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31dd5a1 | limiting car usage has an advantage because insted of using a bunch cars which most people do people can use their feet to walk and jog and legs to ride bikes insted of just sitting in chair and moving a wheel around thats why in the streets of vauban germany they completely banned people from using cars so they can be more active by using their feet to jog,run and walk and their legs to paddle a bike an other advantage that car usage has is with driving banned the air will also be extremly clean and not polluted with dirty machine gas that means people will not have to breath with dirty air and will be able to breath good and fresh this why car usage is good not only for people to be active and not lazy but to keep the air fresh and clean so that people will stay heatlhy and of course so that mother earth could be healthy as well now that people will begin to use less cars they will go to stores and buy bikes to use and people will be selling alot more bikes so for once human being have really done something good for themseleves and planet earth because earth is the only reason why human beings and other life forms exist | 12
99120c9 | I am against driverless cars being made. I think it will be too dangerous. It's cool that they are being made, but it will not end well. There are too many things to worry about with them. I think it's a bad thing because there are dangerous drivers out there, there are many road hazards, and weather conditions can make it even more dangerous.
Some drivers are already making the roads more hazardous. They do things like speed, illegal turns, and do not use blinkers. With a human driver behind the wheel, if they see this they will most likely avoid the person the best they can, but what will a driverless car do. It might not be able to detect them so if it makes a turn, not knowing about the wreckless driver, it can cause an accident. The car can follow the rules of the road, but without human instincts, it's just waiting to get hit. This can very bad and effect a lot of people's thought about purchasing one of these vehicles.
It says in paragraph 7 that the driver must be ready to drive, just in case the car approaches a work zone, but what about small hazards. While the feature alerts them about work zones, it doesn't say anything about alerting the driver about a pot hole or dangerous material in the road. If it's driving in a small city, there could be some kind of hazard that needs a human to know how to avoid it. How would the car know to alert them if it hasn't seen anything like it before? It can alert for simple things, but for things like pot holes, it's better just to have someone behind the wheel instead of risking falling into the hole because the car didn't alert you to take over.
Driving in bad weather can still be a problem. In paragraph 5, it states how it could react better than a human, stopping individual wheels and making it a lot less likely to skid out, but its not fullproof. What if the car was to be damaged in a incident of bad weather? It may be able to stop from out-of-control skids, but would snowfalls affect sensors? If there was enough snow on the ground, it could potentially affect the wheels, and sensors around the car by covering them. In the event of a hailstorm, they could get damged if the storm was bad enough to where hail was the size of softballs, which seems unlikely, but stills remains a possibility. Flash floods could also be dangerous if the car isn't programmed to know where the areas of flooding is possible at. There may be a solution to all these scenarios, but I doubt any one of them is perfect, due to the variety of storms and snowfalls there can be. In bad weather, it would be a lot more safe if the driver just drove instead.
In all cases, it would just be better to drive yourself. Your instincts will get you out of possibly fatal prediciments. You can avoid things like pot holes than can tear up a car. Your knowledge of the weather is most likely more than the car's knowledge. You can depend on a robot to do certain things for you, but I don't think driving should be one of them. We technically are in risk everyday we drive, but it's our choices that gets us through the day. I wouldn't put my life in a driverless car's hands. Just drive yourself, and it can be way more safe. | 34
b588d39 | I have been serving as a "Seagoing Cowboy" for a great amount of time and I think you should think of being one was well. There are many reasons to be one, you get to help countries recover animals and supplies, you get to see different countries and their most interesting places, and you get to have fun on the trips too.
One of my first reasons is that you get to help countries recover animals and supplies and help their people. It was an extremely great honor to help the countries that were affected by World War II. It also opened up the world to me, it made me more aware of other countries and their needs. If you join then you would feel like a better person because you would know that you helped multiple countries recover from a giant war that affected many people.
Including helping countries, you get to sightsee and explore them as well. From what I saw, every country has many beautiful and wonderful places to explore and see. I've seen many places in different countries such as, a castle in Crete, the Panama Canal on my way to China, and I've even taken a gondola ride in Venice, Itay. I got to see these many places just by signing up in this program. That is another reason why you should participate in being a Seagoing Cowboy.
Finally, on the return trips after the animals have been unloaded, there are games that we play in the empty holds where the animals have been housed. So if you think that this job would be tireing and no fun you're wrong. We played many fun and competitive games on board such as baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. Even with an exhausting job you still have a great opportunity to have fun while still helping many countires.
In conclusion, I, Luke Bomberger, extremely recommend being a Seagoing Cowboy. Not only do you get to do great things to help, you get to have fun and see the world. Those are a few of the many reasons why you should join this program. Being a Seagoing Cowboy changed my life greatly and it opened up the world to me, I have no regrets signing up for it, I'm sure you won't regret it too. | 34
451c89c | The use of facial technology in a classroom is a fantastic idea. If a teacher knows how a student is feeling maybe behavior problems could be avoided. Test scores could start to rise because if a teacher knows how you are feeling maybe they can adjust their teaching a little, so you might understand more. Just think of all the possibilities that could happen if a school used facial technology.
Students get angry throughout the day and so do teachers. If you are hiding you are not angry and then one thing tips your boat, that can cause a big scene to occur. With the new facial technology things like this could be avoided because whoever is in your classroom would know how you are feeling today. It might even be a good thing to use this technology on teachers, not just students. Teachers get angry and upset too, so using this technology could help a student know that their techer is struggling a little bit and maybe to give him or her an easier day. This could also allow the students to help better the teachers mood so things may get a little better for him or her.
Now test scores could really benefit from this new technology. If a tecaher knows when a student is bored or confused then the lesson could become modified. The teacher would know that maybe one student or even the whole class is not understanding what is being taught. The teacher could then do whatever they think is right and try and fic the lesson. At the bottom of paragraph two Dr. Huang says what I stated in the sentence above. Think about it, test scores would sky rocket if teachers knew that a student was still confused, but maybe was afriad to ask a question. If the techers also knows a student is afraid to ask a question then that could help the teacher know to maybe boost the student's cofidence more. If a teacher could find all of that out maybe he or she could simply run through the lesson again or ask the student if he or she might need a little extra help. In paragraph three is says that this technology can already identify six basic emotions and fear is one, so if more emotion are learned and recongnized then the teacher could really help solve a problem. Many possibilities could and will come with this technology.
Students could use this not only with teachers, but also with their friends. Kids tend to joke around and not realize when they are hurting someones feelings. This could allow these kids to know when too far has occured. Like almost all kids some are afraid to stand up and say that something has hurt their feelings. This new technology may help the problems with bullying. Maybe the bystanders of the bullying would see how truly upset the attacked person is feeling. Kids do a really good job at pretending things do not hurt them, but in reality they hurt them a lot. I know the article does not say anything about this but this is a huge possibility this could be used for. We want to help kids so why not do it this way.
This technology would help so much in a school. many problems occur in schools, that could potentionally be bypassed with this technology. Students and teachers could all benefit from this technology. Who is to say that if it works in a school that more advancements could come out of this new technology. We have no idea what the future holds, but this could be a big part of our future and helping us to unerstand each other a little more. | 45
fa56b19 | Mona Lisa's emotions were recently tested and showed she was prodominantly happy in the picture she is so famous for. Her emotions were read using new software called the Facial Action Coding System or FACS for short. After the Mona Lisa scan, they saw that she was 83% happy, this is a positive for people who admire the Mona Lisa. Thus, A new software has came out and it did a positive thing already by reading the emotions of the Mona Lisa, a very admired painting.
The Facial Action Coding System is a system that reads the emotions of its subjectees, The program takes alot to run as it has to run many complex algorithims , which may be slow for a computer that is slow. It can be used in others places rather than just in paintings, it could be used to read the emotions of drivers before a crash takes place, This lets the cops know if the person was on anything, as his chemical levels would be at a disbalance.
Classrooms are a notorius place for students to fall asleep to the sounds of their teacher or to easily get off task and the teacher may not even know, but with the Facial Action Coding System, it could read the students emotions to see if they're up to date with whats going on in class, you could see if any of them are bored, or .distracted, this helps the lesson planner by planning more accordingly based on independent classroom statistics. Thus, classrooms are a good place for children to be, but they would be better off if they had fun while they had schools as well, this gives them the idea that school is fun and they should give it another shot.
The Facial Action Coding System is a software program that follows intense algorithums that allow it to the the amazing act of reading other emotions, this is very helpful in todays thoughts, it can be used by law enforcement and schools in America. Therefore, its uses are very important for the public and the federal government as it may use this technology for their own uses.
In the end, this technology that was just invented was a game changing techn ology, it can be used on both a psychological exam of just the study for students in a classroom. The FAC System successfully read the emotions of the notroius Mona Lisa, a famous painting from a very long time ago. Thus, the Facs system was a game changing break through that will likely be incorporated in finding statistics or just reading your students emotions. | 23
0ea9cf8 | Hoping for a mere 538 people to vote for our nations president seems like an unfair way of voting. The Electoral College is a process of voting in which 538 electors vote for the new president for our nation, where 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Which ever elective has the most votes from states is the winner.
I believe that if the Electoral College was abolished, then we can have a more fair way of voting. Sure, The electoral college has some perks like a certainty of outcome, but there is more negatives on keeping it. If we got rid of the Electoral College for good and replaced it for a classic "most-votes wins" election then the nation can have a clear view to who their votes go to. This way, votes aren't decided by popular electoral votes.
The president should win over the most of our country with good qualitys that people want to see. People need to open their eyes and see "When you vote for a candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors." (Posner, In Defense of the Electoral College) If you vote for your favorite candidate you are voting for the state to win by popular vote. We should keep it simple. Add up everyones vote for whom they voted, and who ever has more votes wins.
"The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational."(Plumer, The Indefensible Electoral College) It says it all, when the Founding Fathers made the Electoral college, the country was a lot smaller than it is today. The Electoral College was needed because there was a chance that the election could be tied. Today, the country is huge. The chance of a tie 1 in a trillion chance. I feel that we should give it a try, and abolish the College. This nation stands by freedom, and voting should be a choice. | 23
c4740ce | Venus containes many mysteries to the human race, because of ourl lack of intel and capability to acces information. The rare and extreame conditions found in Venus are no were near those of Earth; meaning it doesn't have the capasity to sustain human life. The article "The Change of Exploring Venus" indicated these dangers, and the lack of equipt technology with the ability to servive in Venus' atmospher. Many scientist find studing Venus worthy, despite the dangers. The author does a pore good supporing this idea, becasue the main focus of the article was the negative side of studying Venus.
One of the article main points was the difficulty of human acces to Venus. "... no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." Demenstarating, the danger and almost none existing survival late of a human being. " The condidtions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth..." indicating the incopasity of human to rome Venus. These two quotes from the articel indicates the articles focus on the non survivable atmosper and conditions on Venus, this controdiction the idea of Venus being worth sudying.
The next point he articel cfocused on was the technology available and its capasity on Venus. "For example, some simplified elecronics... have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." Indicating, that techoology can not support Venus consitions for long, despite its advancemnts. "Modern computers are enormously powerful, fexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." Therefore, this demonstrates how Venus atmospher and condition is dangeres even to our most modern technology. Refuring to the incapability to substain the copasity to keep humans alive for long after reaching Venus atmospher.
Finally, the article never indicated why the study of Venus was important. The first four paragraphes focus on the the conditionds of Venus and what would be found in it. These paragraphes give no indication of how Venus affect the Eather or those living in it. most of what remains of the article focuses on the posible advancemnets and ideas or techological difficulities. These things also have no impact on the importance of studing Venus, rather creat another reason not to. These detail, though their purpose is to inflorme and inspire a desire to study Venus only creates a sence of uneasines and un-worthiness.
In conclution the articles main focus was on the opsticles being faced in order to safely study Venus. Leading to the lack of evidence or reasons why it is worth studying considering the dangers. | 34
89718a5 | In Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D' Alto, the technology used to determine what emotions people feel by using pictures of the face is a valuable tool that can be used in classrooms to make schools all over the world better for everyone. The facial emotion detection technology is useful because, the software could use pictures of students faces to let the teacher know who is confused, who understands and who is bored.
The facial emotion technology will allow teachers who have confused students to better learn by letting the teacher know that students are struggling so that the teacher can help the students on a more one to one level. This technology allows students who are normally scared to ask questions or that are very shy to not drop behind the rest of the class when they do not understand what is going on.
The emotion detection technology can help the teacher know when the class as a whole understands a subject so that they can teach in a more efficient way. The technology is helpful because, it lets the teacher know when to move on from one subject or problem to another. This is more efficient because, If a problem is understood by the class then the teacher may not even bother asking for a solution to the problem which, saves time for more important subjects or, gives more time to areas where more students are struggling.
The emotional detection software can let the teacher know when the class is bored and when they are interested in the subject, this is helpful because, the teacher can learn; how the class as a whole learns best, how to teach in a way that gets students attention and, get everyone in the class the best and most enjoyable education the teacher is able to provide.
In conclusion, In Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D' Alto the technology that was able to determine the emotions of Mona lisa the famous paining is helpful in the classroom because; It lets teachers know when students are falling behind, how to be more a more efficient classroom and how to provide the students with a more enjoyable and useful education. | 34
30e3b93 | Venus is the second planet from our sun. each previous missions was unmanned, and for good reason, Since no space craft survived the landing for more than a few hours. In this problem explains why not a single spaceship has touched doen on venus in more than three decades. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Also the planet is referred to as Earth's twin. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and indcludes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.
Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study. Even more challening are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what peole experience on earth. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.
Venus was a dangerous challenging for humans. Before land on the planet scientists had to study and even thought Venus is like earth, But more temperatures on the surface. No one cant even make it by its limited dangers. Systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Good thing is many researchers made new upgrade machines to last long enough to understand Venus. | 12
65c3dcd | The author supports this idea by giving information how its different from today then on the 1940s. The author is telling the reader on "paragrahp 7" to imagine a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin.
Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size with the the author wants to say every planet has is own neighbor but they got thier sapce. The author wants to inform the planet Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even thought Mercury is closer to our sun. The author claim is why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface even when Venus still has some features that are analogous to those Earth. NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humas to studt Venus.
The author is saying on paragraph 8; 'Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also only because of the human curiosity'. The travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovaton. | 01
3ff2177 | Some people think that the Face is an artifact from aliens, but the fact is, it's a natural landform. Natural things happen everywhere, so seeing something that happens to look like a face should not be automaticlly assumed to be from aliens. After all, Earth has some things that look odd or familiar to our daily life! NASA is sure that this phenomenon is not from alien activity. Wouldn't you think NASA would tell us if it was?
The Face is just a huge rock formation from the Red Planet. The shadows from at the angle it was taken gives it the effect of human features (3). They released the photo to "engage the public and attrack attention to Mars" (3). People have just gave it such an off turning idea that gives it even more attention than intended. People made such a huge deal out of it that more and more people think that there is aliens existance on Mars.
For the beliefs that the fog that appeared in another photo was due to alien activity; fog happens on Earth too. If we take this even farther, it could have just been that the lens were fogged up, or the area was getting something like precipitation. I do not know for sure, but NASA has been said to have some of the most high quality equipment. I am more willing to believe that it is a fog and not a problem with the equipment (7). Although anything could break at anytime, I beileve that the fog was just a natural thing and not something overall crazy.
NASA's equipment is probably more successful than many would think. If you look at one of the older pictures of the Face, you can obviously see that it is not, whatsoever, the most high caliber evidence. Looking at a recent photo may help you or others see that it is indeed a natural process happening. I believe that most who have a say in what the picture looks like, did not see what was happening in that moment in which the picture was taken. Therefore, making the guess that the lens may have broke, or the foresaken fact that it is just fog (10).
In conclusion, I beilieve everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I like to think the more logical side of this debate. More and more people can do as much research as they please, but with facts know that; the Face is just a landform, that fog can happen just about everywhere, and the fact that NASA has high caliber equipment. I would like to hope that if there was a signal of alien activity, that NASA personal would tell us so we would know how to address the problem. | 34
aa5c6ea | Most people might want to get rid of the Electoral College and change to popoular vote, because of how unfair, voters have no say so in who gets pick president.
One reason you might want to change to popular vote is because of how unfair they can be all because of the winner-takes-all system and this this system is in easch state, and because of that candidates dont spend time in states they know that wont vote for them. Just like you can't pick who you want your president to be.
Voters can't pick who they want their president to be its all the Electoral college. Voters don't even get to vote for the president thay vote for a slate of electors. just like if you live in Texas and you voted for Kerry you didnt vote for him you voted for 34 demcartic electors.
The only argument against the Electoral college is what we call the disaster factor. Americans should feel lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest problem election in a century.
Given that most voters vote one party for president and another for congress they do this becaus ethis think a tie or deadlock will happen but, consider this. In 1968 a shift of just 41,971 voters would of dead locked the election yet in 1976 a tie would of happen but 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voter in Hawaii voted the other way.
This right here is the most basic level the electoral college is unfair and should let the voters have their voice when voting. | 23
4ee5427 | The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite Exploring Venus the Evening star," is the one of the brightest point of light in night sky, making it simple for even an amature stargazer to spot. Venu is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasinally the closet in distance too. they said the venus was the Earth twin it becasue Venus ans the earth was the closet planet in the hole planet on the space, and that why it the brightest point in the night sky; this is why it's not worthy pursuit despite the danger it present On Page 2. it said " No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explanin why not a single sapceship has touches down on venus in more than decades. Numerous factors cintribute to Venus's reputation as challenge planet for human to study, despite its proximity to us". Exploring Venus was despite the danger because On page 3. said " Even more challenging are the cloud of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". that why Venus is whorthy pursuit despite the dangers presents. | 01
5083ea0 | What I will do if i was Luke point of view or try to get some other people to think they should participate, is I will explain it is that you can enjoy the games they have when they have free time
like it say in the text on paragraph 8 it say " Luke also found time to have fun on board.especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded.The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animales had been housed." Now you see all the fun things they do and you get payed lot of money and I know it don't say that in the text but I can tell because they explore around the world like Luke said.Luke had went to
Europe , China , and Acropolis and many other places . And you can get some thing to have a idea of this place again and tell your family . You can also see all the pretty thing at the new places to you and learn new thing if you let yourself you can learn something ever day .
That what i will say to the people that think it is just a club or something it a fun job to me .I will go there to sounds fun i cant wait to get to high school and do that . | 12
bef8748 | In "Challenge of the Exploring Venus" there are many dangers that it presents from weather to the conditions we will face if we ever live on our Earth's twin Venus. Venus is the second planet from the sun making it extremely hot and dry the temperatures average iver 800 degress fahrenheit the amount of the highest degress can melt some of our metals making them become liquids .
The weather in Venus can be extreme from their thick atmosphere with at least 97 percent of carbon dioxide making the clouds extremely a corrosive making its rain into acid. Venuses pressure is greater than Earths pressure about 90 times more powerful the enviroment is extremely powerful where humans have never accountered this type of enviroments.
Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any other planets our solar system its pressure of heat can cause erupting valcanoes and powerful eathquakes and frequent lightnings triikes to probes seeking to land on its entire surface.
Earths space administration known as NASA has sended humans to study all over to Venus and air craft but usally they do not suceed in landing at all because Venus has different speeds if NASA do land on to the hostile and extreme condtitioned surface of Venus it would allow scientists to float above the frays making the air pressure close to the level on Earth although the radiations would not exceed to Earth levels. The conditions on Venus is extreme and hostil but Humans can still survive the bad conditions that Venus has. | 12
73b7cf1 | Plan
The idea that author supports the studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers in article says Venus sometimes called the "evening star" is the of the brightest points of
light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur starganzer to spot.
The evidence from the article that supports my claim is on the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times
greater than what we experience on our own planet.
The introduction aand conclusion of this essay is second planet from our sun while is simple to see from the distant but afe vantage point of Earth it proved a very challenging place to examiine more to extreme, and Physical conditon exposig a cell phone or tablet to acis or heat capable of malting tin by comparison systems that use machanical parts can be made more resistwnt to pressure, heat , other forces. | 01
0711276 | My argument against driverless cars, would be that first of all it would be really dangerous, many kids play outside how are the driverless cars going to see a young kid run across the street? Next is that yeah it might be gas saving but think about how much gas is already waisted in our world? lots plus, he saids in his artical " fundamentally change the world " or are these driverless robotic automoibles going to change the way people live today? think of themselfs not to good enough becusae you might not be able to afford these 'cars' or for the wealthy who knows he can buy tons of them feel way to good of themselfs? other words better than others in there point of view. plus many people bought many cars. WHAT are they going to do throw them away not many people going to automaticaly leave all these cars and right away move on to these driverless cars. | 12
975e43c | Humanity believes this land structure is a face left by aliens, we will never know.
We have to find out and learn.
People have questions about this "face" on the moon, what does this mean, what next, how did this happen.
That will remain a mystery.
We have seen strange objects in the sky, strange "ships" and UFO's and what not.
But we have never had any proof that aliens exist.
we have never seen one, captured one or anything.
But we also have never seen them in space.
These mysterious objects on the moon are just a coincedince.
Until we have proof that we have captured, seen, or caught on camera a extraterestrial thing we cannot say this object was made by aliens.
This land structure could be a manmade structure and we would never know it.
We would never know if othe people made a trip to the moon.
Till we have proof this was not a human manmade structure, it will be a mystery till it is prooved.
There ar thousands of craters, dents and all kinds of odd looking things on the moon, what makes you think this could be made by someone or something.
It will remain a mystery till we know who or what did it. | 01
66e9710 | Today there is a big problem in the world and that problem is car emissions. This has been becoming a growing problem around the world. In Paris a thick layer of smog had covered the city and its government had to take action. the government practically shutdown road traffic by telling the people with even plate numbers to not drive and the next day telling the people with odd plate numbers to not drive.
Many of the problems that create this are the densely populated areas with high car usage. In Europe in 2006 there government finished construction on a town that had no garages or drive ways, the only place to park was a garage that you had to buy a spot in for $40,000 witch you payed for along with your house. This trend has been growing around the world, and with this trend spreading so is lower pollution in the world. | 12
a7199db | Driverless cars are not needed and unneccessary. Driving a motorized vehicle is already dangerous enough. This world does not need the option to rely on, what are supposed to be, "Driverless Cars". The number of recks in the world due to reckless drivers is too much and we do not need to have driverless vehicles to make the matter worse. In paragraph 7, it states that as of 2013, "that none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." It also mentions in the same paragraph that the "driverless cars" require an alert driver that is ready to take over at any time. What is the point of a driverless car if the driver is always meant to pay attention and rely on themselve when a potential saftey hazard gets in their way. There are always going to be more reckless drivers than careful drivers and that fact could cause a lot of issues. Why should we give reckless drivers the privilage of a somewhat driverless vehicle? Why should we put the safety of others at risk? Not only is the practice of driverless cars illegal in most states but the laws that will come with the new driverless vehicles will not be followed by most. In paragraph 9, it says that laws will be made to ensure safety, but to ensure safety those laws require alert and careful drivers and like mentioned in my previous paragraph, there are simply not enough alert drivers in this world to ensure safety. Manufacturers cannot guaruntee everyone's safety. Just like motorized vehicles today, they apply many safety features to ensure safey, but there are still hundreds of people dying everyday because those safety features were not good enough. Why ensure laws that are going to be broken? Why ensure safety if there is still a possibility that something could go wrong and a person or more than one person could lose their lives. Driversless vehicles are said to be completely driverless by 2020 accourding to paragraph 10 but, is that really true or is it mostly true? | 23
f51ba66 | How do feel about driverless cars? I don't really like the idea, but it's for the future and anything is possible. For me driverless cars has it's pros and cons. Driverless cars can be useful, but they can be deadly to other people who doesn't have the car or even be deadly to the driver. If the driverless cars will have sensors and the driver will have to have fast reaction times to help the car if needed. To me safety is more important then anything.
Driverless cars are for the future, but anything is possible for the future. There are many possible things that could happen. The car could be a succesful invention. Then again it could be a failure. Nobody wants to be in harms way right? In the passage it says " Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020" to me I think it will take more than four years to invent these cars and mass produce them.
To me driverless cars has many pros and many cons. For instance the passage says that " New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident" then, the passage goes on and says " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" What if one of the sensors become defaulted? Wouldn't that be a manufacturing problem?
Driverless cars can be useful, but could be harmful to the surroundings if the technology malfunctions. What would you do if you was driving a driverless car and it maulfunctions and crashes into the car next to you and you find out the people in the other car are dead? Would you feel quilty or would you not? Driverless cars can be the future, but I think the inventioina and concept of the car shoukd be taken more serious. To me the maufacturers are just looking to make money.
To me as a person i take safety very serious. I think the safety concept of the vehicles should be one of the more serious things the manufacturers should look at if produced. They should only give a certain amount of driverless cars out incase the technology fails. There won't be much chaos if the technology malfunctions.
Driverless cars are the future for the world. I don't really like the concept, but it's the future and anything is possible. Driverless cars have many pros and cons. The cars can be useful, but then they could be harmful to it's surrounding safety wise. If the driverless cars will have sensors then what's the use for the person to have to be cautious at all times for? Like i've said before I take safety very serious and I hope the maunufacturers take it more serious for the future of the "autonomous car." | 12
807917d | The Facial Active Coding System is a very new and innovative technology that has a variety of applications, and a large support for the advancement of it. However, there are some uses that have been mentioned that I fel wouldn't be extremely useful. One of these is the use of this technology in the classroom. While the Facial Action Coding System has alot going for it, the technology has small value when it comes to classroom use. Let's take a look at the aspects that make this technology both not valuable and valuable in the classroom. We'll start by looking at what benefits would come with the use of this technology in schools.
While the Facial Action Coding System isn't, in my opinion, extremely practical for classroom activities, it can still play some role in classroom use. For example, the text states that - according to Professor Thomas Huang, the innovator behind this technolgy - the technology can be used to tell if a student doing work on a computer is confused or understanding, which would help to ensure that a teacher is readily available to assist the student. In addition, Huang goes on to say that this technology can change lesson material on-the-spot if a student doesn't show interest or progress. Thirdly, the text implies that a computer program can work much more like a human instructor if it is able to detect a student's emotion. These are the main positive uses the author gives in regards to education, but I feel that these reasons aren't all they say.
While the uses in the previous paragraph make the technology seem very useful, I feel that these aren't problems in today's education system - and most certainly do not need to be handed over to a computer. For example, while the text says that this technology can make computer-based lessons more like being taught by a human instructor, I feel that a physical instructor is still always needed. There will always be a problem that even a computer can't solve, so I feel that trying to find more ways to slowly downsize the amount of teachers isn't a truly valid reason for using this technology. In addition, the text says that the program could tell if a student was becoming confused or bored, and alter lessons based on what it detects. I feel that this is also an invalid claim, as technology as new as this will be far from perfect. Imagine if a student were to not react in any way, but the software incorrectly detects them as being confused. The learning program will then switch to a reteaching section, and the student will be forced to do an activity that isn't neccessary to their success. These are just a handful of reasons why this software is not practical, but there are multiple other reasons against this technology that aren't countered in the argument.
There are many reasons that I feel this technology should not be implemented in school that aren't countered in the article. For example, because the technology is so new and so powerful, one could only imagine the cost of it. At the end of the day, the shear amount of money poured into these programs will never be paid back by reduction of teachers - and school systems will most likely never get their money's worth of the implementation. In addition, I feel that because of the price, there would be very few school corporations willing to implement it - and the few that do will face limited support because of how few sales would be. Thirdly, I feel that this technology is not worthwhile to the field of education because of technology's rapid growth. I feel that by the time this technology would become even semi-standardized, technology will have already moved on passed facial recognition, and wouldn't seem to be as innovative as it does now, at the early stage of it's life. While there are many other reasons why this technology isn't worthwhile in schools, I feel that these are the most significant.
In conclusion, you can now see both the benefits and drawbacks of using Facial Action Coding System in schools. While the technology as a whole yields a very great future application-wise, I cannot see any practical purpose of any educational system implementing it. It is costly, still in the early stages of its life, and no matter how hard inventors try - computers and artificial intelligence (for the timebeing) will never be capable of the same mental abilities that are possesed by an actual human being. As the old saying goes, if it isn't broke, don't attempt to fix it. | 34
cb21e2f | I think that Facial Action Coding System could help us humans in the future.A claim I have for my reason that I think it woukd help is that the software can identify certain emotions we can't.It would also be use full to teachers because they could figure out or try to help a students that's feeling down or depressed.
Without the technology teachers wouldn't even know what is going on and it could affect the students work and the rest of their life.It even says in paragraph 6 that the machine could "Paint facial muscles precicsly enough to convey specific emotions".That could help with lessons taught by teachers to make the learning enviorment better for the kids.They would be willing to try to learn more and pay better attention to the lseeon if they can interact.The schools would see a great improvement in test scores and all around.It could also help the teachers just not with helping the kids but themselves as well.If the kids are doing well they would proabaly get in increase and salary.This would be good for children all over the world and would be a great value to kids.That is why I think kids everywhere should get a device. | 12
5e918a3 | Imagine an earth simliar to ours. But it is really really really hot there that we can't live there. It had oceans and there was life on venus at some point. It is one of the brightest stars in the sky. It has valleys,mountians, and craters. It has volcanoes,earthqaukes ,and lighingstrikes. Its eath 2.
Venus orbits the sun at different speeds
which means that some times we are closer to mars and other times to venus. Venus 's atmoshpere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. Also the temperature on average is 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Next the atmosperic pressure is 90 times greater than what we expierence on our own palnet. Even though Mars is closer to the sun venus has the hottest surface temperature of an planet in our solar system.
NASA is trying to find a way to learn more about venus. By using a vehicle hovering venus. It won't be easy for the astronuts but they will live. We already know great things about venus but we want to learn more about this palnet we are curious about it and we want to find out.NASA is thinking about old technology for studying venus. Mechanical computers.They make calcuations by using gears and levers and do not require eletronics. These mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Plus America would make history by being the first nation to sending humans to venus back and forth.Though its going to take hard work and dedication I belive some day we will get there. | 23
396b504 | Its a landfrom i tell you. But still people don't think it is a landfrom. Its a landfrom there is proof that it is. This eassy is going to explain that it is a landfrom i hope you change your mind and belive me on this.
So what it looks like a face many things have that don't mean there is aliens. Yes, it would be cool if there were aliens but there not as far as we know there not. How many things have we thing was a face but was some thing else? For exampal there was a toy in my brother room that look like a human face in the dark but it was a pokemon. So why can't these be some thing that looks like a face.
They took a lot of photos of it. But that don't mean its a face. NASA figered it out that it was a landfrom the have a very good camira. on paragrafh seven it says,"Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appered on a JPL web site, revealing...a natural landfrom. There was no alien monument afther all." See there is your proof. | 12
9b0dbc0 | Driverless or Driverfull ?
Do you enjoy driving ? What if you could drive a car that's Driverless ? A Driverless car isn't like a real car , and nor is a real car like a driverless car . Driverless cars comes with alot of errors , but it also is a good source of transportation . Driverless cars has a higher chance of faster trasportation , carries more fuel , but also all drivers still need to be alert when driving a driveless car .
Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of diverless cars form a public - transport taxi system . The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility than a bus . Google cars also have a bit of a rough patch . Although , the car is driveless they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues , such as navigating through roadwork or accidents .
Even though goggle driveless cars are cool , who wants to be on alert at all times ; for that you might as well drive the car by yourself . The cars come with alot of built in technology that will cost a fortune to repair if anything happens or need to be repaired . Google modified Toyota Prius uses position - estaimating sensors on the left rear wheel , a rotating sensor on the roof , a video camera mounted near the rearview mirroe , four automotive radar sensors , a GPS receiver , and an intertial motion sensor. WOW ! That's alot of technology built in one car .
When operating a driverful (orignial) car , that much technology from the google car is half their . Out of all the technology that's put in the car ; The most important bit of technology in the google car is the spinning sensor on the roof . It uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3 - D model of the car's surroundings. The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless google car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel .
The car can handle driving functions up to 25 mph . These cars arent really driverless , but with the sensors the car can steer , accelerate , and brake themselves. Also , GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into a object . The Google car announces when a driver should take over , but why go through the hastle , the time , and the money for the expensive car ; When you can rock it old school with a new bwm or a regular , safer , enviormental safe driverfull (original)
car . | 34
1bbd2aa | There are many things that could go wrong with the way we the United states are voting now which is why we should use election by popular vote. There are many reasons why we should switch to popular vote but there are three that are most important. The canidate wouldn't have to worry about losing even though he won the popular vote, it would be less likely to get a tie, and the canidate would have to campain in every state because there wouldn't be a winner-takes-all situation.
Most importantly the canidate wouldn't have to worry about losing even though they received the popular vote. The reprsentative electors have the final say in who is elected because they are the ones that put in the votes. An example of this is Al Gore back in 2000. According to some polls Al Gore lost the election thanks to the electoral college because he won the popular vote but still lost the election. Al Gore had recieved more individual votes than George W. Bush but still lost. Geoerge W. Bush had 271 electoral votes to Al Gore's 266. However, this is not the last time this will happen and voters can expect to see it happen again in the future were the popular vote winner loses the presidency.
Not only can they win the popular vote but still lose the presidency, they also risk the event of a tie were the vote would then go to the House of Representatives. In the event of a tie meaning that each canidate got an equal number of votes from the electors the House of Representatives would have the oppurtunity to vote for the president. This is not a fair system in any way because that would mean the representative for Wyoming who is only representing 500,000 thousand people would have as much say as a representative from California who is there representing 35 million voters! There has been many close incidents of a tie so it is possible for this to happen. In 1968 a shift of 41,971 votes would have put the election in a tie. In 1976, id 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 in Hawaii would have voted the other way then the race for presidency would have gone into the hands of the House.
Furthermore the canidates would have to campaign in every state because there wouldn't be winner-takes-all which means the winner of the electoral votes gets all the votes within that state even if some of the residents did not vote for that party. The canidates would have to campaign in every state rather than just the "swing" states which are people that have not yet decided which way they wanted to vote. the cenidates dont campaign in a state if they know that they have no chance of winning the electoral votes in that state. During the 2000 election a remarkable seventeen states did not see the campaign one time nor did the people in the 25 largest media markets see a campaign ad whether it be on t. v., in the newspaper, or over the radio. If the president was elected by popular vote than every state would be considered a swing state.
In conclusion the President of the United States should be elected by popular vote because a canidate would not have to worry about winning the popular vote but losing the election, the possibility of a tie would decrease, and the canidate would havw to campaign in every state. These are just a few of the many reasons that we should switch over to a popular vote system, plus who wouldnt wan't to have a little more say in who runs our magnificent country. | 34
31c5595 | Dear Florida senator,
I would say lets get rid of the electoral college vote the reason is because the voters vote for slate of electors. They really are not letting the people speak their mind about who should really be president. Like it said in the story and I quote"
sometimes the slate of electors might vote for the other side
". Also it says in the passage that the electoral college vote "is unfair, outdated, and irrational". The eletoral college vote is just a waste of time to be honest.
Another reason why I think we should get rid of the electoral college vote is because it really doesn't make any sense to have it. The popularity vote should be the one that counts the reason is because it gives the voters the chance to vote for the president instead of having that eletoral college vote where they can't just easily just vote for the new president. The other thing is that in the electoral college votes it goes by slate of electors well some states have more electors than others like californa and texas all states should have an equal amount of voters instead of just giving the big states the all of the power.
The last reason why I think we should get rid of the electoral college vote is because of the disaster factor. In the year of 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis. In 1960 segregationists in louisiana the lesgislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democrtic electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. the other thing is what if their is a tie between the two. The whole election would be thrown to the house of representitves.
These are all the reasons why I think we should get rid of the electoral college votes because it is more easy doing the popularity vote because it gives the people to speak on who they want to be president. | 23
fe095e6 | Attention !!! to all the residents of this community are Bendz and Suburban going were all the extoic cars and muscle cars at all i see bendz and suburban, Its few foreigen cars out there in the street. when I riding on the highway I like to see Mustangs and And Lamborginis ride aside if me because its excited other people it make them want to buy Mustangs and Lamborginis.
Yes Bendz are nice but i want to see some foreiegn cars Like Bugati and RoyalRoce 50% you will see foreiegn ride around in the city I like to take a trip to see al type of cars with nice paint job and nice looking skirt. You will not see that much cars riding around because people sell them to live in beautyful homes. In 2007 all the streets was full with muscle cars because the rapper Rick Ross was the first person drive a drop top mustang so many people was so excited thats i seen the whole streets with differnt type of mustangs and drop tops.
In the early 90's thats when automobile was invented, they really was made for middle-class families and Miami to Tallahassee Because it was alot of people thst need gas and lights when the hurricane came through.12 percents of huge houses gas emission in Chicago... and up 72 percent cars-invented area in the united states while they building cars some people has catch buses.
It has been efforts in the past two years to make denser and better for walking in 2010 that's when stationwagins was invented so people really did have to walk anymore or catch buses but some catch buses because it save gas and money. In the united states the protection agency is promoting car reduced communities and legislators are starting to act.
every since world war I alot of cars was getting destroy lets stop destory cars because thats our transportation said Martin Luther King jr, a fast growing of hundreds in the united states was getting larger and the car population more foreiegn cars and mucle cars was hitting the streets. | 01
d44e46c | The state senator that is reading this should understand that in my favor keeping the Electoral College is the wise thing to do. It will avoid run-off elections and how it always has a process if something happens and that the process is fair-hence Electoral College would be the best.
To start off, the Electoral College helps with elections be cause it avoids run-off elections. In other words it keeps us from running into problem where neither candidate gets the majority of the the votes cast. For example, in 1968 president Nixon and Clinton in 1992 each had 43 percent of the popular votes but because their electoral votes was 301 to 370 it does matter so this means it was a run-off election until the percentage of votes changed. The Electoral College soon produces a clear winner. This is just solving a problem where no candidate recieves the majority of votes. Now there is only one con to the Electoral College and that is that it may turn off people from voting because they believe that their vote out of everybody who votes isnt enough to do a difference so they dont even vote. So voters in presidential elections are way better than just one vote deciding an election.
Furthermore, the Electoral College is consisted of 538 electors. The candidate needs atleast 270 to be elected. If they have atleast 270 and there and they are not tied, but they have the same popular votes, also known as a plurality. The Electoral Colleges 538 electors will decide. This is 100 percent fair because those electors study this, they do this for their job, and they understand. They make up for the people who didn't vote. So just think, wouldnt you want 538 professional electors deciding whos president or 538 people who dont even want to vote and dont even know about the campaign to decide whos your president. All the lying about the Electoral College that it is an anachronism is false it is a success. This is common sense if you ask me.
To conclude, the electoral college has been good to us for a long time because of how it handles situations when they go wrong-hence it is the best, why change it now? | 34
7bce53f | I think this technology that they want to use is acceptable, Technology is our future and as we begin to have advances like this is going to be very good. I feel like this machine will save teachers a lot of time because they already have a lot to do. Another reason this is going to help us is because this computer will know when you are happy or sad because when a kid goes to use the computer it will take them to a site in which they feel most comfortable. The more people get used to this the better because then the people that made these computers will begin to make more of them because people will begin to want to buy more of them. There can also be disadvantages to this because some people will begin to not make communication with other people they will just think it's okay to talk to a computer. I still feel like this is a great piece of technology but they should adjust it so that people won't just want to be with a computer all day. This is just of one of the few steps we become closer to each improvement in our environment. This is why I feel like this machine would be good to have in classrooms. | 12
e837edd | The author said that it is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. In paragraph 2 it stares that Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hour. That in paragraph 6 it sates that most important that reseachers can't take sample of rocks, gas, or anything else from a distance. That scientists are trying to seek something that would get up close and personal despite the risk. In paragraph 6 it also states that Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. Also in paragraph 7 its states that by comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. In conclusion that it is pasable to studying Venus by use technology that can stand Venus risk and there are way for scientists to get close to Venus by use types of machine. | 12
0dec069 | This technology of reading student emotions in a classroon room is unvaluable .I dont know why ANYBODY WILL MAKE THIS UP.Some people dont want nobody to know how there feeling. Im so against this creation i would not like my classmate to know how im feeling i dont care is i'm happy or sad .
The article stated that a computer will recognize if your even faking your emotions. I dont think its nobody part in life to know the next person emotions. only if your a conesilor you should know someone emotion or how they feel other than that NO this is a horible idea. iN Paragraph 5 it tells us it help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. The computer will even know all your muscles in your body to help them fing how your feelings this is real not cause for at all some people want to keep there life personal a possible.
so yes, this coding system in very agaist it i can see if somebody would want you to know how there feeling. Not asking them in just doing it is respecting eachother space. This was a horible idea for someone to come up with. | 12
5f5638f | Do you really think aliens are real and made that Face of Mars? In my opinion I believe that this is just natural landform. In the article it states that few scientist believe that was made by a alien. Another reason I think it is just a natural landform is because this is natural in the Amearican west. My last reason I think that it is a natural landform because scientist believed it was just another Martian Mesa.
My first reason why my opinion is it is a landform because it states in paragraph six that few scientist believe that is was aliens. Also in paragraph seven it states it was a natural landform and there was no alien movement after all. This is one of the biggest reasons why I support my opinion that this is a landform.
My next reason why my opinion is it is a landform is this has happened many other places in America. In paragrqaph twelve it states that landforms common around the American west. "It remindes me most of Middle Butte in the snake river Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. "Thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolatwed mesa about the same height as the Face of Mars." The American west has plenty of things like the Face of Mars.
My last reason why my opinion is that is a landform is scientist believe that it was another Martian Mesa. In paragraph two it states that "Scientists figured it was just another mesa, Common enough around Cydonia, Only this one had unusual shadows
that made it look like an Egyptian Pharoah." This was my last reason why I believe that is was just a landform.
I strongly believe that the Face of Mars is a landform. There are many reason Why i support my opinion. Come on let's be honest, do you really believe aliens would bulid a face on mars. | 23
b1ae3e4 | With the advancement of technology, cars are now being altered to fit human wants.
Driverless cars are advancing in recent years.
According to the text, car companies and manufacturers such as Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan are all in plan of the development of these cars to be sold by the year 2020.
These cars may appear as eye-candy at first glance, however they can cause danger to the people in certain conditions in many ways.
Driverless cars seem spectacular, however people are unaware that it is not "driveless" as the manufacturers say.
These cars have the ability to complete the basic necessities of driving, such as steering, accelerating, and braking, but there is a problem with this.
The text explains how the new cars are not able to be driven in certain conditions such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.
Because of this, the human driver must stay alert throughout the entire drive when the car is in need of an extra hand.
This is a problem beacuse humans could get bored of waiting or get distracted which is problematic if the car is not fast enough to warn the human.
In short, actually having humans agree to the comitment of being ready to take over the task of driving in a driverless car seems to be unrealistic.
With all this being said, someone might ponder on how the car could be slow to warn the human.
Creating a driverless car means a person has to put all their trust into a large piece of technology.
This could cause many problems, for example, the text explains how the cars are equipt with many cameras and sensors.
This is problematic because if the car's technology has a defect in it in some way, the human in the car will most likely get in an accident without doing anything.
According to the text, many places such as California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have made it illegal to test computer-driven cars there. Finally, in the case of an accident actually occuring, the problem people would face is if the car manufacturer or the human would be the one to blame.
In the end, driverless cars are not safe and could lead to many problems.
Driverless cars are approaching into the world fast.
This new technology should not be trusted due to the speed of its development.
Humans could face many problems with these cars now entering today's society.
To conclude, driverless cars appear to be an extravegant idea however, when acutually thought out, many issues could occur leaving problems in the end. | 23
f4c2c4c | In this writing prompt the topic that is going to be disscused is that if the Idea of technology going to be able to predict what humans are feeling an a emotional level.
The Idea of a facial expression reading computer is a good idea but for as long it is used for the right intentions such as using it to read picture of families to know how they are feeling, or using it for a class that is not interested into a subject so the computer alters the lesson to change up the lesson to make more entertaining for the students, but for advertisements that is not very good way to use technology in that way. If the human race is going to use technology like it should be used responsibily and used to help man kind to strive to become better.
The technology for this is remarkable and how we are going this far to use technolgy like this for only medical purposes, for learning, and to see if some one is lying or telling the truth. If it is going to be used to fill companies pockets full of cash for advertisements it shouldn't be allowed cause taking photos or using technology to invade on peoples privacy just to adjust their own benefits, and I can see it being used for purposes like art work just like the Mona Lisa .
The Facial Action Coding System(FACS) and really what makes it remarkable it tells you all of the emotions that they are feeling rather than just one specific emotion. It tells you from the emotion they feel the most to the one they feel the least about.
It is outstanding how technology could come so far in a short amount of time and their is a saying that comes with it comes great power, comes great responsibility and their is technology that is either taken for granted or it is misused for the all of the wrong reasons. The FACS or the facial action coding system it could be very useful in for medical research or it can help detectives to tell them what are witnesses or patients feeling so that they could help them get through their isssues in life. | 23
ed42697 | Driverless cars would be a good aspect to our world. It would be a great experience for poeple all around the world to try. Google cofounders are already envisioning the future car and are trying to create them as soon as posibly.
First off, driverless cars would be a good aspect to our world because there is no cars out that is driverless. In the article it says, " In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." That states that Google cofounders need to make and test there driverless cars until its 100% driverless.
Secondly, bringing driverless cars to the world would be a great experience for poeple to try while being safe. In the article it says, " Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over--something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone, In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety system feature, and safety is a big concern." This states that car will alarm person when need to take control over the wheel.
Thirdly, most states will not allow them becuase of the driving and traffic laws of the pacific states. In the article it says, " Automaker are continuing the work on the assuption that the problems ahead will be fixed." | 12
daea975 | I think using a Facial Action Coding Systemin the classroom to identify the emotions of students is not okay, Why? becuase some people want to express themselves of their feelings that has been done by others. But not such that. In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" everday. For instance you can probably tell if a friend is feeling simply emotion by looking at thair face. But for some people painting portraits can help them express their feelings through painting. Sometimes people express their emotions through music by singing or making music. Then in the Mona Lisa, no one knows what feeling she is expressing and what is she feeling. For instance, some artists say she is happy but no one really knows what emotion she is feeling. In conclusion, I think classrooms shouldn't use Facial Action Coding System to identify the expression of students an how they are feeling. But some people have hidden talents that they use to express themselves or their emotions. Also not many people icluding students express themselves through painting some use dancing, acting, making music, singing, cooking and their are many ways of expressing your emotions through many things. For instance people express themselves through writing books, but many people can understand their feelings that by reading their life as a book. | 01
f0f058a | Driverless cars are super new and talked about idea. Many people today love that idea of driverless cars. I completely disagree with that idea. Driverless cars can't perdicted whats happening around it or keep people 100 percent safe. Some exmples from the article "Driverlees Cars Are Coming" are we need smarter roads not cars, cars still need to alert people, and todays laws.
In the article, it descibes that "futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads". It also states that "the smart-road systems worked surprisingly well but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical". Driving cars dont have a course to follow all the time. What if you want to go off road or something random gets in the road. The car wont be able to stop or slow down to see those things.
Saddly the driverless cars are not driverless like they say. In the artlcle it talking about the cars steering, accelerating, and braking themselves but need a human skill to navigate thtough work zones and accidents. Even though a car with steering, accelerating, and braking and the cars alert you when u need to take over sounds amazing, to me it sounds very dangers. Think about it how much time do you have to react? If people are just sitting in these cars do you really believe people are going to watch the road? people will become way to relexed, i could see myself falling alseep. I don't feel as though the is very safe.
Driverless being legal is of course very important but that will need a change in traffic laws, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident. If a horriable acccident happens with a driverless car who is respondable? In the article it bring up that very good point. they are so many unknows and dangers of completely relying on a cars or on a person to watch the roads.
As my conclusion driverless cars can't perdicted whats happening around it or keep people 100 percent safe. The exmples I used to supports that is that we need smarter roads not cars, cars still need to alert people, and todays laws. Having driverless my be great for somethings in the furture but right now its so unprediable and unsafe. Driverless cars need alot more time to delovep and more laws need to be made and ready to go before driverless cars are. | 34
16729f5 | Dear Senator,
I believe that we should keep the Electoral College voting instead of changing it because it produces a clear winner, shows what percentage of the state voted for whom and is easier to count the votes.
It produces a clear winner because instead of doing it by numbers it is by percentages. If you see it in percntages you will know right away. If we were to change it to most popular vote you would not get an exact number so you would have to tally up and see who is the winner. It states that it produces a clear winner by the percentages.
It shows what state voted for whom. What I mean by that is on the map it will show if the state voted more for Republican or Democratic. If 60% of the state voted for a Republican than it shows what percent. Instead of counting out those long numbers they can just add up all the percentages and get their winner right there.
It is a lot easier to count all the votes because if it shows that 60% of the state voted for Republican than that goes into the books. So instead of counting each and every vote they just add up all the percentages and then they have their clear winner.
If we were to change to most popular vote it would not be fair because it does not show an exact number or percentage. It would become another war because if it just shows most popular vot instead of who is really good for the job our world would become an aweful place to live in. You dont know if that person is truly able to be put into that job.
Yes there are some pros and cons to this but would you rather be put into office for most popular votes, not the most votes. Or would you rather be put into office saying I beat this guy in the race and I won fair and square.
We should keep the Electoral Collage in session because it produces a clear winner, showes a percentage of votes for each state and is a lot easier to count all the votes. Lets not change what is already going well for us. Keep it going. Dont stop it now.
66acffa | Did aliens create an amazing masterpiece on Mars or are you just imagining that they did? Aliens surely do not exist or are for sure not on Mars. It is theretithized that aliens have formed or made an object that seems to look like a human face. I think that aliens didn't do it in many different ways. Such as, this object resembles different landforms that co-exist on Earth. Also, by using our satelittes, we would've already seen pictures of them. Finally, many different factors could've made it to look as if resembling a human face. Just because we wonder about something, doesn't mean that it's really there.
First of all, this object resembles different landforms that co-exist on Earth. Different landforms that it resenmbles are rivers, volcanos, and mountains. This closely resembles the Snake River Plain in Idaho because of it's swirly indentions. Also in one of the pictures it looks as if it have hot boiling lava bubbling inside of it. And finally it shows high elevations such as the Rocky Mountains. This "alien created object" looks very similar to the many different landforms on Earth. This is one of the many reasons why it was not made by aliens but if there were any aliens wouldn't we have known about them by now?
Concequently, using our satelittes, we would've already seen pictures of the aliens if they lived on Mars. With all of the advanced technology that we have today you would've thought that our satelittes would've taken pictures of the aliens, right? Some reasons why we should've already seen aliens are that we have satelittes that can take high definition pictures, not only but also; we've launched many different programs towards Mars to take pictures but none of them have came back with positive results for aliens. And finally the rovers that we have sent to Mars have come back with little information about vital items needed to survive on a planet. With high definition pictures we can tell if there are any shelters, food, water, etc. on Mars, however there's not. Then again many different space progams hav launched satelittes to take pictures, but there is no vital signs. Finally the rocket propelled rovers that have landed on Mars have came back with little information about items needed to survive. There it is, another good reason and reality why aliens did not create this human looking landform, but it might've just been positioning why we thought that it looked human.
Finally, many different factors could've made it to look as if resembling a human face. Different factors such as the position of the sun, clouds, and or temperature could've made this "plain" look human. The sun might've made the shadows of different hills look like eyes and a mouth. The clouds could've covered or angled the sun to make different shadows on the hilly area. Maybe the heat waves deformed the plateu to resemble a human. Nobody knows for sure and unless the exact same situation happens again we might find out, but until then I beleive that it is not possible that aliens made this landform.
It is possible that aliens exist and I don't doubt that they live without of our reach but I think that it is not possible for them to exist this close to us and we have not found out about it yet, therefore they are not real.
Everyone wonders what is beyond our reach, but just because you imagine it does that neccesarily mean that it is real? I think that all the examples like it looks like landforms on Earth, we should've seen picture of aliens, and many different factors might have effected our view are definitly reasons why aliens did not create this. Wondering and believing are both good things but if you don't focus on the truth of reality, you will not suceed. | 45
376021a | In the atricle "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, He tells us that new facial emotion technology is being developed. Technology like this would be valuable in the classroom because technology like this would tell us what a person's emotional expression. Technology like this can stop bad things that are caused by hate and sadness, like suicide.
The technology will create a 3-D computer model of the face being scanned. It will can the 44 major muscles in the human face. Muscles such as the frontalis pars lateralis muscle convays the emotion of being surprised, by raising the eyebrows. The human will convey many emotions at once, so by using video imagery, the software will be able to track the facial movements. The units created by the facial expressions will be compared to a face that show no emotions. But, humans can do the same emotions calculations on a regular basis by looking at a friend that is sad or mad, but it'd be difficult to explain the facial features being conveyed at certain time. A classroom computer will be able to scan a childs face and see if the student
is bored or
confused, then the computer would act like a human instructor and modify the lessons to make it easier or less-boring to the student.
Technology like this would be benefical to the classroom, because the computer can make certain school lessons less boring and more helpful to students that don't understand. Some students won't understand a certain subject on the first time. The student will need more involvment to further explain a subject to a confused student. So technology would be useful to the classroom. | 23
ef64f8d | Im against this driveless car thing. Why would u want to have that kinda car to have but you reallycant drive it unless it tells u can. I see they point of when are coming from but personal i would have to say no.
The reason i saw no is becasue i like to drive and i have some reason why i think it not good. First reason is because what happen when ur in the car and when its driving it self down the road you may what to take a nap and your by yourself. Then whe nthe car is driving and it makes a mishap then your in trouble because its your car and you have to pay for it to get fix. The second reason is that when you think for awhile because in the passage it says " Toyata prisu uses posisiton-estimatingon th eleft rear wheel, a roating sensoron the roof, a vidoe camera mountes near the rearview mirrior, four automative radar sensprs, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor." Just because it has all those thing dosent mean it good to have a driverless car. What happens if one of those thing break down and next thing you know you dont have a sensors on the left rear wheel then what happen you crash. The thrid reason is because when are in the car to my personal reaction i want to be safe and want to be on the wheel and not have to car be pushing my gas pedel. What happens and the car gose to fast or to slow and since you have no control of what the car dose then it stil your fault to be in a crash with another car or in the ditch. When im in a car i like to be the one on the gas pedel and to be able to, control my car and not have it go automacly. It says in the passage " in 2013, BMW announced the development of Traffic jam Assistant." The car can handle driving functional at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sesors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." I also say " They cansteer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the raod ahead requires human skills, such as navitgating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. his necessitates the car beign ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a promble occurs." Hoe would the driver be noticefy that there was a promble hhow can the car do that if thye wold tell me why then i would understand and maybe be on there side.
That what i have to say about this driverless car i am not likeing the idea so when have to be ready to have a car be on the crash you will be in the promble to be able to get the money on how they would pay there car. So there one im not on there side at all. | 23
588a4ce | Dear state senator, I think the electoral collage is unfair and should be abolished because it is unfair to voters.
Its unfair to voters because of the winner take all system candidates dont spend time in state they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the states. And also because of the electoral vote, because each state only casts 1 vote, the single representative from wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as 55 representatives from california, who represent 35 million voters. Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for congress, the house's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people. The electoral college is widely regarded as anachronism, a non democratic method of picking a president that will to be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner. Although there is some ups to the electoral college like certainty of outcome and swing states, electoral college is not fair to the people because they dont get as much say as representatives and popular votes so they should abolish the electoral college to give the people a little more say.
aac6485 | There is always a constant arguement about keeping the Electoral College or changing the election by popular vote for the president of the United States. I personally feel that we should abolish the Electoral College and change the election by popular vote. I don't think it is fair to our voters who vote for the president when they are really voting for the state of electors. The Electoral College really has the final say on who is going to be elected president of the United States. The citizens of the United States should be the one who elect the president instead of the Electoral College.
First of all, the Electoral college is a little outdated now a days. The Electoral College has been used for a very long time and it should be changed. To me I believe that it just makes sense to have voters to vote for our president instead of the winner-take-all system. It wouldn't even make sense to vote if you know that the Electoral College is going to actually elect the president. Abolishing the Electoral College is just the best way to go.
Next, The Electoral College is just unfair to the voters who vote for the president. It is because of the wininer-take-all system. The candidates dont't go to states they know they are going lose in. Instead they go for the swing states so they can a better chance of winning. Some states wouldn't even see the candidates at all. So abolishing the Electoral College is the best way to go.
In conclusion, people are alyways debating on keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. I believe that we should abolish the Electoral College and let the election go by popular vote. I dont think the Electoral College is fair for voter because they actually elect the president. If we abolish the Electoral College then the people can vote for our president the right way. In the future hopefully this will happen because the Electoral College is just not relavent anymore. | 23
ac3fbb4 | Self-Driving Cars?
Are self-driving cars actually smarter than we think? Many car companies have started to invest their time and money into creating a car that is driverless 100% in the future. Driverless cars are not reliable because it takes a lot of money to make these driverless cars, safety is a big concern with these cars, and if the car can't drive on its own then the human must take over the wheel when there are complications.
Car companies such as Mercedes, Audi, Tesla and Nissan have all started to work on driverless cars. These cars are very expensive to make and test out. Sebastian Thrun, the founder of the Google Car project said " Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost teo hundred million dollars. It wasn't something you could buy at Radio Shack." Sensors are the main idea and concept of the driverless cars but they cost millions of dollars. What happens if the sensors are not reliable?
Safety is the number one priority of anyone that is in the car. The driving laws are very concerned with this and need gurantees on the driverless cars that are coming in the future. In paragraph 9 it says that " Presently traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all time. Manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliable. But the question we must ask is" If the technology fails and someone is injured, then who will be at fault?" It could go in many different ways and many conflicts can arise. There are postive aspects to driverless cars. One is that automakers are still trying to improve all the qualities on the cars. In paragraph 10 it says," Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. They are saying that they will not release the cars until they are reliable and ready to go. The cars are improving as the days pass by. More and more laws will changed due to these cars which will be for our safety.
The biggest concern is why can't we fully rely on these cars yet. They are not reliable right now is because when there are complication or certain situations that can occur on the road then the human must take over the driving until it is safe again. "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents". Google still has many issues with their driveless cars that must must improve and work on futher.
Now we know that these driverless cars are coming for sure. Many car companies are making the time and effort to make these cars successful. We know some of the problems they are facing. But we now know that they are not going to be releasing these cars now but in the future when they are ready to be safe, consistant, and reliable. | 34
622c888 | The author presents a postive impact on driving because, driving will be safer with the smart cars. driving will be much easier with the smart cars, and people will have a better time driving.
Driving will be safer with the smart cars. In paragraph 5 the author states, "The imformation from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better responce and control than a human driver could manager alone." This statement from the author of the article shows that the smart cars sensors detect things faster than a human. Another example states, "There are sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor." After reading that statement it makes people feel safe being in a car that can basically detect everything around them.
Driving will be much easier with the smart cars. in paragraph 7 the writer states, "All of the cars are able to steer,accelerate and brake themselves." This statement is a big help to drivers who get tired of steering all the time when driving. The writer also states, "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph." This would be great for drivers. It would help them get around town. Especially for people who live in small citys.
People will have a better time driving. In paragraph 8 it states, "Some manufactuers hope to bring fun to driving by bringing in entertainment and informational systems." This would make driving a lot better." Another example states, "Drivers will be ables to text now with the smart car while driving."
The author presents a postive impact on driving because, Driving will be safer with the smart cars. Driving will be much easier with the smart cars,
People will have a better time driving. | 23
82c9864 | I believe the face on Mars was not created by aliens. I believe the face is just a natrual land mass that looks like a face from far away. It's almost as if you were to see a person you think you know, but as you get close enough to see their face you dont know them at all.
I believe the face on Mars is a natrual land mass for many reasons. One main reason is that the face is just and elevated area of land. Over the past years many astroids and space debre have hit or landed I could say on Mars. So if astroids landed on the elevated space in places where the eyes, nose, and mouth should be making it look as if a face was on Mars. The article states that the rock formation was as if it was an illusion of the features of a human on the mountain of rock. Another reason is that in the past the "Face on Mars" could have been a mountain. Meaning that the winds, dust, and dirt could have worn down the mountain making it into a mesa. The article states that many mesa's have been spotted around Cydonia, making it possible for the "Face on Mars" to be just another mesa. The article staes that NASA have taken many pictures of the face and they all revealed "a natrual landform." NASA stated that there was no alien monument. Another reason is that Mars used to be an active planet. So if the "Face of Mars" used to be a mountain it could have got run down by lava flows in the area. Making it into a landform thta looks like a face.
In conclusion there are many facts and theories about the "Face on Mars." People who think the "Face on Mars" was created by aliens will have a much tougher time proving that it was created by aliens. Therefore there is many more facts about the "Face on Mars" being a natrual land mass. These are just some of the reasons why I believe the "Face on Mars" is a natural land mass. | 34
df590e7 | The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" mentions may things about all the problems with going to Venus. Then, it is said how those problems could be fixed. These are all to support the authors claim. From examining the risk vs. reward of going to mars for exploring that was used in the text and the simple soutions that have baffled the world for 3+ decades, it's clear that the author got through with the message he was trying to convey.
What I've learned fromt the text is that traveling to Venus for a fair amount of time could be a very momentus event in history, but it will be very arduous to reach that goal. There were several dangers listed; temperature, air pressure, lightning, volcanoes, etc. "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely". (Paragraph 1) These were also problems that were tackled by the author. He relenquishes all of the huge problems and proves that going to Venus could be worth it. | 12
0746d1a | There are some good and bad examples in this article. It is a easy side to choose weather you want to agree or disagree with the development of theses cars. The side I would have too choose is not to agree with the development of these cars.
I would have to disagree because if i'm driving down the road and the car stops working because of an accident that happened. Who's fault is it? Like the article said, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the maufacture?" If it is the cars fault, the driver would be aloud to sue for the faulty of the car. If it was the drivers fault, then they would have to pay for the damage they have caused.
What would happen if the sensors in the car stop working, in the middle of the person driving? Let's say you're driving down the road, the car in front of you slams on their breaks because of a read light. Your car can't stop because of the sensors are not working, you can't take control because the car has control to stop you. You skid down the road, hitting the other car. What happens next?
In conclusion, before they start selling these cars, they could at least take more time fixing the things that go wrong. Would you want to have something go wrong with the car, then it be your fault? They could try something new if they can't seem to fix the problem. Or maybe they should just stop trying to take away some of the driving privliges from the customers. This is not a good idea for the future. It could go wrong in so many ways. | 12
6e14611 | When you first hear of this new software you may not see a need for such technology to exist. However, once you take a look into what this exciting software is capable of, you might actually grow into the idea. I believe that this software could just end up being a helpful resource used in everyday life.
If executed in the correct manners, I believe that this software could be an incredible resource that serves many different purposes. Not too long ago, technology became an everyday tool in schools around the globe. If new software such as this was implemented into devices we used at school, as a student I believe that I would benefit from it greatly. The author used the example predicted by Dr. Thomas Huang of a student who is getting bored or confused. The device could potentially produce a pop-up providing help or motivation and encouragement.
This software could be put introduced to many ways of life. For example, self-checkout stations and bank ATM's. If you appear to need help you will provided with assistance. It could potentially be a major improvement for costomer service. Software like this would definitely take getting used to, but would be worth it in the end if we are optimistic enough.
Another possibility would be for this software to be used while using serach engines. If you appear to not be satisfied, you will be directed to a page of new results. Perhaps if you show interested in certain results but not others, you could get a page of new result compiled of just the results you seemed interested in. Similar to the example of web ads appearing on your screen given to us by the author.
I believe that this software could end up being a very important feature in technology. This technology may not be very extensive yet. However, it definitely has potential. It could be implemented into many regions of everyday life. I think that the possibilities are endless. | 23
1b86671 | We have many planets in our solar system that we have been to, landed probes on them, or maybe orbited around them. Their are some that we have not explored because its too dangerous. For example, Venus. We cannot explore venuse because it is filled with carbon dioxide. The author of this passage thinks that we can study Venus and explore what it holds.
Venus also know as the "Evening Star" is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky. It is also referred to as Earth's "twin". It has a think atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and has clouds of highlt corrosive sulfuric acid. There are many things to explore in Venus.
Long ago, Venus was covered with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. Today, Venus still has some features to Earth like valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus can be an option for a planetary visit, but it would be hard getting there. But NASA maybe found a way.
According, to NASA, they are finding ways to study Venus. Right now there possible solution for Venus conditons is to allow scientists to float above the fray. There are testing more possible ways.They tested some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide and put it in a chamber stimulating of Venus's surface and been doing this for three weeks in hard conditions. Another thing is going back to old technology called "mechanical comptuers". These played an important role during World War II. They make calculations by using gears and levers. They did not require electronics.
We all been worried about has dangerous something is, but there i always a way to see it. Venus is going to be a challenge to see but we will see insight of what the planet looks and what it has stored to explore.. | 12
819f0be | The emotional expressions a person uses can tell a lot about that person and how they are feeling at that very moment. New technology has been helping people decode each others emotions. The use of this technology can help people understand each other just a bit better than before. People are becoming more aware of how to decribe our emotional expressions that are on our faces. Just like with the Mona Lisa painting scientists says "she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". The Mona Lisa painting can help us understand that even though it was painted many years ago we can still tell how she was feeling by her facial expression. This shows that we can do more than just decribe what we are feeling at the moment. This shows how we can keep people entertained.
If somebody is bored of a television show or a commercial then they will not pay as close of attention to the computer then when you like the show or commercial. How would the computer keep the person entertained? This issue can be solved by the Facial Action Coding System, because the computer could recognize that person is bored and then change the type of show or commercial to what they like. If the computer reads that the person is enjoying the show or commercial, then the computer will leave the type of show or commercial the way it is. This all can be showed by what facial expression a person uses at the computer.
This way people are more entertained with what a person watches.
The Facial Action Coding System would help show if a person is actually learning or not while teaching. The student's face can be recognized as confused or bored. This will help a teacher recognize that they should try a different technique as they are teaching. When a person is having "mixed feelings" on a subject then that issue can be addressed, so the person is no longer feeling that way. In the article Dr. Huang says " Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," so this tells that people can know each other better with this technology.
Our faces have 44 major muscles that helps tell our emotions. These muscle helps scientists see if a person is pretending to be happy or is a person is genuinely happy. These muscles can tell if an important celebrity or politician is perhaps lying about liking a certain idea. This is a valuable tool to use, because if a country is wanting to go at war with another country then we can analyze the people's emotions on the idea to see if it is truely a good idea to do. Another way it is useful to know a leader's emotions is to see if they are scared or bluffing about an event that may or may not happen based on their emotions.
Our emotional expressions can help people understand their true feelings about each other. This is a valuable source to know at school, watching tv, and even during a war. We communicate a lot of ourselves through our emotional expressions. This is by showing what we are disgusted in, what we are scared of, or even what we like just in general. This technology can show us how a person from 100 years ago was feeling in a picture, because a picture can say a thousand words just like our emotional expressions can. | 23
ae317f3 | I strongly believe that we have found something on mars and that it is just a natural landform. Their are many ways people can take this matter but since I am a scientist at NASA I can tell you what really happened. People may or may not believe me but I know what happened and I hope that you can listen to what I have to say. Aliens in my opinion are not real and I strongly think that they only way that a face would be on Mars is by a rock formation that happened.
When we looked at the pictures that they found of the rock formation there we saw a head,nose,and a mouth but ther were also formed by shadows. Then came Mars Blobal Surveyor and helped out and got more pictures from the rock. They got pictures that were ten times sharper then the orginal pictures. After all they concluded that there was no alienen moument at all and that is was made out of rock.
The people thought that it was a alien moument and got frustrated and that we were wrong. Of course there had been things about it on tv shows and radio talked and maybe even in grocery stores. You might think that we wnated to hide from what we saw because it wasn't what we would have hoped for. The truth is that we didn't want to make up something that wasn't real because then everybody would believe that and then it would be also bad for NASA. NASA goes into outer space and we find stuff that we haven't known about and that interests us and makes us what to go out there more.
When people then make up things about hiding it they only think about what people around them that are saying. They don't go up to space and they don't see what we see in space. Even if there were life we would share that but lieing to people about life in Mars is not right. It's not fair for people to think that their is life just because we saw a face. We even had help from other people to help us. They helped us with the pictures and with those pictures we could also tell there wasn't life.
I concluede that what we have found is real and that there was only a rock foundation. We don't want people believeing that wrong thing and for NASA then that also would be bad because then we couldn't discover all new things that we found to everyone. I hope that I have convinced you why there wasn't an alien monument but just a rock formation from Mars. | 23
0f87684 | As of 1976, there has been ¨a photo from Viking 1¨ showing what appears to be face on Mars. This information came straight from NASA back when they first discovered the face. This is well related to the topic around aliens and alien theories. People have believed forever that aliens exist somewhere is the universe. Then recently becuase of the picture showing the face on Mars strengthening their beleifs. They have said, "the Face is bonafide evidence of life on Mars.¨ Many people believe this face was a monument created by aliens so, here´s why they are wrong.
This photo was first taken sometime in 1976. It is a photo of small region of mars with a couple of formations. But one formation sticks out like a tall man in an elementary school. This picture was taken at the right angle at the right time. It makes it look a face with the angle and shadows. And many people believed it to be a monument made by extratellestular figures. Another reason why they believe for it to be made from aliens is because, ¨What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West.¨
Their is a lot of people that would disagree with belief of this face being real. They would believe this way because they would it´s childish to believe that a rock formation on a foreign planet could ever possibly be made by aliens. Another reason why is because if it does resemble a earth-like formation that was not man made, that means the face was made by aliens, it was just an act of nature. It is physically challenging to make a formation, the shape of a human face, on a planet way far away from its neighboring planets.
People have also taken more recent pictures of the face. One in 1998 and another one in 2001. The newest one from 2001 is pretty old but gives the most recent information. It has the highest resolution of any picture of that face. In this picture, it is zoomed in more than the original photo and a lot more clear than the first one, their is a lot more detail. But in this photo, it doesn look like a human, it has more of a resemblance of a lion. But also, it looks to be more natural than before because the higher resolution and less blur.
Again, the people that have believed that the face wsa alien made rock formation were wrong. It is merely just a natural formation that has face-like features that was believed to be a face because of a shadow and a good camera angle. The so called ¨Face on Mars¨ is no longer real and was just a moment of glory for the people at NASA. | 23
fed2229 | more people die in car related accidnts then almost anything else each year. yet we still choose to drive everyday. We choose to put our life in danger to take the easy way out.
Some places around the world does not allow cars to be driven. this does everyone a favor. gives the community a piece of mind while taking a walk. it also forces people who doesnt get out very much to walk where they needed to go. this would help with people being overweight as well. But we are not just hurting ourselves by driving we are also hurting the planet we live on, Earth. Driving is the main source og pollution to our atmoshere. Pollution causes the air to be vey dirty that we have to breath in it also changes the climate. Climate will begin to warm, this has a big effect on everything, even animals.
I also realize some places in the world this is not possible. there is many factors that go into this wether it be saftey reasons or if your like me everything is so spread out. But with that being said cars is not the only means of transportation, subways, railroads and buses are all possibilities too. | 12
2750fc1 | Exploring the planet Venus is a task for the whole NASA team period. There would be some flaws that would go with it and some advantages that would go with it as well. I mean thats really anything you do in life there's gonna be some flaws and advantage.
Now i will tell you about how well the author supprorted the idea. The reason why he supports and tells it so phenominal is because evemn though it could be risky and result in bad things. At the same time it could be benefitial for not only the planet but us humans. It could provide us life and better home if Earth just lets go on us.
Here on some good ideas on why and how Venus is benefital to explore new feautures to look at. Possibly new life no saying that we would neccessairly bond with them but take it one step at a time. Maybe we could fix the envriroment and make it suitful for everybody to breath and adapt to.
With every adavantage there has to be flaws to the situation. Venus's enviroment is probably one very hot and two hard to breathe since its not that far away from the Sun. Forms of light cnat even penetrate there so its gonna be hard to adapt to the atmosphere for sure. Its kind of bad to the point where you cant even take samples of rocks or anything there.
Through all this stuff about Venus makes me wonder will the planet ever be suitable to live on or will we just parish with earth as the rapture happens. Hopefully it'll be suitable to live on and take care of our future children an kids and their kids and their kids. | 23
5d9d627 | To State Senator, Electoral college. What a complex process it has become. I am writing to you today to explain to you why the Electoral College should be held. As you know, this is a process which starts off by a meeting of the electors to discuss and vote for the President and the Vice President of United States, then counting the electoral votes by the Congress. The Electoral College isnt a small thing, it consists of 538 electors. It requires at least 270 votes to elect the President.
Every candidate running has his/her own group of electors. Most states have as its called "winner-take-all" system. Which basically, gives all the electors the opportunity to the winning presidential candidate. When the president is elected, the governor sets up a "Certificate of Ascertainment". Which concludes a list of names of all the candidates who ran for President. The certificate is then sent to Congress and the National Archives as apart of the presidential election and history.
It has come to my attention that there has been a majority of people who do not agree with the Electoral College and wish for it to be abolished. A source says and I quote, " Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, who in turn elect the president." Although, this source only has ONE argument against the Electoral College, which is called the disastor factor. It explains that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest mistake in a century, and how it couldve been worse. In all honesty, if it was going to be as worse... then it wouldve. But it did not so why they spend so much time stressing about something that does not exist.
It also mentions that if a tie were to happen in the electoral votes, the election would be thrown out of the House of Representatives and the state delegations vote for the president. IF a tie were to appear, i doubt very much that it will happen because the people campaign for the president they want in the White house, so they persuade people causing one to have most votes. But in all worst cases, that is why there is a Vice-President. The Vice-President serves a purpose and should be treated like so.
There are 5 reasons to keep out Electoral College: Certainty of Outcome, Everyone's President, Swing states, Big states, and Avoid run off elections. Certainty of outcome includes that yes, anything is possible, a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College, but it is very less likely than a popular vote. The winning candidates share of the college go past his share of popular vote. Everyone's President inlcudes that the college requires a presidential candidate to have a trans-regional appeal. Meaning that if it has no region, the electoral votes are already enough votes to select the president.
Swing states consists of the winner-take-all system as mentioned earlier. Voters are more likely to pay attention to the campaign in toss-up states, to really understand what is hapeneing even though they already know what their final desicions is. The most humble and heartfelt voters should be the ones to decide the election. And of course the big states. In other words, the larger the state equals the more attention from presidential candidates in a campiagn than a smaller state. An example, would be that Florida recieved 29 electoral votes for the current president, rather than Wyoming which only got 3. And finally to conclude, the Avoid run-off elections. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate is favorited. There of course is pressure in run off when no candidate wins a majority of cast votes.
To end this letter sent to you, State senator. I have explained to you the process of the electoral votes. I also explaind the reasons why you should keep the Electoral College held. Please rethink this over and consider the best option...To keep held the Electoral College. Best wishes. | 23
a9fc13b | Revealing the Face
Have you ever heard of the "Face on Mars"? Well I have. I'm actually a scientist that works for NASA. As a scientist we are constantly getting information from people about their thoughts on the Face on Mars. We get many suggestions, such as the face being created by aliens. Well as a scientist I'm here to tell you it was not created by aliens.
This face on Mars was not created by aliens, but was created by nature itself. The Face on Mars is a natural landform. I know this because as a scientist of NASA we believe this face is just a huge rock formation. This rock resembles a human head. The human head formed by shadows, giving the illusion of eyes, a nose, and lastly a mouth. Many authors that have researched on this topic believe it will attract more attention to planet Mars.
The Face on Mars has became a very big deal. It has played a role in movies, showed up in magazine articles, and has been a topic on radio talk shows. Many people have come to conclusion that NASA would rather hid information about this such thing. But NASA just wishes that there was an ancient civilization on Mars.
Many people still believe that this artifact came for aliens, but few scientist and have come to believe this is true. NASA takes pictures of the Face on Mars but many aren't satisfied by the quality of the pictures. As a scientist at NASA it is very challenging to capture a good photo because this face is located 41 degrees north martian latitude. This means that the camera has to peer through many wispy clouds to catch the face.
We scientist at NASA have come to conclusion that this Face on Mars isn't created by aliens because of those reasons. Although many others may disagree and believe NASA is hiding information on this artifact. As a scientist that works for NASA, we will continue to look more into this specific topic and hopefully be able to know for a fact that this is created by landform and not aliens. | 34
f733076 | The idea of driverless cars has long been fantisiesed but i think it is a bad idea to have driverless cars because computers are not very reliable and cant think like a person can even with the technology such as a Dubbed LIDAR that uses laser beams to constantly update a 3-D model to help the car mimic that of what a human can do in my opinion why try to mimic a human when you can just use a human to do the job.
Most ¨self¨ driveing cars are not really self driveing at all most of them are just assisting the driver so when the driver gets in a spot such as work zones our accedents it has to warn the driver to take over. Most of the cars that are self driveing requier the driver to keep there hands on the wheel and to pay attintion to the road and many of them has there own alert system such as GM has a drivers seat that will vibrate when the driver is needed and there are also other way that the car gets the drivers attintion by flashing lights and other heads up displays.
There is alot of debate on the laws of driverless car such as how would the laws work and most states dont alow testing of driverless cars. The cars are not safe how can they be? the cars use technolagy that can and will fail nomatter what any one say can the self driveing cars pull off the side of the road in case of a brake down? will it move for a pot whole? can it tell the differnce from a human or a random object there are so many questions that can be asked and i doubt many of them can be ansewrd so the fact is are ¨driverless¨ cars really safe? I think that cars should be left alone and let people drive there selfes around and as many people say ¨if it aint broke why fix it¨ so why would you change something such as actual people driveing and have cars ran by a computer drive when they can an will fail. | 23
4fe07b6 | To state senator Bill Nelson:
Dear Mr. Nelson,
I would like to address a concern that seems to have the American people questioning their voting decisions. As a responible citizen of the United States of America, upholding your right to vote is an important duty. However, in the case of nationally voting to decide our vital political figures, such as the President and Vice-President, the ballot of the Electoral College is not giving the voters of America a fair result when it comes to the final moments of a presidental election. The reason being that this ballot is so unfair is that the electors for the state of which a citizen is voting in can be easily overturned to a vote for the canidate of which is opposite to what that citizen has elected to vote for.
The year of the 2000 campaign, Bush vs. Gore, for the presidency is an excellent example of how this Electoral College is unfair for voters. As Bradford Plumer has addressed in an excerpt of his writing: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" from
Mother Jones , he stated that Al Gore did indeed win the popular vote, but however he lost the presidency because of the quirks of the Electoral College. Also stated by Bradford Plumer is that "The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse".
Another example of how the Electoral College is unfair goes back to the 1960 campaign. Again stated by Bradford Plumer, "The segregationists in the Louisiana legislature had nearly come to success in replacing Democratic electors with new electors that would oppose John F. Kennedy." The state of Louisiana had attempted to do so because the popular vote for Kennedy, would not have actually gone to Kennedy; if they had succeeded in replacing those electors. There is also raise for concern in the event of a tie in a campaign. All 50 states would have only one vote and the selection of the House of Representatives would most likely not reflect the will of the American people. Also, the Senate chooses the vice-president.
As an American citizen looking forward to uphold my duty as a responible voter, I ask that we abloish the Electoral College and make the change to deciding among a popular vote. I believe that this change will engage Americans who respectfully choose not to vote to make the choice to vote. It will also give the citizens of America a more fair campaign to vote for when it comes time to vote for a new president. Last but not least, the small percentage of voters who are visiting the ballots for the first time would have a better understanding of how the voting system works. I hope you take this thought into consideration and help make a better voting environment for our citizens of this great country that we call home.
8e0862d | Dear State Senator:
The Electoral College is only taking your personal vote for a leader for our economy and putting into into another persons perspective. That's unfair. When you make a vote about the leader of your country, you want to be independent. You want to feel like you are doing something great to help your country. Everyone does. The electoral college needs to be abolished for the sake of our citizens. We would all benefit from changing the voting system to Popular Vote, on voting for the president of the United States.
Think about it, what good is the Electoral College system doing for our society. Its surely letting the state electors get their opinion. In source #2,
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, by Bradford Plumer , says, " Prehaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. " Who wants that? What's it even worth voting then if your vote, your vote on the leader of America gets put into the hands of the House Of Representatives to decide on. Think about it.
I can see why people would want to keep it. In source #3,
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , by Ricard A. Posner, says "The Electoral College is a widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring a canidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." It does offer support that maybe our country needs. Maybe we do need help in choosing who our president should be. The Electoral College gives us us a more official point of view on which president should be elected.
Some people have a hard time realizing what the Electoral College is even doing for our society. Me included. In Source #2,
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, by Bradford Plumer, says
"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best." I think its best to say the Electoral college IS outdated, it IS unfair and irrational. Its simply taking away from your one voice of a citizen of the United States of America and vanishing it into thin air. Stick up for yourself and abolish the Electoral College.
In souce #1,
Does the Electoral College Work?
, by the Office of the Federal Register, says " The Electoral College process consists of the selection of electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for the president and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." Don't let the electoral votes get in the way of your own. Vote for independence, Vote for your voice, your vote being heard, vote to abolish the Electoral College! | 23
c257539 | The authors supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is that NASA is sending humans to study Venus and the difference between Earth and Venus. Humans cannot lived or survived the landing for a few hours. The planet for humans to study can not lived there because the planet is hot to lived for humans, it 800 degree Fahrenheit, and the clouds are sulfuric acid. The NASA want to see if it safe for humans to lived or not, and humans can study there or not. So, the travels on Earth should not go there for the dangers and doubts but should be safe here on Earth.
The difference between Earth and Venus is they are twin, closest planet to Earth, and there density and size. For example, Venus temperature is the highest than earth, "A thick atmosphhere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus." And "Venus temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what they experience on our own planet." This means that Venus temperature and atmosphere is hotter than Earth and 97 percent carbon dioxide. Another example for Venus is, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans." Probably today, Venus could have some features familiar to Earth like valleys, mountains, and craters.
The authors supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is that NASA is sending humans to study Venus and the the diiference between Earth and Venus. Venus can be dangers to the humans. Humans curiosity can study for Venus but not actually going there because they would melted or dies in a minute or 2 minutes. | 12
ae1199e | Dear State Senator,
I think we should get rid of the Electorial college because they are unfair. There are only a few reasons to why we need the Electorial college. I think we should get rid the college because it is a non- democratic method of selecting our president. It shoule be overruled by declaring the candidate who got the most popular votes. Its the electors who select the president not the people. When you vote, you are actually voting for a slate of electors.
Another reason why would get rid of the Electorial college is because of the winner takes all system. Canadiates dont spend time in the states they know have no chance of winning. They only focused on the tight races in the "swing" states. During the 2000 capaign, seveteen states did not see the the candidates at all including Rhode Island and South carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets did not see a single campaign.
It can be argued that the Electorial College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state, demo crates in texas, or reblicans in California for example. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incntive to pay attention to the campign thean they would have if the president were picked by popular vote... The voters in presidential elections are people who to want to express a political preferance rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election.
Whats wrong the Electorial College?
When we are under the Electorial College system , voters vot not for the president, but they vote for slate of electors. For example if you lived in texas and wanted to vote for [John] kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off chance that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to congress and Kerry would get 34 electorial votes. These electors could be anyone not holding public office. Plus voters can not control who the electors vote for. Voters end up getting confused because of the candidates the electors vote for. | 34
ac16db3 | The article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D' Alto is quite an interesting article. As it talks about how technology can detect one's true emotions. At the first glance, this article looked redicilous to me, How can a machine show one's true emotions but as I read more and more the disgust started becoming interest. And, now I am just fasinated by thid article.
In paragraph 1, the author states "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". Which shows how much technology has grown, now the technology can even tell us how and how much of a specific thing we are feeling. Quite amazing, is it not? One can't specifically say that the machine is 100 percent correct but in future maybe the technology goes even beyond this.
When reading this article, one may have had a few question about all this calculating emotions but in paragraph 2 many of the question that comes to ones mind are stated "Hold on! Can we actually 'calculate' emotions---like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle fcial movements we humans use to express how we feel". After stating these questions the author gave us their answers and not just left us curious. Recognizing one's feelings correctly is quite hard for even an human eye since someone may be trying to hide their true emotions, it's not as impossible as it sounds now due to the technology which is a good thing about the improvement in it.
In the article the authior states a couple benefits of having technology that can detect your actually feelings, one of them is in paragraph 6 " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. huang predicts. 'Then it could modify lesson, like an effective human instructor" This one particular benefit of having something that can calculate your expressions, quite got to me. It can help so many students and teachers as it can lesson the burden on teacher to go to the specific person and help them understand and the student also would not have to wait for a turn.
So for all the reasons that I have listen above and explained I would like the reader to understand the benefits of having such technology. | 23
f042fc9 | The Exploring Venus. Venus is sometime some called"Evening Star".Because it the one of the brightest points of lighht in the night time in the sky the venus nickname misleading since Venus is a actually a planet.Because first they dont know the Venus is a planet yet.In the solar system Venus is the second planet from the sun.
For the exploring The Venus is a very challenging place to examine second more closely than the sun. The Venus is the closest planet to the earth with the size and the density the Venus is occasionally the closest in distance to earth.In Planet the are this called the distance speed. The distance speed mean that sometimes people are close to other planet because Venus is sometimes around the corner.
Venus is a challenge planet for human because in paragraph 2 it said no spaceship landed in the Venus in more than three decades already and they said it a challenging planet for the human spaceman to study around Venus. On the. planet the temperature average are over 800 degress fahrenheit and it pressure are 90 times greater than they experience in there own planet.
Venus has the hottest surface temperatures of any planet in our solar system. what!!!! I thought the sun is hottest even the mercury is closer to the sun the Venus is like erupting like volcanoes like an earthquakes. The Venus mission both safe and scientifically productive.The (NASA) trying to to send human to Venus to study and at the thirty miles above the surface the tenperature would be 170 degrees Fahrenheit but it the same with the sea level on earth.
To explore the Venus planet many of the researcher are working on innovation the would allow the machines to last
long to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.NASA working on other approaches to studying Venus.The scientist figuring out how spaceship can land and human to survive in the planet called Venus.Some scientist looking back in the past to get the technology called mechanical computers . They were made in the 1800s and they play a really important role in the 1940s the played them during world war ll.
The technology computer are old but it still usefull till now because it device make calculations by using gears and levers and do not requires electronics at all it might be old it but usefull. The Venus need exploring because human curiosity will likely lead us into many intimidating endeavors. The travels on Earth should not be danger. | 12
da342ec | Just A Natural Landform..
The image shown in the capturing photos brought back from Mars revealed something, some call an alien, and others call a natural landform. The image seemed to have caught everyone's attention. As mentioned in the article, it has starred in Hollywood films, magazines, been heard on radio talk shows, and has appeared in books. The images seemed to have reminded people of other natural formations, looking like a natural landform.
Many things like this seem to remind people of other natural formations. Paragraph 12, from the exerpt, states "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Gavin. "Thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." Gavin, like many others thought this formation looked like other natural landforms.
The face is just a natural form. Paragraph seven from the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" also stated "There was no alien monument after all." The same paragraph also included "Thousands of anxious web surfers were wating when the image first appeared on a JPL web site revealing... a natural landform."
I can see why many people would think the natural formation looked much like an alien because, as included in the exerpt, it looked like a shadowy likeness of a human face. However, it looked like it was a huge rock formation with a human head formed by shawdows.
The images captured were just revealing a natural formed, that looked like some other natural forms found all other the world. As stated in the article, "The face is just a natural form." | 23
04b4ad6 | "Out travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers or doubt" The author of this article belives that it's worthy to study Venus no matter the dangers we could be face to face with.
In the article the author states we should travel beyond despite all the dangers we could come across. This author supports his idea by stateing that we could go beyond our imagination and innovation. NASA is working on sending humans to go and study up closely Venus. I think we should study different planets only if we are not faced with any danger in our way, this way we know if most of the planets are survivable.
In the article the author states if and when we arrive to Venus it could be tough desicion and with unease conditions but it could be survivable for humans. Radiation would be one of the dangers we would have to face. Another aspect that would make the conditions on Venus uneasy would be the fact that air pressure could get us really ill if and when we travel there.
In my opinion i think the opportunitiy of traveling to any other planet such as our neighbors Mars and Venus are a great way to go above and beyond out of our planet. This would be such a great opportunity
for us to travel to different planets, then again if we dont come acroos any dangers.
This would be a great exploration for us to send humans to study other planets as the author states and when we do, we will know what we are up againist. | 23
cabe99b | What would it be like without cars? Well acording to the passages there are a lot of cities that are trying this car free world. The one city that are free of cars is Vauban,Germany. So lets see how they like the car free communtiy.
The frist place were looking at is Vauban,Gremany. they have a total car free rule. they cant have car in the town . but if they have to park them they have to buy a space for $40,000 along with a house. As a result 70 percent of vauban's families do not own cars.57 percent sold a car to move here. Vauban completed inn 2006 , Is a example of a growing trend in Europe, The united states and elsewhere to separate suburban life from auto use. As a componet of a movement called "smart planning".
The end of car culture. President Obama's ambitious goals are to curb the United states' greenhouse gas emissions. Unvail last week, will get a fortuitous assist from an incipient shift in America behavior,recent studies suggest that America are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year gose by. Americas love affair with its vehicals seems to be cooling down. when adjusted for population growth ,the number of miles driven in the united states peaked in 2005 and stedily dropped thereafter. Therefor if the pattern is perists and many sociologist belive it will ,It will have benefical impacts on the world's carbon emissions. so let all try to be car free and hgelp the enviroment! | 12
ec6fa71 | "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a passage about how Venus is the twin of earth. The second planet from the sun but yet the most hottest one of all.The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents becuase it shows us that Venus is important even though its a dangerous place.
The author's idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, because Venus is referred to as our Earth's twin. In paragraph 2 it states "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." Thus saying that we should learn more about this planet and how Venus functions. It states "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." This quote demonstrates how Venus can be a place we live on which the author meant by worthy pursuit.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present according to the author. In paragraph 3 it says "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." This means that our "twin" planet, Venus is way hotter than what we are used too. When the author suggests despite the dangers that means that even though Venus looks like its impossible for man kind to live there is a way and we have to not be worried.
The reason why the author suggest these things is becuase Venus has similar features to Earth. In paragraph 4 "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This goes to show that Venus isn't that far away from dangerous. Studying Venus can't be so hard. In paragraph 7 it states "Solar power would be plentiful, and radation would not exceed Earth levels." This is showing us that we can learn more about Venus as in some parts does not succeed Earth in like air pressure although it is close.
To wrap this up, the journey to study Venus as the author suggests will be hard, but its the way you got there. Life is not for eternity we have to grow and push the limits. We can not be scared of dangers but improve on them so when we fall, we get back up and build up till the peek of the sky and pass any limts that stop us even if it's Venus thats what the author suggests in this passage. | 34
c4220dd | The technology, Facial Action Coding System (FACS) was created to recognize peoples thoughts/emotions through a facial coding system by the muscles or movements in your face. Created by Prof. Thomas Huang, he tested it on Leonardo da Vinvi's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa. Not only does this technology just recognize your emotions, but on a computer, it can respond to your emotions as well. Dr. Huang's new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code.
The real question is, would this be helpful or benefit us in a classroom? I think yes. The author states that "If you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar one might follow." Can you imagine having a computer that knows when your happy or sad? Having computers like these in school classrooms would be so valuable, due to the lack of "fun" in school, these computers could determine when youre bored in class and change something about it. Or say you're learning a new lesson in math class, and you're becoming very confused. The computer would recognize your confusion by the facial expression you have and help you out. Dr. Huang says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Another reason this technology would be helpful is because it would be less physical work and planning for the teacher. Teachers wouldn't have to deal with their students being bored, confused, or falling asleep in their class while they are teaching. This technology could greaty change the way class goes during a school day in many positive ways.
The new technology 'FACS' can encode any emotion of yours, this would be so helpful to us students in school for important reasons such as, being sad, or being confused. If so, the computer can modify things or help you out. Dr. Huang did an incredible job of creating this masterpiece, he stated that "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional commnication, so computers need to understand that too." This technology could change the world, since us humans now of days are so addicted to our phones. This computer can not only help us in school but be a new way of emotionally and physically communicating with other people. In school classrooms, and at home. The Facial Action Coding System is a very valuable thing. | 23
bbe2d2e | I a gree with the cars that can brive themselves so people don't have to driven them because sometimes people are tired and they fell sleep and we have a lot of accidents or
a lot of people die every day because they fell sleep but i'm not sure if they can make that caing of car and if they do they are goint to be really expesive. if they make those cars they have to make sure if they are safe so people can buy hose cars. people from the cars companis they have to talk about how much the cars are goint to cost because if they sold them to expensive nobody are goint to buy them but if they sold them chip poeple can buy them. but they have to make the car with different thing like they can drive by themselves but some times people want to drive them and they have to make sure that every thing they put in
the car have to be safe and countribel so people buy them and i think they have to make the cars really nice so people think they are pretty looking cars and i think old people can be more safe if they buy them because old people sometimes they can't drive it all. poeple will buy them if they watch people briving them or if the show them in tv or if they talk about them at a radio station and if people who knows how they make them can explain every thing that have the car and show and prove that they are safe and they have the best things in the car. | 01
488a448 | At the time I was working two jobs as a grocier and a banker.Then people were asking if I could join the seagoing cowboys. So i said yes,then I asked my friend don.
When don and I started on the ship with all the animals we felt wierd that we were just two small town boys doing this giant trip. Once we saw land I had just turned 18 before that.
When Don and I hit land with all the animals we had to take them to all the villages and towns for all the people. We had to go back to the U.S. and get more and bring them to the other places like China, Venice italy. Venice was the most exiting place. It had streets that are full of water and the houses are on stilts, and people were very nice.
Everything was beutiful and Don and i wish we had the opportunity to go again, maybe when were on one of are military trips. | 12
9c60ce6 | I most defintely agree with the scientists behind the Facial Action Coding System. By having the ability to read a student's emotions the world of education could make huge strides. By simply altering a lesson to fit a child's personality, the lesson could become more enjoyable and less challenging for the child.
Dr. Huang predicts that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." If Dr. Huang is in fact right about his technology's potential, children all over the world could become better educated. From my own personal experience I know that when the lesson deals with something I am less interested in I become bored, but if the lesson metions something I enjoy, then it becomes ten times easier.
Dr. Huang also says that, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." This is one of the most important lines in the article. By saying this, Dr. Huang opens up a world of oppurtunities for his technology. Many teachers around the world would agree that their students when talking, commuicate more with their emotions than physical words. These teachers would be able to know how their entire class was feeling as soon as they walked in. This would enhance the teacher's teaching style for the day ,and increase the students learning oppurtunity.
Dr. Huang's final arguement is also very important. He says when reffering to nonverbal human communications that, "Computers need to understand that to." Dr. Huang believes that computers must learn to read the human emotions, and I agree. This generation is becoming more and more about technology, and most schools have converted completely to technology based schooling. If every school had the ability to use the Facial Action Coding System, the intelligence of this generation and generations to come would continue to grow exponentialy.
The Facial Action Coding System, is a huge new technology that would make huge improvements to classrooms. Its ability to recognize emotions would not only benefit students, but would benefit the teachers of those students. The intelligence of our generation and genrations that preceed us will continue to grow with the use of FACS. | 34
4cdd49b | In the article, "Making Mona Lisa smile", by Nick D'Alto, the author explain how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers software to detect human emotions. The use of this technology can help teachers recognize their students feelings or emotions in order to help them in the areas they need help in. The author states, "the new-recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa". The new technology can help teachers recognize if the contents being taught in class is boring or confusing for the students and it will help the teacher to clarify or modify the lesson or determine a way to help the students understand the materials.
The system can help teachers identify their students emotions through their facial expression.
Many experts are developing ways to recognize and percieve mixed emotions and subtle facial movements we use to express how we feel through technology. This new technology can be very effective in classrooms all over the world. It will help enhance students learning in classroom also it will be useful for the teacher as well.
In the article, the author states, "A classroom computer could recould recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored", Dr Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor".
Many teachers can use this new technology to boost their student knowledge and make learning fun for the students.
Teachers can also use this new technology to promote their students growth. They can use this new technology to determine the areas they can help their students in by using this new technology to detect how they feel about the contents being taught in class. Many students don't ask questions or ask for help even if they need it.
"Most humans communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication", notes Dr. Huang. "So computers need to understand that too", states Dr. Huang. By using this new technology, teachers can recognize nonverbal and emotional communication in order to find a way to help their students.
The new technology can enhance students enthusiasm. It can build their confidence in learning through their achievements in school. It will helps students with their performance in school and their grades. Teachers using this technology to detect how their students feel about the lessons being taught in class and finding a way to help them with their studies can help students achieve high scores on their test. The technology is very valuable in classroom.
In conclusion, the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is very useful and valuable. It can help teachers to recognize how their students feel about the materials being taught in class in order to help them better understand it. It can also help teacher clarify topics to students and help them achieve a high score on their tests. The new technology can make learning fun for students. In addition, the new technology can help students build their confidence in learning by helping teachers detect their emotions using this new technology. | 34
c11c0f6 | The Face on Mars is just a natural landform. Many people think that the Face was created by aliens, but this is not correct. There is no proof that shows that the face was created by aliens, but there is much information to back up the fact that the Face is just a natural landform.
In the passage, Garvin says, "'As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,' he added. 'So, if there were objects in the picture like airplanes on the gorund or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!'" This shows that even when people from NASA zoomed in on the face to get a better look at it, they couldn't find any sign of alien life which means that there is a very low possibility that there are aliens that could've done this.
Another reason that shows that aliens couldn't have done this is when the passage says, "Thousands of anxious web surfurs were waiting when the image first apperared on a JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." If scientists at NASA have studied this face and taken many pictures but still can't find any type of alien life, then there isn't any.
The last piece of evidence that shows that aliens didn't make the Face is when the text says, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. 'It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,' says Gavin. 'That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.'" Many scientists would let the public know if they were any signs of aliens making the Face to keep us informed so the people wouldn't constantly be thinking and talking about it every day.
There is much information to back up the fact that the Face is just a landform. The public started to make up theories that made other people talk about it constantly, but scientists from NASA proved them wrong by showing them pictures on the Internet that there are no traces of aliens on or around the Face. | 34
04defeb | Many people believe that this face on Mars was made by an Ancient Alian Race that once lived on Mars. This Face was discivered 25 Years ago on a space Expedition. Most NASA scientisis believe that this Face on Mars is a natural land form but, some believe that it is not natural and was formed by Alians. Many Scientists also think against the thought of the formation on Mars being made by an ancient civilization that lived on Mars. Scientists that are against the theory of the face being formed by Alians argue that there are formations on Earth that are also formed how the one on Mars was and that this is natural.
Many Scientisis believe that this is a natural landform because it is like some of the other landforms in the Western United States like the Butte in the Snake River Plain of Ohio. Scientists believe that both of these landforms were created by lava domes because the two formations are around the exact same height and are therefore believed to be created in the same and natural way.
Scientisis have been researching the Face on Mars for years abd have come up with a reasonal explination for why the Face on Mars was not created by Alians and is a natural land formation that is created the same way as some formations in the Western United States. Though Scientists would like to have proof that there was a race of martians that lived thousands of years ago there is logical information prooving that this was a natural formation that is also experienced on Western Regions of the United States. | 12
3d89f86 | The new technology called the Facial Action Coding System allows computers to identify human emotions. This technology can have great benifits in the classroom. The benifits of this new system will include increased student attentiveness and more participation. children's education is very valuabe in society, and any technology advances that can increase the knowledge of children is essential.
When ones self is intrested in something or someone ,one tends to pay attention to the thing one is intrested in. Kids today are more likley to pay attention and participate in something in school if they like the subject or have some sort of intrest in the topic. Not many children do exceptionally well in classes they dislike. This system will increase students attention in the classroom. If a child likes the subject they will do better. According to Dr. Huang of the University of Illinois he predicts that" a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". This is very valuable in teaching many kids who are confused are to afraid to ask questions and get help. Now withhout asking all the students and wasting more class time, teachers can get easy feedback. Lastly when students are intrested in a topic theyre likley to ask questions about the topic, this is increased participation.
In Conclusion students the benifits of the Facial Action Coding System will have benifis in the classroom such as student attentiveness and more participation. Children are the future of tommorow, the best advances of education are essential to their well being. Students will learn more by being more and engaged and intrested. technology has become a huge part of our educaton syste,. | 23
0e73ffd | In this article it talked about the position on driverless cars informing people about the driverless cars and what it can do. Google's driverless car can be a good thing worldwide. The driverless car is safe and it has been driven for more than half a million miles without a crash, although Google is not truly driverless it alerts the driver to take over when it needs pulling out of the driveway, the car is able to handle driving at a speed up to 25 miles per hour, and the car comes with a special touch sensor that can make sure the driver is able to keep hold of the wheel.
The car is safe and Google has cars that was dable to drive on its own since 2009 and their cars were able to drivemore than half a million miles without a crash or an accident occuring. The cars is not as independent as it should be. When the car need to back out of a driveway it alerts the driver to take over and while it is dealing with traffic issues when the road is busy and need help redirecting where to go when there is roadwork or an accident. The car is safe and smarter on the roads when stuff is not going on unexpectedly on the road.
The car can handling driving up to the speed of 25 miles per hour which requires the driver of the vehicle to still stay alert because the car can not do everything a regular car can when somebody is driving it. When the driver is not paying attention the driver's seat is able to vibrate and let the driver know when there is on coming traffic occuring or any problems. To also get the drivers attention The Google car can announce when the driver should prepare to take over. The car also flash its lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. If the driver is sleeping when the car is watching the road they also watch the driver and pay attention to the driver to keep the driver safe.
The car comes with a special sensor to keep the driver and the car itself safe earlier in the '80s automakers did make speed sensors to create antilock breaks and later on the same sensors became advanced to watch out and respond to the dangers on the road that would occur. The special touch sensor can also make sure the driver is keeping their hands on the wheel. BMW crweated the "Traffic Jam Assistant" to help out the driver alittle bit when the driver is in need of help with this Google car.
The driverless cars are proved to be safe because it alerts you when situations occur unexpectedly, if you fall asleep or if you are not paying attention the car with vibrate all by itself that way you are alert and see everything that going on around you when you not paying attention, the car has driven for more than a million miles without a crash occuring or an accident, it drives up to a maximum or 25 miles per hour, and the car comes with a special touch sensor that senses things. | 34
81c231f | Driverless cars can become the future of technology. Google is slowly developing the technology to make sure this car is safe.Google is doing their hardest to make the dream of the driverless car come true.Google cars are not truly driverless yet, they still make the driver know to take over, when something goes wrong. Cars like this would fundamentally change the world like the internet did to the world now everyone uses it too, why not new cars too.
Driverless cars can be a good thing. The cars would use half the fuel that normal cars use.
The cars are far more flexibility then other public transportations. Driverless cars means no one buys cars because there is no need for them anymore. Google is getting really close on developing this car.
Driverless cars would change the world like cell phones did to the world now everyone has one, why not a driverless car. Everyone would have to get used to the idea of not driving the car. We still have a while until Google gets it right. I mean the car has not crash in million miles so that is a start. For now just keep your mind open to new things and ideas for the future. | 12
c5fc2d8 | I think that joining the UNRRA (the united nations relief and rehabilibitation administration) would be a wonderful idea. Here are a few examples of why it's so great.
First things first, you have to know to know what you do in this job. Here's what you do: you go to different states and continents and give them food and livestock after there has been wars there and fix up most of the tore down buildings to help them recreate their towns again and bring loved ones together again.
But also remember that it is very hard to get a job like this, so if you ever get a job opportunity for UNRRA, then you better take it, just like Luke said,"It was an opportunity of a lifetime."
One other reason why you might like to do
UNRRA is if you possibly like to go around the world and travel, then this would be a great experience. Also if you would like to help people then this would be a great way to do it.
Also after doing all this work when you get back on the boat to go back to the loading station then you get to play all kinds of fun games, like baseball, volley ball, Table- tennis,
fencing, reading, and even whittling!
And at the same time you get payed to help people, travel, and play games!
So if you are ever in need of a job this would be a great way to get one and actually enjoy it! :) | 23
6a9c23d | "Driverless Cars Are Coming" discusses the idea of regular automobiles and automobiles that are able to be controlled remotely by themselves. It states that companies such as Google have had self driven automobiles since 2009 and have continued to work on them. The arguements stands on which of the two are better for the overall socitey. From my standpoint I believe that regular automobiles from today's day and age are the best for everyone. I belive that self driven automobiles are much more of a safe choice to go with out of the two.
We have come so far as humans to go from developing forks and knives to cars that can drive themselves. I believe this is a big accomplishment in mankind but I also belive that it's not practical and safe to do so. Cars driven by themselves will cause so many issues for drivng if they were ever brought on to roads and streets. So many things would have to be adjusted in order for the veichles to be able to be on public roads and highways. Driverless cars would change everything we know about the automobile and it's inner workings.
Laws would be changed immensely and in a multitude of different ways. Mechanics would be of no use to us driverless cars. They would have to learn go back to school and learn a whole new way to operate on these cars. Many glitches could happen within these cars and end up causing accidents and many fatalities to drivers.
Driverless cars are not way to go in terms of veichles. Cars driven by people is the only way we can keep control of what's going on within the highway and on the road itself. Driverless cars would cause more deaths and injuries within automobile accidents. We must stay with cars driven by people. | 23
5b0af71 | Driverless cars is something that we have all saw, wether is be in a movie or had been referenced in a song or televison show. Cars that can operate by thereselfs is something every one would want to be alive to see happen, right? Who wouldnt want to relax a little while driving, and it be safe while doing it? The future would turn ito the present and driverless cars would became a well known thing and would be normal to see on the street.
"...such cars would fundamentally change the world." says Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, and I totally agree. The world is becoming more technology advanced, and scientist are discovering new things everyday. Years ago, if someone had said that everyone in america, or nearly everyone, would be carrying a celluar device around that could tell us almost anything, and could send instant messages to another person, even if its half way across the world, they would flip out. I wonder what they would have thought about cars that drive themselves? If we have the technology and resources to do this, why not? Driving would be a lot more fun, and more safe too.
Car manufacturers always look at driver saftey when designing a new model, or brand of car.Although this is a key aspect, humans are prone to have error. We dont have vision to look at our surroundings all at the same time, although We sure try. Humans are prone to unprevented error, but with the help from technonlogy, having driverless cars can be a whole heck safer. "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position- estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receivers and an intertial motion sensor." Thats a whole lot of detections all around the vehicle, even in the blind spots that we humans cant quite 100 percent see. The car would even alert you if it senses danger or a problem where it would need your assistence. In addition, It's even better for the world.
The car "...would use half of the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." The world we live in today takes such things as, gas, as underappreciated. Gas isnt cheap nor renewable. Once we use all the gas, there's no more left. We have a limited supply and its hurting the earth more than you think. The world needs to cut back on such luxuaries and the smart cars would help. Half the price, half the gas per car than an average car. They offer more eco-friendliness than any other. therfore, smart cars that drive themselves, or with assistance ,should be something all states allow.
In conclusion, smart cars should be something in the near future. New technology gives us the opputunity to do things we never dreamed of. These cars would fundamentally change the world as we know it. Safer cars equals safer people which equal more lives saved. The world would also be a better place for everyone seeing as the cars are cutting down on gas than a regular vehicle. Smart cars are in the near future. | 34
db5f317 | As the idea of a car operating without the assistance of a driver has become more popular, more and more companies have stepped up to create such vehicles. While there are many beneficial outcomes of innovating these cars, there are, however, many concerns that have arose around the idea. Because of safety issus, potential conflicts that could form between companies and clients, and development complications, the production of smart cars will not be as successful as designers are hoping.
Technology tends to fail, and when that happens, safety can be greatly affected. In 'Driverless Cars Are Coming,' the article mainy focuses on how the smart car's future is continuously being pursued, but also points out that there are several safety concerns. For one thing, smarter cars need "a whole lot of sensors." While technology is improving, problems could always potentially arise in the proficiency of the senors, which could then lead to crashes if the driver is not paying well enough attention. While the idea of a computer-run car being scary to people is enevitable, it is in fact a problem that some consumers and lawmakers might not overcome.
Because the smart car is evolving to the point where drivers only have to be in control about 10% of the time, it is probable that issues between manufacturers and consumers will become more popular. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" With this question in mind, these problems will likely lead to an increase of accident cases and plain confusion.
Even if the safety of smartcars and liability issues are improved and sorted out, the introduction of these vehicles will take a lot of work. Manufacturers are currently developping cars that can operate on current roads, but with the increase of their usage, many changes will have to be made to the streets of today. Some designers have tried to make smart-road systems, that have actually worked well, but "they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expenseive to be practical." Additionally, it may be some time until smart cars are safe enough to even be legally driven. Only 3 states, along with Washington DC, have legalized their usage. These obstacles will further complicate the future of the cars.
Smart cars today are undoubtfully improving and have a growing popularity. Unfortunately, a great number of downfalls to developping such a technology cloud the vehicles' future. With concerns of safety, accident liability issues, and development obstacles, there just might be too many faults to make the smart car dream a reality. | 34
ec00b60 | Have ever seen the cowboys on tv and wanted to be one. Have you watched a movie that takes play in the ocean and wanted to be there. Did you know you could be both at the same time. You can be a seagoing cowboy. pack your valubles and grab Grab your cow boy hat and this is why you should join.
You yes you, you can be a seagoing coboy. Why should you you ask. You should join because you no longer haft to sit and watch other people enjoy the fun of being on the ocean, you get to see amazing things while traveling."i had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China." Being a sea going cowboy also gives you the benifit of working with animals,"to take care of the horses and mules that were shiped over seas" the last benifit you could get out of being a sea going cowboy is the memories you would have from the good times," luke also found time to have fun on bored. the cowboys played baseball,volleyball, table tenis fencing, boxing, reading, and wittling."On the way to your destination you can meet new people and mabey help them. learn more about peoplel and their needs,"it made me more aware of people of other countrys and their needs." You could become a hero, if you want to.
You dont haft to be any one extrodanary to be a seagoing cowboy. You dont need to be chosen by a group of people who only pick the best. All you haft to do is be you and sigh up and you will travel the world and help people. Have you ever seen the cowboys on tv and wanted to be one, seen the people in movies on the ocean and wanted to be there, you can as a seagoing cowboy. | 23
2d7e6e9 | One reson to join this program is that you get to travel around the world to help people. Think about all the families that don't have a place to live anymore because of a war or big storms. Think about the childrens' education and health. The families that work so hard for their kids. If you were in that position right now you would want someone to help you. All of these people hope to have someone save them. Things will get better for them if you just sign up for this program.
Another reason to do this is that you can play games and visit places where you never been before. Maybe you can visit China and go see amazing artifacts. You can visit some castles and go on a tour. Go to Venice, Italy and taking a gondola ride. You might be lucky enough to go to Greece and see the Acropolis.
If you want to join this program you can. Think about all the people you can help. People will look up to you for joining this program. This program will benifit your life and others. You will be thanked by many people. Think about all of this and join this program. | 12
eab45cd | My thoughts on driverless cars are, i think they would be cool but they could also be dangerous.
Some things they could be nice for is it would be something new for everyone in the world. Some risks there are is if one would crash and you would have to pay for it not the company that made the car. Another thing is what if you turn it with the stearing weel and it doesnt work. Another risk is if you set the car up to go somewhere and it does something else. I think it would be really exspensive for a driveless car. Also i think there does need to be new laws if they start selling driveless cars because i feel like people would take advantage of it and maybe even use it in a negative way. I think if someone is in a driveless car going to a destination in they get in a crash and get injured it should be the companies fault because people dont know how to wrok them. | 12
c3058fe | The Face on Mars
By jimmy
NASA`s had send a spacecraft called Viking 1. Many of the people that were working on this were think it was something else. When it came out 1976 many peolpe think it was made by aliens. But on one know that it was. So it be came an icon for the plant mars. Many people think it was aliens that made the face or hills that from the face on mars. 22 years later Mars Global surveyor had a spacecaft that was going aronud mars to the face but when they did they take the image. Many were happy to see other image. But it did not came a clear as they what it to be. But what i think it could be is that a rock may crash into mars and made the face. But over time sand bulid over it gave what it look like in 1976. In the photograph you can see that it maybe face but you can see that it can be a hill. What are the black spot in the photograph that we see here. It could be that is that can be made on mars by wnich it from by. | 12
1ffa5d3 | Do you have car? could live with out your car? there a new trend going on. In a few citise around the world are not using cars. some people may ask,what are the perk of not using car. One of these perk is it help pervent smog. The other is that we emit less greenhouse gas emission.
In the U.S we dont' get smog for car. we tend even to hear about smog at all. But paris that another story. They banned the uses of personal automobiles just so they could reduce the amount of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter. Compare to brussel which is 114 (PM) and london which is 79.7 (PM).The best city to compare paris smog to is beijing because just like them the smog is very visble. Once your able to see smog by just looking outside that not a good sign. It then becomes unheathy just to breath the air around you. Would want to live in a city where all you see is smog?
GreenHouse gass emission is a very known topic today. Car produce this gass which add to globel warming. Theren other thing that cause this like buring tree,fossil fueland other thing. But car are responsible for 50 percent of greenhouse as in U.S.,because car are the main way of transportation. If we limited our car uses like in Vauman how they only one road to get to a tran to ther downtown. If we could do that in america we could cut down our greenhouse emission by half.
What are the point in have a car when then ther con out weight ther pro. All they really give us is smog and more greenhouse gass emission then we already have. We could just walk to place we need to go even take a bus or taxi. So what reason do we have to have car? If we don' t use car we help the city and world we live in. | 23
db5caa0 | I think that the Face is a natural landform not a sign of the aliens. Don't get me wrong, there is a possible that life on an other planet but I don't think this one. When we sent the photos out to the public , we knew it would be a popular decisions in the media. Yes, people are aloud to have an opinion on this topic. The public just took the pictures the wrong way.
One, yes the landform does look like a face like design but people don't think of the shadows
any affect of how the pictures can look as. Let take the Mona Lisa, to make her a relistic, Leorado used shades and shadows to make her look like person. When people see face like things, they start to form a face. Well, since our anccients used that for surival. Two, people think of the Face like
Spinx in Egpyt and how "alien" built that momuent.
Some people don't think about how the moon has landforms , but that doesn't mean life lives on the Moon. Since the Moon has crater, but still there is no life on it. On Mars, there is not a lot of oxygen or water to support a species. Yes, people can say that they can require different natural rescources, but would they really?
The landforms can form on planet without living like mountains, craters, and cliffs.
I think that people overlooked this landform and made it more than it really is.The Face was just meant to be a picture that can show the beauty of Mars. NASA
likes that the public is
our studies of Mars and still wants the support to continue. Life on Mar is a case we can close. | 23
6e4cd94 | Everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys. The Seagoing Cowboys help a lot of people from when they were injured during World War Two. This oppertunity will help you see the real world and helping others just like you want help sometimes. I think it is so fun that I've been on the trip 18 times. If you're in the military, this will show how you serve others and help them. In this great job in which you will also get to travel the high seas! There might be a lot of dangerous stuff that will happen because your in the ocean, like the time that I cracked my ribs and I couldn't go on some trips for a while but it was an an adventure. I was scared after that but I knew that all that matters is if you have a good time and you get to see the great work you're doing. You also get to stop places and get to sightsee places that you might have never seen before, it's a blast. So come join and have a blast as you join the seagoing pirates and help the people that have been injured in other countries from World War Two. | 12
7388575 | Dear State Senator,
There are many issues concerning the Electoral College and whether to keep it or changing election by popular vote for the president of the United States. The Electoral College is very important considering it has educated canadates. The people do not understand that the United States has many uneducated people. They do not realize that if there is no Electoral College, the people with education will vote to directly decide the president, but so will the uneducated people. The Electoral College wants the best for our country and is trying to benifit the USA, not cause it harm.
Though the Electeral College is a benefit and means no harm, it does have its flaws. Many people when they vote for example, a democratic representative, they expect the democratic representative to vote for the democratic canadate for president. Unfortununtly, sometimes that is not the case. The democratic representative will end up voting for the Republican canadate for president. This issue occurs many times in the Electoral College which is why people are having second thoughts about the Electoral College and wanting to eliminate it so that they can directly vote for the president or vice president they want and think will improve our country more.
The Electoral College is benefitcial because it is educated people trying to figure out by anallyzing and concluding who will represent and run our country the best way possible. In the first article, it says "MOST states have the "winner-takes-all" system", but in the second article it says "Because of the winner-take-all system in EACH state". In the second article, one of the arguments as to why the Electoral College should be abolished is incorrect due to the fact that not every state has the "winner-takes-all" system. Since they got imformation wrong, people can not count this article as a reliable source of information.
Our counrty has been doing very well compared to the other countrys like Korea, Africa, Cuba, China, and etc. People should just be grateful and apperciative that the United States is doing as well as it is doing. The Electoral College is a benifit and it should not be abloished or eliminated from congress, but it should be improved. We as americans should try to advance our country in every way possible, not eliminate something if it does not go our way. We should try to cooperate and improve on the mistakes to make our country better and progress everyday so that today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today!
82c6d34 | This persuasive essay is about why you should join the the Seagoing Cowboy Program. The Seagoing Cowboy Program is an amazing program with a lot to offer. You could change your life easily by going into the program.
Luke Bomberger had no idea his life would change but "He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime.
Luke said that "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy" He also said "Besides helping people I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China.
It's an amazing opportunity because you get to help people, and you get to see beautiful places like Europe and China. You get to have free time and few jobs let you have free time. "Luke found time to have fun on board he played table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and even whittling. If that's not enough I don't know what is. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is just an opportunity you don't want to miss. | 12
f92f950 | Driverless are something you think about in the futrue but no driverless cars are coming. Google's cofounder Sergey Brin envisions a future wth driverless public transportation. The driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis use. They would have more flexibility then a bus. Sergey Brin believes driverless cars would change the world.
Google has been working on these kinds of cars since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Google cars arent not driverless ; the car alerts the driver when dealling with complicated traffic. Different companies are making computer driven cars. In 1950s , General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. The track was embedded with an electrical cable to a receiver on the car. The problem with smart-roads is that it would be to expensive to upgrade the roads. The problem with driverless car is that if the car got into an accedent who is at fault the operater of the car or the manufacture.
Driverless cars are soon to be part of our world. The cars would be extremely use full in big communitys and replace taxis. The problem is the cars are not 100% driverless and if the car get in to trouble and the driver is not paying attention there will be an accident. | 01
b1d2f95 | In the article that we read it told you about cars being able to drive themselves, that alone tells you how much technology is changing around us everyday. It's scary to think that not that long ago we didn't have cars at all. Even when they were finally invented they are nothing compared to the outstanding machines we have today. But as time goes on there eventually needs to be a point that we say no to some advances such as this one. The idea of cars driving themselves is unique but I personally don't think they should be used in our day to day lives. I also feel as if the public wouldnt feel to safe on the roads knowing that some people aren't even putting a single eye on the road but rather on there Iphone.
To continue on my last point many people would probably find it very worry some that the person is off in there own little world since the car would be doing all the work. Yes in the article it said that the human driving could take control at anytime, and that the driver must pay attention to the road for things the computer cant pick up yet. In reality most people arent going to be looking at the road if they dont have to since something else is doing it for them.
Safetly to yourself and everyone around you while on the road is key, thats why we take permit tests and drivers license tests. They take these test to prepare themselves and other young people on how to drive well and safely, this gets way more complicated when you start adding things. With new cars that can drive themselves, that would mean that the governement would have to start creating more laws to protect everyone on the road. It would also mean that not all teens would learn affectivly learn how to drive if they keep turning that fucntion on in there car.
At the end of the day though no matter how many laws you put up there are always gonna be people that break them. There's a high chance that the amount of accidents will increase with more and more teens thinking that they are invicible using the car and that the car will do everything. But in reality when they need to manually drive the car themselves it will be to late and there will have been an accident. Yes there would be smart individuals that would always pay attention and follow the laws but a few rotten apple are going to ruin everything for everyone else.
The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" was an intresting read and I enjoed it, if you couldn't have already guess but I am against the idea of such things. I like the idea of something like that finally coming out of the books you read as a kid becoming a reality and I know some people will buy it. I had my personal choice and I clearly stated the bad part but that doesnt mean there aren't any good ones. I believe that everything must be used in moderation but this one there is no easy middle really, you either have it or you don't. If this is eventually added into what we deal with in our daily lives then i hope people use it responisbly. | 34
a0520ae | I am for driverless cars because they're more safe, they're more advanced and there has been no accidents reported according to the data. I would personal buy a driverless car for all of the reason listed above.
Driverless cars are more safe because they alert you when you are about to hit something by vibrating the drivers seat .They also brake on there own when you are to close to a car or an object. They have sensors that sense when a stop light has changed colors. They also can steer themselves and hold accelerateion. Also the self driverless cars are good because alot of people are texting, eating, and putting make-up on while driving and this would decrease accidents having to do with distraction.
Driverless car are more advanced. The driverless cars has been around since the 1950's just not as advanced as they are today. They are more advanced in technology because they have updated sensors, cameras and GPS receiver. The driverlees cars are becoming more advanced every day because people are finding out new technology almost evey day. That's why driverless cars are more advanced.
Driverless cars has been around since about 1950's and no accidents has been reported for those owning a driverless car. Driverless have been tested and are a great way to help us.
Driverless cars have alot of positives. Also driverless cars helps saves alot of live. so think of the next time you want to put a little make-up on because you're running late or texting somebody because you haven't seen them in a while, just think could this driverless car save my life. | 23
a367504 | In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" it tells us about a "face" that was found by a NASA Viking 1 spacecraft. Many may belive this "face" was created by aliens on Mars. However I will prove to you using text evidence that this so called "face" was actually just a landform.
In this artice on May 24, 1976 a NASA spacecraft was circling Mars searching for a place for the Viking 2 to land on the planet when it came across a landform that looked like a face. However, it could not have been a face due to the low quality of a picture the blurryness made the image look like it had shadows that gave the face a nose, a mouth, and some eyes. In order for NASA to prove to the Americans that this was not a landform created by aliens on Mars they took another picture in 1998. By looking at this picture and another picture from 2001 in these higher quality pictures
it does not look like a face at all.
Another reason other than physical evidence, is the fact that NASA would not lie about life on Mars. If the U.S. found physical evidence of life form on any other planet than Earth they would most definetly spread the news. Finding life on other planets would be a huge accomplishment and a very exciting thing. One landform from a blurry photo that looks like a face will not prove there is life on Mars.
"It's not an easy target Cyndonia,' says Garvin.'In fact it's hard work." A quote from the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars". Why would NASA put in hard work to prove that the landform was not an artifact made by aliens? Because its not an alien made artifact. They took time and a lot of money to see if it was just a landform so they made absoute 100% sure it was just a landform so that they didnt waste money on chance.
In order for aliens to be able to survive on Mars, they would have to have food, water, plants, and shelter. All of these things Mars does not have. How is an alien supposed to survive without the natural resources it needs to live? How would an alien even be able to make a huge artifact on mars without any tools?
In conclusion, the landform found on mars was indeed not made by aliens. They have picture proof, if they actually found evidence for life on Mars they would tell the world,they spent lots of money making sure it was just a landform, and Mars doesn't have the resources that an alien would need to survive. If NASA ever finds life on Mars they will tell us but for now Mars is a big empty planet. | 34
1398913 | Many times we as humans study things that have been studied hundreds of times. Amost like we think the we might be able to prove the findings wrong or something. Why don't we study things that no has ever studied before? Why don't we try to strive for more. The only reason why Pluto is not a planet no longer is cause we know there is more planets beyond.
Venus is one of the things that we really have never studied. Even though the odds are greatly against humans with a extremely hot 800 degree surface, and much more we should try to create a space craft that could reach and survive the elements. Spend time in the lab, andtry to find a new material that could with stand the elements.
We had flew to the moon hundreds of times, and circled the sun many times to. Expand the possiblities, and raise the bar on what the human raise can do. Challlenge ourselves, and expand dreams and knowledge. Make another planet possible if we ever do need to leave planet Earth! | 12
7f6d300 | A driverless car is a great idea in many ways but its not as realistic as most people think.
There are so many things that can go wrong for a driverless car.
The problems that would come along with driverless cars are why its not a great idea after all.
Its true that there are alot of positives about a driverless car but there are also alot of negatives.
One thing that comes to mind exteremely fast is software.
Just like our cell phones a driverless car is going to need new updates.
It the car does not get the updates it needs its not going to run as smoothly and as safely as it needs to.
You have to look at it in the eyes that is not a car, its a computer.
Sure cars have computers now but a driverless car is going to be on a much larger scale,
it would be hard to even consider it a "car".
A driverless car would be alot better for the environment but would it be alot better for people?
Just think of how much money a driverless car would cost.
middle and lower class people are not going to afford driving these cars.
In the article it states that a driverless car would be alot better on gas than normal cars.
That doesnt mean that the car is going to be cheaper than a normal car.
Another thing you need to look at is liability.
When a driver gets into an accedent it is usually the one at fault who is responsable for covering the accedent.
The article says "If someone were to get into an accedent with a driverless car who would be at fault?"
Im sure they already know the answer to that.
I believe that the company in charge of making that car would simply say it was "human error" and blame the driver.
People want these cars because they do not want to drive themselfs anywhere.
People are lazy with alot of things.
In the future if these cars do come out to the public driving would be just another thing you do that doesnt involve lifting a finger.
With a driverless car, in the future a person would not even know how to drive.
In conclusion, a driverless car wouldnt be that great of an idea.
With the money a person would have to pay along with software updates and simply being lazy a driverless car would not be a good choice.
Is it a great concept? Of course it is, it shows how the world is always coming up with new technology and evolving.
There are alot of positive things about a driverless car but there alot, if not, more negative things.
All and all a Driverless car would not be an invention that our generation needs. | 23
24e61ae | No technology cannot make you happy unless technology and social media is all you would live for. Technology is not to live for unless you have no goals in life and just want to do nothing but sit around and live off technology and social media. It's hard to come by and not live with technology today because its huge nowadays. Our phone are distracting a lot. computers are used for a lot today in school, at libraries, at work all over the place. You can use technology for almost anything. In the passage the author stated, " The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face", computer could possibly do anything. Technolgy can possibly read emotional expressions of students in a classroom. In article 5 the author stated," In fact, we humans perform the same impressive " calcuation " every day." The author basically said, us humans calculated the same facial expressions we give out to others. | 12
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