protected: cv::Mat tx_img; public: // Input clock sc_core::sc_in<bool> clk; // Counters sc_core::sc_in<unsigned int> hcount; sc_core::sc_in<unsigned int> vcount; // Output pixel sc_core::sc_out<sc_uint<N> > o_red; sc_core::sc_out<sc_uint<N> > o_green; sc_core::sc_out<sc_uint<N> > o_blue; SC_CTOR(seq_item_ams) { // Read image const std::string img_path = IPS_IMG_PATH_TB; cv::Mat read_img = cv::imread(img_path, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); // CV_8UC3 Type: 8-bit unsigned, 3 channels (e.g., for a color image) read_img.convertTo(this->tx_img, CV_8UC3); #ifdef IPS_DEBUG_EN std::cout << "Loading image: " << img_path << std::endl; #endif // IPS_DEBUG_EN // Check if the image is loaded successfully if (this->tx_img.empty()) { std::cerr << "Error: Could not open or find the image!" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef IPS_DEBUG_EN std::cout << "TX image info: "; std::cout << "rows = " << this->tx_img.rows; std::cout << " cols = " << this->tx_img.cols; std::cout << " channels = " << this->tx_img.channels() << std::endl; #endif // IPS_DEBUG_EN SC_METHOD(run); sensitive << clk.pos(); } void run() { if (this-> { const int IMG_ROW = static_cast<int>(this-> - (V_SYNC_PULSE + V_BP); const int IMG_COL = static_cast<int>(this-> - (H_SYNC_PULSE + H_BP); #ifdef IPS_DEBUG_EN std::cout << "TX image: "; std::cout << "row = " << IMG_ROW; std::cout << " col = " << IMG_COL; #endif // IPS_DEBUG_EN if ((IMG_ROW < 0) || (IMG_COL < 0) || (IMG_ROW >= static_cast<int>(V_ACTIVE)) || (IMG_COL >= static_cast<int>(H_ACTIVE))) { this->o_red.write(0); this->o_green.write(0); this->o_blue.write(0); #ifdef IPS_DEBUG_EN std::cout << " dpixel = (0,0,0) " << std::endl; #endif // IPS_DEBUG_EN } else { cv::Vec3b pixel =<cv::Vec3b>(IMG_ROW, IMG_COL, 0); this->o_red.write(static_cast<sc_uint<8>>(pixel[0])); this->o_green.write(static_cast<sc_uint<8>>(pixel[1])); this->o_blue.write(static_cast<sc_uint<8>>(pixel[2])); #ifdef IPS_DEBUG_EN std::cout << " ipixel = (" << static_cast<int>(pixel[0]) << "," << static_cast<int>(pixel[1]) << "," << static_cast<int>(pixel[2]) << ")" << std::endl; #endif // IPS_DEBUG_EN } } }
sc_in<bool> clk; sc_out<bool> reset; sc_fifo_out<DATA1024_t > source; SC_CTOR(waveform) { SC_CTHREAD(waveform_thread,clk.pos()); } void waveform_thread() { DATA1024_t tmp; = 0; tmp.tlast = 0; reset.write(true); float numberGen = 0; while(true) { wait(); reset.write(false); for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { wait(); if(i==10-1) { tmp.tlast = 1; cout << "sending TLAST signal" << endl; } else { tmp.tlast = 0; } if(i==0) monitor_logger::ingressEvent(); source.write(tmp); //while(source.num_free() != 0) {wait();} for(int i=0;i<64;i++) { sc_fixed<16,8> fx = sin(numberGen)*120.1f; //sc_signed us_tmp(fx.wl()); //us_tmp = (fx << (fx.wl()-fx.iwl())); // + (16*i),16*i) = (sc_bv<16>)us_tmp; + (16*i),16*i) = fixed2bv<16,8>(fx); sc_bv<16> tmpCheckRaw = (sc_bv<16>) + (16*i),16*i); sc_fixed<16,8> tmpCheck = bv2fixed<16,8>(tmpCheckRaw); if(fx != tmpCheck) { sc_stop(); std::cout << "(casting error) got: " << fx << " != " << tmpCheck << std::endl ;//<< " (RAW: " << us_tmp << ")" << std::endl; } else { //std::cout << "(casting OK) got: " << fx << " != " << tmpCheck << std::endl; } numberGen += 0.1; } } } }
sc_in<bool> clk; sc_in<bool> reset; sc_fifo_in<DATA32_t > sink; std::ofstream ofs; SC_CTOR(monitor) :ofs("test.txt", std::ofstream::out) { SC_CTHREAD(monitor_thread,clk.pos()); reset_signal_is(reset,true); } ~monitor() { ofs.close(); } void monitor_thread() { DATA32_t tmp; unsigned countdown = 30; while(true) {; monitor_logger::egressEvent(); //std::string tmp_string = "PKGnr is: " + std::to_string((unsigned) + "TDATA: " + std::to_string((unsigned long);// + " @ " + sc_time_stamp(); //ofs << "@" << sc_time_stamp() << "last: " << tmp.tlast; //SC_REPORT_WARNING(::SC_ID_ASSERTION_FAILED_, tmp_string.c_str()); //sc_report(true); sc_signed ss_tmp(32); ss_tmp =; sc_fixed<32,16> tmpCheck = ((sc_fixed<32*2,16*2>)ss_tmp)>>16; cout << "TDATA: " << tmpCheck << " @ " << sc_time_stamp() << endl; if(tmp.tlast==1) { //clog << "test2" << sc_time_stamp() << endl; //cerr << "test" << sc_time_stamp() << endl; cout << "got TLAST signal @ " << sc_time_stamp() << endl; } countdown--; if(countdown==0) { cout << "sc_stop signal" << endl; sc_stop(); monitor_logger::measure_log(); } } }
public: sc_in < bool > clock; sc_in < bool > reset; sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e; sc_fifo_out <bool> detect; // sc_fifo_out <bool> detect1; SC_CTOR(Seuil_calc1) { SC_CTHREAD(do_gen, clock.pos()); reset_signal_is(reset,true); } private: void do_gen( ) { sc_uint<8> buffer[32]; sc_uint<22> seuil= 26; #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=buffer complete dim=0 while( true ) { #pragma HLS PIPELINE for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 32-1; j += 1) { // #pragma HLS PIPELINE buffer[j] = buffer[j+1]; } buffer[32-1] =; const sc_uint<11> ps = (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 0] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 1] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 4] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 5] + // 2 bits à 1 en PPM (sc_uint<11>) buffer[14] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[15] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[18] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[19]; // 2 bits à 0 en PPM sc_uint<22> sum = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i += 1) { // #pragma HLS PIPELINE const sc_uint<8> temp = buffer[i]; const sc_uint<16> sqrv = (temp * temp); sum += sqrv; } sum = 8 * sum; const sc_uint<22> res_0 = (ps* ps); const sc_uint<22> res_1 = sum >> 5; const sc_uint<22> res_2 = (res_1 == 0)? (sc_uint<22>)31 :res_1; const sc_uint<22> res_3 = res_0 /res_2; const bool condition = (res_3> seuil); detect.write(condition); // sc_uint<22> res_0 = (ps* ps); // sc_uint<22> res_1 = (res_0 << 5); // sc_uint<22> res_2 = res_1 / sum; // sc_uint<5> res_3 = res_2 & 0x1F; // detect.write(res_3> seuil); } }
#if __RTL_SIMULATION__ // DMA_performance_tester_rtl_wrapper u1; #else // DMA_performance_tester u1; #endif typedef sc_fixed<P_data_W, P_data_P> sc_data; sc_data func(int a, int b, int c, int d) { int tmp = ((d & 0xFF) << 24) | ((c & 0xFF) << 16) | ((b & 0xFF) << 8) | ((a & 0xFF) << 0); return (sc_data)tmp; } void func_inv(sc_data in, int &a, int &b, int &c, int &d) { a = (in.to_int() >> 0) & 0xFF; b = (in.to_int() >> 8) & 0xFF; c = (in.to_int() >> 16) & 0xFF; d = (in.to_int() >> 24) & 0xFF; } struct dma_pkg : public hwcore::pipes::sc_fifo_base_dummy<dma_pkg> { typedef sc_bv<P_input_width> sc_data_raw; sc_data_raw *data_array; uint64 size;
//------------------------------Module Inputs------------------------------ // Input clock sc_in_clk clk; // Reset bar (reset when 1'b0) sc_in<bool> rstb; // Starts the counter sc_in<bool> enable; // N-bit output of the counter sc_out<sc_uint<N > > count_out; //-----------------------------Local Variables----------------------------- sc_uint<4> count_int; public: /** * @brief Default constructor for Counter. */ SC_CTOR(Counter) { SC_METHOD(count); // Sensitive to the clk posedge to carry out the count sensitive << clk.pos(); // Sensitive to any state change to go in or out of reset sensitive << rstb; } //---------------------------------Methods--------------------------------- /** * @brief Methods that counts in every posedge of the clock, unless rstb is * equal to 0, then the output will be always 0. Enable needs to be * asserted, otherwise it will show latest value of the counter. */ void count();
#ifndef USING_TLM_TB_EN sc_inout<sc_uint<64>> data; sc_in<sc_uint<24>> address; #else sc_uint<64> data; sc_uint<24> address; #endif // USING_TLM_TB_EN const double delay_full_adder_1_bit = 0.361; const double delay_full_adder = delay_full_adder_1_bit * 16; const double delay_multiplier = 9.82; const sc_int<16> sobelGradientX[3][3] = {{-1, 0, 1}, {-2, 0, 2}, {-1, 0, 1}
sc_fifo_in<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > data_in; SC_CTOR(mon_split_and_merge) { SC_THREAD(mon_thread); } void mon_thread() { for(int a=0;a<2;a++) { uint16_t data_gen = 0; hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> tmp_in; do { tmp_in =; std::cout << "(mon) got signal." << std::endl; //for(int i=0;i<split_N;i++) //{ if(tmp_in.template getKeep<16>(0)==1) { int tmp = tmp_in.template getData<sc_uint, 16>(0).to_uint(); std::cout << "(mon) got new data: " <<tmp << std::endl; sc_assert(tmp == data_gen); data_gen++; } //} }while(data_gen < test_size); } std::cout << "Test finish no errors" << std::endl; sc_stop(); }
sc_fifo_out<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > data_out; SC_CTOR(wave_split_and_merge) { SC_THREAD(wave_thread); } void wave_thread() { hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> tmp; for (int i = 0; i < test_size; i++) { = i; std::cout << "(wave) write new data: " << i << std::endl; tmp.setKeep(); tmp.tlast = 1; data_out.write(tmp); } tmp.setEOP(); data_out.write(tmp); for (int i = 0; i < test_size; i++) { = i; std::cout << "(wave) write new data: " << i << std::endl; tmp.setKeep(); tmp.tlast = 1; data_out.write(tmp); } tmp.setEOP(); data_out.write(tmp); }
#if __RTL_SIMULATION__ //DMA_performance_tester_rtl_wrapper u1; #else //DMA_performance_tester u1; #endif sc_clock clk; sc_signal<bool> reset; wave_split_and_merge wave; sc_fifo<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > wave_2_u1; hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_splitter<16,split_N,false> u1_ss; hwcore::hf::sc_static_list<sc_fifo<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> >, split_N> u1_2_u2; //sc_fifo<hwcore::pipes::DATA_STREAM_t<16> > u1_2_u2[32]; hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_merge_raw<16,split_N> u2_sm; sc_fifo<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16*split_N> > u2_2_u3; hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_resize<16*split_N, 16> u3_sr; sc_fifo<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > u3_2_mon; mon_split_and_merge mon; SC_CTOR(tb_split_and_merge) : u1_ss("u1_ss"),u2_sm("u2_sm"), u3_sr("u3_sr"), wave("wave"), mon("mon"), clk("clock", sc_time(10, SC_NS)),wave_2_u1(64),u2_2_u3(64), u3_2_mon(64),u1_2_u2("fifo",1) { wave.data_out(wave_2_u1); u1_ss.din(wave_2_u1); u1_ss.clk(clk); u1_ss.reset(reset); for(int i=0;i<split_N;i++) { u1_ss.dout[i](u1_2_u2.get(i)); u2_sm.din[i](u1_2_u2.get(i)); } u2_sm.clk(clk); u2_sm.reset(reset); u2_sm.dout(u2_2_u3); u3_sr.din(u2_2_u3); u3_sr.clk(clk); u3_sr.reset(reset); u3_sr.dout(u3_2_mon); mon.data_in(u3_2_mon); }
sc_in<bool> clk; sc_port<readwrite_if> ioController; uint32_t breg[32]; Bitmap bg; SC_CTOR(MIPS) { SC_METHOD(exec); sensitive << clk.pos(); const char fn[] = "mandrill2.bmp"; const char mode[] = "rb"; breg[4] = (uint32_t)fn; breg[5] = (uint32_t)mode; fileOpen(); breg[4] = breg[2]; breg[5] = (uint32_t)&bg.magic_number; breg[6] = 54; fileRead(); bg.buf = malloc(bg.width*bg.height*bg.bpp/8); breg[5] = (uint32_t)bg.buf; breg[6] = bg.width*bg.height*bg.bpp/8; fileRead(); fileClose(); } ~MIPS() { free(bg.buf); } void exec() { uint32_t ioWord; static bool inited = false; if (!inited) { inited = true; ioController->read(0xFF400104, 4, &ioWord); int w = ioWord >> 16, h = ioWord & 0xFFFF; for (int y = 0; y < h && y < int(bg.height); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w && x < int(bg.width); x++) { uint32_t rgbpixel; if (bg.bpp == 8) { uint8_t rawpixel = ((uint8_t*)bg.buf)[(bg.height - 1 - y)*bg.width + x]; rgbpixel = rawpixel | (rawpixel << 8) | (rawpixel << 16); } else rgbpixel = ((uint32_t*)bg.buf)[(bg.height - 1 - y)*bg.width + x]; ioController->write(0xFF000000 + ((y*w + x) << 2), 4, &rgbpixel); } } } ioController->read(0xFF400000 + 'w', 4, &ioWord); if (ioWord == 1) { printf("Insert a string: "); fflush(stdout); std::string tmp; ioController->read(0xFF400114, 4, &ioWord); while (ioWord != '\r') { tmp += char(ioWord); printf("%c", char(ioWord)); fflush(stdout); ioController->read(0xFF400114, 4, &ioWord); } printf("\nString inserted: %s\n", tmp.c_str()); fflush(stdout); } ioController->read(0xFF400102, 4, &ioWord); if (ioWord) exit(); breg[4] = 33; sleep(); } // =========================================================================== // syscalls (code in v0) // =========================================================================== // v0: 2 // a0: 4 // a1: 5 // a2: 6 void exit() { // v0 = 10 sc_stop(); } void fileOpen() { // v0 = 13 breg[2] = (uint32_t)fopen((const char*)breg[4], (const char*)breg[5]); } void fileRead() { // v0 = 14 breg[2] = (uint32_t)fread((void*)breg[5], breg[6], 1, (FILE*)breg[4]); } void fileWrite() { // v0 = 15 breg[2] = (uint32_t)fwrite((const void*)breg[5], breg[6], 1, (FILE*)breg[4]); } void fileClose() { // v0 = 16 fclose((FILE*)breg[4]); } void sleep() { // v0 = 32 Thread::sleep(breg[4]); }
int localWindow[3][3]; const int sobelGradientX[3][3] = {{-1, 0, 1}, {-2, 0, 2}, {-1, 0, 1}
public: sc_in < bool > clock; sc_in < bool > reset; sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e; sc_fifo_out <bool> detect; // sc_fifo_out <bool> detect1; SC_CTOR(Seuil_calc2) { SC_CTHREAD(do_gen, clock.pos()); reset_signal_is(reset,true); } private: void do_gen( ) { sc_uint<8> buffer[32]; sc_uint<22> seuil= 26; sc_uint<22> sum = 0; sc_uint<8> x0 = buffer[0]; sc_uint<8> x31 = 0; sc_uint<16> x02 = 0; sc_uint<16> x312 = 0; sc_uint<22> tmp = 0; #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=buffer complete dim=0 while( true ) { #pragma HLS PIPELINE for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 32-1; j += 1) { // #pragma HLS PIPELINE buffer[j] = buffer[j+1]; } buffer[32-1] =; x31 = buffer[32-1]; const sc_uint<11> ps = (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 0] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 1] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 4] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[ 5] + // 2 bits à 1 en PPM (sc_uint<11>) buffer[14] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[15] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[18] + (sc_uint<11>) buffer[19]; // 2 bits à 0 en PPM x02 = x0 * x0 ; x312 = x31 * x31; tmp = (x312 -x02); sum += 8*tmp; x0 = buffer[0]; const sc_uint<22> res_0 = (ps* ps); const sc_uint<22> res_1 = sum >> 5; const sc_uint<22> res_2 = (res_1 == 0)? (sc_uint<22>)31 :res_1; const sc_uint<22> res_3 = res_0 /res_2; const bool condition = (res_3> seuil); detect.write(condition); } }
sc_fifo_out<sc_uint<31> > ctrl_out; sc_fifo_in<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > data_in; SC_CTOR(mon_bufferstreamer) { SC_THREAD(mon_thread); } void mon_thread() { uint16_t data_gen = 0; std::cout << "(mon) req. newset (start) " << std::endl; ctrl_out.write(hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_buffer<>::ctrls::newset); std::cout << "(mon) req. newset (done) " << std::endl; hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> raw_tmp; for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++) { ctrl_out.write(hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_buffer<>::ctrls::reapeat); for (int i = 0; i < test_size; i++) { raw_tmp =; uint16_t tmp =; std::cout << "(mon) got new data: " << tmp << ", last? " << (raw_tmp.tlast ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; sc_assert((i == test_size - 1) == (raw_tmp.tlast == 1)); sc_assert(tmp == i); if (tmp != i) { sc_stop(); } } raw_tmp =; uint16_t tmp =; std::cout << "(mon) got new data: " << tmp << ", last? " << (raw_tmp.tlast ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; sc_assert(raw_tmp.EOP()); } std::cout << "(mon) req. newset (start) " << std::endl; ctrl_out.write(hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_buffer<>::ctrls::newset); std::cout << "(mon) req. newset (done) " << std::endl; for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++) { ctrl_out.write(hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_buffer<>::ctrls::reapeat); for (int i = 0; i < test_size; i++) { raw_tmp =; uint16_t tmp =; std::cout << "(mon) got new data: " << tmp << ", last? " << (raw_tmp.tlast ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; sc_assert((i == test_size - 1) == (raw_tmp.tlast == 1)); sc_assert(tmp == i + 0xBF); if (tmp != i + 0xBF) { sc_stop(); } } raw_tmp =; uint16_t tmp =; std::cout << "(mon) got new data: " << tmp << ", last? " << (raw_tmp.tlast ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; sc_assert(raw_tmp.EOP()); } std::cout << "Test finish no errors" << std::endl; sc_stop(); }
sc_fifo_out<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > data_out; SC_CTOR(wave_bufferstreamer) { SC_THREAD(wave_thread); } void wave_thread() { hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> tmp; for (int i = 0; i < test_size; i++) { = i; std::cout << "(wave) write new data: " << i << std::endl; tmp.tkeep = 0b11; tmp.tlast = (i == test_size - 1); std::cout << "(wave) tlast " << (tmp.tlast ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; data_out.write(tmp); } tmp.setEOP(); data_out.write(tmp); for (int i = 0; i < test_size; i++) { = i + 0xBF; std::cout << "(wave) write new data: " << i << std::endl; tmp.tkeep = 0b11; tmp.tlast = (i == test_size - 1); std::cout << "(wave) tlast " << (tmp.tlast ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; data_out.write(tmp); } tmp.setEOP(); data_out.write(tmp); }
#if __RTL_SIMULATION__ // DMA_performance_tester_rtl_wrapper u1; #else // DMA_performance_tester u1; #endif sc_clock clk; sc_signal<bool> reset; hwcore::pipes::sc_stream_buffer_not_stream_while_write<16> bs_u1; wave_bufferstreamer wave; mon_bufferstreamer mon; sc_fifo<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > bs2mon_data; sc_fifo<sc_uint<31> > mon2bs_ctrl; sc_fifo<hwcore::pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16> > wave2bs_data; SC_CTOR(tb_bufferstreamer) : bs_u1("BS"), wave("wave"), mon("mon"), clk("clock", sc_time(10, SC_NS)) { bs_u1.clk(clk); bs_u1.reset(reset); bs_u1.din(wave2bs_data); bs_u1.dout(bs2mon_data); bs_u1.ctrls_in(mon2bs_ctrl); wave.data_out(wave2bs_data); mon.ctrl_out(mon2bs_ctrl); mon.data_in(bs2mon_data); }
public: sc_in < bool > clock; sc_in < bool > reset; sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e; // sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e2; sc_fifo_out< sc_uint<8> > s; // sc_fifo_out< bool > detect1; SC_CTOR(Detecteur2): s_calc("s_calc"), t_sep("t_sep"), dbl("dbl"), dbl2scalc("dbl2scalc",1024), dbl2tsep("dbl2tsep",1024), detect("detect", 1024) // detect1("detect1", 4096) { dbl.clock(clock); dbl.reset(reset); dbl.e(e); dbl.s1(dbl2scalc); dbl.s2(dbl2tsep); s_calc.clock(clock); s_calc.reset(reset); s_calc.e(dbl2scalc); s_calc.detect(detect); // s_calc.detect1(detect1); t_sep.clock(clock); t_sep.reset(reset); t_sep.e(dbl2tsep); t_sep.detect(detect); t_sep.s(s); } private: Seuil_calc2 s_calc; trames_separ2 t_sep; DOUBLEUR_U dbl; sc_fifo< sc_uint<8> > dbl2scalc; sc_fifo< sc_uint<8> > dbl2tsep; sc_fifo <bool> detect;
protected: int *mem; public: sc_core::sc_in<bool> clk; sc_core::sc_in<bool> we; sc_core::sc_in<unsigned long long int> address; sc_core::sc_in<sc_uint<24>> wdata; sc_core::sc_out<sc_uint<24>> rdata; // Constructor for memory SC_CTOR(memory) { this->mem = new int[SIZE]; SC_METHOD(run); sensitive << clk.pos(); } void run() { if ( { const unsigned long long int ADDR = static_cast<unsigned long long int>(this->; if ( { this->mem[ADDR] = this->; } this->rdata.write(this->mem[ADDR]); } }
public: // Declaration of clock and reset signals sc_in_clk clk; sc_in < bool > rst; //End of simulation signal. sc_out < bool > program_end; // Fetch enable signal. sc_in < bool > fetch_en; // Entry point sc_in < unsigned > entry_point; // TODO: removeme // sc_out < bool > main_start; // sc_out < bool > main_end; // Instruction counters sc_out < long int > icount; sc_out < long int > j_icount; sc_out < long int > b_icount; sc_out < long int > m_icount; sc_out < long int > o_icount; // Inter-stage Flex Channels. put_get_channel< de_out_t > de2exe_ch; put_get_channel< mem_out_t > wb2de_ch; // Writeback loop put_get_channel< exe_out_t > exe2mem_ch; // Forwarding sc_signal< reg_forward_t > fwd_exe_ch; SC_HAS_PROCESS(hl5); hl5(sc_module_name name, sc_uint<XLEN> imem[ICACHE_SIZE], sc_uint<XLEN> dmem[DCACHE_SIZE]) : clk("clk") , rst("rst") , program_end("program_end") , fetch_en("fetch_en") // , main_start("main_start") // , main_end("main_end") , entry_point("entry_point") , de2exe_ch("de2exe_ch") , exe2mem_ch("exe2mem_ch") , wb2de_ch("wb2de_ch") , fwd_exe_ch("fwd_exe_ch") , fede("Fedec", imem) , exe("Execute") , mewb("Memory", dmem) { // FEDEC fede.clk(clk); fede.rst(rst); fede.dout(de2exe_ch); fede.feed_from_wb(wb2de_ch); fede.program_end(program_end); fede.fetch_en(fetch_en); fede.entry_point(entry_point); // fede.main_start(main_start); // fede.main_end(main_end); fede.fwd_exe(fwd_exe_ch); fede.icount(icount); fede.j_icount(j_icount); fede.b_icount(b_icount); fede.m_icount(m_icount); fede.o_icount(o_icount); // EXE exe.clk(clk); exe.rst(rst); exe.din(de2exe_ch); exe.dout(exe2mem_ch); exe.fwd_exe(fwd_exe_ch); // MEM mewb.clk(clk); mewb.rst(rst); mewb.din(exe2mem_ch); mewb.dout(wb2de_ch); mewb.fetch_en(fetch_en); } // Instantiate the modules fedec_wrapper fede; execute_wrapper exe; memwb_wrapper mewb;
public: sc_fifo_in< sc_uint<32> > addr; sc_fifo_in< sc_uint<24> > rgbv; SC_CTOR(BMPWriter) { SC_THREAD(do_gen); } ~BMPWriter( ) { string fn; fn = "received_image"; string filename = fn + ".bmp"; if (fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb")== NULL ) bmp->write( filename.c_str() ); else { uint32_t k = 1; filename = fn+std::to_string(k)+".bmp"; while (fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb")!= NULL ) { filename = fn+std::to_string(k)+".bmp"; k++; } // const char* filename = ("received_image"+std::to_string(k)+".bmp").c_str(); bmp->write(filename.c_str()); } delete bmp; } private: BMP* bmp; void do_gen( ) { bmp = new BMP(640, 480); uint8_t* ptr = bmp->; // // On initilise l'image de sortie dans la couleur rouge pour mieux voir // les defauts // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (3 * 640 * 480); i += 3) { ptr[i + 0] = 0xFF; ptr[i + 0] = 0x00; ptr[i + 0] = 0x00; } while( true ) { uint32_t adr =; sc_uint<24> rgb =; uint32_t r = rgb.range(23, 16); uint32_t g = rgb.range(15, 8); uint32_t b = rgb.range( 7, 0); if( (3 * adr) >= (3 * 640 *480) ) { std::cout << "(WW) Address value is out of image bounds !" << std::endl; continue; } ptr[3 * adr + 0 ] = r; ptr[3 * adr + 1 ] = g; ptr[3 * adr + 2 ] = b; } }
//-----------------------------Local Variables----------------------------- #ifdef IPS_DUMP_EN sc_trace_file* wf; #endif // IPS_DUMP_EN OUT* kernel; /** * @brief Default constructor for Filter */ SC_CTOR(Filter); #ifdef IPS_DUMP_EN /** * @brief Construct a new Filter object * * @param name - name of the module * @param wf - waveform file pointer */ Filter(sc_core::sc_module_name name, sc_core::sc_trace_file* wf) : sc_core::sc_module(name), wf(wf) #else /** * @brief Construct a new Filter object * * @param name - name of the module */ Filter(sc_core::sc_module_name name) : sc_core::sc_module(name) #endif // IPS_DUMP_EN { SC_METHOD(init_kernel); } //---------------------------------Methods--------------------------------- void filter(IN* img_window, OUT& result); void init_kernel();
//Array for input image unsigned char* input_image; sc_dt::uint64 address_offset; SC_CTOR(img_receiver) { input_image = new unsigned char[IMG_INPUT_SIZE]; address_offset = IMG_INPUT_ADDRESS_LO; } //Backdoor access to memory void backdoor_write(unsigned char*&data, unsigned int data_length, sc_dt::uint64 address); void backdoor_read(unsigned char*&data, unsigned int data_length, sc_dt::uint64 address);
public: sc_in < bool > clock; sc_in < bool > reset; sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e; sc_fifo_in <bool> detect; sc_fifo_out< sc_uint<8> > s; SC_CTOR(trames_separ) { SC_CTHREAD(do_gen, clock.pos()); reset_signal_is(reset,true); } private: void do_gen( ) { // #ifdef _DEBUG_SYNCHRO_ // uint64_t counter = 0; // #endif // float buffer[32]; // #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=buffer complete dim=0 while( true ) { const uint8_t data =; const bool valid =; if( valid) { const int factor = 2 * 2; // PPM modulation + UpSampling(2) for(uint16_t i = 0; i < factor * _BITS_HEADER_; i += 1) { s.write( );; } for(uint16_t i = 0; i < factor * _BITS_PAYLOAD_; i += 1) { s.write( );; } for(uint16_t i = 0; i < factor * _BITS_CRC_; i += 1) { s.write( );; } } } }
sc_fifo_out<pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16*32> > dma_out; sc_fifo_in<pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16*32> > dma_in; //sc_out<uint32_t>
hf::sc_fifo_template<pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16*32> > cpu_sim_2_u1_dma; cnn::top_cnn<> cnn_u1; hf::sc_fifo_template<pipes::sc_data_stream_t<16*32> > u1_2_cpu_sim_dma;
public: sc_fifo_out< sc_int<8> > s; SC_CTOR(RAWReader) { SC_THREAD(do_gen); } private: void do_gen( ) { cout << "(II) RAWReader :: START" << endl; FILE* f = fopen("/tmp/file.raw", "rb"); if( f == NULL ) { cout << "(EE) Error opening the input file (/tmp/file.raw)" << endl; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while( feof(f) == 0 ) { int8_t buffer[1024]; uint32_t n = fread(buffer, sizeof(int8_t), 1024, f); // cout << "(DD) RAWReader (" << n << ") values were read in the file." << endl; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i += 1) { s.write( buffer[i] ); wait(10, SC_NS); } } wait(100, SC_US); cout << "(II) RAWReader :: STOP" << endl; sc_stop(); }
public: // FlexChannel initiators put_initiator< de_out_t > dout; get_initiator< mem_out_t > feed_from_wb; // Forward sc_in< reg_forward_t > fwd_exe; // End of simulation signal. sc_out < bool > program_end; // Fetch enable signal. sc_in < bool > fetch_en; // Entry point sc_in < unsigned > entry_point; // Clock and reset signals sc_in_clk clk; sc_in< bool > rst; // TODO: removeme // sc_out < bool > main_start; // sc_out < bool > main_end; // Instruction counters sc_out < long int > icount; sc_out < long int > j_icount; sc_out < long int > b_icount; sc_out < long int > m_icount; sc_out < long int > o_icount; // Trap signals. TODO: not used. Left for future implementations. sc_signal< bool > trap; //sc_out sc_signal< sc_uint<LOG2_NUM_CAUSES> > trap_cause; //sc_out // Instruction cache pointer to external memory sc_uint<XLEN> *imem; // Thread prototype void fedec_th(void); // Function prototypes. sc_bv<PC_LEN> sign_extend_jump(sc_bv<21> imm); sc_bv<PC_LEN> sign_extend_branch(sc_bv<13> imm); SC_HAS_PROCESS(fedec); fedec(sc_module_name name, sc_uint<XLEN> _imem[ICACHE_SIZE]) : dout("dout") , feed_from_wb("feed_from_wb") , fwd_exe("fwd_exe") , program_end("program_end") , fetch_en("fetch_en") , entry_point("entry_point") // , main_start("main_start") // , main_end("main_end") , j_icount("j_icount") , b_icount("b_icount") , m_icount("m_icount") , o_icount("o_icount") , clk("clk") , rst("rst") , trap("trap") , trap_cause("trap_cause") , imem(_imem) { SC_CTHREAD(fedec_th, clk.pos()); reset_signal_is(rst, false); dout.clk_rst(clk, rst); feed_from_wb.clk_rst(clk, rst); FLAT_REGFILE; FLAT_SENTINEL; MAP_ICACHE; } sc_uint<PC_LEN> pc; // Init. to -4, then before first insn fetch it will be updated to 0. sc_bv<INSN_LEN> insn; // Contains full instruction fetched from IMEM. Used in decoding. fe_in_t self_feed; // Contains branch and jump data. // Member variables (DECODE) mem_out_t feedinput; de_out_t output; // NB. x0 is included in this regfile so it is not a real hardcoded 0 // constant. The writeback section of fedec has a guard fro writes on // x0. For double protection, some instructions that want to write into // x0 will have their regwrite signal forced to false. sc_bv<XLEN> regfile[REG_NUM]; // Keeps track of in-flight instructions that are going to overwrite a // register. Implements a primitive stall mechanism for RAW hazards. sc_uint<TAG_WIDTH> sentinel[REG_NUM]; // TODO: Used for synchronizing with the wb stage and avoid // 'hiccuping'. It magically works. sc_uint<2> position; bool freeze; sc_uint<TAG_WIDTH> tag; sc_uint<PC_LEN> return_address;
//Array for input image unsigned char* input_image; sc_dt::uint64 address_offset; SC_CTOR(img_receiver) { input_image = new unsigned char[IMG_INPUT_SIZE]; address_offset = IMG_INPUT_ADDRESS_LO; } //Backdoor access to memory void backdoor_write(unsigned char*&data, unsigned int data_length, sc_dt::uint64 address); void backdoor_read(unsigned char*&data, unsigned int data_length, sc_dt::uint64 address);
public: sc_in < bool > clock; sc_in < bool > reset; sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e; // sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e2; sc_fifo_out< sc_uint<8> > s; // sc_fifo_out< bool > detect1; SC_CTOR(Detecteur1): s_calc("s_calc"), t_sep("t_sep"), dbl("dbl"), dbl2scalc("dbl2scalc",1024), dbl2tsep("dbl2tsep",1024), detect("detect", 1024) // detect1("detect1", 4096) { dbl.clock(clock); dbl.reset(reset); dbl.e(e); dbl.s1(dbl2scalc); dbl.s2(dbl2tsep); s_calc.clock(clock); s_calc.reset(reset); s_calc.e(dbl2scalc); s_calc.detect(detect); // s_calc.detect1(detect1); t_sep.clock(clock); t_sep.reset(reset); t_sep.e(dbl2tsep); t_sep.detect(detect); t_sep.s(s); } private: Seuil_calc1 s_calc; trames_separ1 t_sep; DOUBLEUR_U dbl; sc_fifo< sc_uint<8> > dbl2scalc; sc_fifo< sc_uint<8> > dbl2tsep; sc_fifo <bool> detect;
public: sc_in < bool > clock; sc_in < bool > reset; sc_fifo_in < sc_int<8> > e; sc_fifo_out< sc_int<8> > s1; sc_fifo_out< sc_int<8> > s2; SC_CTOR(DOUBLEUR) { SC_CTHREAD(do_gen, clock.pos()); reset_signal_is(reset,true); } private: void do_gen( ) { while ( true ) { const uint8_t data =; s1.write( data ); s2.write( data ); } }
// Clock input of the design sc_in_clk clock; // Active high, synchronous Reset input sc_in<bool> reset; // Active high enable signal for counter sc_in<bool> enable; // 4 bit vector output of the counter sc_out<sc_uint<4> > counter_out; //------------Local Variables Here--------------------- sc_uint<4> count; //------------Code Starts Here------------------------- // Constructor for the counter // Since this counter is a positive edge trigged one, // We trigger the below block with respect to positive // edge of the clock and also when ever reset changes state SC_CTOR(first_counter); // Below function implements actual counter logic void incr_count();
// PORTS sc_in<bool> clk; sc_in<bool> reset; sc_fifo_in<float> from_dma_weight; sc_fifo_in<float> from_dma_input; sc_fifo_in< sc_uint<64> > from_dma_instructions; sc_fifo_out<float> to_dma; // PROCESSING ENGINES sc_fifo_out< sc_uint<34> > npu_instructions[CORE]; sc_fifo_out<float> npu_weight[CORE]; sc_fifo_out<float> npu_input[CORE]; sc_fifo_in<float> npu_output[CORE]; // STATES sc_uint<64> state_instruction_counter; sc_uint<64> state_instruction_buffer[INSTRUCTION_BUFFER]; float state_input_buffer[INPUT_BUFFER]; float state_output_buffer[INPUT_BUFFER]; // PROCESS void process(void); SC_CTOR(scheduler_module) { // Init STATES state_instruction_counter = 0; SC_CTHREAD(process, clk.pos()); reset_signal_is(reset, true); }
public: sc_in < bool > clock; sc_in < bool > reset; sc_fifo_in < sc_uint<8> > e; sc_fifo_in <bool> detect; sc_fifo_out< sc_uint<8> > s; SC_CTOR(trames_separ2) { SC_CTHREAD(do_gen, clock.pos()); reset_signal_is(reset,true); } private: void do_gen( ) { // #ifdef _DEBUG_SYNCHRO_ // uint64_t counter = 0; // #endif // sc_uint<8> buffer[32]; //#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=buffer complete dim=0 while( true ) { const uint8_t data =; const bool valid =; if( valid) { const int factor = 2 * 2; // PPM modulation + UpSampling(2) for(uint16_t i = 0; i < factor * _BITS_HEADER_; i += 1) { s.write( );; } for(uint16_t i = 0; i < factor * _BITS_PAYLOAD_; i += 1) { s.write( );; } for(uint16_t i = 0; i < factor * _BITS_CRC_; i += 1) { s.write( );; } } } }
public: sc_fifo_in< sc_uint<32> > addr; sc_fifo_in< sc_uint<24> > rgbv; SC_CTOR(BMPWriter_fixed_acc) { SC_THREAD(do_gen); } ~BMPWriter_fixed_acc( ) { string fn; fn = "received_image_fixed_acc"; string filename = fn + ".bmp"; if (fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb")== NULL ) bmp->write( filename.c_str() ); else { uint32_t k = 1; filename = fn+std::to_string(k)+".bmp"; while (fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb")!= NULL ) { filename = fn+std::to_string(k)+".bmp"; k++; } // const char* filename = ("received_image"+std::to_string(k)+".bmp").c_str(); bmp->write(filename.c_str()); } delete bmp; } private: BMP* bmp; void do_gen( ) { bmp = new BMP(640, 480); uint8_t* ptr = bmp->; // // On initilise l'image de sortie dans la couleur rouge pour mieux voir // les defauts // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (3 * 640 * 480); i += 3) { ptr[i + 0] = 0xFF; ptr[i + 0] = 0x00; ptr[i + 0] = 0x00; } while( true ) { uint32_t adr =; sc_uint<24> rgb =; uint32_t r = rgb.range(23, 16); uint32_t g = rgb.range(15, 8); uint32_t b = rgb.range( 7, 0); if( (3 * adr) >= (3 * 640 *480) ) { std::cout << "(WW) Address value is out of image bounds !" << std::endl; continue; } ptr[3 * adr + 0 ] = r; ptr[3 * adr + 1 ] = g; ptr[3 * adr + 2 ] = b; } }
sc_in<bool> in; sc_in<bool> in2; SC_CTOR(LED) { SC_METHOD(blink); sensitive << in; } void blink() { if ( cout << log_time() << "LED "<< name() << ": ON\n"; else cout << log_time() << "LED "<< name() << ": OFF\n"; }
sc_in<Person> card; // Turnstile interface: sc_in<bool> passed; sc_out<bool> unlock; // Two lights for green and red: sc_out<bool> green; sc_out<bool> red; public: // Better: make it private, include values as constructor args. Building org; Building dest; private: Person dap= NO_PERSON; // Person currently passing public: SC_CTOR(Gate) { dap= NO_PERSON; SC_THREAD(operate); } void accept() { cout << log_time() << "Person " << dap << " accepted.\n"; green.write(true); unlock.write(true); } void pass_thru() { cout << log_time() << "Person " << dap << " has gone to " << dest << "\n"; Users::set_sit(dap, dest); green.write(false); unlock.write(false); dap= NO_PERSON; } void off_grn() { green.write(false); unlock.write(false); dap= NO_PERSON; } void refuse() { cout << log_time() << "Person " << dap << " refused.\n"; red.write(true); dap= NO_PERSON; } void off_red() { red.write(false); dap= NO_PERSON; } void operate() { while (true) { wait(card.value_changed_event()); dap=; if (Users::admitted(dap, dest)) { accept(); wait(sc_time(TIMEOUT_GREEN, TIME_UNIT), passed.posedge_event()); if ( pass_thru(); else off_grn(); } else { refuse(); wait(TIMEOUT_RED, TIME_UNIT); off_red(); } } }
sc_in<bool> unlock; sc_out<bool> passed; SC_CTOR(turnstile) { SC_THREAD(operate); // sensitive << unlock; } void operate() { int t; bool b; while (true) { wait (unlock.posedge_event()); cout << log_time() << "Turnstile " << name() << " unlocked.\n"; /* Wait random amount of time... */ wait(rand() % (TIMEOUT_GREEN/2)+ TIMEOUT_GREEN/2, TIME_UNIT); b= pick_bool(); cout << log_time() << "Turnstile " << name () << (b ? ": somebody " : ": nobody ") << "passed.\n"; passed.write(b); } }
sc_out<Person> card; private: sc_signal<bool> green_sig; sc_signal<bool> red_sig; sc_signal<bool> unlock_sig; sc_signal<bool> pass_sig; sc_signal<Person> card_sig; LED grn; LED red; turnstile ts; Gate gc; public: SC_CTOR(Door) : grn("Green"), red("Red"), ts("TS"), gc("GC") {;;;; gc.card(card_sig); card(card_sig); gc.unlock(unlock_sig); ts.unlock(unlock_sig); gc.passed(pass_sig); ts.passed(pass_sig); // SC_METHOD(operate); // sensitive >> card; } void setOrgDest(int org, int dest) { org; gc.dest= dest; } void operate() { approach(; } void approach(Person p) { cout << log_time() << "Person "<< p << " approaching door " << name() << "\n"; card.write(p); }
Door *doors[NUM_DOORS]; int num_steps; SC_CTOR(testGen) { doors[0] = new Door("DoorA"); doors[1] = new Door("DoorB"); doors[2] = new Door("DoorC"); doors[3] = new Door("DoorD"); doors[4] = new Door("DoorE"); doors[5] = new Door("DoorF"); /* Connect doors */ doors[0]->setOrgDest(1, 2); doors[1]->setOrgDest(2, 1); doors[2]->setOrgDest(2, 3); doors[3]->setOrgDest(3, 4); doors[4]->setOrgDest(4, 3); doors[5]->setOrgDest(4, 1); SC_THREAD(driver); } void driver() { Person p; Building b; int c; for (int i= 0; i< num_steps; i++) { cout << log_time() << "#### New simulation step ################\n"; p= rand() % NUM_PERSONS; c= rand() % NUM_DOORS; // cout << "Person "<< p<< " approaching door "<< c << "\n"; doors[c]->approach(p); wait(20, SC_SEC); cout << log_time() << "Person "<< p<< " now in building "<< Users::get_sit(p) << "\n"; } }
//Module Declarations tb *tb0; full_adder *full_adder0; //Local signal declarations sc_signal<bool> sig_inp_a, sig_inp_b, sig_inp_cin, sig_sum, sig_co; SC_HAS_PROCESS(SYSTEM); SYSTEM( sc_module_name nm) : sc_module (nm) { //Module instance signal connections tb0 = new tb("tb0"); tb0->inp_a( sig_inp_a ); tb0->inp_b( sig_inp_b ); tb0->inp_cin( sig_inp_cin ); tb0->sum( sig_sum ); tb0->co( sig_co ); full_adder0 = new full_adder("full_adder0"); full_adder0->inp_a( sig_inp_a ); full_adder0->inp_b( sig_inp_b ); full_adder0->inp_cin( sig_inp_cin ); full_adder0->sum( sig_sum ); full_adder0->co( sig_co ); } //Destructor ~SYSTEM(){ delete tb0; delete full_adder0; }
sc_inout<bool> a; sc_inout<bool> b; sc_out<bool> c; void nand_process(void) { and_process(); // c = a and b c = !; // c = not c } void and_process ( void ) { c = &&; } void test_process(void) { assert( == ( && ) ); } SC_CTOR(nand_gate) { }
sc_inout<bool> a; sc_inout<bool> b; sc_out<bool> c; void nand_process(void) { and_process(); // c = a and b c = !; // c = not c } void and_process ( void ) { c = &&; } void test_process(void) { assert( == ( && ) ); } SC_CTOR(nand_gate) { }
sc_in<bool> ckp; sc_out<int> s1p; sc_signal<int> s2; sc_event e1, e2; void P1_meth(void); void P3_thrd(void); void P2_thrd(void); SC_CTOR(M):count(0),temp(9) ,prev_time(99),prev_ck(true),prev_s1(99),prev_s2(99),prev_temp(99) { cout << "T-5:---- Elaborating (CTOR Registering P3_thrd)" << std::endl; SC_THREAD(P3_thrd); cout << "T-4:---- Elaborating (CTOR Registering P2_thrd)" << std::endl; SC_THREAD(P2_thrd); sensitive << ckp.pos(); cout << "T-3:---- Elaborating (CTOR Registering P1_meth)" << std::endl; SC_METHOD(P1_meth); dont_initialize(); sensitive << s2; SC_METHOD(mon); sensitive << ckp; dont_initialize(); }//end SC_CTOR void mon(void){Eval("ck",1);}// Monitor the clock unsigned int count; private: int temp; // Special variables and routines to monitor execution follow Did_update me; double prev_time; int prev_temp, prev_s1, prev_s2; bool prev_ck; void Eval(const char* message,int type=0){ // Used to trace simulation if (me.updated) { Changes(); me.clear(); }//endif; count++; cout << "T" << std::setfill('_') << std::setw(2) << count; cout << std::setfill(' '); if (prev_time == sc_time_stamp()/sc_time(1,SC_NS)) { cout << ": "; } else { cout << ":" << std::setw(2) << int(sc_time_stamp()/sc_time(1,SC_NS)) << "ns"; }//endif switch (type) { case 1: cout << " MNTR "; break; default: cout << " EVAL "; break; }//endswitch if (ckp->read() == prev_ck) cout << " "; else cout << " ck=" << ckp->read(); if (s1p->read() == prev_s1) cout << " "; else cout << " s1=" << s1p->read(); if ( == prev_s2) cout << " "; else cout << " s2=" <<; if (temp == prev_temp) cout << " "; else cout << " temp=" << temp; cout << ": " << message << std::endl; prev_time = sc_time_stamp()/sc_time(1,SC_NS); prev_ck = ckp->read(); prev_s1 = s1p->read(); prev_s2 =; prev_temp = temp; }//end Eval() void Changes(void) { // Display variable changes if any if (ckp->read() != prev_ck || s1p->read() != prev_s1 || != prev_s2 || temp != prev_temp) { cout << " [ ] "; if (ckp->read() == prev_ck) cout << " "; else cout << " ck=" << ckp->read(); if (s1p->read() == prev_s1) cout << " "; else cout << " s1=" << s1p->read(); if ( == prev_s2) cout << " "; else cout << " s2=" <<; if (temp == prev_temp) cout << " "; else cout << " temp=" << temp; cout << std::endl; prev_ck = ckp->read(); prev_s1 = s1p->read(); prev_s2 =; prev_temp = temp; }//endif }//end Changes()
sc_in<sc_uint<12> > inData; sc_in<bool> clock , reset , clear; sc_out<sc_uint<4> > payloadOut; sc_out<sc_uint<8> > countOut , errorOut; void validateData(); SC_CTOR(communicationInterface) { SC_METHOD(validateData); sensitive<<clock.pos(); }
// Declare inputs and outputs if needed
// Declare inputs and outputs if needed
public: sc_in<bool> clk; sc_out<std::string> path; void write(const std::string& path) { // Write logic goes here } void read_permissions() { // Read permissions logic goes here } void thread_process() { wait(); write(/* Your path */); read_permissions(); }
public: sc_in<bool> clk; sc_in<unsigned char*> ethData; sc_out<std::string> encryptionKey; void thread_process() { wait(); // Replace this line with your actual Ethernet signal transmission logic sendEthernetSignal(ethData, encryptionKey); }
bootmsgs) : sc_module("bootmsgs"
QUIETELSECLASS(bootmsgs, "bootmsgs"); SC_HAS_PROCESS(bootmsgs); bootmsgs(sc_module_name name) : sc_module(name) { IDE ide("ide"); PCIx pci("/PCI@0xC0000471e/PCIe_X2_1.0"); ESATA esata("esata"); ETH eth("eth"); sensitive << clk.pos(); idesign(ide, pci, esata); idesign(pci, esata); idesign(esata, eth); clk.register_close(_clock()); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xED4401EU + static_cast<unsigned int>(System::getVersion()), &System::driverManagementApplication); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xFF18103U, &System::driverManagementApplication); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xA1835CBU, &System::bootManager); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xC000014U, &System::IPXE); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0x2FFF27BU, &System::bootOptions); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xC51813AU, &System::sysinfo, postinfo, biosinfo, disks); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0x10183EDU, "Unix network time error !!"); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xFE018E4U, "Unix network time sync failure !!", &System::kernelversion, pkgmanagerversion, jreversion, javaversion, jdkversion, debuggerversion, *all); eth.write("AgoyoaFY6TTAOY887sTSFTakujmhGAKH.ksgLHSlauhsfoFAYKGCgcVJHVulfugCgcJGCHGKcgh/.,,/.><M$?@N$M@#n4/23n$<M$N#2/.,me.,M?><>,mS/aMS:las;amS:?<Y!@Pu#H!:kb3?!@mne !@?#>m");
sc_signal<bool> clock , reset , clear , input , output , state; void clockSignal(); void resetSignal(); void clearSignal(); void inputSignal(); sequenceDetector* sd; SC_CTOR(sequenceDetectorTB) { sd = new sequenceDetector ("SD"); sd->clock(clock); sd->reset(reset); sd->clear(clear); sd->input(input); sd->output(output); sd->state(state); SC_THREAD(clockSignal); SC_THREAD(resetSignal); SC_THREAD(clearSignal); SC_THREAD(inputSignal); }
IceWrapper *thermalSimulation; SC_CTOR(YourSimulator) { thermalSimulation = new IceWrapper(ServerIp, ServerPort); SC_THREAD(process); } void process() { std::vector<float> powerValues = {0, // 1: CPUs 0, // 2: GPU 1, // 3: BASEBAND1 0, // 4: BASEBAND2 0, // 5: LLCACHE 0, // 6: DRAMCTRL1 0, // 7: DRAMCTRL2 0, // 8: TSVs 0, // 9: ACELLERATORS 1, //10: C0 0, //11: C1 0, //12: C2 0, //13: C3 0, //14: TSVs 0, //10: C0 0, //11: C1 0, //12: C2 0, //13: C3 0, //14: TSVs 0, //10: C0 0, //11: C1 0, //12: C2 0, //13: C3 0, //14: TSVs 0, //10: C0 0, //11: C1 0, //12: C2 0, //13: C3 0 //14: TSVs
sc_in<bool> clock , reset , clear; sc_in<bool> input; sc_out<bool> output; sc_out<bool> state; void detectorAlgo(); void updateValues(); enum states {S1,S2,S3,S4,S5
// ports sc_in_clk clk; sc_in<sc_uint<1>> din; sc_out<sc_uint<1>> dout; sc_in<sc_uint<1>> rst; // component instances // internal signals sc_uint<1> internReg = sc_uint<1>("0b0"); sc_signal<sc_uint<1>> internReg_next; void assig_process_dout() { dout.write(internReg); } void assig_process_internReg() { if ( == sc_uint<1>("0b1")) internReg = sc_uint<1>("0b0"); else internReg =; } void assig_process_internReg_next() { internReg_next.write(; } SC_CTOR(DReg) { SC_METHOD(assig_process_dout); sensitive << internReg; SC_METHOD(assig_process_internReg); sensitive << clk.pos(); SC_METHOD(assig_process_internReg_next); sensitive << din; // connect ports }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_a_in; sc_in<int> data_b_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_subtractor) { SC_METHOD(subtractor); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_a_in; sensitive << data_b_in; } void subtractor() { data_out.write( -; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN][SIZE_K_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(tensor_matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j][k]; } sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { for (int p = 0; p < k; p++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n][p].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } } }
\n", baseName.c_str()); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//sc_uint<64> zero;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//sc_uint<64> one;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t///////////////////////\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// Port declarations\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//sc_in<bool>\t\t\ti_clock;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//sc_in<sc_uint<32> >\ti_data;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//sc_out<sc_uint<32> >\to_rslt;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t///////////////////////\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// State declarations\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// state for first clock\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// sc_uint<1> r1_vm;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// sc_uint<32> r1_data;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// state for second clock\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// sc_uint<32> r2_rslt;\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t///////////////////////\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t// Method declarations\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t//\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\tvoid %s();\n", baseName.c_str()); fprintf(pIncFile, "\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\tSC_CTOR(C%s) {\n", baseName.c_str()); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t\tSC_METHOD(%s);\n", baseName.c_str()); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t\t//sensitive << i_clock.pos();\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "\t}\n"); fprintf(pIncFile, "
sc_in<bool> ckp; sc_out<int> s1p; sc_signal<int> s2; sc_event e1, e2; void P1_meth(void); void P3_thrd(void); void P2_thrd(void); SC_CTOR(M):count(0),temp(9) { cout << "T-5:---- Elaborating (CTOR Registering P3_thrd)" << std::endl; SC_THREAD(P3_thrd); cout << "T-4:---- Elaborating (CTOR Registering P2_thrd)" << std::endl; SC_THREAD(P2_thrd); sensitive << ckp.pos(); cout << "T-3:---- Elaborating (CTOR Registering P1_meth)" << std::endl; SC_METHOD(P1_meth); dont_initialize(); sensitive << s2; }//end SC_CTOR unsigned int count; private: int temp;
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_a_in; sc_in<int> data_b_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_subtractor) { SC_METHOD(subtractor); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_a_in; sensitive << data_b_in; } void subtractor() { data_out.write( -; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_a_in; sc_in<int> data_b_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_subtractor) { SC_METHOD(subtractor); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_a_in; sensitive << data_b_in; } void subtractor() { data_out.write( -; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_a_in; sc_in<int> data_b_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_subtractor) { SC_METHOD(subtractor); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_a_in; sensitive << data_b_in; } void subtractor() { data_out.write( -; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_a_in; sc_in<int> data_b_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_subtractor) { SC_METHOD(subtractor); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_a_in; sensitive << data_b_in; } void subtractor() { data_out.write( -; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN][SIZE_K_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(tensor_matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j][k]; } sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { for (int p = 0; p < k; p++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n][p].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN][SIZE_K_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(tensor_matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j][k]; } sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { for (int p = 0; p < k; p++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n][p].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN][SIZE_K_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(tensor_matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j][k]; } sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { for (int p = 0; p < k; p++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n][p].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN][SIZE_K_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(tensor_matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j][k]; } sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_K_IN; k++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { for (int p = 0; p < k; p++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n][p].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } }
Initiator *initiator; Memory *memory; sc_core::sc_in<bool> IO_request; SC_HAS_PROCESS(TLM); TLM(sc_module_name tlm) // Construct and name socket { // Instantiate components initiator = new Initiator("initiator"); initiator->IO_request(IO_request); memory = new Memory ("memory"); // One initiator is bound directly to one target with no intervening bus // Bind initiator socket to target socket initiator->socket.bind(memory->socket); }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_multiplier) { SC_METHOD(multiplier); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void multiplier() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { data_out[i][j].write(data_a_in[i][j].read() * data_b_in[i][j].read()); } } }
sc_signal<sc_uint<12> > inData; sc_signal<bool> clock , reset , clear; sc_signal<sc_uint<4> > payloadOut; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > countOut , errorOut; void clockSignal(); void clearSignal(); void resetSignal(); void inDataSignal(); communicationInterface* cI; SC_CTOR(communicationInterfaceTB) { cI = new communicationInterface ("CI"); cI->clock(clock); cI->inData(inData); cI->reset(reset); cI->clear(clear); cI->payloadOut(payloadOut); cI->countOut(countOut); cI->errorOut(errorOut); SC_THREAD(clockSignal); SC_THREAD(clearSignal); SC_THREAD(resetSignal); SC_THREAD(inDataSignal); }
//module declarations //Done by doing module_name Pointer_to_instance i.e. name *iname; tb *tb0; fir *fir0; //signal declarations sc_signal<bool> rst_sig; sc_signal< sc_int<16> > inp_sig; sc_signal< sc_int<16> > outp_sig; sc_clock clk_sig; sc_signal<bool> inp_sig_vld; sc_signal<bool> inp_sig_rdy; sc_signal<bool> outp_sig_vld; sc_signal<bool> outp_sig_rdy; //module instance signal connections //There are three arguements //The first is a character pointer string and can be anything you want //The second is the number of units long the clock signal is //The third arguement is a sc_time_unit //SC_US is microsecond units //SC_NS is nanoseconds units //SC_PS is picoseconds units //This is a copy constructor the the clock class will generate a repetitive clock signal SC_CTOR( SYSTEM ) : clk_sig ("clk_sig_name", 10, SC_NS) { //Since these are SC_MODULES we need to pass the a charcter pointer string tb0 = new tb("tb0"); fir0 = new fir("fir0"); //Since these are pointers (new allocates memory and returns a pointer to the first // location in that memory) we can use the arrow style derefferencing operator to // specify a particular port and then bind it to a signal with parenthesis tb0->clk( clk_sig ); tb0->rst( rst_sig ); tb0->inp( inp_sig ); tb0->outp( outp_sig ); fir0->clk( clk_sig ); fir0->rst( rst_sig ); fir0->inp( inp_sig ); fir0->outp( outp_sig ); tb0->inp_sig_vld( inp_sig_vld ); tb0->inp_sig_rdy( inp_sig_rdy ); tb0->outp_sig_vld( outp_sig_vld ); tb0->outp_sig_rdy( outp_sig_rdy ); fir0->inp_sig_vld( inp_sig_vld ); fir0->inp_sig_rdy( inp_sig_rdy ); fir0->outp_sig_vld( outp_sig_vld ); fir0->outp_sig_rdy( outp_sig_rdy ); } //Destructor ~SYSTEM() { //free the memory up from the functions that are no longer needed delete tb0; delete fir0; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_logistic_function) { SC_METHOD(logistic_function); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_in; } void logistic_function() { data_out.write(; }
sc_in<sc_uint<8> > in1 , in2 , in3; sc_in<bool> dec1 , dec2 , clock , load1 , load2; sc_out<sc_uint<8> > count1 , count2; sc_out<bool> ended; sc_signal<bool> isOverflow1 , isOverflow2; void handleCount1(); void handleCount2(); void updateEnded(); SC_CTOR(counters) { isOverflow1.write(false); isOverflow2.write(false); SC_METHOD(handleCount1); sensitive<<clock.pos(); SC_METHOD(handleCount2); sensitive<<clock.pos(); SC_METHOD(updateEnded); sensitive<<clock.pos(); }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_convolution) { SC_METHOD(convolution); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void convolution() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { int temporal = 0; for (int m = 0; m < i; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < j; n++) { temporal += data_a_in[m][n].read() * data_b_in[i - m][j - n].read(); } } data_out[i][j] = temporal; } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_multiplier) { SC_METHOD(multiplier); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void multiplier() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { data_out[i][j].write(data_a_in[i][j].read() * data_b_in[i][j].read()); } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_multiplier) { SC_METHOD(multiplier); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void multiplier() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { data_out[i][j].write(data_a_in[i][j].read() * data_b_in[i][j].read()); } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_multiplier) { SC_METHOD(multiplier); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void multiplier() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { data_out[i][j].write(data_a_in[i][j].read() * data_b_in[i][j].read()); } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_a_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_in<sc_int<64>> data_b_in[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; sc_out<sc_int<64>> data_out[SIZE_I_IN][SIZE_J_IN]; SC_CTOR(matrix_multiplier) { SC_METHOD(multiplier); sensitive << clock.pos(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { sensitive << data_a_in[i][j]; sensitive << data_b_in[i][j]; } } } void multiplier() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_I_IN; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_J_IN; j++) { data_out[i][j].write(data_a_in[i][j].read() * data_b_in[i][j].read()); } } }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_logistic_function) { SC_METHOD(logistic_function); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_in; } void logistic_function() { data_out.write(; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_logistic_function) { SC_METHOD(logistic_function); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_in; } void logistic_function() { data_out.write(; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_logistic_function) { SC_METHOD(logistic_function); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_in; } void logistic_function() { data_out.write(; }
sc_in_clk clock; sc_in<int> data_in; sc_out<int> data_out; SC_CTOR(scalar_logistic_function) { SC_METHOD(logistic_function); sensitive << clock.pos(); sensitive << data_in; } void logistic_function() { data_out.write(; }
// Declare inputs and outputs if needed
// Declare inputs and outputs if needed
public: sc_in<bool> clk; sc_out<std::string> path; void write(const std::string& path) { // Write logic goes here } void read_permissions() { // Read permissions logic goes here } void thread_process() { wait(); write(/* Your path */); read_permissions(); }
public: sc_in<bool> clk; sc_in<unsigned char*> ethData; sc_out<std::string> encryptionKey; void thread_process() { wait(); // Replace this line with your actual Ethernet signal transmission logic sendEthernetSignal(ethData, encryptionKey); }
bootmsgs) : sc_module("bootmsgs"
QUIETELSECLASS(bootmsgs, "bootmsgs"); SC_HAS_PROCESS(bootmsgs); bootmsgs(sc_module_name name) : sc_module(name) { IDE ide("ide"); PCIx pci("/PCI@0xC0000471e/PCIe_X2_1.0"); ESATA esata("esata"); ETH eth("eth"); sensitive << clk.pos(); idesign(ide, pci, esata); idesign(pci, esata); idesign(esata, eth); clk.register_close(_clock()); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xED4401EU + static_cast<unsigned int>(System::getVersion()), &System::driverManagementApplication); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xFF18103U, &System::driverManagementApplication); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xA1835CBU, &System::bootManager); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xC000014U, &System::IPXE); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0x2FFF27BU, &System::bootOptions); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xC51813AU, &System::sysinfo, postinfo, biosinfo, disks); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0x10183EDU, "Unix network time error !!"); printf("0x%x, %p\n", 0xFE018E4U, "Unix network time sync failure !!", &System::kernelversion, pkgmanagerversion, jreversion, javaversion, jdkversion, debuggerversion, *all); eth.write("AgoyoaFY6TTAOY887sTSFTakujmhGAKH.ksgLHSlauhsfoFAYKGCgcVJHVulfugCgcJGCHGKcgh/.,,/.><M$?@N$M@#n4/23n$<M$N#2/.,me.,M?><>,mS/aMS:las;amS:?<Y!@Pu#H!:kb3?!@mne !@?#>m");
SC_CTOR(CONSUMER) { SC_CTHREAD(consumer,m_clk.pos()); reset_signal_is(m_reset,false); } void consumer() { cout << sc_time_stamp() << ": reset" << endl; while (1) { m_ready = true; do { wait(); } while ( !m_valid); cout << sc_time_stamp() << ": " << << endl; } } sc_in_clk m_clk; sc_inout<bool> m_ready; sc_in<bool> m_reset; sc_in<bool> m_valid; sc_in<int> m_value;
SC_CTOR(PRODUCER) { SC_CTHREAD(producer,m_clk.pos()); reset_signal_is(m_reset,false); } void producer() { m_value = 0; while (1) { m_valid = true; do { wait(); } while (!m_ready); m_value = m_value + 1; } } sc_in_clk m_clk; sc_in<bool> m_ready; sc_in<bool> m_reset; sc_inout<bool> m_valid; sc_inout<int> m_value;
SC_CTOR(TESTBENCH) : m_consumer("consumer"), m_producer("producer") { SC_CTHREAD(testbench,m_clk.pos()); m_consumer.m_clk(m_clk); m_consumer.m_ready(m_ready); m_consumer.m_reset(m_reset); m_consumer.m_valid(m_valid); m_consumer.m_value(m_value); m_producer.m_clk(m_clk); m_producer.m_ready(m_ready); m_producer.m_reset(m_reset); m_producer.m_valid(m_valid); m_producer.m_value(m_value); } void testbench() { for ( int state = 0; state < 100; state++ ) { m_reset = ( state%20 == 12 ) ? false : true; wait(); } sc_stop(); } sc_in_clk m_clk; CONSUMER m_consumer; PRODUCER m_producer; sc_signal<bool> m_ready; sc_signal<bool> m_reset; sc_signal<bool> m_valid; sc_signal<int> m_value;
// ports sc_in<sc_uint<1>> a; sc_in<sc_uint<1>> b; sc_in<sc_uint<1>> c; sc_out<sc_uint<1>> out; sc_in<sc_uint<3>> sel; // component instances // internal signals void assig_process_out() { switch( { case sc_uint<3>("0b000"): { out.write(; break; } case sc_uint<3>("0b001"): { out.write(; break; } case sc_uint<3>("0b010"): { out.write(; break; } default: out.write(sc_uint<1>("0b0")); } } SC_CTOR(SwitchStmHwModule) { SC_METHOD(assig_process_out); sensitive << a << b << c << sel; // connect ports }
sc_in<bool> in; sc_in<bool> in2; SC_CTOR(LED) { SC_METHOD(blink); sensitive << in; } void blink() { if ( cout << log_time() << "LED "<< name() << ": ON\n"; else cout << log_time() << "LED "<< name() << ": OFF\n"; }
sc_in<Person> card; // Turnstile interface: sc_in<bool> passed; sc_out<bool> unlock; // Two lights for green and red: sc_out<bool> green; sc_out<bool> red; public: // Better: make it private, include values as constructor args. Building org; Building dest; private: Person dap= NO_PERSON; // Person currently passing public: SC_CTOR(Gate) { dap= NO_PERSON; SC_THREAD(operate); } void accept() { cout << log_time() << "Person " << dap << " accepted.\n"; green.write(true); unlock.write(true); } void pass_thru() { cout << log_time() << "Person " << dap << " has gone to " << dest << "\n"; Users::set_sit(dap, dest); green.write(false); unlock.write(false); dap= NO_PERSON; } void off_grn() { green.write(false); unlock.write(false); dap= NO_PERSON; } void refuse() { cout << log_time() << "Person " << dap << " refused.\n"; red.write(true); dap= NO_PERSON; } void off_red() { red.write(false); dap= NO_PERSON; } void operate() { while (true) { wait(card.value_changed_event()); dap=; if (Users::admitted(dap, dest)) { accept(); wait(sc_time(TIMEOUT_GREEN, TIME_UNIT), passed.posedge_event()); if ( pass_thru(); else off_grn(); } else { refuse(); wait(TIMEOUT_RED, TIME_UNIT); off_red(); } } }
sc_in<bool> unlock; sc_out<bool> passed; SC_CTOR(turnstile) { SC_THREAD(operate); // sensitive << unlock; } void operate() { int t; bool b; while (true) { wait (unlock.posedge_event()); cout << log_time() << "Turnstile " << name() << " unlocked.\n"; /* Wait random amount of time... */ wait(rand() % (TIMEOUT_GREEN/2)+ TIMEOUT_GREEN/2, TIME_UNIT); b= pick_bool(); cout << log_time() << "Turnstile " << name () << (b ? ": somebody " : ": nobody ") << "passed.\n"; passed.write(b); } }
sc_out<Person> card; private: sc_signal<bool> green_sig; sc_signal<bool> red_sig; sc_signal<bool> unlock_sig; sc_signal<bool> pass_sig; sc_signal<Person> card_sig; LED grn; LED red; turnstile ts; Gate gc; public: SC_CTOR(Door) : grn("Green"), red("Red"), ts("TS"), gc("GC") {;;;; gc.card(card_sig); card(card_sig); gc.unlock(unlock_sig); ts.unlock(unlock_sig); gc.passed(pass_sig); ts.passed(pass_sig); // SC_METHOD(operate); // sensitive >> card; } void setOrgDest(int org, int dest) { org; gc.dest= dest; } void operate() { approach(; } void approach(Person p) { cout << log_time() << "Person "<< p << " approaching door " << name() << "\n"; card.write(p); }
Door *doors[NUM_DOORS]; int num_steps; SC_CTOR(testGen) { doors[0] = new Door("DoorA"); doors[1] = new Door("DoorB"); doors[2] = new Door("DoorC"); doors[3] = new Door("DoorD"); doors[4] = new Door("DoorE"); doors[5] = new Door("DoorF"); /* Connect doors */ doors[0]->setOrgDest(1, 2); doors[1]->setOrgDest(2, 1); doors[2]->setOrgDest(2, 3); doors[3]->setOrgDest(3, 4); doors[4]->setOrgDest(4, 3); doors[5]->setOrgDest(4, 1); SC_THREAD(driver); } void driver() { Person p; Building b; int c; for (int i= 0; i< num_steps; i++) { cout << log_time() << "#### New simulation step ################\n"; p= rand() % NUM_PERSONS; c= rand() % NUM_DOORS; // cout << "Person "<< p<< " approaching door "<< c << "\n"; doors[c]->approach(p); wait(20, SC_SEC); cout << log_time() << "Person "<< p<< " now in building "<< Users::get_sit(p) << "\n"; } }
private int meaning_of_life; // easter egg //SC_CTOR -- systemC constructor SC_CTOR(hello_world) { meaning_of_life=42; } void say_hello() { cout << "Hello Systemc-2.3.1!\n"; } void open_magic_box() { cout << meaning_of_life << endl; }
//module declarations //Done by doing module_name Pointer_to_instance i.e. name *iname; tb *tb0; fir *fir0; //signal declarations sc_signal<bool> rst_sig; sc_signal< sc_int<16> > inp_sig; sc_signal< sc_int<16> > outp_sig; sc_clock clk_sig; sc_signal<bool> inp_sig_vld; sc_signal<bool> inp_sig_rdy; sc_signal<bool> outp_sig_vld; sc_signal<bool> outp_sig_rdy; //module instance signal connections //There are three arguements //The first is a character pointer string and can be anything you want //The second is the number of units long the clock signal is //The third arguement is a sc_time_unit //SC_US is microsecond units //SC_NS is nanoseconds units //SC_PS is picoseconds units //This is a copy constructor the the clock class will generate a repetitive clock signal SC_CTOR( SYSTEM ) : clk_sig ("clk_sig_name", 10, SC_NS) { //Since these are SC_MODULES we need to pass the a charcter pointer string tb0 = new tb("tb0"); fir0 = new fir("fir0"); //Since these are pointers (new allocates memory and returns a pointer to the first // location in that memory) we can use the arrow style derefferencing operator to // specify a particular port and then bind it to a signal with parenthesis tb0->clk( clk_sig ); tb0->rst( rst_sig ); tb0->inp( inp_sig ); tb0->outp( outp_sig ); fir0->clk( clk_sig ); fir0->rst( rst_sig ); fir0->inp( inp_sig ); fir0->outp( outp_sig ); tb0->inp_sig_vld( inp_sig_vld ); tb0->inp_sig_rdy( inp_sig_rdy ); tb0->outp_sig_vld( outp_sig_vld ); tb0->outp_sig_rdy( outp_sig_rdy ); fir0->inp_sig_vld( inp_sig_vld ); fir0->inp_sig_rdy( inp_sig_rdy ); fir0->outp_sig_vld( outp_sig_vld ); fir0->outp_sig_rdy( outp_sig_rdy ); } //Destructor ~SYSTEM() { //free the memory up from the functions that are no longer needed delete tb0; delete fir0; }