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7f9b49f | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author states that exploring Venus would be an immense challenge to overcome due to all of the extremely harsh conditions. Venus, also known as the "Evening Star," is an extremely dangerous planet to explore. Even though scientists are aware of these difficult factors, people like the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" still think that being informed about this bright point of light is worth it.
According to astronomers, Venus may have at one point been the planet with the most Earth-like features. Venus is said to now have a "surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." These characteristics are one of the reasons as to why the author states that Venus is a pursuit worth risking many things for. Another reason is because in paragraph 4, the author states "Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." Although these are all fair reasons to want to visit Venus once again, astronomers have to keep in mind all of the negative characteristics that will set their exploration behind. All astronomers and explorers are well aware of all of the challenging conditions such as the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere and the atmospheric pressure being 90 times greater in Venus than the pressure in Earth. These are not the only challenging conditions; another dangerous feature is that temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit in Venus's surface.
Consequently, the author states in paragraph six that there are now many scienstist searching for technology that will be able to stand the harsh conditions in Venus: "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." In the previous paragraph, the author informs the readers about an idea that NASA has thought of. The plan for sending people to study Venus would not give the necessary information to be properly informed of this volatile planet. All of these obstacles are not enough to calm human's desire of knowledge about unearthly topics. In paragraph eight, the author says that all of the challenges are not enough to mellow down our curiosity enough to quit studying Venus.
In conclusion, the claim about Venus being a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents that the author of "The Challenges of Exploring Venus" states is well supported by facts and perfectly thought out ideas. Although Venus is an extremely dangerous planet packed with many reasons as to why exploration is currently held back, NASA is still looking for ways to be able to gain more valuable insight about the Evening Star. Just like the author said, learning and travelling should not be limited by doubts, and scientists will not let doubts and fears stop them. | 34
d093ede | In this story about "Making Mona Lisa Smile" They talked about alot. In the first two paragraphs they talked about Face Expressions. Dr. Huag and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. They can caculate Emotions like a math homework. How can a computer recognize subtile facial movements we humans use to Express ourselves.
Then it gets into Facial Expressions that could be recognized. In this paragraph it said "you can probably tell how a friend is feeeling simply by the look on their face". Some people havr a natural mean look and some have no expression. Dr. Huag predicts that a calssroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming bored or confused. He says the same technology can make computer amimated faces more expressive live video games, video surgery.
While looking in the mirror they give instrctions on how to make a smile. 1. Raise your lips at the corners of your mouth. 2. Then squint your eyes slightly, they will like like crows feet at the corner of your eye. 3. Hold all of that and then raise the outer parts of your cheeks up towards your eye. Does your expression in the mirror suggest an emotion?
A Facial Feedback tells the person emotions. You could make a smilling face but are you really happy? Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but help produce them. People actually practice smiling and frowning on stage for them to create emotions. Whoevere would oof knew that making faces would reveal sos much about the science of emotions.
My conclusion of this that i never knew computers could caculate your expression. I could look and tell something is wrong with him or her by their facail expression. I could here their emotions through their voice not their face too much. You couldn't do this back then about 20-50 years ago because we didnt have thi much of technology. Now that we do its so much you can do with it. | 01
d4d5074 | When it comes to voting citizens from all over the country wonder if the Electoral College , "winner-take-all" system is the best way to choose our president. The obvious answer is yes. The Electoral College system was stablished by the founding fathers years ago and its been working perfectly fine untill present date.
Electing our president through electoral votes takes care of minor problems such as favorism of regions .Each state is giving electoral votes based on their population , no region such as south, north, east, ect.. has enough electoral votes to choose a president.(source 3 paragraph 19) " So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his plurality in states that he knows he will win" A president with a favorite region may make the rest of the country feel like their votes doesn't count and the new president will show no attention to their interests and their problems. Electing our presidents via Electoral College is the best way to make our country feel like our president is everyones president .
Most americans may prefer a direct election over the kind we have now. (source 2: paragraph 9) "... according to a poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency" Americans think that by choosing our leader by popular vote their votes will be represented more . Americans are also scared of a tie between candidates since the electoral vote numer is a even number ( 538 in total ) but they only need 270 to win the elections. They shouldnt be worried about this a tie could happen but is mostlikely never going to happen. The biggest complain about the winner take all system is that it is unfair to voters since cindidates campaign in big states or states with a lot of electoral votes , they dont spend time on states they know they have no chance of winning . ( source 2: paragraph 13) "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad." but this isn't completely true , the winner take all method motivates candidates to focus their efforts on the " toss-up " states. Voters in these states really listen to the competeting candidates knowing they are responsible for deciding the election . "But of course no voter's vote swings a national election .." "Voters in presidentia elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election " (source 3: paragraph 23) One persons vote is not going to decide the election so no matter what point of view yu look at it from , electoral vote is the best way to choose our leader . | 34
c241e20 | I say that the "Face" on Mars is just a natural landform because first of all aliens do not live, and second of all why would an alien create a human face.
I think that is an alien created this human "face," the alienwould have created a face of an alien because probably aliens have never seen a human before.
I do believe that at first you would probably think that an alien created this but after many scientists researching and exploring the "face" they clearly stated "this face reminds us most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plan of Idaho."
Just like Earth is a plant Mars is also a planet,, and just like Earth has natural landformation many other plants have natural landformation not just Earth.
In the articule it states "the rock formation even has eyes, nose, and a mouth," I personaly do not think that an alien could create something with such details.
Not just in Mars, scientists and explorers have found many natural landformation.
After all that Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter studied they finally found out that the "face" was just a natural landformation.
All the scientists and people who believed it was an alien still wanted to research more beacuse they didn't believe that it was a landformation, this is based on what I have heard.
Again what this image acutually shows is the Martian of a butte or mesa landforms common around the Ameriacan West.
In the article it also states that the "Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as thye Face on Mars." | 23
36c5b6e | If you're going to make a claim about something you must first have evidence to back-up that claim or it can't be taken as fact, but it doesn't make it untrue or true until there is evidence proving it. Instead of following what you think is true, which is based on opinion because you have no evidence, follow where the evidence leads because you will discover things that you have never knew before.
If someone is arguing that the face was created by aliens they will need evidence to prove that. But NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft, according to paragraph 1 wasn't taking pictures that were as sharp as "Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) that snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos in paragraph 7, revealing a natural landform other than an alien monument," but it sure is possible that those pictures could've been covered up and are designed to look like natural land forms, as the conspiracy theorists are claiming because how could you possibly know what they did to the photos before releasing them to the public? But you will need evidence to prove that. In paragraph 10 the Mars Global Surveyor took another photo revealing a butte or mesa, landforms common around the American-West according to NASA, but again how can you take that for literal truth? | 01
6f331fc | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author makes some very good points to why this type of technology would be useful for people. When teaching a class, it isn't easy to give a lesson and focus on student's faces at the same time, because eventually you'll lose your spot in the lesson while searching through the sea of faces. Another challenge that teachers face, is keeping everyone focused. This technology is very useful to teachers, because it can help them make class less boring.
In paragraph 6, sentence 5, it says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This feature would be very useful to a teacher so they can change up their style of teaching to best suit the whole class. When in using this computer, teachers can find out who's angry or upset, and can focus their attention on those particular students and figure out what the problem is.
In paragraph 4, sentence 3, it states that, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions." As I said before, it is very hard to teach a lesson and study people's faces at the same time, so when the computer finds out who's upset, it will benefit the teacher very much. If it's something inside the classroom that's bothering them, the teacher can talk to the student about it, whether they're confused or just don't like the way they're being taught. Let's say, for example, the student doesn't like the teaching style and the teacher talks to them about it. The teacher then changes what that student doesn't like and in turn there is an increase in the willingness to participate in class.
When it comes to being confused in a high school classroom, most high school students don't want to ask for help because they're embarrassed of what their peers may say. They then don't know what to do for school work and assignments, and in turn, they get a low grade. But with this computer, it can give the teacher information on who's having trouble, and they can either slow down the lesson or help that person individually.
In conclusion, these computers are extremely valuable. Not only to the teachers, but to the students as well, because it can help teachers differentiate who's happy, sad, angry, confused, or bored, and if the students are happy in class, they are more willing to participate. Better participation equals better grades. It's not a teachers job to make everyone happy, it's to teach a class, but if some of the students are unhappy and it is effecting their ability to learn in class, than this computer is the perfect way to help everyone out. | 34
7f37c85 | Limting car usage is good because of so many ways.. For one, cities all over the world are starting to do more and more about this problem all the time. All of these have been making a huge impact of the massive amounts of smog and pollution created by cars. Owning a car is very expensive anyways.
The massive amounts of pollution in the air is convincing large amounts of people and governments to start creating societies and communities that are car free, or very expensive to own cars in. In some cases of extreme pollution, the government has made it so the next few days, there would be no cars allowed, except taxis and buses. The results from both of these have been very possitive. When France had issued one of the days, the results were 60 % less in on of the most polluted cities in the world.
Cars are responsible for 12% of the greenhouse gasses in Europe. The United States is one of the largest users of cars in the world, so what does that says about us? So many parts of the world use cars for daily parts of their jobs and lives. Some of these include delivery companies, and other jobs with 50% use of automobiles.
With all of the plans of less car usage, prices are going up. Fines on no-driving days, fees to park your car, and lets not forget the one thing you need for your car, gas. Especialy with the cost of gas going up it is cheaper to buy a bike, than to ride a car.
Those are the reasons why limiting car usage is a good idea, pollution, and fees, not to mention every action from governments. | 12
1868e57 | Automakers are progressing closer and closer to bringing fantasy and reality together by creating the driverless car. Many people debate whether they should be legal, or if they even have any real use to the world. The driverless car is not a practical option for the world to turn to.
To allow technology to completely overrun our lives and to go on "auto-pilot" for the rest of one's life, would do much more harm than good. The driverless car will allow drivers to essentially ignore the road and their surroundings during their trip. Though the manufacturers may warn consumers to be alert during their ride, one must find it pointless to pay for an automatic car, when they may have a normal car that requires a slightly higher level of attention. One must fear that for going on "auto-pilot" for so long, the people may forget how to drive properly.
When these cars get in an accident, there will be a law suit between the driver and the manufacturer. If the car gets in an accident caused by the car itself, then the manufacturer will have "wrecked" it's reputation, and hopefully will be forced to recall every autonomous car of that model, which would be extremely expensive fpr the company to do. To add to that, these cars will be far too expensive for consumers to be worth all of the legal and insurance hassle that would be attached to it.
Finally, one should find that the automatic car would disconnect their emotional connection to their normal car. Tthe automatic car takes the fun out of driving, making the task seem to be a mundane way to get from point A to point B. The automatic car would steal one's confidence in having control over where their going, which also means drivers would do less "taking the long way home" and more "get me to where I'm going".
In conclusion, the automatic car is not going to become the future of driving. In American society, people have emotional relationships with their cars, and the automatic car would not fill in that gap. For the people that would go for the automatic car would become unaware of their surroundings, and frankly would be set on auto-pilot for so long, that one fears that they may forget how to drive properly. In the end, the automatic car may be good to some, but inpractical and inflexibole to many, but no one knows what the future may hold | 34
1b5891f | Join the Seagoing Cowbaoys program.This story will be about a boy named Luke Bomberger. Luke just graduated high school, His friend invited him to go to the Seagoing Cowboys program. How could he say no, so he went and joined the Seagoing Cowboys program.
It was 1945 Wold War 2, The UNRRA hire the Seagoing Cowboys to take care of the animals on board. "The cattle-boats trips were an unbalivable opportunity". Luke always said. Being a Seagoing Cowboy wasn't all what luke did, he loved seeing places like Greece,China. But his favorite was Acropolis in Greece. Caring for the animals keep Luke bissy. But on one rainy night he slipped on a ladder, a stip of metle saved him from falling over. But even with two cracked ribs he still had fun on the boat.
But being a Seagoing Cowboy was a adventure for Luke Bomberge. It made him more aware of people im other countries and there needs. Well I hope you like that storie about Luke Bomoberger. Also I hope you join the Seagoing Cowoys, If you do i bet you will have so much fun | 12
3a3a47b | The idea of having new and evolved veichles might scare some people.
Having driveless cars has positive and negative sides to it.
Drriveless cars are cars that drive themselves and dont need a human being to be behind the wheel.
The idea for having invented driverless cars is so that different types of peple can multi task while they are in the car. Many people get destracted and need to become awear of what is happening in their sourroundings.
While different people think that driverless cars are a bad thing there are some positives to the idea. Some of the positives are that you wouldnt have to worry about texting and driving or drinking and driving. You would get home safe and you wouldnt even have to touch the stearing wheel.
Another positive is that it has sensors so that if your about to backup into and object it gives you a signal to inform you that you need to watch out, and the same with when your driving and you get really close to getting in an accident.
One last positive thing is that if you you are tired or are in a condition in which you can not drive back to a certain place, he driverless car can take you there.
There are negatives of having driverless cars aswell. not all driverless cars can and will do the exact same thing. Some of the negatives of having driverless cars is that not all of the cars will be the same.
Another reason is that they might not be capable to do its job.
Another reason is that many people may not like the idea of driverless cars because they are so used to the idea of regular cars and they like to be in control of where they are going and how they are driving.
One last reason as to why driverless cars are a negative thing is because the might be too expensive that not many people are willling to spend so much money.
There are also positives and negatives about regular cars.
Some people might be used to driving regular cars and dont want to change that. But because of all of the technology that has been changing over the years if at one point driverless cars do not become something that everyone has some people might think that we are behind on our technological advances
I personaly think that both types of cars are great if you want a driverless car then why shouldnt you be allowd to have one but if you dont want a driverless car and you like regular cars because of the fact that you can control where you are going and how you are driving then that should be fine too. we just need to make sure that everyone n the rode wether you have a driverless car or a regular one are safe | 23
56c8283 | It gets frustrating when a you don't know whether your friend or family member is mad at you or just in a bad mood. Luckily there is way. Thomas Huang, professor from the Advanced Science at the University of Illinos,has invented a Facial Action Coding system that allows you to identify human emotions. Its a great way to stop all the confusion and know if someone is happy to see you. Although its a great tool for everyday life, it's not a great asset in a classrom. Using technology to read the emotional expression of studuents in a classroom is not valuable becausse we should focus on teaching valuable material and its lack of accuracy.
The classroom is simply meant to learn. Evidendently, there is no reason to know what your student is feeling and not feeling. "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements..." Like all devices, this Facial Action Coding System can have manfuctions. Instead of wasting class time to try the Coding system, you should use that time to focus on learning new valuable material and focusing on school and nothing else.
However, it states to be able to calcuate emotions like math homework but sometimes we get calculations worng. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." Facial Action Coding system seems to rate all of the Mona LIsa's emotions from what she feels the most to least. Clearly stating that the Coding system ranks all emotions from least to greater. Not specifing what a peson is feeling.
Futher more, the Facial Action Coding system is a great tool for everyday life, but not it's not useful in the classrom. Using this device will not only waste valuable time to teach but its also lacking accuracy. | 23
475e950 | Alot of people might think that aliens have lived on Mars and formed a face of an alien artifact on Mars. But I think that the face is just a natural landform.
The reason I think that it was created by a landform is because on JPL web site it showed a clearer photo of the face on Mars. Most landforms are around the American West. So we can look at the landforms around the American West as a guide line to compare photos alot easier. It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho, says Garvin. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.
By the looks of it it seems like the Face on Mars looks like it was created by a natural landform on Mars by the looks of the photo graphs. | 12
5f8e6e2 | Do you think
the Facial Action Coding System should be used for student ? I think the Facial Action System should be used for students because the computer can recognize when
a student is becoming confused
bored ,
Helps the computer undersatnd you , and students pay more attention totechogy.
If the students can use the Faical Action Coding System if can tell if the student is bored or confused . The computer can modify the lesson to help the student understand the lesson . If the
student is confused he/she wont learn
anything from the lesson.
The computer can modity if the student is bored and the computer can give the student an more fun or undertanding lesson.
If an student is bored . If an student is bored with the lesson he/she will not learn anything .
If the students use this technology the computer will be able to understand the stundent.
Say a student is having a hard time with the lesson
computer can help the stundent . It states in the passage that " Most humans communication is nonverbal , including emotioanls communication , " notes Dr. Huang. It also states "if you smile when a web appears on your screen , a simlar ad might follow . But if you frown ,the next will be different .
Another reason
why computer need to understand you.
Facial Action System should be used for alot of students because most students pay more attention to technolgy. Why not help
the student learn with this new technology it will help the learn more . Student can learn more and have help
if they dont understand the computer can try to show the lesson in different ways for the student. The computer can teach the student like an effective human instrutor. Student can and will learn more with this new techology.
This is why I thing this techology should be used to help
students learn
because it helps the student understand more, pay attiention more , and learn more with the Facial Action System. | 23
0da2967 | Have you ever thought of having a car that could drive itself? It would be a pretty cool car to have but there are some things you have to think about when you consider on buying a car. Of course the car is going to be expansive but what car isnt? There are alot more negative things you have to think about when buying a smart car. Negative aspects of a driveless are is that they are expensive, need many sensors, and they result in many accidents.
A driveless car is very expansive because they have to know the roads, when to stop, how to stop, or when to go. It stated " These smart-road-systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." Driveless cars work well but they are too expensive because they have to know the upgrades of roads. Imagine the cost you have to pay for the car, giving them their money back for the money they spent and work they spent putting into the car. Sensors are a very big issues too in driveless cars.
Driveless cars require many sensors in order for the car to work and drive on its own. It seems cool but what will happen when one of those sensors stopped working and you didnt know? The sensors were placed every where in the car so therefore it can work properly. "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor..." There is a lot of sensors installed inside the car but something can go very wrong if one of them stop working and the car crashes and injure somebody.
Who fault would it be if someone is injured because of techonlogy failure ? Driveless car are not reliable due to safety concerns. "Manucatures believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe... If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" If someone is hurt because the technology of the car, you really can't say who to blame. Although the driver can take control of the car at any time so therfore the driver can be at fault because the driver wasn't paying attention to the road. The driveless car is supposed to make the driver aware of danger but it couldn't have if there was an accident so the car can be at fault to. No one really Knows who to blame because both the car and the driver took responsible of the accident and they both could have prevented the accident from happening. If the car would have alerted the driver, the driver could have took control BUT if the driver eas paying attention, he could have once again took control.
There are positive and negative aspects when it comes to driveless cars but of course no one pays attention to the negative. When thinking about purchasing a driveless car you have to think about the cost and your safety concerns. Driveless cars are very expensive because of the sensors that are installed and the upgrades to road. They are dangerous becuase due to technology failure they can result into car accidents. Expence, sensors, and accidents are negative aspect of driveless ares. | 34
8afd659 | Science. Scientific. Fact.
These are the words you should have going through your mind as you wonder about the Mars landform, found by NASA's
Viking 1; The face. The pharaoh. The man on Mars. However, there are some who...Wish to believe.
To these folks, it is also the face. The
Alien. Martian on mars. These, are the people who we call conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists are nothing more than mere people who wish to emphasize something and twist it up to make it, of course, a conspiracy. These said theorists want to change the perspective and point of view via others, and themselves as well.
However, fact cannot be contained.
When it comes to the face on Mars, as previously explained, there is indeed, fact over opinion. In many aspects, not to mention. Landforms, shadows, and shading galore. In pictures, the face seems to contain basic details to give t the "person" type of vibe off. However, there is just one problem.
With the face being known as looking human, there are details still missing. Such as, the rest of the body. There would possibly be an outline of something more around the face, or where a body may be. We cannot go down and literally dig on Mars, thereore pictures were, or are the nex t big thing.
There is a lot of shadowing going around on Mars. The thick clouds, the different angles of rays of light shoning through.
This leads us to our final conclusion. The face is a landform. With the precise shadowing and the shape of some sort of facial stucture, who would know what to think. Blaming conspiracy theorists is not a preferred move, however, the theorists may forget to use fact. I believe, fact is that the face is a mere landform. An artwork of space.
Some, however, wish to believe. Maybe, we should let them. | 23
f7c8057 | The idea of not having a car is quiet unsettling. Think about the palces you have to go and how far the are. Wouldn't it be a disadvange to not have a car? Would you believe me if i told you there is a suburban area that has little to no cars in its area or a specific day cars are banned for 24 hours? how about how much cleaner the air is over there? The amount of space and walkway in an area like that, would that be a pro or con for you?
People all over have participated in local events where cars are banned for a day, like Paris and Colombia, and some want to get rid of it completly like Vauban, in Germany. In Vauban, its a "car-free" zone. Living in an area like this without a car is alot less tence without all the extra of cars. acording to Heidrun Walter "When i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." supporting the idea of the reductuion of vehicles and fossil fuel admission. This is an advantage to people because they perfer a healthy, stress free life, according to the passege, "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here".
Smog is usually because of fossil fuel admission. This is why Paris proposed a partial ban to vehicles. Paris nearly had a near-record pollution. Paris was a little more operatable, according to the passege "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing,China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Less congestion is a valid reason to limit vehicle use, being more spacious and operatable.
People may complain about the penalties or the transportation is needed, but people can carpool, and transportation was free in that limited time frame. eventually the fog was less visable, and people could return to the normal lives. However the damage is continuing, Getting a smart car would be a splendid idea, trade the bad fossil fuel car, to provied clean transportation if needed. Cars are hurting the world and living things in it, including ourselfs. We should take a stand and end this tragedy were casing. | 23
c68b908 | My fellow people and adventurers, this expierence is a once in a lifetime chance! It is extremely fun, and you get to meet so many new people! You can see sights you have never seen before! You travel the world, not only helping others, but going on a journey you will never forget! I honestly think you will enjoy it! The feeling of hepling people and exploring the world all together is a dazzling expierence! Cultures of all kinds will be introduced to you, some of the seven wonders of the world you will get to see! The feeling of the waves beneath you, as you sail the seven seas! Join me, and all your fellow friends, family, and adventerers, on a once in a lifetime expierence for yourself! Trust me it is fun!
As you sail aboard a ship, the creatures of the sea will swim by, and they almost seem to greet you! Sure, the horses need to be taken care of, but you grow a bond to loving them, and all the animals! It is a bit of a messy job, but it is worth it! I know, maybe some of you are worried about the possible dangers, but I assure you, there are none! All of us on board are here to help! There is nothing to fear!
So come along! We are waiting for you down at the docks! Join us, it is a great expierence! We're always open to have new crewmates to lend a helping hand! I am sure that you will enjoy your trip! | 12
8db2234 | I'm against driverless cars because i feel like that letting a drone take over your car and drive for you is dangerous. This idea is not good because it would cost a lot of money to produce and not a lot of people would buy the cars since they are so expensive so therefore they wont be making much profit from it.
It's dangerous in someways because if you just let the robot do the drivng then it would propbably take you to another destination. If it stoped working for some odd reason then the person who isn't driving could be in serious danger because if they are not paying any attention to the road then they could get in an accident and get seriously hurt' and who would be responsible for the accident you may ask? The robot becuase they are supposed to be driving you and making it safe for you while you can do something else, The company who built the car would get sued because they say that its supposed to be safe, but being safe on the road is just you paying attention to the road not lettig some robot do it for you.
Sticking to drivng yourself is much better and cheaper becuase you won't have to spend so much money ona car that does that for you. Imagine having this technology in a super car now that would be really dangerous and stupid because the drone could fully take over of the car and start speeding, and supercars are meant for those type of things, but not on a public road you would be putting evryones lifes in danger. My conclusion is that driverless cars are not great idea, maybe for the greater future but for now not really. | 12
3af84f4 | In my opinion I believe Facial Action Coding is valuable. You can look at a picture or a person based off there facial expression and conclude what there emotion is. It might not necessarily be accurate but you'll be pretty close to right, but now you have the technology to be accurate. A persons face changes depending on how they feel and most people are able to detect what that emotion is whether its sad, mad, happy, etc.
Dr. Paul Eckman creator of the Facial Action Coding system (FACS) classified six basic emotions which is happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. FACS is a computer process that constructs a 3-D computer model of the face and all forty four major muscles.
Professor Thomas Huang of Beckaman Institute, in collaboration with his collague Proffesor Nicu Sebe University of Amsterdam, are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. They rely on Dr. Paul Eckmans creation using video imagery the new emotion-recognition software tracks facial movements in a real face or painted face like Mona Lisa By: Leonardo Da Vinci.
Like taking a test at the end of the year Istep+ or Nwea can determine how much knowledge your brain has took in and if you are able to pass and further your education or if your incapable of taking in information in a classroom.
As stated before i think the work being put in by these Proffesors and Dr. Paul Eckman is very valuable and should be taken into consideration as usable to determine facial expressions because of the statistics being provided in the article and the credibility of these men. Thats why i think the Facial Action Coding computer process is valuable. | 23
4f7fcd0 | The electoral college is viewed by the populace as a greedy snake who is suffocating the voters freedom and placing it in a slate of electors. According to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election over 60% of the voters would abolish the electoral college and put in a direct election. The system is set up to where you may recieve the most votes yet lose the election so much for a "democracy". Yet some people still argue that the electoral college isnt flawed and fairly represents everyone.
When one votes you are voting not for a president but for a slate of electors who then elect the president. These electors are not forced to vote for the cantidate you picked and in the past have not. Not only that but also the fact that the electoral college has the possibility for a tie (at that point the senate would elect the vice president) (state delegation would elect the president) this would completely abolish and not reflect the will of the voters. At its core the electroal college is unfair to the people it is a rigged winner-take-all system in each state since most candidates dont even take the time in the states they know they are going to win forsure or have no chance on winning. In the 2000 campaign 17 states didnt see the cantidates at all.
Some of the ludicrous claimes made by supporters of the electral college are that you avoid run off elections, the so called "certainty of outcome", and many other outlandish claims which always avoid all the bad the electoral college does and only focus on the so called "good". It is a fact the people prefer a direct vote, the electoral college is unfair, outdated and is holding us back from expressing our full right to vote. | 23
cdc1cff | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Throughout the reading he talks about how it'll put an impact on daily driving and how modern day cars will be self driving and automatic. In 2009 Google had made a vehicle that'd support the idea of self driving vehicles by creating and designing one himself.
The positives and negatives of being able to own one of these vehicles or being able to have the oppurtunity of them being manuafactured throughout the United States or other countries could have an impact on the world itself. In paragraph one it stated that Google cofounder Sergey Brin had envisions of public transportation systems where fleets of driverless cars became the new form of taxi transportation. The vehicles he foresees would use half of the fuel of todays transportational vehicles. What that means is that the environment around you would have less smog and less toxins in the air. With that being said it could dramatically change how people would be able to get to work everyday. Instead of using a bus and waiting for the stop it'll open up another door for them to use the cars that are self driven and that could be more effeciant with the time of them arriving to their destination.
Now,we will be discussing the negatives of having the cars built. The cost of the technology that needs to be put inside of each cars could cost more than the actually shell itself. If it uses an amazing amount of wiring and sensors then they will also run into electric problems and the hassal of spending all of the time and money on one car. With the gps reciever,four automotive radar sensors,a video camera that is installed near the rearview mirror,and many other things that are needed to even start the "self driving program" just isn't worth it in my opinion. The system will always have a flaw and so will humans. But humans have the skill of being able to get out of sticky situations. The computers inside of the car won't be able to sense all of the risks on the local street or on the highway compared to a humans abilitys and sight. The computers on the vehicle only examine the surroundings and the speed. But how close is soon? An accident could be avoided in most cases because of manual driving. Having a computer that is only set to go a certain speed and to use just the programs on it to avoid certain things isn't worth the time of a regular driver.
In conclusion,I myself would not purchase a vehicle that is assisted and needs all of the technology of doing something that I could do independently. It is a very vague opinion on my part but to me it is a fair share of laziness and the inability to drive a vehicle with basic knowledge. | 34
5183644 | Americans throughout the country believe that the Electoral College isn't fair and believe that they deserve a more direct voting syste to the president, other than voting for electors. These reasons are made by the people because they want more and more power in the government. What the people want is almost always the risky option, especially when the topic is government. I believe that the Electoral College should be kept as the way it is now, and not a direct voting system for American citizens.
As said in the previous statement, Americans that want the Electoral College gone are lurking for more power when it comes to rules. Unfortunately, if the government's decisions were left in the hands of the people, the country's state would be in anarchy. On the other hand, the electoral college offers Congress and the Senate a share of the power, and the American citizens a share of the power as well. For example, if the Electoral College began to diminish, then became wiped out immediately, the government could do nothing less but to watch as the people choose the president that they want. Sometimes, what is wanted by the people may not always be the right thing.
Moving on, almost 60 percent of all American voters stated that they would rather have a direct voting system, putting aside the Electoral College. What most people are not seeing is that the direct voting and Electoral College system are very similar. The difference between the two is, that when Americans vote in the Electoral College, they are voting for electors that go towards the president, and when Americans vote directly to the president, those same amount of votes go to the president as well. If the voting system was based off of a direct route to the presidents side, then there would be too many votes to count, which is why have representatives towards each state is one of the glories of the Electoral College.
Finally, the popular voting system is very flawed, considering that there are states that have millions more people people than others. Some states even double the size of other states according to population. For example, New York's population most likely doubles the population of Florida's, but thanks to the Electoral College, the representative and population ratio weighs out, giving each state an equal amount of votes toward their president. Now, if the popular voting system was in place, then states like New York would outnumber states like Florida's votes by millions. It would not be as fair as it is now if the popular voting system replaced the Electoral College.
In conclusion, the Electoral Colllege has many positive outlooks like keeping the voting system fair and not giving too much power to either side when voting is the subject. Although many Americans believe that the Elecotral College is causing the wrong presidents to win, it does not make a difference either way because of the way that the Electoral College evens out the votes. The Electoral College is a fair and suitable system for the United States and should be kept as America's voting system be | 34
bcb8d76 | It is an innovative idea from may people to cut down on the use of a motor vehicle. in these passages it gives pros on the better enviormental way of living.
The first source talks about a city that is in Germany called Vauban, where residents have accepted the challenge of no car usage. The city is designed for walking to department stores, grocery stores, ect. But this so what utopia is not all a utopia itself, where 30 percent of families own cars. Also the United States Enviornmental Proctection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities like Vauban. This action to have a car reduced communites was because of the damage done by cars on the enviornment by pollution.
The second and third source is about how a city took matter into their own hands and had a "car free day". In the cities of Paris and Columbia is where it took place. First the reasons why is because of near-record pollution of poulltion in the enviornment of Paris. Where on Columbia the reason for the car frre day was because they want to promote alternative transportation and smog. In Coulmbia this day has been going on three years straight!
In the last source, it tells about how car culture is ending slowly. In the United States pople have been "buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." A study shows that driving by young people has decreased by 23 percent from 2001 and 2009.
Finally, all these sources have explained that a non motorized vehicle is for the best in our health and in our enviornment. it is a new and innovatied way that is being accepted by a numerous amount of the population. | 23
3982990 | In my opinion limiting the usage of cars would be great. Some people use there viechles for the stupidest reasons when they could walk or even ride a bike. It would be better for our enviorment and even people. some advantageas of limting car usage would be cleaner air and people would get excercise.
Alright we'll who wants to be in town and smell the nasty fumes of a car? Not me i would love to smell the fresh air. When you limit the usage of cars this could happen not only would you hvae clean air but the people around you would be satified with the results. According to the article"Car free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" they claim "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." With this being said happier people may give people a chance to get job or even have a better enviorment to be around.
In addition people could get excersise from limiting car usage. when people get excersise it means the obiesity levels can go down and make the place better for everyone. also from people having an activity they dint have ti sit on there butt anymore. They can actualy get up and attemp to find a job to benifit their family and the community.
In conclusion people can benifit from this no car usage rule from having cleaner and get exersise. those all play a factor in each other. | 23
6b97c5f | How the author supports this idea is that he states from the text " strivivng to meet the challenge presented by venus has vlue, only becuause of the insight to be fained on the plante itslef, but aslo because human cuiosity will likely lead us intoo many equally intimdating endeavors our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by danger and doubts but should be expanded too meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." There in his statement he supports saying just becuase its dangers it shouldnt stop us from travels and the doubts shoud be expanded to meet the very edges of imaination and innovation. The author aslo listed the dangers about venus, he aslo compairs the thing that would happen in venus to thing that can be shown with a exampel on earth. Here is one of his exampel " just imagine a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capble of melting tin." Thats showes the venus is really hot. NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study nenus, venus world allow the scientists to float abover the fray " imaging a blimp-like vehicl hovering 30 or so miles abovethe roiling vensian landsacape". that shows that its would be risky but it should not stop us from studing venus. | 12
db6bf94 | I am Luke Bomberger and I have been to very unique places in my life time. Right now I work part time at two jobs in grocery store and at a bank. But what I didn't know that my life would change soon after I graduated. So thanks to my friend Don Reist he invited me ot go to Europe with him on a cattle boat. So of course I couldn't just say no because if I would have to be just carzy It was a life time opportunity.
It was in the year of 1945, it was the time of World War II. So to help people recover, 44 nations joined to form a UNRRA. The UNRRA hired Seagoing Cowboys to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. So the next thing you know Don and I were signed up.
In August 1945, we received our orders to go and report to the New Orleans. " We arrived August 14 ," Luke said. Which was the day the that the Pacific War ended. They got their Seaman's paper and boarded up the SS Charles W. Woodster, headed for Greece with a cargo of 335 horses and plus enough hay to feed them all.
Luke's birthday happened before arriving to Greece. He turned 18 which meant he could be drafted to military service. " When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle boat trip, they told me to justto keep doing that for my service."
But the trips we went on were unbelievable opportunities for a little small town boy like me.
It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the Eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Caring for all the animalsand the crossingskept me busy. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bag of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. stalls had to be cleaned.
Helping out on my aunt Katie's farm as a little boy helped me a lot to prepare me for this job. But not for the dangers on the seas that I had to face. On my second trip I was watch man for all the crews out on the boats. My job was to check all of the animals for every hour | 12
88a9a8d | The Facial Action Coding System is a new form of technology that enables computers to identify human emotions. Will the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable? No. " FACS" will not be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students. A theory and technology such as emotions and the emotional state of someone should be based off of science instead of being based off opinion. Take a minute and compare this new piece of technology to a quiz given on the internet to see what celebrity I would be. Moral of the story if the person can fake it, they can make it. Someone can make believable facial expressions all day does not mean they are happy, sad, or any other emotion based on what they look like. A student may come in looking grumpy does not mean they are grumpy, maybe just maybe have you ever thought. " WOW, that just might be their natural facial expression." To end with, unless this technology is enhanced and backed up with science instead of opinion I do not think it will be very dependable in determing the emotional expressions of students. | 12
296e7b0 | A life filled to the brim of better days is what we all want, and limiting car usage has some of these advantages. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,' said Heidrun Walter. The sound of children outside of the pollution free community is much more satisfying then getting somewhere with dangers involved. A life without cars is less stressful and more free to explore in safety. Driving tends to make drivers uneasy for fear or crash or being late to work from traffic.
"Mr. Sivak's son lives in San Francisco and has a car but takes Bay Area Rapid Transit, when he can, even though that often takes longer than driving." Clearly being late to work and stressed is not something people favor espically when getting to work for free is possible. "Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday, according to the BBC." Instead of spending thousands of dollars expecting an easier lifestyle your neck rests on the chopping block with the blade ever silently above until it completes is mission. Having this ability feels like freedom but it's actually just a fear inducing, death causing machine. A simple healthier life on a bike seems more enjoyable, and even more so when it promotes good health and your life.
"In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." Not one person can really enjoy a twenty or fourty minute drive to a mall or anywhere for that matter. It's a waste of time, money, and life. Taking a 5 minute walk to a mall is much more beneficial to your body and health than adding gas to your lungs, and it's quicker too. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." Children playing outside instead of inside on their new tablet could be our future again. Parents don't have enough time to spend thirty minutes driving to a park when their child seems content on their fancy iPhone 6. Shopping is also a favorite anywhere, but it seems to be drifting online. Taking five minutes to walk to the mall and save money on not buying a car or spending money on shipping will give more money to buy stuff! A bonus is no more wrong clothing sizes or ordering a lotion that smells like toliet water. Ease of lifestyle is a desire that can be fulfilled when waving goodbye to miles of road and hello to a new jeans that fit for once.
Pollution is a horrible topic that everyone wants to stop, however everyone is ignoring one of its sources. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." It sounds like Earth is becoming like the movie Wall-E, and next stop is a ship in space leaving this trashed planet behind. Paris is setting a great example at trying to remove pollution for healthier living and a better environment. The United States has clearly been challanged and in its effort to be the best it followed suit, "...It will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the evironment." It is hard to imagine a healthy ecosystem with flourishing plant and animal life in our current situation. With Paris and the United States assisting in the idea of other transpot methods not only will animals have a better chance at not becoming extinct but so will the human race. Dying of pollution will no longer be a concern and money spent on poison can go to lifes other pleasures.
Happiness, fast travel, no pollution, and more new stuff sounds like owning a car right? Carlos Arturo has a taste of the sweet life, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Sadly this is not what a car provides because in fact it only reverses these good things. Despair sets in with fourty minutes waiting in traffic while clouds of gray swirl into the sky returning a shirt that didn't fit. Reconsidering the advantages of having a car and considering the advantages of limiting car usage is the right way to live a perfect life. | 45
e402d72 | When you lower the usage of cars in a certain area, you could see many benefits. Remember when you would hear occassionally that pollution in certain areas are affecting the world. And is it sort of worrying that you might be in one of those cities? Well, one of the main contributors is cars. Driving around, dumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Swiping its claws at the Ozone layer. Many countries have suffered this pollution the hard way. As in France, they had to ban certain cars after every few days or so. Because the Smog in there was so dense. The pollution could have been very harmful if not given the right precautions. Scary right? Thats why citys like Vauban, Germany have noticed these facts and are now trying out some very "Eco friendly" solutions to help. They simply didnt use cars. They resident of the area knew of the danger and gave up their cars for the greater good. And it worked. The city was and still is very clean. And peacful without the very few sounds of motor cars from a distance away. A few city caught on to this, as they are also worried about pollution engulfing their atmosphere. So a few other city like Bogota, Columbia. Have made a car-free day in which the only means of transportation was a: Bus, foot, or bike. Which lowered the number of people you would see on the street. It was a big success in Bogota. But few other countries have caught on to this. Like Beijing, China. The most polluted city on earth, is like a giant vortex of smog and trash. They didn't notice yet. And might be one of the few city that find out the hard way when you keep putting smoke in Mother natures face. But our country, America. Is finding out the safe way to travel with less pollutant use. We are trying new and better means of transportation. As in Biking, Carpooling. Or just walking if the distance isn't that tough. Fewer teens these days could honostly couldnt care less about a drivers license. Now they just carpool with other friends or take public transportation. The percentage of peak drivers have descresed to a percentage that of which was around 1995. These pieces of evidence tell us that we can make this world a better place, for the good. Its just a simple step to a bigger door. To where we actually don't have to worry about global warming, or pollution in certain countries. We should just live peaceful lives. And not about whats gonna happen first. Vauban, Bogota, Paris, Asuncion Paraguay. And small parts of the United States have thought about this. When will the rest of us get the picture? Limiting car usage is very vital to pollution and will kick it down a notch. And we could wake up in the morning to see a beautiful glimering sky. Shining its blue flourescent light back at you. Not a giant billowing ball of black smoke that will cover your sky. Turning it into a Gloomy, dull patch of depression on your day. That is why you have to lower your car usage every now and then. Or else, it could end up like that. It might end up as in you make the decision. Or your peers make the decision. You really should consider the darger of what might await you when you step into your car. | 23
f273998 | Studying Venus is worth it, even though there are many dangers. Venus is Earth's sister planet and often reffered to as our "twin." Venus is the closest to Earth in size and density. Venus is the second closest planet to the sun, which makes it very hot and hard for there to be life on Venus. Studying Venus could give us an idea of how closely related the Earth and Venus really are, despite the dangers.
Venus has many dangers, but it is worthy of studying. In the text it states that Venus could of had large oceans and could have supported many different forms of life. Venus now doesn't have any forms of life on it, given it is the 2nd closest planet to the sun and it woul dget really hot. Back then there could have been large rivers and oceans to support the different forms of life. Also in the text it states that NASA is planning to send people on a trip to study Venus. In this trip, they could find out really how closely related Eatrh and Veuns are.
In conclusion, studying Venus could give us an idea of how closely related the Earth and Venus really are, despite the dangers. Although it would be different climate and air pressure, in the near future people will go to Venus to explore what there is to find there. 97 percent of Venus' aptmosphere is carbon dioxide, which makes it even more dangerous for there to be life on Venus. After all the "twin" plnets might be nothing alike. Studying and exploring Venus is worth it, despite the dangers. | 23
a2cce9b | The author of this story uses a lot of information about exploring Venus. He writes about the history of Venus and the dangers of travling there too. But, is it really worth sending people to Venus if they are just going to die ?
The author talks about the dangers of going to Venus very well. He inculdes that the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and the clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid. He also says the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on earth. That type of environment would crush a submarine, which are meant to dive into the deepest parts of earth's oceans. The one thing the author does well is he covers all of the dangers of going to Venus. Even thought he is trying to convince the reader that it's a good idea to explore Venus.
The one thing the author does not write about is how much all of this is going to cost and who is going to pay for it. The one thing people care about is money and if the author is trying to convince someone to make this happen they are most likely going to want to know how much this would cost. If people who pay their taxes are going to end up paying for this I don't think people would be to happy. Most likely a trip to Venus would cost more than when NASA went to the moon. Other than the author not talking about the cost, he covers everything else pretty well.
The author also talks about how NASA is trying to figure out new projects and using old porjects to get to Venus. He says that scientists are making simplified electronics made of silicon carbide to be tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in these conditions. I think the reason the author gives you this information is because he wants you to think that there are other people who want to explore Venus as well. Another project the author talks about is scientists looking back at old technology called mechanical computers. He says that these mechanical computers would be better than the new computers because the new ones are very frail and can't be under rough conditions. But the old computers are not frail and can be put into rough conditons, such as Venus's rough conditions.
The author supports his idea about going to Venus very well. His idea would be better though if he added some information about how much it would cost to go to Venus. He did have a lot of infromation on the new projects that NASA was developing and how dangerous it was to travel to Venus as well. Other than not having the costs this was a pretty intresting article and well developed. | 34
9701060 | Exploring venus will be hard to explore since the suface of the planet would almost melt any metals the landed on the surface,But is could be a good planet to explore becuse venus could hold some good finds and new discoveries on the planet ,They call venus earths twin because they are similer in diamiter,but they both are different from each other way differnt,But it would be great to explore for new finds and new discoveries.
Exploring the planet would be quite difficult the gravity is differnt on that planet,also they would need to have more technogly they would need to put a machine up there to explore the planet and see what they need to make as ships ans suits and what meteals would not melt n venus and also what kind of things they would need to explore. Also the clouds on venus are made of of acid,and venus somtimes have an acid rain,and would melt alot of meteals and it would be harmful to alot of objects.
An other challenge would be able to keep water and drink it,sense the surface of venus is 800 degrees fahreheit the water would vapirote on to the air,And it would be very hard to keep it cold,And even the water did not vapirote the water would be way to hot for a human to drink,and the weather on venus is very extream,it would take alot of thought and also technogly to get to venus safly and it would be a challange
The weather on venus is extream with erupitung volcanoes powerful earthquackes and frequent lightning strikes,So we would have to make some really strong and that could withstand all of those hash things that the planet has to offer,and thats alot of things,and you wold also have the right techonlgy that you would have to have. witch would be a major challenge that we would have to face.
Exploring venus would be very diffecult and we would have to put alot of thinking and techonlgy on working towards that but i think it would be worth it to visit there becuse we could find new dicoveries and new finds that could change the would in so many ways,but there it alot of challenges that we would have to overcome but overall it possible but it could ake a long to to devolp and idea and devolp that kind of technogly and it would take years to expore planet venus. | 23
ac0b9fe | Electoral college should go away. electoral college is unfair. each party picks a slate of electors,although it only takes trust to pick that elector it is unfair because it is what the people want. there are 4 reaons why electoral college shouldnt be used today. one may be that votes arent from people and votes are only elected by the electors,and the polular vote most likley always win. which means that people vote for the elector and the highest votes from one state to the elector,the president now has that state and now has votes from it. this is why ecltoral college shouldnt be used today. it is unfair that we cant vote for our own president and the electors get to choose.
one reason why electoral college is bad for the people is because of the thing called disastor factor. this is a bad affect to the voting. this happen in 1960 and was with John F. kennedy. what happen was the state legislatures are technically responsible for the electors and that the electors could always tell the people what they want. this was a key factorbut,what to fiasco did he helped changed everything. and here to today we still use electoral college. although we still use fiasco method it is getting better but still is a disastor and i think we should just make something that the people want. this woild be better and maybe an easier way to choose a president.
another unfair subject that electoral college does for voting is the prospect of tie ,this is a method in which only states with a certain amount of people allowed to vite. this is an unfair method because, for example hawaii has only a little amount of people and cant vote. also many other states cannot vote because of there population. this is very unfair and should be stopped. every state should be able vote. and again there is only one vote for each state and this method should be voted by state but by people to get a better examnation of what people want. since each state only cast one vote it is the senates job to pretty much vote for the elector. we should let the people vote the people vote themsleves so there is a more accurate vote,than just a single vote for the whole state.
another reason why the electoral college is unfair is because of the winner takes it all method in each state. this is a very unfair method because i do agree that every state should be able to vote. it doesnt matter if the state only has a population of twenty. every state should be able to vote for preseident, esspecially if you are old enough to vote. it is only fair. there are states such as rhode island and south carolina that are too small and other 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to vote. this is unfair . the system should start letting at least every state vote.
these are reasons why electoral college shouldnt be used today,this is a very unfair way of voting. forget the electoral college method and just start letting the people vote. yes it might hard to keep track but this way, if you let the people vote they will know what the people want and it would be much more accurate than saying one vote for each state . they should really take time thinking of ways to make this better and fair. because electoral college isnt fair at all. they should abolish electoral college from the united states. go back to directed elections. bob dole was someone who said that they shouldnt allow this, and i certainly agree that electoral college shouldnt be allowed. | 23
6c56dcd | The Facial Action Coding System:
This tecnhology works for identify the exactly humans emotions,this show the feeling even when they trying to hide the emotions.
This new application make a model of the face and calculate the emotions. the app have six basic emotions: Happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness also this tecnhology can identify mixed expretions and give us a percentage and created nimated faces more expressive.
for example the mona lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci's. they caculate the emotions to comproved if the app is good, also they practice with students in a classroom.
This innovatios was created by Prof. Thomas Huang, of the beckman institute for advanced science at the university of illinois and working in collaboration with Prof. NIcu Sebe of the University
of Amsterdam.
The FACS help in other areas like the science because the application can see the factions and understood more about the humans and how we can have mixed emotions. | 01
02dabc0 | Do you think theres a real alien artifact on mars? Well if you do, im sorry but there isn't. Even thoe "the Face on Mars" may look like an alien artifact, is just a natural land form. There are many of these in Cydonia and they're called Martian mesas. This Martian messa looks as if it's a face because of its unusual shadows that creat the illusion of eyes, a nose and a mouth.
In April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michale Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture, that is 10 times sharper than the orignal one tooken by Viking 1, of the face on mars. This picture finally revield that there was no face on mars, but a natural landform.
This didn't satisfi many people. They thought the alien markings where hidden by a haze, since that was the time of year where that part of mars gets clody. So on April 8, 2001, a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, Mars Global Surveyor took a final look. Then, when they finally found it Malins team captured an extraordinary photo using the cameras absolute maximum resolution. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.
What this thing actually is is " the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa" which are landforms common around the American West. This was simply a chance for NASA to get a little money. | 12
8b68d5d | I feel that google or people and who ever else is making these cars should not put them on the market. I think this because if someone were to get into an accident who is to blame? Should we blame the car? The car company? The driver? No one will be able to asnswer these questions because driverless cars are dangerous. There are to many drunk drivers and people falling asleep at the wheel now a days to have a computer powered car. I feel that if they put these cars on the market we would have twice as much accidents then we did before. Alot of people now a days text and drive so add not contoling the vechicle and what do u got? 3 times the accidents! These driverless cars are becoming popular but we need to look at all the diffrent things that can happen when someone is controling the vechicle. For one drunk drivers. Alot of people drink behind the wheel and thats already dangerous enough. Another reason driverless cars are a bad idea is the fact that people text and drive way to often. 8/10 people text and drive and that could really put someone at risk. Yes i know there cars arent truley driverless and have driven half a million miles without an acident,but thats not the point. The point is why would we want a machine to cause more deaths and injuries then they already do? Yes they have antilock brakes and speed sensors,but how do we know they will be 100% effective? We don't. Driverless cars can steer,accelerate,and brake themselves,but what if they dont? What if the engine locks? What if the brakes malfunction, or the car speeds up too quickly? Who is too blame? If its almost "driverless" then how is the driver responsible? How many people are going to get injured or killed do to these malfuctions? If car companys are so conserned on saftey,then why would they want a computer powered car? Why wouldnt they just make the car more safe and efficant? Although GM has developed driver seats that vibrate when the car is in danger of hitting an object, how do we know that the car wouldnt stop for a living thing? Or human being? What if the car turns to neutral at the speed of at least 25 mph and you cant brake because its computer operated? Lets think about this. If someone is in need of a medical emergency and you dont have time to wait for an ambulance,would u put that person "safely" strapped in a driverless car; GPS set to the nearest hospital? Why or why not? Would u be willing to take that ride if it was a life or death situation? These driverless cars seem legit but look at the real textbook situations. They move by themsleves,brake,turn,sensor, and give you alerts if your about to hit an object. Thats right they accelerate, brake,turn ALL BY THEMSELVES.So i feel that we should not have driverless cars for these reasons. They could and can cause many more injuries and deaths than an human being can because they dont think,they just do what there motherboards tell them to do,and you know what that is? Drive. They might be programed to stop, accelerate, and turn, but who says they will when there supposed to? The car company? You? The car? All this can be avoided if we dont have driverless cars; and that's why we shouldnt have driverless cars. | 34
1872cf4 | Through out the past, and till now transportation has been a huge role in our society. In the past boats were the main and fastest transportation man had. Until a man invented the automobile which changed transportation dramatically. These automobiles made it much easier to travel around town, or even across the country. What the people did not know is the harmful effects these automobiles put out.
Automobiles have there advantages which most of the buyers look at, but they did not relize the disadvanges not only are they bad for the enviroment automobiles are the main cause of death. Countries are working to promote either car free, or car reduced communities. As said in paragraph 9 the United States is working with the Enviromental Protection Agency to promote car reduced communities.
You may be thinking to yourself well ''Im not going to ride a bike every I go''. This is true but Im not saying that neither are these agencies they are simply saying that try carpulling, use busses, trams, ect. Riding bikes is a great way of not only transportation, but also fitness, and its a whole lot less exspensive.
In source 4 it states that President Obama has had goals of getting rid of green house gas emissions, and trying his best to make America a more enviromental nation. Studies show that people are buying less cars as years go on, and less people are getting their drivers licence. America seems to be slowing down its rave of the need to drive and own cars, more, and more people are starting to use bikes as their prime way of transortation.
Overall automobiles have been probaly the greatest thing or invention to man kind. Even though they may have their disadvantages. We just need to try as a whole to be less dependent oni our automobiles and try to carpull as much as we. Another great way we should keep doing and promoting is the use of bycicles. Society will find their way through, and hopefully try to be as car reduced as much as possible. | 23
d3913f7 | When the inventions of mass production for cars started I doubt that the makers ever thought of a car that could drive itself. In this new technological age though the sky is the limit and companies are racing to make the holy grail of cars. One that does not even require a driver. There are arguments for driverless cars saying that it will decrease human error, however there are also those who are against the movement of driverless cars.
How do you start to trust a automobile to safely drive your family around by itself? There can always be faults in manufacturing and giving cars one hundred percent control is something that many may be uneasy about. The idea that there may be a point in time when no one owns cars is forgin. However flexible a taxi system maybe, I would still like to know that my car is mine and not shared with a thousand other people. The difficulties of perfectly matching the supply and demand for people who need the cars may be next to impossible.
At this point in time the prototypes for these driverless cars are not driverless. The car itself is able to navigate situations by itself however there are times in traffic or by work zones when the human driver has to be notified and take the wheel. A problem is that "this means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires."
What would happen if the driver had fallen asleep? Is the car equiped to pull itself over untill the driver wakes up?
There would alo have to be new laws and regulations put in place to protect drivers and the manufactures. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault---the driveror the manufacturer?" You do not want to have car companies putting out bad products and having the public rely on them to do one hundrd precent of the work. You also would not want those companies taking the blame for every avoidable fender bender. Where is the line on liability?
The flip side of the coin may be the good that these new cars could do for society and the environment. Using only half for the gas would be increditible. Gas prices would decrease because of the supply and demand. There would be less CO2 pollution in the air and over all it would be a better environment. Having the ablitiy to sit back with your family and watch a movie while driving from Mississippi to New York is amazing. The price of airfare may also go down because it there would be a comfertable choice that is both cheaper and less of a hassle. This may also help people with diablities be more independent. There are already cars out there for them that are altered but I am sure a vast majority could still gain a lot from driverless cars.
I myself can not wait for the day when I can tell a car where to go then take a nap. The realities however are that it may not happen for the next forty years. To get to a point when every car out there is driverless will take time. Passing laws, rebuilding roads, passing test, and just sealing the cars will take more time then I would want. The idea of not owning my own car however id domeything that I do not look forward to. The thought of sitting in what is the same as a public seat for hours a day is crazy to me. It could also be a easy way to pass on illnesses. I still look forward to own my own private driverless car. | 34
d21fbb8 | Do you know why the earth has air pollution ? they are many reason from cars. Limiting car usage could have many advances because it can slow down air pollution,save money, and safety. Sit back and relax while I explain.
To begin one of the advantages of limiting car usage is that it can slow down air pollution.
First reason that limiting car usage is that it can slow down air pollution is that because in the passage it says that "after days of near-record pollution,Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." what that quote was basically saying was that the air pollution in paris was so terrible that they had to ban driving in order for the air to get stabilized. Next limiting car usage can slow down car pollution because it will keep major fuel companies from burning coal into the air. Lastly limiting car usage can slow down air pollution by using bikes,walking,taking the bus,riding skate boards,taking the subway,and ect.
Next one of the advantages of limiting car usage is it saves money.
the first reason limiting car usage saves money is because in one of the passages it says that "The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. violaters are to face $25 fines". and I dont think any one want to be a part of that. Next one of the advantages of limiting car usage is that it saves money because when a person has a car they spend lots on money to put gas in their car every week and every year gas prices are rising. finally one of the advantages on limiting car usage is it saves money is because people that drive have to be aware of tickets that are very expensive also mantanace for your car like tires, lights,oil and ect if you limit your car usages over time you will see yourself spending less.
Finally one advantage on limiting car usage is safety. The first reason lmiting car usage can raise safety is because in the passage it says "pedestian,bicycle,private cars,commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time,conserve resouses,lower emissions and improve safety". The next reason limiting car usage can bring safety is by stoping traffic jams and droping the percentage of the amount of people dying fron car accidents. The final reason limiting car usage can bring safety keeping motorcyclists,bikers,and pedestrians from getting hit by cars also keeping drunk drivers of the streets.
To sum up they are many advantages of limiting car usage ,my reasons are it can slow down air pollution,save money, and safety I told you my reasons now tell me yours. | 34
36b2a34 | My position on driveless cars is it shouldn't go past a point where a human driver can not take control of the car. Technology can be faulty and if a human can't take control of the car some dangerous consequences will happen. Also if a driver can take control of the car, if an accident occurs they will be responsible. Then the business that created the car will not be liable. Finally the cost will be a major problem, a mass majority of people will most likely not be able to afford this vechicle. Which can be a marketing problem, when introduced to the mass public.
Time has shown that technology does have flaws, some very dangerous ones. Now imagine these flaws happen when you're on the highway surrounded by other cars. A consequence paid for these techonological errors could be death. If the car glitches out, a human driver will be needed to take control and keep the sitaution in control. Cars already have faults, and technology also can have significant errors. Would you put your life in the hands in some possibly faulty piece of technology? This is why human drivers need to be able to have control of the car if needed.
Responsibilty for accident is a subject that's in the air about these vechicles. If the human driver has overall control of the vechicle, the possibility of an accident would be in thier hands. This will pull out some major possibilties of a manufacturer being taken to court over the car. If full control of a car is given to the hands of technology, the manufacturer will most likely be sued on multiple occasions if an accident occurs. If the overall power of the car is given to the person in the driver seat, the final verdict of an accident will fall onto them.
Cost is also a mojaor factor. When introduced to the masses who will be able to afford this car? The price of a driverless vechicle would be very expensive and most likely not affordable to the evryday middle class people. What's the point of making this car if not it's gonna have a huge market? If the car is partially driverless it most likely be less expensive to make and would be more cost effective to the masses.
There is no need for a completely driverless car. It would cause a landslide of problems. If technology is faulty it could cause injury or death. If its completly driverless, the manufacturer would be responsible for accidents. Finally the cost would be way too high for the average person in this economy. These are allsignificant reasons there should not be a driverless car. | 34
69f6608 | We could be closer than ever exploring the planet called Venus. Nasa is thinking of ideas every day of how to overcome the obsticals Venus gives us. Venus is a "neighbor" right around the corner. Venus is a very harsh planet that might be explorable in the near future.
Venus is a very hard planet to get any information on. Everytime Nasa sends a spacecraft to get information it is harmed by the planets conditions. The text shows, "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours."
Venus has some simularites to earth. The planet nicknamed "Evening Star" may have once been like the most Earth planet. For example, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth."
Venus is a very harsh planet that might be explorable in the near future. Venus is the neghboring planet that might be another planet that Nasa can some information on. Venus may have a ton of hardships but in the near future it may be another planet we "explored". | 12
d7054db | Cars may have some advantages, but the world, would be a better place if we limited car useage. The benifits of limiting our usage of cars is, it will help improve the enviornment, there are healthy alternitves, and not useing cars as much will decrease stress that people have.
Decreasing our car usage will emprove the environment. In the artical "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, he says " Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." In France they banned even numbered liscence plates from driving, for one day, and one day was all it took for the high levels of smog to decrease. In another Artical "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal it talks about the decrease usage of cars throught the years, paragraph 34 says " If the pattern persists-and many sociologists believe it will-it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment." If the people keep slowing down on using cars, which scientist believe it will, there will be better carbon e,issions in the air, and the air will be better. Limiting car usage will help make our environment better.
Walking, biking, and skateing are all excercises that help you stay fit, but they are also a healthy alternative to cars. A artical published in the
Seattle Times called "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" by Andrew Selsky describes the day that is trending all over the world, the day cars are banned. People in these countries, in this case Colombia "hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work" Banning car usage enchourages people to get up and walk, run, or bike because they can't use their car. In the town Vauban, Germany a car free town, people walk everywhere, because the town has no cars. In the town "...where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor." The people in this town are walking and staying fit everyday.
One last benifit of limited car usage is it causes people less stress. Heidrun Walter , a mother of two who lives in Vauban, Germany, says " When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier now." Once Walter sold her car she was relived, she didn't have to worry about making her next car payment, when she would have to get gas again, or how much money gas was. Getting rid of her car relived her stress. Not using cars will decrease the amount of stress in society.
Over all, limiting are car usage would greatly benifit us, it will help keep the environment clean, keep our people healthy, and it will cause people less stress. | 34
fa3ca97 | According to Dr. Huang, he has created a platform or a model that allows for people to read other people's expressions. This does includes emotions such as happiness,fear, and even disgust. This does bring the question whether all this is true or not. In my opinion, I believe this is not valuable for a couple reasons. Other would argue that this is accurate and that this computer could help those at school such as instructers in order to modify the lession if a student is bored. With all this being said, I blieve that the technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable!
My first reason in why I believe this is not valuable for students in this classroom is because if this all true, students would be more distracted with all this technology rather than focusing on school work. For example my school went on without laptops for students for many years and now recently they handed every student a laptop. This caused for students to not focus on the lesson, but to focus on their computer. To imagine a student using a computer in where it can read emotions, the consequences would be bad. With this being said, many students would get distracted.
Although I believe that students would get distracted, others argue the contrary and believe that this technology is valuable. They say that it will help modify the class once a student is bored. This could not be right because what if all students are doing great in class and just because one is bored, they will modify the class? Then the class will be modified and a different
student will get bored and so on. This will cause time to be wasted and not only that, but it will cause for students to not learn which means this technology is not valuable.
A second reason on why the technology to read students' emotional expressions is because of the money. A regular computer or any other type of technology costs over 200 dollars which makes you think how much this technology will cost. With that money, we could pay for better things. This includes better classes, better security, or even better lunches. There are countless things we could use money rather than using it to read others' expressions or emotions.
A third reason on why I believe that the technology to read students' emotional expressions in a classrooms is not valuable is because not everyone would like to be read. This is a fact not an opinion. Others would think it's cool, but others would disagree. This could cause students to feel uncomforable or even distracted when they should be thinking about school. Some students could have different emotions when they are being read. Some could get mad, some happy, but no one will ever be satisfied.
In conclusion, my thoughts on this technology have not changed. I have disagrreed to those who think this is valuable because of many reasons. My main ones would be because it could cause distraction or for students to feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the use of technolofy to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable! | 34
7fc2116 | Dear John Kerry, the senator for the state of Florida we must keep The Electoral College. Why do we need to keep it? we need to keep it because it is an important process that our founding fathers created, that is part of our constitution. Also, it was established as a compromise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The electoral college process deals with peoples selections of the electors. It consists of 538 electors and their has to 270 votes to elect the president. We have a president and vice president without having the electoral college, it would be useless to have all these senators. We have a house of representatives that work extremely hard and it would be rude to get rid of the electoral college and changing elections by popular vote. Leave everything the way its going because the process works awesome and if you mess something up your going to lose your job being the state senator, or your going to get many letters, emails, possibly phone calls of hatred and more. That will not be good for you or your business so my suggestion as a citizen is to not make any changes. Once a statement or rule is in the constitution you cant just take it away or change it that will ruin everything. I mean... its your decision on what you want to do but if I were you I would listen to my opinion strongly. Well that is all I have to say so keep the electoral college and good luck. | 12
37e110f | Ding! Ding! Ding! The bell has now rung and you must take your seat. Class is beginning. Here goes another day of zoning out and being bored for seven hours!
New software has been developed, the Facial Action Coding System, and it can detect your emotions. The Facial Action Coding System being in the classroom would be very valuable!
This technology being in classrooms would be beneficial for many reasons. In the passage Dr. Huang predicts,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This shows how the Facial Action Coding system could help the students learn. By being able to know if the student is not understanding or getting bored, the computer can now review what the student is confused about and make a different approach on how they are giving the student information.
Knowing what people's emotions are is very important when it comes to communicating and teaching them new things. In the text Dr. Huang says, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that too." This shows that because of emotion's being a big part of communicating and understanding things, computers should know what people are feeling as well. This will make computers even more helpful than they already are. In addition, the computers won't have a hard time being able to recognize these emotions! According to the article,"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." This shows how even though many people show their emotions in different ways, your face muscles do similar things for you to be able to tell each expression. The passage also says," They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forces smile." This proves how the software is really aware of how you're feeling.
All of this can show why the Facial Action Coding System would be very valuable in the classroom. Hopefully now you would like this new software in classrooms at your own school! Ding! Ding! Ding! The day is now over, but because of the new software you have in your class, the Facial Action Coding System, you felt excited to come back tomorrow to have another amazing day of learning without being bored and understanding everything! | 34
a11cb5b | Do yo know why you should join The Seagoing Cowboys Program?
You should join Seagoing Cowboys Program because you can go to different and unique places around the world. Plus I also went to Europe and China to bring food and water for the animals.
To begin, I went to Greece to help bring food and water for the animals. I had a cargo of 335 horses plus the hay an oats to feed them. Knowing that the the Military might draft me they said " When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service."
Also, I went to China to feed the aninimals. It took a whole month to get to China. Then he says" The cattle boat trips were an unbeliveable opportunity for a small town boy."
The cows had to be fed three time and watered two times a day.
In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why people should sign up for Seagoing Cowboys.
In this story i gave many details why you should sign up. Now you can take into intrest about signing up for the Seagoing Cowboys. | 12
8c5c541 | The positive I think about driverless cars it awsome. Becuase who wouldn't want to enjoy that drives by itself. The author says that the driverless cars wouldn't prevent car accedents. It would be awsome to drive one of the driverless cars to work, home, store etc. all day and all night. I would go on dates with that car and to surprise her to go to prom, etc. The passage says that when you are on a traffic jam that it would lead you out so you can get on time wherever you going like job interview, doctors appointment, picking up kids from daycare or school, or even at a job meeting. When the driver is driving the car looks at them by a camara to see if the driver is well consitrating on the road, more likely a carsitter looking out to the diver on the road every time. Cars makers of Audi, Nissan, and Mercedes-Benz by 2020 they will make their cars driverless and with sensors to worn the drive when they are getting in danger so that the driver get back in focus on the roadwhile driving. | 12
69df60a | Keeping or changing the Electoral College would be something to carefully process out. Since the Electoral College is "regarded on a non-democratic method of selecting a president that to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner"(10), then there should be a change made towards it. If there is ever a presidential election then there should be a fast process to organize each votings. As Americans have the freedom to choose, there shouldn't have to be a problem going on. To keep any confusion from starting, whoever's encharge of declaring each voting method has to keep the rights of each voter. "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a politicial preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election" (23).
Making decisions can't be easy most of the time. People have to cautiously think about which will best benefit. Everyone goes through that stage when they are stuck on a decision. It's normal. We all know that the most powerful people are stumped on any decision too. Freedom of speech, freedom of mind. Sometimes, each state will have different opinions on voting; everyone is different. What people have to remember is that America is a land of freedom and that they have to choose wisely on certain things or else the country will go downhill fast.
"The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational"(14). It's not allowing the voters to actually "listen" to what each candidate is saying. People should have the right to vote based of what they think. It's almost like the feeling where someone is forcing somebody to do somthing that they don't want to do. As if they have no other choice. It will be best if the decision-makers start thinking about other people's thoughts. Not everything is based off of one certain process. The Electoral College sounds like it lacks the unison of people's rights that every voter will need. Certain people have to start thinking about changing certain things. | 23
7416c35 | Driving while having not to drive seems like the way to drive, or does it? Being in front of the wheel but not taking any part of action that's going on seems like a brilliant future ability, but is it safe? In order to be safe at all times, the bottom line is driverless cars are dangerous because eventually techonolgy will go wrong, which goes along with risking your life, and not all people will take precautions in this situation.
People have been creating a variety of useful idea's thoughout the generation but overall this is one of the most dangerous. This car will have to always be checked because if something ever goes wrong with it, it will most likley crash. For example, if the car is driving on its own and somethings wrong with it, it could go ballistic because the car is controlled by itself and by the time you will take control of it you would be in an accident.
Dealing with the techonolgy of the car, your life is in great danger. Not only are you dealing with your own life, but maybe also the people in your car and drivers all around you. The driverless car does have "special touch sensors," that "make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." It doesn't mean they are paying attention to what is going around them. "If the techonlogy fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver of the manufacturer?" That is the real question about this whole argument.
This whole essay is ties up with the precaution of "risking your life," driving on the road is already a dangerous thing to do but to allow cars that drive themselves adds up. As in the text says, "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object," there will always be people in this world who will be ignorant to these messages that the car implies. Sometimes the car will exaggerate the precautions you have to take making the driver think less of them.
There are endless of possiblities of things that can go wrong with driverless cars but also brilliant outcomes that can change the future. If people are willing to buy driverless cars, they must be alert at all times because there is a chance something might go wrong. So if you buy a driverless car, are you willing to take more chances of driving on the road than you already have? | 34
6b5cecd | Explore the unknown planet Venus with smartness and work. Venus is a worthy pursuit of studying where it have values of discovering new knowledge and the finding more about the planet itself. Scientist could discover the difference between our planet and other planets by atmosphere, geographic, time and speed. That is why Venus is a great challenge to us for humans to study.
First, in the text, Venus often referred as Earth's twin since Astronomers thought that Venus used to be a planet with many different life forms. The planet have suface of rocky sediment similar to our valleys, mountains, and craters. The planet might be a survivable place for humans but, not in a good environment.
The second reason, it is a diffcult challenge. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Venus's thick atmosphere have almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that human can not breath it. They have limited time to breath if they are on planet Venus. It have atmospheic pressure that is ninety times greater than planet Earth. And that's not the only problem, the text say that, "Even more challengeing are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." These condition are more dangerous than other human could ever encouter on Earth but, the worth of discovery is an enormous value for better technology.
The third is that researchers could come up with new better technology that can survive longer in worst condition. One of them is computers from modern time, since, they are "enormously power, flexible, and quick." And the other is using a material made for electronics named silicon carbide since silicon can survive on Venus's surface for three weeks. Humans can actually survive on planet Venus but not for very long time.
Discovering new knowledge with studies of Venus can lead us with equal thought of mind.
This proves that this have some value from going through dangerous challenge and hardwork. New ways for better survival is a worth to accept. Be always up on your challenge for new discovery. | 23
627aaf9 | Facial Action Coding System should be used in classrooms. This new technology can help students avoid unwanted articles or advertisments, recieve more help, and become genuinely happy.
When students go online to do research for a project, they come accross different websites. The internet is full of useful information, but it can also show us innapropriate images or unwanted advertisments. Students can get rid of this by just frowning. Paragraph six states, "...if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." The new technology can help students avoid bad articles and advertisments. Students will recieve more research material that is reliable and useful for projects.
Not only is their studying going to improve, but their comprehension in lessons. When students study or go through a lesson online, they may become confused or even bored. Students will make a confused facial expression, and the computer will recognize it. Paragraph six of the article states, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'" The computer will give the student more help as if it were a real instructor. Their comprehension of the lesson will be better because they will get more help. Students would recieve a better instruction that is compatible with their own needs.
Making facial expresions to make the computer help the students learn will also make the student happier. When people smile they genuinely feel happiness, so when students smile to the computer that they understand the lesson, they become happier. Paragraph nine of the article states, "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." The computer will give the student their own personal needs in learning and when that makes the student smile, they will feel the true emotion of happiness. Like the article states in paragraph nine, "'Putting on a happy face' actually works!"
Students will benefit greatly if the Facial Coding System is installed in schools. It will make the internet a better place to research, address each student with their own learning needs, and make students happier learners. New technology is expanding and the future is waiting for us. If we want to help the education of students and their ability to feel emotions and not become robots in the future, we must put the Facial Coding Sytem in schools. | 23
d6f5942 | PROPER_NAME
January 21, 2015
Dear Senator,
Im PROPER_NAME, writing you to ask if you could change the Electoral Collage, I'm sure I'm beside hundres asking for the same. Instead of voting for our slate of electors, we perfer to vote for the president himself. I have reasons, I will be glad to sure them with you.
In my opinion, I believe the Electoral collage is not fair. The bigger states get alot more electoral vote, So it's obvious if the president wins all the bigger states their going to win. The way I see it, is that the little states don't matter, or they aren't as important, since they got little electoral votes. For example, If I was running for president my main goal would be to win all the bigger states first, like; California, Texas, Florida. With them three states I already have 122 electrol votes, Thats when I'll start focusing on getting my other 148 votes by winning the little states over.
My other reason why myself, and hundres would rather vote for the president himself be, because of the mistakes of voting for the wrong canidate. Remember in 1960, Hawwii sent two slates of electors to Condress? What will happen?If you think about it anything and everything could go wrong!
Lastly,Voting for the president himself would be easier, You along with others in your range would not have to worry about the electoral votes. Not only that it may also be less stressful, and crazier. Voters like my parents would not get confuse for voting the wrong elector, and giving her vote to the wrong canidate.
In conclusion, I honestly think not having the electroal votes would be best for our voters. I'm sure the candidates would enjoy us the voters making the mistake and voting for the wrong elector, since at the end of the day the Canidate is the one getting the vote, that wasn't meant for him. Instead of voting for our electors, why won't we vote straight to our president?
72a4d46 | Since new software is coming out, people are coming up with ideas on trying to see if people are hiding their emotions. The Mona Lisa is a great example on emotions, people want to know if she is smiling, frowning, or they want to know how she's feeling.
The new software wants to calculate other people's emotions. People are beginning to make 3-D computer models of faces to see all of our muscles and to see how they move like a human does. As studies say we all have six normal emotions, we have happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, and by showing that our facial movements change and move to show our emotion. An example on how we show our emotions are that if we raise our eyebrow to show that we are suprised on what another person has said or done, and another one is when people tighten their jaw and lip that shows that they're angry. The Mona Lisa is another great example because we don't know how she is feeling, we don't know if she is feeling sad, happy, depressed, or many more things.
When you look in the mirror how do you look? People might see the stress on their face because lack of sleep, some others might see sadness because of a break up, and their are many other examples on this topic. Mirrors can't detect if we're sad, happy, scared, and more things becasue it's not a computer, we can detect if we're feeling a certain type of way. We should look at how our face looks when we look, we should look at how different our face changes when we go from happy to sad.
When making a face it might make you feel happy or sad. The experiment and technology shows how people really feel. When people say, "put a smile on that face", it might make you smile or chuckle a little bit. Drama coachs or acting coaches might ant their actors or actrecess work on their facial expressions. When someone acts you can sometimes feel how they're feeling, and so if they aren't aren't doing a good job at acting then you wouldn't know hot to feel. People will see how your emotions are and will feel a certain way because of how your expressions are or how your posture is.
Making facial expressions shows a lot on how someone is feeling. Experiments can show many different things. | 12
0210900 | That technology would not help in schools because the fact that students are sometimes not happy with how computer ads put up. Teacher can also see how their students are feeling on the computer but one flaw about this is that what if it didn't work. The technology would have to have many updates to get the system right and make the experiance better. Someone can hack that computer and can be watching you or the government might be trying to watch us. How much is schools going to be paying for these compter? Maybe around a million dollars in buying and fixing it. Most schools don't have good internet or they have bad students that might break these computers and the school or stduent would have to pay for it. The computers schools have now barely even work now so why buy a computer that most likely not going to work no better than the computers they already have. Why take away a ad and putting a new ad is going to make a student happy? What if they dont like ads at all? what is the point of the putting a computer that can read people emotions by scanning their face and the students are not going get any happier they are going be excited about at first and then get bored with it. Computers are not good for kids at a young age they will get addicted to being on a computer won't go outside and then they are going to gain weight and then be fat. | 12
6161472 | There is a seemingly big debate on the production of driverless cars and how they may be used and managed.
Personally i think it's great that they are bing able to make this advanced of technology to possibly build a vehicle that you don't have to drive, but i think it's better that a perosn drives a car.
I think it is better becasue driving a car keeps the person more sharp at the mind and aware of the things around them.
Although this would be a great idea to keep down the risk of drunk driving casualities a year.
To me I am honestly neuatral on the whole idea with driverless cars, but I can visualize how the cars can be good for society, and i can see how they could create major problems too.
The passage shares two easily argumentable sides of the story, The more postiive side being that there is an advancement in technology and that They would use half of the fuel we use now and would be better for public transportation.
Althought the cars themselves can also create some problems.
They talk aout how some of the cars arn't truely driverless yet and can't manuver around things such as road blocks, difficult traffic situations, and construction and have to alert the driver to take over.
Some people don't see the point in that and bring up the arguement wouldn't people get bored waiting for their turn to drive?
Honesty, I believe that the person would get bored and that there can be more cons that outweigh the pros when comes to the idea of the road laws and what would happen to someone if the car malfunctions. Do they blame it on the individual or the manufacturer?
I think they should wait on proceding to put out the invention of drivless cars until they are fully certain that they have everything they need to make the car safe and reliable for the road conditions.
There are many things that are great with the idea of the drivless car, but i also think that there are many things that weigh down the idea for now.
Although i think in the future they would make a great addition to technology and changing the way people use transportation, but for the present they should just wait to release them. | 12
00a3575 | The challege of exploring Venus is not a great idea. Studying Venus is a worthy because it's closes to our planet to earth in terms of density and size. While Venus is simple see from the distant but safe vantage poin of earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.
Venus is not a great planet to explore. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. The solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels."Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun". This shows that Venus is not a safe planet to explore.
The scientists are been send to study Venus. The conditions on surface Venus allow scientists to float above the roiling Venusian landscape. The temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit,but the air pressure would be close to that of the sea level on Earth."However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere,rendering atandard forms of photography and videography ineffective. | 12
de18382 | There is many advantages to limiting car usage. There's less pollution emitted into the atmosphere, Safety is reassured, Time is saved, resources are conserved, People seem to relief stress being car-free.
I read a passage called "In German Surburb, LIfe Goes On Without Cars," by Elisabeth Rosenthal. In the passage Elisabeth wrote about how Residents of Vauban, Germany have given up their cars. 70% of the families in Vauban do not own any cars, and 57% of the families there sold their cars to move here. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," Said Heidrun Walter as she was walked down the verdant streets. Vauban was completed in 2006, this movement of seperating suburban life from auto usage is called "smart planning." This movement can help a lot with the current efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. This movement is happening all across Europe and the United States. Europe is responsible for 12% of greenhouse gases in Europe while it's up to 50% in the United States. Vauban is home to 5,500 people, it's basic precepts are being adopted from all around the world to try to reduce car usage, to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation. They're making stores a walk away on a main street, rather than in malls that are quite a distance. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting something new called "car reduce" communities.
In the second passage I read called, "Paris bans driving due to smog," by Robert Duffer. In this passage Robert wrote about what happened in Paris; It enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of smog. Motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or get a 22-euro fine, odd-numbered plated cars would have to do the same the next day. With this in effect, 4,000 drivers were fined that's atleast $124,000 American dollars; Congestion went down 60%. With this partial ban the smog cleared up enough on Monday for the ruling of French Party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.
In the third passage called, "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota," by Andrew Selsky. In this passage Andrew wrote about a day in Bogota, Colombia and how this "Car-free" day impacted not only the City of Bogota but two other cities and probably another country. On the "Car-free" day in Colombia many Colombians hiked, biked skated or took public transportation. The goal of the whole event was to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog or get a $25 fine. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. This event can start a chain reaction and inspire other countries and nations to take a step to reduce all the pollution being emitted into the atmosphere. For the first time in the three year spand the event was held, two there cities joined Bogota. Cali and Valledupar joined in on the "Car-free" day in Bogota, Colombia. "These people are created a revolutionary change, and it's crossing borders," Said Enrique Riera Mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay.
In the last passage called, "The End of Car Culture," by Elisabeth Rosenthal. In this passage Elisabeth wrote about how in America more Americans are buying less cars, driving less and less people are getting their Driver's Licenses. Driving decreased a 23% between 2001 and 2009. Experts say if this trend of buying, and driving less cars continue it'll be benefical implications for Crabon emissions and for the environment. The reduced usage and buyage of cars has a negative and a positive effect. The positive thing about it is that it's less pollution into the air, which means less Greenhouse gases, less traffic, and more safety; but it's negative effect is on the car industry their profits will plumet down quickly. As a result of this issue to the car industry Bill Ford laid out a business plan for a world with personal vehicle ownership is impractical; He's going to partner up with telecommunications industry to create cities where "Pedestrian bicycle, private cars, commerical and public transportation traffic are a connect network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions adn improve safety."
In Conclusion, all of these factors like creating communities where there is no access to cars, banning driving for a couple days, having a car-free day, or just coming up with ideas of making self-sufficent cars can all lead to less emissions into the air and creating less smog; reassuring the safety of pedestrians; and conserving resources. These factors are all advantages of the idea of limiting car usage. | 23
86cc1c1 | this story is talking about in the german suburbs and how they live without cars. first they started to say that residents of the upscale community are suburban pioneers, going where few soccer moms are commuting executives have ever gone before. it is also saying that they have given up their cars, mostly i think that they have given up thier cars is to live in different place than most humans do and in the beginning of this story is telling you that they live in the suburbs and that the live in a good community. the people have given up thier cars just so they can live in a certain place to have better lives than any other german people.
the second story starts off saying that after days of near record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. It also says that on monday motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave thier cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. To me the govern ment is really trying to get more money because they probably think that they are not getting enough money so they have to act fast to any thing. People probably think that this is a law but it really is a money taking plan that can help get more money for the government of paris. paris is not really a poor town but the government is just trying to make the people of the town more broke then they are now.
car free day is something that most countries do to save gas and so called save the economy from breaking down and saving the air or the world. Because of pollution people thing that if they can stop cars for a certain day they will be able to go backe the next day and the world will be less polluted and the air will be better that it was before.
most people think that there can be an end to the car culture and that people will start using different machines than the cars that we use now and that there is possibly going to be a different world because of the air pollution .
Things can mostly change where there is a lot of people and there can only be so much things that you can change. | 12
76b2040 | There are advantages of limiting car usage, but not as much as you thought. According to Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother, when she had a car, she was always tense. Now that she told it, Walter seemed to be much happier. In Freiburg, Vurban's streets are "care-free". But, once you go to the main thoroughfare, cars will be sworming down the road. Most people may think, "I need a car to get to where I need to go faster." "I can't live without a car."
In 2006, trend in Europe grew... No cars or anything. Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs where middle class families from Chicago to Shanghai make their homes. Passanger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. 50 percent in some car intensive area in US. Home to 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low car suburban life.
Levittown and Scarsdale, New York suburbs with enormous rich people homes with private garages were dream towns back in the 1950s. The US is promoting "car reduced" communities, and legislators are starting to act. | 01
fbb93e4 | The Electoral collage is a process , not a place. The founding fathers established it in the constitution as comprimise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The thing is the president shouldnt be picked on his personality or his or hers past, they should be judged by the changes they can make and how they can make it better for the people on the out side world. they shouldnt be voted by the fancy no good stuck ups in the office 24/7 bc half the time they dont know good, i mean look at the president we have now.
The process consists of the section of the electors, which they vote president or vice president. under the Electoral collage system voters vote not for president but for a state of elections. They shouldnt have to vote like that , why have the office men and women vote president? When u could have the citizens of state do it. The office men and women dont know what the citizens want or need. There just there to get money and sit on there butts 24/7 and do nothing but make poor decisions as a reference to our president.
The most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. Then in that case the election would be thrown to The House of Representatives , where state delegations vote on the president. There shouldnt be a tie and having to be thrown in to The House of Represntatives. The president shouldnt be selected by valets and posters. they should be picked based apone what there capable of and how they can change the owrld and make it a better and safer place. The president we have now didnt come with its benifites.
At all basic levels the Electoral collage is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-takes-all system in each states, candidates dont spend time in each state they know they have no changes of winning or losing , so they focus only on the tight races. | 12
59860b0 | Venus is our closest planet to us besides Mars (sometimes) but does that mean that we should start to think about the possiblities of us landing there? The author of the article "The Challenges of Exploring Venus" is suggesting that we should go forward and try to study and hopefully go to Venus despite the dangers that are capable of happening. Venus may be our "twin planet", but it is very different from Earth. I think the author of this article supports this idea very much.
There are a couple reasons on why I think the author supports this article. One is because he talks about how Venus could have been. Venus is the most Earth-like planet that we know in our solar system but they don't exactly know if it once was like us or not. Astronomers think that Venus was once covered with oceans and it could even have supported forms of life. The author also talks about the features of Venus today. The author points out that the plant has some siliar features as us like valleys, mountains, and craters. The author ends the paragraph ,where he talks about this, with this sentence, "The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making a mission both safe and scientifically productive." This makes me think that the author is trying to get us informed about the options that it could take to make this Venus situation be safer.
This information we know about the planet is very different than ours. One of the details that the author points out is that it has a thick atmosphere of amost 97% carbon dioxide. Another thing he says is that the clouds are made up of sufuric acid and that the tempature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The author makes it clear that the conditions on Venus are very extreme and it would make a bad environment for us. With this information, the author makes it clear that NASA is still trying to find a possible solution for saftey reasons and informational reasons.
One of the ways that NASA is trying to study venus is by sending a "blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." They would have to be in the air to fly over storms and get out of the way of the unfriendly ground conditions. In the air, the tempature would still be way too hot but they think that humans would be able to survieve that condition. The air pressure in the air will be close to the same pressure thats on the earth. At the end of the paragraph that talks about this , the author says that obviously these are not the best conditions but they are survivable for humans.
These are my claims on why and how the author is telling us that he supports the idea. He talks about the similarities and differences about the planet and Earth. He also talks about the possibilities this could happen in the future once we get more information. This is why I think that the author is supporting the idea of studying Venus even if the conditions are bad. | 34
2736215 | There are many advantages on limiting the usage of cars in many Country's around the world. For example, the United States, Paris, and even small areas like the German Suburbs. Because of the usage of cars we are starting to get a lot of pollution, and lots of tax money going towrds our roads.
According to source 1 "In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars" says that "In Previous bills 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highway and only 20 20 percent to other transport." Beaucse of this many expect public transport serving suburbs to play a largerrole in a six-year federal transportation bill to be approved sometime this year. also, as found in paragraph 5 "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 pecent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe . . . anfd up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." there for is causing problrms to our invierment.
Paris is also having problems with pollution. From reading "Paris bans diving due to smog" by Robert duffer. tells us reads that after days of near-record pollution Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air in the city. And that the congestion was down 60 persent in the capital of France, after five days of smog. In Reading paragraph 17 "Paris typically has more smog than other European Capitals . . . [Last] week Pairs had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found." from reading that you can tell that Pairs has a high level of polloution.
foud in source 4 "With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result to the habit." Meaning if everyone walked or biked instead of using cars we would be use to it and not depend on them. From the same source in paragraph 36 you can infer that in New York that many people are starting to use bikes insted of cars, as found "New York's new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing brige and tunnels tools reflect those new priorities, as do proliferation of car- sharing programs across the nation." Then in Paragraph 38 , it tells us that the population suggest that the trend of demographic shifts in driving may accelerate.
From reading the sources and adding up all of the information it is vary easy to infer that we would have a lot of advantages if we didnt use cars. we would have less polloution and would be paying less for roadways. | 23
954f9af | The author gives lots of evidence and resons on this idea throughout the article. The author also gives some facts that really helps supports this idea. There are some really good things that are in the article that gives this claim some meaning. In all, the author did really good with this article and also put some good time into this article too. I enjoyed reading this and learned some interesting facts about Venus.
One major things that caught my eye was that the author used NASA as some research in his article. He also uses NASA as a resource to help with the support of this idea. NASA is a wide known for space exploration and research for our solor system.
At the beginning of the article, there is an introduction that gives some intesting facts about Venus. The author also talks about where Venus is in our solor system and how it is related to earth. This is a very good start in the introduction of Venus and what the article is about. In the third paragraph, he talks about what Venus atmosphere is like. There is termperature facts and the air you need to breath is useable. This starts to bring up the question. Is Venus worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents? The fourth paragraph, he talks about the terrain. This starts to bring up the question even more than before. In paragraphs 5-7 NASA is the main idea for those paragraphs. In those paragraphs also NASA research and facts are presented about this topic. The last paragraph has a powerful meaning and a idea that is very strong.
These facts lead to the evidence is many ways. Facts are what built and help evidence today. There is a lot of evidence that support my claim. Here is a couple of pieces of evidence taht support my claim. The first piece is that the author used NASA. NASA has done a lot of research about this topic. The second piece is that he used lots of facts to convince the reader taht he has put some time into makeing this article. This helps show that the author did really good in presenting the topic and give some really good evidence to back up his article. | 23
09c8185 | Venus is worth studying because when they study it they called it an "Evening Star" also a "twin" of earth. It's the closest planet to earth, It is the closest in distence as well. Venus also has a 97% carbon diocide blanket, but on the surface its 800 degrees Fahrenheight. Since the conditions of the planet are like that its way to extreme for humans to live there. Venus is also has the hottest suface temperature in our solar system, even thou Mercury is closest to the sun Venus is till hotter. It has eruputing volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequesnt lightning strikes that happen on the surface of the planet. Scientist think that long ago Venus was like Earth, but even now it still has some of the features that Earth has. It has the rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, craters. NASA is working to keep studying Venus. They have done fom silicon carbide tests that are simulations of the chaos of Venus's surface. One of the things is that they are still striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus. So if there is a way that they are able to go there and get more samples from Venus, then maybe that might tell the scientist what might have been there before and help them out with the previous clues as what happened. They also didn't think about how fast the computers we have today would be. But they also said that just imagine exposing a cell phone, tablet to acid, or heat compatible of a metling tin, that must be what the heat is like on Venus. And since they can't be on Venus just orbiting or hovering safely they can't get the samples that they want from that distance. | 12
4446626 | Venus is the most dangerous planet for humans venus we can be fasinated by things that people discover and share with others . The most challenging clouds highly corrosiive sulfuric acid in venus atmophere.
The author uses theory to assure that we can learn more about the planet and the things they have like what kind of rocks they.
Throughtout the planet venus the most dangerous planet for humans to live on no animals would survive the conditions venus is in. Venus is important to study for if its still safe for humans to live and how long we can live for," The national Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the roiling Venuisan landscape . That NASA wants to have scientist go to venus and study the planet in the air but not on the ground just floading in the hostile weather condiitions. Another example of why the author wants pursuit Venus despite the dangers presents. Having enough energy can help scientist understand that venus has a higher temperature to that would effect humans not neeeding radiation for earth,"
At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on earth. Solar power would be plentiful and radiation woukd not exceed earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable survivable for humans . That since Venus temperature is higher but has plenty of solar power humans can survive despite how badly the conditions are in.
Secondly The author uses explanation and theory to persuade the readers how we can still explore the planet carefully.
Scientist are willing to study Venus for to test samples of the planet," More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Scientist want to study things but can't to risk everything to have samples and challenge their selves on this journey understand what kind of species live their. Venus is our sister planet from earth why its so inhospitablethat we new for so long, " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably coverd largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,
Just like earth. Wondering what if Venus has still have the features of having land water animals from a long time ago.
Finally scientist are coming up with ideas that can help thrmj get samples that they need striving to meet the challenges presented, For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Having robotice go first collecting samples for three weeks that can last that long on the planet so scientist can study it from their labs. Another study is that they are looking at other options for robotics to last longer than three weeks,"
Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanucal computers these devices were first envisioned in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940s during World War 2 these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. That a group of scientist are looking at technology leading back in 1800s because using the old might help because it doen't envolve electronics when using computers today it more delicate when it comes dangerous conditions.
The author is write they should pursuit Venus despit how dangerous it is good thing to have a risk at. Something having exploreing something new and dangeours even though it comes at a cost of things we can go back look at old technology thst can help us get the things we need. | 23
22d825e | Driverless cars gives the world an oppurtunity that offers a great convience. In my aspect, I would never drive a driverless car because it is unecessary in this world. Although, the aspect of accidents in cars would drop by a major level, the fun of driving a car would all be gone. Even though the car would have a "manual mode", where the driver has to drive a car through the work zone and around accidents, it would not be as enertaining as to drive on the highway at high speeds. Additionally, if driverless cars were an idea that was put to use, many people would lose their jobs, because a lot of the jobs that people have are to make sure that the highway is safe. If driverless cars were there, there would be no need for those people, because the roads would be safe.
The whole point of driverless cars is so that the human inside the vehicle does not have to do any work while in the car to drive it. If the car still needs a human to watch over it and navigate it through the work zones and accidents, there is not really a point in the cars. Like said in paragraph 7, "They can streer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills..", there should not really be that "human skills" part of the sentence, because in the pharse "driverless cars", it says so itself that the car is driverless, and if a driver is still required then the cars are not really driverless.
There is also the question of if someone is injured, who is at the fault- the driver of the manfacturer. This question was presented in paragraph 9, and does not have an answer at the time. I think this is a very vaild point that the article is making because it could be either's fault. Although, considering the fact that people still buy cars these days, and if someone is hurt, it is usually the driver's fault. I would think that there is somekind of waiver of some sort that says, if you buy this product, you are using it at your own risk. Although this again, just supports the argument of driveless cars are not necessary in this world.
Considering the content from the article, I think that driverless cars still require a lot of work, but hopefully manufacturers can perfect them. They need to reinvent driving in a fun way, like said in paragraph 8 by Dr. Werner Huber. He said that "We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way". The true challenge to driverless cars, lies in this. I would support driverless cars if they can truly accomplish driverless cars in a fun and new way. | 34
f882376 | This essay will be about the advantages of limiting car usage. On the outskirts of Freiburg near the French and Swiss borders, parking on the street, your driveway, and your home garage are forbidden. In the streets of Vaubans its car free. Except the main throughfare, the tram to downtown. "As a result, 70 percent of vaubans families do not own cars,and 57 percent sold a car to move here". The people living here are much happier living here. Heidrun Walter, in the verdant streets the chatter of wandering children drown outh the distant motor.
On Monday the motorist with the even numberd license plate in Paris were ordred to leave their cars home or they will be fined. 4000 were fined and 27 impounded because of there reaction. Same would aplly to the odd numbers the next day. Paris has enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of global city. Paris has more smog than some European Capitals, because of cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car pollution. Delivery companies complained of lost product while exceptions were made for plug in cars.
and cars carrying three or more passengers.
Bogota, Colombia in a program Bogota colombia in a program set to spread to other countries. Millions of colobians hiked biked skated or took busses to work during a car free day. | 01
0fe6e52 | Have you ever been so confused when it comes to reading and understanding a person that you just ultimately cannot? A new technology system has been released to give exact percentages of a persons emotions just by looking into a camera. The Facial Action Coding System was designed to decode by using "some new computer software that can recognize human emotions" (1). The test subject, the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da VInci, has answered many questions when it comes to what she is expressing. The FACS can be valuable in classrooms because it can help with the studies of human anatomy or psychology, and it can help others understand each other.
Calculating another persons emotions can help with understanding human anatomy and psychology classes at schools. For this software, human anatomy has a major role and "stores similar anatomical informtaion as electronic code" (5). The research going along with this system shows there are "action units" within facial structure that signifies the movement of one or more muscles. Each of the six basic emotions that Dr. Paul Eckman has classified are all associated with the facial muscles. It is important for students to know these muscles and learn how they work. According to Eckman, "your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises eyebrows when you're surprised" and the "orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger" (3). This up-to-speed technology comes up with information that no human could, but helps students become knowledgable of how it works. Society is based on technology as of right now, and is the forefront of the younger generations, so this software should partake in a students learning.
Emotions are something that are unbelievably hard to understand when coming from other people. One typically cannot tell how a person is feeling just by the way they are looking, unless they are close with them personally. Being able to understand someone's emotions will benefit them and their surroundings, as they can get help if they are down or can have reassurance if they think someone is mad at them. Students can become more aware of each other and can give more support to their peers. With a program like this, the most accurate percentages are provided, giving a description of how the person feels. In the Mona Lisa for example, she is "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry" (1). What other technology can get those numbers? The more understandment of each other that is within society is valuable and can potentially create peace amongst us all. The reason the world is in such a bad place is because there is that confusion within each other and nobody knows how anyone truly feels. If students can grasp this concept, this entire generation can change the hatred and all come together.
As the years go by, society is becoming more and more aware of technology, making it have a greater effect on the population as a whole. In schools, technology is the greatest way of teaching and learning because curriculums can be made simpler. Technology is all that will be there eventually, so we might as well use and understand it now. The FACS can answer many questions about a person or group and how they live. The constant wonder and confusion in the world of how people feel about each other can come to an end and create peace. This can only begin with the young generations. | 23
02cd88d | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions, that's a really smart idea right?. The software can see your emotions, six emotions, and facial muscles.
First, the person who made this software was Prof. Thomas Huang, the Beckman institute fro Advanced Science at the University of Illinois who started to find better ways for humans and computers to communicate. The first subject he wanted to do was Leonardo da Vinci's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa. Your maybe thinking how do u use a software just to find out how someone is feeling well...
In fact, the computer takes the model of the picture or what ever is there,but it must have human muscles in the picture ir 3-D model the human muscles is called "acton unit". It only takes in the model if it see's it have forty-four major muscles like a human would have. Dr. Huang and Dr. Paul Eckman has classified for the software to have six emotions-happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear, and sadness.
Dr. Thomas Huang and his worjkers or friends that helped him with the software made six basic emotins that the human muscles have and made it to where it only workd if it have the 3-D effect with fourty-four human facial muscles witch is every smart. | 01
1c2cde0 | driverless cars are dangerous and pointless. the car is suppose to be ment for the driver not to use the instruments in the car right? so why do the driver have to be alerted to still grab the weel every once in a while to drive. there is no point in making an computerized vehical when humans have been drinving cars themselfs for decades now, why try to change it up now.
another reason why we should not have computerized cars is computers take up our whole world now already for instance: our credit cars, our taxes, most jobs are using technogly,our cell phones, when we go to colledge, libraries, jobs mostly obtain computers too. so it shows that we cannot have nothing to ourselfs everything is based on technogly, nothing is on hand made or hand worked anymore. so why should we let the govnerment take over our cars as well ? so the computers are going to be rulers of our world forever for everything.? i dont think so.
i think it is very pointless and stupid to spend so much time and so much money on unneeded materials. they should be spending money on more important tasks. such as like medical insurances. housing agencys,(ect) i dont think they should put so much time and so much money into something that is not even secure enough.
my last reason concludes why there should not be driverless cars because, what if the driver gets shot or passes out and is not aware of the car alert to assist the driving? then the car will crash and it will be a total wreck. so ther's no point in creating a car that is not even all the way reliable. the car is not one hundred percent secure and can fall out of sorts.
in conclusion i feel ther should not be any driverless cars created any time soon or ever . | 12
11c06e0 | Hi my name is Jhon, and i'm i scientist of the NASA, i'm writing this because a lot of people and scientists are argueing about the Face on Mars, some people say that the face i created by some kind of ancient civilization or aliens. i don't just think that the Face on Mars is not crated by aliens, i'm sure that the Face on Mars is not creted by aliens or any kind of ancient civilization and the reason of why i'm writing this is because i want to prove you that the Face on Mars is there for natural reasons.
The first reason to prove you that i'm correct and that the Face on Mars in not crated for aliens is that on April 8, 2001, Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camara's absolute maximum resolution. Each pixel in he 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. As a rule of thump you can dicern things ina digital image 3 times bigger than a pixel size, if there were objects in this picture like houses airplain or any oter object you coold se what they were!. The Face on Mars has become a pop icon, some people thinkt he Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars, evidence that NASA would hide, that is what conspiracy theorists say, NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars.
That is all i have to say, i hope now you understand that the Face on Mars is just there for natural reasons and that is not crated for aliens or any kind of ancient civilization because i think that the information that i gave you is really interesting and true. i hope you believe me and thank you for your time, and for eading this. | 12
2cd0e7d | When Luke was a little town boy he made a huge inprovment by becoming a
Seagoing Cowboy. He saw a lot of stuff on the boat as you can tell on paragraph 5 he said, "Besides helping people,I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China." That would be a great experince for a small town boy. I think it was a great idea to join the program because, you could tell your grandchildren about all the things you have seen and done. If his friend had not been there to tell him about it he would have been working two jobs his whole life. Luke is probably very greatful.
Luke is also the best there because he has went threw the route nine time as you see on paragraph 6. Luke point of veiw would probably tell more about what he saw during the trip and what he did. He loves to help people by this job he has helped bring all the cattle/food. Luke is very talented for having this job because you have to feed the animals about three times aday and keep them alive. You can state this information on paraghraph 6 and 7. He worked so much he got hurt and craked his ribs. He was happy to be alive. Therefore he had to stay at home to get better.
Luke's point of view would also tell how fun it was to work there and he would convince you that it is a realy good job. He was very happy to get this job beause he said, " I'm grateful for the opportunity." Luke created history and when he could not do the job any more people visited him all the time like students and many familys to live on all the history he made. It opened up Lukes world up when he got the job. Its also so cool how they played sports when they had free time to take the time away. Its amazing how he can get all those animals and pick them up on the boat and take them across the country and drop them off. He was realy good at his job to do that! That is how Luke Bomberger made history in America. | 01
8e5ed84 | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author claims that Venus is a worthy planet for us to examine more closely. Venus is unihabitable and its impossible, with the technology we have today, for a human to step foot on venus. So why does the author beleive its a good idea to send humans to study this dangerous planet?
I beleive the author supports his idea that studying Venus would be a good idea very well. Although Venus is uninhabitable and dangerous for humans the author shares many solid facts that throughly support his claim. For example the author states in paragraph 4 that "it may well once have been the most earth like planet in our solar system." The author also shares that Venus may have once supported forms of life. I beleive these two facts alone could spark interest in the reader and get him/her to want to know more about whats on Venus. In paragraph 4 the author also states that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit. I beleive this fact supports the authors claim very well. Not only does the author provide facts that sparks the readers interests he also provides logical ways and evidence of how scientists can get humans to Venus. In paragraph 5 the author says "NASAs possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray" meaning NASA might be able to create a vehicle that can float above all the dangers of Venus.
Despite the dangers and extreme conditions of venus the author still supports his claim with logical facts and resonable ideas. I beleive he supports his claim very well. | 23
53a31e8 | Do you thing the face on mars is just a natural landform? or perhaps do you think it is a face? Well guess what? Well from what the story says its a possibility that it could just be a natural landform.
first, in the story it says" its's not as easy to target Cydonia". This mean its not as easy just to pop up and see it. meaning theres a possiblity thats not it because it wouldn't of been that easy to find.
Second, most scientists think it was an alien. In the story it says" Although few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at tge REd PLanet in sept. 1997, eighteen long years after the viking missionsended". which means they never know what it is it can be a alien or an face but most likely just an alien in their case.
Last , you dont just see pass the face any other time. As it says in the story "We dont just pass over the face very often". With that being said its not some you can just see any minute its maybe once out of a blue moon or your just lucky.
Well with all of the information its possible that its just a natural landform. Its nnot so possible for it to be the face like some scientist said because its not the simple you have to work very hard to find one. | 12
3aea5c1 | For all these years there has always been an advancement in technology. Google cofounder Sergey has always been around technology. Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues. I honestly think driverless cars are a good thing. These days there are people who text and drive and do not keep there eyes on the road, and one day they are going to regret texting and driving. These driverless cars is an extra safety hazard for these people, and if somehow or someway they still end up texting and driving and they hit someone, i honestly think they should go to prison. Cars are not toys they are dangerous, and so are those people who are behind those wheels. I think all the cameras and the sensors in the toyota prius is amazing. One day it might save someone's life. Today people are all about privacy so they might not like that camera, but they don't realize that it's not going to be used against them it's there to save their life one day. The toyota prius is like a moving computer, there is so much technology in it, it's unbelievable. Automakers that make these driverless vehicles are bringing home the big bucks. Driverless cars are so expensive because of the technology that they have in them. Today I personally think that people wont buy the driverless cars because they might not like all the sensors or the cameras. There was a metaphor that someone came up with "Look Twice Save a Life." I have no idea who came up with that saying, but it is one of the greatest sayings i have ever heard when it comes to driving. Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. Telsa has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90% of the time. That is crazy! I couldn't imagine what cars would be like in 20 years. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. That is in 2020, could you imagine what cars would be like in 2040. So if you were to ask me how i felt about driverless cars. I would smile and say "they are the best thing ever invented." They alert drivers when they need to take over and they made a track to run test on these driverless cars. When they ran test at this track for the driverless cars the track was embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the car. Engineers at Berkeley tried something similar, but they used magnets with alternating polarity. The car read the positive and negative polarity as messages in binary code. These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical. I think all this technology that they have to offer us is amazing, and I think if we didn't have it I think there would be more crashes. Which leads to more people dieing. So how I feel about driverless cars I love them! | 34
43b21f7 | Are driverless cars good for the future or the destruction of it? I believe that driverless cars are dangerous to human lives because of how technology can fail, How technology has no reguard, and how it can be hard to use.
The first reason why the driverless car is dangerous is because of how it can fail. If I am driving I sure don't want to have the technology to fail and cause me to kill a person. For example what if the car never told me that I had to start driving and it went through a construction site and killed some of the workers. There would be blood on my hands!
The second reason why the driverless car is not safe is because it has no reguard for any thing. It is not like a living human that cares about the surroundings and can think to change course if need be. It may not think that a baby passing on the road is a big enough concern to try and stop. It states this in the passage "most driving laws focus on keeping driver, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that saftey is best achieved with alert drivers. Which goes along with what i am conveying.
The third reason why the driverless car is not safe is because of how hard it is to use for some people. I bring this point up because the old people in our society should be served first. They can hardly use Windows 8. Trying to teach them how to use a car that is way more advanced than Windows 8, would be terrible. They would not be able to know when the car is driving and when they should be driving.
Those three reasons are why the driverless car is not safe. It might malfunction, It has no reguard, some people might not know how to use it. | 23
ca552f6 | Dear Florida State Senator,
I think we should change the voting method we have now to popular vote because everyone would have a say in getting the right person to become our most important man. Many people would be very happy to vote who they want then hoping other people vote the same person as they do to get a electoral vote.
Many people in political carrers question why not many people vote in the United States Of America. Maybe some people dont vote because of this topic maybe they hate they way the votes get counted and i agree people shouldnt have to count on other people to there vote to the president they want. I think its a great idea for states having everyone vote and the marjority goes to that president.
An electoral college is consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. The electoral college requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president.
Presidents count on mostly big states to vote for them. People in the big states like califorina should be able to choose based on marjority of the votes.
Elections are held on Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The way voting is held is when you vote your acutally "help" chose your states electors other then choosing then person that you want. Also voting for canidates electors to choose them.
The electoral college is unfair very outdated and irrational. Many people today preferr that the congress changes they way voting is held other then hoping people vote for the same people you want to be president (Quote) Abloish the electoral college! ~ Bob Dole. | 12
0b700a7 | Would you want somthing that reads your emotions and finds out weather you are happy, sad or depressed. If so read more to find out some more information about this device to see if you would want this at your job or school.
The reason why this can be a major impact in the class room is that it can read your facial expresstions. Teachers can see if students are struggling or if they are goofing off in class. Teachers can use this type of tool in the class roon to see what they can't see from their desk. This device can read six emotions such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Also can associate with peoples movements of the facial muscles. For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscles (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're suprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger.
"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly). Using video imagery, the new emotion-recogntion software tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weightign the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpice). Each expresstion is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion).
We has humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell hoe a friend is feeling simply by the look on his/hers face. Of course, msot of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc. Yet Dr. Huang observes that the facial recognitinal machine works wonderfuly and would be amazing in any class room.
In conclustion, i belive that this device should be in schools all round that United States. My reasoning is when people come in the school that system can do backround checks on parents or adults that come into the buliding. That makes sure they keep the school safe for teachers and students in the process of everyone else in the building at that time. Plus they can have data that will be saved for when they know when that person can to the school and left the school. | 12
f137caa | The face on mars is nothing more than natural landform. Just like the grand canyon is a natural landform so is the area.I will prove that is only just a land form.
My first reason in it being a landform is the age of the picture. The first picture taken was back at 1976. One pixil in the picture was 43 meters long in the best picture taken by the Viking, but for the picture took at 2001 each pixil was 1.56 meters long. The picture took back 1976 is a blur compared to the picture took in 2001.
My second reason is conspricies. Conspricies are not backed up with confirmed information. Which makes not so belivble. Conspriciest look at the picture took at 1976 which is roughly a 30 year difference than the picture took at 2001, but the pixil difference was huge. Which proves that the picture took at 1976, the one that looks like a face, is not very accurate. Since there has not been confirmed ancient life mars it would make it even harder to belive Conspericist are near being anywhere being true.
To come to my conclusion, the information used to prove that the face was made by aliens is unaccurate. Not only that but it is also out of date and is overlapped by the new and more accurate picture. | 12
f30ae24 | In "The Challange of Exploring Venus," the author supports' his claims on how it is dangerouse it is taking the risk to explore Venus. The author uses various facts, proven by scientests, to justify his explanation. In this he talks about how ships can hover over the planet but not land on it because it is too dangerous. Venuse is too dangerous to explore.
In paragraph 2 the author talks about how Venus is very similar to Earth in looks, but is very dangerous on the inside. He says how Venus's size and density is very close to of Earth. But then he says how all the mission was unmanned because of one reason, which was none of them survied for more than few hours. The text states, "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survied the landing for more than a few hours."
Another reason that it is dangerous to explore Venus is because it is very hot on the surface and the pressure is too high. The pressure on Venuse is over 90 times higher than here on Earth. The Tempture on Venus in not too less either. It is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The author states, "On the planet's surface, temperatues is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet."
Last reason for why Venus is wanting to be explored more is because we do not have a single sample for its surface. Our ships can hover over the planet and gather data of the atmosphere. But the atmosphere is too thick for light to go through. And as said before, the planet is too hot for a ship to last long enough on its surface. The text states, "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because most forms of light cannont penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photagraphy and vidography ineffective."
In Conclusion, our neighbor plant or twin planet Venus is too dangerous for several reasons. The heat and pressure on the planet is too much for our space ship and our boby to handle. Not much can be found out about the planet because of its temperatures and its atmosphere unableing us to take pictures of iis surface form safe distance. | 34
50fa26f | Twenty five years ago a sacecraft valled Viking 1 from NASA took a picture of what looked like a human face. Eighteen years later Mars Global Surveyor took a photo of it that was ten times larger than the last one. This photograph showed that it was nothing more than a natural land form. Some people thought that it looked this way because of clouds. Finaly in 2001 Mars Global Surveyor took a second shot at it with a much better resalution. This one also suggests that it is nothing more than a landform. Some people still think this was made by aliens despite all of the evidence going against it. I think that it is just a landform because, aliens wouldn't know what humans looked like, it isn't that unlikely, and there are other things it could be.
My first reason is that aliens would not know what humans look like. If you think about it animals on earth don't look like humans so aliens wouldn't look like that either. Mars also has really bad conditions for life like us to survive. Plus aliens woul probably look even more different than animals because they evolved on a whole other planet. It is even more unlikely that they would just guess what we look like.
Another reason is that it isn't that crazy of a coincidence. A human face is only two dots with a dot centeered under neath them and a line under it. and this doesn't even have a very distinctive nose so its just two dots and a line. Its like when you look at the clouds and see what looks like animals or other familiar things. You know aliens didn't put those there.
My last reason is that there are plenty of other things this could be. It could just be some sort of landform. Espescially in the last picture you can see lines it it resembling something that was made naturally. It is kind of like a butte or messa on earth only this is on mars. This is most likely made naturally.
The chances that this was made by aliens is incredibly low. The first picture however, does closely resemble a human's face. The problem is that with each picture it looks les and less like a human face. Also the last picture was taken on a cloudless summer day. I dont think this was built by aliens because, aliens wouldn't know what we looked like, it isn't that unlikely, and there are other explanations. | 34
8eb9955 | Venus is a very interesting planet because it has many features like the Earth, but it is very dangerous to go to. Many are interested to see whats on it and wonder if it's a risk we should take to visit Venus.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is because it's the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys moutains an craters. Futhermore venus can sometime be our nearest option for a planetary visit.
Venus has many risks because Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. We can't get any rock,gas, or anything else, from a distance. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. The conditions are far more exxtreme than anything humans encounter on Earth.
Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because of the most forms of photography and videography ineffective. Scientists seeking to conduct a through mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks.
Despite all the risks for visiting Venus it'll be one heck of an accomplishment for being able to understand Venus and explore the planet Venus. Venus has many pros to visit for all the information for the future and knowing what can we do if it's so similar to the earth or maybe there is living organisms. | 23
41c10b3 | Dear Senator ,
I personally think that the electoral college should not be abolished. Yes some things are unfair for example : voters don't vote for the president directly and the fact that voters can't always control whom their electors vote for . That's life though , life is unfair to everyone . Instead of shutting the whole electoral college down , they should try to improve it so the voters can be satisfied . The electoral college plays a big part in the voting process. Although there are many unfair things the electoral college helps. The president should be elected by the electors because they know more than the amount of people who voted for them so they could elect the president. I believe that the voting process is not as simple as it looks , it's more complicated then that , it might seem simple to us but complicated to others. The voting process would be harder without the electoral college and the citizens won't have anyone or anything to guide them. A lot of us don't really know about politics , the real side of the candidate shows when he become the president , the electors can already start to see the real side of the candidate even though he's not the president. The citizens need a group of people to guide them in the right direction so they won't regret the choices that they made . Yes the electoral college has a few negative things but it's for the best. In my opinion electoral college should continue because overall this process helps a lot. Instead of stating the wrong facts about the electoral college , we should all try to make it a better process so all the people who think it's unfair think otherwise.
I genuinely think that this process is for the best and I hope that you will think about everything I just said and try to improve this good process.
Sincerely ,
427013e | I am against driveless cars becuase so much time and technology will be put into theses smart cars, when we could just drive them ourselves. I think people could invest there time in making something more safer for the enviroment and safer for humans, safer just by warning you when you need to stop and when you are in danger. Some of these vehicles could even have an automatic stop to help prevent a crash or could alert you when almost hitting
Alot of money would also be spent on these cars making it harder for people economically.With so many wiring and technology put into these cars, You would have to spent a great amount of money for them to be fixed. These cars could also fail to give you a response when you need to take over or could just fail to work safely, as stated in the article
"If the technoloy fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture?", This is also a good point because if these cars were to fail who would get blamed and if the manufacture was to, They would also have a great hit economically. They would not only have to pay for the cars but would also have to pay for the person who was injured. If one of theses cars was to fail, you also wouldn't have the benefit of knowing you're safe becuase if it happended to a car similar to yours might also fail. These might also make the jobs of other people why harder because it would affect a variety of people, Not only that but new laws would have to be passed for these cars to be able to be driveable on many streets.
I think we should keep our cars how we have them now and we should just invest some time in making them safer and better for the enviroment and for us as well, this will not olny prevent many incedents but it will also give us
time to imporve other things that could use it. Finally i think the technology on cars has improved over the years alot and i think we could get further thanwere
we are right now but we should do that when neccessary. | 23
c27e37c | The Creation of the Thing
"Hold on! Can we actually "calculate" emotions-- like math homework?" do you think that using a computer to deturmane our feelings is right? To me thats cool, maybe even unbelievable. Is the use of computers,emotions,and muscles the key to feelings.
Many people can't seem to find what feeling mona lisa is showing, sometimes you cant see what emotion your friend is having. Two professors have decided to invent a software which it can detect the feeling of a person or a painting. stated in paragraph 1, " the software is the lastest innovation from prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, working in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." This shows that the professors are trying to invent and new and improve way to figure out emotions within the human and paintings. They are creating a software for the computers. Also stated in paragraph 3, " The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscle." Not only can the computer detect the feelings, it also makes a 3-D form of the human face or a 3-D image of the painting.
Everyone has emotions but some you just cant tell how they are feeling, well now you might not have to worry about that i do believe that this software is going to be very valuable to the students, in very many ways. its going to help them with observing the way the looks and creses in the face is. Stated i paragraph 3, " Eckman has classified six basic emotions-- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness." There are many emotions but these are the most common. Also stated in paragrapgh 4, " In a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emmotions." No matter what the person is feeling. if they feel sad, worried and happy all at once the software can still detect the emotions of this human or painting.
You know that it takes so many muscles just to frown, so why not smile it takes why less muscles. just by muscles you can tell the way someone is feeling. when someone is happy they get wrinkles by their eyes. Stated in paragraph 7, " In the real smile, the zygomatic major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the coners of your mouth." with just useing a couple of muscles it can add a whole different facial expression. Like if you sqint your eyebrows and then also smile and also close your eyes a little bit I know that i wouldn't be able to tell weather they were happy or angry. just by changing on muscle movement it can change the facial expression. Also stated in paragraph 8, " But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." not only is this cool but its differentuse one other different muscle and people can tell that your smile isnt really and happy smile.
This software is a great idea to help many people just understand the emotion of others with the knowledge of computers, emotions, and muscles they will be able to know how anyone is feeling just by the three main reasons. | 23
761334f | As the years go by, people come up with new inventtion. From shoes to clothing to lifestly and even to sotfware. A group of people came up with something no one could ever think of. New software has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. I think this new software is valuable to students in classrooms.
The software is the lastest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang of the Beckman Insttitute for Advances Science at the University of Illionois. Dr. Huang and his collegue are experts at developing better ways for human and computers to communicate. Eckman has classified six basic emotions. They are happiness, surprised, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness. This software is very good at telling a human's emotions. It also gives an example: your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrow when you are surprised and your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger.
Students in classes can value this software in many ways. For one, the system can identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. If a student get confued or bored, the classroom computer will recognize their emotion. It will then modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. Some student appear to be shy and quite in class and sometimes are afraid of asking for help. This saystem can help them without even asking and will improve their knowledge.
This system is like no other system. It is unique and different and designed to help students in class. That is why its good and helpful for students. It decribes how this sysem can indicate the differences between a genuine smile and a forced one. I think it is weird how it can tell your emotions but at the same time it is helpful.
In conclusion, students can take this new software seruously and other will not. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Imagine a computer that knows when you are happy or sad. In my oppinion, this software is very valuable for stdents in a classroom. | 23
9c50ac5 | I strongly believe people should join and be a seagoing cowboy. If you like riding at sea and love animals this is a job for you. Have you ever wondered how other countries are? Or ever wnted to go to another country.
Well now you have an opportunity to see lots of other countries.
You can save peoples lives. In some countries they don't have the food we do. The least we can do is help them get a boost. And some countries need animals so they can have food or transportation. It will give you a good experience. But if you get sea sick, ect. You are not fit for this job. Just think about if you were one of those people, no food, no animals,no transportation. You may think that you could be away from your family and it's a waste of time but think of it this way, there are other families out there just like you, hungry starving. Or could already be dead,lets not let that happen to any more families.
This is a one in a life time opportunity. You can save alot of lives from hunger. Afterwards once the animals are all unloaded you can have some fun. You can play baseball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling,games will make things seem quicker. You can also have a good feeling in your heart for helping others. Think about others, care about others. | 23
dab2346 | Studying the planet Venus can be another big step for our future. As we get more into the future new technology will come out and more challenges will be faced. Throught life everyone has callenges and I think this is one we should take. Here is some evidence the author uses to support his claim.
The author firstly explains that to get to Venus there will be challenges that we have to face. The author explains that the atmosphere Venus has contains "97 percent of carbon dioxide" this means that the atmosphere of Venus is very horrible for a human being to withstan. We need oxygen to breathe, when we exhale we bring out carbon dioxide which our plants eat. With evidence like this it explains that there is not many plants on the planet of Venus to support life for a human. Also the author states that "the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere" having acid in the air will be a big challenge to face if we want to study Venus.
Another challenge that we have to face that the author states is that the planet's tempatures "are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience in our own planet." Evidence like this show me that studying Venus is going to be one of the biggest challenges we will face. The author concludes that "Venus has the hottest surface tempature on our solar system even the mercuary is closer to the sun." This shows me that Venus is extremely hot. We have many obstacles to overcome to study Venus but evidence will make it happen.
The author does state what we can do to study the planet of Venus though. The author says "imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 miles above the roiling Venusian landscape" this gives me the idea that the author is on to something. If we could possibly be above Venus to study its landscapes or life it would be a huge move for us to study it even more. Another piece of evidence is that being "above Venusian will have the air pressure close to sea level just like earth it could be survivable for humans." If its survivable for us to be above Vensu for such a time, take a look at this. The suthor explains that "some simplified electronics mad of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions" Evidence like this can make us study Venus a lot more than wat we expected.
In horrible conditions, weather or worse we will find a way to study new things like Venus. The evidence that the author states show us that the more we look into Venus, the more information we will find that we need. Despite the dangers in Venus studying Venus with the evidence we have will make it happen sooner or later. | 23
aa59ea3 | The Author supports the Idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because they call venus the " the Evening Star"
it is one of the brightest points of the light in the sky . but it is very misleading because venus is actually a planet and because each mission they have done was umanned and not successful.
In the Article it says that " on the planet's surface tempetures average over 800 degrees fahrenniet " which means it doesn't matter if it gets that hot in venus they are still willing to study venus. either ways saying in the article " Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even though mercury is closer to the sun." there are some very good reasons on why scientists want to explore venus another reason why is because there is some stuff that are similar to the earth's surface saying in the article " Today Venus still has some feautures that analogus to those on earth the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valley's mountains and craters "
In conclusion the author supports the idea that studying venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers such as NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus. | 12
0906ee2 | Your feeling ten percent annoyed, fifty percent boared, and thirty percent suprised. Advancements in technology has been brought to an entire new era with facial readers. One computer can tell people how they feel about themselves just by the muscel structure and movements in their face. Who would not want to know what some stranger walking down the street is feeling? I mean, I know I would. Today our generation is amoung the nosiest. Classrooms today need these computers to better understand their class. Emotional expressions can change society by understanding children, making lives easier, and progressing technology.
Children have mood changes as fast as people chose fast food over vegtables. Children are a hard age to understand what they are feeling, becuase they are so quick at changing the things they are doing and always moving. Having a brain wired to becoming board with something one day and then wanting to do it again the nest day. That is hard for teachers to keep up with. Dr. Huang commented, "A classroom computer could regonize when a student is becoming confused or board." But, with having a computer that classifies the six basic emotions and picks up each one takes a great stress off of teachers. Teachers have a class from anywhere to ten to fourty students. Having to know each one personally and be able to read what they are thinking to help further their education is a big task for underpaid teachers to do. Those fourty students have all different facial structures and the Facial Action Coding System uses video imagery to track their movements and weight the different units. Teachers understanding their students better with the Coding System, will help them further their education in a classroom when seeing if they are frustrated or upset.
Fourty students, fourty diiferent views, and fourty different emotions. That is a lot to take in. Having the Coding System in your classroom takes the relief off the teachers of figuring out each student. With the easy three step process anyone can read their emotions, but just by video it makes it three steps easier. With no wires and personal information to plug in. Teachers have students that do not like to share their feelings, which takes a lot of time for the teacher to understand what they are feeling taking away from other students. Dr. Huang stated, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Saving the time of teachers and peronalizing lessons for the class creates so many benefits. Not having this machine will not do damage in hurting the students, it is helping them.
Fifty years ago classrooms did not even have a smart board or computer labs, they had chalk boards. It is a fact some people do not like change. Parents probably did not like their children learning how to use computers or new technology. But our world is advacing, and makes it that much amazing to see how simply technology is helping change classrooms for the better. Dr. Huang and his colleagues are developing ways for us and computers to communicate. People think that is scary and weird. The fact is, we can learn about the artwork from hundreds of years ago with the sytem. Classrooms can have precise and exact answers with the system. Huang used Mona Lisa and they figured out that she was 83 percent happy, and 9 percent disguested. Can your art teacher tell you that?
Technology is helping further our classrooms education and learn abilites.
Classrooms benefit from the Facial Coding System. Many people will be against this new change, but they have no arguement. The Facial Action Coding System is easy, helpful, and dependable. As a teacher I would feel more comfortable with giving a lesson and teaching views ,they all understood and agreed with. Lives can change by understanding childrens minds, creating hard ache free lives, and keeping up with the new technology. | 45
dbb5b58 | I believe that there are some ups and some downs to the development of making these computerized cars, because Like the article saysif there was an accident, then whose fault would it be. The article also says that why would anyone want a driveless car, but they still have to drive. This makes no sense because if you have a driveless car, then you shouldn't have to still drive.
Having a driveless car, should mean that no matter what all you should have to do is sit the the car, and just be driven where it is that you want to go. Even though the assist is very helpful, having a driveless car is a little to much. It seems as though you would have to put more time into worrying about if your going to have to drive now, or in the next five minutes. That's a lot of stress. Having a driveless car would use more fuel than just calling a taxi cab.
It doesn't make sense that the drive should have to drive half of the way and then the car just takes over. There are some perks to having a car that can drive itself, but then again say you just got off of work, your tired ok yes, you
can let the car drive, but what if the car doesn't want to drive anymore, then you have to come out of your comfortable spot and drive. This is not right, we should just keep the cars that we have now. It seems like they are a lot less trouble, and they get you where you need to go in the time that you need to be there in. There was really no point in making the driveless car, if you still have to do everything that you have to do, when your just
driving yourself.
Driveless cars are very dangerous, because you don't know when you might get into an accident, and then you have a car driving you. You never know when the car's parts might stop working, and it doesn't tell you that you have roadblock up ahead, or that you may have to come to a sudden stop. The idea of having a driveless car, is a good idea, even you though you may have to do everything that you would have to do if
you are driving the car.
I believe that having a driveless car is very dangerous, it's not alwayts going to be reliable, and you can hurt yourself with this car. It's assist can stop working. It may give up on you one day. The down fall about having
a selfdriving car too, is that no matter if you have an accident or not, it still may
become said to be your fault. | 23
283e586 | Driverless cars can be a good thing. If we have these cars and they are made so we dont have to have to steer. There are many good reasons why we should have these cars and fund them. In the next paragrah i will explain why i feel that reason for you.
What would it be like with driverless cars? The world today would need something like this because then there wouldnt be any crashes as bad as there is. Yes as of right now why would people want a driverless car that needs a driver still? Well if we put are money and the best people we have one it we will make the would a better place. If we make it so that all us humans would have to do is sit in the passanger seat, we would make it a safer place to walk,driver,ride bike, and/or doanything.
We can make the BMW life savers. We wont have many texting and driving,talking on the cellphones while driving. The driving world as we know it will never be as safe as it will be with driverless cars. Yes not many people could buy it because it cost alot of money but they wont care because those peoples kids can walk the streets anthey wont worrie about the kids getting hit or anything.
When we get driverless cars will there be many car crashes?? The answer to that question is no. With the driverless cars they will have sensors that will make the car brake before hitting the other car there for; it will be much safer with driverless cars. If people think this is a bad idea they are wrong and dont understand how safer this will be for everyone.
I am all for the driverless cars with everything i have. Driverless cars will make the world a much safer place. Yes it needs some more work to become fully driverless but we can and will make this happen. We will make the world a safer place and a much more relaxted place. | 23
7b6d47d | Dear, State Sentor
I feel that you should change to the popular vote for the President of the United States. That way they people can really choose who they want to be president instead of the government having to jump in and help the people choose who they want as president and some people dont vote because they know it doesnt matter.
With Electoral College the voters don't vote for a president, they vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. For example the Jhon Kerry ''voting'' if you were in Texas you voted for a slate of 34 Democratic electors that pledged to John Kerry. The Electoral College is a process that makes voting easier for the government. They have to select electors, then they all have a meeting to vote for the President and Vice President, and then the counting of the eletoral votes by congress. It consists of 538 electors. But a major of 270 electroal votes in order to elect the President. Another example John F. Kennedy had a popular that vote would have went to him.
The Electoral college is unfair to voters,because of the winner-take-all system in each state, the candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, which focuses only on the tight races in the "swing" states. It as become unfair,outdated,and irratonal. The electoral college is widely regared as an anachronism. We are in need of a change because this has been going on for years and years. So why not change it up i think it should have been done a while ago but it never to late.
The electoral college requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. Which is not every fair some people are'nt as rih as others so they sould'nt descrimate people by the way they look or dress. Because for all you know they look gurst so your not going to try and listen or understand where they came from. But they could be President material they just dont have the outter look, that everyones looking for."Don't judge a book by it cover."
The swing states go through the most with the electoral college,because its a winner takes all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates as seen in election. Voters in toss up states are more likely to payclose attentionto the campaign. They get the most feed back for the government. Also they get attention from the candidates as while. The bigger states dont get much attention. | 23
feec511 | I think the development of these cars could help with so much. I am for the development of these driverless cars for three reasons. First because they help asist drivers and warn drivers of possible problems, they could help with preventing car accidents, and they also allow the driver to still have control over their vehicles.
These driverless cars allow drivers to drive easy without worry, because they warn the driver of any possible accidents. These cars would be very helpful in many aspects. For example the " Traffic Jam Assistant", announced in 2013 by BMW, can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves and notify the driver when the road ahead might require human skills, such as navigating through work zones or around accidents.
Secondly, the use of these driverless cars could help prevent a lot of car accidents. The "Traffic jam Assistant" can also handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but its touch sensors make sure the drivers hands are always on the wheel. Also GM has developed seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.
Lastly, these driverless cars are good to use because they can still allow the driver to be in control of the vehicle if the driver decides they want to drive themselves. The driver would just have more security by having a driverless car.
In conclusion i think having driverless cars would benefit people a lot. Developing these cars is a good idea because these smart cars or driverless cars help asist drivers and insure security. They could also prevent car accidents,and they still allow drivers to be in control of their vehicle. These are the reasons why i support the development of these cars. | 23
3f4fcbb | Are driverless cars safe? Majority of the world drives cars. Cars are used to get you from point a to point b. Cars are an example of moblie transportaion. Driverless cars shouldn't be on roads because they aren't safe, they seem too risky, and driverless cars are exspensive.
Firstly, driverless cars aren't safe. Driverless cars sound like a good idea but what if they cause trouble? According to the passage it states," Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers,
passengers, and pedestirans safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." If drivers aren't alert when driving driverless cars then it would cause a lot of accidents. In some states it's illegal to test computer driven cars.
Secondly, driving driverless cars seems too risky. You have to be alert when operating a driverless car, and this means you can't drink and drive. When you drink and drive in a driverless car you're putting yourself and others around you in more danger. If your driverless car's technology fails you could get injured and so could your passengers with you. Driverless cars need to be proven safe before they actually hit the roads.
Lastly, driverless cars are exspensive. The "smarter cars" would be really exspensive if they ever hit the market. If making the cars was so exspenive, imagine buying a driverless car. Cars that operate with a driver are also exspensive but they most likely cost less than driverless cars. Driverless cars shouldn't be worth your money.
In conclusion, driverless cars should not be on roads because they aren't safe, they could cause trouble, and their exspense could be really high. Driving cars is a responsibilty. If you don't take driving seriously you could get yourself in trouble and you can hurt or injure others. According to the article it states,"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." I agree with this sentence from the article because with a human driver it could help keep driving a little more safer. | 34
047a377 | The use of technology suchas, Facial Action Coding system, is totally uneccessary in the classroom setting. Claiming that " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.' " is an ineffective way to to really, truly get through to the students. Instead of focusing on adding more technology to the classroom, maybe giving teachers a better salary and better education would help the teachers teach better, then the students would understand the material better. In the article, it says " we humans perform the same impressive 'calculation' every day". If humans already have this natural ability, then adding more technology into the classroom that teacher could already be doing, is uneccessary and distracting. I am sure there are some upsides to this, but it really just feels like an invasion of the students privacy. In the article is says " ' Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrucor' "
The teacher can not just modify an entire lesson because one student is confused, that is unfair to the students that understand the lesson already. Instead, the teacher could work with the student individually and help them with what they are having trouble with. All in all, adding more uneccessary technology into the classroom would be distracting to the students and an invaison of their privacy. The "Facial Action Coding system" could be useful somewhere else, just not the classroom. | 23
5baa53b | Everyone has their own idea of the future. No one truly knows what the future holds, but many have their own personal ideas such as self driven cars. Self driven cars can be made to help humans drive in a more efficient way. The idea of self driven cars is a good idea
because car owners would be able to travel further distances without worring about car accidents, having driverless cars would decrease the amount of car crashes throughout the year, and car owners would no longer have to be concerned with keeping their eyes on the road.
Everyday people drive on the highway whether its to get to work, visit family, or even just to get away. Sometimes these distances are alot furhter than the average person can drive, and driving would be alot cheaper than choosing to spend money on plane tickets. If we allowed car owners to have driverless cars then the risk of accidents would decrease on the highways. Drivers on the highway for long periods of times get tired of driving after a while. These drivers have a chance of falling asleep on the road and getting into an accident.
If the we offer car owners an oppurtunity to have driverless cars then drivers would be able to rest while the cars drives.
A second reason car owners should have the oppurtunity to have driverless cars is because these cars would prevent less accidents over the year to. The amount of car crashes throughout the year would decrease becasue these cars would eliminate an irresponsible driver. For example if a person were to go to a bar and have too many drinks anf decide to drive these cars would be able to eliminate the drunk driver from an accident, and arrive at a destination safetly without driving recklessly. They would keep other drivers who are not driving irresponsibly safe as well.
My final reason I believe that driverless car would be a good idea is because car owners would be able to enjoy the view of a passanger. They would no longer have to worry about missing out on seeing anything when they travel down the highway. Car owners would be able to stay on their phones, interact with their friends or family, and even catch up on work. Car owners would not have to be distracted by keeping their eyes on the road anymore.
In conclusion, Driverless cars are a good technology advancment that could help humans in a more effiecient way because drivers would no longer have to be concered with keeping their eyes on the road, the number of car accidents throughout the year would decrease, and people would be able to travel in a much safer way on the highway. | 34
07d2045 | Dear State Senator,
I would like it if you would just keep the Electoral college because it would be so much easier to pick a president then if we the people had to pick the president. If we screw up and pick the wrong president then its our fault, but if you all pick the president it'll be your fault if the president turns out to be good or not. Besides the founding fathers founded the Electoral college so we should keep it just for their sake. Anyway the Electoral College consists of the selection of the electors which then when there picked they decide who is the new or repeating President of the United States of America. The reasons I would like to see the Electoral college do good is because the first reason as to why you should just keep the Electoral college is because everyone will want to be president heres an example .The Electoral college requires a presidential canidate to have transregional appeal. If you have a solid regional favorite you go for them states first then you work around to different states to get more Electoral votes but then if you leave that state that was with you all the way then they atomatically switch to the other person that has been campaigning around all the other states and takes your states what are you supposed to do then? The only thing you can do is just go back and try to get your state back..
a2141e6 | I belive you should go on a adventure like my adventure. I belive that because I saw so many new things. The trip was long and tireing but I still think you should go on a trip like the trip I went on the seamen were from The SS.Charels, and The W. Wooseres. We had arrived August 14. Luke had said the Pasific war had ended. Luke turned 18 before arriving to Greece. The cattle-boat trips were were unbelievable oppertunity for a small town boy. It took us about 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the united States to China. This is why I am still perswading you to go on an adventure like me.
I want you to know on my adventure I went to ruins I went to Greece. Dont not let your dreams come true if you want to go somewhere just try it. I had a wonderful time going to the places were I went. I'm a towns boy who got a once in a life time opertunity. Go on an adventure of you own have a wonderful time like I did. This is why you should go on an adventure it doesnt matter what you do if its a hike or you go camping or fishing just do it. | 12
a1cd4ce | Our country's history with cars date back a few centuries. Today, there are many cars from different brands, with different deisgns, and with different benefits. Though all these cars have one thing in common - they emit harmful pollution to the air. We already know that the pollutants given off from cars have caused the greenhouse effect in the world. This has been a main topic for decades, on how to figure out how to solve and reduce the amount of pollutions so that Earth can sustain us. Limiting car usage will reduce the pollutant emission from the cars, it will cause less traffic jam and congestion in parking, and some people are tend to become more relaxed and happy.
The Earth is being effected with harmful gases caused by cars. Our vehicles that we drive everyday, the one we take to work or schools or places you want to see, are the main source of pollutants coming into the air and causing the greenhouse gases. The limited usage of cars will reduce the amount of emission given off. In the article "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, France has the most amount of smog in the European countries. This smog has caused warmer layers of air to trap car emissions will cause heat to the country. But when they have put a ban in cars for a while, the amount of smog has decreased. Furthermore, if we continue to reduce or at less limit the amount of time we spend driving or riding in the car, we can help reduce the emissions made. Rosenthal states, "...emissions from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities." If we do not limit the use of cars now, not only will the Earth suffer, people will suffer as well. The limit usage of cars can save the Earth and ourselves.
The constant honking, switching lands, and when reached the destination, a parking is needed to be found. With the amount of cars, traffic jam and lack of parking space is evitable. Pollution also contributes to the traffic jam and congestion. Though if limited cars we used congestion will come down. According to Duffer, "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." The lack of cars on the road will cause many more people to get to work or school or any place they want wihtout rushing becaus the roads are clear. Moreover, parking space is a hassle to find when there are so many cars everywhere. With less cars means less space for parking, this could save money for the government and invest more on what the country needs. In Vauban, Germany, they had to give up their cars but on the positive side, on the main streets, stores are placed walking distance rather than on a highway (Source 1). With the less amount of cars, highways and roads do not have to be invested in too much rather the money may be used to invest in other important things.
When we are younger, we dream of driving and having a bit of freedom but when we actually start driving it gets tiring. Some people are stressed out when driving and tend to be very prone to accidents. Though when just taking a bicycle or walking it relieves stress. Carlos Arturo Plaza states in the article "Car-fre day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota", "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Stress will only increase when we get older, taking off a load of stress by limiting the usage of cars can be a breather for all of us. Also, people are happy when they do not need cars. Heirdrun Walter said, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way, (Rosenthal)" When Heirdrum means "this way", she is referring to not using a car to get to places. A person should be happy rather than angry and rage because when in a car, some people may do things that could hurt them.
Roads and highways are always being invested because of the increase in car users. If we continue this in the future, there might not be a bright future if we do not stop it. The limit of using cars can cause less pollution in our air, get people to places faster, and make a person smile. This may lead some down fall into the economy and for the employees but with the increase of other alternative to get to places this can lead into a boom in the economy. The positives out run the negatives in this topic. If cars are limited, parks and sports centers will bloom; uneven, pitted sidewalks will be fixed to smooth sidewalks; rush-hour will be cut traffic; and food places and stores will increase. Even the executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company proposed "parternering with the telecommunications inductry to create cities in which 'pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commerical and public transprtation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety'" (Source 4). In the end, it is up to decide if we would rather continue using cars or not. So go and choose the side that will benefit not only the economy or government but the people and environment. | 56
Subsets and Splits