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And proteins are in even shorter supply. | 而蛋白質供應甚至更加短缺。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
任何一種肉類都極端稀缺,以至於一公斤肉的市場價格相當於一週以上的最低工資。 | Meat of any kind is so scarce that the market price of a kilogram is equivalent to more than a week of minimum-wage work. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Health conditions have worsened as well, owing to nutritional deficiencies and the government’s decision not to supply infant formula, standard vaccines against infectious diseases, medicines for AIDS, transplant, cancer, and dialysis patients, and general hospital supplies. | 健康狀況也急劇惡化,主要原因是營養不足,以及政府做出的不提供嬰兒配方奶粉、抗傳染性疾病標準疫苗、艾滋病、器官移植、癌症和透析患者所需藥物以及普通醫院用品的決策。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
自8月1日以來,美元價格暴漲已經使物價又加了一個零,而9月後每月的通脹均已超過50%的速度增加。 | Since August 1, the price of a US dollar has added an extra zero, and inflation has exceeded 50% per month since September. | 翻譯成中文。 |
According to OPEC, oil production has declined by 16% since May, down more than 350,000 barrels a day. | 據歐佩克組織統計,5月以來,石油產量從每天350,000 桶出現了超過16%的降幅 。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
為阻止這種下滑,尼古拉斯·馬杜羅總統政府想到的最好辦法就是逮捕約60名國有石油公司委內瑞拉石油的高階管理者,並任命一名毫無行業經驗的國民衛隊將軍來負責經營工作。 | To arrest the decline, President Nicolás Maduro’s government has had no better idea than to arrest some 60 senior managers of the state-owned oil company PDVSA and appoint a National Guard general with no industry experience to run it. | 翻譯成中文。 |
政府非但沒有采取措施結束人道主義危機,反而利用這次危機來鞏固自身的政治控制。 | Rather than taking steps to end the humanitarian crisis, the government is using it to entrench its political control. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Rejecting offers of assistance, it is spending its resources on Chinese-made military-grade crowd-control systems to thwart public protests. | 該國政府拒絕國際社會提供援助的建議,反而將資源用於購買中國製造的軍用級別的群體事件控制系統,以挫敗公眾的抗議。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
許多國外觀察家認為隨著經濟狀況的不斷惡化,政府的權力將逐漸喪失。 | Many outside observers believe that as the economy worsens, the government will lose power. | 翻譯成中文。 |
But the organized political opposition is weaker now than it was in July, despite massive international diplomatic support. | 但儘管擁有國際外交界的大規模支援,有組織的政治反對勢力仍然比7月份的時候要更弱一些。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Since then, the government has installed an unconstitutional Constituent Assembly with full powers, deregistered the three main opposition parties, sacked elected mayors and deputies, and stolen three elections. | 從那以後,政府已經設立了一個違反憲法規定的全權制憲委員會,取消了三大主要反對黨,解僱了民選市長和代表,並竊取了三次選舉成果。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
因為所有解決方案要麼不切實際、不可行要麼就是無法接受,多數委內瑞拉人都希望有人能從天而降挽救他們從這場悲劇中擺脫。 | With all solutions either impractical, deemed infeasible, or unacceptable, most Venezuelans are wishing for some deus ex machina to save them from this tragedy. | 翻譯成中文。 |
最好情況是組織自由而公正的選舉來選出新一屆政府。 | The best scenario would be free and fair elections to choose a new government. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這是委內瑞拉反對黨民主聯合會(Mesa de la Unidad Democratica)的首選計劃,而在多明尼加共和國舉行的談判正在爭取這樣的結果。 | This is Plan A for the Venezuelan opposition organized around the Mesa de la Unidad Democratica, and is being sought in talks taking place in the Dominican Republic. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但人們無法相信不惜餓死成百上千萬人來保住權力的專制政權會通過一次自由選舉就達到交權的結果。 | But it defies credulity to think that a regime that is willing to starve millions to remain in power would yield that power in free elections. | 翻譯成中文。 |
In Eastern Europe in the 1940s, Stalinist regimes consolidated power despite losing elections. | 在20世紀40年代的東歐,斯大林政權儘管選舉失敗但權力卻得到了鞏固。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The fact that the Maduro government has stolen three elections in 2017 alone and has blocked the electoral participation of the parties with which it is negotiating, again despite massive international attention, suggests that success is unlikely. | 馬杜羅政府在國際社會再次給予大力關注的情況下僅2017年一年就竊取三次選舉成果併成功阻止與其談判各方參選的事實表明要想通過這種方式取得成功是不可能的。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
A domestic military coup to restore constitutional rule is less palatable to many democratic politicians, because they fear that the soldiers may not return to their barracks afterwards. | 發動國內軍事政變恢復憲法秩序在許多民主政治家看來不那麼受歡迎,因為他們擔心士兵在政變完成後可能不願再回到軍營當中。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
More important, Maduro’s regime already is a military dictatorship, with officers in charge of many government agencies. | 更重要的是,馬杜羅政府已經是軍事專制政府,並由軍官來擔任許多政府機構的負責人。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The senior officers of the Armed Forces are corrupt to the core, having been involved for years in smuggling, currency and procurement crimes, narco-trafficking and extra-judicial killings that, in per capita terms are three times more prevalent than in Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines. | 武裝部隊的高階軍官處於腐敗的核心,多年來一直涉嫌捲入走私、貨幣及採購犯罪、販毒及法外處決等非法活動,這些非法活動從人均標準衡量其普遍性比杜特爾特的菲律賓高出三倍 。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Decent senior officers have been quitting in large numbers. | 體面的高階官員已經在大量退出。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Targeted sanctions, managed by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), are hurting many of the thugs ruling Venezuela. | 由美國外國資產管理局(OFAC)管理的針對性制裁正在傷及執政委內瑞拉的諸多暴徒。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
但如果站在制裁措施達到預期效果前可能出現的成千上萬原本可以避免的人員傷亡和成百上千萬難民的角度來看,上述措施的效果充其量也是太過緩慢了。 | But, measured in the tens of thousands of avoidable deaths and millions of additional Venezuelan refugees that will occur until the sanctions yield their intended effect, these measures are too slow at best. | 翻譯成中文。 |
最糟糕的情況是這些措施永遠達不到預期的效果。 | At worst, they will never work. | 翻譯成中文。 |
歸根結底,這樣的制裁並沒有促成俄羅斯、朝鮮和伊朗的政權更迭。 | After all, such sanctions have not led to regime change in Russia, North Korea, or Iran. | 翻譯成中文。 |
This leaves us with an international military intervention, a solution that scares most Latin American governments because of a history of aggressive actions against their sovereign interests, especially in Mexico and Central America. | 於是可用的選項只剩下國際軍事幹預,而這種方案因為歷史上針對拉美國家主權利益一系列的侵略行為而令地區各國政府、特別是墨西哥和中美國家政府感到害怕。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
But these may be the wrong historical analogies. | 但這樣進行歷史類比可能是錯誤的。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
After all, Simón Bolívar gained the title of Liberator of Venezuela thanks to an 1814 invasion organized and financed by neighboring Nueva Granada (today’s Colombia). | 畢竟,西蒙·波利瓦爾因為一次鄰國新格拉納達(也就是今天的哥倫比亞)組織和出資的一場1814年侵略戰爭而獲得了委內瑞拉解放者的稱號。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
法國、比利時和荷蘭如果沒有國際社會的軍事幹預就無法從1940到1944年的壓迫性政權治下獲得自由。 | France, Belgium, and the Netherlands could not free themselves of an oppressive regime between 1940 and 1944 without international military action. | 翻譯成中文。 |
含義十分明確。 | The implication is clear. | 翻譯成中文。 |
As the Venezuelan situation becomes unimaginable, the solutions to be considered move closer to the inconceivable. | 隨著委內瑞拉形勢變得越來越超乎想象,所要考慮的解決辦法也越來越接近不可思議的地步。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The duly elected National Assembly, where the opposition holds a two-thirds majority, has been unconstitutionally stripped of power by an unconstitutionally appointed Supreme Court. | 反對黨佔三分之二多數的正式選舉的國民議會其權力卻被一個違憲任命的最高法院所剝奪。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
And the military has used its power to suppress protests and force into exile many leaders including the Supreme Court justices elected by the National Assembly in July. | 而軍方一直利用手中權力來鎮壓抗議活動並迫使由國民議會7月選舉的包括最高法院法官在內的許多領導人物海外流亡。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
說到解決方案,為什麼不考慮一下這個方案:由國民議會對馬杜羅和遭受美國外國資產管理局制裁並被曝從事販毒行為的副總統艾薩米提出彈劾。 艾薩米有超過5億美元的資產 被美國政府沒收。 | As solutions go, why not consider the following one: the National Assembly could impeach Maduro and the OFAC-sanctioned, narco-trafficking vice president, Tareck El Aissami, who has had more than $500 million in assets seized by the United States government. | 翻譯成中文。 |
國民議會可以按照憲法規定任命新一屆政府,而新政府反過來又可以邀請包括拉美、北美和歐洲國家在內的自願聯盟提供軍事協作。 | The Assembly could constitutionally appoint a new government, which in turn could request military assistance from a coalition of the willing, including Latin American, North American, and European countries. | 翻譯成中文。 |
This force would free Venezuela, in the same way Canadians, Australians, Brits, and Americans liberated Europe in 1944-1945. | 這股勢力將會解放委內瑞拉,就像1944到1945年加拿大人、澳大利亞人、英國人和美國人解放歐洲一樣。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
舉個近一點的例子,這就好比美國從曼努埃爾·諾列加的壓迫下解放巴拿馬,導致該國從此建立了民主制度並迎來了拉美地區首屈一指的經濟增速。 | Closer to home, it would be akin to the US liberating Panama from the oppression of Manuel Noriega, ushering in democracy and the fastest economic growth in Latin America. | 翻譯成中文。 |
According to international law, none of this would require approval by the United Nations Security Council (which Russia and China might veto), because the military force would be invited by a legitimate government seeking support to uphold the country’s constitution. | 按照國際法規定,這一切都不需要得到聯合國安理會的批准(因為俄羅斯和中國可能會投反對票),因為軍隊將在尋求支援的合法政府的邀請下來維護該國憲法。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
這樣一種選擇的存在甚至可能會推動目前正在多明尼加共和國舉行的談判取得更好的結果。 | The existence of such an option might even boost the prospects of the ongoing negotiations in the Dominican Republic. | 翻譯成中文。 |
一個崩潰的委內瑞拉不符合多數國家的國家利益。 | An imploding Venezuela is not in most countries’ national interest. | 翻譯成中文。 |
And conditions there constitute a crime against humanity that must be stopped on moral grounds. | 而那裡的狀況構成人道主義犯罪,必須本著道德的原則加以制止。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
1944年9月市場花園計劃的失敗在小說和電影遙遠的橋中都進行過不朽的描述,這次計劃的失敗導致1944到1945年冬天饑荒在荷蘭爆發。 | The failure of Operation Market Garden in September 1944, immortalized in the book and film A Bridge Too Far, led to famine in the Netherlands in the winter of 1944-1945. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Today’s Venezuelan famine is already worse. | 今天委內瑞拉的饑荒已經有過之而無不及。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
How many lives must be shattered before salvation comes? | 究竟有多少生命將要毀滅,才能促成國際社會的拯救? | 翻譯成英文。 |
阻止委內瑞拉收穫悲傷 | Stopping Venezuela’s Harvest of Sorrow | 翻譯成中文。 |
加拉加斯——兩年前,基輔和加拉加斯爆發了公眾抗議活動。 | CARACAS – Two years ago, public protests erupted in both Kyiv and Caracas. | 翻譯成中文。 |
儘管烏克蘭的尊嚴革命迅速取得了政權,但委內瑞拉卻經歷了一場緩慢的政治變革。 | Whereas Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity quickly took power, political change in Venezuela followed a much slower path. | 翻譯成中文。 |
But Venezuela’s parliamentary election on December 6, which gave the opposition a two-thirds majority, is moving political developments into the fast lane. | 但委內瑞拉反對派在12月6日舉行的議會選舉中取得了三分之二多數席位,革命的進展也因此大為提速。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Although President Nicolás Maduro accepted defeat on election night, his government has promised to disregard any laws that the National Assembly enacts, and has appointed an alternative Assembly of the Communes not envisaged in the constitution. | 雖然馬杜羅總統在大選之夜接受了失敗,但其政府揚言將無視國民議會頒佈的任何法律,並已另行委任不符合憲法規定的公社大會。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Moreover, he used the National Assembly’s lame-duck session to pack the Supreme Court and has called on supporters to prevent the newly elected Assembly from being seated on January 5. | 此外,他還利用國民大會的跛腳鴨會議佔領最高法院,並公然呼籲支持者阻止新當選議會於1月5日就職。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Like Ukraine two years ago, Venezuela is heading toward a constitutional crisis. | 就像兩年前的烏克蘭一樣,現在的委內瑞拉正在走向憲政危機。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
But there is an older and more ominous parallel between Venezuela and Ukraine: the Soviet Union’s man-made famine of 1933. | 但委內瑞拉和烏克蘭有著更為古老而可怕的相似之處:即1933年由蘇聯人為造成的災難性饑荒。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
1932年斯大林迫使獨立農民——富農——加盟大型集體農場導致330萬烏克蘭人和波蘭人在第二年因飢餓而死於非命。 | Stalin’s decision in 1932 to force independent farmers – the kulaks – into large collectivized farms caused 3.3 million Ukrainians and ethnic Poles to starve to death the following year. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The catastrophe was unleashed when Stalin, convinced that the kulaks were hiding grain from the Soviet state, requisitioned the seed grain, believing that this would force the kulaks to use the hidden grain as seed. | 災難的起因是斯大林深信富農拒不將藏匿的糧食交給蘇維埃政府,他以此為依據徵用種糧,並認為這樣做就會迫使富農用藏匿的糧食來做種子。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
但藏匿的糧食其實並不存在——因此1933年農民沒有種子來種植莊稼。 | But there was no hidden grain – and thus no seed to plant the 1933 crop. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Stalin blamed the ensuing collapse in food production on conspiracies by the dead and dying. | 斯大林將隨之而來的糧食生產崩潰歸咎於餓死和行將餓死的人合謀欺騙國家。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Instead of dealing with the unfolding catastrophe, Stalin increased grain requisitions, despite dismal production levels – a move that led to mass starvation. | 斯大林非但沒有及時採取對策,反而全然不顧糟糕的生產水平而加大糧食的徵用力度,——他的這一舉措導致了大規模饑荒的發生。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
政府對公眾隱瞞事實真相,從而無法採取任何補救措施。 | Information was hidden from the public, preventing remedial action. | 翻譯成中文。 |
斯大林政府甚至拒絕了國際、尤其是波蘭政府提供的人道主義援助。 | Even offers of international humanitarian assistance, especially by Poland, were rejected. | 翻譯成中文。 |
在烏克蘭這樣富饒的國度爆發饑荒很難想象。 | A famine in a country as fertile as Ukraine was hard to imagine before it happened. | 翻譯成中文。 |
同樣難以想象的還有類似的災難在擁有全世界最大石油儲備的國家發生。 | And it is hard to imagine a similar catastrophe in a country with the world’s largest oil reserves. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但隨著時間跨入到2016年,這樣的情景恰恰可能在委內瑞拉發生。 | But, heading into 2016, Venezuela faces precisely such a scenario. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這樣的人為災難有四個基本要素:抑制市場、壓制資訊流動、對持不同政見者的全面迫害以及將災難責任歸咎於受害者本身(即證明從一開始就導致上述問題的極端政策的合理性)。 | There are four fundamental ingredients of such man-made disasters: repression of the market, suppression of information, systematic persecution of dissent, and attribution of blame for the disaster to the victims (which justifies radicalizing the policies that led to the problem in the first place). | 翻譯成中文。 |
Sadly, Ukraine is not the only example: The human toll in China of Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward of 1958-1961 was even greater, causing an estimated 15-45 million deaths. | 可悲的是,烏克蘭並不是唯一的例子:1958至1961年毛澤東在中國開展的大躍進造成的人員傷亡更大,估計導致大概1,500萬到4,500萬人死於非命。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
步烏克蘭和中國的後塵,委內瑞拉政府一直不遺餘力地推動生產集體化程序。 | As in Ukraine and China, Venezuela’s government has been trying to collectivize production. | 翻譯成中文。 |
After Hugo Chávez was re-elected in 2006, he decided to accelerate the “revolution” and nationalized banks, telecoms, cement, steel, supermarkets, hundreds of other firms, and millions of hectares of land. | 2006年查韋斯再次當選後,他決定加快推進“革命”,實現銀行、電信、水泥、鋼鐵、超市、數以百計的企業和數以百萬計公頃土地的國有化程序。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
而且,就像烏克蘭和中國一樣,受影響企業的生產很快就陷入崩潰的境地。 | And, as in Ukraine and China, the affected firms’ output quickly collapsed. | 翻譯成中文。 |
除直接徵收外,政府還實施一套攻擊市場自我組織經濟能力的系統。 | Beyond outright expropriation, the government implemented a system that attacked the market’s natural ability to self-organize the economy. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The market is no panacea, and it can work only with a state that operates properly, but it is a powerful stabilizing force. | 市場是強大的穩定力量而非萬能良藥,需要政府正常運作才能發揮作用。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Market prices provide information about what is in short supply. Profits create incentives to respond to the information contained in prices. | 供不應求的商品資訊反映在市場價格當中,而利潤則刺激人們對價格所包含的資訊做出反應。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
而資本市場配置資源目的是追求利潤。 | And capital markets allocate resources in pursuit of profits. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Markets may fail, and policies can improve on outcomes; but Chávez and Maduro, like Stalin and Mao, attacked the market mechanism itself. | 市場有可能失靈,政策的結果也可以改善; 但查韋斯和馬杜羅就像斯大林和毛澤東一樣攻擊市場機制本身。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
在委內瑞拉,對價格和外匯的全面管制正造成明顯的破壞作用。 | In Venezuela, a generalized system of price and foreign-exchange controls is causing havoc. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Foreign exchange is allocated administratively at a price that is about 130 times cheaper than the market rate. | 行政管制方式確定的外匯價格比市場價便宜約130倍。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
就連販毒這樣有明顯後果的行為都比不上上述套利機會所帶來的利潤。 | Not even drug trafficking is as profitable as this arbitrage opportunity, with obvious consequences. | 翻譯成中文。 |
“公平”價公式人為壓低所有商品價格(違法提價者往往會因此而獲刑)。 結果造成商品短缺、配給制和每天耗費多數委內瑞拉人高達數小時排隊的購物長龍。 | A formula for “just” prices keeps all prices artificially low (setting higher prices buys violators a ticket to prison), causing shortages, rationing, and queues that consume many hours of most Venezuelans’ days. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Shortages of critical items have already cost many lives, not to mention the devastating effects on production. | 重要物品短缺已經造成很多委內瑞拉人死亡,更不用說嚴重破壞了生產活動。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
而且,通貨膨脹在實行價格管制的情況下仍然超過200%,因為央行貨幣化的財政赤字超過GDP的20%。 | And, despite price controls, inflation is above 200%, because the central bank monetizes a fiscal deficit of more than 20% of GDP. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The rising oil prices that accompanied the adoption of these policies initially muted their impact, as imports could make up for the fall in output. | 伴隨上述政策的油價上漲最初遮蔽了其負面影響,因為進口可以彌補產能的不足。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
1998年查韋斯首次當選時,油價徘徊在8美元一桶; 而到2012年,油價則漲到平均每桶104美元。 | In 1998, when Chávez was first elected, oil was languishing at $8 per barrel; in 2012, prices averaged $104. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但查韋斯非但沒有用這筆飛來橫財建立應對不時之需的資金儲備,反而利用高油價大規模抵押貸款,致使公共外債總額達到原來的四倍。 | But, rather than using the windfall to build a financial cushion for a rainy day, Chávez chose to use high oil prices as collateral to borrow massively, quadrupling the public external debt. | 翻譯成中文。 |
This allowed him to spend in 2012 as if the price of oil were $197 per barrel. | 他因此在2012年支撐了油價相當於197美元一桶的消費。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
But now, with Venezuelan crude below $30 dollars and the country cut off from international capital markets, imports are declining to a fraction of their 2012 level. | 但現在隨著委內瑞拉原油跌至不到30美元一桶且國家得不到國際資本市場的支援,進口額已經驟降至2012年的一小部分。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The previous destruction of productive capacity has come home to roost. | 此前對生產力的破壞行為終於帶來了報應。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
沒有市場機制的調整資訊太過閉塞、激勵舉措也太過負面,從而導致對生產和福利的影響更具破壞性。 | Without the market mechanism, the adjustment is taking place with too little information and too many perverse incentives, making its impact on production and welfare even more devastating. | 翻譯成中文。 |
來年進口額仍將進一步大幅降低。 | The coming year will see a further drastic cut in imports. | 翻譯成中文。 |
不僅油價仍將繼續下降,而且2014-2015年部分進口資金源於消耗儲備和其他資產,以及授權私人進口但卻拒絕支付費用(相當於起到種子糧作用的私人企業營運資金被沒收)。 | Not only are oil prices even lower, but imports in 2014-2015 were financed in part by running down reserves and other assets, and by authorizing private imports but not paying for them, de facto expropriating the working capital – the seed grain – of private companies. | 翻譯成中文。 |
如此瘋狂之舉的後果極為嚴重。 | The implications of this madness are ominous. | 翻譯成中文。 |
To prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, swift action needs to be taken: restoration of the market mechanism; exchange-rate unification (as President Mauricio Macri just implemented in Argentina); an alternative system of social transfers to substitute for rationing; fiscal retrenchment; orderly foreign-debt restructuring; and massive financial support from the international community. | 為了避免人道主義災難,我們必須迅速採取行動:恢復市場機制; 統一匯率(就像毛裡西奧·馬克裡總統剛剛在阿根廷實施的那樣); | 翻譯成英文。 |
馬杜羅沒有采取任何一項舉措; 相反,他正不擇一切手段、發揮一切能力和創造力把持權力不被奪走。 | Maduro is not trying to do any of this; instead, he is devoting his energy and creativity to maintaining power, by fair means or foul. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但剩下的時間已經不多。 | But time is running out. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Unless Maduro changes, the new National Assembly – where the opposition’s two-thirds majority enables it to amend the constitution – will have to change him. | 除非馬杜羅自己改變,否則新一屆國民大會——反對黨所佔三分之二的多數席位足以修訂憲法——必須用盡一切手段改變他。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Preparing for the Unknown Unknowns | 為未知的未知做好準備 | 翻譯成英文。 |
倫敦—我們生活在危險的時代。 | LONDON – We live in perilous times. | 翻譯成中文。 |
就在我們似乎認清了形勢時,機會發生一些事情,讓我們覺得雙腿被位於我們之下的東西弄癱瘓了。 | Just as we seem to get our bearings, something happens to make us feel as if our legs have been knocked out from under us. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Actions and events often are intertwined, and what happens on one level – affecting individuals, states, economic sectors, and companies of all sizes – may have repercussions on others. | 行動和事件常常互相糾結,在某一層面所發生的事情——影響個體、國家、經濟部門和各個規模的公司——可能會在其他層面引起反響。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The recent terrorist attacks in Paris are a case in point, affecting not only the families and friends of the victims, or even only the people of France. | 最近在巴黎發生的恐怖襲擊就是這樣的例子,它影響的不只是受害者的家庭和朋友,甚至不只是法國人民。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The reverberations are being felt around the world, and they will continue to have an impact – far beyond Europe – on public policy, electoral politics, media freedom, and more. | 反響在全世界都能體驗到,並將繼續給公共政策、選舉政治、言論自由和其他方面造成影響——並且遠遠不止於歐洲。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
襲擊發生在全世界根據傳統展望新年的時候——也就是預測前方有何風險、有何機會、需要克服何種挑戰的時候。 | The attacks came at a time when the world traditionally tries to make sense of the year ahead – to forecast the risks that lie in wait, the opportunities that will arise, and the challenges that will have to be overcome. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但長期風險情況如何? | But what about longer-term risks? | 翻譯成中文。 |