An tAcht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla (Síntiúis agus Caiteachas a Nochtadh) 1999
Local Elections (Disclosure of Donations and Expenditure) Act 1999
An tAcht um Athchóiriú Rialtais Áitiúil 2014
Local Government Reform Act 2014
Bileoga Eolais Eile Seo a leanas bileoga eolais eile atá ar fáil sa tsraith seo:
Other leaflets available in this series are as follows:
An tSlí a dToghtar an tUachtarán An tSlí a dToghtar an Dáil (Teach na dTeachtaí)
How the President is Elected How the Dáil (House of Representatives) is Elected
Síniú an Chinn Comhairimh:
Signature of Returning Officer:
NOTAÍ A GHABHANN LE FOIRM PV4 Iarratas ar ainm a chur san aireamh san Fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le Liosta na bPostvótálaithe Daoine atá fostaithe ag Cinn Chomhairimh Is é is cuspóir don fhoirm seo ná an bealach a réiteach do vótálaithe a bheidh ar fostú ag Ceann Comhairimh i ndáilcheantar/dtoghlach seachas an ceann ina bhfuil gnáthchónaí orthu agus ar mian leo a n-ainm a chur san áireamh san fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le liosta na bpostvótálaithe.
NOTES TO FORM PV 4 Application for entry on the Supplement to the Postal Voters List Persons in the employment of Returning Officers The purpose of this form is to facilitate voters who are in the employment of a Returning Officer in a constituency other than the one in which they are ordinarily resident and who wish to be included in the supplement to the postal voters list.
Cé nach bhfuil aon srianta ann i dtaobh cathain a fhéadfar an fhoirm a chomhlánú agus a chur ar ais chuig an údarás clárúcháin, is ceart an fhoirm a chomhlánú agus a chur ar ais, a luaithe is féidir, chuig an gComhairle Cathrach, chuig an gComhairle Contae nó chuig an gComhairle Cathrach agus Contae ar ina limistéir a chónaíonn tú.
While there are no restrictions on when the form may be completed and sent to the registration authority, the form should be completed and returned to the City, County or City and County Council, in whose area you reside as soon as possible.
Le gur féidir d'ainm a chur san áireamh san fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le liosta bpostvótálaithe mar thoradh ar d'fhostaíocht ag ceann comhairimh, ní mór:
To be included in the supplement to the postal voters list because of your employment by a returning officer, you must be:
Ní mór do gach duine a dhéanann iarratas ar a ainm/hainm a chur san áireamh san fhorlíonadh mar thoradh ar a fhostaíocht/fostaíocht ag ceann comhairimh foirm ar leithligh a chomhlánú agus a shíniú.
A separate form must be completed and signed by each person applying for inclusion in the supplement as a result of being employed by a returning officer.
Déanaim iarratas leis seo m'ainm a chur san áireamh san fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le liosta na bpostvótálaithe.
I hereby apply to have my name entered in the supplement to the postal voters list.
Deimhním leis seo go bhfuil an t-iarratasóir thuasainmnithe páirteach ar bhonn lánaimseartha ar chúrsa staidéir oideachais sa Stát mar atá leagtha amach thíos
I hereby certify that the above-named applicant is participating on a full time basis on an educational course of study in the State as set out below
Tabhair ainm agus seoladh na hinstitiúide oideachais, le do thoil:
Please state name and address of educational institution:
Cé nach bhfuil aon srianta ann i dtaobh cathain a fhéadfar an fhoirm a chomhlánú agus a chur ar ais chuig an údarás clárúcháin, is é atá sa dáta deireanach a nglacfaidh údarás clárúcháin le hiarratas ná dhá lá tar éis dháta lánscor na Dála i gcás olltoghcháin agus dhá lá tar éis an t-ordú maidir leis an lá vótaíochta a dhéanamh i gcás corrthoghcháin Dála le gur féidir an t-iarratas a bhreithniú i gcomhair an toghcháin sin.
While there are no restrictions on when the form may be completed and sent to the registration authority, the latest date for receipt of an application by a registration authority is two days after the date of dissolution of the Dáil in the case of a general election and two days after the polling day order is made in the case of a Dáil byeelection in order to be considered for that election.
I gcás toghcháin Uachtaráin, toghcháin Eorpaigh nó toghcháin áitiúil nó i gcás Reifrinn, ní mór an t-iarratas a bheith faighte ag an údarás clárúcháin 22 lá ar a laghad roimh an lá vótaíochta (gan Domhnaí, Aoine an Chéasta ná Laethanta Saoire Poiblí a áireamh) le gur féidir é a bhreithniú i gcomhair an toghcháin nó an reifrinn sin.
In the case of a Presidential, European or local election or a Referendum an application must be received by the registration authority at least 22 days before polling day (not including Sundays, Good Friday or Public Holidays) in order to be considered for that election or referendum.
Más duine tú den chineál a thuairiscítear ag 1 thuas, féadfaidh tú iarratas a dhéanamh chun d'ainm a chur san áireamh san fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le liosta na bpostvótálaithe.
If you are a person described at 1 above you may apply for entry in the supplement to the postal voters list.
An modh vótála de réir na catagóire seo postvótálaí I ngach toghchán agus i ngach reifreann lena mbaineann, déanfar páipéar ballóide agus foirm dearbhaithe reachtúil a chur chuig toghthóirí a bhfuil a n-ainm san
Method of voting by this category of postal voter An elector entered in the postal voters list because of the circumstances of his or her occupation etc. will be sent a ballot paper and a form of statutory declaration at each election and referendum.
áireamh i liosta na bpostvótálaithe mar gheall ar imthosca a slí beatha etc. Beidh sé de cheangal ar an toghthóir dul i bpearsa chuig stáisiún Garda Síochána agus an forchlúdach atá dírithe chuige/chuici, an páipéar ballóide neamh-mharcáilte agus an dearbhú céannachta a thabhairt ar aird do chomhalta den Gharda Síochána.
The elector will be required to go in person to a Garda station and produce to a member of the Garda Síochána the covering envelope addressed to him or her, the unmarked ballot paper and the declaration of identity.
Más deimhin leis an nGarda cé hé nó cé hí an toghthóir sin, déanfaidh sé nó sí an dearbhú a fhianú agus é a stampáil le stampa stáisiún an Gharda Síochána.
If the Garda is satisfied as to the identity of the elector he or she will witness the declaration and stamp the declaration of identity
An fhoirm iarratais a chomhlánú
Completing the application form
Tá Sligeach roghnaithe mar Phríomhchathair na hEorpa um Oibriú go Deonach don bhliain 2017.
Sligo has been designated as European Volunteering Capital for 2017.
SLIGEACH - Príomhchathair na hEorpa um Oibriú go Deonach, 2017!
SLIGO - European Volunteering Capital for 2017!
Éacht ollmhór is ea é do Shligeach gur roghnaíodh í leis an ócáid seo a óstáil, rud a bhfuil tábhacht Náisiúnta agus Idirnáisiúnta ag baint léi.
It is an enormous achievement for Sligo to be selected to host a European Capital event which has National and International Significance.
I measc na mbuaiteoirí roimhe tá Barcelona (2014); Liospóin (2015); Londain (2016).
Previous winners are Barcelona (2014); Lisbon (2015); London (2016).
Bhí roinnt de na ceoltóirí, de na healaíontóirí agus de na taibheoirí is fearr dá bhfuil ann i Sligeach páirteach san oíche spleodrach seo agus chomhroinn agus cheiliúir siad neart agus réimse na cruthaitheachta atá againn i Sligeach.
Some of Sligo's finest performers featured in this unique evening, sharing and celebrating the strength and range of creative collaboration in Sligo.
Cosán na Banríona Méabh - Cnoc na Riabh ar an nGearrliosta i gcomhair Duais Turasóireachta
Queen Maeve Trail - Knocknarea short-listed for Tourism Award
Tá clú agus cáil ar an láithreán i gCnoc na Riabh ar fud an domhain agus tá sé cáiliúil go háirithe as saibhreas na seandálaíochta atá ann, sa chaoi a bhfuil Carn na Banríona Méabh ina luí ar a mhullach, rud atá 5,500 bliain d'aois agus atá ar an tuama pasáiste is mó dá bhfuil ann taobh amuigh de Ghleann na Bóinne.
Knocknarea is an internationally renowned site and is particularly famous for its archaeology, being capped by the imposing 5,500 year old Queen Maeve's Cairn, the largest passage tomb outside the Boyne Valley.
Fógrófar buaiteoirí na gcatagóirí ag Searmanas Bronnta Náisiúnta, a bheidh ar siúl Dé hAoine, an 3 Feabhra.
The category winners will be announced at a National Awards Ceremony on Friday, February 3rd.
2. Cad é do chlár oibre don bhliain 2018?
2. What is your programme of work for 2018?
3. SONRAIGH na gníomhaíochtaí/na gníomhartha, le do thoil, i do chlár don bhliain 2018 a n‐úsáidfí cistiú Chomhairle Contae Shligigh dóibh chun tacú leo agus déan tagairt do na Critéir le haghaidh measúnú
3. Please SPECIFY the activities/actions in your 2018 programme that Sligo County Council funding would be used to support with reference to the Criteria for assessment
Tabhair an caiteachas don bhliain 2018 agus an miondealú idir costais sheasta agus costais chlár
Please give expenditure for 2018 and breakdown between fixed costs and programming costs
SPRIOCDHÁTA: Dé hAoine, 5 Eanáir 2018
CLOSING DATE: Friday 5th January 2018
• CVanna/faisnéis bhitheolaíoch faoi ealaíontóirí / choimeádaithe / taibheoirí / éascaitheoirí a bheartaíonn tú a fhostú do do chlár.
• CV's / biographical information about artists / curators /performers / facilitators whom you plan to
Chuir Comhairle Contae Shligigh an liosta thuas le chéile chun críche faisnéise amháin.
The above list is compiled by Sligo Co Co for the purposes of providing information only.
Níl airbheartaíonn sé a bheith ina liosta iomlán de Choimisinéirí Mionnaí / Aturnaetha i Sligeach.
This does not purport to be a complete list of Commissioner of Oaths / Solicitors for Sligo.
Níl Comhairle Contae Shligigh ag tathant ar son nó ag formhuiniú seirbhísí aon cheann díobh seo thuas.
Sligo Co Co is not advocating on behalf of nor is it endorsing the services of any of the above.
Gerry McGovern, Aturnae, Pearse Plaza, Bóthar an Phiarsaigh, Sligeach
Gerry McGovern, Solicitor, Pearse Plaza, Pearse Road, Sligo
Edmund Henry, Aturnae, 14 Sráid an Tiarna Éadbhard, Sligeach Uimh.
Edmund Henry, Solicitor, 14 Lord Edward Street, Sligo.
Mullaneys Solicitors Sráid Thomáis Sligeach Co. Shligigh
Mullaneys Solicitors Thomas Street Sligo Co. Sligo
McEnroe Patrick & Co Solicitors 12 Sráid Eoin Sligeach Co. Shligigh
McEnroe Patrick & Co Solicitors 12 John St Sligo Co. Sligo
Rochford Gallagher & Co Solicitors Sráid Eoin Sligeach Co. Shligigh
Rochford Gallagher & Co Solicitors John St Sligo Co. Sligo
Anne Hickey Solicitors Sráid an Fhíona Sligeach Co. Shligigh
Anne Hickey Solicitors Wine St Sligo Co. Sligo
Johnson & Johnson Solicitors Baile an Mhóta Co Shligigh
Johnson & Johnson Solicitors Ballymote Co Sligo
Howley Carter and Co Solicitors 1 Sráid an Fhíona Sligeach
Howley Carter and Co Solicitors 1 Wine St Sligo
Rochford Gallagher & Co Solicitors Tobar an Choire Co Shligigh
Rochford Gallagher & Co Solicitors Tubbercurry Co Sligo
Sinead Maguire Solicitors 29 Na Mánna An Leathros Co. Shligigh
Sinead Maguire Solicitors 29 The Plains Strandhill Co. Sligo
Kilfeather Keyes Solicitors Foirgneamh an Bhainc Droichead de hÍde Sráid Uí Chonaill Sligeach
Kilfeather Keyes Solicitors Bank Building Hyde Bridge O'Connell St Sligo
Gallagher David Solicitors 28 Sráid an Mhargaidh Co. Shligigh
Gallagher David Solicitors 28 Market st Co. Sligo
O'Boyle Solicitors An Clós Cúirte An Meal Sligeach Co. Shligigh
O'Boyle Solicitors Courtyard The Mall Sligo Co. Sligo
Peter Martin Solicitors Sráid Taoiling Sligeach
Peter Martin Solicitors Teeling St Sligo
McDermott Creed & Martyn Solicitors Constitutional bldgs Sráid Stiofáin Sligeach 071 9142449
McDermott Creed & Martyn Solicitors Constitutional Bldgs Stephen St Sligo 071 9142449
McTernan MacGowan Solicitors Sráid Taoiling Sligeach
McTernan MacGowan Solicitors Teeling St Sligo
Monaghan & Co. Solicitors Sráid Taoiling Sligeach
Monaghan & Co. Solicitors Teeling Street Sligo
McDermott Garrett Solicitors 5 JFK pde Co. Shligigh
McDermott Garrett Solicitors 5 JFK Pde Co. Sligo
Henry & Co Solicitors 14 Sráid an Tiarna Éadbhard Sligeach
Henry & Co Solicitors 14 Lord Edward St Sligo
Michael Monahan Solicitor 47 Sráid Eoin Co. Shligigh
Michael Monahan Solicitor 47 John St Co. Sligo
Murphy Ballantyne Solicitors 19 Sráid an tSéipéil Sligeach
Murphy Ballantyne Solicitors 19 Chapel St Sligo
Kelly & Ryan Solicitors Sráid Taoiling Sligeach
Kelly & Ryan Solicitors Teeling St Sligo
Horan Michael J Solicitors Urlár 1 Teach na Mílaoise Sráid Stiofáin Sligeach 071 9140774
Horan Michael J Solicitors Floor 1 Millenium House Stephens St Sligo 071 9140774
McCanny & Co Solicitors Sráid an Fhíona Sligeach
McCanny & Co Solicitors Wine St Sligo
MacSharry Tom Solicitors Sráid Taoiling Sligeach Co. Shligigh
MacSharry Tom Solicitors Teeling St Sligo
Rochford Gallagher & Co Solicitors Baile an Mhóta Co Shligigh
Rochford Gallagher & Co Solicitors Ballymote Co Sligo
CLÁR NA dTOGHTHÓIRÍ Iarratas ó thoghthóirí atá faoi choinneáil i bPríosún de bhun ordú cúirte chun a n-ainm a chur san áireamh san fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le Liosta na bPostvótálaithe
REGISTER OF ELECTORS Application for inclusion in the Supplement to the Postal Voters List by electors detained in a prison pursuant to an order of a court
Ainm: (bloclitreacha) [Cuir isteach mionsonraí eile, le do thoil, amhail Mór, Beag, ainm eile nó túslitir, má tá duine eile ag a bhfuil an túsainm nó an sloinne céanna cláraithe ag an seoladh céanna.]
Name: (block letters) [Please include other details such as Snr., Jnr., other name or an initial if there is another person with the same first name and surname registered at the same address.]
Seoladh Baile Reatha
Current Home Address
Seoladh díreach roimh phríosúnú (más éagsúil ón seoladh thuas): (bloclitreacha)
Address immediately prior to imprisonment (if different from above): (block letters)
Dearbhaím leis seo gur dóigh, de bhua imthosca mo choinneála i bpríosún, nach mbeidh mé in ann dul i bpearsa ar an lá vótaíochta chun vóta a chaitheamh i stáisiún vótaíochta.
I hereby declare that I am likely to be unable to go in person on polling day to vote at the polling station because of the circumstances of my detention in prison.
Ainm agus Seoladh an Phríosúin: (bloclitreacha)
Name and address of Prison: (block letters)
An seoladh mar a luaitear é ar chlár na dtoghthóirí a mbeifeá ag cónaí ann faoi láthair mura mbeifeá i bpríosún.
The address as stated on the register of electors where you would be currently living if you were not in prison.
Beidh tú in ann vótáil d'iarrthóirí sa toghcheantar ina bhfuil an seoladh seo lonnaithe.
You will be able to vote for candidates in the constituency where this address is located.
Cuid B - Deimhniú ó Oifigeach Ábhartha an Phríosúin Ní mór an chuid seo a chomhlánú maidir le gach iarratas.
Part B - Certificate by relevant official of the prison This part must be completed for each application.
Deimhním leis seo go bhfuil an t-iarratasóir thuasainmnithe faoi choinneáil i bpríosún faoi láthair de bhun ordú cúirte agus gur dóigh, de bhua imthosca a choinneála/a coinneála, nach mbeidh sé/sí in ann dul i bpearsa ar an lá vótaíochta chun vóta a chaitheamh i stáisiún vótaíochta.
I hereby certify that the above named applicant is currently detained in prison pursuant to an order of a court and is by virtue of the circumstances of his or her detention likely to be unable to go in person on polling day to vote at a polling station.
Síniú an Oifigigh Ábhartha:
Signature of Relevant Official:
Ainm an Oifigigh Ábhartha: (bloclitreacha)
Name of Relevant Official: (block letters)
Uimhir an Oifigigh Ábhartha:
Number of Relevant Official:
Ní mór duit, má éilítear sin, a bheith ábalta an t-údarás clárúcháin a shásamh go raibh gnáthchónaí ort sa Stát sula ndeachaigh tú chun príosúin.
You must, if required, be able to establish to the satisfaction of the registration authority that you were ordinarily resident in the State prior to your detention.
Mura bhfuil tú ar chlár na dtoghthóirí cheana féin, ní mór duit Foirm RFA a chomhlánú freisin, nó i ndiaidh an 25 Samhain in aon bhliain áirithe, Foirm RFA 4 le bheith curtha san áireamh san Fhorlíonadh a ghabhann leis an gClár.
If you are not already on the register of electors, you must also complete Form RFA or, after 25 November in any given year, Form RFA 4 for entry on the Supplement to the Register.
Ní mór duit Cuid A den fhoirm a chomhlánú.
You must complete Part A of the form.
Ní mór duit d'ainm iomlán a thabhairt agus do sheoladh reatha, an Eircode san áireamh, mar atá siad ar chlár na dtoghthóirí (i.e. an áit a mbeifeá ag cónaí ann mura mbeifeá i bpríosún).
You must give your full name and current home address, including the Eircode, as they appear on the register of electors (i.e. the place where you would be living if you were not in prison).
(Má bhí seoladh eile agat díreach sula ndeachaigh tú isteach sa phríosún, is ceart duit an seoladh seo a thabhairt freisin.)
(If you had an address different from this immediately before you entered prison, you should also give this address.)
Beidh tú in ann, dá bhrí sin, ábalta vóta a chaitheamh d'iarrthóirí i do thoghcheantar féin.
You will, therefore, be able to vote for candidates in your own local constituency.
Tá sé tábhachtach go gcuirfidh tú síniú nó marc agus dáta ar an bhfoirm iarratais le go mbeidh sé bailí.
It is important that you sign or mark and date the application form, to make the application valid.
An tIarratas a Dheimhniú
Certification of the application
Nuair a bheidh Cuid A den fhoirm comhlánaithe agat, is ceart duit í a thabhairt d'oifigeach ábhartha an phríosúin le Cuid B a chomhlánú - má bhíonn an t-oifigeach sin sásta, deimhneoidh sé/sí ar an bhfoirm gur dóigh, de bhua imthosca do choinneála i bpríosún, nach mbeidh tú in ann dul i bpearsa ar an lá vótaíochta chun vóta a chaitheamh i stáisiún vótaíochta.
When you have completed Part A of the form, you should hand it to the relevant official of the prison to complete Part B - if satisfied, that official will certify on the form that you are likely to be unable to go in person to the polling station to vote because of the circumstances of your detention in the prison.
An fhoirm iarratais a chur ar ais tríd an bpost
Return of application form by post
Nuair a bheidh an fhoirm comhlánaithe déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ábhartha socrú í a sheoladh chuig an údarás clárúcháin iomchuí.
When the form is completed the relevant prison official will arrange to send it to the relevant registration authority.
D'fhéadfadh faisnéis nó doiciméid bhreise a bheith de dhíth ón údarás clárúcháin chun cinneadh a dhéanamh maidir le d'incháilitheacht chun tú a áireamh sa liosta.
The registration authority may require additional information or documents to decide your eligibility for inclusion in the list.
Má lorgaíonn údarás clárúcháin aon fhaisnéis nó doiciméid bhreise agus má shonraíonn dáta faoina gcaitear iad a chur ar fáil, measfar d'iarratas a bheith tarraingthe siar sa chás nach gcuirtear ar fáil iad sa tréimhse ama a sonraíodh.
Where a registration authority seeks any additional information or documents and specifies a date within which it must be furnished, failure to do so within the specified time means that your application will be deemed to be withdrawn.
Cuirfidh an t-údarás clárúcháin a gcinneadh ar d'iarratas in iúl duit agus, má dhiúltaítear dó, tabharfar na cúiseanna leis an diúltú duit.
You will be notified by the registration authority of the decision on your application and, if it is refused, you will be given the reason for the refusal.
Déanfar páipéar ballóide agus foirm dearbhaithe céannachta a chur chuig toghthóirí a bhfuil a n-ainm san áireamh i liosta na bpostvótálaithe nó san san fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le liosta na bpostvótálaithe mar gheall ar imthosca a gcoinneála roimh an lá vótaíochta.
An elector entered in the postal voters list or supplement to the postal voters list because of the circumstances of his or her detention will be sent a ballot paper and a declaration of identity before polling day.
Beidh ort an dearbhú céannachta a chomhlánú agus a shíniú (nó marc a chur air) os comhair an oifigigh ábhartha, a bheidh mar fhinné don dearbhú, má tá sé/sí sásta i ndáil le do chéannacht, agus a chuirfidh stampa an phríosúin ar an dearbhú céannachta.
You will be required to complete and sign (or mark) the declaration of identity in the presence of the relevant official, who, on being satisfied as to your identity, will witness the declaration and stamp the declaration of identity with the stamp of the prison.
Féadfaidh tú ansin an páipéar ballóide a mharcáil (faoi rún), é a chur sa chlúdach don pháipéar ballóide, na doiciméid ar fad a chur sa chlúdach, é a shéalú agus a shíneadh chuig an oifigeach cuí a dhéanfaidh socruithe é a sheoladh chuig an gceann comhairimh a luaithe agus is féidir.
You may then mark the ballot paper (in secret), put it in the ballot paper envelope, put all documents in a covering envelope, seal it and hand that envelope to the relevant official who will arrange to have it sent to the returning officer as soon as possible.
Scaoileadh saor ón bpríosún, etc.
Release from prison etc.
Má cheadaítear d'iarratas d'ainm a áireamh san fhorlíonadh a ghabhann le liosta na bpostvótálaithe ní ceadmhach duit vótáil ach tríd an bpost amháin.
If your application for inclusion in the supplement to the postal voters list is granted you can only vote by post.
Mura bhfuil tú sa phríosún níos mó agus má tá d'ainm fós ar an liosta, ní ceadmhach duit vótáil ag stáisiún vótaíochta mura scríobhfaidh tú chuig an údarás clárúcháin agus iarrraidh air d'ainm a bhaint den liosta.
If you are no longer in prison and still on the list, you cannot vote at a polling station unless you write to the registration authority and ask to have your name deleted from the list.
Ní mór sin a dhéanamh laistigh den thréimhse áirithe roimh toghchán nó reifreann (i.e. 2 lá tar éis dháta lánscor na Dála i gcás olltoghcháin nó 2 lá tar éis an t-ordú maidir leis an lá vótaíochta a dhéanamh i gcás corrthoghcháin Dála, toghcháin Uachtaráin, Eorpach nó áitiúil nó reifreann).
This must be done within a certain period before the holding of an election or referendum (i.e. 2 days after the date of dissolution of the Dáil at a general election or 2 days after the making of an order appointing polling day at a Dáil bye-election or a Presidential, European, local election or a referendum).
Má tá tú fós, áfach, ar an bhforlíonadh a ghabhann le liosta na bpostvótálaithe lá toghcháin nó reifrinn agus sa chás is go bhfuil am ann sin a dhéanamh, féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh seoladh eile a chur ar an gclúdach (ina bhfuil an páipéar ballóide srl) agus é a sheoladh chugat ag do sheoladh baile ar an gclúdach a cuireadh ar ais chuig na húdaráis phríosúin a fháil.
If, however, you are still on the supplement to the postal voters list on the day of an election or referendum and where there is time to do so, the returning officer can re-address the envelope (containing the ballot paper etc.) to you at your home address on receipt of the returned envelope from the prison authorities.