3 values
Any video gurus feel like attacking this quirk...? Article-I.D.: shelley.1qsce9INNgd0 Distribution: world Organization: University of Washington, Seattle Lines: 37 NNTP-Posting-Host: stein.u.washington.edu Hi there, I'm having a bizarre video problem within Windows 3.1. I have a 286 with a GVGA-16 video board. I've been using the standard Windows VGA driver with other similarly configured computers. I am thinking that my problem is with the way Windows refreshes it's screen. The problem is that once Windows has been envoked, the colors start changing themselves. At first I thought it was hardware, but if you open a full screen DOS program from within the Windows session, you don't have any problems until you get back to Windows - however, when you initially return to Windows, the original colors get refreshed properly. Also, it is not a uniform color change - so if you are in solitaire, the design on the back of the card maintains it's original color scheme, but the white fronts of the cards will turn grey, then blue, etc. The color changes keep getting darker until finally everything is a dark purple-ish black. If you pop out to DOS and exit back to Windows - the screen gets refreshed again. If I don't log into Windows and just do DOS things from the Novell network, everything is fine. I originally loaded the software by bouncing it down to the net from the other machine I had just finished configuring, then from the net to this machine. When I ran into problems, I deleted everything on this machine and the net, and tried bouncing it again. When that didn't work, I tried reloading Windows to no avail. Any thoughts on things to check out? I am totally baffled! Thanks in advance for any assistance and instruction! Linda Cornell UW Office of Research
Re: Win NT - what is it??? Article-I.D.: shelley.1qnaesINNemf Organization: University of Washington Lines: 30 NNTP-Posting-Host: hardy.u.washington.edu writes: > writes: >>Chicogo is what I want to use. It is, like NT, a true OS with thrue >>multitasking and multithreading, but has much smaller hardware requirements, >>and does not meet DOD security specs . there are a few otehr differences, but those are the >>main ones. There was an article about Chicogo in PC Week last August. >> The Chicogo and NT development groups at Micro$oft are in intense >>competition, so it is said. However, I think a different relationship will >>arise: NT will be the server , Chicogo will be the >>client machine. It is entirely possible for different OS's to work together, >>partly because Chicogo is just a small NT . >> >> Anyway, don't expect it soon. Windows 4 and DOS 7 are supposed to be >>released next year , so I expect that Chicogo won't be out >>til '96. >How does Chicago differ from the announced Windows 4. My understand- >ing, at least from the InbfoWorld accound of Windows 4 is that it's sort >of NT Lite--a full-fledged operating system but lacking server and security >features that make NT such a bear. Is W4 not true multithreading? Can anyone tell me how Chicago/Windows 4 would differ from OS/2 2.x? Believe it or not, I'm not trying to start a flame war, here. I'm simply curious if there is going to be any feature advantage in either of these products
Diamond Speedstar 24X Driver Bug? Reply-To: Organization: Metaphase Technology, Inc. Keywords: Speedstar Lines: 23 Since swapping out my generic VGA card for a Diamod Speedstar 24X, I have noticed two new problems: * if I create a windowed MS-DOS session , when the text starts to scroll, rather than printing characters it starts to print horizontal lines that spill out to the desktop and trash the entire display. Ctrl-alt-del terminates the dos window and restores the desktop * after a short time in NCD's PC X-remote for windows, all characters displayed on the desktop are changed to be unreadable; I am unable to restore without rebooting. These are in both 256 and 16 color 800x600 drivers, large and small fonts. DOS 5, Win 3.1, emm386 and smartdrv installed. I like the speed of the card and have had no other problems. Any ideas? Thanks! -- Steve Chesney Metaphase Technology Inc. 612-482-4662 4233 North Lexington Avenue 612-482-4001 Arden Hills, MN 55126
Re: Windows Help Nntp-Posting-Host: beta.edb.tih.no Organization: Trondheim College of Engineering X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9] Lines: 38 Mario Veraart wrote: : writes: : >Hi, it's an *easy* question for you Windows gurus. I'd appreciate any help. : >We need to write an on-line help for our application. We don't have : >Windows Software Developer's Toolkit ). Since we just want to build : >a .HLP file around Windows' help engine, I hope it won't be that complicated? : >Anyway, could someone kindly give me some hints of how to build such an : >on-line help, if it does not take 100 pages to explain? Or if it is complicated, : >would you help to point out what I would need to do it? : >-- : >Vincent Q. Yin : > : Hi, : If you have developed your own windows application you must have a : SDK of some sort that contains the HC.EXE or HC31.EXE file to : compile and generate .HLP files out of .RTF files. ****-------> No, U can download what??.zip from ftp.cica.indiana.edu This package from MS is all U need to buid .HLP files from Rich Text Format Files . This package also contains .DOT tamplates for MS Word4Win. : RTF files are generated by a wordprocessor like Word for Dos or W4W. : If this is not the solution be more specific about your application. : Mario : -- : Mario Veraart TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory : email: The Hague The Netherlands : "If all else fails, show pretty pictures and animated videos, : and don't talk about performance", David Bailey
Re: PC/Geos, Windows, OS/2, and Unix/X11 Reply-To: Organization: Dept. of Physics, Memorial University Lines: 61 In article <>, writes: |> --- |> |> |> |> With my limited knowladge about the PC Geos, I came out with following |> comparison: |> |> PC Geos Windows OS/2 Unix/X11 |> ________ _______ ____ _______ |> |> 1. Can run dos |> programs yes yes yes yes |> [lines deleted] |> |> 7. price $120 $70 $120 free-$1000s |> A good one |> costs $400-$700 |> avaliable on Ext. |> card too. |> |> 8. C compiler Don't think so yap yap yap |> |> 9. C++ no Yap Yap Yap |> |> 10. Fortran no yap yap yap |> |> 11. debuger ? yap yap yap |> |> 12. min to run dos 2M & 10Mb-Hard ? 386 |> |> You guys and gals add to this list, so we do not throw our many down the |> tubes. |> |> With highest regards, |> Babak Sehari. |> This list appears to imply, that MS-windows that has a cost listed above at $70, comes with a C compiler, C++ and Fortran. It does not, of course. These are expensive add-ons that drive the price WAY beyond $70. As far as unix is concerned; There is a free unix, linux, that has cc, ~c++, fortran , Xwindows and many other features besides, with a large number of utilities that can be optionally added. And there is also a free 386BSD I believe. Both these unix's are quite robust. You can check out comp.os.linux If you don't want to "throw our many down the tubes", you've got to break that list down a little more. -- Roderick Campbell Department of Physics Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NF, CANADA internet:
Organization: University of Central Florida - Computer Services Mark Woodruff <>Bigger window headings Lines: 8 Does anyone know of bigger raster fonts? I'm using a Mag 15H monitor with a Diamond SS24X in 1280x1024 mode and would prefer to have larger characters for the windows heading . I'm already using the 8514 character sets. mark Any idea of the difference between the 15H and the 15F?
Subject: Is SMARTDRV.EXE causing bad sectors on my hd? Organization: NetLink Online Communications, San Diego CA Lines: 47 I am having something very unusual happen. First some background on my system. I have a Mitsubishi 63 meg Hard Drive, and am running Smartdrv on it. I rarely use Windows. I use a program called Disk Technician Gold v1.14 to do diagnostics live time on my hard drive. It works by having a device driver detect whenever more than one read is necessary for a file, or if there is anything else is wrong with it, and minor problems are fully checked out upon rebooting. My hard drive is notorious for bad sectors. I usually end up with 8 new bad sectors a week. Here's what happened: I ran a program, and DTG broke in with an Emergency Warning and recommended I reboot. It gave me this message twice before the program was fully loaded. I exited the program and did just this. DTG went through its bootup process, examining for new errors etc., and a screen popped up and said something about sectors for a brief period of time. I then went back to the program, executed it again, and the exact same error was detected. I rebooted and tried again, and the same error happened again. So, I removed DTG from memory, and went to the program to see if I could detect anything wrong. Sure enough there was a number of read attempts. So I rebooted and reloaded DTG, but removed the cache. I executed the program. No read errors, either audible or detected by DTG. I quit the program, loaded the cache, and ran the program again. The errors were detected. Ok, so the errors are there, and DTG detects but doesn't fix them, when the cache is loaded. When the cache is not loaded there are no errors. So, to see if the cache was interfering with any other files, I went into xtree gold and tagged all files, and searched them for a random string . Before I got through the c's DTG had detected at least six errors and recommended I reboot. Does anybody, have any idea why Smartdrv is causing misreads on my hard drive? Oh, there are exactly two misreads per file, and 1 in about every 100 files are affected. I originally posted this message to Disk Technician Corp.'s system, but I figured someone out in netland may know enough about smartdrv to help me out. -- INTERNET: UUCP: ...!ryptyde!netlink!jdriver NetLink Online Communications * Public Access in San Diego, CA 453-1115
Gatewaying Microsoft Mail/Workgroups via 9600 modem? Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Lines: 25 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: unixg.ubc.ca Our student association runs a small Novell network which has a subnetwork of Windows for Workgroups and Microsoft Mail. The Director of Finance, en electrical engineering student, would like to gateway this system, either via SLIP or not, into the University's network and thus the Internet, at the very least to exchange e-mail, but possibly also to do ftp's etc. For now, this would be done via a 9600 bps modem. He would like to set it up so that it would periodically call in to check mail, but would otherwise connect whenever needed. What is the best way to do this? Gatewaying software is available, but what works best? Please reply to me: or the D of F : with a cc: to the other. I don't read all of these groups regularly, so mail is best. If this is a common question, please pot me to a FAQ or ftp site. :=:=> Derek K. Miller Researcher, Alma Mater Society University of British Columbia, Canada Room 230B - 6138 SUB Blvd., Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1 Campus Mail Zone 1 phone 822-6868 fax 822-9019
Netware 3.11 & win 3.1 fileman Organization: Northwest Nexus Inc. Lines: 12 NNTP-Posting-Host: nwfocus.wa.com Is there a update or something that will allow a person when using novell 3.11 and windows 3.1 file manager to view the files with the name of the person who created it or changed it like the novell command ndir ? tim osburn -- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------*| Tim Osburn KB7GBQ Bellevue, Washington |*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
Re: Diamond SS24X, Win 3.1, Mouse cursor Nntp-Posting-Host: hermes.acm.rpi.edu Lines: 16 In <> writes: >Anybody seen mouse cursor distortion running the Diamond 1024x768x256 driver? >Sorry, don't know the version of the driver but it's a recently >delivered Gateway system. Am going to try the latest drivers from Diamond BBS but wondered >if anyone else had seen this. Sporadically, yes. It seems to flicker, or change shape into snow briefly. Not enough to impair functionality, just call attention to Diamond's professional sloppiness. Rob -- Rob Keywords - Oldfield Jane's Leather Yes Win3.1 Phish light blue right Bondage r.e.m. DTP Steely Dan DS9 FNM OWL Genesis In the spaceship, the silver spaceship, the lion takes control.....
Re: More Diamond SS 24X Organization: Michigan State University Lines: 30 NNTP-Posting-Host: horus.cem.msu.edu From article <>, by : > Has anyone experienced a faint shadow at all resolutions using this > card. Is only in Windows. I have replaced card and am waiting on > latest drivers. Also have experienced General Protection Fault Errors > in WSPDPSF.DRV on Winword Tools Option menu and in WINFAX setup. > I had a ATI Ultra but was getting Genral Protection Fault errors > in an SPSS application. These card manufactures must have terrible > quality control to let products on the market with so many bugs. > What a hassle. Running on Gateway 2000 DX2/50. > Thx Dave L > > You're using drivers version 2.02 or earlier. The latest is 2.03, available from their BBS or by snailmail. It at least fixes the WfW problem. The reason I wanted to reply in public instead of private mail is because of following: I talked to their tech support a few days ago and was told that I can expect a new version near the end of the month. Which should be about now... However, I have a problem when switching back from a DOS session in standard mode. Apparently they don't know of this problem and seem to be surprised why anybody would want to use standard mode at all. It's a great card for the price, at least when I bought it. Now there may be better alternatives. Bo Peng
How to fix Word subscript spacing? Organization: U of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering Lines: 14 Hi, I have a problem when using subscripts with MSWord. The problem is the subscripted characters get cut off on the display, but print out ok. Anyone know how to fix the subscripts so I can see them on the screen? Many thanks, -- -Howard _________________________________________________________ ! Howard Moy ! ! 255-6379 !
Re: Procomm Plus for windows problems.... Organization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, MD USA Lines: 16 NNTP-Posting-Host: access.digex.net writes: >Hi, > I have normal procomm plus for dos, but I've been considering buying >the windows version....it got really great reviews in computer shopper. >I have a friend who connects to the mainframe and unix machines here >using it, but the screen seems to have a problem keeping up with the >modem....he has a 14,400 modem on a 486 50 Mhz machine. I can't >see it having trouble keeping up. His pcplus for dos works great, >but the windows just seems to always screw up....Is this common >and is there a fix? Or is something just screwed with his machine? > Kent I have no trouble running Procomm for Windows at 14.4 v.42 on a considerably slower 486sx. Could be a video problem but only if he has incredibly slow video.
Re: Telephone # of Cirrus Logic Organization: Malaspina College Lines: 14 In article <>, writes: > Is there anybody who knows the telephone number of Cirrus Logic Co., > maker of a graphic card? Please reply to > Thank you very much. > > Hua Chen > Center for Astrophysics > BBS number 510-226-2365 Ron
Reply-To: Distribution: worldRe: Out of environment space running BAT files from Windows Organization: Aspen Technology Group X-Mailer: UUPC/bsnews 2.1 modified Lines: 42 >I have a .BAT file that I run under a Windows Icon. I have set up a PIF >file to run the BAT file in exclusive mode and to use the entire screen. >The first line of the BAT file sets an environment variable. > >My problem is that on some of our machines , the SET command in the BAT file fails with the >OUT OF ENVIRONMENT SPACE error. I have raised the amount of environment >space to 2048 bytes using the SHELL command in CONFIG.SYS so I know that >I am nowhere near to running out. (From the Windows Resource Toolkit ), add an entry to your "system.ini" file under the [NonWindowsApp] section: CommandEnvSize=NNNN "This sets the COMMAND.COM env size, where NNNN must either be 0 or between 160 and 32768. A value of 0 disables the setting. If this value is too small or too big, it is rounded up to 160 or down to 32768. If the value is less than the current size of the actual environment, this setting is disabled, as if it were 0. If you specify the environment size in a PIF file for COMMAND.COM, the PIF setting overrides this setting. The default is 0 with MSDOS versions earlier than 3.2. Otherwise, the default value is the /e: option in the SHELL= command in CONFIG.SYS. To set this value, you must edit your SYSTEM.INI [and reboot]." I have used this entry, as well as relied on the default /e: from the CONFIG.SYS shell= line, and both give larger environments. If you don't use one of these, then the environment passed by windows to each new DOS box is just a little bit bigger than the environment _variables_ present when windows was started. This should allow your batch file to run, but your mileage may vary. -- Jerome Schneider Domain: Aspen Technology Group UUCP: {uunet}!csn!atglab!jls PO Box 673, Ft. Collins, CO 80522 Voice: 484-1488
Windows for WorkGroups and LAN Workplace Organization: School of Architecture, University of Bath, UK Lines: 19 This may be a simple question but: We have a number of PC's which we use to link to a mainframe using Novell LAN WorkPlace for DOS . Now, to make life easier for us we are thinking of using Windows for Workgroups to allow file sharing across our PC network. Now does anyone know if it is possible to use W4WG and Lan Workplace for DOS at the same time. ie Can I access a file on another PC while being logged on to the mainframe at the same time, simultaneously. Any help well appreciated. Gary Hunt. Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture University of Bath
Re: Grey Scale while in windows? Organization: Motorola Ltd., European Cellular Infrastructure Division Lines: 6 Distribution: world Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: mercury.swindon.rtsg.mot.com +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kevin Marshall, Operational Support, Motorola ECID, Swindon, UK. | | E-mail : | | Phone : +44 793 545127 545127 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Re: win/NT file systems Organization: TRW Inc., Redondo Beach, CA Lines: 26 In article <> writes: >OK will some one out there tell me why / how DOS 5 >can read >the Win/NT NTFS file system. >I thought NTFS was supposed to be better than the FAT system > >keith DOS 5.0/6.0 cannot read the NTFS file system, although the NTFS file system can read the FAT file system of DOS. I have WindowsNT on a seperate partition on my machine at home, and I can read my DOS disks from Windows NT, but not vice-versa. As far as the robustness of the file system, it seems to be very fast, and I have yet to have a single problem with it. That doesn't prove it's better than the FAT system though. Read the book 'Inside Windows NT,' it will give you all the info you're looking for. Scott -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Reimert \ /Standard disclaimer: Redondo Beach, CA \______________________________________/"Blah blah blah ... " __________________|Always store beer in a cool dark place|_____________________
Hhy won't my DOS apps run in a window?! Distribution: world Organization: Sigma Press Reply-To: X-Mailer: Simple NEWS 1.90 Lines: 8 Can somebody help me out there? I have just purchased Win 3.1 and I just can't get DOS apps to run in a window on their own. I've tried mucking around with the PIF settings etc, but to no avail. What am I doing wrong? . Thanks in advance ... Jason.
Re: WinBench Organization: San Jose State University - Math/CS Dept. Lines: 36 writes: > writes: >> Is there any FTP site that carries WinBench results for different graphics >> cards? In Excel format? What is the latest version of WinBench and >> how do they differ? Is the source available, and has anybody try to port it to >> X-Window, at least in a way that will make comparisons possible? >> >On ftp.cica.indiana.edu in pub/pc/win3/misc/winadv.zip is a writeup by >Steve Gibson of InfoWorld with winbench 3.11 and a number of other >benchmark results for nine isa and four VLB video cards. This is a >very current upload and is likely to have any card you're currently >giving serious consideration. Not in XLS format. Latest version of >WinBench that I know of is ver 3.11. I believe they try to maintain >the same rating scale between versions, and new versions are released >to defeat the lastest coding tricks put in by driver programmers to >beat the benchmarks. Don't know on the last one. And why they are considering using WinBench as a test, they may want to read everything Steve Gibson has said on the subject in his InfoWorld column the past couple of month. In short, virtually every board manufacturer cheats on the test by writing things in the driver that is there only to make the board appear faster on the WinBench suite. So the WinBench score has no bearing in reality to how cards stack up on real world tasks. In the last PC-Magazine they benchmarked some of the new accelerators, and admitted that many of them 'cheated' on WinBench. Interestingly, they 'allowed' one type of cheating behaviour , yet did not allow a couple of other types of cheating behaviour that some of the cards used. At least one card was eliminated from the "Editor's Choice" because of cheating on the benchmark. >Al DeVilbiss >
Re: Windows gripe... Organization: TSoft BBS and Public Access Unix, +1 415 969 8238 Lines: 37 In article <1ppmvf$> writes: > >Hi there, > > There's one thing about Windows that really frosts me. >I have 20MB of RAM installed in my system. I use a 5MB disk-cache, and a 4MB permanent swap file. > > While I can never fill the memory up, I still have problems >sometimes because I run out of GDI resources. What gives? >I think Windows could manage these resources a little better. > > Does anyone have any input on how to conserve these resources >so that I can avoid this problem? > >Nate >-------------------------- >Nathan C. Crowell, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering/ACRL > >Worcester Polytechnic Institute E-mail: > >"Costing the net hundreds if not thousands of dollars" Nathan, Win31 has a fixed limit of 64K GDI memory, regardless of physical RAM installed, this is twice that of Win30, but not nearly robust enough for many developers and power users. Using Amish Launch as your shell, you can reduce GDI memory usage by as much as 15% over Progman, NDW 2, DAshboard, and other graphical type icon based and other shells. Also, nesting, and full hot-key global support is offered, something no other shells have at this time. Ted Matsumura, President Amish Software, Inc. :wq
Organization: University of Central Florida - Computer Services Mark Woodruff <>Many people on one machine Lines: 9 I have several people sharing my machine and would like to set up separate environments under Windows for each of them. Is there some way of setting things up separate desktops/directories for each of them? Ideally, I'd like totally separate virtual machines. I'd be willing to settle for less, and may end up having batch files that copy .ini files around depending on who wants to use the machine. mark Alas, Setup/n doesn't work if you don't have a network.
WinQVT/Net V3.4? Article-I.D.: lorien.354 Distribution: usa Organization: UC LLNL Lines: 11 Nntp-Posting-Host: angmar.llnl.gov An earlier article in this newsgroup made reference to WinQVT/Net version 3.4. Realy? Where? I tried archie with no luck. It's probably just a typo. But I sure would like to get one if it's real as I too have a printer problem in WinQVT. -- _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | David A. Fuess _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ | Dir, Center for EECS _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ | Phone: 423-2436 _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ | Fax: 422-9343
Re: 486/33 WIN3.1 HANG Organization: Fac. Wiskunde & Informatica, VU, Amsterdam Lines: 19 writes: >HELP, PROBLEM 486/33MHZ HANGS IN EXTENDED MODE TRYING TO >ACCESS DRIVES A: OR B: , SOMETIMES IT WILL DO DIR , SOMETIMES WILL HANG >ON ACCESS SOMETIMES WILL WHEN TYING A TEXT FILE. >HARDWARE: >AMERICAN MEGATREND MOTHERBOARD >AMI BIOS 91 >CONNER 85MB HARD DRIVE >TRIDENT 1 MEG SVGA >PLEASE HELP!!! >ITS OK IN STANDARD MODE!!! I have the same problem. Someone suggested it might be a BIOS bug. Gonna check with my supplier tomorrow. I'll tell you if it helps. Wouter.
Re: Cirrus Logic 5426 Graph Card Organization: HP Singapore Notes-Server Lines: 17 In comp.os.ms-windows.misc, writes: In article <1qms3c$>, writes: >Version 1.3 drivers are due to be release by Cirrus soon. >Unfortunately, their not available via FTP, you have to dial >up their BBS in the USA. I do this from NZ using a 14.4k modem >to cut down on phone bills. It took me around 7 minutes to >download the v1.2 driver. Could you please upload to any of the ftp sites and announce it here? This will benefit people does not have access to their BBS in USA )? Thanks a lot. - Beng Hang Tay
WANTED: Info on Asymetrix/Toolbook Originator: Organization: Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Lines: 17 Does anyone know the phone and fax number of the Asymetrix Corporation. I am also interested in their e-mail address. I would also like to know what the current status of their product Toolbook is. I received the last update 1.5 about 1.5 year ago. Are their any new developments or is Toolbook slowly dying? Regards, Rob de Winter. -- *** Nothing beats skiing, if you want to have real fun during holidays. *** *** Rob de Winter Philips Research, IST/IT, Building WL-1 *** *** P.O. Box 80000, 5600 JA Eindhoven. The Netherlands *** *** Tel: +31 40 743621 E-mail: ***
Re: Is Microsoft Windows really and Ope Nntp-Posting-Host: bach.udel.edu Organization: University of Delaware Lines: 24 In article <1pr6r2$> writes: > >Apparently not. Many people complain about the confusion that >results from the filemanager/progman split. It's just a basic >flaw. > I have one thing to say-- why does everyone say that spliting them up is such a bad thing? I actually like my program launcher and file manager do be seperate.. it make things easier to figure out.. I mean, take a look at OS/2's wps... .. I personally hate it cause I just have too much trouble figuring out how to do simple things like file copy.. and don't say "just drag the icon!".. Cause I hate icons in the first place. I have too much trouble telling what all those little push buttons mean. I want "F"ile "C"opy etc.. although I know I'm in the minority. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!! no disclaimer...I blame everything on someone else ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nntp-Posting-Host: fac-csr.byu.edu Lines: 24 Why is my mouse so JUMPY? Organization: Fine Arts and Communications -- Brigham Young University I have a Microsoft Serial Mouse and am using mouse.com 8.00 . Vertical motion is nice and smooth, but horizontal motion is so bad I sometimes can't click on something because my mouse jumps around. I can be moving the mouse to the right with relatively uniform motion and the mouse will move smoothly for a bit, then jump to the right, then move smoothly for a bit then jump again . This is crazy! I have never had so much trouble with a mouse before. Anyone have any solutions? Does Microsoft think they are what everyone should be? <- just venting steam! --- Sean Eckton Computer Support Representative College of Fine Arts and Communications D-406 HFAC Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 378-3292
Help with a Windows drum machine! Organization: U of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering Lines: 21 Hello, I'm trying to get a drum program to work that I downloaded from ftp.cica.indiana.edu in the pub/pc/win3/sounds directory. It's called drum.zip. I have an ATI Stereo FX card with the latest Windows drivers installed. When I try to run the drum program, it reports that a MIDI device is not installed, however the drivers utility in the control panel reports that it is installed. Anyone have any idea how to set up the MIDI device so that the drum program will work with my setup? What I'm trying to do is use my computer as a metronome. Someone suggested that I try one of the drum machines that are circulating around out there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Terry
Re: Program manager ** two questions Organization: Oak Road Systems, Cleveland Ohio USA Lines: 25 In article <> writes: > > Is it possible to change the icons in the program groups? I'd like > to give them some individuality. Do you mean the icons _of_ the program groups, or the icons of the individual programs _in_ the program groups? I assume you mean the latter, and the answer is: sure you can. Just click once on the application icon, then Alt-F P . Click on the Change Icon box and tell it the icon filename. Or use the Browse sub-selection. > Can you set up a short-cut key to return to the Program Manager? > I know <CTL><ESC>, <ESC> will do it, but I'd rather set it up so I > can avoid the task list and get back to the P/M with <ALT><F1>. I use Alt-Tab. Hold the Alt key and repeatedly press Tab until you see Program Mangler up. Then release the Alt key. -- Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems English is my native language and I love it. But don't try to tell me that it's easy to learn or that it makes sense. If it were, "baseline" would rhyme with "vaseline".
Re: WINQVTNET with NDIS on Token Ring ? Organization: University of Nebraska at Omaha Lines: 0
File downloading Originator: Nntp-Posting-Host: cmr1 Organization: Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, Nashville, TN, USA Distribution: usa Lines: 9 As a beginer, I just wonder how to transfer files from the Sun system to my PC at home . I tried to use 'COMit' to do so, but it was very slow and it seemed that getting multiple files at the same time was impossible. Could anybody give me some hints & infomation? Thank you in advance. liu
Dos window macros Organization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University. Distribution: usa Lines: 6 Does anyone know a program that will record keyboard sequences that I do in a windowed dos box? I would like to have something that starts a telnet program and then logs me into my accounts. Windows Recorder doesn't seem to be able to record the key sequences. Thanks, STeve
MEWIN Latex Help Organization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University. Lines: 9 I posted this to the apps group and didn't get any response, so I'll try here. I am trying to use the latex help feature available in emacs for windows and read that you need a separate latexhlp.zip file along with a vms2hlp.zip file to convert this to windows help. Has anyone found these files or gotten this command help to work? Thanks, Steve Herrod
Windows Locks up with green lines down the Screen Reply-To: Organization: Brandeis University Lines: 18 Hi, I am using a dtk 386-20Mhz 13Meg memory to run a variety of programs, and have had problems off and on with lock up, but now I am trying to run an application that wants a lot of memory over a period of time and it is locking up Everytime. I have an ATI ultra + w/2Meg which I have tried in each of the video modes, I have excluded the region of video memory from A000-C800 segments from the use of emm386, have tried adjusting the swap partion from large to nonexistant and I have REM'd ALL TSR's and utilities in config.syus and autoexec, and even tried using the default program manager, disabling my HP dashboard. even with a minimal system, no swap, no smartdrv, no TSR's, no windows utilities and exclusion of video regions it still locks up completely . Just about out of ideas, anyone out there have any???? Thanks tom branham
Re: speeding up windows Keywords: speed Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana Lines: 30 writes: >I have a 386/33 with 8 megs of memory >I have noticed that lately when I use programs like WpfW or Corel Draw >my computer "boggs" down and becomes really sluggish! >What can I do to increase performance? What should I turn on or off >Will not loading wallpapers or stuff like that help when it comes to >the running speed of windows and the programs that run under it? >Thanx in advance >Derek 1) make sure your hard drive is defragmented. This will speed up more than just windows BTW. Use something like Norton's or PC Tools. 2) I _think_ that leaving the wall paper out will use less RAM and therefore will speed up your machine but I could very will be wrong on this. There's a good chance you've already done this but if not it may speed things up. good luck Morgan Bullard or >-- >$_ /|$Derek J.P. Serianni $ E-Mail : $ >$\'o.O' $Sociologist $ It's 106 miles to Chicago,we've got a full tank$ >$==$Lakehead University $ of gas, half a pack of cigarettes,it's dark,and$ >$ U $Thunder Bay, Ontario$ we're wearing sunglasses. -Elwood Blues $
overlapped window without a title bar Organization: Olivetti ATC; Cupertino CA, USA Lines: 31 Distribution: usa NNTP-Posting-Host: todi.oas.olivetti.com Hi, I have a simple question. Is it possible to create a OVERLAPPED THICKFRAME window without a title bar; ie & ~WS_CAPTION I don't seem to be able to get rid off the title bar. I have another question: I have a overlapped window which has few child windows The window shows up with all it's children fine. Now, I create another child with a WS_THICKFRAME style and placed on top of one or more of it's siblings. Style WS_THICKFRAME is used so that I can resize it. How do I make sure that the child 't' will always be at the top of it's siblings. I used SetWindowPos and BringWindowToTop without success. What's happening is that while I am resizing 't' it shows up but as soon as I let go, it goes behild it's siblings. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Manu Please mail me at
Re: does dos6 defragment?? Article-I.D.: news.C51H9M.46p Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana Lines: 12 Geoffrey S. Elbo writes: >Yes, and it is the fastest defrag I've ever watched. It did a 170MB >hard disk in 20 minutes. I found the MS defrag looks very much like Norton Speedisk. Is it just a strip-down version of the later? I have both Norton Speedisk and Backup, so I was wondering if I need to install MS Backup? Richard
Wincmd - trouble with string variables Organization: VPI&SU Computer Science Department, Blacksburg, VA Lines: 19 Has anyone else been playing with that wincmd utility from PC Magazine? If so, I am having trouble concatenating string variables together and need your help. For example: temp = "path" temp2 = "file.ext" fullpath = temp+"/" say fullpath // output = 'th/' fullpath = fullpath+temp2 say fullpath // output = 'h/file.ext' So, it seems to be dropping the first few characters with each concatenations. Is it that I am out of memory -- I only have maybe 20 variables total -- the article didn't mention memory limits. email me if you have an idea or would like to see the actual source and output. Thanks for your help. -Bo -- --James "Bo" Begole
Re: GUI Application Frameworks for Windows ?? Nntp-Posting-Host: caesar.iaf.uiowa.edu Organization: University of Iowa, Image Analysis Facility Lines: 38 In article <> writes: >Hello, > > I'm investigating the purchase of an Object Oriented Application Framework. I have >come across a few that look good: >Zinc >---- > Has a platform independent resource strategy. > > > Just a thought on resources, It is very important if you do use a multiplatform toolkit to check on how it uses resources. I have used Glockenspeil commonview under Motif and OS2. I wrote a resource converter from OS2 to Motif, but it really wasn't too easy, especially the naming scheme. In Motif you cannot rename controls/widgets. With windows you can call the OK button ID_OK in every instance, this doesn't work for Motif, you'd have to call it Dialog1_OK, and Motif expects a text string rather than a number. So your constructor should know how to convert a #define into the proper resource identifier. I'd check on how the toolkit expects names, and that if it does use resources, that is uses resources for all platforms you intend to port to. Alex. -- __ __| \ __| Alex Colburn | / \ | Image Analysis Facility | _____ \ __| University of Iowa ______| _/ _\ _|
JesseIs ms-windows a "mature" OS? Originator: Keywords: ms-windows Organization: Computer Science Dept. of UNT Distribution: usa Lines: 39 hi, Have you used Mac system 6.x or 7.x? If the answer is positive, you would know if ms-windows is a "mature" OS. Days ago people doubted that ms-windows is not a real OS. I can see why they have such question. Ms-windows confuses many people. Microsoft simulated Mac, but it did a lousy job. For example: You can not create hierarchy groups. There is no way to create a group in a group. Too many system parameters to take care of. uncomplete documentation. It's not easy to find the reason why causes an unpredictable error. Group deleting/file deleting After deleting a group, users have to use file manager to delete files. But if users forget to delete some related files, the disk will be full of nonsense files. share problem Once you create two windows doing compilation and editing in some language , there will be a sharing problem. You just can not open or save the program if it is loaded. It makes sense to prevent from saving, but not opening. Microsoft try to compromise between DOS and windows, but they just make ms-windows a graphical DOS with capacity doing mutiple DOS jobs; the worst thing is they complicate the environment. The orginal purpose of ms-windows should be to simplify the environment, and make PC easier to use. It's by no means easy to satisfy everybody, but if Microsoft want to keep their reputations, they should evaluate the user interface more carefully before products distribute. No flame, please. Jesse e-mail:/
Approach for Windows? Organization: Emory University, Atlanta, GA Lines: 21 X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL3 [ Article crossposted from comp.os.ms-windows.apps ] [ Author was Dr. Richard Timmer ] [ Posted on 24 Apr 93 23:11:16 GMT ] Hello WinNetters: I have seen a great deal of discussion herein on the relative merits of MS Access and Borland Paradox/Win. However, are there any users out there with experience with the database package called "Approach". It has gotten a number of very good reviews from the various mags. and it seems like it would require less hardware overhead than Paradox. I have ruled out Access because some aspects of it are extremely non-intuitive, e.g. requiring a field to always have a value. I like what I've seen of Paradox, but it seems like the resource requirements are greater than what I have . So, please provide me with your thoughts are "Approach", good and bad. Thanks. Richard Timmer
Subject: Re: Windows for WorkGroups and LAN Workplace Distribution: comp.os.ms-windows.apps,comp.os.ms-windows.misc,comp.os.ms-,world Organization: University of Wyoming Nntp-Posting-Host: sheriff.uwyo.edu Lines: 13 >Now does anyone know if it is possible to use W4WG and Lan Workplace >for DOS at the same time. >ie Can I access a file on another PC while being logged on to the >mainframe at the same time, simultaneously. Yup. We're using both and they work just fine. Hopefully, someday WFWG will communicate over LWP TCPIP. Right now we have to load NetBeui. I use ODI with ODINSUP and all works well.
Faster OAK VGA drivers??? Nntp-Posting-Host: su100l.ess.harris.com Reply-To: Organization: Harris Corporation, Government Aerospace Systems Division Lines: 21 I'm using an OAK based VGA card on my computer . I've downloaded the driver from ftp.cica.indiana.edu and I've had good luck with it. However, does anyone know if a faster driver is available for this card? Thanks, Mike _________________________________________________________________________ / /| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | _________ | | | | | _ _ | Michael J. McCollister | Phone: 729-7054 | | | |_| |_| | | Harris Corporation | Email: | | | |_/\/\/\|_| P.O. Box 94000 | | | | | |_| |_| | Mailstop 100/4823 | -------------------------------- | | | |_________| Palm Bay, Florida 32905 | I'm not going to say anything | | | | stupid today. Not! |/ +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Re: RE: Win NT - what is it??? Nntp-Posting-Host: dil.adp.unc.edu Organization: UNC Office of Information Technology Lines: 20 > >I have little info on Chicago so I cant make a comparison. Is it in Beta? Is >there anyone out there who has tested both and cares to make a comparison? >Just my $0.02 > >/ALN Chicago from what I have read is projected to run in 4M on 386 and higher. It is definitely aimed at the desktop. It is rumored to offer preemptive multitasking, multithreading but will not offer multiprocessing. Is 32 bit and no reliance on DOS. It is rumored to have an integrated file and program manager. DOS 7 is rumored to be similar to Chicago but without the GUI. Is also a step towards CAIRO which is rumored to be object oriented. I wonder where Windows 4.0 fits here is it a stepping stone to Chicago? Hope this helps. Thx Dave L
Re: Questions about Windows NT. Help! Nntp-Posting-Host: shelduck Organization: Eurocontrol - Central Flow Management Unit Keywords: Windows NT, unix, sun sparc Lines: 36 In article <> writes: > >I don't know much about Windows NT, but I've always thought >that Win NT would run only on Intel 386/486 compatable systems. >We are setting up a network which includes a SUN Sparc Server 4/490 >and about a dozen PC's. Some people suggest that we run Windows NT >on the SUN Sparc Server 4/490 replacing the current OS . >I don't know whether this is possible and whether this would do us any >good. I would appreciate any help on answering a few questions below. > >1. Does Windows NT run on Sun Sparc Server 490? >2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, does it run unix applications > . >3. Is Windows NT a multiuser OS? >4. When will Windows NT be released? >5. Is there any telephone number that I can call and get more > info on Win NT? > >Thank you. > >Minghua Shan As far as I have read WIN NT will be supported on Intel, DEC ALPHA and the MIPS R4000 series of processors only. I do remember though reading a rumour about Sparc support sometime in the future. I am not sure what you mean by running "unix applications". You would have to have SAS for WIN NT . I have read that MS will anounce avalaibility of WIN NT by end of May 93 . Hope this helps. Rajiev Gupta -- Rajiev GUPTA Eurocontrol - CFMU Disclaimer: Rue de la Loi 72 These are *my* views, Tel: +32 2 729 33 12 B-1040 BRUXELLES not my companies. Fax: +32 2 729 32 16 Belgium
Comments on Xtree for Windows ???? Organization: Math, Stats & CS, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada Lines: 15 Nntp-Posting-Host: ug.cs.dal.ca I am looking for comments on Xtree for Windows. I am thinking of buying the product but I have not even seen it yet. Thank you... Shane Holland -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Out of environment space running BAT files from Windows Article-I.D.: venice.1993Apr23.005117.21582 Organization: TRW Systems Engineering & Development Division, Carson, CA Lines: 17 I have a .BAT file that I run under a Windows Icon. I have set up a PIF file to run the BAT file in exclusive mode and to use the entire screen. The first line of the BAT file sets an environment variable. My problem is that on some of our machines , the SET command in the BAT file fails with the OUT OF ENVIRONMENT SPACE error. I have raised the amount of environment space to 2048 bytes using the SHELL command in CONFIG.SYS so I know that I am nowhere near to running out. If I just click on the MS-DOS icon, I can create a bunch of environment varibles from the DOS shell. The problem is that on some machines, setting the value of an environment variable in a BAT file fails. Has anyone seen such behavior before? I see no place in the PIF fail to configure environment space. Lance J. Gay Internet: TRW Systems Engineering & Development Div. Phone: 310-764-3988 Carson, CA 90746
Help w/ Greenleaf CommLib 4.0? Organization: IDX Corporation, S. Burlington, VT Lines: 8 Has anyone had experience with the new Greenleaf CommLib 4.0? I can't even get their demo winterm to run at 4800 baud without dropping characters. tnx, steve /------------------------------------------------------------------------\ > Steve Alpert IDX Systems Corp. Boston, Massachusetts < \--------------------------- sra @ idx.com ------------------------------/
mac portable internal fax modems Organization: Jack's Amazing CockRoach Capitalist Ventures Lines: 8 Does anyone know where I can still get an internal fax modem for the original mac portable? I know they were made for a while by several manufacturers, but I can't find them now. thanks for your help. Gene Wright -- ------------jackatak.raider.net 377-5980 ------------
Re: High Resolution ADC for Mac II Nntp-Posting-Host: elvex34.acns.nwu.edu Organization: Northwestern University Lines: 28 In article <>, wrote: > > I don't know about the Instrutech boards , > but you need to be very careful checking the monotonicity and S/N ratio of > many of the "16 bit" boards out there. The NI boards are very clearly > specified in terms of monotonicity, S/N ratio, accuracy, etc; and the > NB-A2100 and NB-A2150 have all the dyynamic range and freedom from > distortion that you'd expect from a good, true 16 bit converter. This is > not true for the Spectral Innovations boards, for example. To boorishly reply to myself, I found I did have the Instrutech information already. The specs are as follows: A/D: 16 bit converter, with 14 bit accuracy to 100 kHz, 12 bit accuracy to 200 kHz. No specs for S/N, monotonicity, linearity. There are 8 multiplexed inputs sharing the single A/D, so that all inputs are not samples at the same time, and in the above conversion specs the all-channel sample rate must be used. Thus, for two channels, you only have 14 unknown quality bits at 50 kHz per channel. This is poorer quality than the national Instruments, at the same sample rate. D/A: 16 bit converter. No specs for S/N, monotonicity, linearity. Each of the 4 output channels has its own converter. The price for the external converter box , the NuBus interface board , plus C driver software and Igor XOP's is $2695. Rather steep.
Robert Everett Brunskill <[email protected]>Re: $$$ to fix TRACKBALL Organization: Freshman, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 5 NNTP-Posting-Host: po2.andrew.cmu.edu In-Reply-To: <> The little blue roller on the trackball interior is probably rubbing against its support, just push it down the pin so that it no longer touches it. I had a similar problem. Rob
LC III NuBus Capable? Organization: Msen, Inc. -- Ann Arbor, MI Lines: 21 NNTP-Posting-Host: garnet.msen.com X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9] Forgive me if this has been asked before... but here goes: My friend recently purchased a LC III and he wants to know if there is such a demon called NuBus adapter for his PDS slot? CompUsa and ComputerCity Supercenter says they don't carry them. Does this mean LC III is incapable of carrying a NuBus board? Much obiliged, Marvin +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | "The more I deal with hearing | | Editor-in-Chief/Co-Publisher of | people, the more I understand | | The Deaf Michigander | terrorism." | | $22 a year for 11" by 17" | -Marvin | | monthly newspaper | | | | all hearing people, though. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
PLEEZE HELP ME BUY A MAC! Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Lines: 16 Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: thor.ins.cwru.edu Hey everybody: I want to buy a mac and I want to get a good price...who doesn't? So, could anyone out there who has found a really good deal on a Centris 650 send me the price. I don't want to know where, unless it is mail order or areound cleveland, Ohio. Also, should I buy now or wait for the Power PC. Thanks. BoB reply via post or e-mail at -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Novitskey | "Pursuing women is similar to banging one's head | against a wall...with less opportunity for reward" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: PowerBook Batteries Reply-To: Organization: The National Capital Freenet Lines: 20 In a previous article, says: >I have a few questions about PowerBook batteries, specifically, >the NiCad batteries I have for my PB170. > >2. Can the PowerBook run without any battery if the charger is >plugged in? No problems. -- Michel Dozois - Gloucester, Ontario, Canada - - Membre du Club de cerf-volant de l'Outaouais {OVKC} - Membre du National Capital Macintosh Club {NCMC} - Membre du Jungle BBS {un babillard Macintosh}
Re: x86 ~= 680x0 ?? Distribution: usa Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana Lines: 28 writes: >In article <> writes: >[... stuff deleted] >> >>Besides, for 0 wait state performance, you'd need a cache anyway. I mean, >>who uses a processor that runs at the speed of 80ns SIMMs? Note that this >>memory speed corresponds to a clock speed of 12.5 MHz. >> >[more stuff deleted...] >How do you calculate that figure? I'd assume even in personal computers >the board designers would use bank switching to >quadruple the access speed or am I missing something here? The previous article referred to the fact that you could only use 20ns SIMMs in a 50MHz machine, but that you could use 80ns SIMMs in slower machines. I just pointed out that if you could only use 20ns SIMMs in a 50MHz machine, you can't use 80ns SIMMs in anything faster than a 12.5 MHz machine. Bank switching and caches were not considered in either example . >HSK -- Ravikumar Venkateswar A pun is a no' blessed form of whit.
TechWorks -- What You Say? Lines: 19 Greetings!! I'm planning to upgrade my Mac IIsi: from the present 5Megs to 17Megs; and add a Math-Coprocessor. Technology Works, of Austin comes quite highly recommended by some Mac magazines. I was just wonderring if anyone could share with me anything about Tech Works ; or give any advice about other mail-order companies that I may consider. Your reply would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Sincerely Peter Choo
Organization: University of Maine System Jon Carr <>Re: Accelerator for SE Lines: 30 In article <>, says: > >Has anyone out there in netland any experience with accelerators >for SE? I am specially interested in: > - speed up rate > - need for new SIMMs > - maximum RAM after upgrade > - compatibility > - can I use an additional, big b&w screen > - can I install the accellerator myself > - price/where to buy > I have no experience with this particular hardware, but just about every month in Macworld there is an add for an combined SE accelerator/Video board. This item sells for about $1000 and comes with a 25MHz 68030/68882 pair, eight SIMM slots, and a grayscale 21" monitor. This accelerator plugs into the SE's lone expansion port and thus no soldering. You will however, need a long TORX wrench to get the case open . Does that sound like what you were looking for? -----> Jon Jon Carr -----> UMaine '93 1993 NCAA Champions! How about those 42-1-2 Black Bears!! M - A - I - N - E - GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!
Noisy SE: What can I do? Organization: Deep Thirteen, Gizmonics Institute Lines: 14 Distribution: usa NNTP-Posting-Host: cae.cad.gatech.edu There's this old SE here. It's got the older-style fans that remind me of a house-ventilator. A cylindrical drum instead of the bladed rotor I usually see. Anyway, the SE makes this loud buzzing noise due to vibration somewheres. If I remove the screws and loosen the front from the back, it quiets down. I can only assume that the fan housing from this goofy thing is touching the back of the case and vibrating against it. Anyway, any suggestions for where to get replacement fans and how to "stealth" this guy? Your experiences welcome..... -- "If everything had gone as planned, everything would have been perfect." -BATF spokesperson on CNN 3/2/93, regarding failed raid attempt in TX.
Re: 14" monitors Article-I.D.: usenet.1pt3oe$li6 Distribution: world Organization: Case School of Engineering Lines: 16 NNTP-Posting-Host: b63545.student.cwru.edu X-UserAgent: Nuntius v1.1.1d20 X-XXMessage-ID: <> X-XXDate: Tue, 6 Apr 93 03:29:12 GMT In article <> Daniel S. Chen, writes: > I'm interested in getting a 14" color monitor for my new LCIII. >Unfortunately, I'm really quite confused with the Sony monitors. >Could someone please compare the Sony 1320, 1304 and the Apple 14"? > Thanks. Dan Just thought I would mention that Sony no longer manufactures the CPD- 1304 because of several manufacturing flaws. The new model is now the 1430, which just like Apple's new Sony Trinitrom CLAIMS to be 14 inches. I'm not sure of the details on the defects, but I work at our schools bookstore and can tell you that nearly half of them were returned with some kind of defect or another. Just my two cents worth.
Help with SIMM configuration Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Lines: 22 NNTP-Posting-Host: thor.ins.cwru.edu Can someone please help me understand the current situation regarding SIMMS? I have a IIsi which I will probably keep for another 2 years. I would like to add more memory, ie go from 5 MB to 17 MB. I know that I will need 4 x 4MB, 80ns or faster SIMMS. Which SIMMS, 30 pin or 72 pin? Would the SIMMS I get today be usable in 2 years with a newer, more powerful system? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks. Rob -- Rob Sprecher
mac portable ram problems; coprocessor not installed? Organization: Jack's Amazing CockRoach Capitalist Ventures Lines: 18 I just recently bought a 4 MB ram card for my original mac portable and have since had some bizarre crashes. It happens when I put the machine to sleep and wake the machine up. sometimes it will just freeze the cursor and lock the machine up forcing me to push the reset switch. Other times it will give me the usual bomb box with the error message of "Co processor not installed". I know one solution is NOT to put the machine to sleep, but does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this or better yet what might fix it? The memory card is Psuedostatic ram and goes into the PDS Slot. That probably figures into the problem. the manufacturer is King Memory from irvine, CA. They say the problem is in my machine. Any Ideas? -- Gene Wright. -- ------------jackatak.raider.net 377-5980 ------------
Cheap video card for LC? w/fpu? Nntp-Posting-Host: dialup-slip-1-33.gw.umn.edu Organization: University of Minnesota Lines: 7 Just wondering if anyone had info/experience with a video/fpu for a mac LC, just thinking of adding a second monitor, most likely grayscale. Bret Oeltjen exp + 1 = 0 University of Minnesota Electrical Engineering
"SIMM Re-use" NuBus board... Anyone seen one? Organization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, Maryland USA Lines: 29 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: access.digex.net Summary: does anyone make this? does anyone know what I'm talking about? Keywords: SIMM NuBus board RAMDisk Hello, I remember running across an ad in the back of Mac[User|World] a few years ago, for a Nubus board that had umpteen SIMM slots, to be used to "recycle your old SIMMs," when you upgraded memory. I don't remember who made this board, and I haven't seen it advertised in any of the latest Mac magazines. It mentioned that it included software to make the SIMMs on the board act like a RAM disk. As someone who has SIMMS he can't get rid of/use, but hates the waste, this sounds to me like a majorly good idea. Does anyone out there know what board/company I'm talking about? Are they still in business, or does anyone know where I can get a used one if they are no longer made? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me, to save net.bandwidth. Thanks, Cap. -- | Internet: | AOL: CptNerd | Compuserve: 70714,105 | CONSILIO MANUQUE OTIUM CUM DIGNITATE CREDO QUIA ABSURDUM EST PARTURIENT MONTES NASCETUR RIDICULUS MUS
Photo shop scanner? Nntp-Posting-Host: admin Reply-To: Organization: nCUBE Corp., Foster City, CA Lines: 23 I have a Macc IIci and a Color scanner. I scanned a picture at 600 dpi. When I try to print it on my HP500 color printer, after 10 minutes of making noise, the mac hangs. I would need to reboot it. What does this mean? Do I need to buy more memory? I have 5.0 MB now. I also have about 50 MB of disk free, and the scanned picture is about 12 MB. --- ^~ @ * * Captain Zod... _|/_ / |-|-|/ 0 /| 0 / | \=======&==\=== \===========&===
File Server Mac Article-I.D.: pkrmac.PKR-050493101102 Organization: SLAC Lines: 3 I saw once an article about a new line of Macs configured to work more optimally as file servers. Anyone know any more details?
Disappointed by La Cie Organization: Univ of Miami IR Lines: 52 Approximately four months ago, I purchased a Quantum 240LPS HD from La Cie for $649. After two months, the drive started having problems. First, there were intermittent freezes, then corrupted files and resources, then Silverlining 5.41 wouldn't even recognize the drive. So I got an RMA from La Cie and exchanged the new drive for a reconditioned one. Well, about a month has passed now and the second drive is having problems. Often, when I boot up my IIsi I get the flashing question mark. Sometimes, if I then insert the Silverlining program I can get it to recognize the drive by making it scan over and over for drives. At that point I can restart the IIsi and boot from the HD. I've called La Cie again and they've given me another RMA. Their tech support people tell me that if Silverlining doesn't see the drive there's a definite hardware problem. Given that this is the second bad drive in four months, I asked La Cie to send me a *new* one, but they said "no." Also, within three weeks after I purchased my original drive, La Cie dropped the price on it by over $100. I can accept that a drive may be bad. And I know that hardware vendors make a practice of sending reconditioned replacements when they do repairs. And I understand that the nature of the computer industry lends itself to sudden price fluctuations. Nevertheless, taken together, the convergence of these facts/events have left a bad taste in my mouth. It seems to me that reconditioned hardware should be sold as reconditioned at a discounted price, and that replacements for new hardware gone bad should be new. I feel a little helpless about all this. I don't mean to necessarily flame La Cie_their support staff have always been friendly and sometimes even helpful. But c'mon. Sometimes a little extra customer service goes a long way. What's the moral of this story? I'm not sure. But I do know I won't buy any other products from La Cie in the future. Bill Krauthammer PS Please don't email or post about how good your La Cie product and service has been. I'm not suggesting that they are not a good company or anything like that. All I'm saying is that I've had a disappointing experience with them and I'll be taking my business elsewhere in the future.
Re: HELP: Need modem info for Duo 210 Summary: very hard to get a modem Nntp-Posting-Host: silver.ucs.indiana.edu Organization: Indiana University Lines: 34 writes: writes: >Hi... what alternatives to the Express modem do Duo owners have ? >Every place in town says they are back ordered, and part of the reason >I want a laptop mac is so I can use it as a remote terminal from >wherever I am, but I really would hate to have to wait 2 months to get >a modem in or have to settle with 2400 baud. If Apple didn't put out such a good product -- I'd gladly take my business to -- to -- the 8-bit Ataris. I think the situation with the Express modem is inexusable for any business. I've had mine on order since January. Apple finally called me last week -- to tell me that I should have it "by the second week of May." In the meantime, I've been stuck with my Duo210 without the connectability I needed it for. I'm sure there are plenty of people who can bite back at me, citing all sorts of reasons why Apple is right or at least justified, but I'm just a crabby consumer and when I order a "Duo210 with modem" that's the product I expect. Oh, well. It's not like it's limited to the computer biz. Remember when the Miata came out? What about those Cabbage Patch Dolls? Well, I want my toy! ;) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Simon Dept of Sociology, Indiana University Internet: Bitnet: -----------------------------------------------------------------
SIMM vs DRAM Organization: FidoNet node 1:2603/204.6 - Not Even Odd, Forest Hills NY Lines: 9 Can anyone tell me what the difference is between a 256K DRAM chip and a 256K SIMM? I need the former to add memory to my Laserwriter LS. Someone is offering to sell me 256K SIMMS he removed from an SE, but I have a feeling this may not be the correct form of memory. The sockets in the Laserwriter look like they want the spidery-shaped chips . Believe it or not, I've never actually seen a SIMM. Help appreciated. -- =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Arthur Greene - Internet:
Re: OK to set 54 lbs on top of Centris 610??? Keywords: Centris Nntp-Posting-Host: charm.urbana.mcd.mot.com Organization: Motorola Computer Group, Urbana Design Center Lines: 32 In article <> writes: > I recently purchased a Centris 610 and a Mirror Technologies 19 inch > Mono monitor. I'm wondering if it is OK to set the monitor on top > of the CPU. The monitor weighs 54 lbs. > > I've called Apple. The person I spoke with was not sure but was > going to find out and call me back in a couple of days. That was > over a week ago.... > > If anybody knows, please respond via email as I don't always have time > to read this group. Thanks. > > David Berk > Yea, thanks to lots of good information in this newsgroup, I was prepared for lots of details . I guess my biggest disappointment is the lack of detail in the written specs and documentation. The case load spec is an example -- the setup section says Apple 14" and 16" monitors can go on top, but 21" and other big ones can't. Why couldn't they publish a maximum load? Now if I can figure out if there's any hope using the "partition" button on the hard disk setup utility , then maybe I can divide up the wealth among the family members a bit more securly. The "getting more information" section of the manual suggested trying other avenues before calling Apple, but didn't mention the net. -- Mike Feldman, Motorola Computer Group, 384-8538, FAX 384-8550 1101 East University Avenue Pager in IL 302-7738, 351-0009 Urbana, IL 61801-2009 !udc!feldman
Re: Apple 14" monitor Organization: University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor Lines: 4 Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: livy.ccs.itd.umich.edu Originator: this must be a FAQ from the very first days of the 13"RGB!!!! and as for a better monitor for your $$, well, the NEC 4FG/3FGx are pretty nice...
New Duo Dock With Process Lines: 15 Seth> I fail to see any advantage whatsoever with this kind of set-up. Seth> What a DUMB idea. So don't buy one. Kristen This copy of Freddie 1.2.5 is being evaluated. * Origin: Leo Technology 432-2517/432-0922
Re: Cache card for IIsi Organization: CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin Lines: 64 NNTP-Posting-Host: mohawk.cs.utexas.edu > Can some people with cache cards PLEASE post speedometer numbers they > get with the cards. I have only one report, which seems to indicate > that a 32K cache card gives you only about a 1% speedup!! Ok. I have a record that shows a IIsi with and without a 64KB cache. It's small enough that I will attach it. I have also measured some real programs with and without the 64 KB cache. The speedup varies a lot from app to app, ranging from 0% to 40%. I think an average of 20%-25% is about right. The subjective difference is not great, but is sometimes noticable. A simple cache card certainly does not transform a IIsi into something enormously better. I do not have an FPU. The conventional wisdom says that cache cards from all of the makers offer about the same speedup and that there is not much difference between 32K and 64K caches. I bought mine from Third Wave for well under $150. I have had absolutely no problems at all with it. If you get *complete* speedometer runs for a 32K cache, I'd like to see them. Let's check the conventional wisdom! The so called "Performance Rating" numbers by themselves are of no interest. Cheers. :#@0KBfKP,Q0`G!"338083e"$9!!!!!!'A!!!!!$qK3%"a+!!!!BGJ&CfGiGfHGhQ!QSQBUC!!@SQUU(QSCfPhGhLLDH)HBL*UCUCJ! hCAKR9SPiJ)QRQ)QUJ+N#3LT#UU)QUUBUT! !S!L3!!UU#!QJS+UT!!QJS*UD#TUUQCQ3!*!!UCFJ!!%c4ACSL'D)L)D!#!!)#!! !!!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!J!B8*%"i!!G`!!G`B!!"i###B!P[US),B")21Z -1I"k-cQFM-VXMHhA!irdjPcVr,lUCVSZ2SI8j@,-l,jPI`F#lZq0A"AL8XRHjf, 6[LJ09"aZ2TV6l!$@Rei8(VIpIQkfDK$-ZV[b+9[T5lkC0XZ6LGhf(Ik& a$Lkh*Q6-qhh2MIlc*Q2Iq$p([GeSp(ejN!"bHMdHll$&Qh'lR`E26C2(QBqSrMM pa-kjPGXqcpR2rYR9eYd0,*Mh0,h1rj1*hA%pcLHRSG6PF2eIYmc4rIS60EFp+ $[TRAFA(QkA`pG8JkS[@fe1mcBikFQC(,(9K[U&h""0rr"BDDT(i%XP3Z$ V04L8D82FeU01V4K-9U#*fZa`EZr3-eGTYkNXH49SjF2Ei[G*5el3[VZ'j[ VfPU9'q"*m1miHG#YR`b eUNG1'mSAP#mR`i-1*K`l[DiNq'MQjZA(,4bq"$*Mimq(KC9@@(-Mc'"f88e9U&0 F'Y4U5eXb("+!6V`%S!*eJ#GS!Q!!QqD#2P!*M49m9IdHhm2frUq2Ek))G3e"Vi)+rQJ C[`%m#+E&0jf"YI2ql`VI&0qHH!R[339`'9hY46)TR+ZkXI!pQRQKCU3%ed9R&Cr !QCiUk+ZmEf)IYI&bqMEffkT5bB`JhYl2K[0PXVe0B@@2*@Uam121D`A`h+cC)Xl IEjf8S+#9`a6[P8p0ZC&6H0ajcY1BR"JDM3`F%lJ1&5bI+SC2Jh([qeTfVK961rR ZVIq[+Rb-TH3'B3f0r$h''cP%"UY1'(RCdPAXAfrl"Xrhf#Y"dmV1i$ 9%+f4NMlP5jd-XN04Qb9C5Ke1h%V-kiaRA-NTa`b9(YYL5TM5* F2#bUFFLGJ%,D8QA*9R`eUQ29Sj!!p0b'"c5LEFR4@%9KpDGj1,bijhNaDH,6mrm jkRq0r[IcrC`[c!Krd3FrcHYPk(r1CHJjiJ#Hk%'J84pq+#+$a2&r&bZ,Ff1V,-KG6qG9 MbmUPG9XkUeX$2Gl!Gl!Gl!GE!k5hrX(F4IX4IRNYkb"M%rSbN4`8m8qPq2rAd[j FhRC#4h!#HN!R6JJXb5f'b!clJkfb121qGm2MclEe,S mHpf12b4arQ$Q%%PLK"qRDf'a13X"'-#VbKJ[!9ME*!Tlp2- *f&jHN*[Vp-#f+FPQXJNlYRLpQ3C,%`Cm0l3E[MP"cXZ6`)B mpVS0)"XrmrZf1iLXSV,pPVjICFMRrekXdDI`0FHmT[Q!4VL`T aalM336chGUr@"Me6YarIDI&Y2LpE9HPaI#fhNFmq$qLchVC(dUajJ%eb%(6NdIH p#jqEd#X1cGDTVmDY965+@Pi,Mr1JeR&pq`q@"AacVkC[0lZi3-Z-5PZk8%f$Vrd HfR&1mci,3&Nqh9r"e%"j5Ve$0rN`AbfB"Qqlk$C`JJT`b+33%!ADmicJ!#!!!4a3!!!!!!!!B9!!!!!,AP!!!: -- ---- Peter Newton
Serial Line connection between Duo 210 and PC??? Organization: DSO, Stanford University Lines: 41 In article <> writes: > I have tried almost everything under the sun to get a null modem connection > between a Mac Duo 210 and a PC. I have used MacKermit and VersaTerm on > the Mac side. I have used Procomm, Kermit, and Softerm on > the PC side. I have used non-Hardware handshaking and hardware > ahdshaking cables. And know MY hands are shaking from the effort. Nothing > has allowed file transfers from the Mac to the PS. .. > Could I hear from someone attesting that they can really pump information > out the serial port of a Duo 210 fast? Like via a modem or via a > sys-ex dump? > > Could anyone with a Duo help me out?? I am going absolutely INSANE. > I wanna know if the problem is MY Duo, or all Duo 210s, or all Duos, > or just me. > Hmmm... Sounds vaguely similar to a problem I had a long time ago when I was trying to use Kermit. I was building a serial connection between my Duo 210 and my NeXT. I think the problem was in the handshaking. Basically, you need to make sure that the handshaking protocol is the same on both sides. A safe place to start is by selecting NO handshaking on either end. One problem is that the Zilog serial chip seems to get permanently wedged if you talk to it wrong, and only a reset will clear it. I don't know the specifics. But this could be a nonlinearity that screws up your attempts at debugging the system. It could very well be that you are doing things right--eventually-- but one wrong move can screw up any further correct actions, until the next machine reset. I have wedged my Mac and also my NeXT that way. Now I can send files back and forth between the Duo and the NeXT without any problem, and at pretty high speeds too. I don't know what kind of chip the PC uses, but I think the Zilog 8530 is pretty standard. Hope this helps, -Avery
SE rom Keywords: roms, grayscale, select 300 Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services Lines: 32 I just bought a select 300 and rushed home to print some grayscale pictures for my kids, when I discovered that grayscale are not available if you are using an SE...even if you are running with an '030 cpu. You won't see this in the printer's docs, and the Apple rep didn't mention it to our users group either. It seems that SE ROMs won't support those "features". Okay, I guess I should have somehow known that this was the case. Let the buyer beware, huh Apple? Be that as it may, I have been thinking about the problem and I'm puzzled. Why can't a defencieny in the ROM be made up for in software. I write software for a living and I don't understand the "it just can't be done" responses I've gotten from those I have asked so far. Isn't Mode32, or somesuch piece of soft- ware, just such a fix. Anyway, I was hoping someone knowledgeable about Mac internals could set me straight: is it simply impossible for a mac SE to print grayscale, or could someone armed with enough info and a little pro- gramming experience cook something up that would supplement the ROM's capabilities? Also, how does one know if one's mac can support the grayscale and photograde that the Select 300 is supposedly capable of? Thanks for your help. Bill Wright
ADB Mouse II -- when? Organization: USC-ISI Lines: 11 Distribution: comp NNTP-Posting-Host: tigger.isi.edu When is Apple supposed to start bundlign the new ergonomic ADB Mouse II with all CPUs sold? jas -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeffrey A. Sullivan | Research Scientist et al. | Information Sciences Institute 72511,402 | University of Southern California
"Michael T. Callihan" <[email protected]>"Full page" PB screen Organization: Junior, Social & Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 31 NNTP-Posting-Host: po2.andrew.cmu.edu Hi. I am working on a project for my marketing class and I'd like to ask your help. The assignment is to come up with a product and create a marketing plan for it. Technical issues are not terribly important at this point. Well, my group's plan is to market a "full page" monitor for laptop computers. It would be a third-party product to be installed by authorized repair centers . The idea is that the screen would fold in such a way that you would get twice the screen height of a normal screen . In fact, by adjusting the fold of the screen and the monitor configuration, you could have regular OR "full" height. The screen would probably be monochrome. The motivation behind this is that laptop computers seem to be very popular among business people. Business people also commonly use word processing and spreadsheet applications for which it is very convenient to see a large portion of the document. Because of the target users and applications, color screens aren't really a neccessity. We could hopefully keep the cost between $2000 and $3000. Now, please don't write this off as completely ridiculous. I really need some constructive feedback. So, if you would, please reply to me via email and let me know: 1. If you would consider buying a "full page" laptop screen 2. How much you would be willing to pay for it 3. Any helpful commentaries on the idea Also, if you take this idea and make a lot of money off it , please send me some. Thanks in advance!!! -Mike
Re: Powerbook & Duo Batteries Summary: I goofed! Article-I.D.: usenet.C51so0.BDq Distribution: na Organization: Indiana University Lines: 31 Nntp-Posting-Host: silver.ucs.indiana.edu writes: ]In article <>, ] wrote: > > The program PowerStrip2.0, which is freeware, has an option called > "Quick Discharge." You can find it on the Mac archives, probably > sumex-aim.stanford.edu or mac.archive.umich.edu. >>Is it a hidden option? I'm using PowerStrip 2.0 right now >>and can't find any quick discharge option. It definitely is on >>mac.archive.umich.edu 'cause I submitted it! My apologies! I goofed. The "quick discharge" option is part of the Connectix PowerBook Utilities package . I installed it the same day as PowerStrip, and didn't pay enough attention. ;) Anyway, the option does exist for those of you who buy CPU. --------------- "Whadda goofball!" "Sheddap. You're not even the real signature file." --------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Simon Dept of Sociology, Indiana University Internet: Bitnet: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Quadra 800 configurations?? Article-I.D.: slab.1ps093$f0u Organization: Mount Holyoke College Lines: 19 NNTP-Posting-Host: slab.mtholyoke.edu X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5 I've noticed some of you mentioning owning a Quadra 800 8/230 with CD300 and 1meg of VRAM. It seems that this configuration was purchased complete; that is, the CD300 and VRAM were already installed in the box. I am interested in that exact configuration and will be buying with an educational discount but have not found the CD300 bundled with any Q800 smaller than the 8/500. If you bought or know how to buy the 8/230 with CD installed, please let me know what you know via email: send messages to Thanks, all. Diane Maluso =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Diane Maluso INTERNET: = = Department of Psychology and Education = = Mount Holyoke College = = South Hadley, MA 01075 = = 538-2107 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
voice messaging Organization: University of Denver, Denver, Colorado Lines: 16 You macinators who have used these voice messaging/FAX/data-modems. I have a question. First what brand names do you recommend. Is the voice part as reliable and understandable as the sellers claim? Approximately, how much hard drive space does an average day of callers take up, if they speak for one minute? Any feed back would be appreciated. My company is looking at buying one or two. Hey, I may buy one myself too. Thanks in advance Don -- Don New Jr | Another GREAT mind University of Denver | RUINED Chemistry Department | by Denver, CO 80208 | higher education
Re: PowerPC ruminations; was Re: LCIII->PowerPC? Organization: Stanford University Lines: 97 Distribution: usa NNTP-Posting-Host: morrow.stanford.edu In article <>, writes: >In article <>, writes: >> In article <1qksuq$>, >> writes: >> |> Hi. I own an LCIII and I recently heard an interesting rumor. >> |> I heard that the LCIII has a built in slot for a PowerPC chip. >> |> Is this true? I heard that the slot is not the same as the PDS >> |> slot. Is that true? >> |> >> |> Thanks >> |> David Mirsky >> |> >> >> Well, I also have an LC III. Popping the top revealed: >> >> One "socket" for an additional VRAM SIMM >> >> One "socket" for a 72-pin RAM SIMM >> >> One socket for a flat-pack FPU >> >> A processor-direct slot identical to the LC/LC II, but with >> an additional set of connetions to one side (for the full 32-bit >> data path that the LC/LC II lacked >> >> That's it. I guess a board with a PowerPC chip could be made that would fit >> in the PDS, but that's the only place. >> >So, will it be possible to have a NuBus or PDS PowerPC upgrade, or will it >require a logic board swap? It would be interesting for Apple to come out with >a NuBus PowerPC that allowed use of the CPU's 680x0, like RocketShare. But I >guess that's getting a bit fantastic! > >I was wondering, since MacWeek reported that developers were 'seeded' with >PowerPCs on a NuBus card. > >Also, any word on machine arrivals or estimated speed? Last I heard, the >estimates were around 3-4 times the speed of a Quadra in native RISC mode. I >heard an Apple employee mumble something about the arrival of PowerPC machines >at a much earlier date that Q1 94, but I doubt it's true. > >Finally, is the PowerPC developer's CD 'mini-course' available? I saw it >advertised in the developer's university calendar, and I'd like to know if it's >at all *interesting*. > >Sean >-------------- > Radius speculated, publicly, that they could provide a PowerPC-based Rocket for existing Macs. It would have the plus of RocketShare and the minus of NuBus accelerators - no true boot off the accelerator, NuBus bottleneck to video and other I/O. Apple, it seems, will not compete with third parties here -- except perhaps for not-yet-available Macs like Cyclone, where a PowerPC slot might be advertised. Look for Daystar and such to make PowerPC accelerators. One potential problem with any accelerator, though, is that it will need a ROM companion and Apple has licensed only Radius, with Rocketshare, to use any of its proprietary code. Apple is, between the lines, trying to let us know that PowerPC Macs will have simplified logic boards due to the magical nature of RISC and that these boards should be much cheaper to build than those in existing 68040 Macs. Perhaps, then, we'll see groundbreaking prices in Mac-logic board upgrades, much the same way we've seen much cheaper high-performance CPUs this year. First generation PowerPCs, 98601s, will also hopefully have socketed CPUs so that they'll be chip upgradeable to 98604s a year later. This should be possible in much the same way that 486s can be pulled for clock doublers. If there is too much technical baggage to do this, perhaps we can have CPU daughterboard, a la Powerbook, as standard to facilitate better CPU upgrades. This is an area where Apple has fallen far behing the Intel-based world. Perhaps catchup is in order. By the way, last week's PC week had an excellent story on PowerPC, Pentium, MIPS R4000, DEC Alpha . Worth reading for technojunkies. Also, the latest PC has a cover story on Pentium. Read it, and all the other stories about how Intel is unstoppable and preeminent right now. Once anyone is this secure, they are due to fall. Intel's market position will never again be as dominant as it is today . The competition from all fronts is gearing up for an awesome battle. Apple users should be excited that PowerPC, while not guaranteed dominance, is a guaranteed winner, even if its one of several. Mark
Re: The C650 fan is NOISY! Any solutions? Article-I.D.: clark.1993Apr6.213229.26970 Organization: Clark College, Vancouver, Wa. USA Lines: 18 In article <> writes: >Is it me, my 650, or all 650s? It doesn't seem to broken. It isn't making >grinding noises or anything, it's just LOUD! Much louder that the fan in >the IIci I just sold. > >Anybody else have this problem? How about a solution? Is there a good >replacement fan that's a lot quieter but moves the same air? Any easy >way to insulate the sound but not the cooling air? I can't even hear the fan on my 650.....gee I wonder if its working.....yup, just checked, its exhausting air out the back just fine. Gary -- ----- Gary Snow uunet!clark!gsnow or
Re: x86 ~= 680x0 ?? Distribution: usa Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana Lines: 40 writes: >I'm sure Intel and Motorola are competing neck-and-neck for >crunch-power, but for a given clock speed, how do we rank the >following : > 486 68040 > 386 68030 > 286 68020 Not a good idea to compare processor power. Doesn't make sense for real world applications. At least not for totally different lines of processors. >While you're at it, where will the following fit into the list: > 68060 > Pentium > PowerPC >And about clock speed: Does doubling the clock speed double the >overall processor speed? And fill in the __'s below: > 68030 @ __ MHz = 68040 @ __ MHz At least for x86 systems doubling the clock speed increases performance by about 70% . >Thanks very much. I'd appreciate hearing any further explanations >from any experienced folks out there, too! > >P.S. Folks have been having trouble replying to me lately with the "reply" > command. Try typing my address by hand and it should work. Thanks! >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >DAVE KITABJIAN Vital Statistics: stuff deleted >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Ravikumar Venkateswar A pun is a no' blessed form of whit.
Cache Card and Optimum Memory Settings? Organization: fnal Lines: 25 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: phurh.fnal.gov Here's a question that may be simple enough to answer, but has stumped myself and a few others: What does an external RAM cache card do for you if you already have a large cache set in your SIMMs? EX: I have a Mac IIci with 20 meg RAM, an external video card , and the default Apple cache card . Say I have my cache set at 2 MEG, what good does a measly 32K do me on the cache card? Could it actually slow things down by dividing the cache between the card and the SIMM's? Or does it still speed things up by providing a 'secondary staging' area for data normally passed directly into the SIMM RAM cache? I'm confused because it seems like cache cards are so low in memory to really do any good compared to what you can set yourself. Yet, Daystar FastCache has numbers which show around a 30% performance boost on some operations. Are the chips on the cache card simply faster than most SIMM accesses? Please help, I'm trying to find the optimum memory settings for the IIci system described in the EX above. --patrick
Apple 13" giong brighter Nntp-Posting-Host: pc138 Organization: Ostfold Regional College Lines: 4 My Apple 13" RGB monitor has over the past few months gone brighter and brighter and the colors are not as rich as before. Has anyone out there encountered a similar problem? Dows anyone happen to know what this problem may be due to?
Re: Cache card for IIsi Organization: Harris CSD, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Lines: 13 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: rcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com In article <>, writes: > Hi, I bought a while ago a Cache Card w/ FPU from Techworks. It was 219$. > I think that was the cheapest I ever saw. As of last week, Mac's Place had the Applied Engineering QuickSilver card on sale for $99.00 . Regular price is $199. No idea if this is still going on, but I can get the phone no. if anyone is interested . -Jim Burmeister
Toshiba 3401 E and P CD-ROM Summary: need info on what difference is and where to find 3401P or E Keywords: toshiba, cd, cd-rom, cd rom Organization: Informix Software, Inc. Lines: 10 I notice the Toshiba 3401 has 3 versions, B - internal, E - external and P - portable. Can anyone tell me the difference between the portable and the external version? Where in the SF Bay Area can I find a model P? Thanks, --Bill -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% William Daul Advanced Support INFORMIX SOFTWARE INC. 4100 Bohannon Dr. 926-6488 - wk Menlo Park, CA. 94025 uunet!infmx!billd or
PowerVision for PB's Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Lines: 10 X-Posted-InterNews Hi, I'm in the market for an internal color video adaptor for my PB 145. I was wondering if anyone has used the PowerVision adaptor made by Mirror. If so, can you tell me how feel about the speed and compatability of it? I might also be interested in other boards by Envisio etc., so if you have such a board please e-mail your opinion of it. Thanks in advance. John
68040 Specs. Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Lines: 18 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: wpi.wpi.edu I'd appreciate it greatly if someone could E-mail me the following: 1) Specs for the 68040 2) Specs for the 68060 with estimated cost, release date, etc... I'm interested in speeds, systems it can run , costs, bus info, register info. All the technical info. I am hoping that the 68040 can win yet another battle against the intel people. :) Thanks for any info you can give. Thanks. -- -Lazer |WARNING!: MST3K & Star Trek fan, Macintosh user, InterNet: | and Co-sysop of L/A Blues BBS! | Call L/A Blues BBS * MACINTOSH USER * | for Macintosh & MS-DOS files & *FREE USENET*!
Re: Duo 230 crashes aftersleep Organization: Project GLUE, University of Maryland, College Park Lines: 7 NNTP-Posting-Host: orbit.src.umd.edu I do not have this type of problem, but at one point an Apple rep told me that Duo's "System Enabler" file version 1.0.1 fixes some kind of sleep-related problem. You may want to investigate this... -Josip Loncaric
Re: Educational Pricing Article-I.D.: jaguar.1993Apr15.134938.1 Organization: Washington State University Lines: 27 In article <>, writes: >>you can find retail that is within the price of a keyboard of educational >>prices. I would be very wary of retail outlets selling as cheap as educational prices! I went for a retailer, actually mail order , because its price was better thant the campus computer store. I found out why later on when I tried to get a repair done at an Apple registered repair center - the CPU was a resale. The serial number had been removed and replaced with a non-standard number . Consequently, the Apple repair man could not do ANY warrenty repairs. So I ended up with just a 90day warrenty from CDA over the Apple 12month warrenty. Boy, was I pi**ed! Moral of the story, CAVEAT EMPTOR. However, if you go with a reliable, trustworthy mail order firm , you will probably get a better price than your local educational outlet simply because mail order out of state does not REQUIRE sales tax yet. Though for how much longer remains to be seen. The addition in sales tax on a CPU purchase will probably wipe out an educational discount. Again CAVEAT EMPTOR, some mail order companies DO include sales tax on purchases even if they are out of state, so check! Richard. \\\\/ Richard J Appleyard /o o\ Washington State University ) Voice 335-7728 Fax 335-9688 \_o_/ "To err is human, but to really screw things up takes a computer!"
ADB and graphics tablet help! Organization: Institute Of Systems Science, NUS Lines: 13 Help!!! I have an ADB graphicsd tablet which I want to connect to my Quadra 950. Unfortunately, the 950 has only one ADB port and it seems I would have to give up my mouse. Please, can someone help me? I want to use the tablet as well as the mouse . Thanks in advance. Tai Hou TNG Singapore
Monitor recommendation Needed Summary: Which one larger than 14"? Organization: Multimedia Software Technology Group Lines: 16 I have finally decided to update my SE :-)). I am planning on buying a Centris 610-8/230 CD. Now, what monitor should I get? Here are a few guidelines: My wife uses PageMaker occasionally, I use Excel sometimes and I do alot of Telecommuting from home to work. We both do Word processing. Greater than 14 inches. I have looked at the Radius Color Pivot. This can be bought for under $1000. I have heard good things about the E-Machines T-16, the older model not the new T-16 II. How about the Super Mac 17T? These both can be had for a little over $1000. Any others?? Garry
Marcus Bointon <>Sony 1304S problems Info please! X-Xxmessage-Id: <> X-Xxdate: Sat, 17 Apr 93 22:48:46 GMT Nntp-Posting-Host: meridian.demon.co.uk Organization: Sound Impressions X-Useragent: Nuntius v1.1.1d17 Lines: 33 Anyone out there have a Sony 1304S? I have one, and it's very nice, however - If I run it in 16" mode, the picture won't go very big. I end up with about 1" gap either side, and .5" top & bottom. I suspect an internal adjustment would fix this. Anyone tried it? Another problem is sub-brightness: Areas that are meant to be black are not very black. The real raster is quite visible when the screen is blanked. This is not too severe, but it is just not as good as other Trini screens I have used. If I turn the brightness/contrast down so that the raster is not visible, the real image virtually disappears! The raster size is just right if I use 1024*768, but 100dpi+ is a bit too much! Oh, and I am using a RasterOps 24XLi card. Thanks Marcus Bointon ------------------------------------------------------- Marcus Bointon Tel 081 852 6662 Fax 081 244 5422 "I used Windows for a week once, but I feel better now" -------------------------------------------------------
Re: x86 ~= 680x0 ?? Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor Lines: 55 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: leghorn.engin.umich.edu In article <> writes: >I believe it goes or will go: >680060 >powerPC >Pentium >680040 >486 >680030 >386 >680020 >286=680000 > I think this kind of comparison is pretty useless in general. The processor is only good when a good computer is designed around it adn the computer is used in its designed purpose. Comparing processor speed is pretty dumb because all you have to do is just increase the clock speed to increase speed among other things. I mean how can you say a 040 is faster than a 486 without giving is operational conditions? Can you say the same when you are running a program that uses a lot of transidental functions. Knowing that 040 does not have transidental functions building in to its FPU and 486 does, can you say that 040 is still faster? Anyway, I hope people do not decided upon wether a computers is good or not solely on its processor. Or how fast a processor is based on its name, because one can alway do a certain things to a processor to speed it up. But if we restrict our arguements to, for example, pure processor architectural issues. Or how one processor will work well and another will not based on its design, then we can get somewhere with our discussions. - Chung Yang >In a resent article in one of the macMags I think a 50mHz 030 accelerator was > slightly slower than a 25mHz 040 accel. But, this is using a system designed > for the 030. So, It stands to reason that a system designed for an 040 ie > quadra) would do better. So overall I'd figure 040 = 030 * 2.5 or so. > Along the same lines the new POwerPC stuff is supposed to run the system > at the level of a fast quadra, but system 8 or whatever will allow 3 times the > speed of a 040 in the powerPC based systems. and wait for the 680060. I think > it laps the pentium. > >pro-life pro-women > > >-- >=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= > Michael Ameres - Internet:
Re: Half-page hand scanners? Organization: University of Washington Lines: 12 NNTP-Posting-Host: carson.u.washington.edu The Logitech ScanMan 32 is a nice unit, compact and effective it will bring in graphics with surprisingly good quality. Note that its effective resolution in grey scale mode is only about 72 dpi. If you don't intend to magnify a graphic, it works fine. A true 256 level gray scanner would work better for images. I've seen the ScanMan go for as little as $100 used. It is a reasonable buy at that price. Higher end hand scanners are almost as expensive as used flat bed scanners. Here is Seattle, the paper shows occasional good bargains in the classifieds. Used color flat beds have been seen as lows as $500 lately. Grey scale flatbeds come in around $300-$350.
FOR SALE: Ethernet board / 24 bit Supermac Combo Article-I.D.: news2.C51oH4.42y Organization: U of M Lines: 26 X-Xxmessage-Id: <> X-Xxdate: Mon, 5 Apr 93 04:29:34 GMT Nntp-Posting-Host: dialup-slip-1-6.gw.umn.edu X-Useragent: Nuntius v1.1.1d17 Gene's stuff for sale...NEW PRICES!!! The following items are for sale: Qty. Description List Price ________________________________________________________________________ 1 SuperMac ColorLink SX/T 24 bit NuBUS/10BASE-T 750.00 _549.00_ This card is primo! selling for $675 mailorder It suports monitors up to 19 in. with 28" x 28" virtual desktop. Accelerated, hardware pan, etc! This quick sale price includes free 2nd day air! 1 Seagate ST1480 430 meg 3.5 in HD 2 mo. old 989.00 675.00 NOTE: All hardware is in normal working order. Prices do NOT include shipping. All items shipped COD or pre-paid Sold: 1 IIsi NuBUS adapter card with FPU 189.00 _115.00_ For any items please contact: Gene Naftulyev or call 942-0134
updated keyboard question for the plus Organization: Illinois State University Lines: 44 I have an old Mac Plus. A couple of years ago I bought a shiney new lc. It came with apple's new keyboard . i replaced it with a mac-pro-plus extended keyboard . well, i have this extra keyboard which i would like to use on the plus but there's a little problem. the plus uses an rj-11 jack for keyboard input and the new keyboards don't. i got an extra adb cable from my local apple dealer , but they couldn't tell me the order of the wires. there are four wires in the adb cables: black, white, red, tan. I know one's a ground, one gets the serial signal, one supplies 5 volts, and i forgot what the fourth one does. anyway, if you hook them up wrong you'll fry a board and i <really> don't want to do <that>. if any brave souls out there have done this before, please e-mail your experience directly to me. i would greatly appreciate it especially since apple's original keyboard is not . . . ergonomically correct. btw, i did take apart my new keyboard to see if i could find the correlation between the wires for the rj-11 jack and the adb since it has both, but no such luck . Oh, well . . . one more thing: in case you are thinking that the ABD ports on the newer models are different from the connection used on the plus--- you're right. however, you can use the telephone cable from the plus and connect the mac-pro-plus keyboard via its own rj-11 jack. in other words, this little engineering feat i wish to do *is* possible. it's merely a matter of finding out the correct order. omt, when i get this to work, i definitely will post the solution so others can, too. thanx for the input. ***************************************************************** * Tis the blink of an eye, tis the draught of a breath, * * From the blossoms of health, to the paleness of death, * * From the gilded saloon, to the briar in the shroud, * * O, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? * * -William Knox * ***************************************************************** * * *****************************************************************
re: Dead mouse ? Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA 91711 Lines: 1