruption for his involvement in the scam.
Belgica said that Napoles knows a lot about the scam and it would be helpful for the government if she tells all what she knows about the scheme.
“Marami pong alam ‘yan kaya happy ako na kung magte-tell all talaga siya and maraming tulong ang magagawa nito. At marami ang masasangkot dito, kahit na sino, kalaban, kakampi, sama-sama na talaga lahat,” he said.
(She knows a lot so I am happy if she will tell all and she can help a lot. Many will get involved here, whoever they are, opposition, allies, all of them.) /je
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MOST READ | 521 |
CRADLE OF FILTH Announce new album details, dates for pre-order & first single plus UK & Ireland tour!
UK's legendary extreme metal icons CRADLE OF FILTH have announced the details for the band's upcoming 12th full-length album. ‘Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay’ will be released on September 22nd via Nuclear Blast. You can view the stunning cover artwork by Artūrs Bērziņš below. Bērziņš is the mastermind behind the new record’s artwork, photography and videography – best known for his defiant neo-symbolism raster graphics and oil paintings; postmodern interpretations of classic myths. He has been proclaimed as a “sacred monster of Latvian postmodernism”. Commented the infamous Dani Filth: "The album is deeply infused with Victorian gothic horror and thus the title is a reflection of that. 'Cryptoriana' implies the Victorian's infatuation with the supernatural, the grave and the ghoulish. And the subtitle 'The Seductiveness Of Decay' further cements this attraction to death and the glittering lengthy process of self-annihilation." The first single off ‘Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay’ will be released on July 5th, the same day that the album pre-order will become available.
Today the band also announces their first full scale UK and Ireland tour in years, starting in Belfast, Northern Ireland on 30th October. Added Dani Filth: "We, as a band, are incredibly excited about hitting the UK and Ireland for a full run of dates around All Hallows Eve, as playing the band's home country is always great fun and the audiences here are very receptive. And nuts. The dates will be the first in a long line of shows that will extend throughout the rest of the World throughout 2018. We aim to be very prolific on the live front, delivering a show worthy of our fan’s exalted expectations and more" CRADLE OF FILTH UK & IRELAND TOUR: 30.10. Belfast - Limelight 31.10. Dublin - Academy (Halloween Show) 02.11. Manchester - Academy 2 03.11. Glasgow - Garage 04.11. Birmingham - O2 Institute 2 05.11. Leeds – Church 07.11. Oxford - O2 Academy 08.11. Southampton - Engine Rooms 09.11. Norwich - Waterfront 10.11. London - Electric Ballroom 11.11. Bristol – Bierkeller Tickets will go on sale on Monday, June 19th here: www.ticketmaster.co.uk
‘Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness Of Decay’ was recorded at Grindstone Studios, Suffolk, UK by the very honourable Scott Atkins, esq. who has been the resident go-to producer for Cradle Of Filth for several albums. Dani sat in during the mix, serving up flaming mugs of teas, making the studio couch his own and lending his ears when necessary.
| 522 |
Gavin Newsom and Antonio Villaraigosa, the top two California gubernatorial candidates, vowed to defend the state’s sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants after the Justice Department on Tuesday evening announced it would try to use the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause to strike down the Golden State’s “sanctuary” laws.
Though Newsom, the lieutenant governor, and Villaraigosa, the former Los Angeles mayor, are battling over single-payer health insurance, their vows to not “back down” and never let President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions bully them on immigration represent how far to the left the state has lurched on immigration issues.
“This is California, and we’re not going to back down from defending our values and the immigrants who contribute so much to our state,” Villaraigosa said. “Our country and our state were built on the backs of immigrants, and we can’t turn our backs on them now.” He also tweeted out the same sentiment in Spanish.
This is California, and we're not going to back down from defending our values and the immigrants who contribute so much to our state. Our country and our state were built on the backs of immigrants, and we can't turn our backs on them now. https://t.co/cniTFQX8Sv — Antonio Villaraigosa (@antonio4ca) March 7, 2018
No vamos a parar de defender nuestros valores y la comunidad inmigrante que contribuye tanto a nuestro estado. Nuestro país y California ha sido hecho por los esfuerzos de nuestros inmigrantes, y no podemos darles la espalda ahora. https://t.co/uK0bmx11SX — Antonio Villaraigosa (@antonio4ca) March 7, 2018
Newsom, who has previously vowed to keep California a sanctuary state, claimed that sanctuary policies keep “communities safe and are consistent with the Constitution.”
The lieutenant governor said California had a message for Trump and Sessions: “We will not be bulled into accepting your ‘fear of everything’ agenda.”
Sanctuary policies (like SB-54) keep our communities safe and are consistent with the Constitution. Hope you’re paying attention @jeffsessions and @realDonaldTrump because CA has a message for you: We will not be bullied into accepting your “fear of everything” agenda. https://t.co/OtYTYrhu0X — Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) March 7, 2018
Other California statewide leaders—including Governor Jerry Brown, who officially signed the sanctuary state legislation into law, Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has vowed to sue businesses that help Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detain illegal immigrants, and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)—also vowed to not let the Trump administration “bully” the Golden State. | 523 |
Russia’s Soyuz-2.1 rocket has blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome as part of a test flight to check compatibility of the upgraded booster and spacecraft – which this time carries only a humanoid robot to the ISS.
“The flight will be carried out in unmanned mode. It will be a test flight for the Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket, which was previously used for delivering space freighters and various satellites to orbit,” Russia’s Roscosmos space corporation said.
We have liftoff of the unpiloted Soyuz MS-14 test flight to pave the way for future crew launches to the International Space Station. #AskNASA | https://t.co/cBNqC61h27pic.twitter.com/BXKdzNBt4O — Intl. Space Station (@Space_Station) August 22, 2019
The Skybot F-850 robot, known simply as Fedor, has taken the captain's seat on Soyuz 2.1's test flight to the International Space Station, where the spacecraft is expected to dock on Saturday.
The android will greet the crew stationed in orbit with a specially uploaded message, while at the same time transmitting back to Earth telemetry data and parameters related to flight safety.
Робот Skybot F-850, который в эти дни готовится на Байконуре к полету на МКС, получил устойчивую к радиации электронику и "голос" для общения с космонавтами. В космос робот отправится 22 августа, а вернется 7 сентября. pic.twitter.com/WfT5lLsoXX — РОСКОСМОС ТВ (@tvroscosmos) August 8, 2019
During its 17-day space mission, Skybot F-850 will take part in “about five or six scientific tasks,” Yevgeny Dudorov, the executive director of the robot’s manufacturer Android Technology, noted earlier, stressing that “those scientific tasks have been kept secret.”
Also on rt.com ‘Simply Fedor, for friends’: Russian space robot tweets about rigorous drills ahead of launch to ISS
Like this story? Share it with a friend! | 524 |
I finally got my gift from the post office after getting back from vacation and I was greeted with a massive box with a Koffing drawn on it wishing me a Merry Christmas. I was super excited to finally open it after waiting two weeks for the mail!
Inside was another box, this time wrapped in a wonderful gift wrapping of wintery snowglobes. Inside, yet another cardboard box (when would it end?). Turns out it ended there.
From the moment I picked it up I knew it was some sort of substantial gift as it was heavy. Probably close to 10 pounds. As I opened the box I realized that it was not one gift, but quite a few! I locked eyes with Mario as I removed him from the box. Next came a box of filter media for my new aquarium, which was desperately needed actually. Next came out a little green capsule that had a Legend of Zelda figurine in it, and it was an awesome Link holding up the Master Sword, which is now on display in front of my TV.
Following this, I removed a Portal sentry turret, a Princess Peach wind-up car, and a huge jar of Valentina Salsa Picante Mexican hot sauce! I've been searching for a new hot sauce to try and I can't wait to dig in to this bottle. Lastly I pulled out a crazy awesome Attack on Titan mug, which will probably be my new work mug, and a large bag of what looked like uncooked wheat thin shaped pasta. The label said Duro so my girlfriend was off to Google to discover what it was, after attempting to eat one raw and realizing that was a mistake. As she found the internet's plethora information about Duritos, I found the last object in the box, a hand-written letter from my mysterious Secret Santa detailing the gifts! In case you can't read it, I'll transcribe it below.
Thank you for these incredible gifts, Secret Santa, and some potential plans are actually in the works for moving out to your awesome city!
//Begin Transcript Dear Chris113113, My original plan was to send you a bunch of Mexican candy with your gift but then I saw you were diabetic so I sent a cool Mexican snack instead. Also some salsa Valentina. Itj's not too spicy but I put it on everything. I hope you enjoy your gifts!
To cook the duritos: 1) Fill pan with a lot of oil 2) Medium heat 3) Put duritos in oil, they'll puff up. 4) Take the duritos out when they're light orange. They'll be too hard if you cook them too long. 5) Put Valentina on them!
You can also google image duritos and see also.
By the way my friend code is [REDACTED]
Merry X-mas Happy Festivus!
Come to San Diego someday, it's fun (and Tijuana)!
By the way, they're called duritos. You gonna be Mexican today.
[On the back] Ojala que te guste tu regalo. Si no, lo siento. //End Transcript | 525 |
The German United Services Trade Union (Ver.di) has asked members of the union to spy on and gather information about other members who may support the anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany (AfD) or have “right wing” views.
The information comes from a document leaked from the trade union entitled: “Aid for dealing with legal populations in enterprises and administration”. The document shows a checklist of different methods union members can employ to observe, isolate, and report potential AfD sympathisers to the union.
The members are told to look for warning signs like a colleague talking about provoking left wing supporters or voicing homophobic views in the workplace. They are also told to look out and see if fellow union members have been reading right wing publications like newspaper Junge Freiheit, Compact magazine, or the website Politically Incorrect.
Support for the hipster-right Identitarian youth movement, who stage elaborate protests against mass immigration and Islamisation, is also to be observed and reported on. The youth movement’s most famous staged event in Germany was a protest against open borders on the Brandenburg gate in Berlin last year.
The union also advises their members to follow their colleagues’ social media accounts, like Twitter, Facebook, and even the Whatsapp messaging service for signs of right wing sympathies.
Ver.di offers multiple approaches for dealing with right wing sympathisers including contacting their staff council, as isolating them from the union, and stopping official communication between the member and the union.
The most troubling recommendation is to “out” any AfD sympathisers to those within the company and the public and denounce them. Ver.di is clear to be careful, though, to not make the populists “martyrs”.
AfD member of the European Parliament Beatrix von Storch reacted with anger to the leaked document on Twitter calling the union “an official criminal organisation. A threat to our democracy. Enemies of the Constitution.”
#Verdi – eine offizielle Verbrecherorganisation. Eine Gefahr für unsere Demokratie. Verfassungsfeinde. https://t.co/IcqXZBlGvq — Beatrix von Storch (@Beatrix_vStorch) March 24, 2017
The document also mentions using information gathered by the “antifascist scene” who go by “Antifa”, for short. Antifa has previously released the names and addresses of members of the AfD. Some blame them and other far left extremists for physical attacks on AfD members including politicians.
Last year, the AfD said they had recorded hundreds of attacks on their members and supporters. Frauke Petry, one of the leaders of the party, had her car torched in a suspect arson by extremists in 2016.
Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at [email protected]
FB Handlungshilfe Gg AfD 2KA by Chris Tomlinson on Scribd | 526 |
would be the ones who would have to find their way out with no guide. As a punishment. A sort of purgatory. Music Is Not for Everyone: An Interview with Krzysztof Penderecki
The conductor Penderecki’s other passion is conducting – both compositions he wrote as well as ones by other composers. His adventure with conducting began by chance. The piece Actions For Free Jazz Orchestra was originally meant to be left to the instrumentalists, with no part written for a conductor. But when he arrived in Donauschingen for the rehearsals, Penderecki realised that the musicians couldn't tackle the material he wrote on their own. First he gave them tips and instructions, but the day before the premiere performance he decided that he would conduct them. When I conduct my own pieces I am allowed to make elements of the composition become the ideal image that I had imagined (...) only I know how the course of the my piece should unfold with time. Penderecki & Dali
standardowy [760 px] Salvador Dali at the Pendereckis' house. Untitled by Marian Eile, photo: MOCAK rewizyta dali u pendereckich 3_7109085.jpg
Salvador and I were talking about doing a project together. Dali was supposed to write the text – it arrived in the form of a telegram – as well as prepare the stage design, and I was meant to compose music. I was really intrigued by the prospect, especially since I was always interested in painting and Picasso and Dali were my favourite painters. Unfortunately, Salvador's death thwarted our plans. The Matador & the Mermaid: A Story of Picasso & World Peace
Remixes Penderecki constantly returns to his old compositions – making changes and perfecting them. Young artists also reach for his works, such as Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead, who wrote 48 Responses to Polymorphia, inspired by the maestro’s early classic composition. Pianohooligan (Polish pianist Piotr Orzechowski) recorded an album with Penderecki’s repertoire rewritten for a prepared piano. Maciej Fortuna and An On Blast remixed Penderecki's soundtracks. Penderecki is interested in all of these interpretations of his work. Perhaps they will influence his future compositions? Source: K. Lisicki, 'Szkice o Krzysztofie Penderecki' (1973); A. Lewandowska-Kąkol, 'Dźwięki, szepty, zgrzyty. Wywiady z kompozytorami' (2012); M. Tomaszewski 'Penderecki. Bunt i wyzwolenie. Rozpętanie żywiołów' (2008), Jędrzej Słodkowski, 'Kadisz Pendereckiego' (2008). Originally written in Polish, Nov 2013, translated with edits by PS, updated by NR, Nov 2018
Language English | 527 |
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Le président américain s'oppose à la taxe française sur les géants américains du secteur des hautes technologies, dite taxe Gafa.
Un tweet qui peut faire de gros dégâts dans les relations diplomatiques entre Washington et Paris. Donald Trump a dénoncé, vendredi 26 juillet, la "stupidité" du président français Emmanuel Macron, menaçant de taxer le vin français en représailles à l'imposition d'une taxe française sur les géants américains du secteur des hautes technologies, dite taxe Gafa [pour Google, Apple, Facebook et Amazon].
"La France vient d'imposer une taxe numérique à nos grandes entreprises technologiques américaines. Si quelqu'un devait les taxer, cela devrait être leur pays d'origine, les Etats-Unis", a tweeté le président américain. "Nous annoncerons bientôt une action réciproque substantielle après la stupidité de Macron. J'ai toujours dit que le vin américain était meilleur que le vin français!", a-t-il ajouté.
France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron’s foolishness shortly. I’ve always said American wine is better than French wine! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2019
Macron et Trump évoquent les Gafa par téléphone
La Maison Blanche a annoncé dans la soirée que Donald Trump et Emmanuel Macron s'étaient parlé par téléphone pendant la journée, ajoutant qu'ils avaient évoqué la taxe française sur les géants du numérique, mais sans préciser si les vins français étaient au menu des discussions entre les deux dirigeants.
L'Elysée a précisé samedi qu'Emmanuel Macron avait insisté, au cours de cet entretien, sur le fait que la taxation des Gafa était "un sujet d'intérêt commun" et pas seulement français, "sur lequel il faut continuer d'agir en vue d'obtenir un large accord international".
Un peu plus tôt, le ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire avait affirmé que "la France mettra[it] en oeuvre ses décisions nationales". | 529 |
for the region. We can only hope that the brave Tico [Costa Rican] people, i.e. those who mobilized and fought against the US FTA, take up the challenge and oppose the occupation.
José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
8 July 2010
[1] On the referendum, see the article by José Julián Llaguno of the Circulo de Estudios La Libertad at: http://www.anarkismo.net/article/7278 [2] http://elpais.cr/articulos.php?id=27925 [3] http://www.kaosenlared.net/noticia/amenaza-regional-mas...-rica [4] See my article "Obama and Latin America: a friendly imperialism?" http://www.anarkismo.net/article/9080 [5] http://elpais.cr/articulos.php?id=27841 [6] This process of growing multipolarity was analysed in greater detail in the article "The Global Game", by Seán Flood & José Antonio Gutiérrez, published in "Red & Black Revolution", No.15, Spring 2009.[7] Quoted in "Las Bases Militares en Colombia", Diego Otero, Dossier de la revista Deslinde, Mayo-Junio 2010, p.6. Original in English at http://www.centrodealerta.org/documentos_desclasificado...r.pdf [8] Ibid.[9] We analyse the Honduras process in greater detail in three articles written during the coup, "Coup in Honduras: the return of the gorillas or the tactics of attrition?" http://www.anarkismo.net/article/13618, "Honduras: negociando la crisis a espaldas del pueblo" http://www.anarkismo.net/article/13683 e "¿Insurrección en Honduras?" http://www.anarkismo.net/article/13854 [10] http://www.anarkismo.net/article/13683 [11] http://resistenciahonduras.net/index.php?option=com_con...d=256 [12] Former TV journalist Mauricio Funes was the candidate for the left-wing Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) in the 2009 presidential election. Guatemalan president Álvaro Colom is the leader of the social-democratic National Unity of Hope party (UNE).[13] http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/elmundo/articulo18...duras [14] Porfirio Lobo Sosa of the conservative National Party became Honduran president in November 2009 following the coup.[14] http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/articulo1...trafi [15] http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/articulo1...erica | 530 |
Two senators-elect have expressed their support for the reimposition of the death penalty as proposed by presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte.
A second placer in the senatorial races and former Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda) chief, Joel Villanueva on Thursday said he was in favor of the death penalty for heinous crimes.
“Yung mga kasuklam-suklam na krimen, kailangang pagbayaran (For atrocious crimes, the perpetrators should pay for them),” Villanueva, son of Jesus is Lord movement founder Eddie Villanueva, was quoted as saying.
For his part, seventh placer and boxing legend Manny Pacquiao believes the death sentence is “not wrong in the eyes of God.”
“Pabor ako sa death penalty. Gusto kong i-explain sa inyo ha. Sa mata ng Panginoon, hindi bawal yan. Actually death penalty is biblical. I can explain that properly sa batas natin at sa batas ng Panginoon kung bakit kailangan may death penalty (I am in favor of the death penalty. I want to explain. In the eyes of God, it is not wrong. Actually the death penalty is biblical. I can explain that properly in our laws and in God’s law why there should be a death penalty),” the boxer-legislator told reporters also on Thursday.
Pacquiao said Duterte would not be the one deciding who would die.
“Hindi naman ang Presidente ang hahatol ng kamatayan kung hindi ang government (It is the government which will decide who will die, not the President). Authority [for that] was approved by God,” he said.
He said that with the implementation of the death penalty, reforms in the justice system should also be executed.
“Ang kailangan nating suportahan ay ang judiciary natin para pantay ang paghatol ng sentensiya kung may kasalanan ka o wala (We need to support our judiciary system so that it will be fair in meting out sentences, if one has indeed committed a crime or not).”
Duterte, who has been pushing for the reinstatement of the capital punishment, has said he prefers killing criminals by public hanging.
“Those who destroy the lives of our children we will destroy. Those who would kill my country will be killed. Simple as that. No middle ground,” Duterte said during a press briefing in Davao City earlier this week.
The death penalty was abolished in 2006 under President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
Villanueva and Pacquiao were proclaimed senators by the Commission on Elections, sitting as the National Board of Canvassers, along with 10 others on Thursday.
Only 10 of the 12 senators attended the proclamation. RC/rga
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MOST READ | 531 |
The hottest April temperature ever witnessed on Earth may have been recorded in Pakistan after meteorologists saw the weather reach a scorching 50.2C (122.4F).
The 1.1 million people who live in the southern district of Nawabshah observed the blistering heat on Monday, with some meteorologists calling it a record.
On Twitter, Etienne Kapikian of Meteo France, said it was the hottest April temperature ever recorded in Pakistan and the entire continent of Asia.
🌡️🔥Exceptionnel 50.2°C à Nawabshah au #Pakistan ce lundi 30/04/2018, #RECORD national de chaleur pour un mois d'avril! 🔥🌡️
(précédent : 50°C à Larkana le 19/04/2017)
*** aussi un nouveau record mensuel pour tout le continent asiatique! *** pic.twitter.com/GTCOJuDT9Q — Etienne Kapikian (@EKMeteo) April 30, 2018
Weather expert Christopher Burt told the Washington Post it was probably also the highest April temperature "reliably observed on Earth in modern records".
He dismissed a previous record of 51C (123.8F) set in Santa Rosa, Mexico in April 2001 as having "dubious reliability".
The World Meteorological Organisation does not publish monthly reviews of extreme temperatures around the world but it did confirm Nawabshah had recorded its highest April temperature.
"In late April, the heat extended over a much larger area and peaked on 29 and 30 April when many records were set over large parts of Sindh Province," an article on its website read.
"The last day of April happened to be the hottest day on record when PMD (Pakistan Meteorological Department) site Shaheed Benazirabad (Nawabshah) recorded its April ever recorded highest temperature of 50.2C."
It is the second month the region has set a new monthly temperature record after the heat soared to a national record of 45.5C (113.9F) in March.
Image: A man cools off near a leaking water pipe
The Dawn newspaper reported dozens had fainted after suffering heatstroke on Monday and described the weather as "unbearable".
Two teenagers had reportedly drowned as they tried to cool off in a canal while labourers and motorcyclists were among the worst affected by heatstroke.
Pakistan Today reported of power cuts which added to the misery for those trying to stay cool.
Guinness World Records credits the highest recorded temperature on the planet to Death Valley in the United States, which witnessed 56.7C (134.1F) in July 1913.
The Pakistan reading comes after the UK recorded its hottest day in April since 1949, with temperatures reaching 29.1C (84.4F) in the capital.
It presented a stark contrast to the average maximum temperature for April in Britain - a mere 11.4C (52.5F). | 532 |
Ich liebe, liebe, liebe Medjool Datteln. Sie schmecken einfach so sehr nach Karamell, dass sie für mich mein Retter in der Not sind, immer wenn ich nach Schokolade oder anderen Süssigkeiten greifen will. Irgendwann habe ich angefangen, meine Datteln mit Peanutbutter zu füllen. “Das schmeckt ja wie Snickers!” Ich beschloss das ganze noch in Schokolade zu hüllen und geboren waren sie, meine Snickers Datteln. 😉
I love, love, looooove medjool dates. They taste so much like caramel and they’re the perfect chocolate / sweets substitution for me whenever I’m craving stuff nobody should be eating. Someday I started filling my dates with peanutbutter. “That tastes just like a snickers bar!” I decided to cover the whole thing in chocolate and they were born 615-544-6743, my Snickers Dates. 😉
Du brauchst für 18 Snickers Datteln:
– 18 Medjool Datteln
– Peanutbutter
– ca. 100gr vegane Schokolade
For 18 Snickers Dates you’ll need:
– 18 medjool dates
– peanutbutter
– approx. 100gr of vegan chocolate (one bar)
Beginne damit, die Steine der Datteln zu entfernen und diese dann mit Peanutbutter zu füllen. Drücke die Dattelhälften wieder zusammen und lege sie in eine Schüssel.
Start with pitting your dates and filling them with peanutbutter. Crimp the date-halfes back together and put them aside.
Wenn du alle Datteln halbiert und gefüllt hast, bringst du die Schokolade über einem Wasserbad zum schmelzen. Tauche jede Dattel einzeln in die Schokolade und lege Sie auf einen Teller oder ein Backblech, welches du zuvor mit Backpapier bedeckt hast. Jetzt müssen die Datteln nur noch für ca. eine Stunde in den Tiefkühler und fertig sind sie, die Snickers Datteln!
If you’re done with this, you’ll have to melt the chocolate over a hot-water bath. Dip every date into the chocolate and put them on a plate or baking tray which you have covered with baking paper beforehand. Now put them in your freezer for about an hour and they’re done! | 533 |
koulidis, S., Krome, S., Ludlow, C., and Ryan, M. (2005). Attitudes towards refugees: the dark side of prejudice in Australia. Aust. J. Psychol. 57, 170–179. doi: 10.1080/00049530500125199 CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar
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human rights ministry just last May to focus on helping them more.
The children from the parish themselves know stories of the killings in Balic Balic by heart. At a stage play during the event, the parish youth ministry portrayed stories of three families that shared the same tragic ending: children grieving their dead fathers felled by bullets from masked gunmen.
“Hate na hate ko ang drugs, suportado ko nga ang pangulo noong sinabi niya na lahat ng droga, lahat ng adik mawawala (I really hate drugs, I even supported the president when he said drugs and addicts will be eliminated),” cried a teen who played a parish volunteer in his soliloquy.
“Pero hindi sa ganoong paraan. Sa patayin? Patayan ang paraan (But not in this way. Is killing the answer)?” he added. “Ganito ba talaga? Ganito na ba ang bansa natin (Is this how we will do it? Is this how our country has become)?”
Members of the Most Holy Trinity Parish’s youth ministry in Balic Balic, Sampaloc call for an end to the war on drugs through a stage play on three cases of extrajudicial killings in their neighborhood. (Photo by Maria Feona Imperial)
Diaz believes Bugarin will find no justice in his death, as it had been in his lifetime.
“With so many killed? I don’t think we can expect (justice). Has anything come out from the earlier killings? We don’t see any news of any case being solved, do we)?” she said in Filipino.
When Bugarin voluntarily surrendered last year, heeding the call of the administration, they all thought he would undergo rehabilitation as promised. Instead, the police took a photo of him “like a criminal.” Nobody had any idea it was only a matter of time before his death would come, Diaz said.
“It’s like you gave up your life to them. You surrendered your life to them. And it’s up to them when to kill you,” she added.
A stay-at-home mother, Diaz has little clue on how to make ends meet for her two boys. After Bugarin was buried on Oct. 7, she struggled to find a cheaper rent space in Quezon City, but does not know where to go from there.
Even then, life was never easy for the family, as they once had to live inside jeepneys for eight months.
Diaz often finds herself asking if she can go through life without Bugarin. But for her sons, she has to. "I tell myself that I can because I’m the only one left. I am all my sons have left.”
At the end of the event, the group lighted candles in the shape of a man killed in a crime scene, mimicking the real-life outcome of anti-illegal drug operations. (Photo by Maria Feona Imperial)
| 535 |
Dutch MP and anti-Islamization figurehead Geert Wilders flirted with grave danger after an alleged assassination attempt was thwarted and a bounty was placed on his head, reports indicate.
A man believed to be Pakistani was arrested this week after posting a video to Facebook announcing his arrival in The Hague with the apparent intention of killing Wilders, according to authorities.
Wilders tweeted that Dutch counterterrorism officials notified him regarding the plot and even attached an article from media outlet NOS describing the matter in detail.
Mij is vanmorgen door NCTb verteld dat een man op Facebook in een filmpje zou hebben gezegd dat hij in NL is gearriveerd met het doel mij te vermoorden. Gelukkig is hij opgepakt. Het is waanzin dat dit gebeurt nav een tekenwedstrijd en dat het doodsbedreigingen regent. https://t.co/3ZYc3AI9GB — Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) August 28, 2018
"I was told by NCTb this morning that a man on Facebook said in a video that he arrived in NL for the purpose of killing me," Wilders wrote. "Fortunately, he is arrested."
"It is madness that this is happening over a drawing contest and that it rains death threats."
The man is 26-years-old and delivered his brief manifesto in Urdu at the central train station in The Hague, according to NOS.
A copy of the video, translated by linguists at Vlad Tepesblog, can be found here.
"I'm in the Netherlands," the man says, according to the translation. "I'm about five minutes from Parliament where the exhibition is. Only he [Wilders] is my target. If Allah wills it, I will be successful."
"The reason: they make jokes about our prophet."
Also, reports and supporting video evidence have also surfaced claiming a Pakistani cricket player has placed a bounty on Wilders' life amounting to roughly $23,500.
Pakistani cricketer Khalid Latif, who was banned from cricket for 5 years for his role in the spot-fixing during Pakistan Super League 2017, places Rs. 3 million bounty on the head of the blasphemer Dutch MP Geert Wilders pic.twitter.com/p3zpqnxHhs — SAMRI (@SAMRIReports) August 27, 2018
"On Twitter, a Pakistani cricketer announced that he put about 20,000 euros on the head of 'blasphemer' Geert Wilders," reports NOS. "The player is Khalid Latif, who last year was banned from playing five years due to match fixing in the Pakistani cricket competition."
Wilders advertised plans to host a "Draw Muhammad" cartoon contest at his party's chambers in Dutch Parliament some time this fall, and has received an increased slew of death threats since the announcement.
(PHOTO: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images) | 536 |
Jair Bolsonaro tweeted a video of carnival, using it to defame the festival and to once again diminish the LGBT community. Many are now calling for his impeachment.
Brazil’s carnival (carnaval in Portuguese), one of the biggest street festivals in the world, is known for its uniquely lavish celebration. This year became known for protests against the country’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro while also paying homage to wrongly imprisoned former President Lula da Silva and murdered activist Marielle Franco.
The criticism Bolsonaro got did not sit well with the president. He lashed out at the celebrations by posting a sexually explicit video to discredit them.
His tweet was then criticized widely by people slamming him for posting what many interpreted as hate speech against the LGBT community.
Many also believed it to be a way for Bolsonaro to delegitimize protests against him. The multitude of Brazilians tweeting against him created a worldwide trend on the platform under a hashtag calling for Bolsonaro’s impeachment after his outrageous tweet. Some called it pornographic, while others called it a debasement of the office of the president.
Okay so reading up on #ImpeachmentBolsonaro -
For those who don't speak Portuguese, essentially what happened is that Bolsonaro posted a pornographic video in an attempt to denounce Carnival and the LGBT+ community, which is impeachable for acting against dignity of office.(1/2) — ��Scrub�� (@Scrubbenyan) March 6, 2019
The video shows three people dancing on a rooftop and culminates with one man urinating on another.
Bolsonaro tweeted the video saying he had to "expose the truth so the people are aware of their priorities."
"This is what Brazilian carnival street parties have turned into," he said.
Não me sinto confortável em mostrar, mas temos que expor a verdade para a população ter conhecimento e sempre tomar suas prioridades. É isto que tem virado muitos blocos de rua no carnaval brasileiro. Comentem e tirem suas conslusões: pic.twitter.com/u0qbPu9sie — Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) March 5, 2019
"I do not feel comfortable showing it, but we have to expose people to the truthso they have the knowledge and understand what's important. This is what many street blocks in Brazilian carnival have turned into. Comment and make your own conclusions."
Brazilians lashed out against the tweet while referring to the video as a “golden shower”scene, to which Bolsonaro replied, “What is a golden shower?”
One commenter noted that the Brazilian president chose to ignore the beautiful, creative spirit of Carnaval. Brazilian TV presenter Astrid Fontenelle wrote on Twitter, "I saw so many beautiful things this carnival. Then I see this on Twitter from the president of our republic who many children follow?" | 537 |
ud and Nechirvan Barzani, recently began to pipe oil and gas to Turkey. Turkey plans to consume a portion of these raw materials and to sell the rest on the international market. The Iraqi government in Baghdad has protested this unauthorized action by the Kurdish Regional Government and is taken steps against it. This is particularly significant, because, since last year, strategists have been considering permanently detaching the Iraqi and Syrian Kurdish territories from their respective nation states, with which they currently have only informal ties, to be united with the Turkish Kurdish territory, forming a sort of "Greater Kurdistan Province" under Turkish sovereignty. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[5]) It is absolutely uncertain whether the numerous contradictions confronting such a project can be resolved. This option, which, in any case, has won popularity in Ankara, casts a shadow over the current debate.
The Deal with Iran
In Berlin, at the meetings with Erdoğan and his Foreign Minister, Erdoğan's recent talks in Teheran, which evidently complement the "P5+1" negotiation with Iran, must have been discussed. The "P5+1" refers to the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council + Germany. Turkey has been providing massive support to the opponents of the Syrian government, according to reports even to Salafist militia, while Iran lends its support to its ally the Bashar al Assad government in Syria. According to Turkey's President, Abdullah Gül, progress made in the "P5+1" negotiations is also facilitating "alternative" solutions for the proxy war in Syria: "If Turkey can be in close and sincere cooperation with Iran on Syria, we can come up with proposals to the international community, and the Western world can take our proposals seriously."[6] Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan's January 29 talks in Teheran were not about "economies, treaties and bilateral relations" but rather "about Syria, Syria and Syria."[7] Talks in Berlin, over the past few days, may have revolved around how to incorporate the results of these talks into the "P5+1" negotiation with Teheran.
Other reports and background information on Germany's policy toward Turkey can be found here: The New Partners in Ankara (II) and Come to Us, Friends!.
[1] "Die Türkei, ein unverzichtbarer Partner". www.auswaertiges-amt.de 01.02.2014.
[2] See Die neuen Partner in Ankara (I), The New Partners in Ankara (II) and Come to Us, Friends!.
[3] See Verdeckte Kriegspartei and Air Defense for the Exile Leadership.
[4] See Middle East Partnership Cultivation.
[5] See Brücke in die islamische Welt and The End of Artificial Borders.
[6] Kadri Gursel: Gul proposes Turkey-Iran cooperation in Syria. www.al-monitor.com 03.02.2014.
[7] Ali Hashem: Erdogan discusses Syria policy in visit to Iran. www.al-monitor.com 30.01.2014. | 538 |
Mrs. Lorenza Delos Santos, mother of Kian Delos Santos, weeps as she is surrounded by Kian's classmates during the wake at his home in Caloocan on Friday. Jonathan Cellona, ABS-CBN News
MANILA- While most parents who toil abroad want to go home to their children in the Philippines, Lorenza Delos Santos' homecoming was nothing like she thought it would be.
Lorenza, an overseas worker for 3 years now, flew home to Manila Thursday night to reports that her 17-year-old son Kian Loyd was killed in an anti-illegal drug raid in Caloocan City last Wednesday.
Video courtesy of Dominic Almelor, ABS-CBN News
"Hindi niyo na kayang ibalik yung buhay ng anak ko," Lorenza bewailed.
Her son was found dead nearby a river by his father Saldy after police claimed that Kian attempted to shoot authorities, prompting cops to fire back.
However, a surveillance footage in the area suggested that the minor had already surrendered himself to authorities before he was shot dead.
The footage shows 2 cops accompanying the teen to the spot where the latter was killed. A witness also said that the police beat up Kian and gave him a gun before he was told to run for his life.
Lorenza can only lament the death of her son, whom she described as kind and innocent.
"Napakabuti po kasi niya eh... Hindi po masama ang anak ko. Ang dami naman pong taong nagmamahal sa anak ko eh, hindi po siya yun," she said.
"Napakainosente po ng anak ko eh. Mahal na mahal ko yung anak ko. Diyos ko naman," she added.
Neighbors of the Delos Santos family also chimed in on the couple's call for justice.
"Justice for Kian! Justice for Kian!" they shouted.
Video courtesy of Dominic Almelor, ABS-CBN News
Both Lorenza and Saldy have denied that their grade 11 son used illegal drugs.
Lorenza also called on President Rodrigo Duterte to help seek justice for her slain child.
"Nananawagan po ako sa Pangulong Duterte, please naman po help... Sana po magkaroon ng hustisya para maniwala po ako sa kampanya niyo na hinuhuli niyo at pinapatay yung mga totoong drug addict," she said.
"Hindi po drug addict yung anak ko," she added.
The couple will file charges against police officers involved in the operation.
"Kung matalo man kami, at least, inilaban ko anak ko. Sinasabi ko sa kanya pinaglaban ko siya," Saldy said.
- with a report from Dominic Almelor, ABS-CBN News | 539 |
The decree also states that security forces may use firearms to suppress protests.
The de facto government of Bolivia issued a decree Saturday exempting Armed Forces and National Police from criminal responsibility when committing acts of repression against protesters who have taken to the streets to reject the coup d'etat.
"The personnel of the Armed Forces, who participate in the operations for the restoration of order and public stability, will be exempt from criminal responsibility when, in compliance with their constitutional functions, they act in legitimate defense or state of necessity," the decree reads.
The document also states that security forces may use firearms to suppress protests, as they are allowed to “frame their actions as established in the approved Force Use Manual, being able to make use of all available means that are proportional to the operational risk,” it adds.
This comes as violent repression from the government escalates against protesters in Bolivia.
El gobierno de facto que usurpó el poder en Bolivia, ha liberado a las Fuerzas Armadas para que actúen sin tener que responder por sus crímenes. Crece el número de muertos.
El Gobierno argentino calla. La OEA avala. @mbachelet y la ONU deben intervenir. #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado pic.twitter.com/8JnyOMDlvs — Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) November 16, 2019
The de facto government that usurped power in Bolivia has conferred the Armed Forces to act without having to answer for their crimes. The number of deaths grows. The Argentinian government is silent. The OAS endorses. Michelle Bachelet and the U.N. must intervene.
Over the last 24 hours, at least nine Bolivians have died as a result of repressive actions carried out by the security forces that support the coup-based government headed by Senator Jeanine Añez.
"23 people have died since the coup. The most recent victims are four people shot dead in La Paz and five in Sacaba," La Paz Ombudsman' Office delegate Teresa Zubieta told teleSUR.
While the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned the “disproportionate use” of police-military force in the repression in the city of Cochabamba where nine coca growers died and dozens were injured.
The IACHR expressed "concern about the actions of the armed forces in the operations carried out in Bolivia since the beginning of the week," and on Saturday the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet also warned on Saturday about the dangerous path that protests are taking in Bolivia after the deaths in Sacaba, as the situation could ”spin out of control.”
President Evo Morales was forced to resign on Nov. 10 after senior army and police chiefs called on him to do so following weeks of right-wing unrest and violence against his Oct. 20 elections victory, in what his government and world leaders have called a coup by opposition forces in the country. | 540 |
Today in Tel Aviv’s Ramat Hahayal neighborhood, there was a tragic building collapse at a construction site, killing at least 2 construction workers, and injuring 24 others. 7 are still missing, with rescuers fearing for their lives (3 had been trapped inside the building, but were rescued, and another 21 managed to escape).
When news of the tragedy hit social media, the feeling in Israel was one of sadness, as well as fear and hope for the well being of those in the building.
On the palestinian and general Israel-hating side, there were many celebrating the tragedy, or indifferent to it.
For example:
great news! — Ahmed Osman (@Ahmediyoung2025) September 5, 2016
Building collapses in Tel Aviv. No sign of Palestinian or anyone else's bulldozers.Could it be that karma has started work in Israel? — cyanbutterfly (@cyanbutterfly) September 5, 2016
murderers deserve whatever they get. — Afshin (@AfshinG24) September 5, 2016
سلام مبنى ينهار في تل ابيب وحصار 30 يهودي اللهم كسر جماجمهم واطحنهم طحن. لسنا فرع pic.twitter.com/byQh0DoCTf — misaloon (@misaloon) September 5, 2016
مصادر عبرية | عشرات الاصابات في صفوف المستوطنين الصهاينة بعد انهيار رافعة على موقف لسيارت في رامات هحيال في مدينة تل ابيب. — سالي علاوي (@SallyAllawy) September 5, 2016
And see how many Likes and ‘Loves’ are on these Facebook posts covering it.
But it seems these stellar individuals celebrating the tragedy did not get the memo: palestinians are heavily employed in the construction sector in Israel. The two killed, and most of those injured and trapped, are palestinian.
Talk about raining on the parade. | 541 |
First of all, you are truly incredible and amazing! We are not even sure what will be the best way to express our gratitude. You could choose either a beautiful dinner with Vladimir Yakovlev at the best Tel Aviv restaurant or, if it's more convenient for you, you will be dined, entertained and pampered in Nothern California by our Silicon Valley team (Palo Alto, San Francisco, or Napa Valley). To be honest, you have a right to be demanding and request more services from us :)
Ну, во-первых, мы снимаем шляпу! А когда наше дыхание немного успокоится, мы предлагаем вам торжественный ужин с Владимиром Яковлевым в самом лучшем ресторане Тель Авива! А если вы, по каким-то причинам, находитесь в северной Калифорнии или вам будет удобно туда приехать, то наши местные сотрудники будут вас кормить и развлекать в, соответственно, лучших ресторанах Силиконовой долины (Сан Франциско, Пало Алто или винная долина Напы)! И вы будете иметь полное право капризничать и просить еще призов и благодарностей :)
Less | 542 |
Dutch Far-Right Leader Tweets Fake Image Showing Rival With Islamists
Enlarge this image toggle caption Roberto Pfeil/AFP/Getty Images Roberto Pfeil/AFP/Getty Images
Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders tweeted an fake image this week, purporting to show a political rival demonstrating with Islamists holding signs calling for sharia law.
Wilders' party is surging in the polls ahead of the Netherlands' parliamentary elections, which are being held next month. He did not deny that the image was altered, nor did he apologize: Instead, when the rival objected, Wilders called him a "drama queen."
D66 wil Amsterdam afsplitsen als de verkiezingsuitslag tegenvalt.
Pechtold demonstreert met Hamas-terroristen.
Is dit de volgende stap? pic.twitter.com/U07jHfQmyh — Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) February 6, 2017
The altered image, which Wilders tweeted on Monday, depicts Alexander Pechtold, the parliamentary leader of the left-wing D66 party, in a gathering of men. They hold signs that say things like "Islam will conquer Europe" and "Shariah for the Netherlands."
Wilders claimed it showed Pechtold "demonstrating with Hamas terrorists."
The original photo was distributed by the Getty photo service. As the original makes clear, the signs and the protesters in the background are real — but Pechtold's face was pasted on top of another man's. (The men in the image were, as it happens, protesting at a press conference Wilders held in London in 2009.)
Enlarge this image toggle caption Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
Wilders almost certainly didn't create the altered image himself. It was published on the Dumpert image hosting site, where it was apparently posted one day after the original photo was taken.
Pechtold responded to the tweet on Facebook. According to a translation by the AFP, he said in part, "Usually I laugh at Photoshopped pictures on the internet. But not this time. Not because I can't stand up for myself... but because it gives people false impressions.
"In these times of fake news and alternative facts, we can't just ignore the consequences that such a fake image can have," he said, according to AFP. "I draw the line today."
In response, Wilders tweeted "Hou op met klagen dramaqueen" — that is, "Stop complaining, drama queen." He said Pechtold had demonstrated "standing among Palestinian flags" — possibly a reference to a real photo of Pechtold at a protest against President Trump's travel ban, in which other people holding Palestinian flags can be seen behind him — and with "friends of Hamas."
Lauren Frayer, reporting for NPR last month, wrote that Wilders, famous for his anti-immigrant and anti-EU views, "looks likely to win the most votes in the Dutch election March 15." She continued: | 543 |
They are complicit.
Ever since President Trump mentioned the highly successful studies of hydroxychloroquine treatments on coronavirus patients the media has downplayed and miracle drug.
The far left Washington Post has led the charge.
TRENDING: Crowd Begins Chanting "Fill The Seat" at Trump Rally in North Carolina - President Trump Announces He Will Name Nominee this Week - A WOMAN
Attorney General Bill Barr appropriately called the media reaction a jihad to discredit hdroxychloroquine.
In late March FOX News host Laura Ingraham reported on the latest study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study.
This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for a very sick 86-year-old with an advanced form of coronavirus infection.
This is wonderful news.
Unfortunately, this doctor’s work helps the the global community and Trump so the the liberal media has either ignored, attacked or mocked his research.
What awful people.
Dr. Raoult tweeted his results.
Translated: Our two articles published tonight help to demonstrate:
1. The effectiveness of our protocol, on 80 patients.
2. The relevance of the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, thanks to research carried out in our P3 containment laboratory.
Nos deux articles publiés ce soir permettent de contiuer à démontrer :
1. L'efficacité de notre protocole, sur 80 patients.
2. La pertinence de l'association de l'hydroxychloroquine et de l'azithromycine, grâce à des recherches réalisées dans notre laboratoire de confinement P3. https://t.co/Y91bsFOgB2 — Didier Raoult (@raoult_didier) March 27, 2020
Nouvel article publié on-line par mes équipes : démonstration in vitro de la synergie hydroxychloroquine/azithromycine pour contrer la réplication du SARS-COV2 In vitro testing of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin on SARS-CoV-2 shows synergistic effecthttps://t.co/KUaag6N5FF — Didier Raoult (@raoult_didier) March 27, 2020
Since that time Dr. Raoult has continued his study and now has over 1,000 coronavirus patients.
98% of his COVID-19 patients have survived and improved using the drug combination.
This was just the latest study that shows the effectiveness of using hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus.
But the mainstream media doesn’t care.
They would rather see people die than see President Trump be right about the drug.
The liberal media has blood on its hands. | 544 |
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has pointed to Hungary’s stellar economic reform under Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as a model for Italy and Europe.
With Italy’s populist government under attack from the European Union (EU) over the question of immigration, Mr. Salvini has noted that Hungary’s economic health has progressed hand-in-hand with a well-structured immigration policy.
“At this point the left exists only to insult me and defend a banker-led EU and boundless immigration,” Salvini tweeted Tuesday before meeting with Mr. Orbán in Milan.
“In Hungary, unemployment is under 5 percent, the flat tax for business is at 9 percent and at 15 percent for individuals, immigration is under control, and the economy has been growing at 4 percent,” he added.
Ormai la sinistra esiste solo per insultarmi, per difendere UE dei banchieri e immigrazione senza limiti.
P.S. In Ungheria disoccupazione è sotto il 5%, Flat Tax per le imprese è al 9% e per le persone al 15%, immigrazione è sotto controllo e economia cresce del 4%. #SalviniOrbán pic.twitter.com/rHDePDKVF2 — Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) August 28, 2018
A cornerstone of the governing platform of Italy’s populist coalition government has been a flat tax designed to simplify the nation’s byzantine tax laws and lighten the burden for companies, making Italy a more attractive business destination.
Like Italy, the Hungarian government under Mr. Orbán has been pushing back against EU efforts to impose immigration quotas, insisting on national sovereignty and the right of citizens to control their own destinies without external controls.
For his part, Mr. Salvini successfully prevented 177 African migrants from disembarking from the coastguard ship the Ubaldo Diciotti for almost a week while he called for guarantees that other EU member states would take most of them. Salvini said that he wore threats from a Sicilian prosecutor over his hardline stance as a “badge of honor.”
Brussels is reportedly nervous about Tuesday’s meeting between Salvini and Orbán, and especially the prospect of a stable partnership among European nationalists that could play a major role in next year’s European election.
“It doesn’t matter what they actually say,” declared Mario Borghezio, an MEP from Salvini’s League party. “At this moment the meeting between these two forces is an historic opportunity to lay the ground for something new that Europe’s public is waiting for.”
Salvini has reiterated his promise that Italy would “no longer be Europe’s refugee camp,” an approach that resonates with Mr. Orbán, who has promised to put Hungary’s citizens first.
Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter Follow @tdwilliamsrome | 545 |
UPDATE (Jan. 12, 7:23 pm ET): According to reporter Agustin Sileo, talks have advanced to the stage that Amarilla will fly to the United States this week to sign with Minnesota United on loan for one year with his link to Velez Sarsfield ending in June 2022.
Luis Amarilla viajará a Estados Unidos el próximo jueves para firmar contrato con el Minnesota United. El delantero paraguayo se sumará a préstamo por un año al equipo de la MLS y su vínculo con @Velez finaliza en junio del 2022. pic.twitter.com/QiLTomwxyw — Agustin Sileo (@AgustinSileo) January 11, 2020
There appear to be legs to a report that Minnesota United are targeting Paraguayan forward Luis Amarilla.
Last week, Seattle-based reporter Niko Moreno reported on Twitter that MNUFC were interested in the striker who was coming off a career, title-winning year with Universidad Catolica in Eduador, on loan from Velez Sarsfield.
Now Amarilla himself has told Paraguay's Radio Cardinal in an interview that of all potential bidders, he is closest to joining the Loons for the coming season. But Amarilla also says he has two years remaining on his contract with his Argentine employers.
It's perhaps worth noting that Velez Sarsfield was the club that loaned Yamil Asad first to Atlanta United in 2017 and then D.C. United in 2018, but could not agree on a pemanent sale with D.C. for the player until after the close of the 2019 MLS Secondary Transfer Window.
Source tells @ELROLONW this morning that Luis Amarilla who was initially being targeted by Portland Timber, is also being looked at by Minnesota United.
This paraguayan striker played last seasons with CD Universidad Católica and was the Ecuadorian League Pro's top scorer.
📸:AIP pic.twitter.com/gTTECNofZi — Pulso Sports Network (@SportsPulso) December 21, 2019
Amarilla, 24, has bounced around South America but most recently featured for Ecuador's Universidad Catolica, when he scored an eye-popping 19 goals in 24 appearances to lead the league in the recently-concluded Serie A season.
Making his debut for Libertad in his native Paraguay in 2013, Amarilla has also featured for Paraguay's Sol de América and Argentine outfit Velez Sarsfield. A former Paraguay U-20 international, he hadn't racked up a prolific record prior to this year, but does have experience at multiple clubs in the Copa Sudamericana.
Minnesota are likely to be in the market for a new forward, having lost both Darwin Quintero and Abu Danladi this offseason. The Loons will kick off the 2020 MLS regular season March 1 at the Portland Timbers. | 546 |
Spanish Air Force CASA C-101EB Aviojet Crashed Into Sea along the Seashore. Search operations are being conducted.
A Casa C-101 Aviojet advanced trainer of the Ejército del Aire (Spanish Air Force), has crashed into the Mediterranean waters today in an accident off the coast of La Manga del Mar Menor, in Murcia, not far from San Javier Air Base.
According to the first unconfirmed reports, the aircraft belonged to the Patrulla Águila (Spanish for “Eagle Patrol”), the Spanish Air Force’s display team and the only pilot on the plane managed to eject before impact.
11.07. h. Prosigue la búsqueda del tripulante del avión accidentado. NO ha sido localizado aún. Imagen de la zona tomada desde helicóptero HE010. pic.twitter.com/hD6OVsNZfa — 112 Región de Murcia (@112rmurcia) August 26, 2019
However, the only official statement only says the aicraft was flown by an IP (Instructor Pilot) of the Academia General del Aire, the academy of officers of the Spanish Air Force, that is base at San Javier, the same air base that hosts the aerobatic demonstration team of the Spanish Air Force.
The Patrulla Águila flies seven Casa C-101 Aviojets.
A video of the incident was posted online. The footage does not seem to show any ejection; on the other side it looks like the aircraft was piloted and tried to recover before impacting the water.
Este ha sido el momento en el que un avión del Ejército del Aire ha caído al mar Mediterráneo, frente a La Manga https://t.co/kXdWZ70yBH pic.twitter.com/H1rL751JI9 — Europa Press (@europapress) August 26, 2019
According to European Airshow Council Facebook Page Pilot Cmdte. Paco Marin has died because in the accident.
The Eagle Patrol, acrobatic unit based in the General Academy of Air (AGA) of San Javier in Murcia, is known for painting the flag in the sky and prancing in military parades.
The C-101 is a “basic” training aircraft that allows aeronautical training “from the early stages of flight to the transition to fighter planes,” Defense explains on its website. It is built entirely in Spain by Aeronautical Constructions ( CASA )
Copla Plan have come to the area to find and rescue the pilot. In the images that circulate through networks it can be seen clearly how the plane made a loop or “looping” and enters the water, although it is not appreciated if the pilot had left ejected.
More than a thousand students of the AGA have flown in this aircraft and trained most of the pilots of the Air Force. | 547 |
37, Quai d’Orsay 75007 Paris
Métro Ligne 8 et RER C : Gares des Invalides, coté Esplanade des Invalides
Gathering Against The Deportation of Asylum Seekers to Sudan!
In front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friday March 31, 2017: 3:30 – 6:30pm
Today, 27 Sudanese people are awaiting the carrying out of the orders for their deportations, as the French authorities have initiated an increasing number of deportation procedures for an increasing number of asylum seekers from Sudan, without taking into account the war situation in several parts of the country, notably in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile (the French Foreign Ministry strongly discourages French nationals from visiting these areas), nor taking into account the serious human rights abuses in the country as a whole. France seems to ignore that General Omar al-Bashir is the only acting Chief of State who is pursued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for charges of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. France also doesn’t seem to remember anymore that international conventions prohibit refoulment – the return of an asylum seeker to her/his country of origin, if it will put his/her life in danger.
It’s important to highlight that Sudanese asylum seekers, like all applicants from other countries, have neither sufficient time to prepare their cases nor assistance to understand the complex asylum procedures and the legal/administrative limits not to be exceeded. In addition, there are the problems of communication which can be linked to the insufficient number of interpreters of Sudanese Arabic as well as other languages spoken in that country.
The majority of Sudanese asylum seekers arrive in France after a perilous crossing of the Mediterranean and a long and challenging journey through several countries – with the physical and psychological consequences one can imagine for young people who leave their country and their families for the first time. When they arrive in France, they are forced to sleep in the streets of big cities. They submit their demands for asylum in undignified conditions, despite the efforts employed by NGOs.
With this gathering, we call on the French authorities to immediately stop the deportation of Sudanese asylum seekers to their country of origin, because upon their return they are victims of pressuring, threats, “extended” interrogations, and all sorts of discrimination. Humanitarian and human rights organizations have reported cases of disappearances amongst those deported to Sudan in the past, as well as reported cases of murders, like that of Mohamed Ahmed Mahmoud during interrogations on November 21, 2016, which the Sudanese services had explained as him having thrown himself out of a fifth-floor window.
Stop the deportations of asylum seekers to Sudan!
Gathering organized by Sudanese activists and associations in France
Place of gathering:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
37, Quai d’Orsay 75007 Paris
Metro Line 8 and RER C : Gares des Invalides, on the side of Esplanade des Invalides | 548 |
Na hora de paquerar, até o cardápio pode revelar sinais. Segundo um novo estudo da universidade dinamarquesa de Aarhus, publicado na revista “Food Quality and Preference”, as mulheres optam por alimentos menos calóricos quando estão diante de homens que consideram mais atraentes.
Segundo os pesquisadores, foram realizados cinco experimentos com 530 pessoas, sendo 49% mulheres. O estudo afirma que, enquanto os homens gastam mais em comidas e bebidas para demonstrar status e supostamente atrair mais as mulheres, elas optam por saladas ao invés de hambúrgueres com batata frita, para que o alvo de interesse as enxergue como pessoas mais saudáveis e preocupadas com a aparência.
Segundo o jornal britânico “The Telegraph”, o autor do estudo, Tobias Otterbring, indica até que as redes de fast-food contratem homens atraentes para que as mulheres escolham alternativas mais saudáveis no mercado.
O estudo científico não passou impunemente pelas redes sociais e gerou reações de muitas mulheres que não abrem mão de uma comida calórica mesmo na hora de um encontro amoroso.
“Mulheres não querem homens quando vêem uma batata frita bonita”
“Quanta besteira. Acho que nunca pedi uma salada. Comida é a minha vida”
What a load of rubbish. I don't think I've ever ordered a salad. Food is my life. https://t.co/ MG8c6Mm0pb — Priscilla Cullen (@Cilllah) 9 de março de 2017
“Cara, quando eu não quiser batatas fritas, cheque meus sinais vitais pois estou morta”
@lexcanroar mate when I don't fancy chips check my vital signs cos I am dead — Katy Rayner (@msraynerwrites) 9 de março de 2017
"Levanta a mão quem vai pedir batata frita ao lado de homens para deixá-los com complexo"
hands up if you're gonna order chips around men always so they get a complex https://t.co/ uVzpPCfUyr — Elena Cresci (@elenacresci) 9 de março de 2017 | 549 |
in the process," the senior Commission official said, adding that "it increases the chances of an agreement at the European Council next Thursday and Friday."
But the Italian government's fury suggested that Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker may have unwittingly stuck his hand in a hornet's nest by agreeing to host the mini summit of some EU leaders to address Merkel's concerns.
Diplomats say that Sunday’s meeting was originally intended to be a small gathering called at Berlin’s behest with Italy, Greece, France, Malta and Spain. But it has since widened to include Bulgaria, Austria and the Netherlands, and diplomats said other countries, including Belgium, could attend.
Tusk declined to organize the smaller gathering, saying he could not preside over a meeting with just some of the EU's 28 leaders, and that he was focused on preparing for the regular summit next week.
Indeed, Tusk was in Rome on Wednesday to consult with Prime Minister Conte and President Sergio Mattarella, as the Italians' anger began to boil over.
“It's very curious that for a summit presented as an informal summit, that you circulate in advance written conclusions not yet agreed,” said one Italian diplomat in Rome. “The only formal results are the conclusions of the European Council,” the diplomat added.
Conte, posting on Twitter, said that he would not address Germany's concerns before dealing with the priorities of his own country “I’m not available to talk about ‘secondary movements’ without having first dealt with the emergency of ‘primary movements,'" he wrote.
Oggi ho avuto con il Presidente Tusk un incontro molto utile. Gli ho anticipato che al pre vertice di Bruxelles non sono disponibile a discutere dei “secondary movements” senza prima aver affrontato l’emergenza dei “primary movements” che l’Italia si ritrova ad affrontare da sola pic.twitter.com/Cme80bMAqr — GiuseppeConte (@GiuseppeConteIT) June 20, 2018
Power grab
The draft document prepared by Selmayr makes no attempt to hide that the Commission is seizing the opportunity to take control of the migration debate.
At the very top, the document is presented as a "Statement of Heads of State or Government" — with a blank space left for the names of countries — and "the President of the European Commission."
And in its conclusion, the draft calls for continued meetings of "high-level representatives, supported by the European Commission, to arrange for further details." The document also crosses directly onto the Council's turf by declaring, "A follow-up to our meeting at the level of Heads of State or Government will be scheduled in autumn 2018."
Austria, which takes over the EU's rotating presidency on July 1, has already scheduled an informal leaders' summit on migration for September 20 in Salzburg. Juncker has previously angered Tusk by trying to decide when a special EU summit should be held. | 550 |
Well, here’s the news we have all been waiting for. Roger Federer has arrived in Paris, and he is ready to go. A mouth watering week awaits the tennis fans, as the race to finish world number one heats up in Paris, as the top three look to battle it out in the final masters 1000 tournament of the season. The Swiss Maestro will play his first match on Wednesday, and will have a day to ready himself.
.@RogerFederer is back in Paris! After his practice, he confirmed he will play the #RolexParisMasters!
Roger Federer est à Paris! Il vient de confirmer qu'il jouera le #RolexParisMasters! pic.twitter.com/flMEjVLoii — ROLEX PARIS MASTERS (@RolexPMasters) October 30, 2018
Roger Federer had cast doubts in his appearance in Paris this season, after competing and triumphing in Basel just a few days back. “Mostly, I feel like it’s better for me to play matches rather than practice, and I think that’s it”, said Roger Federer. “And then as long as I don’t feel like I’m taking a chance on my health prior to [the ATP finals] in London, that’s the key as well,” he added.
“I would rather play on a nice court rather than going back to practice”, stated Federer. “I’ve already done enough practice this season, So I feel like if that helps me for London, that’s a great thing. And I have also not played in this city for some time”, said the Basel open champion. Roger Federer has not played in Paris since three years, and is looking at the tournament as a warm-up event before the ATP world tour finals.
.@rogerfederer : "Le corps est assez bien, et le mental aussi, pour jouer ici." #RolexParisMasters pic.twitter.com/XE8cjULTay — ROLEX PARIS MASTERS (@RolexPMasters) October 30, 2018
“I’m happy how I got through the last four days of playing every day. And, you know, today I feel good. You know, I had a second day off (after the Basel Open) so it’s all good”, said Federer.
Federer also spoke about his potential first match-“And, tomorrow, it’s going to be against a big server (the winner of Monday’s Jo-Wilfried Tsonga-Milos Raonic match). It’s fairly straightforward in a way”, said Roger Federer. “And then I’ll obviously know a lot more. But I would rather play matches than practice again. I would have started practicing by tomorrow, I guess, anyway”, said the Swiss maestro who is looking to win his 100th title of his career. | 551 |
The current status of the 5 ‘Sabadell’ anarchist prisoners anarchist on July 31. They are at present dispersed in two Spanish provinces (Avila and Madrid) and 5 different prisons under the (anti terrorist punishment) ‘FIES3’ prison regime, more than 1000km from their homes. They have finally lifted the ‘incommunicado’ isolation rule on all of them but they continue with the other restrictions of the ‘FIES’ regime.
On May 15, 2013 a major crackdown was carried out, launched by the Mossos D’Esquadra (Catalan Police) and directed from the High Court in Madrid, in which five anarchists were arrested in various parts of Catalonia. Ait was a blatant media coup to coincide with the second anniversary of protests by the 15-M ( the huge decentralised assembly movement) and, linking to a media ‘lynching’. These young anaarchists still remains in pretrial custody. For details of the case and solidarity initiatives can be found on blog support support Blog of the Barcelona Five. Also in this post we provide the addresses where letters can be sent to colleagues.
You can send letters to all of them at the following addresses listed below. Note that the communications are being monitored by the proposed maximum prudence in the contents of the letters themselves.
Remember the account number for solidarity for prisoners and their families. They badly need a little money in prison.
Bankia ACCOUNT NUM 2038 9252 63 3000365109
The addresses are:
Silvia Muñoz Layunta NIS 2010012388 CP Madrid VII Estremera Ctra M-241 km 5,750 (28595) Estremera, Madrid.
Jose Carlos Recio Minguez NIS 2000003209 CP VI Madrid, Aranjuez Ctra N-400 km 28 (28300) Aranjuez. Madrid.
Juan José Garrido Marcos NIS 2013009086 CP Madrid II, Alcala de Henares Ctra Alcala-Meco km 5 (28805) Alcala de Henares.
Yolanda Fernández Fernández NIS 2013009039 CP Avila, Brieva Ctra Vicolozano 05194 Brieva (Ávila).
Xabier Gonzalez Sola NIS 9226970300 CP Madrid IV (Navalcarnero) Ctra N-V, km. 27.7 (28600) Navan, Madrid.
La situación actual de los 5 presos anarquistas de Sabadell a 31 de julio es de dispersión por dos provincias españolas (Ávila y Madrid) y 5 cárceles diferentes en régimen FIES3. Se les ha levantado la incomunicación a todos ya, pero continúan con las demás restricciones propias del régimen FIES. | 552 |
Este important ca România să facă pașii necesari pentru a asigura independența justiției și continuarea luptei anticorupție, a transmis comisarul european pe justiție, Vera Jourova, la finalul întrevederii cu ministrul Tudorel Toader. Jourova s-a întâlnit marți, la Palatul Cotroceni, și cu președintele Klaus Iohannis. Vizita oficialului european la București vine în contextul în care Comisia Europeană a prezentat recent raportul MCV în care România este criticată dur în ceea ce privește schimbarea legilor justiției și statul de drept.
”Discuții constructive cu ministrul justiției Tudorel Toader în ceea ce privește dosarul justiției înainte de preluarea președinției Consiliului UE de către România. Am subliniat importanța ca România să facă pașii necesari pentru a asigura independența justiției și continuarea luptei anticorupție”, a scris Jourova pe twitter.
Constructive discussion with Romanian MoJ Mr Tudorel Toader on how to advance the justice files during the Romanian Presidency. I also stressed the importance of Romania taking the right steps to ensure independence of the judiciary & the fight against corruption #RuleofLaw #CVM pic.twitter.com/5OMJuB6MxD — Věra Jourová (@VeraJourova) November 20, 2018
De asemenea, comisarul european a mai spus că discuțiile cu președintele Klaus Iohannis au fost utile. Comisarul s-a întâlnit și cu președintele Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție, Cristina Tarcea.
Very inspiring meeting with the President of #Romania @KlausIohannis. We discussed upcoming Romanian Presidency to the EU, #RuleofLaw and the next Elections to the European Parliament. pic.twitter.com/g66xyCOlMr — Věra Jourová (@VeraJourova) November 20, 2018
| 553 |
á estava se desenhando na véspera, a Conmebol recebeu várias ofertas de cidades interessadas em receber o jogo.
Ofertas chegaram de todos os lados, da Itália ao Brasil, passando pelos EUA e o Oriente Médio. No caso do Brasil, nem a CBF encampou as propostas de Mineirão, Arena Condá (Chapecó), Arena Pernambuco, Maracanã, da prefeitura de São Paulo e da Federação Gaúcha de Futebol. A Conmebol também deixou vazar que não tinha interesse em organizar um superclássico argentino – e todo o pacote de potenciais problemas que o acompanha – numa cidade brasileira.
2 de 2 Torcedor do River Plate sozinho entre cadeiras vazias no estádio Monumental de Nuñez — Foto: REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci Torcedor do River Plate sozinho entre cadeiras vazias no estádio Monumental de Nuñez — Foto: REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci
A oferta de Doha, no Catar, atraiu o interesse da Conmebol porque incluía o pagamento de todos os custos para a realização do jogo, além de reembolsar os torcedores do River Plate que haviam comprado ingresso para a partida em Buenos Aires, além de premiação para os dois finalistas.
No fim, a Conmebol descartou a ideia de jogar no Oriente Médio por causa da distância para Buenos Aires – mais de 20 horas de voo, com passagens que não custariam menos do que R$ 10 mil. A final será em Madri.
Primeiro-ministro da Espanha se pronuncia
Por meio das redes sociais, o primeiro-ministro da Espanha, Pedro Sánchez, disse que o país está "disposto a organizar a final entre Boca Juniors e River Plate". Ele ainda afirmou que a segurança da partida já está sendo planejada.
España está dispuesta a organizar la final de la #CopaLibertadores entre el @BocaJrsOficial y el @CARPoficial. Las FCSE y los servicios implicados, con amplia experiencia en dispositivos de este tipo, trabajan ya en el despliegue necesario para garantizar la seguridad del evento. — November 29, 2018 | 554 |
FBI agents raid San Juan, Puerto Rico city offices in fraud, obstruction investigation
William Cummings | USA TODAY
FBI agents raided municipal offices in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Tuesday, seizing documents and digital records as part of an investigation into fraud allegations related to the city government.
Special agent in charge Douglas Leff said federal investigators are also looking into potential obstruction of the investigation. According to Leff, agents believe documents tied to the reported irregularities in the city's purchasing procedures might have been taken from the building or falsified.
At least 20 agents, mostly unarmed, entered the building carrying briefcases, cameras, electronic equipment and coffee, Puerto Rican news agency El Nuevo Día reported. The raid was focused on the offices of San Juan's Purchasing Division.
When asked if San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz was implicated in the investigation, Leff said, "We have no information about that, but we are going to follow the investigation where it leads us."
The mayor's office is in San Juan City Hall, in a separate location from the building raided by the FBI.
Cruz tweeted Tuesday morning that she instructed city officials to cooperate with federal authorities.
"If someone has done something wrong, they should undergo due process and face the consequences of their actions," Cruz said.
Si alguien ha hecho algo incorrecto debe de ser sometido a un debido proceso y enfrentar las consecuencias de sus actos. 3/3 — Carmen Yulín Cruz (@CarmenYulinCruz) October 16, 2018
Cruz often sparred with President Donald Trump after Hurricane Maria devastated the U.S. territory last year. Their feud was recently rekindled after Trump expressed doubt about research that indicated the hurricane was responsible for nearly 3,000 deaths, a dramatic increase from the previous official death toll of 64.
Trump has blamed the slow response to the damage caused by Maria on inefficiencies in the Puerto Rican government. Last month, Trump sent a tweet quoting conservative Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, who said Puerto Rico is run by "one of the most corrupt governments in our country."
“The story of Puerto Rico is the rebuilding that has occurred. The President has done an extraordinary job of cleanup, rebuilding electrical stuff and everything else.” @EdRollins “The people of Puerto Rico have one of the most corrupt governments in our country.” @LouDobbs — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 15, 2018
The fraud investigation was sparked by an anonymous tip to the comptroller's office of favoritism in how the mayor's office rewarded contracts, according to El Nuevo Día,
The allegation was centered on a $4.7 million contract awarded to construction company BR Solutions. The company is owned by businessman Leonel Pereira O’Neill, who has made political donations to a number of Puerto Rican politicians, including Cruz, El Nuevo Día reported.
The FBI has not identified any suspects in the case, but Leff told reporters that a conviction for the type of fraud alleged would likely carry a maximum sentence of five years. | 555 |
Czech president Miloš Zeman believes Muslim migrants should stay in their home countries and work, not come to Europe and claim benefits.
Czech online magazine Parlamentní Listy reports the president as saying he has “nothing against immigrants who come here to work and who have similar language and similar culture like ours”, citing the Ukrainians and Vietnamese in the country as communities which were not creating issues.
“I do not want immigrants who come from other cultures who come for social benefits, not because of work,” he continued. “Muslims should remain in the countries where they live [and] they should work in them, and they should not go to Europe, where they do not want to work.”
Zeman also commented that “Islam is based on contempt for women”, echoing his 2016 remarks that “in the Qur’an, women [are] something like the inferior part of mankind”.
In Germany, which has absorbed more migrants than any other European Union (EU) member state after Chancellor Angela Merkel issued an open invitation to them in unlimited numbers, reports suggest only 34,000 new arrivals have found work. 975,000 are said be claiming benefits.
The president’s spokesman, Jiří Ovčáček, made headlines in January 2017 for defending U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s executive order on ‘Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals’. The executive order was designed to temporarily prohibit nationals from seven states identified as “countries of concern” and all asylum seekers entering the U.S., allowing time for a thorough review of the refugee vetting process to be conducted.
“Trump protects his country,” Ovčáček tweeted. “He’s concerned with the safety of his citizens. Exactly what EU elites do not do.”
Prezident USA Donald Trump chrání svoji zemi, jde mu o bezpečí občanů. Přesně to, co EU elity nedělají. https://t.co/cd0wPbFDyl — Jiří Ovčáček (@PREZIDENTmluvci) January 28, 2017
Ovčáček also stated that President Zeman “has long disagreed with accepting Muslim migrants. The priority is the safety of [Czech] citizens. The USA is our ally now.”
Pan prezident se dlouhodobě vyjadřuje proti přijímání muslimských migrantů. Bezpečí občanů ČR je prioritou. Nyní máme spojence v USA. — Jiří Ovčáček (@PREZIDENTmluvci) January 28, 2017
Zeman, who polls as the single most popular politician in the Czech Republic, will announce whether he will run for a second term or not on March 10th. | 556 |
UPDATE: Jace Kotsopoulos has confirmed with us that he’s still keen to sign with Forge FC, stating he hopes to complete the paperwork in the next few days.
The Canadian Premier League made a smart move when it partnered with U SPORTS to allow students a chance to test their mettle at the pro level without ruining their eligibility to return to University-level competition at a later date. A blind draw in November saw Hamilton side Forge FC get third pick overall, with head coach Bobby Smyrniotis quick to claim Guelph Gryphons forward Jace Kotsopoulos – an exciting prospect who hasn’t actually signed with the Hamilton-based side as of yet.
Forge FC‘s Smyrniotis was impressed with how the forward could convert from both inside and outside of the box, where he’s been absolutely ruthless at the varsity level. This efficiency is already paying off for Jace, as he’s just been nominated for the U SPORTS Male Athlete of the Year award.
🚨VOTE NOW for the U SPORTS Male Athlete of the Year!
🚨VOTEZ MAINTENANT pour le lauréat du Prix d'athlète masculin de l'année U SPORTS!
🗳️➡️https://t.co/9MmlsxSahV …
This poll will contribute to 25% of the final decision / Ceses votes constitueront 25% de la décision finale pic.twitter.com/agPqZuQTqn — U SPORTS (@USPORTSca) April 23, 2019
Hailing from Burlington, Ontario, the Economics major completed four years of a tremendous varsity-level career at the University of Guelph, where he scored an incredulous 53 goals in 57 appearances. His most recent year of play saw him convert 15 goals from 34 shots in just 15 appearances, a feat which made him one of the more predictable first round picks from the CPL-U SPORTS draft.
If Kotsopoulos chooses to take his first post-collegiate steps outside of the Canadian Premier League, he may not be the only first-round CPL U-SPORTS Draft to do so. Gabriel Bitar was picked by Cavalry FC as the number one overall pick, but he hasn’t signed a contract with the Calgary side – and they’ve now filled 22 out of 23 possible roster spots. It hasn’t been all snubs, however, with York University first round picks Dylan Carreiro and Daniel Gogarty both signing on with Valour FC and York9 FC respectively. Plenty of other CPL U-SPORTS picks have signed on, too.
With a good shot at wining the U SPORTS Athlete of the Year award, Kotsopoulos would be an exciting addition to the league. He still has Forge FC listed on his Instagram profile, but with the season due kick off in front of 25,000 fans 4 days from now, it’s really coming down to the wire regarding his potential signing.
Sources: U SPORTS (via Twitter), Ontario University Athletics | 557 |
Cerimonia del Peso Thai Fight, King of Muay Thai Appena concluso l'ultimo appuntamento prima del Thai Fight : King Of Muay Thai di domani: cerimonia del peso! Appuntamento al PalaRuffini di Torino, sabato alle ore 16! Posted by Thai Boxe Mania on Friday, May 26, 2017
Muaythai promotion Thai Fight makes its debut in Italy.
Thai Fight Turin is held this Saturday at the PalaRuffini sports Arena. The show promoted in terms of “Thai Boxe Mania” presents the A-list of muaythai fighters out of Thailand up against European selection. Some of the most notable athletes feature on the card.
The program comprises two parts. The main card is an eight-fight bill that follows the five-fight undercard. The promoter of the event is Carlo Barbubo. The official representative of Thai Fight is Jartui Sangmorakot of Thailand.
In the main event Saenchai PkSaenchaimuaythaigym of Thailand meets Shan Cangelosi of Italy. The encounter is a three-round challenge at lightweight.
The second bout from the top matches super welterweights Youssef Boughanem of Belgium and Anouar Khamlali of Italy. As well, Padsanlek Rachanon of Thailand takes on Brice Delval of France at lightweight. Also, a very popular middleweight Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee of Thailand battles out of Martin Meoni of Italy.
In addition, the WKN Italian title will be contested during the evening. Filippo Solheid squares off with Michele Gnocchi for the welterweight belt.
The official weigh-ins ceremony was conducted on Friday. A complete Thai Fight Turin program can be found below.
Main Card
Lightweight: Saenchai PKSaenchaimuaythaigym vs. Shan Cangelosi
Super welterweight: Youssef Boughanem vs. Anouar Khamlali
Lightweight: Padsanlek Rachanon vs. Brice Delval
Middleweight: Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs. Martin Meoni
Middleweight: Tengnueng Sitjesairoong vs. Adelas Diogo Boa
Welterweight: Saensatan PK Saenchai vs. Jhoni Tancray
Super welterweight: Saiyok Pumpanmuang vs. Julian Imeri
Super lightweight: PTT Petchrungruang vs. Christian Zahe
Under Card
Welterweight: Filippo Solheid vs. Michele Gnocchi – WKN title
Super light heavyweight: Vittorio Iermani vs. Lorenzo Domenichini
Super lightweight: Vincenzo Lobascio vs. Ruben Sciortino
Super middleweight: Christian Guiderdone vs. Angelo Mirno
Middleweight: Enrico Carrara vs. Francesco Laquale | 558 |
Posted on August 06, 2013 by Pablo Montoya and Ulrike Rettig
After you've initiated a conversation (see Part 1), you'll want to have a few topics up your sleeve to sustain it and, finally, to close your conversation in a gracious way.
Know some basic information about the city and have a few phrases ready so you can introduce the topics that interest you:
Know also a few interesting historical facts about the country. This means that you should learn how to say dates. Remember that in Spanish, dates follow this format: day, month, year.
"Las olimpiadas de Barcelona se inauguraron el 25 de julio de 1992." (The Barcelona Olympics opened on July 25th 1992.)
"¿ No vivió Washington Irving allí? "
Say something about your stay in the country, where you're going, or where you've been, etc.
Learn to listen as well as talk. Be able to ask questions and make comments to show your interest in what the other person is saying:
Obviously, the old stand-by, if you did not understand:
"¡Eso ha sido un poco rápido de más!" (That was a little too fast!)
"¡Podría repetir eso por favor!" (Could you, please, repeat that!)
It's always important to find a way to close a conversation gracefully. Spaniards are a little more formal about getting ready to go than Americans. Have a few exit lines ready!
a) Signaling the end:
-"Muchas gracias por las recomendqaciones." (Thank you for the tips.)
-"Ha sido un placer hablar con usted." (It was nice to talk with you.)
-"¡Vaya, que tarde es! Todavía tengo que..." (Darn, look how late it is! I still have to...)
-"He quedado con unos amigos." (I'm meeting some friends.)
b) When you're leaving:
-"Por desgracia me tengo que ir ahora." (Unfortunatley, I have to go now.)
-"Lo dicho: muchas gracias/he estado muy bien." (Again: many thanks/it was really nice.)
-"¡Que pasen una buen tarde/noche!" (Have a nice afternoon/evening!)
-"¡Adiós!" (Goodbye!)
Practicing some of these conversational phrases and expressions ahead of time will be quite helpful and impress your Spanish speaking contact. While such phrases will obviously not be sufficient for an intensive discussion, they will boost you confidence in speaking. The next step will be to add a few more topics and strategies to your conversational skills.
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. | 559 |
Claudia Peterson: Now I've had the testing the genetic testing. I don't carry the gene. My mother didn't have the gene and it comes from the mother. Her husband's been tested. He doesn't have it so it came from my sister.
Ein vererbbarer Gendefekt verursacht den Darmkrebs – das stellt die Familie Peterson durch einen Gentest fest. Und das kaputte gen ist als erstes bei Cathy aufgetreten. Die Wissenschaft kann zwar nicht beweisen, dass das eine Spätfolge des Fallouts ist. Aber da ist immer und immer wieder dieser Verdacht. Auch bei Claudias eigenen Enkeln und Urenkeln treten Missbildungen auf.
Claudia Peterson: We lost a grandchild a year ago. He was born with the … I don’t know what its called now, but the long bones weren’t there. He reminded me of the jellyfish Babys on the Marshall islands.
Einem anderen Enkelkind von Claudia fehlten bei der Geburt Knochen. Claudia muss an die sogenannten "Quallenbabys" denken. Das sind Totgeburten auf den Marshallinseln im Südpazifik. Auch dort haben die Amerikaner Atombomben getestet.
"Genetically we are … it's genetically damaged, I think, from what we experienced as children and it is snowballing. And I don't know, if I can take much more of it. I would rather be the one sick than watching a child die again." Claudia Peterson über die Folgen des Fallouts für ihre Familie
Claudia Peterson: He lived an hour. He was a beautiful baby but he … His body was deformed. I … We lived a good life. I mean, my father wasn’t from here, so it's not … Genetically we are … it's genetically damaged, I think, from what we experienced as children and it is snowballing. And I don't know, if I can take much more of it. I would rather be the one sick than watching a child die again.
In den letzten 30 Jahren hat Claudia ihren Vater, ihre Tochter, ihre Schwester, eine Nichte, einen Neffen und einen Enkel an den Krebs verloren. Sie kennt heute die Wahrheit. Sie weiß, dass der Fallout gefährlich war. Sie weiß, dass die Regierung die Bevölkerung angelogen hat. Die Wahrheit ist aber auch, dass niemand in der Welt die Menschen, die sie verloren hat, wieder lebendig machen kann. | 560 |
Bitte verwenden Sie die Nachricht senden Funktion am Ende der Seite.
WG-Gesucht | Team
Zimmer Liebe Menschen,
ich (Ruth) vermiete mein gemütliches Zimmer im beliebten Sprengelkiez für vier Wochen, da ich der Sonne entgegen reise! Das Zimmer ist voll eingerichtet und verfügt über ein breites, bequemes Bett, ein (Schlaf-)sofa, einen Schreibtisch sowie einen gut sortierten Bücherschrank. Was von meinem persönlichen Kram bleibt und was rauskommt, können wir dann ja persönlich besprechen - auch bei der Mietdauer bin ich flexibel!
Hey there,
I'm renting out my cozy room, located in the wonderful Sprengelkiez area in Wedding because I'm going on a longer vacation. Preferably for four weeks, but the timespan is negotiable! The room has a comfortable bed, a couch, a desk and a well-assorted book shelf!
Lage Die Wohnung liegt im Herzen des Sprengelkiez und ist sehr gut angebunden. Die U9, U6, Ringbahn sowie diverse Busse (u.a. Richtung Hauptbahnhof) sind alle im Umkreis von 2-10 Minuten zu erreichen. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten gibt es zur Genüge, von Bioladen bis Discounter ist alles in fußläufiger Nähe. Auch das wunderschöne Nordufer + Plötzensee bieten sich für Spaziergänge an.
The flat is located in the center of the Sprengelkiez and is well-connected to public transport. U9, U6, Ringbahn and several busses (e.g. in the direction of Hauptbahnhof, the main railway station) are all within 2-10 minutes walking distance. Nearby, you can find a variety of shops and supermarkets in all price ranges. Plus, the beautiful Nordufer and Plötzensee are literally round the corner!
WG-Leben Die WG ist eine Zweier-WG, die du mit meiner netten Mitbewohnerin Eva teilen wirst. Tagsüber ist sie an der Uni, doch abends findet ihr bestimmt mal Zeit, um ein Bier miteinander zu trinken!
I have one flatmate, Eva, who's busy studying puppetry but is a great person to hang out with. | 561 |
Ain al-Assad er «fullstendig ødelagt» etter angrepene.
Irans utenriksminister Javad Zarif forsvarte angrepene på Twitter. Han skriver at Iran utførte passende tiltak etter FN-paktens artikkel 51. Artikkelen gir en stat rett til selvforsvar om det blir utsatt for angrep.
– Vi ønsker ikke å eskalere krigssituasjonen, men vil forsvare oss mot enhver form for aggresjon, skriver Zarif.
We are aware of the reports of attacks on US facilities in Iraq. The President has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team. — Stephanie Grisham (@PressSec) January 7, 2020
Truer med angrep på amerikansk jord
Samtidig truer Revolusjonsgarden med flere angrep om USA hevner seg.
– Vi advarer alle amerikanske allierte, som ga sine baser til en terrorhær, om at ethvert territorium som starter aggressive handlinger mot Iran, vil bli et mål, sier garden via nyhetsbyrået IRNA.
Revolusjonsgarden kommer videre med en klar advarsel dersom USA skulle velge å svare på angrepene:
– Pentagon sier at USA vil svare på Irans angrep. Denne gangen vil vi svare dere i USA, sier Revolusjonsgarden ifølge CNN.
Dersom iranske områder blir bombet, truer Revolusjonsgarden med å angripe byene Dubai i De forente arabiske emirater og Haifa i Israel.
Trump «overvåker situasjonen»
I en uttalelse via Det hvite hus sier USAs president Donald Trump at han «overvåker situasjonen».
– Presidenten har blitt informert og overvåker situasjonen nøye, og konsulterer sitt nasjonale sikkerhetsteam, skriver pressesjef Stephanie Grisham på Twitter.
Både forsvarsminister Mark Esper og utenriksminister Mike Pompeo har ankommet Det hvite hus etter angrepet.
Ifølge Fox News' utenrikskorrespondent i landet, Jennifer Griffin, ble det skutt raketter «over hele landet», og TV-kanalen Al-Mayadeen melder om eksplosjoner i Erbil i Nord-Irak. Pentagon bekrefter at også denne militærbasen er under angrep. | 562 |
[English below]
Op 2 november 2019 vind de derde jaarlijkse Anarchistische Boekenbeurs in Amsterdam plaats in het Dokhuis! Er zullen stands zijn van alle anarchistische distro’s en boekwinkels uit Nederland en omstreken! Check HIER voor een lijst met alle stands.
De anarchistische boekenbeurs is een plaats waar je op nieuwe ideeën tegen kan komen, ervaringen met kameraden kan delen en je kan verbinden met verschillende strijden over de wereld. Een boekenbeurs is een belangrijk onderdeel van de noodzakelijke infrastructuur voor onze strijd, bouw er netwerken op en kom langs om samen anarchist te zijn.
Kom leren hoe we samen de ecocidale, patriarchale en koloniale kapitalistische systemen vernietigen die de wereld domineren. Ben je op zoek naar kameraden? Kom dan naar de Anarchistische Boekenbeurs in Amsterdam!
Ben je opzoek naar anarchistische boeken en zines? We hebben nog veel meer dan dat: kleding, buttons, stickers uitgevers, distro’s, workshops, praatjes en veganistisch eten! Dus kom langs!
Wil je helpen? We zijn nog steeds opzoek naar mensen die willen helpen op het festival.
Heb je er al zin in? Stuur ons dan alsjeblieft een mailtje!
Plantage Doklaan 8
anarchistbookfairamsterdam (at) riseup (dot) net anarchistbookfairamsterdam.blackblogs.org
The Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam will be organized in November 2019. This is the 3rd year in a row that we have organized this annual book fair. The first two years were so successful that we had a taste for more. So this year you can come to the Dokhuis again for all your anarchist books, zines, stickers, posters, buttons, clothing and much more! Click HERE for a list of all stands!
The specific date still has to be confirmed, but we are going to organize it at the Dokhuis in November. Keep an eye on our website and facebook for updates. As soon as we have confirmed the date we will let you know there.
Do you want to run a stand, give a workshop or help out at the book fair? Let us know!
Plantage Doklaan 8, Amsterdam
anarchistbookfairamsterdam (at) riseup (dot) net
anarchistbookfairamsterdam.blackblogs.org | 563 |
なにがでるかはおたのしみ Japanese (translated) Japanese (translated) Dear lil’ Hallohallo, a lover of delicious mallows.
They search for snacks everywhere, but don’t be fooled, you’d better beware.
If you don’t give ’em some tasty sweets, they’ll prank you ’til you’re ‘beat’.
Oh no, its too late to scream without a doubt.
Please, look forward to what’ll come out. Korean Korean 펜듈럼 효과 ①: 1턴에 1번, 필드의 앞면 표시 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 주사위를 1회 던진다. 그 몬스터의 레벨은 턴 종료시까지, 나온 눈과 같은 레벨이 된다. 몬스터의 효과 할로할로는 달콤한 과자만 보면 헤롱헤롱.
과자를 찾아 이쪽을 두리번, 저쪽에 어슬렁.
과자를 주지 않으면 가지가지 장난들로 흐물흐물하게 만들 거야.
허둥지둥대봤자 이미 늦었어.
무엇이 나올지 기대기대. | 564 |
• Senegal defender sent off in 1-0 defeat to Internazionale • ‘Maybe we have to take matters into our own hands next time’
Carlo Ancelotti said the referee repeatedly ignored Napoli’s request to stop the game after Kalidou Koulibaly was reportedly subjected to monkey chants throughout their 1-0 defeat to Internazionale on Boxing Day.
Substitute Lautaro Martínez scored in stoppage time to give Inter a 1-0 win after Napoli had two players sent off. Koulibaly was booked for a foul on Matteo Politano - who waved a pretend yellow card in the air - and then immediately given a second yellow for sarcastically applauding the referee.
Cristiano Ronaldo springs from bench to rescue 10-man Juventus at Atalanta Read more
But Ancelotti later claimed that the Senegal defender had lost his temper after repeated requests made to the crowd over the stadium’s loudspeaker in an attempt stop the racist chanting were ignored.
“There was a strange atmosphere, as we asked three times for play to be suspended, they had announcements with the speaker three times,” said the Napoli manager.
“Koulibaly was certainly irritable. Usually, he is very calm and professional, but he was subjected to monkey noises throughout the game. We asked three times for some action to be taken, but the match continued. We keep being told play can be halted, but when? After four or five announcements? Maybe we have to take matters into our own hands next time and stop play ourselves. They’ll probably make us lose the game if we walk off, but we are prepared to do it. It’s not good for Italian football, seeing this.”
As tempers boiled over during the closing moments, Lorenzo Insigne was also shown a red card after tussling with Balde Keita in an off-the-ball incident.
Koulibaly Kalidou (@kkoulibaly26) Mi dispiace la sconfitta e sopratutto avere lasciato i miei fratelli!
Però sono orgoglioso del colore della mia pelle. Di essere francese, senegalese, napoletano: uomo.
⚽ #InterNapoli 1-0
🇸🇳 #KK26 #famiglia
💙 #ForzaNapoliSempre
💪🏿 #DifendoLaCittà pic.twitter.com/f9q0KYggcw
“I’m disappointed by the defeat, but above all at leaving my brothers,” Koulibaly later wrote on Twitter. “But I am proud of the colour of my skin. Proud to be French, Senegalese, Neapolitan: a man.”
Juventus were ordered to close part of their ground and fined €10,000 in October for racial insults aimed at the Napoli defender. | 565 |
McLaren 600LT 2019 est le quatrième modèle Longtail dans l’histoire de l’entreprise.
Appelée McLaren 600LT, elle est une nouvelle variante hardcore qui comble le fossé entre la 570S et la 720S de la Super Series. LT, qui représente Longtail dans McLaren-parler, est la désignation du constructeur automobile britannique pour les voitures de route axées sur la piste, et le 600LT est seulement la troisième McLaren à le porter.
Sur le plan énergétique.
McLaren a amélioré le système de refroidissement du V8 de 3,8 litres à double turbocompresseur et a installé un nouveau système d’échappement. Cet échappement sort par le haut, comme indiqué dans les images d’accroche menant à la révélation. Il réduit la quantité de contre-pression dans le système. Les mises à niveau aident le moteur à faire 592 chevaux et 457 lb-pi de couple. C’est une augmentation de 30 chevaux et 14 lb-pi de couple sur le 570S.
Grâce à une plus grande utilisation de matériaux légers, la McLaren 600LT 2019 perd 96 kilos par rapport à la 570S; malgré sa taille plus importante, soit 1 247 kilos. Basé sur la fibre de carbone centrale mococasco et les trains avant et arrière en aluminium; Compris la suspension, bien que le centre de gravité a_été abaissé. Il ajoute un nouveau système d’échappement et un intérieur avec une inspiration de course claire indiquant son objectif.
Les sièges en fibre de carbone ont_été pris du P1. Tandis que les panneaux et les portes sontrevêtus d’Alcantara, offrant plusieurs éléments en fibre de carbone en option.
Une production limitée.
Comme le 675LT, la production de la McLaren 600LT 2019 sera_également limitée. Cela commencera en Octobre de cette année et durera environ 12 mois. Tous les exemplaires seront assemblés à la main et les prix sera environ de 210 000 euros. Enfin, les chanceux qui acquièrent une de ces copies pourront profiter d’une journée sur le circuit en compagnie d’instructeurs professionnels. McLaren Automotive – Official Site
Galerie Photos / McLaren 600LT 2019
Derniers contenus | 566 |
Nainggolan la lía fumando y bebiendo en Nochevieja: "Voy un poco borracho" Serie A Su vídeo en directo festejando el Año Nuevo ha causado revuelo en Italia
Radja Nainggolan ha copado todos los titulares de la prensa deportiva italiana en este primer día de 2018. El jugador belga de la Roma emitió un vídeo en directo para sus seguidores en redes sociales en el que aparece fumando, bebiendo y tirando fuegos artificiales en una fiesta de Nochevieja con amigos en su casa.
"Me cago en Dios, voy un poco borracho", llega a reconocer el centrocampista en un momento del vídeo cuando trata de jugar al pádel en plena noche sin mucho éxito a la hora de conectar golpes con su raqueta. "¿Donde está mi vaso? Yo tenía un vaso aquí", comenta al acabar la pachanga y antes de volver a agarrar su copa y desear un feliz año a todos sus seguidores con un nuevo trago a su bebida.
Anche a capodanno pensate a fare le notizie... auguro un buon anno a tutti tranne a quelli... ma fatevi una vita...? Radja Nainggolan (@OfficialRadja) 1 de enero de 2018
El futbolista cargó contra la prensa en un primer momento por difundir el vídeo con un tuit. "Hasta en fin de año pensáis en hacer noticias, feliz año a todos menos a ellos... buscaos una vida", comentó en su perfil oficial.
Sin embargo, tras reunirse en las instalaciones del club con miembros de la directiva y del cuerpo técnico romanista, según informa La Gazzetta dello Sport, el belga ofreció un nuevo comunicado en su Instagram en el que se disculpaba por su comportamiento.
"Lo siento por lo ocurrido esta noche. Sabéis que me gusta estar bien con amigos y que amo festejar la Nochevieja pero la pasada noche fui un poco más allá: la veía como una velada particular en la que uno puede desmadrarse un poco pero pretendía dar un ejemplo negativo. Por esto pido disculpas por mis palabras y mi comportamiento. Siempre forza Roma" | 567 |
O Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância, Unicef, e o Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento, Pnud, estão à procura de voluntários para Moçambique.
As agências explicam que os candidatos devem falar inglês e português e estar disponíveis para destacamento imediato em missões voluntárias de três a seis meses para apoiar a resposta humanitária em Moçambique.
📢 Urgently recruiting: talented UN Volunteers fluent in English and #Portuguese to support emergency response by @UNICEF_Moz and @UNDP in #Mozambique.
Are you available for immediate deployment for 3-6 months? Apply NOW (deadline: 20 May) ➡ https://t.co/IqX8quQ7Nd pic.twitter.com/iwOhgRhkxw — UN Volunteers (@UNVolunteers) May 15, 2019
Em março e abril de 2019, o país foi atingido por dois ciclones que causaram mais de 600 mortes. Cerca de 1,85 milhão de pessoas precisam de assistência humanitária.
Em nota, a ONU Voluntários diz que “atualmente trabalha para recrutar urgentemente voluntários nacionais e internacionais da ONU para apoiar os esforços de resposta a emergências do Pnud e do Unicef.”
As áreas de foco são analista de redução do risco de desastres, intervenções monetárias, comunicação para o desenvolvimento e gestão de informação.
São precisos um mínimo de dois anos de experiência profissional para missões nacionais de voluntários e pelo menos cinco anos de experiência profissional para missões internacionais nas áreas de especialização, bem como proficiência em português e inglês.
Nos próximos dias, serão publicadas mais vagas nas áreas de gestão de resíduos, proteção e gênero, recursos humanos, comunicação, monitoramento e avaliação, meios de subsistência e saúde.
Mais informações sobre candidaturas pode ser encontrado aqui. | 568 |
THE National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has identified five people allegedly involved in the “fake news” that maligned seven senators for their supposed refusal to support a Senate resolution denouncing extrajudicial killings (EJKs).
Senate Majority Leader Vicente Sotto 3rd on Saturday said the NBI had submitted to him a report on the blog “Seven Deadly Sens,” which was posted by the handlers of “Silent No More” (SNM) blog and “Pinoy Ako Blog” (PAB).
The blog post claimed that Senators Aquilino Pimentel 3rd, Richard Gordon, Emmanuel Pacquiao, Juan Miguel Zubiri, Gregorio Honasan 2nd, Cynthia Villar, and Sotto had refused to sign Resolution 516, drafted by opposition Sen. Francis Pangilinan, denouncing EJKs of suspected drug personalities.
“Meron na. Hina-hunting na sila. Kasi ang balita namin `yung isa nag abroad bigla (There is a report already. They are being hunted down. We learned that one of them suddenly went abroad),” Sotto said in an interview over dwIZ.
“Duon mo makikita e, sign of guilt. Alam na nu’ng NBI. At meron na rin akong kaso na naka prepare (You can see that it is a sign of guilt. The NBI knows already. And I have prepared a case already),” he said.
He confirmed that the NBI was running after Cocoy Dayao, the supposed handler of SNM. He, however, declined to identify the four others. “Huwag na muna ‘yung iba (Let’s not identify the others yet).”
Dayao failed to attend on October 4 the Senate probe on fake news. Pacquiao and Villar wanted him to explain why he called them names in his post, which they said had damaged their reputation.
Sotto has yet to comment on the decision of Jover Laurio, the blogger behind PAB, to reveal her identity following alleged harassment from pro-Duterte blogger, Rey Joseph Nieto, who is behind the Thinking Pinoy blog.
Asked whether there were fellow senators involved in the attempt to defame them, Sotto said, “There’s no one at the moment.”
Villar had claimed to have obtained information that opposition Senators Paolo Benigno Aquino and Risa Hontiveros were “out to destroy” the majority bloc. Aquino and Hontiveros denied her allegation.
Sotto said the five bloggers receive “feeds” from certain groups to attack a particular person.
“Traceable naman lahat ‘yun e. Magaling `yung si Thinking Pinoy ha. Maraming natutunan ang NBI sa kanya (These can all be traced. Thinking Pinoy is quite good. The NBI was able to learn a lot from him),” he added. | 569 |
We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 30 maggio 2017
On Fox News, Kellyanne Conway confirms communications director Mike Dubke out: "He has expressed his desire to leave the White House." — Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) 30 maggio 2017
"Abbiamo un deficit commerciale enorme con la Germania. Inoltre loro pagano molto meno rispetto a quello che dovrebbero per la Nato e le forze armate. Questo è negativo per gli Stati Uniti. Tutto questo cambierà", così Trump su Twitter risponde ad Angela Merkel.La cancelliera tedesca in questi giorni aveva dichiarato: "Impossibile fidarsi degli Stati Uniti. Dobbiamo prendere il destino nelle nostre mani". Affermazione approvata e condivisa dal presidente del Consiglio Paolo Gentiloni, che ha auto modo di dichiarare: "L'Italia condivide la necessità che gli europei prendano in mano il proprio futuro, le sfide globali lo impongono, negli ultimi mesi abbiamo lavorato in questa direzione. E' emersa con chiarezza una sintonia tra i diversi Paesi Ue nel contesto internazionale"E' la seconda volta in pochi giorni che il presidente americano se la prende con il Governo tedesco definendolo cattivo. E del suo tour europeo, ha qualcosa da dire un funzionario del dipartimento di Stato americano che il 28 maggio ha rilasciato un'intervista al Daily Beast: "Quando si tratta di diplomazia, Il presidente è un turista ubriaco. Rumoroso e pacchiano, si fa strada sulla pista da ballo spingendo. Calpesta gli altri senza rendersene conto. È inefficace".Sulla scia dei difficili rapporti internazionali e delle discutibili strategie di comunicazione, un altro pezzo dell'amministrazione americana abbandona il presidente. Mike Dubke, capo della comunicazione della Casa Bianca, in carica da tre mesi, si è dimesso il 18 maggio garantendo comunque la sua presenza durante il tour estero di Trump, "per garantire la continuità del lavoro a Washington". In un messaggio ai colleghi Dubke ha spiegato che le sue dimissioni sono "dovute a problemi personali". | 570 |
Ce mois-ci, dans Studio Ciné Live… Le magazine français s’est rendu sur le tournage de Wonder Woman. C’était en avril dernier, sur les plages de Palinuro, en Italie. Quatre pages sont consacrées au blockbuster de Patty Jenkins et il est notamment question du début du film. On écoute Chris Pine : “J’incarne un pilote qui travaille pour les Alliés et espionne les Allemands à leur insu. Mon personnage dérobe un carnet de notes rempli de formules scientifiques dans une base ottomane. Il subtilise un avion mais est abattu en pleine mer.” Derrière ces formules scientifiques, il y a un gaz mortel qui pourrait bien anéantir l’humanité. Or, il se trouve que cela pourrait intéresser Arès, le dieu de la guerre. Ce dernier est jaloux des hommes, qui sont une création de son père, le défunt Zeus (les Amazones et Zeus se sont rebellés contre Arès et Zeus est mort de la main de son fils)…
English translation: “I play a pilot who works for the Allies and spies on the Germans without their knowledge. My character steals a notebook filled with scientific formulas in an Ottoman base, he steals a plane but is shot down in the open sea.” – Chris Pine.
Behind these scientific formulas, there is a deadly gas that could well annihilate humanity. It turns out that it might interest Ares, the god of war. He is jealous of humanity, which is a creation of his father, the deceased Zeus (the Amazons and Zeus rebelled against Ares and Zeus died from the hand of his son)…
Excerpt from the article: “Why did Zeus create the Amazons? Because shaping man in his image made his son Ares, incidentally a god of war, mad with jealousy, he convinces the guys to confront each other. To restore harmony between them, Zeus created the Amazons that Ares reduced to slavery. The Amazons revolt with the help of Zeus, who will die of the hand of his son having had time to find Themyscira, their haven of peace where they will grow Diana. (…) Diana Prince becomes Wonder Woman by helping Steve Trevor and a squad of proud arm-in-law in search of one who wants to wipe humanity off the map with deadly gas.”
Wonder Woman est réalisé par Patty Jenkins et sort en France le 7 juin 2017, avec Gal Gadot (Diana Prince/Wonder Woman), Chris Pine (Steve Trevor), Connie Nielsen (Reine Hippolyte), Robin Wright (Général Antiope), Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Ewen Bremmer, Saïd Taghmaoui, Elena Anaya et Lucy Davis (Etta Candy). | 571 |
C'est le New York Times qui a annoncé la disparition de celle dont le visage et le biceps s'étaient retrouvés sur les affiches de propagande de la campagne de l'artiste J. Howard Miller " Rosie the Riveter " ("Rosie la riveteuse").
DÉCÈS - On connaît tous ce visage et ce poing serré, symbole de la lutte féministe. Naomi Parker Fraley, l'Américaine qui a inspiré l'icône au foulard rouge à pois et aux manches retroussées, est décédée ce lundi 22 janvier à l'âge de 96 ans.
Au fil des années, plusieurs autres femmes avaient revendiqué être la source d'inspiration de l'icône féministe, mais c'est à la suite d'une longue enquête que des chercheurs ont retrouvé la véritable inspiratrice de l'affiche emblématique. Une recherche menée par le Docteur James J. Kimble et qui avait réussi à prouver que Naomi Parker Fraley, une ancienne ouvrière de la Navy, était bel et bien le visage du poster au mythique message "We can do it!" ("Nous pouvons le faire").
Naomi Parker Fraley, said to be the inspiration of Rosie the Riveter, an iconic symbol of feminism and women's economic power during WW2 has died age 96. Via @nytimespic.twitter.com/qNDDR4GdQL — Megha Mohan (@meghamohan) 22 janvier 2018
En 2016, dans une interview au magazine People, Naomi Parker Fraley avait expliqué pourquoi elle avait gardé secret sa relation avec l'icône: "Je ne voulais pas la gloire ou la fortune, mais je voulais préserver mon identité."
Le New York Times précise que l'affiche n'avait pas réellement vocation a été largement diffusée. Au départ elle visait plutôt à limiter les grèves que menaient les employées d'une entreprise de production énergétique américaine, pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.
Après être tombée dans l'oubli, l'illustration est devenue un symbole pour la lutte féministe dans les années 80 et est depuis entrée dans la culture populaire. A tel point que Beyoncé s'était habillée comme "Rosie the riverter" en 2014. Kendall Jenner avait aussi posée, en reprenant la posture de Naomi Parker Fraley. | 572 |
Spotweb Filter Creator is een tool om het aanmaken van Spotweb Filter XML bestanden te vereenvoudigen.
Spotweb Filter Creator is een open-source project (GPLv3).
De broncode is te downloaden/bekijken/forken op GitHub.
Na het opstarten van Spotweb Filter Creator kan door het klikken op de (+) Add knop, een nieuw filter worden aangemaakt.
Er verschijnt hierna in de Filters boom een item met de gekozen filter naam en icoon.
Aan de rechterkant in de Contents boom verschijnen vervolgens de beschikbare categorieen.
Door een vinkje te zetten bij een categorie zal deze gekoppeld worden aan het geselecteerde filter in de Filters boom.
Als alle filters naar tevredenheid zijn aangemaakt, kan het worden opgeslagen in XML formaat met de Save / Save As.. knop (bijv MyFilters.xml).
Het opgeslagen filterbestand (MyFilters.xml) kan dan vervolgens in Spotweb bij de filtervoorkeuren worden geupload.
[English] Introduction
Spotweb Filter Creator is a tool for creating Spotweb Filter XML files easier.
Spotweb Filter Creator is an open-source project (GPLv3).
The source code is available for download / viewing / forking on GitHub.
[English] Manual
After starting Spotweb Creator, a new filter can be created by clicking the (+) Add button.
In the Filters tree below, an item with the selected filter name and icon appears.
On the right, in the Contents tree, the available categories appear.
By ticking the box for a category, it will be linked to the selected filter in the Filters tree.
If all filters satisfactorily have been created, it can be saved in XML format with the Save / Save As.. button (eg MyFilters.xml).
The saved filter file (MyFilters.xml) can then be uploaded to Spotweb at the filter preferences.
License information:
Spotweb Filter Creator Copyleft 2012 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. | 573 |
The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted three rockets headed for the southern city of Eilat late Wednesday night, while a fourth fell in an open area, the army said.
This fourth rocket was not shot down by the missile defense battery as it was headed towards an open field, a military spokesperson said.
There were no injuries or damage reported from the rocket salvo. However, city officials said that five people were treated for anxiety attacks related to the incident. One of them was taken to the hospital, the Magen David Adom ambulance service told Israel Radio.
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The rockets were fired from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, according to the Israel Defense Forces.
There were no immediate claims of responsibility, but the Islamic State affiliate Ansar Bait al-Maqdis — formerly known as Wilayat Sinai — has been waging a bloody battle with Egyptian forces in the peninsula.
Video shows moments rockets over Israeli city of Eilat intercepted by Iron Dome. No damage/casualties reported. pic.twitter.com/DzuaWBQeVG — Israel Breaking (@IsraelBreaking) February 8, 2017
Army and police forces began searching the area for signs of debris, police said.
Fragments of one of the rockets were reportedly found in a hotel swimming pool, according to pictures posted to social media.
שרידי רקטה שהתגלו בבריכה באחד המלונות באילת: צילום: מדברים תקשורת. pic.twitter.com/LSX9vB8cQy — מבזקים ודיווחים (@S0503281) February 8, 2017
Residents described the wail of air raid sirens before several loud explosions.
Shortly after the rockets were intercepted, head of the IDF Southern Command Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir told the mayor of Eilat, Meir Yitzhak Halevi, that the city could return to its routine, Army Radio reported.
“When there is a successful interception the city returns to routine quickly, as people understand that the city is protected,” Itsik Alfasi, a senior Eilat police officer told Israel Radio.
Eilat is a Red Sea resort city, popular with tourists from Europe. The city is currently full to capacity with visitors.
The last rockets fired at Eilat from the Sinai Peninsula were launched during the 2014 summer war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip. The two projectiles struck in the center of the city, hitting a car and causing light injuries to seven people.
Hours before Wednesday’s attack, a mortar shell struck the Golan Heights, at Israel’s northern tip, causing neither damage nor injury.
In response, the army shelled a Syrian military position in the northern Golan Heights, the army said. | 574 |
’s realities in Haiti and the world over if these are presented to them by using their own clashes with racism and oppression as a starting point.
They must be made to understand the dangerous likelihood of the oppressed becoming the oppressor if no shift in consciousnesses takes place and if no end to the cycle of trauma occurs. I intend to see that it does…by continuing to live and work fearlessly with justice in mind, through the creation of a safe space for women in Haiti and by creating programming for Haitian men that considers their needs, too. Weapons annihilate, dialogue bears fruit.
It’s the fruit I’m interested in now, no matter how strange or bruised it might appear.
A document Haitian Women’s Rights Organizations worked on (available only in French):
Pour la cause des femmes, avançons!
Un modèle de plaidoyer dans la lutte des organisations de défense des droits des femmes haïtiennes
(Onward for Women! An Advocacy Model in the Struggle Waged by Haitian Women’s Rights Organisations)
More on Myriam Merlet:
The Guardian:
Women’s E-News:
Women’s Media Center:
Read more Haiti Watch, Press Watch.
Our goal is to revolutionize thought, communication and activism related to race and equality. Race-Talk has recruited more than 30 extraordinary authors, advocates, social justice leaders, journalists and researchers who graciously volunteered their expertise, their passion and time to deliberately discuss race, gender and equity issues in the US and globally. We intend to be a viable resource and a public forum to facilitate thoughtful but critical discussion on issues of race, ethnicity, social hierarchy, marginalized populations, democratic principles, and social justice. A range of perspectives on these and related issues is not only welcome, but necessary to achieving the desired kind of learning and exchange. Our topics range from education, politics, racial equity and pop culture. The Race-Talk is managed and moderated by the staff at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and is open to all respectful participants. The opinions posted here do not necessarily represent the views of the Kirwan Institute or the Ohio State University. | 575 |
real life the Yellow Vests are largely low-income middle-aged folks with families from the provinces whose trade-mark is friendliness and improvised barbeques.) Yet for Macron and the media they constitute a hard-core conspiracy of “40,000 militants of the extreme right and the extreme left” often characterized as “anti-Semites,” who threaten the Republic.
Small wonder that, subjected to increasing violence and continuous slander, the numbers of Yellow Vests willing to go out into the streets to protest every week has diminished over 27 weeks. But they are still out there and their favorite chant goes: “Here we are! Here we are! What if Macron doesn’t like it? Here we are!” (On est là! Même si Macron ne veut pas, On est là!)
Fortunately, in the past few weeks the League for the Rights of Man and other such humanitarian groups have at last turned out to protest police brutality while committees of artists and academics have signed petitions in support of the Yellow Vests’ struggle for democratic rights, condemning the government and media. At the same time, Yellow Vests are more and more converging with Ecologists (“End of the Month/End of the World/Same Enemy/Same Struggle” ) and feminists (women play a big role in the movement).
Also with workers, many of them active as opponents of the bureaucracy in their unions. Red CGT stickers on Yellow Vests are now frequent sights at demos. Philippe Martinez, the General Secretary of the CGT, who has heretofore been sarcastic and negative about the Yellow Vests, has now been forced to admit that the cause of their rise was the failure of the unions, “a reflection of all the union deserts.” He was referring to “small and medium size businesses, retired people, poverty people, jobless people and lots of women” (the demographic of the Yellow Vests) that the unions have ignored.
The Yellow Vests are still here, in the fray, holding the breach open. The crisis in France is far from over. If and when the other oppressed and angry groups in France – the organized workers, ecologists, North African immigrants, students struggling against Macron’s educational “reforms” – also turn off their TV’s and go down into the streets, things could change radically. The Yellow Vests’ avowed goal is to bring France to a grinding halt and impose change from below.
What if they succeed? We know what the “success” of structured parties like Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain led to. Maybe a horizontal federation of autonomous base-groups attempting to re-invent democracy could do better.
P.S. Latest news: the CGT just held its convention and voted unanimously for “convergence” with the Yellow Vests, something our group in Montpellier has been working towards for months. Tomorrow, for the first time, we are meeting with the other Yellow Vest groups in our region. “On ne lâche rien!” (Nothing escapes us, we don’t give in). | 576 |
Les contrats de vente par la France d'avions Rafale à l'Inde ont été signés à New Delhi, le 23 septembre 2016.
En Inde, le président du principal parti d'opposition accuse une nouvelle fois le gouvernement de cacher des détails importants sur le contrat d'achat des chasseurs Rafale. New Delhi a acheté les avions français il y a deux ans, après de longues années de négociation, mais pour cet opposant, le prix payé est bien trop élevé et il soupçonne le gouvernement de malversations.
Publicité Lire la suite
Avec notre correspondant à New Delhi, Sébastien Farcis
« Le Premier ministre grimace quand je lui demande le prix des Rafale, et refuse de me regarder dans les yeux ».
Our Defence Minister said she would, but now she won’t.
She flip flops between “it’s-not-a-secret” & “it’s-a-BIG-secret”.
The PM squirms when asked about the price of RAFALE and refuses to look me in the eye.
Sure smells like a scam. #RAFALEscam Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) 22 juillet 2018
Rahul Gandhi le soutient dans ce tweet, et il accuse le gouvernement de cacher des détails encombrants sur l'achat des chasseurs français.
Vendredi, devant l'Assemblée nationale, le dirigeant du parti du Congrès, première formation de l'opposition, a déjà accusé le Premier ministre de favoritisme, car il aurait octroyé une partie de la fabrication des avions à une entreprise amie. Et, selon lui, cela aurait fait tripler le coût de la transaction.
Depuis, le ministère indien de la Défense et même le gouvernement français ont insisté sur le fait qu'ils étaient tenus par les clauses secrètes du contrat des Rafale. Mais Rahul Gandhi nie l'existence de telles clauses et soutient que New Delhi essaie d'étouffer un scandale de corruption. Il n'y a pas de doute : les législatives se tiennent dans neuf mois, et la campagne a bien commencé.
→(Re)lire: Vente de Rafale: contrat signé entre la France et l'Inde
NewsletterRecevez toute l'actualité internationale directement dans votre boite mail Je m'abonne | 577 |
decisions have ramifications for a far broader group of stakeholders.
International Trade
It is easy to overlook the role of trade in domestic copyright law, but with the renegotiation of NAFTA and the possible renewal of the TPP talks, substantive copyright policy may be determined as much in Washington and Tokyo as in Ottawa. For Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland and Minister of International Trade François-Philippe Champagne, that means ensuring that Canadian copyright interests do not get lost amid the myriad of issues up for discussion.
The TPP includes a requirement to extend the term of copyright in Canada from the current life of the author plus 50 years to life plus 70 years. Term extension has long been opposed by Canadian officials, who point to the fact that life plus 50 years meets the international treaty standard found in the Berne Convention. They also point to evidence that an extension does little to incentivize new creativity, but leaves Canadians with two decades of no new works entering the public domain. In other words, in a policy world in which copyright strives to balance creativity and access, term extension restricts access but does not enhance creativity.
Trade talks may also yield pressure to increase the criminalization of copyright with extended penalties around Canada’s digital lock rules. In 2012, Canada implemented some of the world’s most restrictive measures, under enormous pressure from the US. Yet, despite the 2012 reforms, the new trade talks might lead to demands that Canada make further changes to the digital lock provisions. Including further restrictions in a trade agreement would limit the ability to adjust the rules, resulting in loss of the flexibility found in international treaties that have been adopted by some of Canada’s trading partners.
Canada has long viewed criminal provisions in copyright as the exception rather than the rule. As the department embarks on new trade negotiations that could trump domestic reforms, staying committed to those principles, and the necessity of policies tailored to the needs of Canadians, is essential.
Copyright reform has long been the source of divisive debate, reflecting the myriad stakeholder perspectives that often view policy-making as a zero-sum exercise. The 2012 reform process was lengthy, but the detailed studies and meaningful opportunities for public participation resulted in a legislative package that has fared well over the past five years. The upcoming review should serve as a benchmarking exercise by taking stock of what is working and where there is room for improvement. That includes modest reforms that could help creators get paid by addressing ongoing frustrations with the Copyright Board, assuaging consumer concerns by removing the threat of inappropriate payment demands stemming from the notice-and-notice system, supporting the government’s innovation agenda by implementing a fair use provision, and retaining flexibility for made-in-Canada copyright solutions at the trade negotiation table.
This article is part of the Reviewing Canadian Copyright Policy special feature.
Photo: : Shutterstock
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 578 |
Following a chorus of outrage, Premier Doug Ford is offering an olive branch to Franco-Ontarians, the provincial government announced in a statement released late on Friday afternoon. The controversy erupted when the government announced in an economic update on Nov. 15 that it was cutting the position of the French language services commissioner, an officer of the legislature, and merging the role into the office of an existing ombudsman. The government also announced cancellation of plans for a new French-language university. Franco-Ontarians responded with fury, including a member of his own caucus, Amanda Simard, who noted in a message on her Facebook page that she was "upset" and pushing the government to reverse the decisions.
The premier backtracked partially Friday, offering to amend proposed legislation after days of criticism that spread to the House of Commons where the governing Liberals, led by the minister responsible for official languages, Mélanie Joly, taunted the Opposition Conservatives, urging them to join the federal government in denouncing Ford's actions. 7 jours depuis le #JeudiNoir et toujours en attente que les Conservateurs dénoncent le gouvernement Ford. Entre temps, la résistance s'organise. #onfr
7 days and still waiting for the Conservatives to denounce the Ford government. Meanwhile, the resistance is organizing. pic.twitter.com/hEWPNdbYQD — Mélanie Joly (@melaniejoly) November 23, 2018 One of the changes would allow the commissioner to keep their title under the ombudsman's office and "maintain independence in conducting investigations" as well as to make recommendations to improve French language services in the province. Ford also proposes to create a new Ministry of Francophone Affairs that would be led by Justice Minister Caroline Mulroney, and to hire a senior policy advisor in his own office with responsibility for francophone affairs.
"I want to thank my all-star minister, Caroline Mulroney, for her advocacy and all the people who reached out to my office, and to me directly, to share examples about the contributions of the Franco-Ontarian community in our province," Ford said in the news release. "They're fighters. They're part of the history of Ontario. They continue to work hard for generations to promote and preserve their beautiful culture and language in our province." But the government is not reversing its decision to cancel plans for the French language university, saying that it cannot afford to do so. "I am looking forward to the day where we are in a financial position to proceed with projects like the French language university — projects that serve to unify our community and preserve our language and culture," Mulroney said in the same statement. There are more than 600,000 Franco-Ontarians in the province of about 14 million people. "I will continue to be a tireless advocate for the university, by and for francophones, so that when we are in a position to proceed with the build, we will be ready to go," Mulroney added. "While the fiscal realities of our province's finances prohibit a new standalone French Language University right now, I will continue to support models of education that meet the needs of francophone students and the francophone community." | 579 |
Na širem gradskom području Dubrovnika jutros je počela operativna policijska akcija Fortis radi sprečavanja nedozvoljene trgovine opojnim drogama. Na više lokacija, a kako neslužbeno doznajemo, posebno na Nuncijati, Babinu kuku i Čajkovićima, od ranih jutarnih sati traje pretraga više stambenih objekata u kojima stanuju ili su vlasništvo osoba za koje se osnovano sumnja da sudjeluju u zabranjenoj trgovini narkoticima u Dubrovniku i na jugu Hrvatske.
Nakon višemjesečnog praćenja i provjera, te jutros obavljenih pretraga i pronađenih većih količina marihuane i speeda, te više digitalnih vaga i pizzeva već pripremljenih za preprodaju, policija je dosad privela tri osumnjičene osobe. Neslužbeno doznajemo kako se očekuje da će se u sklopu ove akcije, tijekom dana u sjedište dubrovačke PU, u Villa Palmu na operativnu kriminalističku istragu privesti ukupno desetak osumnjičenih.
Važno je naglasiti kako je i ovu operativnu akciju u cijelosti, kao i sve prethodne, inicirala i realizirala Policijska uprava dubrovačko- neretvanska.
Prisjetimo se i operativnih akcija Gladius 1, Gladius 2 ili Gladius 3, kada je dubrovačka PU u međunarodnim koordiniranim policijskim akcijama uhićeno više osoba koje su sudjelovale u prekograničnom švercu opojnih droga, posebno kokaina, marihuane i amfetamina. Stoga, svaka čast našoj policiji na upornoj borbi protiv narkotika kao pošasti suvremenog doba.
Saslušanja privedenih su upravo u tijeku, a o imenima uhićenih osumnjičenika te količinama oduzetih narkotika uskoro detaljnije.
| 580 |
Several people have been stabbed at the Place de l'Opéra in central Paris, with police confirming the attacker has been neutralized. Footage from the scene shows people running in panic and a body covered in blood.
Paris police have confirmed that the assailant has been killed. They said five people were injured in the attack, two of them critically, and one victim died.
The attack took place in the heart of the city, in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris.
DERNIÈRE MINUTE : Attaque au couteau dans le 2ème arrondissement de Paris (secteur proche métro Quatre Septembre).Plusieurs victimes. pic.twitter.com/Di3NoGkual — Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) May 12, 2018
Video footage shared by local journalist on the scene, Remy Buisine, shows several emergency vehicles crowding a laneway where the attack took place.
I was in a restaurant rue saint Augustin in the 2eme arrondissement, crowd panic, blood, a guy with a knife in the streets and people screaming, avoid the area if you can 🙏🏼 #Paris — Fiona Zanetti (@FionaZanetti) May 12, 2018
Disturbing footage purportedly filmed from the window of Hotel Louvre Marsollier on Rue Marsollier, where the attack took place, was posted by Carol Drummond on Twitter. It showed people running through the streets in a panic, as a body lays on a crosswalk in the street. Drummond has since deleted the video.
“I welcome the cool response of the police,”tweeted French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb. “My thoughts are with the victims of this heinous act”
Police yet have to identify the motive of the attacker and determine whether the attack was linked to terrorism. A spate of attacks has rocked Paris in recent years, including the November 2015 attacks perpetrated by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants that left over 130 people dead.
READ MORE: French authorities investigating Paris stabbing as terrorism
Several media outlets, citing witnesses, reported that the assailant shouted “Allahu Akbar” ("God is great" in Arabic) as he attempted to charge at the diners in one of the restaurants at the scene. One witness, identified only as Fiona, told the Independent that the visitors of a local restaurant barricaded themselves inside against the rampaging attacker.
"Some guys including my friend blocked the door in case he would try to enter," Fiona told the newspaper.
Jonathan, a waiter at a restaurant near the Opera House told Europe 1 that the assailant was acting like he was “crazy or drugged.” The station also reported, citing sources, that the attacker appeared to shout “Allahu Akbar.”
Jérémie Pham-Lê, a journalist at Le Parisien, reported, citing a police source, that the man was goading police into using lethal force on him, shouting “kill me or I kill you,” as law enforcers arrived. | 581 |
Multiple reports out of Brazil, indicate that FC Dallas have made an offer for a Brazilian left back:
Lateral Marquinhos Pedroso negociado com o FC Dallas (EUA). Figueirense ainda ficará com 20% dos direitos federativos. Bom para todos. Pedroso já atuou na Turquia e na Hungria.
Fotos de Rodrigo Polidoro/Mix Mídia pic.twitter.com/wd2H854oOE — Polidoro Júnior (@PolidoroJunior) June 28, 2018
Lateral Marquinhos Pedroso irá atuar no FC Dallas (EUA). Depois de jogar por empréstimo na Turquia e Hungria, transferência agora é em definitivo. Figueirense permanece com 20% dos direitos econômicos para futuras transações. Clube não revela os valores envolvidos. — José H. Koltermann (@JoseKoltermann) June 28, 2018
INFORMAÇÃO:Figueirense negociou Marquinhos Pedroso.Vai para o @FCDallas. Foi destaque na Hungria, pelo Ferencváros.Vai aliviar caixa do clube.Figueirense ainda mantém 20% para negociação futura.Negociação intermediada pelos irmãos Nassif(Maurício e Daniel)e Rodrigo Darosci — Rodrigo Faraco (@RodrigoFaraco) June 28, 2018
The player involved is Marquinhos Pedroso, a 24-year old left back. He is coming off a breakout season with Hungarian club Ferencvaros (2nd place in Hungary) where he saw action in 23 matches, and finished with eight assists.
Pedroso was in Hungary on loan, as he is under contract with Brazilian Division 2 club Figueirence. The rumors do not list the transfer fee, but all say that Figueirence will retain 20% of his rights.
Marquinhos is an attacking fullback, who is still improving:
In an interesting follow up to the current rumor, apparently his former club will only retain 5% of his rights, and the other 15% of his rights belongs to a Chinese company:
Figueirense tem 5% dos 20%... a “bufunfa” vai para o ELEPHANT S/A.
Verdadeiro negócio da China, não colocou um centavo no “negócio” e vem “girando o caixa” com os ativos do falecido time da árvore! — Thibóto Oz Bhágo (@OzBhago) June 28, 2018
What do you all make of this possible replacement? Let us know below. | 582 |
While you couldn’t blame Insane Clown Posse, for they’ve never had much discernment or even cared to produce anything of quality, this time Jack White can be accused for adding his contribution to one of the most useless releases in the recent history of music.
Yes, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope are collaborating with half of the White Stripes, every mother’s favorite son-in-law, Jack White. Not only the song sounds like a bad joke and it’s filled with ICP’s characteristic 2nd grade toilet humor, but it’s also paraphrasing a Mozart composition dating back to 1782. And Jack’s actual contribution to the song is simply a guitar riff that could be played by someone who just picked up the instrument a couple of weeks before.
Insane Clown Posse – Leck Mich Im Arsch by Third Man Records
But the best part is that Mozart’s canon for three voices that they’re covering is called “Leck mir den Arsch fein recht schön sauber”, which means “Lick my ass right well and clean”. Yes, it appears that Mozart had an entire catalogue of scatological compositions in the late 18th century, as hard it is to believe. Although, there still are disputes whether they’re actually his or they actually belong to a Czech composer from the same period, Wenzel Trnka.
Leck mire den A… recht schon,
fein sauber lecke ihn,
fein sauber lecke, leck mire den A…
Das ist ein fettigs Begehren,
nur gut mit Butter geschmiert,
den das Lecken der Braten mein tagliches Thun.
Drei lecken mehr als Zweie,
nur her, machet die Prob’
und leckt, leckt, leckt.
Jeder leckt sein A… fur sich. Lick my ass nicely,
lick it nice and clean,
nice and clean, lick my ass.
That’s a greasy desire,
nicely buttered,
like the licking of roast meat, my daily activity.
Three will lick more than two,
come on, just try it,
and lick, lick, lick.
Everybody lick their ass for themselves.
the lyrics for Mozart’s composition, taken from Wikipedia
Jack White will probably go for the “no one was expecting this, it’s absurd, therefore funny” escape on this, but nevertheless, it constitutes a major flop in his musical career. He probably thinks if Mozart had canons about ass-licking, why wouldn’t he make an ass of himself too?
Photo from antiquiet.com | 583 |
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Wystaw swój przedmiot! Są już z nami aktorzy, muzycy, sportowcy, bloggerzy, a także Internauci. Ty też wspieraj Wielką Orkiestrę Świątecznej Pomocy! Wystaw aukcję, nagraj film i opublikuj go. Możesz udostępnić film w mediach społecznościowych i promować swoją aukcję, by jak najwięcej osób dowiedziało się o Twoim przedmiocie i wzięło udział w licytacji. Rzeczy od serca is supported by actors, musicians, athletes, bloggers and Internet users. You can also support the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity! Post an auction, record a video and upload it. You can share the video on social media and promote your auction so more people will find out about your gift and participate in the auction. Wysyłka przedmiotów W związku z dużą liczbą aukcji, termin doręczenia przedmiotu może wynieść nawet do 3 tygodni.
Za ewentualne opóźnienia z góry przepraszamy.
Ważne! W przypadku przedmiotów dużych, kruchych i trudnych do spakowania możliwy jest tylko odbiór osobisty (informacje na ten temat znajdziesz w opisie każdej z aukcji). Due to the large number of auctions, time of delivery can take up to 3 weeks. For any delays we apologize in advance. Important! Large, fragile and difficult to pack items can be only collect in person (information about personal collection can be found in the description of each auction). | 584 |
Graduation Party: Free #FoodAndDrinks &
A Chance to Win #FreePlaneTickets
Our Mission: Meet You - NB's Future Top Talent
Your Mission: Deliver Your Resume In Person
#Party #Networking #FoodAndDrinks #FreePlaneTickets
We are a startup company founded and based right here in NB and we want to celebrate you and your upcoming graduation.
What’s in it for you? Hang out with your friends, meet new friends, enjoy free food and drinks ‒ and have a chance to win a pair of free plane tickets anywhere in Canada or Mainland USA.
What’s in it for us? We get to meet New Brunswick’s future top talent and maybe find the next Genius to join our team.
Here are the details:
Who: New University and College graduates (and recent grads) are invited
What: Graduation party to celebrate and maybe win a pair of #FreePlaneTickets ‒ plus free food and drinks
When: May 5th, 2018 at 7pm
Where: 9th floor of Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown (1005 Main Street, Moncton)
Admission Fee: Your Resume
Dress Code: Dress your personal best ‒ there may be a photo booth somewhere
There is amazing talent right here in New Brunswick and we want to keep that talent close to home.
Nearly half of the available tickets are reserved already, so register now and then tell your friends.
We hope to see you there.
FÊTE DE GRADUATION!! : Nourriture et boisson gratuite!
Chances de gagner un #VolGratuit
Notre Mission: Vous rencontrer - Le talent et le futur du NB
Votre Mission: Livrer votre résumé en personne
#Fete #Resautage #NourritureEtBoissons #VolGratuit
Qui: Tous nouveaux et récents gradués de l’université et du collège sont invités
Quoi: Fête de graduation pour célébrer et peut-être gagner une paire de billets d’avion #VolGratuit ‒ en plus, des boissons et de la nourriture gratuite.
Quand: le 5 mai, 2018 à 19h
Où: 9ème étage, Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown (1005 rue Main, Moncton)
Coût d'admission: Votre résumé
Code vestimentaire: Habillez-vous à votre meilleur ‒ il pourrait avoir une photo booth!
RSVP: Inscrivez-vous maintenant à https://moncton-grad-party.eventbrite.ca/ | 585 |
psychology double major, as she approached Camacho’s cart last week. Liu said she remembers living in a Mexican community as a child and taking money from her mother’s purse so she and her brother could buy snacks from their local elotero.
With a large and increasing fan club comes busy schedules, as Camacho’s days often begin at 3 a.m. when he needs to pick up merchandise, ending at sundown when his day of selling is over.
On other days, he arrives in I.V. at around 3 p.m. and begins his route on Picasso Road at Children’s Park, making his way down Embarcadero del Norte and down Pardall Road, with a stop in front of Freebirds along the way. From there he goes to Abrego Road and circles back onto Picasso Road.
Camacho also created a Venmo account two years ago that allowed customers to buy from him without using cash. He has also made a Snapchat account with a Bitmoji character so customers can now locate him when he is in I.V. His username is “hijiniocamacho1.”
Camacho has also sold food in Los Angeles, Oxnard, Santa Barbara, Sacramento and Lompoc.
In these cities, Camacho has been stopped by the police and forced to surrender his money and merchandise, as well as been robbed by local gangs. He said street vendors like himself encounter these obstacles on a daily basis.
Recent news coverage of street vendors has made their struggles visible to the public, but it only shows a small amount of what really goes on, Camacho said.
The working conditions in the other cities pulled Camacho back to I.V. but he said even here he has faced issues with a local police officer.
“No es fácil andar en la calle [It’s not easy being on the streets],” Camacho said.
Despite the recent pause in selling on campus, Camacho said he hopes to stay in I.V. and continue to work with student organizations.
“Pienso quedarme aquí porque aquí es donde yo he visto que los estudiantes te tratan como tal y como tú eres y no te distinguen porque no seas una persona educada, porque no seas una persona civilizada,” Camacho said. “Ellos te tratan tal y como eres porque ellos si se están preparando.”
“Now that I’ve arrived for a second time, I’m thinking of staying here because here is where I have seen that the students treat you just like you are and don’t judge you because you’re not an educated person, because you’re not a civilized person,” Camacho said. “They treat you just as you are because they are preparing themselves [for their futures].”
A version of this article appeared on page one of the October 19, 2017, print edition of the Daily Nexus.
Print | 586 |
Senate Majority Leader Vicente “Tito” Sotto III believes that the chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) did not violate Philippine law when he accepted travel perks from boxing champion and Senator Emmanuel “Manny” Pacquiao.
Sotto said he asked some lawyers and even a judge, who had told him that the Philippines has no jurisdiction over the possible offense committed by PNP chief Director General Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa, who admitted that his Las Vegas trip last November 6 was shouldered by the senator.
The Office of the Ombudsman has ordered an investigation into the propriety of Dela Rosa’s trip.
“Judge nga ang pinagtanungan ko e. Ang krimen ginawa sa Las Vegas (I asked a judge. The alleged crime was committed in Las Vegas)…” Sotto said in an interview on Tuesday.
Told about the issue of propriety being raised against Dela Rosa, the senator said this could be raised easily against anyone.
“Kagaya ko madalas akong maimbitahan, ang nagbabayad ng kinakain ko ay yung nagimbita. Ang ibig sabihin ba magprisinta ako na ako na magbayad kasi senador ako baka ma-charge ako? Katulad nun, inimbitahan ni Sen Pacquiao si Dela Rosa,” he said.
(I’m frequently invited as well, those who invited me pay for my expenses. Does that mean that if I offer to pay for it because I’m a senator, I might be charged? Just like Sen Pacquiao has invited Dela Rosa.)
“Pero ang issue dun is hindi dito nangyari. Yun ang aking punto. Tanungin nyo yung mga abogado (But the issue is it did not happen in the Philippines. That’s my point. Ask the lawyers).”
Sotto reiterated that any person charged with any wrongdoing could be held liable only in a country where the offense was committed.
“Ganun ang batas. Hindi mo dito sa Pilipinas ginawa yung krimen, hindi ka mananagot dito. Doon ka mananagot sa pinaggawan mo ng krimen, kung krimen yung ginawa mo (That’s the law. You didn’t commit the crime here in the Philippines, you won’t be held liable here. You would be held liable in the country where you committed the crime, if it’s really a crime),” he further said
The senator cited as example public officials in the Philippines who are barred from playing in casinos within the country.
But the moment the public officials step out of the country, Sotto said, they could play in any casinos as they are no longer covered by the Philippine law. RAM/rga
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HTML <a href="https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/fungus-map-sg-for-hivemc/" title="[FUNGUS] ~ Map SG for HiveMC~ Minecraft Map"><br /><img src="https://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1533/flowzrenderp9264248_thumb.jpg" alt="[FUNGUS] ~ Map SG for HiveMC~" border="0"/><br/>[FUNGUS] ~ Map SG for HiveMC~</a> by <a href="https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/rebirth/" title="Rebirth Profile">Rebirth</a>
URL https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/fungus-map-sg-for-hivemc/
1949937 Rebirth
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Hi, the Rebirth building Team is proud to present you our latest creation, FUNGUS, a SG map build for HiveMC.
This is a fanciful map, full of colors which will give the impression of being small. The goal was create a wonderful and practical map for the pvp.
Hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to give a diamond, comment, fav or subscribe. See you soon for another project :)
Salut, la Team Rebirth est fière de vous présenter notre dernière création, FUNGUS, une map SG construit pour HiveMC.
C'est une map fantaisiste, pleine de couleurs qui vous donnera l'impression d'être minuscule. Le but était de créer une map belle et pratique pour le pvp.
Nous ésperons que cette map vous a plu, n'hésitez pas à ajouter un diamand, commenter, fav et à vous abonner. A bientôt pour un nouveau projet ;)
Progress 100% complete Tags | 588 |
(English version below)
Für das Blog Störungsmelder arbeiten mehr als 50 ehrenamtliche, freie Autoren, die wir sorgfältig auswählen und deren Beiträge im Störungsmelder-Blog wir vor Veröffentlichung überprüfen.
Wir wurden darauf hingewiesen, dass zwei dieser ehrenamtlichen Autoren, die in der Vergangenheit für den Störungsmelder berichtet haben, im Rahmen von #g20 unethisches Verhalten auf ihren privaten Social-Media-Accounts vorgeworfen wird. Sollten sich diese Vorwürfe bewahrheiten, verurteilen wir dieses Verhalten scharf und distanzieren uns davon. Es lässt sich mit einer weiteren Mitarbeit beim Störungsmelder nicht vereinbaren.
Was der Störungsmelder ist und wie wir arbeiten, steht hier.
Nachtrag vom 10. Juli: Beide ehrenamtlichen Autoren waren während G20 nicht im Auftrag des Störungsmelders aktiv. Wir haben aber versucht, die Vorfälle gemeinsam mit ihnen zu rekonstruieren. Die Verharmlosung oder Rechtfertigung von Gewalt ist nicht mit einer Mitarbeit beim Störungsmelder vereinbar. Wir werden daher mit beiden Autoren in Zukunft nicht mehr zusammenarbeiten.
A Note to Our Readers
For our blog Störungsmelder (“Malfunction Indicator”), we work together with more than 50 volunteers who are carefully chosen by us and whose posts in the Störungsmelder blog are reviewed prior to publication.
We have been informed that two of these volunteer writers, who have written entries for Störungsmelder in the past, have been accused of unethical behavior on their private social media accounts in the context of the #g20 summit. If these accusations are confirmed, then we will sharply condemn and dissociate ourselves from such behavior and no longer work together with these writers on the Störungsmelder blog.
You can read more about Störungsmelder and our working procedures here.
Follow-Up July 10: The two volunteer writers in question were not assigned to contribute to the Störungsmelder blog during the G-20 summit. We have nevertheless attempted to retrace and reconstruct events together with them. The trivialization and justification of violence is incompatible with contributing to the Störungsmelder blog. We will no longer work with the two writers in the future.
| 589 |
Italian / Italiano:
"I maghi curatori non possono combattere da soli." Keyaru, che era legato a questa conoscenza comune, fu sfruttato più e più volte dagli altri.
Ma un giorno notò cosa c'era oltre la guarigione della magia e si convinse che il mago guaritore fosse la classe più forte. Tuttavia, quando ne realizzò il potenziale, fu privato di tutto. Così, usando la magia curativa sul mondo stesso, è tornato indietro di quattro anni, determinato a ricominciare tutto da capo.
Polish / Polski:
"Uzdrowiciele nie mogą walczyć w pojedynkę."
Keare, który wiedział o tym aż za dobrze, był raz po raz wykorzystywany przez innych.
Ale pewnego dnia odkrywa coś, co kryje się poza magią uzdrowienia, i zyskuje pewność, że uzdrowiciel to najpotężniejsza z klas maga. Jednakże zanim zdał sobie sprawę z jej potencjału, został już pozbawiony wszystkiego, co miał. Dlatego właśnie użył magii uzdrowienia na samym świecie, by cofnąć się w czasie o cztery lata, postanawiając, że zacznie wszystko od nowa.
Oto heroiczna opowieść o pewnym uzdrowicielu, który stał się najsilniejszym dzięki wykorzystaniu wiedzy z dawnego życia i magii uzdrawiania.
"Healing magicians cannot fight alone."Keare, who was bound by this common knowledge, was exploited again and again by others.But one day, he noticed what lay beyond healing magic, and was convinced that a healing magician was the strongest class. However, by the time he realized that potential, he was deprived of everything. Thus, he used healing magic on the world itself to go back four years, deciding to redo everything.This is a heroic tale of one healing magician who became the strongest by using knowledge from his past life and healing magic.Serialised in Young Ace UP. | 590 |
A group of Venezuelan anti-government dissidents successfully hacked into the websites of nine of the country’s foreign embassies on Thursday.
The hackers, who have not been identified, successfully breached the web pages of the embassies of Mexico, Russia, Uruguay, and Argentina, where they posted messages of support of interim President Juan Guaidó. While Guaidó is constitutionally president of Venezuela, dictator Nicolás Maduro still controls the military and most diplomatic outposts, refusing to vacate the presidential palace.
In a messaged described as an “Official Statement” by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the hackers wrote:
Responding to the calls from governments – including the Russian Federation, Mexico, and Uruguay – and recognizing our obligation to defend the rights of the Venezuelan people, officials from this diplomatic mission and delegates for the Republic of Venezuela, today on February 7 express our support for a period of transition that leads to dialogue, the re-establishment of democracy, and the delivery of humanitarian aid to our citizens that, in this case, with the support of the international community should be led by the National Assembly.
En las páginas de las embajadas de Venezuela en México, Rusia, Brasil y Argentina aparecieron "comunicados oficiales" a favor de Juan Guaidó. Ya en las cuentas de algunas de ellas han denunciado hackeo pic.twitter.com/vEHIpZSOcG — Dayimar Ayala Altuve (@Dayidayi) February 7, 2019
Embassies in Russia, Mexico, and Uruguay appeared to have been targeted for their government’s continued support for the Maduro regime. In another message posted on the Venezuelan Embassy in Argentina’s website, hackers also declared their support for Guaidó.
“Venezuelan Compatriots, I, Juan Jose Valero, Charge d’Affaires in the Republic of Argentina, today in response to the decisions of other Venezuelan diplomats in the region, recognize the National Assembly as the only legitimate body of our Republic of Venezuela and its president Juan Guaidó,” the website read.
Following the hackings, diplomats at the various embassies scrambled to put out messages reiterating their support for the Maduro regime.
“Our diplomatic team affirms its absolute loyalty to President Nicolás Maduro and its rejection of these illegal actions that only express the lack of support for the new Imperial onslaught we will win,” read a tweet from the Venezuelan Embassy in Argentina, adding that opponents of the regime “seek to continue the attacks on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, boycotting diplomatic services to citizens outside the country.”
Similar hackings against the Maduro regime have taken place in the past. In 2017, a group calling themselves “The Binary Guardians” successfully hacked into the websites of the Venezuelan government, the National Electoral Council, and the Venezuelan navy. Once inside, they posted messages of support for a group of military dissidents after they attacked a military base in the central city of Valencia.
Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at [email protected]. | 591 |
very low fuel consumption and long endurance.
What is GFRP and CFRP?
glass and carbon fiber reinforced plastic, using epoxy resins as a matrix. Aramid fibers have been used as well. Hand laminating of fabrics as well as prepreg curing of UD-layers as been applied. Intermediate modulus carbon fibers and a low pressure low temp cure resin prepreg were used for the Vélair89 spar.
At the Interlaken Human Power Festival August 1999.
26 January: presentation to VDI-Verein Ulm: "Fliegen wie ein Mensch"
16 March: presentation to SAMPE (Society for the advancement of materials and process engineering) /University of Stuttgart: "Fliegen wie ein Mensch"
Vélair on Discovery Channel: "Extreme maschines" (Pioneer Productions)
on Discovery Channel: "Extreme maschines" (Pioneer Productions) Vélair at ARD Tigerentenclub: May (including some short snapshots about Pelargos 3 and the very first flight Vélair 88 )
at ARD Tigerentenclub: May (including some short snapshots about and the very first flight ) Spokes Festival in Leicester /UK: 28...31 July ( Airglow HPA will be on display)
HPA will be on display) Fahrradausstellung in Nürnberg Fall 2000 (perhaps with flight demo). Whether flights will be possible depends on time on hand for the preparation, same procedure as last year. This will be posted here in time.
12 August: Sorry, no demo flights in Nürnberg, there will be no event on an airfield.
Fliegen mit 225 Watt. Muskelkraftflugzeuge und Anwendungen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft und Raumfahrttechnik, Oktober 1990, Bonn.
Human powered aircraft, the limits of light weight construction: OSTIV symposium Wiener Neustadt 1989.
The human powered aircraft Vélair: design details and result of structural, prop and flight tests. AIAA International human powered flight symposium August 1994, Seattle Washington, USA.
design details and result of structural, prop and flight tests. AIAA International human powered flight symposium August 1994, Seattle Washington, USA. Human powered flight as a sport. Symposium at the Royal Aeronautical Society January 1996.
Design of aircraft with minimum required power. Stuttgart 1990.
Technological spin off from human powered to high altitude long endurance aircraft. The Royal Aeronautical Society, London January 1999.
Keith Sherwin: Man powered flight. Model & Allied publications Argus Books ltd, Kings Langley UK, 1971.
Morton Grosser: The gossamer Odyssey. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston USA, 1981.
Gary Dorsey: The Fullness of Wings. Viking Pinguin, New York USA, 1990.
My flight experience with HPA's: | 592 |
consulter l’état de 2014 de cette liste à l’adresse suivante : https://blogs.mediapart.fr/brigitte-pascall/blog/210414/liste-des-economistes-favorables-une-sortie-de-leuro
[39] IMF, 2016 External Sector Report, 18 juillet 2016, op.cit..
[40] Goodhart C. et B. Hofmann (2004), « Deflation, credit and asset prices », In Burdekin R. C. K. & P. L. Siklos, (eds.), Deflation – Current and Historical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.
[41] Eschenburg, T. (1972), « The Role of the Personality in the Crisis of the Weimar Republic: Hindenburg, Brüning, Groener, Schleicher », in Holborn H., Republic to Reich The Making of the Nazi Revolution, New York: Pantheon Books, pp. 3–50.
[42] Greenwald B.C. et J.E. Stiglitz, (1989), “Toward a Theory of Rigidities” in American Economic Review, vol. 79, n°2, 1989, Papers and Proceedings, pp. 364-369. J.E. Stiglitz, (1989), “Toward a general Theory of Wage and Price Rigidities and Economic Fluctuations” in American Economic Review, vol. 79, 1989, Papers and Proceedings, pp. 75-80
[43] Garner, B. A. (2001). A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, Oxford University Press, p. 526.
[44] Reinhart C. et K. Rogoff, Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten, IMF/FMI Working paper, Washington DC, 2013.
[45] Sapir J., Les scénarii de dissolution de l’Euro, (avec P. Murer et C. Durand), Fondation ResPublica, Paris, septembre 2013.
[46] http://www.european-solidarity.eu/
Source : Russeurope, Jacques Sapir, 04-11-2016
Nous vous proposons cet article afin d'élargir votre champ de réflexion. Cela ne signifie pas forcément que nous approuvions la vision développée ici. Dans tous les cas, notre responsabilité s'arrête aux propos que nous reportons ici. [Lire plus]Nous ne sommes nullement engagés par les propos que l'auteur aurait pu tenir par ailleurs - et encore moins par ceux qu'il pourrait tenir dans le futur. Merci cependant de nous signaler par le formulaire de contact toute information concernant l'auteur qui pourrait nuire à sa réputation. | 593 |
�s biggest mobile tradeshow, Mobile World Congress, is likely concentrating local politicians’ minds. The event takes place in Barcelona in just under a month’s time, and in recent years it’s been a strategic ratchet for taxi associations to amp up the pressure of threats to ‘paralyze the city’.
This month the VTC sector has also taken to Barcelona’s streets, albeit to protest a little more quietly. Drivers parked their vehicles along a major road in protest at the proposed changes and some demonstrated outside parliament.
In a tweet in the last few hours following the announcement of today’s decree, the Unauto VTC association claims the sector will have no option but to quit Barcelona, saying it puts 1,000 drivers out of work.
Tras el decretazo no hay opción de seguir en Barcelona: las empresas de VTC plantean un ERE para 1.000 empleados. #VTC #HuelgaDeTaxis #Barcelona #Movilidad
https://t.co/xsDIRJUMoT — UNAUTO VTC (@unautovtc) January 29, 2019
Early reaction from the taxi industry to the government decree is jubilant — with one of the main associations campaigning for tighter regulation on the VTC sector, Elite Taxi BCN, tweeting a government response which gives short shrift to the VTC sector’s claim the changes mean the instant sack for thousands of VTC drivers.
In the cited quotation, the government also dubs the decree “proportionate and competitive”.
“We will not yield to the blackmail of the street nor the blackmail of the offices,” it adds.
The taxi industry’s campaign has also focused on criticising working conditions for drivers in the VTC sector, and claiming multinational companies like Uber offer only precarious work, rather than sustainable employment.
And there is certainly a large chunk of irony in a sector that contains gig economy platform giants trying to argue tighter controls will make its drivers ‘unemployed’ (when Uber, for example, classifies drivers as self-employed contractors, never employees… ).
If Uber does pull out of Barcelona it won’t be the first time either.
The company only relaunched a service in Barcelona last March after its original p2p (non-professional driver) play was forced out in late 2014, following legal challenges driven by the taxi sector.
For the relaunch Uber bought its way in by paying to obtain VTC licenses from existing operator/s. It’s unclear how many Uber drivers operate in the city but Barcelona remains very well served by affordable and accessible public transport options — in addition to plentiful taxis.
Taxi associations in Madrid have also been striking in protest at VTCs this month, bringing a major road in the Spanish capital to a standstill, per this Reuters report.
There taxi drivers want the government to uphold a ratio of 1 VTC per 30 taxis as a matter of urgency, rather than giving VTC companies four years to comply with the regulation, as it said it would last fall. | 594 |
German V Tutorial: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar
Zu with Infinitives in German
Buy German Language Tutorial as a PDF e-book! German Language Tutorial includes a vocabulary and grammar review of the German language, with German realia photos taken in Germany and Austria so you can see how the language is used in real life. The PDF e-book and 127 mp3s recorded by two native speakers (most of which are not online) are available for immediate download with FREE lifetime updates. Thank you for supporting ielanguages.com! Download the first ten pages of German Language Tutorial (including the table of contents).
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Zu with Infinitives
Infinitives are usually preceded by zu (except when modals are used) when they act as complements of verbs, adjectives or nouns. Zu + infinitive is always the last element in a sentence. If a separable prefix is used in the infinitive, the zu is inserted between the prefix and the stem.
Hast du Lust, den Dom zu besichtigen? Do you feel like visiting the cathedral?
Es dauert lange, durch die Stadt zu fahren. It takes a long time to drive through the city.
Es ist zu früh um aufzustehen. It is too early to get up.
Um, ohne and anstatt can be used with zu as well. They introduce infinitival clauses. Um.. zu is used to indicate purpose, while ohne...zu and anstatt...zu are used with infinitives, and translated as present participles in English. (Um...zu must be used instead of just zu when the English equivalent "in order to" can be used sensibly.)
Er kam, um das Buch abzuholen. He came in order to pick up the book.
Sie sagte es, ohne mich anzusehen. She said it, without looking at me.
Statt hier zu sitzen, sollten wir ihn suchen. Instead of sitting here, we should look for him.
Sein + zu + an infinitive is used the same way in English and German, but the construction is far more common in German.
Das ist nicht zu machen. That can't be done.
Das ist in jedem Laden zu finden. That can be found in any store.
The verbs brauchen (to need) and scheinen (to seem, appear) are often used with zu + an infinitive. Brauchen in the negative is usually translated as to not have to, and is the opposite of müssen.
Es scheint kaputt zu sein. It seems to be broken.
Ich brauche heute nicht zu arbeiten. I don't have to work today. | 595 |
Paris police reported a fire Friday near the Gare de Lyon train station, which was partially evacuated amid violent protests against a Congolese singer due to give a concert nearby.
"Avoid the area and allow the emergency services to intervene," the police said on Twitter, adding later the fire had been brought under control and was "being extinguished."
Police said they had intervened to stop protesters who set alight garbage bins and scooters, releasing a thick, black smoke cloud over the city centre.
The police on Twitter reported "unacceptable violence by people who have violated the ban on protesting on the sidelines of a concert".
It posted a video of what it said was "scandalous behaviour" by protesters shown wielding large roadworks barriers to prevent firefighters from getting to the blaze.
The SCNF train service operator said the underground section of the Gare de Lyon was evacuated as a precautionary measure. Train traffic was severely disrupted.
Outside the station, AFP witnessed a dozen firetrucks at work amid the smouldering wrecks of about 30 vehicles, mainly scooters.
Police had banned any protests around the AccorHotels Arena in Paris, not far from the station, where Congolese artist Fally Ipupa was to give a concert.
Congolese expats regularly speak out against artists from home who perform in France or Belgium, accusing them of being close to former DR Congo president Joseph Kabila and his successor Felix Tshisekedi.
Outside the arena, Ipupa backers and Congolese opposition faced off, exchanging insults. Twenty-three arrests were made.
"With their music, they (the Congolese government) are bringing an entire people to their side while they slaughter and rape women and children," opponent Willy Dendebe told AFP at the scene.
"I have been here (in France) for 30 years because of them! Thirty years and we let them be here in France as if nothing has happened. So yes, we are angry!"
Lwangi Bienvenu, a fan who travelled from Belgium for the concert, observed the chaos from his hotel near the Gare de Lyon.
"It's a shame. He's Congolese, we should all be behind him," Bienvenu said of the singer. "People will talk about the bad inside us. They put people in danger and they will now surely cancel the concert."
A 2017 concert by Ipupa was cancelled by police citing risks for "serious disturbances to the public order."
Several videos and photos shared on social media show widespread smoke cover and substantial fires.
#AHORA 🚨 Gran incendio en la Gare de Lyon de #París provocado por un grupo de manifestantes.
NOTICIA EN DESARROLLOpic.twitter.com/94fTXm0ZNS — eSPAINews (@eSPAINews) February 28, 2020
This video shows the masses of smoke caused by the fires.
Firefighters attacked
Another video shows firefighters being attacked and stopped from carrying out their duties.
Article will be updated as information becomes available. | 596 |
1,800,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium beside reactor4 / Facing the sea outside of plant port by Mochizuki September 12, 2013
Related to this article..9,500,000 Bq/m3 of all β near Reactor1 turbine building / Not direct leakage of coolant water? [URL]
According to Tepco, they also measured high level of Tritium in the observation boring beside reactor4 turbine building.
The reading was 1,800,000 Bq/m3. The sampling location was the South East side of reactor4 turbine building.
Because reactor4 vessel is empty, they don’t give coolant water to reactor4.
The detected Tritium may be from the contaminated groundwater coming from other reactors, however, the sampling boring is facing the sea outside of the plant port. The detected Tritium is highly likely to be flowing to the sea.
You can ignore the truth but the truth won’t ignore you.
Français :
1,8 millions de Bq/m³ de tritium à côté du réacteur 4 / en face de la mer en dehors du port de la centrale
Article lié : 9,5 millions de Bq/m³ en β près du bâtiment de la turbine du réacteur 1 / Fuite directe des eaux de refroidissement?
Selon Tepco, ils ont aussi relevé une haute radioactivité en tritium dans le trou d’observation à côté du bâtiment de la turbine du réacteur 4.
Le relevé est de 1 800 000 Bq/m³. L’échantillonnage a été fait sur le côté sud-est du bâtiment de la turbine du réacteur 4.
Ils ne mettent pas d’eau de refroidissement dans le réacteur 4 parce que l’enceinte du réacteur 4 est vide.
Le tritium relevé peut provenir des eaux souterraines extrêmement radioactives des autres réacteurs, néanmoins, le trou d’échantillonnage est en face de la mer en dehors du port de la centrale. Le tritium détecté va certainement partir à la mer.
Vous pouvez ignorer la vérité mais la vérité ne vous ignorera pas. | 597 |
I’ve been very out of Tumblr lately because WORK, but I’ve just seen this maravilla crossing my tl and I wanted to add something I noticed a few weeks ago, about Imelda and the version of La Llorona they chose for the movie.
As you all probably know by now (if you’re not Mexican; because if you are, you surely knew it since the beginning XD), there are many different versions of La Llorona. Lyrics can vary a lot from one to another, though it always talks about this llorona and about love/lost love, melancholy, longing, etc. But the version Imelda sings in Coco is very revealing. We’re used to talk about the “y aunque la vida me cueste, no dejaré de quererte” verse, but there’s more. If you know the extended version from the OST, there’s a second part that wasn’t showed in the movie. Its lyrics:
La pena y la que no es pena, llorona,
todo es pena para mí (x2)
Ayer lloraba por verte, llorona,
hoy lloro porque te vi (x2)
“Pena” in Spanish can be translated in many ways: pain, sorrow, sadness, heartache. What that first verse means is that everything, whether it’s something sad or not, feels sad/painful to the person who sings. The whole life is pure sadness, even those things that should be happy. The second verse can be translate as: yesterday, I cried to see you (I cried of longing), and today I cry because I saw you. Which means that both things (being apart or seeing each other) are equally painful, too.
Now think about Imelda’s life and afterlife. In the Land of the Living, even the little joys of the everyday life would be shadowed by Héctor’s absence: weddings, births, any tiny triumph or good news… He’s not there to share it with her. Deep inside, she’d probably miss him and cry of longing. But once she died, she did see him in the Land of the Dead. And seeing him there was even worse, because the pain was too strong and the grudge was too heavy; so even if she still loved him, seeing him was a torture. The reconciliation wasn’t possible. There’s a Spanish saying for that: ni contigo, ni sin ti (the famous “I can’t live with or without you”).
I had to think a lot about this when I was writing the last one-shot I posted of my prompts collection, because I was exploring Imelda’s side of the story along those 96 years of being apart: the music ban, the grudge, that “how many times must I throw you away?” and so. Then, I realized the song tells us exactly what happened and how it was like for her. In two verses :_) | 598 |
SALT LAKE CITY — Video of a man rescuing a 4-year-old child in France went viral Monday.
Malian migrant Mamoudou Gassama climbed four floors of banisters outside an apartment building in Paris to rescue the dangling child, who was hanging off one of the balconies.
Mamoudou Gassama, the 22-year-old undocumented immigrant from Mali who scaled four stories to rescue a child hanging from a balcony in Paris on Saturday, has been given a medal of courage from French president Macron and will be awarded French citizenship. https://t.co/oQiszSBHuc — Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) May 28, 2018
The child’s father was out playing Pokemon Go at the time of the incident, CNN reported.
French prosecutor Francois Molins said the father went shopping and then decided to play the mobile game.
The father had been watching over the child while the boy’s mother was living on Reunion Island.
Gassama received French citizenship and a job for his efforts saving the boy’s life, according to BBC News. On Monday, he also met with French President Emmanuel Macron, who awarded Gassama a gold medal.
"I just didn't have time to think, I ran across the road to go and save him,” he told Macron, according to BBC.
He added, "I just climbed up and thank God, God helped me. The more I climbed the more I had the courage to climb up higher, that's it.”
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo also spoke with Gassama, according to her official Twitter account. She called him “Spiderman of 18th,” which a reference to the area in Paris where the heroic move took place, BuzzFeed UK reported.
Cet homme aussi téméraire que courageux a sauvé la vie d’un enfant au péril de la sienne. Je souhaiterais, comme nombre de Parisiens, savoir qui est le Spiderman du 18ème pour le féliciter.
https://t.co/nagKekpL9O — Anne Hidalgo (@Anne_Hidalgo) May 27, 2018
Un grand bravo à Mamoudou Gassama pour son acte de bravoure qui a permis de sauver hier soir la vie d'un enfant. J'ai eu plaisir à m'entretenir avec lui aujourd'hui par téléphone, afin de le remercier chaleureusement. https://t.co/DP5vQ1VZYh — Anne Hidalgo (@Anne_Hidalgo) May 27, 2018
"He explained to me that he arrived from Mali a few months ago with the dream of making a life for himself here. I replied that his heroic act is an example for all citizens and that the city of Paris will obviously be keen to support him in his efforts to settle in France," she tweeted. | 599 |
Subsets and Splits