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being found in contempt of Parliament. And take the example of the Minister waiting until this late stage to plan a mail-out to every Canadian household. asking them to go to a website to give their opinion on electoral reform, but (1) preparing the cards before even knowing ERRE’s recommendations, and (2) claiming this was a planned initiative when some quick research shows the websites were only registered as domains on — wait for it — October 24, scarcely a month ago.
5) Finally, there’s the matter of Liberal MPs talking out of school to reporters about their political calculations. After the committee’s report was tabled, the CBC reported that various Liberals felt they could break their electoral-reform promise and survive with limited harm to their brand.
Returning to the majority report, it will not be easy to make the deadlines. And a referendum could be gamed and undermined in order to retain FPTP — indeed this could be the calculation of the Conservative Party back room who are not on the same page as the valiant and principled MP Scott Reid who supports both a referendum and proportional representation.
But a combination of respect for the electoral promises and respect for the parliamentary process truly requires that the Trudeau government take the majority report and do its very best to implement it.
If, by a certain date, we have a “made in Canada” PR system designed and a referendum accepting that system, surely only the most churlish would condemn the government for not having it implemented by 2019.
But, if on this file the Liberals reinforce — as I have taken pains to demonstrate is their likely plan – their now well-deserved reputation for promise breaking, they should realize that Canadians’ generosity of spirit toward this government can reach a breaking point rather more easily than the back-room operation in the PMO assumes.
Photo: Minister of Democratic Institutions Maryam Monsef (right) and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Democratic Institutions Mark Holland listen to a question during a press conference, on Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016 in Ottawa. Justin Tang / The Canadian Press
This article is part of the Electoral Reform special feature.
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 100 |
An investigator has reached out to this witness for further details, and any updates will be added to this article.
Both sightings happened within a week of the previously reported sighting in the Little Village neighborhood, and all three show a return to nighttime sightings of the creature. Chicago's Little Village is less than five miles from Lake Michigan, which is well within the zone around the great lake that seems to spawn the most sightings.
These are the latest in a string of flying humanoid sightings reported in the Chicago area. Most of the sightings have taken place near the lakefront within a few miles of Lake Michigan, although there are some reports coming from the suburbs surrounding Chicago. The sightings generally take place in the evening or at night, often in or near a park and around water, and witnesses consistently describe a large, bat or bird-like creature with humanoid features; although in one case the creature was reportedly "insect-like."
UFO Clearinghouse also offered the following plea to witnesses who may be concerned with being identified publicly.
This is a plea to any witnesses that have had similar encounters in the Little Village neighborhood. You are assured that your report and your identity will remain anonymous if you so wish. The information gathered here will be purely for research purposes into these sighting and will not be shared with anyone else outside of the UFO Clearinghouse research team and will NOT be shared with any governmental or law enforcement agencies. Esta es una súplica a los testigos que han tenido encuentros similares en el vecindario de Little Village. Usted está seguro de que su informe y su identidad permanecerán anónimas si así lo desea. La información reunida aquí será puramente para propósitos de investigación en estas observaciones y no será compartida con nadie más fuera del equipo de investigación de UFO Clearinghouse y NO será compartida con ninguna agencia gubernamental o de aplicación de la ley.
To report a sighting, reach out to us directly at The Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.
You can view a timeline of the sightings so far here, and an interactive map here.
If you enjoyed this article and would like to support the Singular Fortean Society, please consider becoming an official member by signing up through our Patreon page—membership includes a ton of extra content and behind-the-scenes access to the Society’s inner workings. | 101 |
The Battle Road Gloria LCQ as well as Finals were held on the weekend of March 18th-19th, 2017. These are the teams from the players that qualified for the main event that was held on Sunday. All credit for these teams is given to Amalgame. The original teams and post can be viewed here at http://amalgame.jp/42397/
1st. KOOTA (@koota488)
2nd. DJ (@dj_poke523)
3rd. じーん (@zeen172M)
4th. もうだめだ (@moudameda1)
5th. 勝海 (@Kaaaaatsumii)
6th. 柚樹 (@Yuzuki_Politoed)
7th. バルドル (@barudoru)
8th. ryokon (@ryokonVGC)
9th. げべぼ (@gebebo)
10th. 凛 (@gozira2004)
11th. ねくさす (@Nexus_0570)
12th. おやつ (@oyaaa)
13th. こまーる (@komatta_man)
14th. ウォルフォン (@WorldRyuver)
15th. YT (@YTPPSR)
16th. マッスル (@poke06281488)
17th. ワイルド (@ace_wild)
18th. とーりん (@tonpei_torin)
19th. シルディア (@sirudyapoke)
20th. りゅうざき (@ryuzaki0403)
21st. くわっちょ (@sabpokemon)
22nd. ノブ (@nobygon)
23rd. ジャッキー (@jackie_marisa)
24th. ともし (@tomoshi99)
25th. まめた (@mame_tan326)
26th. レモネード (@remone_do)
27th. おみ (@Raito_star)
| 102 |
A Boeing 737 with 88 people on board suffered a serious landing gear malfunction when touching down in Bogota, Colombia, on Saturday, causing it to list to one side, with one engine scraping the ground.
The landing gear on the right side of the Venezuelan Avior Airlines plane collapsed, causing the aircraft to tilt dramatically and drag the engine on one wing along the ground, throwing up a shower of fiery sparks as horrified passengers looked on.
Vista desde dentro del avion del incidente de #Aviorpic.twitter.com/RagUtRa1Zz — LECU [e] (@lecu12) November 23, 2019
When the plane came to a halt, passengers and crew quickly evacuated and fire crews sprayed the aircraft with foam to prevent a fire erupting from the damaged wing and fuel line.
BogotáYV3317 de AVIOR, procedente de Valencia, Venezuela, 88 Pax, posterior al aterrizaje por A8 presenta ruptura tren derecho, tren de nariz queda en el aire y el motor derecho sobre el terreno, pasajeros evacuados, al momento hay fuga de combustible en el plano derecho pic.twitter.com/kCnqDas4XI — Raul Donado Osio (@rauldonadoosio) November 23, 2019 Aeronave perteneciente #Avior aterriza de emergencia en el Dorado #Colombia con rotura en el tren de aterrizaje. pic.twitter.com/2BtdIHvzxx — Daniel Morillo (@DaniellMorillo) November 23, 2019
vuelo de avior saliendo de maiquetia all dorado bogota colombia se le prendio la turbina vaya susto se llevaron pic.twitter.com/Bfz3dtjZ8Y — Cessna_48 (@Cessna484) November 23, 2019
According to local reports, no serious injuries were caused by the landing mishap, though some passengers were treated for minor injuries.
The aircraft had traveled from Venezuela, and an investigation has been launched into the crash. According to some reports, the plane had undergone a technical review and check just two months ago.
Also on rt.com Small plane crashes into residential area near Goma airport, killing 24 (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
Like this story? Share it with a friend! | 103 |
It’s probably time to change your password. SplashData, which makes password management applications, has released its annual list of the 25 worst passwords. The collection is based on more than 2 million leaked passwords in 2015 mostly used by people in North America and Western Europe.
Two usual suspects top the list: “123456” and “password,” respectively, as they have every year since the company started compiling this round-up five years ago.
Three Star Wars-themed passwords—“starwars,” “solo” and “princess”—are new to the annual list, perhaps a sign of how much The Force Awakens, the latest film in the franchise, has been on fans’ minds this year.
“As we see on the list, using common sports and pop culture terms is also a bad idea,” Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData, said in a statement.
Do yourself a favor and make sure your password isn’t listed below:
1. 123456
2. password
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. 12345
6. 123456789
7. football
8. 1234
9. 1234567
10. baseball
11. welcome
12. 1234567890
13. abc123
14. 111111
15. 1qaz2wsx
16. dragon
17. master
18. monkey
19. letmein
20. login
21. princess
22. qwertyuiop
23. solo
24. passw0rd
25. starwars
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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at [email protected]. | 104 |
English (Translation):
The evangelical cult "Paz do Senhor Amado" ("Peace of the beloved Lord") in the interior of Brazil forbids its followers to use any USB technology by contending that it uses a symbol that shows sympathy for the devil.
According to its founder, the "Apostle" Welder Saldanha says that this is just another symbol of Satan, which is always present in all Christian homes.
"The symbol of that name (a name which he doesn't even like to pronounce) is a trident, which is used to torture souls that go to hell. Use only a symbol of those shows that all users of that vile technology are actually worshipers of Satan" - explains the" Apostle".
Measures were taken so that all the USB connections of his followers were exchanged for common connections and even the Bluetooth (sic), which according to Saldanha Welder is permitted, for "Blue was the color of the eyes of our savior Jesus Christ".
Portuguese (Original):
O culto evangélico "Paz do Senhor Amado" do interior de SP proibe seus fiéis a usar toda e qualquer tecnologia USB, por alegar que a mesma use um simbolo que faz apologia ao demônio.
De acordo com seu fundador, o "Apóstolo" Welder Saldanha diz que isso é apenas mais um simbolo de satanás, estando sempre presente em todos os lares cristãos.
"O simbolo daquilo (nome que ele sequer gosta de pronunciar) é um tridente, que é usado para torturar almas que vão para o inferno. Usar um simbolo daqueles apenas mostra que todos usuários dessa pífia tecnologia são de fato, adoradores de satã" – Explica o "Apóstolo".
As medidas tomadas foram para que todas as conexões USB de seus seguidores fossem trocadas por conexões comuns e até mesmo pelo Bluetooth (sic), que de acordo com Welder Saldanha é permitida, pois "Azul era a cor dos olhos de nosso salvador Jesus Cristo". | 105 |
A dolmányos varjú Budapest peremkerületeiben már régóta jelen van, az utóbbi években azonban meghódította az egész belvárost. Jellegzetes hangjával, bohókás viselkedésével, találékonyságával jól beilleszkedett a pesti nyüzsgésbe. Jóllehet az énekesmadarak számára nem jó hír a fészekrabló megjelenése, sok városlakó máris a szívébe zárta. Itt az alkalom, hogy élőben kövesd egy dolmányos varjú-család mindennapjait. Egyenes adás az Erzsébet-híd mellől.A közvetítés a Természetfilm.hu és a Filmdzsungel közös kezdeményezése, az ÉLŐ ADÁS program keretében valósult meg.
The Hooded crow has been present at the outskirt of Budapest for a while now, but in recent years it has been conquering the whole downtown. It perfectly fits in the bustling life of the city with its peculiar voice, waggish behavior and inventiveness. And perhaps their appearance is not for the advantage of songbirds, yet many citizens have already became attached to them. This is the time to follow the everyday life of a Hooded-crow family! LIVE broadcast, streaming directly from the Buda side of Elisabeth-bridge.
Fotó: Zsoldos Márton
köszönet a segítségért
FŐKERT Nonprofit Zrt. http://www.fokert.hu
Kalotherm Zrt. http://www.kalotherm.hu | 106 |
EspañolThe black market for US dollars in Venezuela reached a new high on Tuesday, September 29, when the exchange rate for the nation’s currency rose to 816 Bs. The price marks an increase of 371 percent from the start of 2015. With the jump, the average monthly income for Venezuelans now sits at US$9.
The new value of the parallel currency is published by DolarToday, the only reference site that publishes the value of the US dollar in Venezuela. It calculates the exchange rate based on the operations that take place in the Colombian city of Cúcuta, on the border with Venezuela.
While the border remains officially closed at the command of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, the currency exchange remains active in the form of online bank transfers, DolarToday reported. Maduro has previously called for the directives of the online pricing portal to be imprisoned.
Así cotiza el $ a esta hora BsF. 816,00 y el € a BsF. 918,12 entra sin bloqueos https://t.co/RwK4U56gc1 pic.twitter.com/973HiXXLOq — DolarToday® (@DolarToday) September 29, 2015
“At present, the US dollar trades at Bs. 816.00, while the Euro trades at Bs. 918.12, without obstacles.”
Supply and demand for trading the currency in its cash form has been reduced, since the largest denomination of 100 Bs. now buys just 12 US cents. However, this “has not been a determining fact in the price,” the report stated.
Black-market dollars are increasingly valuable due to the control exerted by Venezuela’s national government over the currency market within the country. Officials in the socialist regime decide who gains access to the currency, how much of it they can be awarded, and at what price.
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Venezuelan economists argue that should currency controls continue in place, the parallel currency’s value will continue to grow. The government does not seem to have the political will to amend this situation, they explain.
The rise in the exchange rate has exceeded expectations and been driven by a combination of anxiety and inflation uncertainty. The annualized inflation rate is expected to exceed the 600 percent mark this year, according to Steve Hanke, professor of applied economics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Sources: Dolar Today, Efecto Cocuyo. | 107 |
Lionel Messi once again stole the show and the plaudits as Barcelona came from behind at Sevilla to keep in touch with La Liga leaders Real Madrid going into the international break.
Barca, who came into the game on the back of a defeat at Manchester City in the week, found themselves 1-0 down early on at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan, where Sevilla had won all five of their league games this season before Sunday.
However, Messi's equaliser before half-time -- his 500th goal for the club -- inspired a Barca comeback, which was completed when the Argentine teed up Luis Suarez in the second half.
"The difference is that they had Messi and we didn't," said Sevilla president Jose Castro. "They won thanks to him. Barca are one team with Messi and another without him."
Sevilla manager Jorge Sampaoli agreed with his president: "When Messi is up for it, he can't be controlled. He's a world class player and sometimes you can [stop him], but other times you can't.
"When the game opens up there's little you can do to stop him. Not him or his teammates, who are players that will penalise you if you give them space."
Vitolo, who had opened the scoring in the match, described Messi as "the best player in the history of the game" and match winner Suarez was similarly effusive in his praise.
"Leo can do everything, in any position," the Uruguayan international said in a postgame interview with Movistar. "He makes the difference, is intelligent and knows how to find the space."
Barca boss Luis Enrique added: "Leo has the capacity to interpret what's going on anywhere on the pitch and play anywhere.
Si el Balón de Oro se diera al mejor jugador del mundo, Leo lo tendría que haber ganado cada año desde el 2009. Otro nivel. - Gerard Piqué (@3gerardpique) November 6, 2016
"There's no-one you can compare him to. Our objective is to find him [with the ball] as much as we can."
And watching from home with a sprained ankle, Barca defender Gerard Pique also joined in with the Messi appreciation on social media.
He tweeted: "If the Ballon d'Or was given to the best player in the world, Leo would have won it every year since 2009. Another level." | 108 |
Hanging Around With Friends On The Clouds By blueSpaceling Watch
260 Favourites 17 Comments 2K Views
Wyobraziłem sobie sytuacje, krótko po tym jak Twilight awansowała na alikorna i poleciała z przyjaciółkami pegazami spotkać się wśród chmur - jak się przekonała chodzenie po chmurach wcale nie jest takie proste.
To dosyć stary obrazek, na którym miałem ćwiczyć rysowanie skrzydeł, jednak po kilku próbach porzuciłem go i zapomniałem o nim. Ponieważ podoba się mi przedstawiona scena to odgrzebałem go i trochę poprawiłem i wykończyłem na ile starczyło mi chęci. I tak rozważam zmianę podejścia do rysowania skrzydeł, może aktualny jest dobry do realistyczno-kreskówkowego stylu ale celuję w trochę bardziej realistyczny wygląd.
I just imagined a scene where a fresh leveled up Twilight as alicorn went to meet her pegasi friends on the clouds - realizing that walking on the clouds is not so easy as it seems.
It's quite old drawing, initially made to practice drawing wings, but after few tries I abandoned and forgot it. Because I like presented scene I dug it up, corrected and finished as much as I had will.
I probably will reconsider my technique for wings anyway as current one is good for semirealistic-semicartoonish style but not for semi-realistic one I'm aiming for.
Obraz mojego autorstwa.
Art by me.
Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Lauren Faust/Hasbro
IMAGE DETAILS Image size 2280x1240px 873.22 KB Show More
Published : Apr 14, 2018 | 109 |
Rice Pudding
The simplest desert recipe, you just have to boil the rice and it is almost done... =)
One mug of rice (use the same mug to the sugar and the water)
One mug of sugar
Lemon peel
2 cinnamon sticks
250ml to 300ml of vanilla soy milk
cinnamon powder (to taste)
In a saucepan join the mug of rice, with 2 mugs of water, the lemon peel and cinnamon sticks, boil it until the rice is cooked.
After the rice is cooked combine the milk and sugar and withdraw the peels of lemon and cinnamon sticks, let it boil up and that is it! : D
You can decorate your bowl with cinnamon powder and draw pictures, write names, make squares, whatever you want!
Esta é uma sobremesa que não como regularmente, mas quando como tenho óptimas recordações da minha avó e tia que eram mestres do arroz doce! :DEsta receita é muito simples, a única coisa necessária aqui é paciência para se cozer o arroz porque não há aqui ciência nenhuma e com algum tempo fazem uma sobremesa deliciosa! :DIngredientes:1 caneca de arroz carolino1 caneca de açúcarcasca de meio limão2 paus de canelaágua250ml a 300ml de leite de soja (gosto de fazer com o de baunilha)canela em póNuma panela juntam-se a caneca de arroz, com 2 canecas de água, a casca do limão, e os paus de canela, fica ao lume até o arroz cozer.Depois do arroz estar cozido junta-se o leite e o açucar e retiram-se as cascas do limão e os paus de canela, deixa-se ferver e está pronto! :DPodes decorar com canela e fazer desenhos, escrever nomes, fazer quadradinhos, o que quiseres!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enjoy! | 110 |
[English version follows]
La Nuit des Chercheurs au CERN
Vendredi 29 septembre 2017 de 17h à 23h
Entrée libre - pas d'inscription nécessaire.
Depuis maintenant 8 ans, le Laboratoire ouvre ses portes en soirée au grand public, à l’occasion de cette fête scientifique. C’est un plaisir d’accueillir tous ces curieux et de partager les découvertes de la science, toutes plus étonnantes les unes que les autres. L’invention du Web en est une particulièrement intégrée au quotidien, mais il y en a tellement d’autres! Venez découvrir cette science insoupçonnée et en prendre plein les yeux!
Le programme est prêt! Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter toutes les activités que nous avons prévues pour vous, scientifiques en herbe, novices ou aficionados de tout âge. Il y aura même une surprise pour les 400 premiers visiteurs!
Activités sur le site du CERN
Activités en ligne (Facebook Live)
Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir!
Researchers' Night at CERN
Friday 29 September 2017 from 17:00 to 23:00 (CEST)
Free entrance, no registration required.
For eight years, the Laboratory has opened its doors to the general public one evening a year for this celebration of science. It is a pleasure to welcome all these curious people and to share science’s latest discoveries, all equally surprising. The invention of the Web is one that is part of everyone’s daily life, and there are many more! Come and discover this unexpected science and prepare to be dazzled!
The programme is now final! We are delighted to introduce you all the activites we have prepared for you, budding scientists, beginners or aficionados of all ages. There will even be a surprise for the first 400 visitors!
Program of activities at CERN
Program of online activities (Facebook Live)
We look forward to welcoming you!
| 111 |
+ Not So Random Thoughts:
An Important Note About Linking Your Guild Wars Account
Your existing Guild Wars password is currently no longer than 15 characters, even if it appears that you can enter more characters in the password field. When linking your existing Guild Wars account to your new Guild Wars 2 account, be sure to type only the first 15 characters of your Guild Wars password. If after pre-purchasing Guild Wars 2 you decide to create a Guild Wars account and then link the two accounts, your Guild Wars password must be 15 characters or less.
Un message important à propos du fait de lier votre compte Guild Wars
Votre mot de passe actuel pour Guild Wars est aujourd'hui d'au plus 15 caractères, même s'il semble que vous puissiez taper plus de caractères dans le champ du mot de passe. Lorsque vous liez votre compte Guild Wars à votre compte Guild Wars 2, assurez-vous de ne taper que les 15 premiers caractères de votre mot de passe. Si après avoir préacheté Guild Wars 2 vous décidez de créer un compte Guild Wars et d'ensuite lier vos deux comptes, votre mot de passe Guild Wars doit avoir 15 caractères ou moins.
Wichtiger Hinweis zur Verbindung eurer Guild Wars Accounts
Euer existierendes Guild Wars Passwort ist momentan nicht länger als 15 Zeichen, auch wenn es so scheint, also ob ihr mehr Zeichen in das Passwortfeld eingeben könnt. Bitte stellt sicher, dass ihr nur die ersten 15 Zeichen eures Guild Wars Passworts eingebt, wenn ihr euren existierenden Guild Wars Account mit eurem neuen Guild Wars 2 Account verbindet. Wenn ihr euch, nachdem ihr Guild Wars 2 im Vorverkauf erstanden habt, dazu entschließt, einen Guild Wars Account zu erstellen, und ihr dann beide Accounts verbinden wollt, dann muss euer Guild Wars Passwort aus 15 Zeichen oder weniger bestehen. | 112 |
The most popular baby names of 2018 have been revealed
Loving the fact there's a Game of Thrones character here. Know any names on the list?
Now that we're past the halfway point of the year, we've already talked about some of our favourite TV shows and movies, but the arbitrary opinions don't stop there because Baby Centre have revealed their list of the most popular names so far in 2018.
Much like most other walks of life, it appears that pop-culture is continuing to have an impact on the decision making process of most parents because there's a healthy mix of famous names from TV and film in the boys and girls categories.
FYI, we're delighted to see that comic-books and Game of Thrones have inspired a new wave of geekdom in these happy new parents.
The recent Royal Wedding and the ever-growing popularity of superhero films have also been cited as reasons for certain names making the grade.
On this note, the popularity of names like Harvey have also been shaped by the headlines. Following the various allegations and stories about Harvey Weinsetin's sexual misconduct, it's not surprising to see that the name Harvey has fallen by over 30%.
This being said, if your name is Olivia or Muhammad then you're clearly in good company.
Ok, here are the most popular names for boys and girls.
20. Logan
19. Lucas
18. Ethan
17. Theo
16. Joshua
15. Archie
14. Jacob
13. Henry
12. Arthur
11. Oscar
10. Alfie
9. Freddie
8. Jack
7. Charlie
6. Leo
5. Harry
4. George
3. Noah
2. Oliver
1. Muhammad
Here's the list of the most popular names for girls and we're delighted to see a certain Game of Thrones character make the list - in a slightly different form though.
20. Freya
19. Layla
18. Sophie
17. Harper
16. Maya
15. Evie
14. Grace
13. Charlotte
12. Ella
11. Isabelle
10. Isabella
9. Mia
8. Aria - a girl has no name.
7. Isla
6. Ava
5. Emily
4. Lily
3. Ameila
2. Sophia
1. Olivia | 113 |
The decision possibly puts an end to decades of controversy over the late dictator’s burial place.
Spain‘s supreme court has ruled in favour of exhuming the remains of late dictator Francisco Franco from the state mausoleum in which he was buried when he died in 1975, possibly putting an end to decades of controversy over his burial place.
The ruling on Tuesday should allow the Socialist government of Pedro Sanchez to go ahead with its plans to move the remains from the Valley of the Fallen mausoleum to the family tomb at Mingorrubio El Pardo, a state cemetery on the outskirts of the capital, Madrid.
“Today we are [witnessing] a great victory for the Spanish democracy,” Sanchez wrote on Twitter.
“The determination to repair the suffering of the victims of Franco always guided the action of the government. The Supreme [Court] endorsed the exhumation of Franco’s remains and his transfer to El Pardo,” he added.
Hoy vivimos una gran victoria de la democracia española. La determinación de reparar el sufrimiento de las víctimas del franquismo guio siempre la acción del Gobierno. El Supremo avala la exhumación de los restos de Franco y su traslado a El Pardo. Justicia, memoria y dignidad. — Pedro Sánchez (@sanchezcastejon) September 24, 2019
Franco ruled Spain from his victory in the 1936-1939 civil war until his death in 1975.
The Socialists have long sought to turn the Valley of the Fallen complex outside Madrid into a memorial to victims of the civil war, unleashed by Franco, in which about 500,000 people were killed.
Nearly 34,000 dead from the civil war are buried there, including many who fought for the losing Republican side and whose bodies were transferred to the site during Franco’s dictatorship without the permission of families.
Franco’s family had appealed both against exhuming his remains and against the government’s plans to move them to the El Pardo cemetery. Were his remains to be moved, they wanted them to go to the Almudena Roman Catholic Cathedral adjacent to the Royal Palace in central Madrid, alongside his daughter.
However, a government report said last December that the Almudena cathedral, located right in the centre of Madrid not far from the royal palace, was unsuitable as a burial place for security reasons. | 114 |
Have you heard the sentence “Find a beautiful place to get lost”? This exactly happened to one Danish couple. They found a small medieval castle in South Italy and fall in love. The whole story is told by “Skona hem”
And I can only say that I adore Italy and I absolutely fell in love with this place. It is airy and light and has history in it. Perfectly place to get lost isn’t it?
Знаете ли сентенцията “Намери си красиво място и се изгуби в него”? Точно това се случва с една датска двойка. Те откриват малък средновековен замък в Южна Италия и се влюбват в него. Цялата история е разказана от “Skona hem”.
За мен остава единствено да кажа, че аз обожавам Италия и абсолютно обичам това място. В него има много пространство, светлина и то самото има история. Перфектното място да се загубиш, нали? | 115 |
In the middle of the road, there was a pyramid
As you leaves Lima, in order to get to El Paraíso, you must take a microbus – a kind of van which outnumbers other means of public transport in Lima – up to the neighboring town of Pro. It is a 40-minute journey through the hectic traffic of the Peruvian capital. From there, two more microbuses which will take you to the car, near the station, driven by one of the members of Association Kapaq Sumaq Ayllu. The landscape is bare, dotted with humble houses. As you arrive at the narrow lane that leads to the complex, you see open air garbage, vultures and children who seek toys amidst the dirt.
I observe a wall which hugs the side of the road the entire way. “It's a wall”, explains Miguel Castillo, field head of the project of El Paraíso, who sits in the rear of the car. Later I would find out that the wall is 30 kilometers long and surrounds the hills in the region. As time went by, it was snatched up along the way by the private buildings and plots.
Castillo ponders:
O Estado é ineficiente. Tem recursos para delimitar e proteger as wakas [sic], mas não o fazem. É igual no Brasil, na Argentina… O que se tem é a iniciativa pessoal de algumas pessoas, de arqueólogos. Mas não é suficiente.
The Government is inefficient. It has the means to set out and to protect the wakas [sic], but it does not do anything. It is the same in Brazil, in Argentina… What we have is the personal initiative from a few people, from archaeologists. But this is not enough.
Members from the Kapag Association, together with their security people, had been victims of an attack a week before. For safety reasons, a watchman accompanied our group – with the entire team of archaeologists – while walking to the area where the pyramid had been destroyed.
The native workers who previously used to be engaged in the excavation, now sit on the top of the hills, watching over. After the pyramid was knocked down, security has been doubled. There are now four policemen who protect the place day and night, as well as two watchmen from a private firm who have been hired by the Ministry of Culture, and they all make a big effort to oversee the whole 45 hectares of land. | 116 |
ROME — Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini gushed Sunday over his recent visit to the United States, declaring he found “total harmony” between the current political course of the two nations.
In my trip to Washington last week, “I found total harmony on international security and politics but also on the economy and tax revolution,” Mr. Salvini stated on Twitter.
“Proud to see how much Italy is appreciated in the world,” he said. “Italy and America have never been closer!”
Una settimana fa il mio viaggio a Washington, dove ho trovato totale sintonia su sicurezza e politica internazionale ma anche economia e rivoluzione fiscale.
Orgoglioso di vedere quanto l’Italia sia apprezzata nel mondo.
Italia e America mai così vicine! pic.twitter.com/0QnpIJT2zO — Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) June 23, 2019
Mr. Salvini’s evaluation of the meeting with U.S. leaders was mirrored in Vice President Mike Pence’s statements on the visit, declaring that the two countries enjoy “shared priorities” and tweeting: “The transatlantic alliance is stronger than ever!”
Great meeting with Deputy Prime Minister @matteosalvinimi of Italy today to discuss the U.S. – Italy relationship and our shared priorities. The transatlantic alliance is stronger than ever! pic.twitter.com/zYCmI18hIw — Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) June 17, 2019
Mr. Salvini traveled to the U.S. with the express purpose of cementing his country’s partnership with the Trump administration, meeting with several top U.S. officials, including Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
“At a time when European Union institutions are fragile and changing significantly, Italy wants to be the first, most solid, valid, credible and coherent partner for the United States,” Salvini wrote on his Facebook page.
The interior minister and leader of the Lega party also stressed his shared vision with the Trump administration on “Iran, Venezuela, Libya, the situation in the Middle East, Israel’s right to exist,” and “concerns about Chinese arrogance towards Europe and the African continent.”
Follow @tdwilliamsrome | 117 |
period, there were 70,000 comparable actions in Western Germany, 20,000 in Italy (for “offending public morals”) and 50,000 in the UK (including computer science trailblazer Alan Turing).
In an interview with Croatian online magazine Telegram, published on October 12, Dota explained that by the 1980s mainstream medical professionals in Yugoslavia had adopted an informal position that homosexuality was not a disease, way before the World Health Organization came to the same conclusion. And a 1986 book by influential sexologist Marijan Košiček pushed against negative attitudes towards homosexuality within politics, law, religion and communist ideology, considering it a normal and healthy phenomenon.
Dota said:
Jugoslavija u početku nije prednjačila u progresivnim iskoracima, ali nije niti zaostajala. Ne možemo je staviti niti na najcrnju, niti na najsvjetliju listu. U nekim se stvarima zemlja pokazala daleko ispred svog vremena i zapadnoeuropskih trendova. To su mediji, koji su 80-ih mnogo liberalnije od američkih izvještavali o homoseksualnosti, to je dio zdravstvenog sustava, koji je pojavi epidemije HIV-a i AIDS-a pristupio profesionalno, a ne moralizatorski kako se uglavnom događalo u Francuskoj i Americi.
At the beginning Yugoslavia was not at the forefront in progressive initiatives, but it was also not far behind. We can't put it on the list of worst, nor on the list of best examples. In some aspects the country was far ahead of its time and Western European trends. For instance, the media in the 1980s were reporting about homosexuality in a much more liberal manner than those in the USA. A relevant segment of the health care system responded to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in a professional way, without the moralizing that took place in France or America.
But across the region, the situation changed after the break up of Yugoslavia. “The 1990s were a time of strong re-traditionalisation and renewal of some patriarchal and extreme traditionalist and homophobic tendencies in society, due to the war(s) and other factors,” Dota said in his interview. | 118 |
GV: We live in a time of affirmation of all identities– ethnicity, gender, religion, and others. The demonstration of these identities is rather perceptible online, and one of these examples is your own work with “A Kindumba da Ana”. Do you think that this change will manage to jump from the virtual world onto the streets?
Chiquinha: Acho que sim, e devo dizer que as redes sociais permitem que isso aconteça de um modo bastante abrangente. Eu mesma consegui voltar a usar o meu cabelo natural depois de pesquisar no You Tube o que fazer com o meu cabelo, porque eu de facto não sabia como cuidar dele. Não sabia o que usar, como pentear, estilizar, lavar… Depois foi o Facebook, troca de experiências, contacto com outras pessoas iguais a mim e a cada dia eu me sentia mais encorajada a perseguir um modelo meu, um modelo que não se vê na televisão, nas revistas, na literatura. Na rua, vejo surgir aos poucos, outro modelo de gente. Gente que se parece consigo mesma. Gente que não quer se parecer com o padronizado da sociedade pré fabricada!
I think so, and I must say that social networks allow this to happen in a rather comprehensive way. I myself have returned to wearing my hair naturally after researching on YouTube what to do with my hair, because I really didn't know how to take care of it. I didn't know how to wear it, comb it, stye it, wash it… After that I went to Facebook, exchanged experiences, and made contact with other people just like me, and every day I feel more encouraged to pursue this new version of myself, one that isn't seen on television, in magazines, or in literature. On the street, I see it emerging bit by bit, another norm for people. People that look like themselves. People that don't want to look like the standardized norm of a pre-fabricated society!
This article is part of the a series that celebrates Black Awareness Day in Brazil (November 20). Read the first interview: Persistent Stereotypes, Latent Prejudices: Black Characters in Brazilian Comics | 119 |
� —Exacto: por lo que quiera es otra razón. En mi opinión, por y para no guardan secretos para usted.
“That’s it: for whatever you want is another reason. In my opinion, por and para keep no secrets from you.” —El único secreto que desconozco es por cuánto tiempo se va a quedar aquí molestándome.
“The only secret that I’m still unaware about is for how long you are going to remain here, annoying me.” —Entendido. Ese por indica una cantidad de tiempo. Un momento en el tiempo sería «estamos aquí para cuando quiera volver».
“Got it. That por indicates an amount of time. A moment in time would be ‘we (will be) here for (the moment when you decide that) you want to come back'” —Por mí, como si vuelve para Navidad, pero no le quiero ver más por aquí.
“(If it were up to me), (I couldn’t care less) if you came back for Christmas, but I don’t want to see you here again.” —Vale, el primer por es una clara muestra de indiferencia, el para es otro momento en el tiempo y el segundo por describe una ruta. Voy para el pasillo de destino, que es el único que me falta.
“Ok, the first por is a clear sign of indifference, the para is another moment in time, and the second por describes a route. I’m going to the destination aisle, (since that) is the only (one) that (I’m missing).”
Good job, Mike. You can go back to eating your tacos, but leave that poor food vendor alone.
The Spanish supermarket map we have gone through is not the territory. You’ll still have to run up and down the aisles multiple times, talk to a ton of Spanish people and make a bunch of mistakes before you get it right 100% of the time.
Hopefully, reading this will help you make more useful mistakes; that is, mistakes that you can explain, and mistakes that you are less likely to make in the future. | 120 |
Chama-se Ai Fen e foi uma das médicas que tentou denunciar o surto de coronavírus em Wuhan, China, para o mundo e foi silenciada. No início do surto, em dezembro, que viria a explodir em janeiro, Ai Fen foi proibida pelos seus superiores de falar sobre o que se estava a passar. Agora está desaparecida.
O berço da pandemia do século situa-se num território de regime totalitário e as primeiras quatro semanas do surto - as cruciais para conter ou não a epidemia - foram passadas a tentar esconder a situação nos hospitais daquela província.
Um grupo de médicos, incluindo Ai Fen, tentou que as informações que circulavam entre eles passassem para o exterior.
Segundo a investigação levada a cabo pelo programa 60 Minutes, da CNN Austrália, há duas semanas, Ai Fen, diretora de emergência do hospital Wuhan Central, tornou a situação pública na revista chinesa Renwu, dizendo que tinha sido silenciada em dezembro de 2019 após alertar os seus superiores para o vírus desconhecido - na altura - que não parava de surgir.
O presidente da República Popular da China, Xi Jinping, ordenou que a entrevista fosse apagada da Internet e agora o paradeiro de Ai é "desconhecido".
Just two weeks ago the head of Emergency at Wuhan Central hospital went public, saying authorities had stopped her and her colleagues from warning the world. She has now disappeared, her whereabouts unknown. #60Mins pic.twitter.com/3Jt2qbLKUb — 60 Minutes Australia (@60Mins) March 29, 2020
A mesma investigação sublinha ainda que, caso o governo não tentasse ocultar o início do surto, este poderia ter sido contido em 95%.
| 121 |
sa pinsala; ang paghingi ng tawad sa kasalanan—ang mga ito ay kailangan upang mapatawad, wika ni San Juan Pablo II,” he added.
(But forgiveness should not just surrender to evil ways—to oppression and plundering. A reparation for all the damages caused by wrongdoings and apology for sins, these are needed to be forgiven.)
Expressing his support for the nationwide protests against the burial, Villegas called on the Filipino youth to never forget the lessons of history and to remain vigilant against any attempt of revisionism.
“Ang paglimot sa kahapon ay isang malaking kakulangan ng ating panahon. Kailangan nating alamin ang kahapon upang maitaguyod ang makabuluhang kinabukasan, sabi naman ni Pope Francis. Bayan ang humihirang sa bayani hindi ang libingan. Ang tunay na bayani ay bayani kahit saan ilibing. Ang huwad ay huwad kahit igawa ng monument,” he said.
(To forget the past is one of the greatest shortcomings of our time. We should know the past in order to establish a meaningful future… Heroes are recognized by the nation, not a cemetery. A true hero is a hero wherever he is buried. A fake one will always be fake even if you build him a monument).
“Mga kabataan, alamin ninyo ang kasaysayan. Huwag mag palinlang sa mga may masamang pangnanasa na pagandahin ang pangit at madilim na nakalipas. Magbantay laban sa sinungaling! Manalangin at manindigan,” Villegas added.
(To the youth, take your history to heart. Don’t be fooled by any sinister attempt to beautify a dark, ugly past. Be vigilant against the liars. Pray and stand for what you believe in.)
Marcos’ secrecy-shrouded interment at the heroes’ cemetery, which saw full military honors for the late dictator, drew widespread protests in the past weeks. Last Friday, protesters led by students and young professionals trooped to Manila’s Rizal Park for a “Black Friday” gathering. JE/rga
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The home of Niels Strøyer Christophersen, founding partner of FRAMA was called a ‘renovation project’ by his realtor. He left the walls bare and unfinished, with art work leaning against them. He told Kinfolk (go have a look at the entire article here) that he sees decorating a home as a process: “It’s all right to wait for the right object to come instead of going to a warehouse and buying all of your furniture. Create a nice little museum of beautiful memories”. I totally agree with this approach and I can speak out of experience that going to Ikea in one day for your entire home does not usually end well (I’m almost ashamed to say that I came home with a red book shelf, which I got tired of the next day. Since then I’m not a big fan of the color red in interiors). I’m completely amazed by this home.
De woning van Niels Strøyer Christophersen, de medeoprichter van FRAMA werd een renovatie project genoemd door zijn makelaar. Hij liet de kale muren onafgewerkt maar plaatste er veel kunstwerkjes tegen. Hij verteld Kinfolk (hier kan je het hele artikel lezen) dat hij een huis inrichten als een proces ziet: “Het is ok om te wachten op het juiste object in plaats van naar de winkel te gaan om al je meubels in één keer te kopen. Creeer een klein museum met mooie herinneringen”. Hier ben ik het helemaal mee eens en ik spreek uit ervaring dat het niet goed afloopt wanneer je voor je hele inboedel naar Ikea loopt en alles op één dag koopt (ik ben toch een beetje beschaamd om toe te geven dat ik met een rode boekenkast ben thuisgekomen die ik de volgende dag al beu was. Sindsdien ben ik green grote fan van de kleur rood in een interieur). Ik ben volledig weg van deze woning.
pictures are taken by Ditte Isager and styling is done by Nathalie Schwer | 124 |
ZAUBERBERG – Wolfgang Voigt’s most fundamental (and foreboding) release under his alias GAS and perhaps of all in his untold discography – finally stands alone once again and is released in the way its original splendour.
Originally released in 1997 on the iconic Frankfurt imprint Mille Plateaux, and then reissued in 2016 as a part of GAS “BOX”, ZAUBERBERG is now released on his own label KOMPAKT on 180 gram vinyl in its original.
Though this narcotic symphony is not the first release under the GAS moniker, ZAUBERBERG is the first to disclose the true nature of Wolfgang Voigt’s unified sound and ideology as GAS. Layers of ominous intensity supported by muffled kick drums as classical music loops incessantly swirl with no direction, ZAUBERBERG is the definitive GAS album and a perfect starting point for those not familiar with his music.
ZAUBERBERG – Wolfgang Voigts grundlegendstes Album als GAS und vielleicht das vorahnungsvollste aus seinem Katalog wird nun in seiner ganzen ursprünglichen Pracht wiederveröffentlicht und steht somit wieder für sich.
Erstveröffentlicht 1997 auf dem Frankfurter Kult-Label Mille Plateaux, dann wiederveröffentlicht als Teil der GAS BOX 2016, erscheint ZAUBERBERG jetzt auf 180-Gramm-Vinyl bei Kompakt.
Auch wenn diese narkotische Symphonie nicht die erste GAS-Veröffentlichen war, offenbarte sich mit ZAUBERBERG die wahre Natur der Voigt'schen Einheit von Klang und Ideologie. Schichten von ominöser Intensität werden durch gedämpfte Kick-Drums unterstützt, wenn Loops aus klassischer Musik ununterbrochen und richtungslos wirbeln – ZAUBERBERG ist das definitive GAS-Album und ein perfekter Ausgangspunkt für diejenigen, die nicht mit dieser Musik vertraut sind. | 125 |
�d to be East or West.
June 8, 1753. At Manchester, and several other places in the North West of England.
April 19, 1754. In several parts of Yorkshire.
July 31, 1755. In Northamptonshire and Lincolnshire. At Frodingham it shook the walls of several houses so much, that most of them fell.
Nov 1, 1755.
The dreadful earthquake at Lisbon happened, by which above 70,000 persons lost their lives. On the 3rd of this month a violent agitation was perceived on the sea shore in many parts of England. And on the 5th of the month the tide was so high in the river Carron, in Scotland, that it overflowed its banks and broke down a dam-head which had never before given way in the memory of man.
June 24, 1756. At Ashford in Kent and neighbouring villages.
Nov 18, 1756. in Argyleshire and Rothesay.
Jan 11 1757. At Norwich and Yarmouth.
June 9, 1761. In Somersetshire and Dorsetshire
According to a letter dated May 21, 1768, from Newcastle sent to Lloyd’s Evening Post:
On Sunday afternoon last, a little after four o’clock, two slight shocks of an earthquake at about half a minute’s distance of time from each other, were felt in this town, and we have accounts of their being felt, at the same time, in different parts of the country; particular at Kendal, where they had one shock which lasted nearly two seconds and happened during the time of a divine service, which greatly terrified the people in church. At Middleton, near Lancaster it was also felt at the same time.
And finally, this would have been quite a shocker!!
The Middlesex Journal or Chronicle of Liberty, January 9, 1772
A Welsh lady, not far from Abingdon Buildings, on Monday morning was so much alarmed at what she thought an earthquake, that she jumped out of bed, flew downstairs, ran across the street and knocked at a neighbour’s door, with her shirt on only, which she tacked around her waist in fright.
Header image
Vue de la Ville de Regio dil Messinae et ces alentour detruite par le terrible tremblement de Terre arrivée le Cinq Fevrier de l’annee 1783, Gallica – Bibliothèque nationale de France | 126 |
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[ENG]Okay, I finished her, at least x)I drew Bastet as a Pokemon Trainer. Yes, I had to do this, I'm a huge fan of Pokemon, and of SMITE. I HAD TO DRAW THIS!Hope you'll enjoy herMedium: digital artTime: 1 dayPokemon (c) GamefreakBastet (here) (c) HiRez StudiosArt (c) Johanna "Luoren" Girard--------------------------------------------------------------[FR]Ok, je l'ai enfin terminée haha ^^Ceci est un dessin de Bastet, déesse du jeu SMITE, en tant que dresseuse Pokémon. Oui. En tant que grande fand e Pokémon et de SMITE, je devais le faire. ^^J'espère qu'elle vous plaira!Medium: Digital artTemps: 1 jourPokemon (c) GamefreakBastet (here) (c) HiRez StudiosArt (c) Johanna "Luoren" Girard | 127 |
At least one person has been killed and two more injured in an incident in the German town of Reutlingen. A man wielding a machete apparently randomly attacked passersby in the street.
The man was identified as a Syrian asylum seeker, aged 21, who was previously known to law enforcement, the local police department said in a statement.
#BREAKING: One dead and 2 injured after a man attacked people with a machete in #Reutlingen Germany pic.twitter.com/JTbRNcyzWX — Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) July 24, 2016
The motives of the man are still unclear. The man could have killed the woman out of jealousy, AFP reported, citing police sources. Police also said that the killer knew the victim as they had both worked in the same place.
The perpetrator apparently had no links to any terrorist organization, according to police. "Given the current evidence, there is no indication that this was a terrorist attack," police said in a statement, as quoted by Reuters.
The man had an argument with a woman near the central bus terminal in Reutlingen, and during the altercation severely injured the woman using a machete.The woman died of her injuries at the scene, police said.
attacker running around
women frantically on the phone pic.twitter.com/aLQoxbjWlZ — Rāfāʾēl (@70219) July 24, 2016
The perpetrator was then detained near the scene “in minutes” after the incident but managed to injure another woman and a man, police added.
The eye witnesses described the attacker to Bild as "fully insane," adding that he tried to attack a police car with his machete.
#Amoklauf#Reutlingen - Scheinbar ist ein Mann mit Machete auf Passanten losgegangen. Lage wohl unter Kontrolle. pic.twitter.com/3Cdxu92BgT — Tekkle (@Tekkle) July 24, 2016
The perpetrator acted alone and there is no further threat to the public, police added.
Photos posted on social media show the alleged perpetrator lying on the ground, restrained by police officers.
READ MORE: Munich gunman planned attack for year, left manifesto – police
The attack comes two days after a gunman killed nine people and injured over 30 in a shopping mall shooting spree in Munich. | 128 |
ечестно и слабо. Наши пошлины - это ответ на его 270% на молочные продукты США!" - написал глава Белого дома.
PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2018
Трамп покинул саммит "Большой семерки" до обнародования итогового коммюнике, в котором, среди прочего, осуждаются действия России в Украине. Из Канады он вылетел в Сингапур, где за несколько дней встретится с Ким Чен Ыном.
Перед этим Трюдо назвал саммит "очень успешным" и заявил, что коммюнике согласованное всеми 7 странами. | 129 |
= Cleric (kurayriku)
ならず者 (ならずもの) = Rogue (narazumono)
戦士 (せんし)= Warrior (senshi)
ウィザード = Wizard (Weezaado)
= Kicker (Kicka)
上陸 (じょうりく)= landfall (jyouriku)
It would also be useful to know how to attack, or should I say how to deal damage.
First are the numbers: 1-20
1=ichi / 2= ni / 3 = san / 4 = yon / 5 = go / 6=roku / 7=nana / 8 = hachi / 9=kyuu /10 =jyu
For 11-19, take 10 (jyu) and add the first number. 11(10+1)= jyu+ichi.
For 20-99, take the first number and add ten to the word. EXAMPLE: 20 = ni+jyu. 30= san+jyu. 44 = yon+jyu+yon
When you are dealing damage you will usually add てん(ten)(点)to the number. 10 damage equals 十点 (jyu ten) damage (10 points damage basically).
Playing during a certain phase:
Sometimes you might want to play an instant or activate an ability during a certain phase, or before one. As stated above, most of the Magic players use the English names of the phases while playing. When you want to do something, you can say “____ (phase name) no mae, ____ oh shimasu.” This means “Before ____ phase, I’m playing ___ spell”.
An example would be “End step no mae, Think Twice oh shimasu” (End stepのまえ、Think Twiceをします。)
Most Japanese players in the bigger cities should know these words, but if they don’t you can always ask for a judge to help.
I hope this explanation wasn’t too confusing. If you take anything from it, the vocabulary would be the most important. If you are a beginner of the Japanese language and living in Japan, this would be a good way to practice your Japanese. Good luck with your gaming! | 130 |
the people tapped to help in the social media campaign on federalism.
"Wala pong inilabas na pera dito sa video na ito o sa game show na ito. Walang pera, walang budget, hindi po binayaran si Drew," she said.
"Hindi po ako ang spokesperson ng federalism, hindi po ako ang ambassadress ng federalism. Isa lang po ako sa mga tutulong para isulong ang kampanya ng federalism sa social media,"she added.
In one portion of the game show video, Olivar described federalism as follows: "Ito ang mode ng government kung saan mayroong central or federal government na sakop ang buong bansa, at meron ding pamahalaan ang bawat rehiyon—mapaprobinsiya o estado—na sumasaklaw sa kani-kanilang teritoryo, yaman at tao."
"Ang federalism, parang rainbow 'yan. Kita ninyo 'yung rainbow? Di ba seven ang kulay na magkakaiba at kanya-kanya ang guhit. Pero pinagsama-sama sila sa isang hilera, at ganda-ganda nila. Ganda ng sumulat nito! (laughs) Ganyan ang layunin ng federalism, na sa kabila ng ating pagkakaiba, kaya nating mag-shine nang sama-sama," he added.
He said some of the countries that follow a federal government structure are the United States, France, at Singapore. However, France and Singapore are not under a federal government.
In a Facebook post last July 30, Fr. Aquino wrote that he will stop writing the primer on the consultative committee's draft federal charter if Uson will be tapped to explain federalism.
"You use actors, actresses and Mocha when you want something raved about. That's called finagling. But when you want people to understand and to discern, you get serious and you ask the clowns to return for the intermission," he added.
The consultative committee's spokesperson Ding Generoso earlier said Uson can be a boost to information dissemination on federalism if she writes about it on her newspaper column or online blog, considering her wide reach on social media.
Communications Secretary Martin Andanar had clarified before during a Senate probe that Uson's blog does not represent the Presidential Communications Operations Office. | 131 |
Valais police confirmed that several people were buried in an avalanche at a ski station in the Swiss Alps. Local reports claim as many as 12 may be trapped in the snow.
Police in the Canton of Valais said there was an avalanche on the Plaine-Morte ski track in the Crans-Montana municipality at about 2:15pm local time on Tuesday, and several people are still buried beneath the snow.
#AvalancheCransMontana - 14h15 - une avalanche s'est produite sur le secteur de la Plaine-Morte - Secours sur place - Plusieurs personnes ensevelies. Informations suivront. Police cantonale VS. — Police Valais (@PoliceValais) February 19, 2019
Local reports claim between 10 and 12 people are trapped in the snow, citing the mayor of Crans-Montana, Nicolas Feraud.
"We are shocked and hope for a positive outcome for these people," Feraud said.
Rescue and recovery teams are on the scene. Valais police tweeted that more information will be provided as the situation develops.
Avalanche à Crans Montana sur la piste de Plaine Morte. Il y aurait des skieurs ensevelis pic.twitter.com/YgsCqXQMrt — Laure Lugon Zugravu (@LaureLugon) February 19, 2019
Four injured people have been rescued from the avalanche, police have said. As more people might have been trapped under the snow, the search goes on.
"Rescuers arrived very quickly, they rescued four injured people, including one whose life is in danger, and three were injured more superficially," Valais cantonal police commander Christian Varone said at a news conference. "Witnesses told us there could be more people under the snow, that is why we are pursuing the search with considerable means."
Avalanche Crans Montana pic.twitter.com/Yt1CcejU4H — Laure Lugon Zugravu (@LaureLugon) February 19, 2019
Warmer weather over the past week meant snow was starting to melt in the region. Video footage from the scene shows skiers standing by helplessly, gazing at the avalanche aftermath. A photo from the scene appears to show skiers looking for those who were buried.
Aerial photos from the scene posted to Facebook show the extent of the avalanche.
to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you. | 132 |
era To set the (whole) world on fire – Comerse el mundo To shag/press – Follar – British To snog – Morrearse To sow your wild oats – Ir de flor en flor To spoil [somebody] rotten – Malcriar/mimar/consentir a alguien To sum up… – En resumen… To take [something] with a pinch of salt – Coger algo con pinzas (sobre algo que te han dicho) To tan somebody’s hide – Darle una paliza a alguien Toff/Posh – Pijo Train bound for – Tren con destino a.. Upside down – Boca abajo / patas arriba / del revés / invertido (dado la vuelta) Watch out! – ¡Cuidado! We’re even – Estamos en paz What a drag! – Vaya coñazo What a horse’s ass – ¡Vaya imbécil! What a palaver! – ¡Menudo follón! What a pity – Qué pena What a rip off! – ¡Vaya/menuda estafa! What a shame! – ¡Qué vergüenza! / ¡Qué lástima! What the fuck? – ¿Qué cojones…? What this is have to do with… – Qué tiene que ver esto con… What were you up to? – ¿Qué estabas haciendo? Whatever – Lo que sea (resignado) Who is this? – ¿Quién es? (al responder una llamada de teléfono) Who on earth….? – ¿Quién coño…? Without any doubt – Sin ninguna duda You and what army? – ¿Tú y cuantos más? You are on your own – Estás solo en esto You never know – Nunca se sabe You rock! – ¡Tú molas! You’ve got another thing coming – Lo tienes claro (connotación irónica) You’re fit – Estás en forma / Estás bueno – British You’re hot – Estás bueno/a You’re on thin ice – Te la estás jugando
¿Conoces alguna otra expresión coloquial que quieras compartir con nosotros? | 133 |
This report is for the media and the general public.
On 13 August at 09:45, an SMM patrol consisting of four members was on foot immediately south of the broken section of the pedestrian bridge south of government-controlled Stanytsia Luhanska (16km north-east of Luhansk), next to a forward “LPR” position inside the disengagement area.
As the SMM patrol was monitoring civilians crossing the wooden ramps, an unarmed man wearing military-style clothing approached and spoke to the SMM, but the patrol members could not fully understand him, as he spoke in broken Russian with a strong accent assessed as from the northern Caucasus. He walked away from the patrol but two minutes later returned with an assault rifle (AK-variant) and – with exaggerated motions – adjusted the rifle’s magazine, disengaged its safety catch, and pointed it at the patrol from about 3m away. Two unarmed men in military-style clothing were also present. The armed man gestured with his rifle to the patrol to move, loudly saying (in Russian), “You are all spies. You do not have to walk near our positions. You have nothing to do here at all. Get out of here. I will count to three, and if you do not leave, I will shoot”.[1] He then began to count (in Russian), “One... two...”. The Mission patrol leader spoke up to interrupt the count, saying that the patrol would move. The SMM immediately returned to its two armoured vehicles, which were parked south of the bridge, and departed the area.
The Mission informed the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination about the incident and requested that it follow up.
[1] “Вы все шпионы. Нечего вам ходить возле наших позиций. Вам вообще нечего здесь делать. Убирайтесь отсюда. Считаю до трех и если вы не уйдете то буду стрелять”. | 134 |
The new regulation would be Beijing's first known public directive that sets specific limits in China's use of foreign technology
China has ordered that all hardware and software from the United States be removed from government offices and public institutions within three years.
After little progress in the negotiations between the two countries, the government directive is likely to be a blow to U.S. multinational companies like HP, Dell and Microsoft, as the trade war between the countries turns into a technological cold war.
The Trump administration banned U.S. companies from doing business with Chinese telecommunications company Huawei this year and Google, Intel and Qualcomm announced that they would freeze cooperation with Huawei.
By excluding China from Western technology, the Trump administration has made it clear that the real battle is over which of the two economic superpowers would have the technological edge for the next two decades.
This is Beijing's first known public directive that sets specific lines that limit China's use of foreign technology, although it is part of a broader movement within China to increase its dependence on domestic technology.
#China se desmarca de ordenadores extranjeros: Oficinas estatales deben dotarse de equipos chinos en tres años. - Una iniciativa del Gobierno para reducir dependencia de tecnologías extranjeras, según Financial Times. - Soberania Tecnologica plena ante amenazas imperiales. pic.twitter.com/NHd8Nov2Eh — juliob (@juliob14) December 9, 2019
#China sets itself apart from foreign computers: State offices must be equipped with Chinese equipment in three years. - A government initiative to reduce dependence on foreign technologies, according to the Financial Times. - Full technological sovereignty in the face of imperial threats.
According to analysts, the order sent from the central office of the Chinese Communist Party earlier this year would involve the replacement of 30 million pieces of hardware, a process that would begin in 2020.
Replacing all devices and software in this time period will be a challenge, as many products were developed for U.S. operating systems such as Windows.
Chinese government offices tend to use Chinese owned Lenovo company desktops, but computer components, including processor chips and hard drives, are manufactured by U.S. companies.
In May, Hu Xijin, editor of the Global Times newspaper in China, said the withdrawal of U.S. companies from their business with Huawei would not be a fatal defeat as the Chinese company would boost its own microchip industry to compete with the United States. | 135 |
placeholder = ” Customer Id ” /> < input type = ” text ” name = ” name ” id = ” name ” placeholder = ” Customer Name ” /> < input type = ” date ” name = ” dob ” id = ” dob ” placeholder = ” Customer Date Of Birth ” /> < input type = ” number ” name = ” social ” id = ” social ” placeholder = ” Customer Social Security Number ” /> < input type = ” button ” value = ” Register ” onclick = ” register(); ” /> </ body > </ html >
The above code will work out of the box if you fix the path to web3.js and jquery. Just as we have called the method on the contract handle:
var txn = customerContractObject. createCustomer( $ ( ‘ id ’ ). val(), $ ( ‘ name ’ ). val(), $ ( ‘ dob ’ ). val(), $ ( ‘ social ’ ). val(), {gas: 144840 });
It’s possible to call all other methods. The estimated gas needs to be entered from the test method calls, this is 144840 in my configuration. The above call returns a transaction Id for the transaction that is created on the blockchain to execute this method. This transaction is now a part of the blockchain and can be referred to whenever we want to audit when, how and by whom was this customer created.
There are two types of calls, as we have seen during the coding of the contract. One which updates the state of the contract like createCustomer, updateCustomer etc. And others which are read-only and are marked as constant. The former always return a transaction Id hash, transaction Id hash is a 64 byte identification of the transaction that can be used to refer back to the transaction. If we are running the contract in a synchronous way as we are doing here. The latter return the actual values that are sought in a comma separated array. For example the call:
var customer = customerContractObject. getCustomer( $ ( ‘ index ’ ). val()); console. log(customer) Will log an array of values like this - 101, "Jack", 845078400, 1234567
In the next part of the series, we will see how some non-functional concerns and aspects are built into the contract-like access control, event logs, contract deletion. We will discuss parts of the contract that specifically deal with these issues.
Favorite | 136 |
According to Açoriano Oriental, Lagoa Town Hall will sell a property in the parish of Santa Cruz for the construction of a 5-star hotel unit.
In order to proceed with the public tender, the municipality, led by Cristina Calisto, has hired Norma Açores to “elaborate the public auction procedure, which will be used by the municipality for the exercise / conditioning of the subsequent construction of a 5-star hotel unit”.
The location of the land, the number of rooms of a five-star building unit and other obligations for interested parties will be disclosed in the tender specifications for the land sale procedure.
This investment will be eligible for funding under Competir+ – an investment incentive system that can provide 55% (or more) of the required financing. The 55% financial grant is divided in two parts: 30% is Non-refundable incentive (NRI); while 25% is a Refundable component (RI) that works as a zero-interest loan with a 4-year grace period.
A simple example: an investment with eligible expenditures worth 10 million euros can, under Competir+, be financed with 3 million euros of NRI, plus 2.5 million euros of RI. The remainder (4,5 million euros) can financed by other means. My recommendation would be, at least, 15% by equity (1.5 million euros) and 3 million by debt.
Competir+ is also available for smaller projects and other areas besides tourism.
If you want to know more about Competir+, you can email me via the contact form available in my website.
I will be following this public tender – so contact me if you want to know more information as soon as its available.
Fábio M. V. Sousa é consultor de empresas, prestando diversos serviços nas áreas da análise de investimentos, das candidaturas a sistemas de incentivo ao investimento e da avaliação de empresas. Para mais informações, não hesite em utilizar o formulário de contacto.
Fábio M. V. Sousa is a business consultant, providing several services in the areas of investment analysis, applications for investment incentive systems and company valuation. For more information, feel free to contact me.
需要更多信息?点击这里? | 137 |
In April, I followed the Lab’s lead in reporting on a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) designed to help Spanish-speaking educators in the use of Second Life as a starting point in their interaction with emerging and innovative environments that can be used for education.
Since that time, and as the Lab again reports, the course has been improved and updated, and a new session is set to start on Monday September 29th. The course has been developed by the Universidad de San Martín de Porres (USMP), located in Santa Anita, Lima, Perú, under by the university’s Project Director of Virtual Worlds, Professor Max Ugaz. The course will comprise three week-long modules with a total of 17 lessons and an average workload of around 5 or 6 hours per week.Details on the course, together with a registration form for interested parties, are available the university’s website, which includes an introductory video for the course (in Spanish). The course will take place at one of the USMP’s teaching areas in Second Life, commencing on Monday September 29th, as noted. As my own Spanish is poor to non-existent, I’ve taken the liberty or reproducing the Spanish portion of the Lab’s blog post below:
l Proyecto en Mundos Virtuales de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres de Perú, inicia este 29 de setiembre la segunda edición del curso en la modalidad MOOC (Curso Masivo Abierto En línea) titulado “Introducción a Second Life para Educadores 2da. Ed.”. El curso es gratuito y está diseñado para capacitar a educadores y público en general de habla hispana en el uso del mundo virtual Second Life, a fin de ofrecer conocimiento que permita desempeñarse en este entorno y aprovechar su potencial, especialmente en el ámbito educativo.
Si tú o alguien que tú conoces pueden beneficiarse de un curso como éste, pueden acceder al vídeo de introducción y registrarse en la página web. Inicio: 29 de Set.
Además se puede visitar la sede del curso dentro del mundo virtual desde nuestra Guía de Destinos.
Related Links | 138 |
SÃO PAULO - O escritor inglês Neil Gaiman está desapontado com os seus editores no Brasil. Alertado no Twitter por um fã brasileiro de que uma edição especial de "Sandman" foi lançada no país com "um monte de erros", por causa do "péssimo trabalho feito pela Panini", o criador da personagem Morte reagiu escrevendo: "Isso é realmente decepcionante. A qualidade das edições no Brasil sempre foram muito boas".
Identificado no perfil como Thiago Ribeiro, o leitor e fã de Gaiman é de Teresina e se diz colecionador de quadrinhos há 20 anos. Escreve que criou o perfil no Twitter para "conversar com meus escritores e artistas favoritos, e para postar minhas opiniões sobre HQ's". ATUALIZAÇÃO: Panini pede desculpas por erros em edição de 'Sandman' e fará troca do livro
That's really disappointing. The quality of reprints in Brazil has been really good over the years. https://t.co/uJGDGaHoVR — Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) March 25, 2019
Ribeiro foi o primeiro a receber a resposta de Gaiman, mas não foi o primeiro a reclamar da edição comemorativa de 30 anos da Panini para "Sandman". Vários outros leitores apontaram erros como balões sem texto ou mal diagramados. O leitor Maurício Dantas escreveu: "Além de não terem tradutor nem revisor, agora demitiram os diagramadores e chamaram qualquer um que saiba mexer no Paint".
Trecho da edição especial de "Sandman" com problema de diagramação Foto: Reprodução
Procurada, a Panini não respondeu imediatamente à solicitação de comentário. A resposta foi encaminhada pela editora na manhã de terça. | 139 |
regjeringen på om dette er en ukultur, og om dette er noe som har vært feil håndtert i flere departement, sier han og fortsetter:
SKIVEBOM: Stortingsrepresentant og parlamentarisk nestleder i Høyre, Svein Harberg, mener Støres kritikk faller på sin egen urimelighet. Foto: Svein Sundsdal / NRK
– Og svaret er nei. Dette blir grundig vurdert når statsråder er på farten, og det har blitt fulgt opp slik som PST og de har blitt enige om.
Han sier at den gjennomslagskraften som Solberg lovet i 2013, har blitt fulgt opp, og at regjeringen har satset kraftig på sikkerhet.
– Vi har økt polititettheten, satset på mer forsvar og cybersikkerhet har vært et satsningsområde. Det er skivebom at denne regjeringen ikke satser på sikkerhet, sier Harberg.
– Sikkerheten er bedre
Statsminister Erna Solberg (H) fikk i går spørsmål om hun tar for lett på sikkerheten i Norge.
– Jeg tar sikkerheten i Norge på dypeste alvor. Derfor er også sikkerheten betydelig bedret i den perioden jeg har vært statsminister. Men vi har ikke vært gode nok på alt, og vi er ikke helt i mål med objektsikring. For det tar tid med store ombygginger, svarte hun da.
– To statsråder og to statssekretærer har reist til risikoland med tjenestetelefoner. Har du kontroll?
– Jeg har ikke hatt kontroll på hva Per Sandberg har gjort. De øvrige sakene viser at man har fulgt regelverket som eksisterer, svarte Solberg. | 140 |
The consequences of a so-called Grexit will be devastating. The Greek government does not have the mandate to return Greece to the drachma. The Greek Prime Minister should do whatever it takes to secure Greece's place in the Eurozone.
Οι συνέπειες ενός λεγόμενου Grexit θα είναι καταστροφικές. Η ελληνική κυβέρνηση δεν έχει εντολή για να επιστρέψει την Ελλάδα στη δραχμή. Ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός θα πρέπει να κάνει ό,τι χρειάζεται για να διασφαλιστεί η θέση της Ελλάδας στην Ευρωζώνη.
UPDATE: Greek PM Alexis Tsipras agreed with our Eurozone partners. Τhree quarters of the MPs supported the deal.
ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ: ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός Αλέξης Τσίπρας συμφώνησε με τους εταίρους μας στην Ευρωζώνη. Τα τρία τέταρτα των βουλευτών στήριξαν τη συμφωνία. | 141 |
Hei, denne artikkelen er over ett år gammel og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon
(Dagbladet) Store krav i skolen og i fritida gjør mange barn stresset, mener professor i psyklologi, Ingunn Hagen.
Til forskning.no sier hun at yoga kan få ned stressnivået.
- Yoga og meditasjon er verdifulle redskaper for å komme i kontakt med seg selv og den indre styrken vi alle har i oss. Også barn trenger å lære seg teknikker og redskaper for å styrke egen selvfølelse og slappe av. Jeg mener at vi må innføre yoga i skolen allerede fra første klasse, sier Hagen.
Norske barn vokser opp med for mange impulser, ifølge professoren.
- De skal hele tiden være online og tilgjengelig i informasjonssamfunnet gjennom for eksempel Facebook og Twitter.
- I tillegg gjør kvalitetsreformen at det stilles store krav til barna faglig, både på skolen og i fritiden med mye lekser. Det er mange norske barn som er stresset på grunn av dette, sier hun.
Professoren mener yoga og meditasjon er verdifulle redskaper for å komme i kontakt med seg selv. Hun mener at yoga vil ha en beroligende effekt på elevene.
- Yoga virker både fysisk og psykisk. Elevene får bedre kontakt med sin egen kropp, og sinnet blir beroligende. På den måten vil barna bli mer fokusert og konsentrert. Når barna får det bedre med seg selv, vil det også virke sosialt og motvirke mobbing, sier hun til Aftenposten.
| 142 |
Imagini cu reprimarea violentă a mitingului din 10 august rulează pe ecranele publicitare din aeroportul din Geneva, unde își are sediul Înaltul Comisar ONU pentru Drepturile Omului
Comunitățile ”Declic” și ”Rezist Zurich” au închiriat un spațiu publicitar pe ecranele din gara aeroportului din Geneva, Elveția, pentru a rula în fiecare zi un spot cu imagini de la reprimarea violentă de către jandarmi a mitingului din 10 august din Piața Victoriei. Locul nu a fost aleasă întâmplător, la Geneva avându-și sediul Înaltul Comisar ONU pentru Drepturile Omului, Michelle Bachelet.
De altfel, spotul conține un mesaj adresat direct lui Bachelet: ”Luați o poziție fermă împotriva abuzurilor comise la adresa drepturilor omului în România”.
Pe ecranul publicitar, amplasat într-un loc cu maximă vizibilitate – lângă panourile de plecări / sosiri – rulează fotografii cu oameni loviți și gazați de jandarmi, însoțite de următoarele mesaje: ”We are not well / +100.000 peacefull citizens gassed and beaten-up in Romania / UN: Take a strog stand against human rights abuses in Romania”.
Pe pagina de Facebook a comunității Declic este și o rugăminte adresată Înaltului Comisar ONU pentru drepturile Omului: ”Ms. Michelle Bachelet, take a strong stand against human rights abuses in Romania! 80.000 Romanians are asking you to act on human rights abuses against peaceful protesters in Bucharest”. | 143 |
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger : Spoilers de Mars
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On s’envole vers les premiers spoilers à dos de Pégase.
La Pegasus Kyutama (surnommée Pega-san) accordera à Lucky une armure, une super vitesse ainsi que la capacité de très bien danser. Il deviendra la Dancing Star, Pegasus Shishi Red!
Let’s fly to the first spoilers riding Pegasus. The Pegasus Kyutama (nicknamed Pega-san) will allow Lucky a body armour, super speed and the capacity to be a very good dancer. He will become the Dancing Star, Pegasus Shishi Red!
Les pouvoirs des différentes Kyutama sont révélés.
Futago (Gémeaux) crée un clone.
Tate (Écu de Sobieski) crée un bouclier.
Kani (Cancer) crée une pince.
Bouenkyou (Télescope) permet de trouver une cible même très éloignée.
Uo (Poissons) crée des sushis?
Ohitsuji (Bélier) endort l’ennemi.
The powers of the various Kyutamas are revealed. Futago (Gemini) creates a clone.
(Gemini) creates a clone. Tate (Scutum) creates a shield.
(Scutum) creates a shield. Kani (Cancer) creates a pincer.
(Cancer) creates a pincer. Bouenkyou (Telescopium) find targets, even very far away.
(Telescopium) find targets, even very far away. Uo (Pisces) creates sushis?
(Pisces) creates sushis? Ohitsuji (Aries) puts the enemy to sleep.
Le Commandant Xiao Longpao tirera au sort à la Kyulette la formation de Kyurenoh du jour.
Commander Xiao Longpao will draw with the Kyulette, Kyurenoh’s formation of the day.
La traditionnelle découpe de costume et des armes.
The traditional costume and weapons cut.
– | 144 |
Hello Everybody!
Today we bring you the twenty-three weekly report where we are going to explain the most important updates that has happened between December 16 and 23, 2018.
We have been finalizing content details and organizing different functions in order to launch the Petchain Foundation website during January 2019.
We can advance that by the end of January, we will launch an update that will affect the overall design of Petchain, we are very happy with this advance to have a great professional design.
As we were commenting on the previous weekly, tomorrow Monday 24th and Monday 31st we will have a special article related to the dates we have present and the week of January 7 we will return with the interviews to the Petchain’s founders.
Finally, the Petchain team wants to wish you a Merry Christmas and some fantastic days surrounded by your beloved ones!
A big hug to all Petchainers!!!
PETCHAIN: Weekly Report #23 · Reporte Semanal #23 ENG/ESP
Saludos a todos!
Hoy os traemos el veintitresavo reporte semanal en el que explicamos los avances más importantes ocurridos entre el 16 y el 23 de Diciembre de 2018.
Hemos estado ultimando detalles de contenido y organizando diferentes funciones para poder lanzar públicamente la web de la Fundación Petchain durante el mes de Enero de 2019.
Podemos avanzar que para finales de Enero, lanzaremos una actualización que afectara al diseño general de Petchain, estamos muy contentos con este avance al poder contar un gran profesional del diseño.
Como veníamos comentando en el anterior weekly, mañana Lunes 24 y Lunes 31 vamos a tener un articulo especial relacionado con las fechas que tenemos presentes y la semana del día 7 de Enero volveremos con las entrevistas a los fundadores de Petchain.
Por último, todo el equipo de Petchain os queremos desear una Feliz Navidad y unos fantásticos días rodeados de vuestros seres mas queridos!
Un fuerte abrazo a todos Petchainers!!! | 145 |
MANILA - Some alumni of the UP Los Baños Communication Arts program and the faculty of the Department of Humanities on Thursday criticized its alumnus, veteran broadcast journalist Jiggy Manicad's over his recent statement that press freedom was not suppressed in the country.
In a statement, the groups said they "strongly denounce" Manicad's statements.
"Manicad’s statements belie the state-led pressures exerted on national and local media entities and diminish the systematic harassment and violence against visiting journalists, broadcasters and publications in the country," they said.
"These statements betray the most indispensable principles of journalism and public communication and are inconsistent with the honored values of the AB Communication Arts program," it added.
The development comes after senate hopeful Manicad, in an interview with ONE News, said the government has basis when it filed criminal charges against news website Rappler.
"I think may basis yung gov’t to say that may foreign fund na pumasok sa Rappler, to be honest about it. And it’s a violation of the Constitution. Yun ang nakikitang punto ng pamahalaan," he said.
Manicad also questioned if Rappler is "politicized" and "telling the stories na objectively."
"What I’m saying is it’s a very specific case which I really do not have a basis to talk about. Kung papaano ba talaga nagsimula yung attack ng Rappler sa Presidente, ano yung perception ng Presidente prior to that attack and what article pushed the government to do an investigation and for us to find out that there was foreign fund na pumasok sa Rappler," he said.
Rappler, which published stories critical of the administration, is facing tax evasion and cyber libel charges.
A year ago, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) revoked Rappler's incorporation papers, citing its alleged violation of the constitutional restriction on foreign ownership of mass media.
Manicad also cited the United States, whose President Donald Trump also hit back at media.
"Kasi ang nangyayari sa US parang inaattack niya lahat ng media to silence, well, yung mga naga-attack sa kanya, ina-attack din niya in return. So ganun lang yan eh, parang yun yung nakikita ko," he said.
ABS-CBN News has reached out to Manicad for his comment but has yet to respond. | 146 |
VerquanaIguanaTorrentShed Skin1'03"Professor's LabNoneViriquana (lv. 14)Monster/Water 1TackleWater GunTail WhipAqua JetIt is believed these Pokémon have survived extinction by hiding in a deep ocean trench. A nest has yet to be discovered.Name is derived from vert (green in French), Aquatic and Iguana. Based on a marine iguana.HP : 60ATK : 50DEF : 70SPA : 50SPD : 51SPE : 30Stat total = 311ViriquanaIguanaTorrentShed Skin3'00"noneVerquanaTiquanodon (lv. 32)Monster/Water 1Bubble BeamHM03: SurfStompSwaggerIt rides waves to learn how to control them. More pimples appear on its face if it does not exercise enough.Name derived from Viridian (a shade of Green), Aquatic and Iguana. Based on a marine iguana. Also has elements of a teenager such as the mo-hawk of head spikes and "acne".HP : 74ATK : 61DEF : 80SPA : 62SPD : 70SPE : 55Stat total = 402TiquanodonTsunamiTorrentShed Skin4'10"noneViriquanaNoneMonster/Water 1Lv. 1: TackleLv. 1: Water GunLv. 1: Tail WhipLv. 1: Aqua JetLv. 5: Water GunLv. 9: Tail WhipLv. 13: Aqua JetLv. 17: SwaggerLv. 22: StompLv. 27: BubblebeamLv. 32: Dual ChopLv. 33: RoarLv. 39: DiveLv. 45: Ancient PowerLv. 51: Morning SunLv. 57: Hydro PumpThey can create waves powerful enough to capsize cruise ships. However they are rather placid and enjoy sunbathing more than anything.Based on a marine iguana and the concept of green water. Also has elements of England's well known dinosaur, the Iguanodon. However it has a sail on its back similar to Ouranosaurus, except this one is shaped like a wave breaking onto the beach. Name comes from Tidal Wave or Tide, Aqua and Iguanodon.HP : 92ATK : 83DEF : 105SPA : 83SPD : 95SPE : 72Stat total = 530Original design: www.fanart-central.net/picture… Previous: tapejara.deviantart.com/art/Ha… Next: tapejara.deviantart.com/art/Ha… | 147 |
Estados Unidos. – Donald Trump dijo el lunes que Estados Unidos firmó otra parte de un acuerdo de inmigración y seguridad con México que tendría que ser ratificada por los legisladores mexicanos.
El mandatario no proporcionó detalles, pero amenazó nuevamente con imponer aranceles si el Congreso de México no aprueba el plan.
“Hemos firmado y documentado totalmente otra parte muy importante del acuerdo de Inmigración y Seguridad con México, uno que Estados Unidos ha estado buscando durante muchos años. Será revelado en un futuro no muy lejano y necesitará una votación del cuerpo legislativo mexicano», dijo Trump en Twitter. “No anticipamos un problema en la votación, pero si por alguna razón la aprobación no llega, los aranceles se restablecerán», agregó.
El mes pasado, Trump amenazó con aranceles del 5 por ciento sobre los productos mexicanos, los cuales aumentararían cada mes hasta que alcanzarían un 25 por ciento en octubre, a menos de que México detenga la inmigración ilegal a través en su frontera. La imposición de aranceles fue cancelada el viernes después de que Estados Unidos y México anunciaron un acuerdo sobre inmigración. El comunicado conjunto emitido por ambos países proporcionó pocos detalles.
We have fully signed and documented another very important part of the Immigration and Security deal with Mexico, one that the U.S. has been asking about getting for many years. It will be revealed in the not too distant future and will need a vote by Mexico’s Legislative body!.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 10 de junio de 2019
Un portavoz de la Casa Blanca no respondió de inmediato a una solicitud de comentarios.
Con información de Excélsior. | 148 |
This lesson can still be improved.
Useful French Idioms
Expressions idiomatiques utiles en français
In this lesson, you will learn a few interesting French idiomatic expressions. Those expressions are very useful in everyday conversations. Have fun! :)
Manger son pain noir [ edit | edit source ]
"Manger son pain noir" literally means "to eat one's black bread, bad bread". It means that one is going through a rough patch.
Manger son pain blanc [ edit | edit source ]
The opposite of "manger son pain noir" is "manger son pain blanc" (to eat one's white bread). It means to have a good time.
Ne pas être né/tombé de la dernière pluie / Ne pas être né d'hier [ edit | edit source ]
Literally: "To be not born with the last rain"; "To be not born yesterday"
Meaning: Having experience, being smart, knowing the things of life
Example: Pourquoi me dis-tu cela? je ne suis pas né d'hier / je ne suis pas tombé de la dernière pluie!
Why are you telling me that? I was not born yesterday! I didn't come in the last shower!
Cela m'a ouvert les yeux [ edit | edit source ]
Literally: "It opened my eyes"
Meaning: It was an eye-opener
Example: Ce que m'a dit ma femme m'a vraiment ouvert les yeux.
What my wife said was a real eye-opener.
Jeter de l'huile sur le feu / Remuer le couteau dans la plaie [ edit | edit source ]
Literally: "To throw oil on the fire", "to shake the knife in one's wound"
Meaning: To add fuel to the fire, to make things worse.
Example: Ce qu'il a répondu n'a fait que jeter de l'huile sur le feu / n'a fait que remuer le couteau dans la plaie.
What he answered only added fuel to the fire.
Ce n'est pas à un vieux singe qu'on apprend à faire des grimaces [ edit | edit source ] | 149 |
Kalkulator podziału czynszu
Rent share calculator
Wystarczy, że każdy uczestnik wyceni, w procentach, każdy z pokoi. Algorytm znajdzie taki przydział pokoi, który maksymalizuje sumę wartości oraz zasugeruje, ile procent powinien zapłacić każdy z uczestników.
Let each participant estimate, how much each room is worth (in %). The algorithm will then find an assignment which maximizes the sum of values and suggest a fair rent for everybody.
Algorytm gwarantuje, że każdy z uczestników będzie zadowolony ze swojego przydziału (zapłaci mniej niż jego wycena).
The algorithm guarantees that each participant will end up happy with their assignment (they'll pay less than their valuation).
Kalkulator zapamięta wprowadzone wartości więc możesz bez obaw zamknąć tą stronę i wrócić tu później.
The calculator will remember entered values so you're safe to close this page and can come back later.
Number of participantsIlość uczestników:
Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć alternatywną metodę (dającą mniej sprawiedliwy podział kosztów ale za to pozbawione zawiści przyporządkowania), zajrzyj [tutaj](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/science/rent-division-calculator.html "The New York Times: Divide Your Rent Fairly").
If you'd like to check an alternative technique (with less fair prices but envy-free assignments), take a look [here](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/science/rent-division-calculator.html "The New York Times: Divide Your Rent Fairly").
Podaj dalej: | 150 |
Russian / Русский
"Мои родители умерли давным-давно: погибли в автокатастрофе. После этого мы с братом жили вдвоем, до тех пор пока он..."
Après la mort de son frère, Shino Kishibe doit vivre avec sa belle-soeur, Nozomi. Ensemble, elles apprendront à communiquer, à se faire confiance mutuellement et surtout à faire le deuil.
German / Deutsch
Seit dem Tod ihres Bruders, lebt die 17-jährige Shino Kishibe mit der Witwe Ehefrau ihres Bruders, Nozomi. Nozomi möchte ein Person sein, an die sich Shino anlehnen kann, während Shino entschlossen dazu ist, ihr keine Bürde zu sein. Zusammen versuchen die verwaiste Oberschülerin und die junge Witwe sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen, während ihre Leben normal weitergehen.
Bahasa Indonesia
Shino Kishibe, seorang gadis yatim piatu tinggal bersama Kakak iparnya, Nozomi, semenjak Kakak kandungnya meninggal. Shino dan Nozomi menjalani hari-harinya dengan saling menguatkan satu sama lain.
Since the death of her brother, seventeen year-old Shino Kishibe has been living with her sister-in-law Nozomi. Nozomi wants to be a person Shino can lean on, while Shino is determined not to be a burden. Together the orphaned high-schooler and young widow try to support one another while carrying on with their everyday lives. | 151 |
A Frenchman who was captured pummeling a riot police officer during Yellow Vest protests in Paris has been revealed to be a former professional boxer.
Former light heavyweight champion of France, Christophe Dettinger, was filmed repeatedly punching the officer, who was wielding a baton and a shield, as the protest turned violent on on a bridge in central Paris on Saturday. Video footage of the incident went viral over the weekend, leading to the boxer’s identification by police.
Police were forced to retreat as Dettinger vaulted onto the bridge and repeatedly punched the officer despite the cop being fully clad in protective riot armor. Separate footage of a different scuffle shows the same man repeatedly kicking and punching another officer while he lay on the ground.
This weekend in #Paris : Police are beaten down to the ground by individuals on the bridge Léopold-Sédar-Senghor pic.twitter.com/QlknKbdG3w — Carl Zha (@CarlZha) January 5, 2019
READ MORE: Scuffles break out as ‘yellow vests’ return to streets for 1st protest of 2019 (PHOTO, VIDEO)
The French police union revealed on Twitter that, thanks to footage posted on social media, the attacker had been identified.
“Sir, you who punched a colleague on the ground, you have been identified. For a boxer, you do not respect a lot of rules. We will teach you those of the penal code,” the tweet read.
Monsieur, vous qui avez frappé un collègue à terre, vous êtes identifié. Pour un boxeur, vous ne respectez apparement pas beaucoup de règles. Nous allons vous apprendre celles du code pénal. @EmmanuelMacron@EPhilippePM@CCastaner@NunezLaurent@[email protected]/zBNcD9kWMs — Commissaires Police Nationale SCPN (@ScpnCommissaire) January 5, 2019
French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner described the attack as “cowardly and intolerable,” announcing via Twitter that the suspect had turned himself in to investigators, adding that he will "have to answer for his actions in court.''
However, supporters of the Yellow Vest movement have labeled Dettinger a hero who was simply ‘beating’ officers at their own game.
Like this story? Share it with a friend! | 152 |
Kunxun is China’s first cloned police dog to enter service.
The dog has finally arrived at a base of the Ministry of Public Security in Kunming, the capital of the southern province of Yunnan, for training, which will last 10 months, before entering service.
The dog who is two months old now has been cloned by a female named Huahuangma, who belongs to the police force of the city of Pu’er.
At the age of seven, Huahuangma was greatly appreciated for her contributions to numerous investigations murders.
Generally, the time needed to train a dog to get him to Huahuangma levels is between 4 and 5 years, at a cost of around 500,000 yuan (about 75,000 USD).
Thus, researchers from Yunnan Agricultural University in collaboration with the Sinogene bioengineering company of Beijing, with the support of the Ministry of Public Security, cloned the dog, thanks to a sample of Huahuangma skin biopsy obtained on the 12th September 2018.
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The researchers then used a female beagle, as a surrogate mother. Kunxun was born through surgery.
At birth, the dog weighed 540 g and measured 23 cm, health indicators were normal, according to Liu Xiaojuan, who participated in the trial.
Further studies showed that Kunxun and Huahuangma share the 99.9% of their DNA.
At the station, Kunxun will therefore follow a period of 10 months of training, including search and rescue.
After this first phase, it will be handed over to Li Hua, a veteran police officer and coach of Huahuangma, for further work. Police dogs in China are mainly imported.
The Kunming dog is the only indigenous species bred in China for this kind of activity.
They are often trained as military assistance dogs to perform a variety of tasks such as mine detection. Some are even trained to be fire dogs and rescue dogs.
They are a species derived from the German shepherd and crossed with local breeds since the early 1950s.
Zhao Jianping, deputy general manager of Sinogene, who has cloned more than 20 dogs in the last year, said the company hopes to apply cloning technology in creating police dogs to save money and improve quality.
Source: ecns via Il primo cane della polizia clonato comincia l’addestramento a Kunming, in Cina | 153 |
apelación al diálogo. Discurso irresponsable e indigno de un jefe de estado #Rey — Ada Colau (@AdaColau) October 3, 2017
Pablo Iglesias, the head of the Podemos party, also denounced the speech, telling the unelected king that he did not speak for the five million Spaniards who voted for his party.
Como presidente de un grupo parlamentario que representa a más de 5 millones de españoles, le digo al Rey no votado: no en nuestro nombre — Pablo Iglesias (@Pablo_Iglesias_) October 3, 2017
The king’s speech was quickly followed by what the Catalans call a cassolada, a form of protest in which dissent is expressed by making a racket, banging on casseroles, pots, and pans.
Cassolada espontània a Sants després del discurs del rei @btvnoticies pic.twitter.com/ORtuOlP4g6 — Mercè (@MerceMondelo) October 3, 2017
Cassolada espectacular a Gràcia després del missatge institucional del rei @btvnoticies pic.twitter.com/XrqYuQEbf8 — Ainhoa Roca (@ainhoar7) October 3, 2017
If the repression of Sunday’s vote in Catalonia set Spain back 40 years, Albano Dante, a member of the Catalan parliament, suggested on Twitter, this speech from the king set it back another 300.
El 1-O España retrocedió 40 años. Hoy 300. El Rey Felipe. pic.twitter.com/XyDpPEDOTL — Albano-Dante Fachin (@AlbanoDante76) October 3, 2017
Pro-independence groups mocked the king, with one calling him a “rat” imposed by the Franco regime.
? A aquesta rata imposada pel franquisme ja fa molt de temps que no li tenim cap mena de por. #NiReiNiPor pic.twitter.com/GvEhFVKFsW — Arran (@Arran_jovent) October 3, 2017
Adding to the sense of crisis, the BBC reported that Catalan President Carles Puigdemont said in an interview recorded earlier on Tuesday that his government would declare independence within days. | 154 |
ES// ¡Hola! Soy Pablo Bustos Morán, ‘alias’ Wirdou. Wirdou comenzó como una aventura en el negocio del diseño de camisetas allá por 2012, pero ha cambiado y crecido mucho desde entonces. Empecé haciendo diseños basados en personajes de la cultura pop como hobby, pero pronto se convirtió en un trabajo. Conseguí algo de fama internetil con mis diseños que mezclaban ciencia y cultura pop, y poco después decidí centrarme en diseños sobre ciencia. Actualmente trabajo como profesor en un Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria en Coslada. Me ENCANTA ser profesor. Ahora me dedico a intentar mezclar todas mis pasiones y aficiones (diseño e ilustración, educación, música, humor, etc.). Últimamente he colaborado en la creación de la comunidad SCENIO, junto con otros frikis que se dedican también a divulgar la ciencia de una forma creativa. Y en 2017 me atreví incluso con los monólogos científicos. Mi nueva aventura: Youtube. ¡Bienvenid@s a mi página!
EN// Hi! I’m Pablo Bustos Morán ‘aka’ Wirdou. Wirdou started as a t-shirt designing adventure in 2012 but it has grown and changed so much. I started making pop culture designs as a hobby, and it soon became an actual job for a while. I got a little bit of fame and glory with my science-pop culture designs and after a while I decided to focus on science related designs. I currently work as a High School Biology teacher in Madrid, Spain. I LOVE being a teacher. Working in education is so great! Now I’m trying to mix all my passions together (designing and illustration, education, music, comedy, etc.). Lately I’ve developed a new project, with other science enthusiasts, called SCENIO, in which we share creative ways to spread science, and I’ve even started trying stand-up comedy. My new adventure: Youtube. Welcome! Stay tuned! | 155 |
** Scroll naar beneden voor de Nederlandse versie **
It’s finally there!!!
Naked Wanderings has written a book.
A real one, on paper and with text and pictures and all that stuff… Exciting!
What is it about?
Our goal was to not write the traditional naturism bible but with Alles Uit! (literal translation: “Everything Off”) we wanted to tell about naturism in our own words. Pretty much like what we’ve been doing on Naked Wanderings during the previous years. The red line will be our own story, from those first insecure steps into social nudity towards our epic journey around the world. And about what we learned about naturism along the way.
How to get it?
Unfortunately at the moment our book is only available in Dutch, but we hope that we can update this page soon and add other languages!
Alles Uit! is for sale online via standaardboekhandel.be, is for sale online via Bol.com libris.nl among several others and you may also run into it in your favourite book store!
Eindelijk is het er!!!
Naked Wanderings heeft een boek geschreven!
Een echt boek, op papier en met tekst en foto’s en al van die dingen… Spannend!
Waarover gaat het boek?
Ons doel was om niet nog maar eens een traditionele naturisten bijbel te schrijven maar met Alles Uit! wilden we vertellen over naturisme in onze eigen woorden. Een beetje zoals we de laatste jaren al deden op Naked Wanderings. De rode lijn zal ons eigen verhaal zijn, vanaf die eerste onzekere stappen in het sociaal naakt tot onze fantastische reis rond de wereld. En over alles wat we leerden over naturisme onderweg.
Hoe kan je het boek kopen?
Momenteel is Alles Uit! enkel te verkrijgen in het Nederlands, maar we hopen natuurlijk dat we deze pagina snel kunnen updaten andere talen kunnen toevoegen. | 156 |
Salut! Salut à vous!
Vaillants marins de la mer Noire!
Salut! Salut à vous!
Petits cols bleus couverts de gloire.
Salut! Salut à vous!
Ennemis du capitalism,
Qui croyait, en comptant sur vous,
Assassiner le communisme!
[We salute you
Brave sailors of the Black Sea!
We salute you
Little white collars covered with glory.
We salute you
Enemies of capitalism,
Which thought that, by counting on you,
It could murder Communism!]
1.] André Marty (1886-1956) was a professional seaman before 1914, and was involved with the socialist paper Cri du marin. Jailed in 1919 and released in 1923, he joined the PCF, and was a member of its Political Bureau from 1931, a deputy from 1924 to 1955, and Secretary of the Comintern during 1935-43. He organised International Brigades in Spain. Expelled from the PCF in 1953, in his last years he had contacts with Trotskyists and anarchists. [Translator's note]
2.] Virgile Vuillemin (1898-1981) was jailed in 1919, and released in 1920. In 1924, he was a leading figure in the anarchist-individualist group `Vers la beauté', advocating education through art. He joined the PCF at the Liberation, but resigned in 1952 in protest at the expulsion of Marty. In 1958-59, he was a candidate in municipal elections on a list organised by the PSA and the UGS. [Translator's note]
3.] A popular song among French troops in the First World War. [Translator's note]
4.] Charles Tillon was born in 1897. Close to the revolutionary syndicalists before the First World War, he was jailed in 1919, but was released on health grounds. In the PCF from 1921, he was an activist in the CGTU. A member of the PCF Political Bureau during 1944-52, and a minister in several postwar governments, he was disciplined in 1952 and sent back to his base. Restored to full party rights in 1957, he was expelled from the PCF in 1970, and formed Secours Rouge with Jean Paul Sartre. [Translator's note]
Source; Revolutionary History, Volume 8, no 2; Porcupine Press/Socialist Platform Ltd, London, 2002. | 157 |
Two more music industry veterans have shared their thoughts on the recent chart manipulation controversy.
On November 24, Park Kyung posted a tweet accusing Vibe, Song Ha Ye, Lim Jae Hyun, Jeon Sang Keun, Jang Deok Cheol, and Hwang In Wook of sajaegi (the manipulation of album sales numbers through bulk orders by an artist’s own agency). The artists mentioned above have filed a legal complaint or announced their intention to do so. Park Kyung’s agency, meanwhile, has announced they will be appointing a lawyer to deal with the issue on behalf of their artist.
Since then, the issue has been brought up by other members of the music industry, including a music critic, the drummer Kim Gan Ji, and rapper Mommy Son.
On November 27, Sung Si Kyung made a guest appearance on a KBS radio show and shared his thoughts on the topic. He said, “There is a lot of talk about sajaegi recently, but there’s something that I myself heard directly as well. I heard that musicians are being told to get rid of the instrumental opening and any instrumental interludes. Those companies [implied to be the companies that offer chart manipulation services to agencies] participate in the production process by saying, ‘Get rid of the instrumental parts and make the title like this.'”
Sung Si Kyung continued, “A producer I know gave an unfinished song to someone and he was told, ‘Can you change the lyrics like this?’ He refused right away. I heard that and thought, there must be something going on.”
Also on November 27, Cube Entertainment’s founder, Hong Seung Sung, shared a tweet that read, “Online music sajaegi must be eradicated. I will cheer you on. Stay strong.”
Hong Seung Sung, who formerly worked at JYP Entertainment, founded Cube Entertainment in 2006 and debuted groups like 4Minute and BEAST. Throughout the 2010s, he has been involved in Cube to varying degrees due to his long-term illness and other internal issues at the company.
음원 사재기는 반드시 근절되어야 합니다.
응원합니다. 힘내세요 — hongseongsung (@hongcube) November 27, 2019
Source (1) | 158 |
remain economically unviable through the 2020s, eschewing the main economic reason offered for the pipeline. As with the approval of the Petronas LNG plant, this could see the government being a more optimistic economist than the oil markets.
But this doesn’t mean the fight is over. Far from it.
Environmental groups have signalled their willingness to fight Kinder Morgan to the last weld. Many of the same groups now fighting Kinder Morgan spent years cutting their teeth on Northern Gateway, and have only grown bolder since winning that fight.
With Vancouver’s Mayor Gregor Robertson, the Green Party’s Elizabeth May, over 20 other municipalities and nearly 20 First Nations all stating their opposition to the pipeline, it’s easy to imagine a Canadian equivalent of Standing Rock breaking out — except it will be in or near a major city like Vancouver. First Nations communities, who have spent years and considerable legal resources fighting similar projects solo, must be feeling good now, knowing there are so many others willing to join their fight.
But before people are forced to put their bodies in front of the bulldozers, you can count on Kinder Morgan to receive a number of legal challenges, just as Northern Gateway did. The Tsleil-Waututh Nation has already indicated it intends to fight it in the courts, and West Coast Environmental Law signalled that it expects many more lawsuits to emerge.
It will be a great irony if Trudeau’s ambitions to pass a major pipeline, where Stephen Harper could not, are also thwarted by a similarly superficial approach to Indigenous rights and environmental integrity. He was counting on his charm and allusions to sober consideration to give him the political space to embrace all his contradictory promises and score a coup.
While Harper could barely hide his contempt for inherent and treaty rights held by First Nations, Trudeau promised to change that relationship. However, this announcement, along with his reneging on his promise to fully support UNDRIP, has shown that First Nations and other Canadians are right to be hostile toward a government that is proving itself just as willing to ignore environmental science and Indigenous rights to get its way.
Photo: First Nations communities protest pipelines projects in Prince George, British Columbia. Photo: Ben Powless.
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 159 |
Verendosaurus, ce qui signifie « lézard de la peur », est un genre de dinosaure théropode de la famille des Neotyrannosauridae, qui vit dans le Nord-Ouest de l'Afrique.
À la différence des autres Tyrannosauroidea, les Neotyrannosauridae, comme ce Verendosaurus, sont des prédateurs bipèdes, rarement très grand, pesant moins d'une tonne à l'âge adulte et possédant des membres antérieurs extrêmement rétrécis, se terminant toujours par deux doigts. Malgré tout, ils ont gardés leurs grandes dents pointues, typiques de ses carnivores.
Verendosaurus se distingue par ses cornes sur l’arcade sourcilière. L’aire de répartition du Verendosaurus s’étant de la région des sources du Nil, jusque dans la basse Égypte.
Prédateur, il est au sommet de sa chaîne alimentaire, et s'attaque aux abondants cératopsiens, hadrosaures et mammifères de la vallée du Rift. Dans certaines régions, Verendosaurus coexiste avec d’autres Neotyrannosauridae.
Verendosaurus, which means "lizard of fear", is a kind of theropod dinosaur of the family Neotyrannosauridae, which lives in Northwestern Africa.
Unlike other Tyrannosauroidea, Neotyrannosauridae, like the Verendosaurus, are rare bipedal predators, rarely tall, weighing less than one tonne in adulthood, with extremely narrow forelimbs, always ending in two fingers. Despite everything, they kept their large pointed teeth, typical of its carnivores.
Verendosaurus is distinguished by its horns on the eyebrow. The range of the Verendosaurus extends from the region of the sources of the Nile into Lower Egypt.
Predator, it is at the top of its food chain, and attacks the abundant ceratopsians, hadrosaurs and mammals of the Rift Valley. In some areas, Verendosaurus coexists with other Neotyrannosauridae. | 160 |
More than 9,000 women in the impoverished southern state undergo clandestine abortions every year.
The southern Mexican state of Oaxaca has decriminalised abortion, making it the second jurisdiction in the country to allow terminations for women who are up to 12 weeks pregnant.
The state legislature passed the bill with 24 votes in favour and 10 against on Wednesday.
Campaigners on both sides of the debate took to the streets outside the congressional building during the contentious vote.
Some wore green scarves to show their support for legal abortion and carried banners that read: “the debate is not abortion or no abortion, but a legal or clandestine one”.
Counter-protesters demanded legislators “defend life, God and the commandments”.
Fundar Mexico, a rights group, hailed the move as a “historic day for the women of Oaxaca”.
According to government figures, thousands of clandestine abortions occur every year in Oaxaca, one of Mexico‘s poorest states. It is the third cause of death among women in the region
“In Oaxaca a year more than 9,000 women undergo an abortion and according to the latest data, 17 percent are indigenous women under 20,” Natalia Torres, legal representative of the women’s group March 8, told Al Jazeera on Wednesday.
About 20 women have been imprisoned in Oaxaca for illegal abortions since 2016, according to the newspaper El Pais.
Anti-abortion rights demonstrators hold a protest outside the local congress in Oaxaca as legislators voted legislation that would decriminalise abortion [Jorge Luis Plata/Reuters]
The legalisation of abortion in Oaxaca came days after President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador sent a bill to the country’s parliament that proposed amnesties for some offences, including abortion.
Mexico City is the only other region that allows legal abortions. The other 31 Mexican states only permit abortions in cases of rape.
Hoy Oaxaca le dijo sí al aborto legal convirtiéndose en la segunda entidad de México en despenalizar la interrupción del embarazo después de Ciudad de México. Muchas celebran con #AbortoLegalOaxaca. pic.twitter.com/qOSDbxEKHk — AJ+Español (@ajplusespanol) September 25, 2019
Translation: Today Oaxaca said yes to legal abortion, becoming the second jurisdiction in Mexico to decriminalize the termination of pregnancy after Mexico City. | 161 |
. Darin distanzierte sich die 27-Jährige von der israelischen Regierung und der Nahostpolitik, entschuldigte sich. Mit dem Bild habe sie nur ihren Wunsch nach Frieden zwischen allen Ländern ausdrücken wollen, hieß es in dem Statement.
"Miss Irak" beklagt mangelnden Rückhalt
Noch heute, Wochen nach dem Schnappschuss und der "Miss Universe"-Wahl, erhalte sie Morddrohungen, sagt Idan. Doch sie versuche das auszublenden, wolle sich nun auf ihre Karriere konzentrieren. Die Regierung in Bagdad habe sie in der Angelegenheit nicht unterstützt, kritisiert die 27-Jährige im CNN-Gespräch. "Ich versuche, ein gutes Bild unseres Landes und unserer Menschen zu zeichnen, doch stattdessen erhalte ich negative Rückmeldungen. Von den Veranstaltern der 'Miss Irak'-Wahl und unserer Regierung habe ich keinerlei Rückhalt erfahren."
I’m not the first nor the last person to face prosecution over a matter of personal freedom. Millions of Iraqi women live in fear. #freeiraqiwomen https://t.co/Vt0YjFbyf4 — Sarai (Sarah Idan) (@grrrciara) 15. Dezember 2017
Sarah Idan kehrte nach dem "Miss Universe"-Wettbewerb nach Los Angeles zurück. Die in Bagdad geborene Schönheitskönigin lebt unter anderem in den USA, besitzt neben der irakischen auch die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Vergangene Woche schrieb sie auf Twitter: "Ich bin weder die erste noch die letzte Person, die wegen einer Angelegenheit der persönlichen Freiheit Verfolgung ausgesetzt ist." Das Selfie mit "Miss Israel" hat Sarah Idan bis heute nicht gelöscht. | 162 |
UPDATE (February 15, 11am ET): Critically acclaimed Mexican film director María José Cuevas corroborated Rossana Barro’s story on social media. When asked if it could be true, she said “Sí. Confirmado por varios lados,” which roughly translates to “Yes. Confirmed through various sides.”
Si. Confirmado por varios lados. — María José Cuevas (@mariajosecuevas) February 12, 2019
In addition, a new and unconnected story of a social media video showing actor Sergio Goyri calling Aparicio a “pinche india” (a f*cking Indian) has gone viral in Mexico on Friday, Mexico.com reported. Just another example of racism against the Oscar-nominated actress?
Rossana Barro, who works with The Morelia International Film Festival, revealed on Twitter that there’s a chat group with Mexican actresses ready to ask the Mexican Film Academy (AMCC) to keep Yalitza Aparicio from being nominated for its awards. The Mexican news website Sin Embargo reported on this story, stating that the Ariel —the award that the women tried to keep Yalitza from being nominated for— is the most prestigious in Mexico.
Me enteré qué hay un chat de actrices mexicanas que se están organizando para pedir a la @AcademiaCineMx que Yalitza Aparicio no sea considerada para la terna de Mejor Actriz del Ariel. Es lo más mediocre, patético y vil que he escuchado. No diré más. — Rossana Barro (@LaBarro) February 11, 2019
Aparicio is the breakout star of Roma, and has become the first indigenous woman to be nominated for the Oscar’s in the category of Best Actress. Barro said that she thinks the AMCCA will not give in to such demands.
Aparicio has broken barriers for indigenous women in Mexico by appearing on the cover of Vogue Mexico, and speaking up on issues of representation. Recently she told Teen Vogue, “What I would like to see is for more of that diversity to be represented, for there to be more of those faces that you’d see and live with in your day-to-day. For example, for me, growing up, I never got to see people who looked like me or like any other people that I grew up with.” | 163 |
Follow/Fav Tales of Westeros and Essos By: By: Asteria Drabbles looking into the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. Updates Mondays. The Kitten Incident. Please note rating change 4/2/2012 - Published: 11/21/2011 - id: 7570707 Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 19 - Words: 2,095 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 11 - Updated:- Published:- id: 7570707
+ - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten
< Prev 1. Jorah 2. Viserys and Daenerys 3. Brienne 4. Arya 5. Cersei 6. Viserys 7. Bran 8. Margaery 9. Balerion 10. Renly and Loras 11. Daenerys 12. Jon 13. Hodor 14. Stannis 15. Bronn 16. Robert 17. Myrcella 18. Sansa 19. Joffrey Next >
Hodor: Hodor hodor. Hodor hodor. Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor- Hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor Hodor Hodor. Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor.
< Prev 1. Jorah 2. Viserys and Daenerys 3. Brienne 4. Arya 5. Cersei 6. Viserys 7. Bran 8. Margaery 9. Balerion 10. Renly and Loras 11. Daenerys 12. Jon 13. Hodor 14. Stannis 15. Bronn 16. Robert 17. Myrcella 18. Sansa 19. Joffrey Next >
The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Your review has been posted. | 164 |
5월27일에 수최할 파티에 대한 정보
Seoul Daydrinkers is a community of like-minded bohemiens that loosely congregates in various parks around Seoul after lunch-time to discuss miscellaneous matters while enjoying some of Koreans best (and worst) alcoholic beverages.
Although we mainly indulge on the streets of Seoul, it also happens that sometimes we find ourselves in cheap local bars.
Learn more about the history of the Seoul Daydrinkers ☛here.
First public meeting, May 27th
서울 낮술 동호회가 오후에 서울 공원에서 자연스럽게 모아서 한국술을 마시며 이런저런 이야기를 하는 동호회입니다.
우리는 주로 길에서 놀고 있으나 보통 호프에서 만날 일도 있습니다.
5월27일에 수최할 파티에 대한 정보
5月27日的活动详情 | 165 |
Two armed men have barricaded themselves in a bar in Barcelona's city center after a van mowed down dozens of people, El Periodico newspaper reported on Wednesday.
Several people were killed and up to 25 were injured in the Barcelona van ramming attack.
ÚLTIMA HORA Una furgoneta atropella desenes de persones a la Rambla de Barcelona https://t.co/BP4lTVHGNd pic.twitter.com/aOzsNDBkrf — Diari ARA (@diariARA) 17 августа 2017 г.
Atropello masivo en #Rambles #Barcelona Se asume atentado, decenas de víctimas. La Rambla está cerrada, el conductor ha escapado. pic.twitter.com/0MiEVJEddn — Marc Basté (@mbaste) 17 августа 2017 г.
The perpetrator fled the scene.
Meanwhile, El Periodico newspaper reported that the suspected perpetrator was a man of 5’7’’ wearing a white shirt with blue stripes.
Shortly after it was reported that two gunmen broke into a restaurant in the center of Barcelona. At the same time local media reported that the suspected armed perpetrators of the attack barricaded themselves in a Turkish restaurant near Boqueria market taking hostages.
The police is holding negotiations with the suspects.
This is how far the van traveled before it came to a stop. #Barcelona pic.twitter.com/3Z8PeODrEx — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) August 17, 2017
Barcelona police, in a tweet, told people to stay away from the center of the city due to a "large contingent of security forces and emergency services" deployed in the area.
🚩Atropello múltiple en las #Ramblas. Se solicita a los ciudadanos no transitar por la zona de Plaza Catalunya. +info @emergenciescat — Policía Nacional (@policia) 17 августа 2017 г.
A van has crashed into dozens of people in Barcelona's city center on Wednesday. The incident has been classified a terror attack by Barcelona police.
Vanguardia news outlet has reported that two alleged armed suspects of the attack have entrenched themselves in a bar.
Graphic footage has emerged, showing wounded people on the scene of the attack. | 166 |
Zee Media Bureau
Algiers: An Air Algerie flight that had taken off from Burkina Faso`s capital Ouagadougou to Algiers crashed on Thursday in a rainstorm over restive Mali. The flight`s wreckage was found near the border of neighbouring Burkina Faso.
The plane which had French nationals comprising almost half of the 110 passengers aboard, "probably" crashed, French Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius said.
"Despite intensive search efforts no trace of the aircraft has yet been found. The plane probably crashed," Fabius was quoted as saying by Xinhua.
"If the disaster is confirmed, it is a major tragedy that hits our nation," he added, IANS reported.
On Twitter, the Algerian airline said: "The AH5017 plane would have crashed in the region of Tilemsi, 70 km from Gao (northern Mali)."
FLASH INFOS : AH5017 L'avion se serait crashé à Tilemsi. L'avion se serait crashé dans la région de Tilemsi, à 70km de Gao. — Air Algérie (@Air_Algerie) July 24, 2014
Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) lost contact with the plane at 0155 GMT, 50 minutes after it took to the skies at 0117 local time and was supposed to land in Algiers at 0510 local time but never reached its destination.
Reports said that Flight AH5017 was operated by Spanish airline Swiftair for Air Algerie. The plane was a McDonnell Douglas MD83.
Air Algerie is the national carrier of Algeria which flies the four-hour passenger route four times a week..
News agency AFP quoted a source in the airline saying that contact with the flight was lost while it was still in Malian airspace approaching the border with Algeria.
"The plane was not far from the Algerian frontier when the crew was asked to make a detour because of poor visibility and to prevent the risk of collision with another aircraft on the Algiers-Bamako route," the source said. "Contact was lost after the change of course."
The airline said it also had 24 Burkinabe, eight Lebanese, six Algerians, six Spanish, five Canadians, four Germans and two Luxembourg nationals on board.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal was cited as saying by Algerian radio, "The plane disappeared at Gao (in Mali), 500 kilometres (300 miles) from the Algerian border. Several nationalities are among the victims," PTI reported.
With Agency inputs | 167 |
Nearly three decades after his film The Last Temptation of Christ was deemed “morally offensive” by officials in the Roman Catholic church, Martin Scorsese met Pope Francis at the Vatican on Wednesday.
The American director, who is said to have considered joining the priesthood when he was a young man, met the pope a day after his new film, Silence, about Portuguese Jesuits in 17th-century Japan, was shown to an audience of 300 Jesuit priests at a pontifical college.
The Vatican said Francis had received Scorsese, his wife and two daughters, and the 15-minute meeting was “very cordial”. The pope told the group that he had the book that inspired Silence, and they spoke about the experience of Jesuit missionaries in Japan.
Scorsese gave the pope framed images depicting “hidden Christians” in Japan, including a reproduction of an ancient image of the Virgin of Nagasaki and a portrait of the “martyrs of Japan”. The pope gave the guests some rosaries.
Los regalos de Scorsese al Papa: reproducción de antigua imagen de la Virgen de Nagasaki, y otra de los mártires de Japón. pic.twitter.com/c0CStiBGLz — Javier M-Brocal (@javierMbrocal) November 30, 2016
Francis did not attend the showing at the pontifical university on Tuesday, but the theme of the film was seen as being close to the pope’s heart. When Francis was young he joined a Jesuit order with the aim of becoming a missionary in Asia, a wish that was never fulfilled because of his health problems.
Another screening of the film will be held on Thursday. It is unclear whether Francis will attend.
Among Scorsese’s most famous films are Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas and The Last Temptation of Christ, for which he was nominated for an Oscar for best director.
The latter film, released in 1988, provoked a fierce battle in America’s culture wars. Its depiction of Jesus as a confused man and a dream sequence in which he has sex with Mary Magdalene shocked conservative Christians, who claimed the film was blasphemous.
There were attempts to stymie the showing of the film, and many cinemas refused to screen it. Producers at Universal took out newspaper adverts saying the film was an expression of free speech.
Argentina, where Francis was born and served as a cardinal, was one of many countries where the film was banned for several years. | 168 |
Today, as always at the beginning of a new month I will start with a new country on my blog. The United States of America is a dream destination of many. Some people want to go there hoping to start a better life, others dream of visiting New York City, the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone.
I first went to the USA on a business trip, to the amazing astronomical observatory in Hawaii. And soon after I flew again to the States, but that time not for stars, but landscapes. 🙂
For my first picture, I chose this one showing a bald eagle. Why did I choose the bald eagle? It’s the national bird of the United States. 🙂
We met this beautiful eagle in Wyoming.
Z nowym miesiącem pojawia się nowy kraj na moim blogu. W październiku przenosimy się do Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej. Jest to państwo, które dla wielu wydaje się być wymarzonym miejscem, inni chcą odwiedzić Nowy Jork albo park Yellowstone czy Wielki Kanion.
Moja pierwsza przygoda z USA związana była z podróżą służbową do obserwatorium astronomicznego, cudownie ulokowanego na Hawajach. Mając nareszcie wizę, krótko po mojej pierwszej wizycie, zaplanowałam wakacje w Stanach. Tym razem nie myśląc o gwiazdach, a o cudownej przyrodzie która czeka na mnie. 🙂
Jako pierwsze zdjęcie w tym miesiącu, chciałam Wam pokazać tego pięknego bielika amerykańskiego, którego spotkaliśmy w Wyoming. To jeden z narodowych symboli USA, więc zasługuje aby pojawić się w dzisiejszym poście. 😉 | 169 |
Age: 35
Joined: 20 Jun 2010
Posts: 4
Gender:Age: 35Joined: 20 Jun 2010Posts: 4
Just received CRC error about part 4 taken from Mediafire.
Edit: Riprovato ma niente, danno errori anche le parti 6, 10 e 12.
Nella cartella frutto della decompressione trovo solo un file di testo vuoto dal nome "please seed!".
Che palle, volevo provare il Pack stasera
Che ne dici di passarmi l'intero 4.01 in un file unico, che così comincio anche a condividerlo su eMule e metti il link eD2K nel primo post?
Edit: Retried but nothing, I get error messages also with parts 6,10 and 12.
In the folder obtained from the decompression I find only a blank text file named "please seed "!.
Damn, I wanted to try the Pack tonight
What about handing me the whole 4.01 in one file, so I also start sharing it on eMule and you put the eD2K link in the first post? Appena ricevuto messaggio di CRC errato sulla parte 4 presa da Mediafire.Just received CRC error about part 4 taken from Mediafire.Edit: Riprovato ma niente, danno errori anche le parti 6, 10 e 12.Nella cartella frutto della decompressione trovo solo un file di testo vuoto dal nome "please seed!".Che palle, volevo provare il Pack staseraChe ne dici di passarmi l'intero 4.01 in un file unico, che così comincio anche a condividerlo su eMule e metti il link eD2K nel primo post?Edit: Retried but nothing, I get error messages also with parts 6,10 and 12.In the folder obtained from the decompression I find only a blank text file named "please seed "!.Damn, I wanted to try the Pack tonightWhat about handing me the whole 4.01 in one file, so I also start sharing it on eMule and you put the eD2K link in the first post? | 170 |
The recent floodwaters in the Ottawa-Gatineau region have reached historic and destructive levels displacing over 800 Canadians and have caused 443 buildings to be evacuated. Over 320,000 sandbags have already been distributed by hardworking volunteers to keep the rising waters at bay.
With offices in Gatineau served by over 100 employees, TekSavvy is committed to responding and assist the capital region where ever able. For every dollar that is pledged through our GoFundMe campaign over the next seven days, TekSavvy will match. Dollar for dollar, up to the goal amount, and every dollar will help.
The volunteers of the Canadian Red Cross and the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces have already begun their efforts to assist the citizens of these affected regions. Please show the people of Ottawa-Gatineau your support by pledging what you can. All funds raised will be given the Red Cross to assist flood victims and their families.
Les récentes inondations dans la région de Gatineau-Ottawa ont atteint des niveaux historiques et destructeurs entraînant le déplacement de plus de 800 Canadiens et l’évacuation de 443 édifices. Jusqu’à présent, 319 000 sacs de sable ont été distribués par d’acharnés bénévoles afin freiner les inondations.
Avec des bureaux à Gatineau comptant au-delà de 100 employés, TekSavvy s'engage à répondre et à aider la région de la capitale nationale où il est possible de le faire. Pour chaque dollar amassé dans notre campagne GoFundMe au cours des sept prochains jours, TekSavvy versera la somme égale. Dollar pour dollar et chaque dollar aidera.
Les bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge canadienne et les hommes et les femmes des Forces armées canadiennes ont déjà entrepris leurs efforts pour aider les citoyens de ces secteurs touchés. Veuillez démontrer aux résidents de Gatineau-Ottawa votre soutien en donnant ce que vous pouvez. Tous les fonds recueillis seront versés à la Croix-Rouge pour aider les sinistrés et leurs familles.
Read more | 171 |
Hace unos días dedicábamos un artículo al estado de salud del guitarrista Eddie Van Halen. (https://losmejoresrock.com/van-halen-los-rumores-acerca-del-estado-de-salud-de-eddie/).
Pareciese que Wolfgang Van Halen, hijo de la estrella y bajista del grupo Van Halen desde que Michael Anthony fuera expulsado, nos leyera, y hoy ha publicado un tuit que nos da pie a atrevernos con el titular de estas líneas y, de paso, confirma que Eddie se encuentra bien de salud en estos momentos.
La historia es que Wolfgang, fanático de Tool, convenció a su padre a que asistieran juntos al concierto que el grupo dio anoche -lunes, 21 de octubre- en el Staples Center de Los Ángeles, California. Un fanático de Tool -que no de Van Halen, seguro- se acercó a la gran estrella de la guitarra y, sin saber quién era, le pidió que le hiciera una foto con el escenario de fondo. Wolfgang aprovechó el impagable momento e hizo ‘foto de la foto’. Al tuitearla nos detalla estos hechos y comenta que fue su momento favorito de la noche.
A guy asked my dad if he could take a picture of him with the stage behind him, having no idea who he just asked, and that was my favorite moment from the @Tool show last night. pic.twitter.com/tA1lywM0yf — Wolf Van Halen (@WolfVanHalen) October 22, 2019
Tool was phenomenal (as always) last night. pic.twitter.com/TP75po6J30 — Wolf Van Halen (@WolfVanHalen) October 22, 2019
A pesar de los rumores, otra prueba de que Eddie Van Halen está bien de salud son unas fotos que se hizo el pasado sábado en un concesionario de coches McLaren en Beverly Hills con el equipo de ventas. Una de ellas es la que reproducimos como ‘imagen principal’. | 172 |
Propio, with variations for number and gender, is a fairly common adjective that usually means "own," as in mi casa propia—"my own house." It can also be used in a general way to add emphasis or to mean the English cognate "appropriate" or something similar.
'Propio' Means 'Own'
Here are some examples of propio meaning "own":
Tengo mi personalidad propia. I have my own personality.
Debes aprender a crear tus propios iconos. You should learn to create your own icons.
¿Es recomendable viajar por Marruecos en coche propio? Is it recommended to drive to Morocco in your own car?
Te aconsejo que te cases en tu propio país. I advise you to get married in your own country.
España merece silla propia en el grupo de los 20. Spain deserves its own seat in the Group of 20.
El actor mató a su propia madre. The actor killed his own mother.
When propio means "own" and is placed before the noun it refers to, it can add emphasis. You might translate "su propia madre" the last sentence above as "his very own mother," for example, as a way of indicating that emphasis.
'Propio' to Add Emphasis
If propio comes before the noun and a translation of "own" doesn't make sense, propio may be used simply to add emphasis. One common way of doing much the same thing in English is with the use of a "-self" word such as "itself" or "herself":
Es una ilusión creada por la propia mente. It's an illusion created by the mind itself. It's an illusion created by the very mind.
Fue la propia mujer quien señaló a su esposo como el responsable del vil ataque. It was the wife herself who pointed to her husband as the one responsible for the vile attack.
¿Cómo puedo corregir palabras erróneas del propio diccionario ortográfico? How can I correct wrong words from the spellcheck dictionary itself?
'Propio' to Mean 'Typical,' 'Appropriate,' or 'Characteristic'
Propio can carry meanings such as "typical" or "characteristic." If the context suggests an evaluation or judgment, "appropriate" may be a suitable translation: | 173 |
As part of the fallout from a lawsuit decision in Italy, Apple has been forced to display a report on its homepage regarding iOS updates affecting performance if a battery is chemically depleted or not functioning properly.
Just last year, Italy’s competition regulator, the Italian Competition Authority, fined Apple a cool 10 million euro for “dishonest commercial practices” related to the iPhone performance management system the company introduced in iOS 10.2.1 without informing customers, saying the feature was a form of “planned obsolescence.”
As a result, Apple has been forced to add a consumer protection notice on its Italian homepage. The statement, first spotted by setteBIT on Twitter, is loosely translated below:
Apple, Apple Distribution International, Apple Italia, and Apple Retail Italia have led consumers in possession of an iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, or iPhone 6s Plus to install iOS 10 and subsequent updates without providing adequate information about the impact of that choice on the performance of the smartphones and without offering (in a timely manner) any means of restoring the original functionality of the devices in the event of a proven decrease in performance following the update (such as downgrading or a battery replacement at reasonable costs). This practice was assessed incorrect, pursuant to Articles 20, 21, 22, and 24 of Legislative Decree No. 206 of the Italian Consumer Code by the Italian Competition Authority.
Apple costretta a pubblicare in fondo al sito italiano la sentenza negativa dell’antitrust https://t.co/BPEqLuonMA sull’”obsolescenza programmata” degli iPhone 6/6s con iOS 10 (che è costata ben € 10 mln di multa). Lo stesso dovrebbe fare Samsung Italia pic.twitter.com/3BHPVCYd60 — setteBIT (@setteBIT) February 11, 2019
At the time, Apple said that it slowed down iPhones with degraded lithium-ion batteries in order to stop them from crashing. However, the fact that this was not done with sufficient transparency led to problems — including Apple being hit with multiple class-action lawsuits around the world.
Apple later tried to make good by offering temporary reductions on out-of-warranty iPhone battery replacements for $29 USD — something which likely impacted on the number of new iPhones sold last year.
Samsung was also fined 5 million euros for similarly issuing software updates to artificially slow down its mobile phones, though Apple’s fine was significantly higher because it supposedly failed to provide clear information about maintaining and replacing iPhone batteries. | 174 |
Ogólna ocena:
Gatunek: Post-punk Lo-fi Indie rock
Nowy album zespołu z NY, znanego dotąd pod nazwą Parquet Courts.
Urozmaicona muzyka na pograniczu post-punka i indie rocka zagrana w konwencji lo-fi.
Po raz kolejny urozmaiceniu towarzyszy nierówność pod względem jakości.
Dwa utwory (“Pretty Machines” i “These Boots Are Made For Walkin'”) zachwycają znakomitym użyciem ciepłej sekcji dętej. Niestety zdarzają się też słabsze momenty.
Niemniej jednak wydaje się, że jest to najlepszy i najrówniejszy album w karierze płodnego zespołu. Niespełna dwa lata po debiucie Amerykanie mają na koncie już trzy albumu. Najważniejsze, że tendencja jest wzrostowa, “Content Nausea” zaskakuje ciepłem, ale na bardzo dobry album zespół musi jeszcze poczekać.
Translation by Google Translate:
A new album from the band from NY, so far known as Parquet Courts.
Varied music on the border of the post-punk and indie rock played in the lo-fi convention.
Once again, a variety in terms of music is accompanied by inequality in terms of quality.
Two tracks (“Pretty Machines” and “These Boots Are Made For Walkin'”) delight by using excellent warm brass section. Unfortunately, there are also weaker moments.
All in all, it seems that this is the best and the most equal album in career of the prolific band. Less than two years after the debut Americans have already released three album. Most importantly, the trend is upward, “Content Nausea” surprise with its warmth, but for a very good album the band has yet to wait. | 175 |
ür extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany) and D. Wilman (Universitäts-Sternwarte Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany; Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany)
ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world’s most productive ground-based astronomical observatory by far. It is supported by 16 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, along with the host state of Chile. ESO carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope, the world’s most advanced visible-light astronomical observatory and two survey telescopes. VISTA works in the infrared and is the world’s largest survey telescope and the VLT Survey Telescope is the largest telescope designed to exclusively survey the skies in visible light. ESO is a major partner in ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. And on Cerro Armazones, close to Paranal, ESO is building the 39-metre European Extremely Large Telescope, the E-ELT, which will become “the world’s biggest eye on the sky”.
Reinhard Genzel
Director, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 30000 3280
Email: [email protected]
Natascha M. Forster Schreiber
Senior Scientist, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 30000 3524
Email: [email protected]
Richard Hook
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591
Email: [email protected]
Connect with ESO on social media | 176 |
Sandara Park thanked fellow 2NE1 member Minzy, who came to show her support at the musical “Another Oh Hae Young.”
On April 24, Sandara Park took to her Twitter account to share photos from Minzy’s visit with the caption, “Our Minzy! My fellow members are the people who know me best and have been around me the longest, and her being able to see and enjoy how much I’ve grown is making me feel a little emotional and excited. A lot of emotions are running through me. That’s what 2NE1 was all about, the evolution of the 21st century, haha.”
She also added the fun hashtags of “Real maknae [youngest]” and “Fake maknae” as Minzy was the youngest member of 2NE1.
우리 밍끼~!!!?아무래도 나를 제일 잘 알고 오래 봐온게 우리 멤버들인데,나의 이런 발전한 모습을 보고 좋아해주는 모습을 보니 나도 몬가 뭉클하면서 신나구? 만감이 교차했다.. 퉤니원의 의미가 그거잖아요 ㅋㅋ 21세기의 새로운 진화 ㅋㅋ? #realmaknae & #fakemaknae #minzy #dara #2ne1 ♥️♠️ pic.twitter.com/I7UCBMG24o — Sandara Park (@krungy21) April 24, 2020
Sandara Park is currently appearing in the musical “Another Oh Hae Young,” which is a musical adaptation of the drama with the same name. She and Minzy made their debut together as members of 2NE1 in 2009. | 177 |
volatile nature of US politics right now make it incumbent on whichever party holds power after October 2019 to analyze and prioritize the country’s foreign policy objectives.
Whether the criticism is from those who think the government is going too far in redefining the parameters of Canada’s role on the international stage or from those saying it’s not going far enough, and whether they were saying it in 1970 or today, they are pointing to a lack of strategy. But this is not the first time Canada has dealt with a protectionist American administration or reckoning with what it means to not have a special relationship with the US.
There are one-off projects the Canadian government could adopt, like a special agency for trade policy along the same lines as the office of the United States Trade Representative, as was suggested in 2005. But policy coherence will be achieved only if we put everything on the table to debate and consider.
A good place to start, to borrow from John Kennedy’s famous exhortation in his inaugural address, might be not “foreign policy for Canadians” but “Canadians for foreign policy.” There are calls for the Trudeau government to fund Canadian studies abroad and to send more students for learning abroad.
Canada’s national security and economic interests and our role on the global stage are defined by our ties to the US. If we’re recycling foreign policy values, it’s worthwhile to also reflect on the six books and six themes of Canada’s foreign policy past during Nixon’s iteration of America first. We need to re-examine the bilateral relationship, keeping trade front and centre, and we should do this through a foreign policy review. Whether simply resetting the relationship or reducing dependence, these are national projects that will take years, and we should have an approach for doing so: maybe even a red, white and blue booklet.
Photo: Thousands of Cuban people along the streets in Havana greet Prime Minister Pierre Eliott Trudeau has he drives through the city January 26, 1976. Along with him in an open car are Commander in chief Fidel Castro and president of Cuba Osvaldo Dorticos. Trudeau’s foreign policy included establishing closer relations with Cuba. CP Photo, by Fred Chartrand.
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 178 |
(Ti), Titan X: Far Cry Primal. Mehr Informationen.
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Technische Details (Grafikkarte):
Maße: 300 × 40 × 138 mm (B × H × T)
Bauhöhe: 2-Slot
Bauhöhe: 2-Slot GPU: AMD Radeon R9 390 ("Grenada Pro")
Fertigung: 28 nm
GPU-Takt: 1.050 MHz (max. Boost)
Shader-Einheiten: 2.560
Fertigung: 28 nm GPU-Takt: 1.050 MHz (max. Boost) Shader-Einheiten: 2.560 Speicher-Größe: 8.192 MB
Speicher-Takt: 3.000 (6.000) MHz
Typ: GDDR5
Speicheranbindung: 512 Bit
Speicher-Takt: 3.000 (6.000) MHz Typ: GDDR5 Speicheranbindung: 512 Bit Steckplatz: PCIe x16 (PCIe / PCIe 2.x / PCIe 3.0)
3× DisplayPort 1.2a
1× DVI-D (Dual-Link)
3× DisplayPort 1.2a 1× HDMI 1× DVI-D (Dual-Link) Typischer Stromverbrauch unter Last: 275 Watt
Stromversorgung: 1× 8-Pin PCIe, 1× 6-Pin PCIe
Empfohlene Netzteil-Leistung: min. 750 Watt
Empfohlene Netzteil-Leistung: min. 750 Watt Features: DirectX 12, OpenGL 4.5, OpenCL 2.1, Mantle, Eyefinity 2.0, CrossFireX, HD3D, TrueAudio, FreeSync
Technische Details (Gürtel):
Größe: Universell (120 cm)
Gewicht: 80 g
Material: Webgürtel mit Metallschnalle | 179 |
A Proton Perdana believed to be ferrying Datuk Seri Najib Razak is seen leaving the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya November 8, 2018. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
PUTRAJAYA, Nov 8 — Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was summoned to the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters here this morning for questioning again, this time over alleged abuse of funds in a Sarawak solar energy project.
“Not related to 1MDB, [it is] related to the solar project in Sarawak,” an MACC source told Malay Mail when contacted, without elaborating.
It is understood that Najib arrived at the MACC office at around 9.40am today through the rear entrance, after making an appearance at the Kuala Lumpur courthouse for his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s case management on her multiple money-laundering charges.
Last month, the MACC vowed to continue its investigations into alleged abuse of funds concerning the Sarawak solar energy project for schools.
The commission has already summoned former education minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid to its headquarters for questioning.
MACC’s deputy chief commissioner (operations) Datuk Seri Azam Baki confirmed Najib was summoned to have his statements taken for “several cases. He too did not elaborate.
Najib was closeted within the MACC headquarters for about four hours.
The Pekan MP, believed inside a Proton Perdana with the TN50 number plate, was spotted leaving the compound at 1.55pm, in a convoy with a police patrol car and a black Toyota Camry bearing the PAQ 1 usually seen ferrying his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
Rosmah’s lawyers said she was not called to be present at the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya this morning.
Minutes later, Najib took to Twitter confirming he was called for investigations, but said it had nothing to do with the Sarawak solar scandal.
“Today I was called by MACC to help in investigations but not related to the solar case,” he tweeted.
Hari ini saya dipanggil SPRM bagi membantu siasatan tetapi bukan berkaitan kes solar. — Mohd Najib Tun Razak (@NajibRazak) November 8, 2018
Malay Mail is trying to get the MACC’s response to Najib’s latest tweet. | 180 |
Bethlehem in the East and Jerusalem in the West (the birth and death, respectively, of the Sun). �Now it is argued that all religions are this way � witness the rituals of Easter and Christmas in the West, actually old Pagan festivals.
Chapter 8: �a�uu Mar�a Gets Hit by Lightning: People and Their Selves [131]
�a�uu Mar�a was sick, she said because of terrible burns from being hit by lightning. �It turns out it wasn�t her who was hit, it was her kiti nuvi � her �coessential animal� (in her case, a coati, because of a shared love of bananas). �[Analogy: the �familiars� of Philip Pullman�s His Dark Materials trilogy.]
Vinik in Mayan: there are twenty� basic types of human being, and each individual essentially participates in a unit of twenty.
Rice, to the Dou Donggo, is sentient.
The Self in Sickness and in Health [136]
Medical anthropologists distinguish between disease � sickness caused by a physiological agent, and illness � sickness brought about by a patient�s perception of his or her bodily state. �Most sicknesses are a combination (hence the effectiveness of placebos and the need for double-blind drug testing).
A dozen culture-bound syndromes [139]
1. Amok:
2. Bilis:
3. Brain fag:
4. Evil eye:
5. Ghost sickness:
6. Hwa-byung:
7. Koro:
8. Pibloktoq:
9. Shen-k�uei:
10. Spell:
11. Tajin kyofusho:
12. Zar:
Gender [137]
The Sambia of Highland New Guinea practice oral sex between males as they become adults so that they can absorb the jurungdu which makes them warriors, and which is concentrated in semen. �Thereafter, they are exclusively heterosexual.
The Dou Donggo recognize that there are some men who are sara siwe (�missed at becoming female� � that is, were intended to become female but were born in the wrong body) and some women who are sara mone (�missed at becoming male�).� These can do some of the things that people of the sex they �missed at� are allowed � but the line gets drawn at a sara mone swimming naked with men.
Afterword: Some Thing�s We�ve Learned [144] | 181 |
de visiter les USA cet été? Carrément! = Would you like to visit the US this summer? Sure!
Mais oui [ edit | edit source ]
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
If someone asks you an irritating question, you can say "Mais oui" or "Ben oui". Warning: this can be considered as rude.
Tu as rangé ta chambre? Mais oui, je te l’ai déjà dit 4 fois = Did you tidy your room? Yes, I've already told you 4 times!
In the example provided, "mais oui / ben oui" would sound slightly condescending or passive agressive, "OBVIOUSLY I did what you're asking". But as I said it's a matter of context and tone of your voice. "Mais oui", told with an impatient or irritated tone, would indeed be somewhat rude.
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
Yes, please
If you’re happy to do something, you can say "Volontiers", politely. You can also use : - Avec plaisir - Certainement
Vous désirez un café? Volontiers = Woud you care for a coffee? Yes, please
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
When you want to confirm in a rather formal way that what someone says is correct, you can use:
Exactement (exactly)
Tout à fait (that’s right)
En effet (indeed)
In a less formal way, you would say : "Exact!".
Vous êtes bien Monsieur Durand? Tout à fait = You are Monsieur Durand, right? That’s right
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
Sometimes, you may want to say that something is perfect. In this case, you can use:
Parfait, Très bien
Votre chambre vous convient-elle? oui, parfait! = Your room suits you? Yes Thanks!
If you know other ways to say "Yes" in French, please edit this page ;-)
| 182 |
The Cuban Telecommunications Enterprise S.A. (ETECSA) started selling as of this Friday two new data packages of 6.5 GB and 10 GB for its users who connect to the internet on the 4G/LTE network.
The new packages are the largest sold so far by the company for connection through mobile data, and cost 35.00 and 45.00 CUC (convertible pesos, equivalent to the dollar at the official exchange rate), respectively, high prices for average Cubans, equivalent to the average monthly salary of state workers after the salary increase last June.
Both packages, which are valid for only 30 days after the first use, include a 300 MB voucher for national surfing, according to the digital site of Cuba’s telecommunications state monopoly.
#NuevaOferta para la comercialización del servicio #Internet por 4G/LTE.
Para más información contáctenos por el 118 o el 5264-2266 o visite nuestra página web https://t.co/pgE92zsztf pic.twitter.com/SCygjjSQAU — ETECSA (@ETECSA_Cuba) November 22, 2019
In addition, ETECSA announced a new offer called Daily Package, valid for 24 hours as the name implies, which allows users to use 150 MB of internet for 1.00 CUC.
Both the 6.5 and 10 GB packages, as well as the daily one, are only good to access the internet through the fourth generation mobile network (4G/LTE), available to prepaid customers, although according to the published information a maximum share of 4 GB (4,096 MB) in 2G or 3G networks could be used.
ETECSA recently released the 4G/LTE service to all mobile internet users. But to have access to this service, users must have a coverage in 4G networks, have terminal equipment that supports LTE at 1800 MHz and have a uSIM.
Until this Friday the most expensive package offered by ETECSA cost 30 CUC, for 4 GB of data. The high prices of the internet offered by the telecommunications enterprise have generated dissatisfaction and complaints from its users through social networks, in which they have asked the state enterprise to bring down the prices.
There are currently 5.67 million mobile phone lines in Cuba, and more than 2,800,000 of ETECSA’s clients have access to mobile internet. Meanwhile, the average monthly salary on the island is just a bit over 1,000 Cuban pesos (CUP), equivalent to 40 CUC. | 183 |
Une Nintendo 64 de plus sur le thème de The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time.
Un cadeau surprise commandé par la copine de Mika', car ce jeune homme est un grand fan de la licence et vous êtes très, très nombreux!
Les pierres ancestrales étant des objets de quête très importants dans le jeu, j'ai choisi de rappeler leur forme sous le logo de la console, pour rappel, il s'agit de l'Émeraude Kokiri, du Rubis Goron et du Saphir Zora. Le logo de la console, lui aussi a été refait pour se rapprocher de la typographie de la saga. Un petit clin d'oeil supplémentaire pour faire plaisir à cet ami. Le reste de la technique a été abordée dans les articles précédents, le bouclier a été remoulé en résine et un chouïa rendu plus fin et anguleux. Le modèle de base vient de la forge de MetalFGS. Le doré des touches est usé et brillant pour être homogène avec le reste de la console qui est plutôt ancienne. Et La Triforce est rappelée sur la manette.
A Nintendo 64 based on The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of time.
It's a surprise gift ordered by Mika's girlfriend. He's a huge fan of this licence, just like so many of you, Guys.
The ancestral gems being very important items for the main quest, I chose to remind their shape under the console's logo. As a reminder, they are the Kokiri emerald, the Goron ruby and the Zora saphire. The console's logo was also remade in order to stay close to the saga's typography.
A little additional wink for this friend to please him.
I have already explained the techniques I used in previous publishings, the shield was remolded in resin, for a little bit thinner and angular rendering.
The basic model comes from the MetalFGS forge. The gold aspect for the buttons is worn and shiny to match with the rest of the console, that is rather ancestral. At last, the Triforce is remembered on the game pad.
Happy Birthday Mika! | 184 |
because the CP property only says something about the behavior of the system during a network partition. What about the times when there is no network partition? Just like you can’t deduce availability or consistency from the CA property in the presence of a network partition, similarly you cannot deduce availability or consistency from the CP property in the absence of a network partition. In lyrical syntax:
¬P(σ), ∀σ. P(σ) ⇒ C(σ) ∨ ¬A(σ) ⊭ A(σ₀) ¬P(σ), ∀σ. P(σ) ⇒ C(σ) ∨ ¬A(σ) ⊭ C(σ₀)
And yet, most CP systems are built to be available and consistent during normal operations, in the absence of a network partition. That sounds like a familiar property. It sounds like all CP systems that are in popular use today are also CA systems:
CP' ≡ CP ∧ CA
So clearly, CA ∩ CP' ≠ ∅. In fact CA ∩ CP' = CP'. Practically speaking, any useful CP system is going to also be CA. It doesn’t really make sense to talk about one without the other. Or perhaps all of this is too restrictive and there’s another way to think about it.
— or —
A Wittgensteinian Language Puzzle?
There seems to be common misconception that the symbols C, A, and P individually represent logical propositions. By concatenating these symbols to produce things like CP, for example, you create a new symbol whose meaning is determined by the conjunction of the logical propositions that correspond to C and P. Restated in a way that may clarify for some, but obfuscate for others, it’s commonly assumed that the denotational mapping from the syntactic monoid generated by {C, A, P} is a homomorphism, with a left inverse. Given the preceding text, that seems to not be the case, and for a very simple reason: P by itself has no useful denotation. Sure, a system may be partition tolerant, but with respect to what invariant? It can’t just be partition tolerant period, full stop. That conveys no useful information about the behavior of the system.
Rather, the presence or absence of P in the description of a system property must modify the scope of the property to the presence or absence of network partitions, respectively.
Thanks to Evan Jones and Justin DeBrabant for reading drafts of this post. | 185 |
combination and its support.
// Note that we have to convert the vector to a list and then to a TreeSet.
combList. add ( new TreeSet < Integer > ( comb. getVector ( ) ) ) ;
return combList ;
// We return a List of Lists and will iterate through even indices soon.
// We do this instead of using a HashMap so we can have duplicate keys.
private static List < ArrayList < Integer >> getAllPartitions ( TreeSet < Integer > items )
{ // Use an ArrayList because it doesn't consider order.
List < ArrayList < Integer >> potentialSets = new ArrayList < ArrayList < Integer >> ( ) ;
Set < TreeSet < Integer >> allItemSubsets = new HashSet < TreeSet < Integer >> ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < items. size ( ) ; i ++ ) // Generate all combinations of the given set.
allItemSubsets. addAll ( getAllNSets ( items, i ) ) ;
for ( int i = 2 ; i < allItemSubsets. size ( ) ; i ++ )
try // It kills me to do this but I couldn't get rid of out of bounds.
ICombinatoricsVector < Integer > vector = Factory. createVector ( items ) ;
Generator < ICombinatoricsVector < Integer >> gen = new ComplexCombinationGenerator < Integer > ( vector, i ) ;
for ( ICombinatoricsVector < ICombinatoricsVector < Integer >> comb : gen )
potentialSets. add ( ( ArrayList < Integer > ) comb. getValue ( 0 ). getVector ( ) ) ;
potentialSets. add ( ( ArrayList < Integer > ) comb. getValue ( 1 ). getVector ( ) ) ;
catch ( RuntimeException e )
break ;
return potentialSets ;
// Converts a String array to an Integer array.
private static Integer [ ] arrayToInteger ( String [ ] sArr ) throws Exception
Integer [ ] newArray = new Integer [ sArr. length ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sArr. length ; i ++ )
newArray [ i ] = Integer. parseInt ( sArr [ i ] ) ;
return newArray ;
} | 186 |
Official: Napoli part with Sarri
By Football Italia staff
Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis has formally parted company with Maurizio Sarri after agreeing terms with Carlo Ancelotti.
“I thank Maurizio Sarri for his precious dedication to Calcio Napoli that allowed us to give the city and all Azzurri fans over the world prestige and emotions, creating a style of football admired everywhere and by everyone.
“Bravo Maurizio.
“Aurelio De Laurentiis.”
That was the brief Twitter message that the President posted this evening to effectively sack Sarri.
The Coach had been undecided about his future, but after last night’s three-hour summit with Ancelotti, De Laurentiis effectively took matters into his own hands.
Chelsea and Zenit St Petersburg are ready to welcome Sarri, but he could decide to take a year out.
Sarri finished second in Serie A this season, setting a new all-time club points record of 91.
He also became the first tactician to manage over 90 Serie A points without winning the Scudetto.
The 59-year-old took over in June 2015 and had an average of 2.16 points per game, with 98 competitive victories, 25 draws and 25 defeats.
His team were immensely entertaining to watch, scoring 318 goals and conceding 143.
If Sarri has indeed been fired, it would lend credence to an interesting report that was doing the rounds yesterday.
It was theorised that not only was there a release clause worth €8m in Sarri’s contract, but also one allowing Napoli to cut it short by May 31 for €0.5m.
Ringrazio Maurizio Sarri per la sua preziosa dedizione al Calcio Napoli che ha permesso di regalare alla città e ai tifosi azzurri in tutto il mondo prestigio ed emozioni, creando un modello di gioco ammirato ovunque e da chiunque. Bravo Maurizio.
Aurelio De Laurentiis #ADL — AurelioDeLaurentiis (@ADeLaurentiis) May 23, 2018
Watch Serie A live in the UK on Premier Sports for just £9.99 per month including live LaLiga, Eredivisie, Scottish Cup Football and more. Visit: https://www.premiersports.com/subscribenow | 187 |
O presidente deposto da Bolívia, Evo Morales, denunciou nesta sexta-feira (6) que os golpistas bolivianos pretendem impedir a participação popular nas eleições gerais a serem realizadas no país entre março e abril do ano que vem.
Lula indica o caminho até pelo celular: “Vire à esquerda, companheiro!”
Inflação dispara em novembro e reduz poder de compra das famílias
Cappelli explica pesquisa Veja/FSB; confira
Morales, que está asilado no México desde o golpe contra ele em novembro, afirmou que a direita que atualmente governa a Bolívia está usando a suposta fraude eleitoral nas eleições de 20 de outubro como argumento para tirar seu partido, o Movimento ao Socialismo (MAS), da nova disputa.
“Eles têm medo da força do MAS e dos movimentos sociais?”, Perguntou Morales através de sua conta no Twitter.
O presidente deposto disse que tirar o MAS da nova disputa significa impedir a participação “de metade da Bolívia nas eleições”.
A direita chegou ao poder na Bolívia depois de ignorar os resultados das eleições de 20 de outubro, nas quais Morales, junto com seu vice-presidente Álvaro García Linera, foram reeleitos. No entanto, com ações violentas, a direita forçou o presidente indígena a renunciar em 10 de novembro.
La derecha pretende impedir la participación de la mitad de #Bolivia en las elecciones. Hermanos y hermanas, digan lo que digan y hagan lo que hagan, ¡Volveremos a triunfar! — Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) December 6, 2019
Com informações da Telesur. | 188 |
Football - Brazil Brazilian says goodbye aged 35
It was announced by Kaka this Sunday that he is to retire from professional football, even though he had several offers to continue playing at 35 years of age.
The winner of the Ballon d'Or in 2007 gave some clues as to what he would like to do in the near future.
"I would like to participate at a club in another way, as a coach, a sporting director, as someone who is between the pitch and the club," he said in a farewell interview with Globo TV in Brazil.
"I prepared very hard to be a professional footballer and I want to prepare well for this new role."
"I came to the conclusion that now is the time to finish my career as a professional player."
It was much more than I could ever imagined. Thank you! I'm now ready for the next journey. In Jesus name. Amem.
Foi muito mais do que eu pedi ou imaginei!Obrigado! Eis-me aqui para próxima jornada. Em nome de Jesus. Amém. pic.twitter.com/PofZBAV0BE? Kaka (@KAKA) 17 de diciembre de 2017
During the interview, the Brazilian reviewed his career and noted that his time at Real Madrid wasn't great.
"It was far from what I expected," he continued.
When asked about his toughest moment as a footballer, the elimination of Brazil in the quarterfinals of the 2006 World Cup, after losing 1-0 to France, was his choice.
"It was one of the best Brazilian teams in history and losing like that was very difficult," he recalled.
Sao Paulo, from whom he had an offer to continue, published a note which he highlighted his career.
"He is a player who says goodbye full of conquests that will eternalise his name in world football. Thanks Kaka! Sao Paulo will always be your home and its doors will always be open for you."
Kaka was trained in the youth categories of Sao Paulo, and he made his professional debut for them in 2001.
Two years later he was signed by Milan before moving to Real Madrid in 2009, where he stayed until 2013.
He returned to Milan for a season then went back to Sao Paulo before moving the MLS in 2015, where he played at Orlando City, the last club of his career.
With the Brazilian national team, he starred for just over a decade, playing a total of 95 games and scoring 31 goals. | 189 |
The first meeting of the Bitcoin group of Villamaria, Caldas, Colombia
It’s been a while since I have posted to my blog. However, this post, will be very short and sweet.
I am starting a Bitcoin Meetup in Villamaria, Caldas, in Colombia’s famous Eje Cafetero.
We will have weekly meetings, where I will be teaching people in the Villamaria/Manizales area about how to use Bitcoin. We will also be helping people buy Bitcoin with Azte.co Bitcoin vouchers.
We will be covering basic Bitcoin knowledge for beginners, and eventually move on to more advanced topics like Coinjoins, BTCPay Server, Bisq, and other topics of interest to Bitcoiners.
Join Us!
Reunión de Bitcoin
Thursday, Oct 24, 2019, 6:00 PM
Villamaría, CO
1 Members Attending
El primer reunion del grupo Bitcoin de Villamaria, Caldas Too Wheels Racing Cafe estan ubicados al lado del parque Villa Diana, en Villamaria, al lado de la Lavandería Extra. Contáctenos: (+57)[masked] Horario: 8 am — 8 pm Carrera 7 #5–12 Villamaria, Caldas
Check out this Meetup →
In Spanish:
En Español:
Anuncio de una reunión de Bitcoin en español en la región cafetera de Colombia.
El primer reunión del grupo Bitcoin de Villamaria, Caldas.
Ha pasado un tiempo desde que publiqué en Medium. Esta publicación será muy corta y dulce.
Estoy comenzando un Meetup de Bitcoin en Villamaria, Caldas, en el famoso Eje Cafetero de Colombia. Tendremos reuniones semanales, donde enseñaré a las personas en el área de Villamaria / Manizales sobre cómo usar Bitcoin.
También ayudaremos a las personas a comprar Bitcoin con cupones de Azte.co Bitcoin.
Cubriremos el conocimiento básico de Bitcoin para principiantes, y finalmente pasaremos a temas más avanzados como Coinjoins, BTCPay Server, Bisq y otros temas de interés para Bitcoiners.
Reunirse con nosotros! | 190 |
Social networks across France responded angrily to the news a 21-year-old woman was beaten up by a gang of girls and young women for the crime of wearing a bikini in a park. Authorities are yet to have identified the attackers but The Independent reports commentators assume they were Muslims.
According to police the young victim was sunbathing with two friends in the Parc Léo Lagrange in Reims, northern France, last Wednesday when one of her five female attackers verbally abused her for “immorally” exposing so much flesh in a public place. The sunbather shouted back at which point the other girls and young women moved in, slapping and punching her.
Passers-by intervened to protect the badly bruised victim.
The attackers, aged 16 to 24, were soon arrested. The three oldest were remanded to appear in court in September, the remaining two girls, aged 16 and 17, face further questioning.
Authorities have not named the assailants but have said they all come from housing estates with large Muslim populations. Although police told L’Union newspaper that the victim was unable to confirm her assailants were motivated by “religious opinions”, bloggers in France have cited the incident as the latest example of the radical Islamic threat to French values.
The mayor of Reims, Arnaud Robinet, said: “We have to be very careful not to jump to conclusions. All the same, I can understand why people have assumed that this attack had religious motives. If that turns out to be the case, it is a very serious incident.”
In response to the attack a demonstration was organised. Wearing bikinis and other bathing costumes protesters rallied in the park where the beating took place.
Faced with drizzle and cold winds only small number showed up, but across France hundreds responded to a Twitter appeal by the anti-racist organisation SOS Racisme to post images of themselves or others wearing skimpy bathing costumes in public places using the hashtag ‘#jeportemonmaillotauparcleo’ (I wear my swimsuit in Park Leo).
#jeportemonmaillotauParcLeo! La France est un pays libre. Les femmes y sont libres. ça te gêne? Change de pays. pic.twitter.com/5ObVaxG6WQ — Grégory Herpe Photo (@GregoryHerpe69) July 27, 2015
Translation: “France is a free country. Women there are free. It annoys you? Change country.”
Translation: “Winston will be there, he landed in Normandy today!” | 191 |
von Amerika) Übersetzen Amazing statue, perfect quality. Can't recommend it enough!
2013-01-08 GTOunet (Frankreich) Übersetzen I have many gathering, but this one is absolutly awesome!! Very wunderful job from E2046 team! Moreover the packaging is perfect, a very good improvement from E2046! So congratulations for this figure! =)
2012-12-27 lovemiemie (China) Übersetzen 这个面相。。。。。令人失望啊。。倒是花了一大笔邮费,太冤了
2012-12-26 Gio (Russland) Übersetzen Figurine is great, but was slightly damaged=(
2012-12-18 Maidrox (Brasilien) Übersetzen She is great. Very nice and beautiful details. But the spines of the back are really very sensitive, very careful with them. The package is perfectly protected.
2012-12-14 kakami7 (Russland) Übersetzen Thank you for easy transaction and fast shipment. Though I had a bit of a problem to get the figure out of the box safely, it was packed too well (one of the hand with 2 thin spikes was hard to get out without breaking one of them).
2012-12-13 korogui (Brasilien) Übersetzen wow very big figure o.O nice job painting, fast shipping
2012-12-08 Meliarn (Russland) Übersetzen Very beautiful figure, nice addition to my collection! Aion fans must have! Beautiful painting, lovely sculpt. Well packed, as usual.
2012-12-06 Jeremy (Frankreich) Übersetzen Very beautiful figure! I love her pose and the base is amazing, even if I think the Elin figure was more successfull.
2012-12-06 Arkelos (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) Übersetzen Really great figure. I enjoy the detail and pre assembly and painting. I enjoy kits, but sometimes I just like to collect the finished figure.
2012-12-02 tor (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) Übersetzen great figure,i like her shape and character,thanks
2012-12-02 Havelock84 (Kanada) Übersetzen Amazing! one of my favorite! great details, the Axe is so big! | 192 |
A German defense ministry official became the target of an angry Twitter mob after paying tribute to Erwin Rommel, igniting furious debate about whether the German general was a hero or a Nazi war criminal.
Peter Tauber, a senior defense ministry official who previously served as the Secretary General of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), took to Twitter on Sunday to commemorate the anniversary of Rommel’s death.
“Erwin Rommel, who was forced to commit suicide by the Nazis, died 74 years ago today,” Tauber wrote.
Heute vor 74 Jahren starb Erwin Rommel, von den Nazis zum Selbstmord gezwungen. — Peter Tauber (@petertauber) October 14, 2018
The tweet was poorly received, with many pointing to Rommel’s alleged crimes as a field marshal serving Hitler’s Nazi Germany.
“Sorry, was your account hacked?” Petra Pau of the Left Party replied. “Rommel participated in war crimes (to put it mildly), like so many others.”
Rommel war an Kriegsverbrechen beteiligt (vorsichtig gesagt), wie so viele andere auch. Leider straft der Herr Staatssekretär @petertauber seine Ministerin Lügen, wenn es um den #Traditionserlaß & neuen Umgang geht. #Bundeswehr — Petra Pau (@PetraPauMaHe) October 15, 2018
“That war crimes were committed under his command in Italy should not be forgotten here,” Green MP Omid Nouripour said.
As per tradition, the tweet was also bombarded with a hailstorm of sarcastic memes.
However, others came to Tauber’s defense, with one Twitter user noting that “the barracks where I am stationed is still called Rommel Barracks.”
In a follow-up tweet, Tauber dismissed“leftist” anger over his comment as mere hyperventilation. He also defended his tweet in an interview with Bild, in which he claimed that Rommel had “repeatedly disregarded criminal orders” and had heroically plotted against Hitler.
Known as the “Desert Fox” for his crafty tactical displays in North Africa, Rommel was forced to commit suicide on Hitler’s orders, after being implicated in a plot to kill the Nazi leader.
Like this story? Share it with a friend! | 193 |
Trapped Under Ice werden ab August für ein paar Jahre pausieren, wahrscheinlich bis 2015. Das verkündete die Hardcoreband gerade via Facebook:
Hello World. TUI here. We’re writing to give everyone an update on the future of the band. Let’s get straight to the point: Beginning in August 2013, Trapped Under Ice is going on a pretty lengthy hiatus. We are NOT breaking up. This is by no means the end of TUI. We just decided that it was important to keep the band fresh and something the five of us enjoy. We don’t wanna spin the wheels for nothing and just write music because we feel like we have to. We don’t really feel right about just putting out another record for the sake of touring right now. So, while its still fun, we’re gonna go on a little break, do all our own things, then take it from there.
At this time, we just want to emphasize that TUI, as a band, and as people, all still love hardcore and punk music. We all play in other bands and still tour. More importantly, we’re five people who still love each other and love playing music together. None of that has changed. We’ve been around the world and back a couple times together and all grown a lot as individuals in this band. Made amazing friends and played with some of our favorite bands. We just wanted to keep it honest for people that have stuck with us through thick and thin over the years. There’s no beef, no drama. So anything you hear or read thats not in these paragraphs is 100% NOT true. After a lot of deliberation, we just all felt it was a good time to step back, take a breather, and get a fresh perspective on things.
So, with that being said, we aren’t going on hiatus just yet. We still have a bunch of shows in the next six months, including a California weekend, a show in Hawaii, United Blood (Richmond VA), New England Metal Fest (Mass), Groezrock in Belgium (our one and only mainland European show), a UK tour with our friends Backtrack, Canada, and shows in Baltimore and DC. Wrapping it up this summer at This Is Hardcore Fest in Philly, for what will be our last show for roughly a couple years (2015). We’d love for everyone to come out and have fun.
This beast isn’t dead, merely sleeping.
Signed Brad, Brendan, Sam, Justice, and Jared. – AKA Trapped Under Ice | 194 |
.timeline.getEventProperties(event).item" ) int id ) { super ( source, fromClient ); source. items. stream (). filter ( item -> item. getId (). equals ( id )). findFirst (). ifPresent ( founditem -> this. item = founditem ); } public Item getItem () { return item ; } }
Lot of things to say for this code:
With @DomEvent(“click”) we are telling flow that we want to listen for “click” events fired in the client side
We are extending ComponentEvent<Timeline>. That will give us some basic stuff like for example the ability of unregistering the listener
With @EventData, we are informing that we want to bring some data along the event. Basically we are calling the method getEventProperties(event) of the stored timeline instance, and then retrieving the item that was clicked. The item is offered by a integer, which we will use to obtain the correspondent Item java instance in the server side.
Ok, now we have the event, but we need to offer the API for registering a listener that will receive our event:
public Registration addItemClickListener ( ComponentEventListener < ItemClickEvent > listener ) { return addListener ( ItemClickEvent. class, listener ); }
As you can see, our method will receive a ComponentEventListener based on our ItemClickEvent, and with that it will call the inherited method addListener() that will take care of the necessary tasks for making it work.
Step 5: Use it and have fun!
Using our component is as simple as this:
Timeline tl = new Timeline ( new Item ( 1, LocalDate. now (), LocalDate. now (). plusDays ( 2 ), "Task 1" ));
We can also do something when a given item is clicked:
tl. addItemClickListener ( ev -> Notification. show ( "Clicked on item: " + ev. getItem (). getContent ()));
Finally we can focus on a task:
Button b1 = new Button ( "Focus task 1" ); b1. addClickListener ( ev -> tl. focus ( items [ 0 ]));
And that’s it!
Here’s an animated GIF that shows the main features of this tutorial:
If you want to play around, the sources are available in GitHub. The example is structured as a sequence of steps, where each commit represents an incremental change from the Add-on Component Starter for Flow
We are planning to release a component based on this example, stay tuned! | 195 |
By John Aldrin Casinas
The local government of Pasig City said that there was no confirmed case of the 2019 novel coronavirus acute respiratory disease (2019 nCoV ARD) in all local government hospitals in the city.
This, after a post on social media alleged that there was a patient at Pasig City General Hospital (PCGH) positive for the dreaded virus.
“Salungat sa mga kumakalat na balita sa social media, wala pong kumpirmadong kaso ng [2019 nCoV ARD] sa [PCGH] o anumang ospital ng Lokal na Pamahalaan ng Lungsod ng Pasig,” the Pasig Public Information Office (PIO) said Sunday.
No Person Under Investigation (PUI) was also confined in the city’s hospitals, it stressed.
The Pasig PIO has also reminded the public that only the Department of Health (DOH) could officially announce any confirmed case of the 2019 nCoV ARD in the country.
A Facebook post of a netizen shared by the Pasig City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) on Saturday claimed that there was a positive case of the virus at PCGH.
According to the Pasig CDRRMO, the post was “fake news,” saying that they have called the doctors at the PCGH who said that there was no confirmed case nor PUI at the said hospital.
The DOH confirmed on Sunday the first fatality of the virus in the country, involving a 44-year-old Chinese man from Wuhan, China.
The foreigner, who died on Saturday for severe pneumonia, was the first confirmed fatality of the virus outside China, according to the World Health Organization.
It is also the second confirmed case of the deadly virus in the country, after the Health department confirmed the first case last week, involving a 38-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan, China.
Amid the scare brought about by the disease, the Pasig PIO urged the public to remain vigilant and maintain the cleanliness at their respective homes and surroundings.
“Ang inyong kaligtasan at kalusugan ay lubhang napakahalaga sa amin. Ang pangunahing mga alituntunin sa pagtupad ng pagsugpo ng impeksyon at pagkalat ng anumang virus ay mahigpit na ipinatutupad sa ating mga ospital dito sa Pasig,” it said. | 196 |
Hi Dears Steemians
I'm a lover of Chocolate, I love all the delicious things that can be made with, and today I want to share with you one of my favorite recipes, "Los chocolates stuffed", it is very easy to make and very tasty, the gift that every woman would enjoy, start:
200gr of Chocolate bar to melt
100gr of caramel
mold for chocolate
We melt the chocolate bar using the technique of the water bath, then put it in the mold halfway, and place it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
When this hard, you put the caramel in all the Center, and it covered with more chocolate melted, until cover the mold, as is sees in the image.
It put again in the fridge for 10 minutes and ready, to enjoy of these delicious chocolates stuffed made by you.
I hope you liked, follow me and you your something easy and fun recipes.
Thanks for your attention!
Versión en Español
Bombones de Chocolate Rellenos de Dulce de Leche
Hola Queridos Steemians
Soy una amante del Chocolate, me encanta todas las cosas deliciosas que se pueden hacer con el, y hoy quiero compartirles una de mis recetas favoritas, "Los Bombones Rellenos", es muy fácil de hacer y muy sabrosos, el regalo que toda mujer disfrutaría, Comencemos:
200gr de Chocolate en barra para Derretir
100gr de Dulce de Leche
Molde para Chocolate
Derretimos el chocolate en barra utilizando la técnica del baño de maría, luego lo colocamos en el molde hasta la mitad, y lo colocamos en el refrigerador por 10 minutos.
Cuando este duro, le colocamos el dulce de leche en todo el centro, y lo cubrimos con mas chocolate derretido, hasta cubrir el molde, como se ve en la imagen.
Lo colocamos nuevamente en la Nevera por 10 minutos y listo, a disfrutar de estos deliciosos bombones rellenos hechos por ti. | 197 |
French President Emmanuel Macron has tweeted his dismay after a Jewish child wearing a kippa was struck by two teenagers on Monday in Sarcelles, north of Paris.
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“An eight-year-old boy was assaulted today in Sarcelles. Because he was wearing a kippa. Every time a citizen is assaulted on the basis of his age, appearance or faith, the Republic as a whole is assaulted,” Macron declared on Twitter. “And it is the Republic as a whole today especially that stands alongside French people of the Jewish faith to fight these vile acts with them and for them,” the president added.
Et c’est toute la République qui se dresse particulièrement aujourd’hui aux côtés des Français de confession juive pour combattre avec eux et pour eux chacun de ces actes ignobles. 2/2 Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 31, 2018
The young boy was making his way to a tutoring session when he was assaulted by two teens he believed to be about 15 years old, according to the prosecutor’s office in Pontoise, suburban Paris.
A police source told Agence France-Presse that the boy was knocked to the ground and struck multiple times.
The prosecutor’s office has retained anti-Semitism as a motive in the case, according to Interior Minister Gérard Collomb.
In a statement, the minister condemned “in the very strongest” terms the “cowardly assault” that he said was “contrary to our most fundamental values”. “Since the start of 2018, I have seen anti-Semitic acts multiplying again. I will not be resigned to that because those acts flout our Republic. They tarnish the principles that hold our nation united,” Collomb said.
Sarcelles, nicknamed “Little Jerusalem” due to its large Jewish population, was rocked by anti-Jewish violence during the 2014 war in Gaza.
Several shops were set on fire or vandalised, including a kosher grocery.
A record 7,900 French Jews emigrated to Israel in 2015 following the deadly jihadist shooting at a Parisian kosher supermarket two days after the attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
That exodus has since slowed, but a spate of anti-Semitic attacks since have continued to frighten one of Europe’s largest Jewish communities, numbering an estimated half a million.
(FRANCE 24 with AFP and REUTERS)
Daily newsletterReceive essential international news every morning Subscribe | 198 |
Amid the continuing standoff in Syria over US withdrawal and Turkish desire to carry the fight to US-allied Kurdish militias in the country, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Ankara in no uncertain terms that if Turkish forces took unilateral military action in Syria, it would have "devastating" consequences.
Pompeo met his counterpart, Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu, on Wednesday in Washington, DC, who called the meeting "constructive." The two nations are at odds over Washington's recent attempts to bar Ankara from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program after Turkey purchased S-400 anti-air missile systems from Russia.
"Secretary Pompeo expressed support for ongoing negotiations regarding northeast Syria, while warning of the potentially devastating consequences of unilateral Turkish military action in the region," said US State Department spokesperson Robert Palladino in a statement following the talks.
#ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo’yla ikili ilişkilerimizde yer alan sınamalar&ortak gündemimizdeki konular hakkında yapıcı bir görüşme gerçekleştirdik.
Had a constructive meeting w/@SecPompeo on challenges in our bilateral relations and issues on #Turkey-#US common agenda. pic.twitter.com/690Lto5oVr — Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu (@MevlutCavusoglu) April 3, 2019
Washington proposed an alternative buy to Ankara of an MIM-104 Patriot missile system, but that was rejected.
However, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay fired back at Pompeo, saying the US "must choose" whether it wants "to remain Turkey's ally or risk our friendship by joining forces with terrorists," which is how Ankara refers to the YPG and other Kurdish militias, and "undermine its NATO ally's defense against its enemies."
The United States must choose. Does it want to remain Turkey’s ally or risk our friendship by joining forces with terrorists to undermine its NATO ally’s defense against its enemies? — Fuat Oktay (@fuatoktay06) April 3, 2019
Kurdish militias in eastern Syria have been the US' primary ally in its fight against Daesh, and Washington forced Ankara to stand down late last year by refusing to budge so that Turkish forces could attack those militias. However, now that US President Donald Trump has announced the withdrawal of US forces from Syria after the defeat of Daesh, the door once again appears open to Ankara. | 199 |
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