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JoEllen Schimmels, Jennifer Schneider, Kathryn K Bucher, Mary-Beth Coty | Stoicism and Cognitive Strategies for Nursing Professional Development | 2,024 | Journal of continuing education in nursing | trends perforated appendicitis pa rates studied regional variability pediatric admissions pa remains unknown retrospective crosssectional analysis 20062012 kids inpatient database conducted examine variation pa admission rates region united states insurance status pa rates calculated reported per 1000 admissions accordance national quality measure specifications national pa rates per 1000 admissions 2006 2009 2012 3139 2792 3091 respectively similarly regions demonstrated statistically significant decrease pa rates 2006 2009 p0001 increase rates 2009 2012 statistically significant midwest odds ratio 107 95 confidence interval 95ci 103112 west 110 95 ci 107114 northeast consistently experienced lowest pa rates odds pa highest among uninsured patients 135 95 ci 131129 south highest proportion uninsured children patients highest odds perforation 157 95 ci 121202 children appendicitis geographic region insurance status appear associated perforation upon presentation understanding regional variation pediatric pa rates may inform health policymakers constantly evolving insurance coverage landscape level iii treatment study retrospective comparative study appendicitis presentation children region country | 10.3928/00220124-20240328-02 |
Yanzhong Huang, Zhongbo Xiong, Di Liu, Yan Zhang | College students' satisfaction with online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Hubei Province, China | 2,024 | Heliyon | video long used capture microteaching episodes illustrate classroom cases practices review teaching practices recent developments video annotation tools may help extend augment teacher selfreflection tools make possible documentation support selfanalysis using verifiable evidence well examine changes development time video annotation tools offer potential support reflection analysis ones teaching minimal video editing well ability associate captured video related student teaching evidence paper compare contrast emerging video annotation tools describe applications support potentially transform teacher reflection | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28579 |
Jessica Trixa, Kai Kaspar | Information literacy in the digital age: information sources, evaluation strategies, and perceived teaching competences of pre-service teachers | 2,024 | Frontiers in psychology | whilst many definitions formative assessment offered clear rationale define delimit within broader theories pedagogy paper aims offer rationale within framework also unify diverse set practices described formative analysis used relate formative assessment pedagogic initiatives notably cognitive acceleration dynamic assessment existing literature models selfregulated learning classroom discourse framework indicate potentially fruitful lines enquiry whilst time opening new ways helping teachers implement formative practices effectively | 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1336436 |
Katie Carsky, David Rindskopf, Vihas M Patel, Parswa Ansari, Samuel P Dechario, Gary Giangola, Gene F Coppa, Anthony C Antonacci | Using Concurrent Complication Reporting to Evaluate Resident Critical Thinking and Enhance Adult Learning | 2,024 | Journal of surgical education | whilst surgeons robotic companies key stakeholders involved adoption robotic assisted surgery rs publics role overlooked however given patients hold ultimate power healthcare decisions public acceptance rs crucial therefore study aims identify public understanding opinions misconceptions rs online questionnaire distributed february may 2021 ascertained views uk adults rs themes questions included familiarity experience comfort rs opinions ethical implications impact factual information provided participant data evaluated using thematic statistical analysis including assessing statistical differences age gender education level presence medical field overall 216 responses analysed participants relatively uninformed rs median knowledge score 400200600 10point likert scale fears surrounding increased risk reduced precision technological failure identified alongside misconceptions autonomous nature however providing factual information survey rs statistically increased participant comfort p 00001 618 participants believed robot manufacturers responsible malfunctions doctors held accountable older less educated nonmedical participants findings suggest limited public understanding rs numerous common misconceptions identified present major barrier widespread acceptance rs since inaccurate fears nature could discourage potential patients engaging robotic procedures | 10.1016/j.jsurg.2024.02.002 |
Xin Gao, Di Yan, Ya Zhang, Xiang Ruan, Tingyu Kang, Ruotong Wang, Qi Zheng, Siju Chen, Jinxia Zhai | Comparison of the impact of team-based learning and lecture-based learning on nursing students' core competencies: A systematic review and meta-analysis | 2,024 | Nurse education in practice | place social group important value want life questions related psychologists call identity many theorists argued driven answer questions particularly adolescence article summarize expectancy value perspective identity identity formation within framework identity conceptualized terms two basic sets self perceptions perceptions related skills characteristics competencies b perceptions related personal values goals together two sets self perceptions inform individuals expectations success importance attach becoming involved wide range tasks within perspective focus role personal collective identities play motivated action influence expectations success subjective task values also discuss briefly personality collective identities develop time | 10.1016/j.nepr.2024.103945 |
Jessie King, Barnaby Kelly, Nayla Rhein, Rhonda Rosengren | Post-COVID-19 approach to teaching an undergraduate laboratory class focused on experimental design and data interpretation | 2,024 | Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | requested member states launched expanded programme immunization epi 1974 make lifesaving vaccines available globally mark 50year anniversary epi sought quantify public health impact vaccination globally since programmes inception modelling study used suite mathematical statistical models estimate global regional public health impact 50 years vaccination 14 pathogens epi modelled pathogens considered coverage routine supplementary vaccines delivered since 1974 estimated mortality morbidity averted age cohort relative hypothetical scenario historical vaccination used modelled outcomes estimate contribution vaccination globally declining infant child mortality rates period since 1974 vaccination averted 154 million deaths including 146 million among children younger 5 years 101 million infants younger 1 year every death averted 66 years full health gained average translating 102 billion years full health gained estimate vaccination accounted 40 observed decline global infant mortality 52 african region 2024 child younger 10 years 40 likely survive next birthday relative hypothetical scenario historical vaccination increased survival probability observed even well late adulthood since 1974 substantial gains childhood survival occurred every global region estimate epi provided single greatest contribution improved infant survival past 50 years context strengthening primary health care results show equitable universal access immunisation remains crucial sustain health gains continue save future lives preventable infectious mortality | 10.1002/bmb.21833 |
Luye Yao, Lingtian Wu, Jingya Zhou, Jinnan Wu, Delei Xu, Yibo Zhu, Hong Ji | [Design and practice of biological reaction engineering flipped classroom in applied undergraduate colleges] | 2,024 | Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology | whole body dissection longheld method learning teaching anatomy medical education largely replaced cost timereduced methods teaching paper reports longitudinal study student knowledge acquisition retention following six annual intensive eightweek elective anatomy whole body dissection awbd courses implemented 2010 2015 utilizing modified teambased learning tbl pedagogy total 160 students completed intensive fulltime courses course students groups five six completed dissection whole cadaver students assessed standardized practical test involving accurate identification 20 different tagged anatomical structures students n 160 completed precourse endcourse individual assessments seventy students assessed 1 month course ended 71 students assessed 7 months later marked increase topographical relational anatomical knowledge demonstrated median precourse score 920 interquartile range 5 median endcourse score 1920 iqr 2 statistically significant increase p 0001 assessments 70 students reassessed 1 month course ended showed significant statistical change assessments 71 students assessed 7 months later also showed significant statistical change results study demonstrate awbd provides significant acquisition maintenance threedimensional regional relational anatomical knowledge elective awbd place medical curricula particularly students interested surgical procedural based specialty career | 10.13345/j.cjb.230531 |
Nidhi P Vedawala, Sakshi J Thakrar, Jayesh V Thakrar, Pratik G Patel, Yash G Patel | Six Thinking Hats model of learning-Creative teaching method in physiotherapy-A pilot study | 2,024 | Journal of education and health promotion | wholeschool interventions modify school environment promote health subset interventions promotes student commitment school prevent substance tobacco alcohol drugs use andor violence previous review identified theory human functioning school organisation comprehensive theory interventions found evidence interventions reduce substance use andor violence objectives search appraise synthesise evidence address following questions 1 wholeschool interventions promoting student commitment school prevent substance use andor violence evaluated intervention subtypes apparent closely align theory human functioning school organisation 2 factors relating setting population intervention affect implementation 3 effects student substance use violence educational attainment 4 costeffectiveness interventions 5 intervention effects mediated student commitment school moderated setting population total 56 information sources searched january 2020 updated search 48 carried may 2021 reference lists also searched experts contacted eligible studies processoutcome evaluations wholeschool interventions reduce student violence substance use among students aged 518 years attending schools via actions aligning theory human functioning school organisation modifying teaching increase engagement enhancing studentstaff relationships revising school policies encouraging volunteering increasing parental involvement data extraction quality assessments used existing tools theory process reports synthesised qualitatively outcome economic data synthesised narratively outcome data metaanalysed searches retrieved 63 eligible reports 27 studies 22 interventions identified four intervention subtypes focused student participation schoolwide decisions improving staffstudent relationships increasing engagement learning involving parents theories change intervention subtypes aligned closely theory human functioning school organisation informed refinement intervention theory change theories change interventions increasing learning engagement align theory aiming instead increase school commitment primarily via social skills curricula factors influencing implementation included whether interventions tailorable workable well explained interventions action groups comprising staffstudents etc providing local data well implemented implementation also affected whether schools accepted need change staff resources delivery metaanalyses suggest small significant intervention effects preventing violence victimisation perpetration substance use sparse inconsistent evidence moderation evidence mediation student commitment school two economic evaluations suggested potential interventions costeffective quality studies variable economic synthesis limited two studies wholeschool interventions aiming promote student commitment school share similar theories change factors affecting implementation potential contribute preventing violence substance use among young people future trials aim optimise intervention effectiveness better theorisation assess implementation effect moderators mediators study registered prospero crd42019154334 award funded national institute health care research nihr public health research programme nihr award ref 1715105 published full public health research vol 12 2 see nihr funding awards website award information | 10.4103/jehp.jehp_724_23 |
Philipp Ruppel, Jianwei Zhang | Elastic Tactile Sensor Glove for Dexterous Teaching by Demonstration | 2,024 | Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) | fields study higher education yield higher wage returns labor market others human capital perspectives suggest differences skills major source betweenfields wage differentials assess explanation using data programme international assessment adult competencies piaac pooled analysis 17590 graduates 29 countries indicates differences general cognitive literacy numeracy skills matter relatively little although numeracy skills play meaningful role accounting high wages stem science technology engineering mathematics graduates specific skills proxied skill use job explain substantial portion betweenfield wage differentials remarkably find sex composition field study remains important taking skills account particularly explaining wage advantage stem graduates comparative analyses grouping 29 countries four institutional clusterssocialdemocratic conservative liberal postcommunistshow general patterns broadly similar across different institutional contexts | 10.3390/s24061912 |
Alexis N Crawford, Addison Taylor, Julie Patterson, Aimalohi Okpeku, Krista L Donohoe | An active-learning laboratory focused on critical care topics | 2,024 | Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning | students excel college classes develop interest academic discipline authors examined shortterm longterm consequences students achievement goals introductory psychology course mastery goals positively predicted subsequent interest course course grades performance goals positively predicted grades interest three semesters later authors obtained measures continued interest die discipline longterm performance mastery goals predicted subsequent enrollment psychology courses whereas performance goals predicted longterm academic performance positive complementary effects mastery performance goals different measures academic success consistent multiplegoals perspective goals beneficial consequences college education | 10.1016/j.cptl.2024.03.009 |
Hye Jin Yang, Ji-Hye Yang, Si Cheol Jung, Chulhwan Choi, Chul-Ho Bum | Effects of golf instructors' professional certification levels on amateur golfers' perception of instructor expertise, instructor credibility, and lesson participation intention: testing placebo and nocebo effects | 2,024 | Frontiers in psychology | public read write understand statistical information elementary distinctions absolute relative risks better known absence statistical literacy key democratic ideals informed consent shared decision making health care remain science fiction chapter deal tools transparency risk communication focus graphical analog representations risk analog representations use separate icon sign individual population like numerical representations graphical forms transparent whereas others indiscernibly mislead reader review cases 1 tree diagrams representing natural versus relative frequency 2 decision trees representation fast frugal decision making 3 bar graphs representing absolute versus relative risk 4 population diagrams analog representation risk 5 format representation employs colored tinker cubes encoding information individuals population graphs long enjoyed status worth thousand words hence readily accessible human understanding longwinded symbolic representations true false graphical tools well employed transparent nontransparent risk communications | 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1361470 |
Jennifer E Adams, Sheilah Jiménez, Vishnu Kulasekaran, Anne Frank, Catherine Ard, Kristina Sandquist, Heather M Cassidy | Characterization of Distinctive Teaching Practices in Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships: Perspectives From Students and Faculty | 2,024 | Teaching and learning in medicine | schizophrenia accompanied humans throughout history despite negative effect fitness remains evolutionary enigma proposed schizophrenia byproduct complex evolution human brain compromise humans language creative thinking cognitive abilities analyzed recent large genomewide association studies schizophrenia range human phenotypes anthropometric measures cardiovascular disease risk factors immunemediated diseases using statistical framework draws polygenic architecture ancillary information genetic variants used information evolutionary proxy measure called neanderthal selective sweep nss score gene loci associated schizophrenia significantly p 730 109 prevalent genomic regions likely undergone recent positive selection humans ie low nss score variants brainrelated genes low nss score confer significantly higher susceptibility variants brainrelated genes enrichment strongest schizophrenia cannot rule enrichment phenotypes false discovery rate conditional evolutionary proxy points 27 candidate schizophrenia susceptibility loci 12 associated schizophrenia psychiatric disorders linked brain development results suggest polygenic overlap schizophrenia nss score marker human evolution line hypothesis persistence schizophrenia related evolutionary process becoming human | 10.1080/10401334.2024.2328171 |
Rita Mojtahedzadeh, Shirin Hasanvand, Aeen Mohammadi, Sahar Malmir, Mehdi Vatankhah | Students' experience of interpersonal interactions quality in e-Learning: A qualitative research | 2,024 | PloS one | children learn transfer knowledge novel problems better others remains important unresolved question science learning developed innovative tutoring program data analysis approach investigate individual differences neurocognitive mechanisms support math learning near transfer novel structurally related problems elementary school children following five days training children performed recently trained math problems efficiently greater use memoryretrievalbased strategies crucially children learned faster training performed better trained problems also novel problems better discriminated trained novel problems subsequent recognition memory task faster learners exhibited increased similarity neural representations trained novel problems greater differentiation functional brain circuits engaged trained novel problems results suggest learning near transfer characterized parallel learningrate dependent local integration largescale segregation functional brain circuits findings demonstrate speed learning near transfer interrelated identify neural mechanisms faster learners transfer knowledge better study provides new insights behavioral mnemonic neural mechanisms underlying childrens learning | 10.1371/journal.pone.0298079 |
Eri Kubo, Miu Nagata, Naoki Yoshinaga | The use of ultrasonography in education for undergraduate nursing students: A literature review | 2,024 | Japan journal of nursing science : JJNS | widely used generic instruments measure paediatric healthrelated quality life hrqol include eq5dy5l child health utility 9 dimension chu9d paediatric quality life inventory pedsql health utilities index hui similarities differences content instruments little empirical evidence items contain relate overarching model hrqol derived content study aimed explore dimensionality instruments using exploratory factor analysis efa data australian paediatric multiinstrument comparison pmic study used eq5dy5l chu9d pedsql hui data collected via proxy child selfreport data efa used investigate underlying domain structure measurement relationship items four instruments pooled domain models identified self proxyreported data number factors determined based eigenvalues greater 1 correlation cutoff 032 used determine item loading given factor crossloading also considered oblique rotation used results suggest sixfactor structure proxyreported data including emotional functioning pain daily activities physical functioning school functioning senses selfreport data revealed similar sevenfactor structure social functioning emerging additional factor provide evidence differences similarities paediatric hrqol instruments aspects health measured instruments results identified slight differences self proxyreported data relationships among items within resulting domains | 10.1111/jjns.12596 |
Shiah-Lian Chen, I-Chen Liao | Effectiveness of Using a Self-Directed Learning Program to Teach Physical Examination and Health Assessment Skills: A Quasi-Experimental Study | 2,024 | The journal of nursing research : JNR | widespread agreement exists us teachers need improved mathematics knowl edge teaching past decade policymakers funded range profes sional development efforts designed address need however little success determining whether teachers develop mathematical knowl edge professional development features professional devel opment contribute teacher learning due part lack measures teachers content knowledge teaching mathematics article attempts fill gaps describe effort evaluate californias mathematics professional development institutes mpdis using novel measures knowledge teaching mathematics analyses showed teachers participating mpdis improved performance measures extended summer workshop portion experience analysis also suggests program length measured days summer workshop workshop focus mathematical analysis reasoning communication predicted teachers learning | 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000603 |
Angel Mukuka | Data on mathematics teacher educators' proficiency and willingness to use technology: A structural equation modelling analysis | 2,024 | Data in brief | widespread inappropriate use antimicrobial substances drives resistance development worldwide longterm care facilities ltcf antibiotics among frequently prescribed medications one third antimicrobial agents prescribed ltcfs urinary tract infections uti aimed increase number appropriate antimicrobial treatments utis ltcfs using multifaceted antimicrobial stewardship intervention performed nonrandomized clustercontrolled intervention study four ltcfs geriatric health centers graz intervention group four ltcfs served control group main components intervention voluntary continuing medical education primary care physicians distribution written guideline implementation project homepage distribute guidelines videos onsite training nursing staff local nursing staff recorded data uti episodes online case report platform two blinded reviewers assessed whether treatments adequate 326 uti episodes recorded 161 intervention group 165 control group intervention period risk ratio inadequate indication treatment 041 95 ci 019090 p 0025 theintervention group proportion adequate antibiotic choices increased 421 preintervention period 459 intervention 51 postintervention period absolute increase 89 control group proportion 364 333 333 respectively numerical difference intervention group control group postintervention period 177 difference reach statistical significance significant differences control group intervention group safety outcomes proportion clinical failure number hospital admissions due uti adverse events due antimicrobial treatment antimicrobial stewardship program consisting practice guidelines local webbased education nursing staff general practitioners resulted significant increase adequate treatments terms decision treat uti intervention period however difference maintained postintervention phase continued efforts improve quality prescriptions necessary trial registered clinicaltrialsgov nct04798365 | 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110307 |
Jeffrey E Rollman, M Thomas, Laura M Mercer Kollar, Katie A Ports, Carmen Clelland, Delight E Satter, Corinne David-Ferdon | American Indian and Alaska Native violence prevention efforts: a systematic review, 1980 to 2018 | 2,024 | Injury epidemiology | wifi channel state information csibased human action recognition using convolutional neural networks cnns emerged promising approach nonintrusive activity monitoring however integrity reliability reported performance metrics susceptible data leakage wherein information test set inadvertently influences training process leading inflated accuracy rates paper conduct critical analysis notable ieee sensors journal study wifi csibased human action recognition uncovering instances data leakage resulting absence subjectbased data partitioning empirical investigation corroborates lack exclusivity individuals across dataset partitions underscoring importance rigorous data management practices furthermore demonstrate employing data partitioning respect humans results significantly lower precision rates reported 999 precision highlighting exaggerated nature original findings inflated results could potentially discourage researchers impede progress field fostering sense complacency | 10.1186/s40621-024-00488-3 |
Lea D Nielsen, Mette M Løwe, Francisco Mansilla, Rene B Jørgensen, Asviny Ramachandran, Bodil B Noe, Heidi K Egebæk | Interventions, methods and outcome measures used in teaching evidence-based practice to healthcare students: an overview of systematic reviews | 2,024 | BMC medical education | wikidata free multilingual open knowledgebase stores structured linked data grown rapidly december 2022 contains 100 million items millions statements making largest semantic knowledgebase existence changing interaction people knowledge wikidata offers various learning opportunities leading new applications sciences technology cultures learning opportunities stem part ability query data ask questions difficult answer past also stem ability visualize query results example timeline map turn helps users make sense data draw additional insights research semantic web learning platform wikidata context education almost nonexistent beginning understand utilize educational purposes research investigates semantic web learning platform focusing wikidata prime example end methodology multiple case studies adopted demonstrating wikidata uses early adopters seven semistructured indepth interviews conducted 10 distinct projects extracted thematic analysis approach deployed revealing eight main uses well benefits challenges engaging platform results shed light wikidatas potential lifelong learning process enabling opportunities improved data literacy worldwide social impact | 10.1186/s12909-024-05259-8 |
QianJun Li, JingJing Zhao, RuiChao Yan, QiJian Gao, Yao Zhen, Xue Li, Ying Liang, ShiHao Min, LiJuan Yang | WeChat mini program in laboratory biosafety education among medical students at Guangzhou Medical University: a mixed method study of feasibility and usability | 2,024 | BMC medical education | wikipedia online encyclopedia read millions seeking medical information provide health professions students skills critically assess edit improve wikipedias medical content skillset aligned evidencebased medicine ebm wikipedia courses integrated health professions schools curriculum literature review curricular inventory wikipedia educational initiatives provides overview current approaches identifies directions future initiatives research five databases searched articles describing educational interventions train health professional students edit wikipedia course dashboards maintained wiki education wiki edu searched curricular materials sources key details extracted synthesized including student instructor type course content educational methods student outcomes six articles 27 dashboards reported courses offered 2015 2019 courses predominantly offered medical nursing students instructors delivered content via videos live lectures online interactive modules course content included logistics wikipedia editing ebm skills health literacy courses included assignments requiring students edit wikipedia independently groups limited details assessment student learning available small growing number schools training health professions education students improve wikipedias medical content course details available wiki edu dashboards lesser extent peerreviewed publications needs done conducting sharing assessment student learning integrating wikipedia health professions education potential facilitate learning ebm communication skills improve wikipedias online content engage students autonomous environment learning future considerations include thorough assessment student learning practices final review student edits ensure follow wikipedias guidelines written clear language improved sharing teaching resources instructors | 10.1186/s12909-024-05131-9 |
Yu Xu, Xingji Ding, Wenhui Wang, Yazhuo Li, Min Nie | Analysis of ten-year teaching evaluation of oral microbiology lab curriculum | 2,024 | BMC medical education | wikipedia open crowdsourced encyclopedia anyone edit ranks among top ten mostvisited websites globally integration university curriculum innovative educational tool slowly growing trend however many higher education institutions yet fully grasp potential response specific optional module wikipedia editing designed selected undergraduate science courses school advanced studies russia implemented optional extra credit servicelearning activity teaching methodology combining meaningful service community curriculumbased learning students chose participate preferred participate activity invited participate research project explore perspectives experiences total five sessions focus group discussions conducted participants 12 females 2 males one set nonparticipants 5 females 4 males another identify students perspectives themes interest science reasons choices expectations activity postexperience focus group discussions used identify perspectives participant students themes encompassing contribution servicelearning activity acquisition new skills development prosocial behaviors students opinions integrating social responsibility topics curriculum also explored results extracted focus group discussions analyzed consensual coding revealed factors promoting student participation like interest subject novelty activity grade improvement opportunities well factors deterring participation concerns academic benefits workload time constraints furthermore results demonstrated wikipedia editing serves novel teaching methodology promoting student learning development digital literacy information literacy among twentyfirstcentury skills interestingly time students could address value contributing open crowdsourced knowledge public service interpret activity academic servicelearning suggest wikipedia editing innovative teaching approach fostering students learning development also indicating potential enhance students understanding responsible citizenship public service digital age | 10.1186/s12909-024-05298-1 |
Marjaneh Meschi, Samane Shirahmadi, Mahrokh Amiri, Nikki Ebrahimi-Siaghi | Debating: effective and satisfactory learning method in dentistry | 2,024 | BMC medical education | wikipedias influence shaping public perceptions science underscores significance scientists recognized platform impact careers although wikipedia offers guidelines determining scientist qualifies article currently lacks guidance regarding whether scientist acknowledged articles related innovation processes contributed explore wikipedia addresses issue scientific micronotability introduce digital method called name edit analysis enabling us quantitatively qualitatively trace mentions scientists within wikipedias articles study two crisprrelated wikipedia articles find dynamic negotiations micronotability well surprising tension wikipedias principle safeguarding selfpromotion scholarly norm due credit reconcile tension propose wikipedians scientists collaborate establish specific micronotability guidelines acknowledge scientific contributions preventing excessive selfpromotion | 10.1186/s12909-024-05286-5 |
E Kulju, E Jarva, A Oikarinen, M Hammarén, O Kanste, K Mikkonen | Educational interventions and their effects on healthcare professionals' digital competence development: A systematic review | 2,024 | International journal of medical informatics | wilde ea whiteneck gg bogner j bushnik cifu dx dikmen french l giacino jt hart malec jf millis sr novack ta sherer tulsky ds vanderploeg rd von steinbuechel n recommendations use common outcome measures traumatic brain injury research article summarizes selection outcome measures interagency traumatic brain injury tbi outcomes workgroup address primary clinical research objectives including documentation natural course recovery tbi prediction later outcome measurement treatment effects comparison outcomes across studies consistent common data elements workgroups tbi outcomes workgroup adopted standard 3tier system selection measures first tier core measures included valid robust widely applicable outcome measures proven utility tbi identified domain including global level function neuropsychological impairment psychological status tbirelated symptoms executive functions cognitive physical activity limitations social role participation perceived healthrelated quality life second tier supplemental measures recommended consideration tbi research focusing specific topics populations third tier emerging measures included important instruments currently development process validation nearing point published findings significant potential superior older legacy measures core supplemental lists may eventually replace evidence utility emerges | 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2024.105396 |
Yadigar Ordu, Sinan Aydoğan, Nurcan Çalışkan | The effect of interactive learning method on nursing students' learning of movement requirement: A randomized controlled study | 2,024 | Nurse education today | wildfire events becoming increasingly common across many areas united states including north carolina nc wildfires cause immediate damage properties wildfire smoke conditions harm overall health exposed communities critical identify communities increased risk wildfire events particularly areas sociodemographic disparities low socioeconomic status ses may exacerbate incurred impacts wildfire events study set 1 characterize distribution wildfire risk across nc 2 implement integrative cluster analyses identify regions contain communities increased vulnerability impacts wildfire events due sociodemographic characteristics 3 provide summarylevel statistics populations highest wildfire risk highlighting ses housing cost factors 4 disseminate wildfire risk information via online web application enviroscan wildfire hazard potential whp indices organized census tractlevel distributions analyzed spatial autocorrelation via global local morans tests sociodemographic characteristics analyzed via kmeans analysis identify clusters distinct ses patterns characterize regions similar sociodemographicsocioeconomic disparities ses groupings overlayed housing wildfire risk profiles establish patterns risk across nc resulting geospatial analyses identified areas largely southeastern nc high risk wildfires significantly correlated neighboring regions high whp highlighting adjacent regions high risk future wildfire events clusterbased analysis ses factors resulted three groups regions categorized distinct ses profiling two clusters clusters 2 3 contained indicators high ses vulnerability cluster 2 contained higher percentage younger 5 years nonwhite hispanic andor latino residents cluster 3 highest mean whp characterized higher percentage nonwhite residents poverty less high school education counties particular ses whpcombined vulnerability include majority nonwhite residents tribal communities poverty level households largely located southeastern nc whp values per census tract dispersed public via enviroscan application alongside environmentallyrelevant data | 10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106163 |
Vincent Ho, Angela Nguyen, Koshila Kumar | Social media for learning: A qualitative exploration of the factors that impact clinical learners' attitudes and intentions | 2,024 | The clinical teacher | wildfire events resulted unprecedented social economic losses worldwide last years studies reducing wildfire risk communities focused modeling wildfire behavior wildland aid developing fuel reduction fire suppression strategies however minimizing losses communities managing risk requires holistic approach understanding wildfire behavior fully integrates wildlands characteristics built environments features complete integration particularly critical intermixed communities wildland built environment coalesce communitylevel wildfire behavior captures interaction wildland built environment necessary predicting structural damage received sufficient attention predicting damage built environment essential understanding developing fire mitigation strategies make communities resilient wildfire events study use integrated concepts graph theory establish relative vulnerability metric capable quantifying survival likelihood individual buildings within wildfireaffected region test framework emulating damage observed historic 2018 camp fire 2020 glass fire propose two formulations based graph centralities evaluate vulnerability buildings relative utilize relative vulnerability values determine damage state individual buildings based onetoone comparison calculated observed damages maximum predicted building survival accuracy two formulations ranged formula see text historical wildfires tested results observe modified random walk formulation better identify nodes lie extremes vulnerability scale contrast modified degree formulation provides better predictions nodes midrange vulnerability values | 10.1111/tct.13760 |
Tennyson S Jellins, Tyler L Borko, RayLee Otero-Bell, Kelly Arnett, Scott Saunders, Sharon N Poisson, Karen D Orjuela, Setareh Salehi Omran, William J Jones, Michelle Leppert, Ashley Madera, Aaron Carlson, Daniel M Pastula, Brian M Sauer, Amanda L Piquet, Nicole R Gonzales | Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in medical education: DEI at the bedside | 2,024 | Journal of the neurological sciences | wildfires uncontrolled fires fuelled dry conditions high winds flammable materials profoundly impact vegetation leading significant consequences including noteworthy changes ecosystems study provide novel methodology understand evaluate postfire effects vegetation regions affected wildfires earthobservation data various satellite sources vital monitoring vegetation assessing impact effects understood detecting vegetation change years using novel unsupervised method termed deep embedded clustering dec enables us classify regions based whether change vegetation fire model achieves impressive accuracy 9617 appropriate vegetation indices used evaluate evolution vegetation patterns years study utilized enhanced vegetation index evi based trend analysis showing greening fraction ranges 01 224 km2 browning fraction ranges 01 181 km2 years vegetation recovery maps created assess revegetation regions affected fire performed via deep learningbased unsupervised method adaptive generative adversarial neural network model adaptigan postfire data collected various regions affected wildfire training error 0075 proving capability based results obtained study approach tends notable merits compared preexisting works | 10.1016/j.jns.2024.122946 |
Avril Lusty, Janet Alexanian, Simon Kitto, Tim Wood, Luke T Lavallée, Chris Morash, Ilias Cagiannos, Rodney H Breau, Isabelle Raîche | How Surgeons Think to Avoid Error: A Case Study of the Neurovascular Bundle Sparing During a Robotic Prostatectomy | 2,024 | Journal of surgical education | wildfires western united states growing significant source air pollution eroding decades progress air pollution reduction effects preterm birth critical periods pregnancy unknown assessed associations prenatal exposure wildland fire smoke risk preterm birth gestational age 37 weeks assigned smoke exposure geocoded residence birth live singleton births california conceived 20072018 using weekly average concentrations particulate matter 25 pm25 attributable wildland fires united states environmental protection agencys community multiscale air quality model logistic regression yielded odds ratio preterm birth relation increases average exposure across whole pregnancy trimester week pregnancy models adjusted season age education raceethnicity medical insurance smoking birthing parent 5155026 births higher wildland fire pm25 exposure averaged across pregnancy trimester associated higher odds preterm birth increase 1 gm3 average wildland fire pm25 pregnancy 1013 95 ci10081017 wildland fire pm25 weeks pregnancy associated higher odds strongest estimates observed weeks second third trimesters 10 gm3 increase average wildland fire pm25 gestational week 23 associated 1034 95 ci 1019 1049 preterm birth preterm birth sensitive wildland fire pm25 therefore must reduce exposure pregnancy | 10.1016/j.jsurg.2024.01.009 |
Beenish Fatima Alam, Nabeela Abbasi, Bing Han, Faisal Fahim, Muhammad Iftikhar Ali, Muhammad Awais Mehmood | Online teaching experience of the healthcare faculty during the pandemic: A cross sectional analysis | 2,024 | Work (Reading, Mass.) | william stanley jevons regarded many bringing mathematical methods study economics theory political economy brought together maths theory utility contributi | 10.3233/WOR-230248 |
Yanru Chen, Laudan B Jahromi | Self-Regulation and Academic Learning in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Links to School Engagement and Levels of Autism Characteristics | 2,024 | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | willingness communicate wtc emerging concept account individuals first language l1 second language l2 communication study examined relations among l2 learning l2 communication variables japanese english foreign language context using wtc model socioeducational model framework l2 communication model constructed tested using amos version 40 sample 297 japanese university students model latent variable international posture hypothesized capture general attitude toward international community foreign language learning japan structural equation modeling appeared international posture influences motivation turn influences proficiency english motivation affected selfconfidence l2 communication led willingness communicate l2 addition indirect path direct path international posture wtc l2 significant models fitness data good indicates potential using wtc constructs account l2 communication | 10.1007/s10803-024-06288-4 |
Manisha Rani, Lily Podder, Geeta Bhardwaj | Augmenting the spirit of research among nursing personnel: A narrative review | 2,024 | Journal of family medicine and primary care | winxas new xray absorption spectroscopy xas dataanalysis program runs operating system mswindows 95nt offers several unique features userfriendly graphical environment capable reading variety data formats contains number useful numerical algorithms beyond used conventional xas analysis offers simple interface abinitio theoretical code feff availability fast macros winxas makes particularly useful online data examination synchrotron radiation facilities xas experiments well analysis multiplescan data timeresolved experiments | 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_77_23 |
Fenghua Tang | Understanding the role of digital immersive technology in educating the students of english language: does it promote critical thinking and self-directed learning for achieving sustainability in education with the help of teamwork? | 2,024 | BMC psychology | wireless data communications form short message service sms wireless access protocols wap browsers gained global popularity yet much done extend usage devices electronic learning elearning project explores extension elearning wirelesshandheld wh computing devices help mobile learning mlearning framework framework provides requirements develop mlearning applications used complement classroom distance learning prototype application developed link wh devices three course websites mlearning applications pilottested two semesters total 63 students undergraduate graduate courses university students used mlearning environment variety wh devices reported experiences survey interviews end semester results exploratory study provide better understanding role mobile technology higher education | 10.1186/s40359-024-01636-6 |
Angela Lis, Lauren Snowdon, Kyle Downey | Lessons Learned After Integrating the Five Steps of Evidence-Based Practice Into a Doctor of Physical Therapy Curriculum | 2,023 | Journal, physical therapy education | wiskottaldrich syndrome rare xlinked inborn error immunity characterized microthrombocytopenia infections eczema increased predisposition develop autoimmunity malignancy flow cytometric assay determining protein wasp rapid costeffective tool detecting patients however studies described wasp expression female carriers carriers clinically asymptomatic active screening female family members helps identify female carriers distinguish de novo mutations select appropriate donor prior curative stem cell transplantation study undertaken evaluate diagnostic capability flow cytometrybased wasp expression peripheral blood cells identify carriers compare wasp expression different blood cell lineages female patients heterozygous gene enrolled study conducted pediatric allergy immunology unit advanced pediatric centre post graduate institute medical education research chandigarh india flow cytometric assessment wasp expression lymphocytes monocytes neutrophils carried compared healthy control affected patients results expressed delta median fluorescence intensity mfi well stain index si ratio mfi patient mfi control thirteen mothers two sisters genetically confirmed patients enrolled study enrolled females clinically asymptomatic microthrombocytopenia low wasp expression si 1 seen lymphocytes monocytes 10 666 carriers females variants proximal exons exons 1 2 found lesser expression distal exons 312 variants flow cytometry rapid easily available costeffective tool wasp estimation lymphocytes followed monocytes best cell lineages wasp estimation carrier females however genetic testing remains gold standard carrier females variants distal exons may normal wasp expression | 10.1097/JTE.0000000000000269 |
Xiaoxue Wang, Zixuan Song, Xueting Chen, Yangzi Zhou, Yingze Lou, Tong Liu, Dandan Zhang | Rapid cycle deliberate practice: application in forceps simulation training for gynecology and obstetrics residents | 2,024 | Annals of medicine | 150 centers australiawide headspace national youth mental health foundation exemplary integrated youth health service headspace centers provide medical care mental health interventions alcohol drug aod services vocational support australian young people yp aged 12 25 years colocated headspace salaried youth workers private health care practitioners eg psychologists psychiatrists medical practitioners inkind community service providers eg aod clinicians form coordinated multidisciplinary teams article aims identify factors influencing access aod interventions yp australian rural headspace setting perceived yp family friends headspace staff study purposively recruited yp n 16 family friends n 9 headspace staff n 23 management n 7 four headspace centers rural new south wales australia recruited individuals participated semistructured focus groups access yp aod interventions headspace setting study team thematically analyzed data lens socioecological model study identified convergent themes across groups found several barriers access aod interventions 1 yps personal factors 2 yps family peer attitudes 3 practitioner skills 4 organizational processes 5 societal attitudes identified negatively impacting access yp aod interventions practitioners clientcentered stance youthcentric headspace model factors considered enablers engagement yp aod concern australian example integrated youth health care model well placed provide yp aod interventions mismatch existed practitioner capability yp needs sampled practitioners described limited aod knowledge low confidence providing aod interventions organizational level multiple aod intervention supply utilization issues occurred taken together problems likely underlie previous findings poor service utilization low user satisfaction clear enablers exist aod interventions better integrated headspace services future work determine integration achieved early intervention means relation aod interventions | 10.1080/07853890.2023.2301596 |
Thendo Gertie Makhado, Nombulelo Veronica Sepeng, Lufuno Makhado | A systematic review of the effectiveness of epilepsy education programs on knowledge, attitudes, and skills among primary school learners | 2,024 | Frontiers in neurology | growing world population increasing frequency climate disturbance events dire need methods improve plant productivity resilience resistance abiotic biotic stressors agriculture conservation efforts microorganisms play essential role supporting plant growth environmental response susceptibility disease however understanding specific mechanisms microbes interact plants influence plant phenotypes major challenge due complexity natural communities simultaneous competition cooperation effects signalling interactions environmental impacts synthetic communities major asset reducing complexity systems simplifying dominant components isolating specific variables controlled experiments yet still remains large gap understanding plant microbiome interactions perspectives article presents brief review discussing ways metabolic modelling used combination synthetic communities continue progress toward understanding complexity plantmicrobeenvironment interactions highlight utility metabolic models applied community setting identify different applications flux balance elementary flux mode simulation approaches emphasize importance ecological theory guiding data interpretation provide ideas integration metabolic modelling techniques big data may bridge gap simplified synthetic communities complexity natural plantmicrobe systems | 10.3389/fneur.2024.1356920 |
Sylva Agnete Charlotte Heise, Sandra Wissing, Verena Nerschbach, Ellen Preussing, Andrea Tipold, Christin Kleinsorgen | Evaluation of an Interprofessional Blended Learning Course Focusing on Communication within Veterinary Teams | 2,024 | Animals : an open access journal from MDPI | rise mass casualty incidents training hemorrhage control using tourniquets championed basicand lifesavingprocedure bystanders medical professionals alike current standard training inperson ip courses limited based instructor availability virtual reality vr demonstrated potential improve accuracy certain medical tasks yet developed hemorrhage control objective study evaluate efficacy vr hemorrhage trainer learner retention tourniquet application compared traditional ip instructor teaching among cohort emergency medicine residents practicing level trauma center prospective observational study 53 emergency medicine residents innercity program participants randomly assigned either control vr group day 0 residents underwent training session ip vs vr proper stepwise application tourniquet defined american college trauma surgeons participant assessed application tourniquet blinded instructor using national registry hemorrhage control skills lab rubric 3 months resident reevaluated rubric subsequent data analysis successful tourniquet placement measured 90 time completion 53 participants ip training group initial pass rate 97 2829 compared 92 2224 vr group p 058 retention testing ip training group pass rate 95 2021 compared 90 1820 vr group p 062 stratifying success tourniquet placement level resident training demonstrate statistically significant differences pilot study emergency medicine residents found significant differences successful hemorrhage control tourniquet placement trained vr compared traditional ip course among emergency medicine residents studies greater power needed results suggest vr may useful adjunct traditional ip medical training | 10.3390/ani14050729 |
Anita Elaine Weidmann | Artificial intelligence in academic writing and clinical pharmacy education: consequences and opportunities | 2,024 | International journal of clinical pharmacy | rising prevalence agerelated eye diseases prevention early diagnosis conditions key goals public eye health diseaserelated knowledge general public supports goals little data available thus assessed knowledge cataract glaucoma agerelated macular degeneration amd diabetic eye disease german adult general population crosssectional study identified target groups health education interventions knowledge assessment content identified based literature review expert input list items generated qualitative selection process resulting 16item instrument 4 items per condition administered 1008 participants survey panel demographically representative adult german population test properties evaluated based rasch model multiple correspondence analysis mca binarylogistic regression analysis performed investigate associations age sex education level employment status marital status income reported health status visual difficulties recent general practitioner gp ophthalmologist consultations replies correct median 9 16 range 2 16 items differed conditions p 00001 responses correct cataract items median 3 4 least correct amd items median 2 4 27 9 1 19 respondents replied correctly cataract glaucoma amd diabetic eye diseaserelated items respectively rasch analysis suggested adequate targeting items mca evidence multidimensionality present older age retired decreased general health recent gp ophthalmology consultations significantly associated knowledge common eye conditions p 0005 gp ophthalmology consultations remained significant multivariable model p 0011 knowledge gaps regarding eye health considerable german general population therefore addressed educational interventions targeting public special attention designing campaigns needs paid infrequent users healthcare system knowledge amd seems poorer compared eye conditions | 10.1007/s11096-024-01705-1 |
Sateesh B Arja, Sireesha Bala Arja, Kumar Ponnusamy, Praveen Kottath Veetil, Simi Paramban, Yoshita Chandru Laungani | Medical Education Electives Can Promote Teaching and Research Interests Among Medical Students | 2,024 | Advances in medical education and practice | view maintaining reputation wineproducing regions among consumers minimising economic losses caused wine fraud achieving purpose datadriven terroir classification use absorbancetransmission fluorescence excitationemission matrix ateem technique shown great potential based molecular fingerprinting sample effects changes wine composition due ageing stability ateem models time addressed however classification wine blends required investigation thus ateem data combined extreme gradient boosting discriminant analysis xgbda algorithm build classification models based range shiraz research wines n 217 five barossa valley subregions four vintages aged bottle several years spectral fingerprinting machine learning approach revealed 100 class prediction accuracy based crossvalidation cv model results vintage year 988 unknown sample prediction accuracy splitting wine samples training test sets obtain classification models modelling prediction subregional production area showed class cv prediction accuracy 995 unknown sample prediction accuracy 938 modelling split dataset inputting subset current ateem data models generated previously barossa subregion wines yielded 100 accurate prediction vintage year 20182020 wines 92 accuracy subregion 2018 wines 91 accuracy subregion using 2021 wine spectral data included original modelling satisfactory results also obtained modelling prediction blended samples vintages subregions significance considering practice wine blending | 10.2147/AMEP.S453964 |
Seyed Reza Saadatmehr, Abouali Vedadhir, Akram Sanagoo, Leila Jouybari | Raising patients hope in despair: The culture of nursing care of burn pain: An ethnographic study | 2,023 | Journal of education and health promotion | advancements treatment chronic liver disease cld including liver transplantation lt quality life satisfaction lt become important issue pediatric patients parents evidencebased information needed describe assess impact pediatric cld parents satisfaction parents treatment better understand needs assess satisfaction parents pediatric lt patients parents pediatric cld patients survey data collected parents pediatric patients underwent lt january 2010 april 2017 lt group n 91 parents pediatric patients chronic liver disease cld group n 94 group comparisons made based pediatric healthrelated quality life pedsql health care parent satisfaction scale impact family scale ifs demographic characteristics pedsql administered parents phone interview results used assess health carerelated satisfaction parents ifs used assess impact childs cld status family demographic variables education level elementary vs middle vs high vs university monthly income low vs middle vs high place residence village vs town vs city compared cld lt parent groups finally pedsql ifs results also analyzed according demographic variables total 185 parents aged 19 65 years included statistically significant differences lt cld groups terms career p 0001 monthly income p 0016 education level p 0041 according pedsql results family inclusion communication technical skills emotional needs overall satisfaction significantly different groups lt group consistently higher scores p 0001 additionally scores ifs parameters financial impact familialsocial impact personal strain total impact consistently higher lt group p 0001 statistically significant relationships education level monthly income place residence according ifs results pedsql results inverse relationships difficulties parents experience childs health education levels monthly income place residence however relationship found education level monthly income place residence satisfaction health care services provided hospital according pedsql results parents children underwent lt satisfied health care services provided children however difficulties parents children cld | 10.4103/jehp.jehp_1807_22 |
Yoonjung Lee, Jayoung Park, Woong-Han Kim, Jwa-Seop Shin, Hyun Bae Yoon | Beyond the surface: unraveling global health curriculum insights through interviews of learners and educators using the CIPP model | 2,024 | Korean journal of medical education | advances vehicle emission control technology updating source profiles meet current requirements source apportionment become increasingly crucial study onroad nonroad vehicle particles collected chemical compositions individual particles analyzed using single particle aerosol mass spectrometry data grouped using adaptive resonance theory neural network identify signatures establish mass spectral database mobile sources addition deep learningbased model deepaerosolclassifier classifying aerosol particles established objective model accomplish source apportionment training process model achieved accuracy 9849 validation set accuracy 9336 testing set regarding model interpretation ideal spectra generated using model verifying accurate recognition characteristic patterns mass spectra practical application model performed hourly source apportionment three specific field monitoring sites effectiveness model field measurement validated combining traffic flow spatial information model results compared machine learning methods model achieved highly automated source apportionment eliminating need feature selection enables endtoend operation thus future applied refined online source apportionment particulate matter | 10.3946/kjme.2024.283 |
Mahla Salajegheh, Azadeh Rooholamini, Ali Norouzi | Investigating the role of clinical exposure on motivational self-regulation skills in medical students based on cognitive apprenticeship model | 2,024 | BMC medical education | challenges facing nhs current time specialist nurses fundamental important part everexpanding nhs workforce furthermore specialist nurses possess diversity wide range advanced skills field rheumatology nhs hospitals specialist nurses play key role biologic services ensure patients promptly started biological therapy control disease important element workup ability comment unreported chest radiograph facilitate biological prescription studies shown limited expertise among nondoctors required skills review unreported chest xrays confidently authors paper sought explore whether case among specialist nurses involved biologic prescription service among clinicians service online questionnaire designed authors included seven questions responses collected 5point likert scale trainee doctors nontrainee grade doctors specialist nurses involved biologic prescribing team rheumatology dermatology gastroenterology invited total 56 responses obtained analyzed descriptive inferential statistics obtained data determine statistical difference responses trainee doctors specialist nurses kruskalwallis statistical test used post hoc test using dunnbonferroni test used analyze statistically significant results regarding chest xray interpretation prior starting biological treatment 8 specialist nurses reported confident whereas 63 trainees reported confident kruskalwallis test revealed significant difference specialist nurses doctors confidence interpreting unreported chest radiographs pvalue 0001 thus available data null hypothesis rejected dunnbonferroni test post hoc test showed based available data assumed two groups different levels confidence specialist nurses trainee doctors chest xray interpretation skills vital specialist nurses context biological therapy prescriptions therefore recommend access resources ongoing formal training educational sessions help specialist nurses maintain advanced skill sets broaden scope practice without required expertise | 10.1186/s12909-024-05253-0 |
Sen Yang, Huaxin Zhao, Hanzhi Zhang, Junpeng Wang, Hua Jin, Kyle Stirling, Xuhua Ge, Le Ma, Zhen Pu, Xiaomin Niu, Dehua Yu | Current status and continuing medical education need for general practitioners in Tibet, China: a cross-sectional study | 2,024 | BMC medical education | advancement digital technology excessive screen time become grave concern pushed researchers practitioners focus digital wellbeing screen time covid19 increased result public health measures enforced governments curb pandemic global societies lockdown medium stay socio emotionally connected digital one lack comprehensive empirical overviews screen time covid19 era present literature prompted us conduct review present review attempts understand virtual social connectedness excessive use digital technology consequences suggest strategies maintain healthy use digital technology results reveal screen time increased drastically covid19 though mixed consequences prolonged screen time use blurred understanding healthy unhealthy social connectedness digital media suggestions negative implications physical mental health warrant strict need inculcating healthy digital habits especially knowing digital technology stay grow time | 10.1186/s12909-024-05143-5 |
Bill Nguyen, Janki Solanki, Eugene Ong | Exploring pharmacists' perceptions of using a clinical supervision skills competency tool to reflect and develop their supervisory practices | 2,024 | Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning | aging global population advancements medical technology urgent need innovative gerontological nursing education programs study aimed develop evaluate innovative gerontological nursing intervention mapping initiative training education ignite program program digital platformbased postgraduate nursing curriculum employs intervention mapping approach ima transformative learning theory address evolving needs gerontological nursing ignite programs development process encompassed comprehensive approach including needs assessment mapping course objectives integration theorybased methods strategies course design implementation rigorous evaluation pilot evaluation study involved pre posttests focused ageism attitudes towards elder care knowledge older adults transformative behavior change program satisfaction findings revealed significant improvements across dimensions affirming effectiveness program program leveraged experiential learning critical reflection rational discourse facilitate transformative educational experiences notably pre posttest comparisons showed marked improvements attitudes towards older adult care dementia care knowledge participants expressed high satisfaction program significant reported changes transformative behaviors study also illuminated initial negative attitudes clinical nurses towards older adults underscored importance transformative learning experiences fostering empathy understanding ignite program lays foundational framework developing educational materials promote transformative learning selfreflection among healthcare professionals approach lead innovative nursing practices personal growth application ima transformative learning theory gerontological nursing education shows significant promise future research focus exploring longterm impacts programs applicability diverse healthcare settings | 10.1016/j.cptl.2024.02.002 |
Catherine Wymer, Ravi Patel, Mario C Browne, Christian A Fernandez | A co-curricular mentoring experience provides student pharmacists with areas for professional growth | 2,024 | Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning | estimated 12 5 million dogs uk alone many people acquire dog point lives however gaps understanding uk owners decide get dogs using mixedmethods convergent design study identified reasoning behind dog acquisition sample uk current prospective owners online survey current n 8050 potential n 2884 dog owners collected quantitative qualitative data current owners asked acquisition recently acquired dog whilst potential owners asked dog ownership aspirations additional qualitative data collected semistructured interviews current n 166 potential n 10 dog owners interviews focused factors affected people acquire dogs survey responses companionship respondent common reason wanting get dog reported 794 878 current potential owners respectively facilitating exercise reported reason wanting get dog 482 697 current potential owners respectively significant differences current potential owners likelihood reporting predefined reasons factors influences involved decision get dog compared current owners potential owners significantly likely report motivated survey response options offered including companionship adults household helping dog need lifestyle changes previous experiences meeting dogs suggesting current ownership status may affect experience andor reporting expectations around dog ownership reflexive thematic analysis qualitative data confirmed importance motivations identified additional reasons factors drive dog acquisition organized three overarching themes selfrelated motivation socialbased motivation dogrelated positive affectbased motivation findings provide insights owners expectations ownership may inform development interventions support potential owners decisionmaking around acquisition maximize dog human welfare | 10.1016/j.cptl.2024.02.006 |
Paula Bresolin, Simen A Steindal, Hanne Maria Bingen, Jaroslav Zlamal, Jussara Gue Martini, Eline Kaupang Petersen, Andréa Aparecida Gonçalves Nes | Technology-Supported Guidance Models to Stimulate Nursing Students' Self-Efficacy in Clinical Practice: Scoping Review | 2,024 | JMIR nursing | ever increasing amount research data available becomes constantly important possess data literacy skills benefit valuable resource integrative course developed teach students fundamentals data literacy engaging genome sequencing project cohort students performed planning experiment dna extraction nanopore sequencing genome sequence assembly prediction genes assembled sequence assignment functional annotation terms predicted genes students learned communicate science writing protocol form scientific paper providing comments peerreview process presenting findings part international symposium many students enjoyed opportunity project work towards meaningful objective | 10.2196/54443 |
Shelley I Gray, M Jeanne Wilcox, Mark Reiser | Efficacy of the Teaching Early Literacy and Language Curriculum With Preschoolers From Low-Income Families | 2,024 | Language, speech, and hearing services in schools | increase robotassisted surgery across specialties adequate training credentialing strategies need identified ensure patients safety metaanalysis assesses transferability technical surgical skills laparoscopic surgery open surgery robotassisted surgery systematic search conducted medline cochrane central register controlled trials web science outcomes categorized time process product composite outcome measures pooled separately using hedgesg standardized mean difference smd subgroup analyses performed assess effect study design virtual reality platforms task difficulty 14120 screened studies 30 included qualitative synthesis 26 quantitative synthesis technical surgical skill transfer demonstrated laparoscopic robotassisted surgery composite smd 040 95confidence interval ci 019 062 time smd 062 ci 033 091 vice versa composite smd 066 ci 033 099 time basic skills smd 036 ci 001 072 skill transfer seen open robotassisted surgery limited available data technical surgical skills transferred laparoscopic robotassisted surgery vice versa robotassisted laparoscopic surgical skills training credentialing regarded separately reasonable combination could shorten overall training times increase efficiency previous experience open surgery considered imperative prerequisite training robotassisted surgery recommendations studies assessing skill transfer proposed increase comparability significance future studies prospero crd42018104507 | 10.1044/2024_LSHSS-23-00140 |
U Sujatha, V Rajasekaran | Optimising listening skills: Analysing the effectiveness of a blended model with a top-down approach through cognitive load theory | 2,024 | MethodsX | increasing number doctor nursing practice dnp graduates volume peerreviewed journal publications among dnpprepared nurses rising primary aim study quantify analyze categorize dnpauthored peerreviewed journal publications descriptive research design used analyze dnpauthored peerreviewed journal publications worldcat ebsco discovery service pubmed databases 2011 2021 3839 journal publications included least one dnpprepared nurse author 2495 65 publications dnp first author 921 24 dnp solo author 2918 76 included publication collaboration majority publications practice 40 nursing 17 educationfocused 15 science translation evidencebased practice quality improvement publications accounted 24 study demonstrates proliferation dnpauthored peerreviewed journal publications may indicate increase number nursing care quality initiatives occurring clinical setting | 10.1016/j.mex.2024.102630 |
Shady I Soliman, William McGuire, Tricia Santos, Charlie Goldberg, Charles Coffey, Darcy Wooten | Chalk Talks for the Clinical Setting: Evaluation of a Medical Education Workshop for Fellows | 2,024 | MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources | chinas economic social development entering new era improvement miners living standards safety production conditions coal mine bound new impact safety needs miners order explore structural changes miners safety demands new era research adopts secondorder confirmatory factor analysis method investigate miners six coal mining enterprises based koffkas cognitive psychology theory firstly according interaction behavioral environment selfregulation coal miners six potential variables affecting miners safety psychology material satisfaction nonskill internal causes professionalism emotional attribution safety atmosphere organizational management selected potential variable subdivided 3 observation variables total 18 observation variables 3tier comprehensive structural model miners safety psychology constructed takes account evaluation path integration results showed affected interaction various potential variables degree intensity influence factor miners safety psychology different among emotional attribution significant factor affecting miners safety psychology influence organizational management slightly less important emotional attribution organizational management positive impact material satisfaction nonskill internal factors occupational literacy material satisfaction safety atmosphere strong impacts miners safety psychology impact nonskill factors miners safety psychology lower factors different previous studies aspect | 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11385 |
Tanja Hakkarainen, Leena Salminen, Mika Alastalo, Heli Virtanen | Online degree programmes in nurse education-Students' perceptions and academic performance: An integrative review | 2,024 | Nurse education today | differences apparent gut microbiome mild cognitive impairment mci dementia risk factors dementia linked alterations gut microbiome question remains gut microbiome characteristics may mediate associations education mci sought examine potential mediation association education mci gut microbiome diversity composition crosssectional study luxembourg greater region surrounding areas belgium france germany control participants luxembourg parkinsons study gut microbiome composition ascertained 16s rrna gene amplicon sequencing differential abundance assessed across education groups 010 1116 16 years education alpha diversity chao1 shannon inverse simpson indices mediation analysis effect decomposition conducted education exposure mci outcome gut microbiome metrics mediators exclusion participants 50 missing data n258 participants n58 mci included sd age646 83 years higher education 16 years associated mci odds ratio natural direct effect035 95 ci 015081 streptococcus lachnospiraceaeucg001 genera abundant higher education education associated gut microbiome composition mci risk without clear evidence mediation however results suggest signatures gut microbiome identified previously ad mci reflected lower education suggest education important covariate microbiome studies | 10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106148 |
Saqib Kamran Bakhshi, Noreen Afzal, Asma Altaf Hussain Merchant, Komal Abdul Rahim, Namra Qadeer Shaikh, Ali Aahil Noorali, Maryam Pyar Ali Lakhdir, Muhammad Tariq, Adil H Haider | Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum Reforms in Pakistan: A Mixed Methods Study of Academic Leadership Perspectives | 2,024 | Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges | emerging automated driving systems ads representing automated vehicles avs level 3 higher classified society automotive engineers several av manufacturers testing vehicles public roadways us safety performance avs become major concern transportation industry several adsequipped vehicle crashes reported national highway traffic safety administration nhtsa recent years scrutinizing crashes reveal rare complex scenarios beyond normal capabilities av technologies called edge cases investigating edgecase crashes helps av companies prepare vehicles handle unusual scenarios improves traffic safety analyzing nhtsa data july 2021 february 2023 study utilizes unsupervised machine learning technique hierarchical clustering identify edge cases adsequipped vehicle crashes fifteen 189 observations identified edge cases representing 8 population injuries occurred 10 crashes 19 189 proportion rose 27 edge cases 4 15 edge cases based results edge cases could initiated avs humans infrastructureenvironment combination humans identified one contributors onset edgecase crashes 60 edge cases 9 15 edge cases main scenarios edge cases include unlawful behaviors crash partners absence safety driver within av precrash disengagement complex events challenging ads eg unexpected obstacles unclear road markings sudden unexpected changes traffic flow abrupt road congestion sudden stopped traffic crash identifying investigating edge cases crucial improving transportation safety building public trust avs | 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005683 |
Bishal Gyawali, Bishesh Sharma Poudyal, Laura M Carson, Colleen Savage, Ramila Shilpakar, Scott Berry | The differential needs and expectations from general practitioners in oncology between high-income countries and low- and-middle-income countries: results from a survey of Canadian and Nepali oncologists | 2,024 | Ecancermedicalscience | evidencebased dentistry ebd farreaching influence oral healthcare dental educators worldwide made joint efforts integrate ebdrelated knowledge skills dental education present scoping review aims identify summarize existing teaching contents teaching methods assessment strategies ebd education electronic pubmed embase manual searches performed identify articles related dental education evidencebased practice based predetermined eligibility criteria articles selected 2 reviewers independently duplicate data synthesis conducted based teaching contents teaching strategies teaching assessment 1758 articles found literature searches 74 deemed eligible included review total 4 basic skills problem formulation literature searching critical appraisal research methodology 5 teaching methods 6 assessment strategies identified articles 2 skills taught combination traditional strategies teaching assessment eg courses questionnaire survey involved teaching methods journal clubs workshops seldom used validated assessment tools accounted relatively small proportion assessment strategies involved contents methods assessment ebd education widely studied discussed however current literature focuses mainly teaching critical appraisal skills traditional teaching methods shortterm outcome assessments future research area aimed integrating ebdrelated skills educational models studying multifaceted teaching approaches developing comprehensive teaching outcome assessment methods based validated tools dental patientreported outcomes | 10.3332/ecancer.2024.1673 |
Huilin Zhang, Tingting Lv, Lezhi Li, Fengzhi Chen, Shijia He, Daoqun Ding | Nurse Life-and-Death Education From the Perspective of Chinese Traditional Culture | 2,024 | Omega | federal policy beginning shift autocentric planning provision pedestrian bicycle access mandated federally supported projects however field transportation planning little way theory methods guide design planning walkable cities walkability increasingly valued variety reasons pedestrian transportation reduce congestion low environmental impact social recreational value recent research suggests walking also promotes mental physical health quality pedestrian environment key encouraging people choose walking driving six criteria presented design successful pedestrian network 1 connectivity 2 linkage modes 3 fine grained land use patterns 4 safety 5 quality path 6 path context achieve walkable cities united states necessary assess current walkability conditions revise standards regulations research walking behavior varied settings promote public education participation pedestrian planning encourage collaboration interdisciplinary education transportation engineers design professions | 10.1177/00302228241236981 |
Ndivhuwo P Netshivhumbe, Awelani V Mudau | Challenges in the application of the Tshivenda scientific register in the teaching and learning of state of matter and the kinetic molecular theory in grade 10 physical sciences classrooms | 2,023 | F1000Research | resources little time professional development science education leaders need ways efficiently disseminate effective pedagogical practices improve instruction support science teachers shaked schecter 2016 efficient leader strategies especially important teachers districts face reforms existing standards one potential avenue dissemination leveraging informal social networks teachers therefore necessary map interpret informal teacher networks describe case study involving partnership university researchers district science curriculum specialist collected survey data map district teacher informal adviceseeking networks also describe kinds network analysis information science education leaders use make strategic decisions costs benefits efforts directed teachers eg workshops annual professional development time directed highly connected teachers become already informal leaders communities | 10.12688/f1000research.131616.2 |
Reem S Abu-Rustum, Margarita Berwick, Jessica Heft | Successful Implementation of the AIUM Standardized 4-Year Residency Ultrasound Curriculum in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Lessons Learned and Way Forward | 2,024 | Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine | global cesarean section rates rising theres concern increase obstetric vesicouterine fistula ovuf little known anatomoclinical entity obstetric fistula africa general drc particular purpose describe epidemiological clinical therapeutic aspects ovuf democratic republic congo drc descriptive crosssectional study data collected patients presented ovuf across seven provinces drc north kivu hautul kasai central kwilu maniema nordubangi sankuru january 2017 december 2022 study variables epidemiological clinical therapeutic features 1267 patients presenting obstetric fistulas 355 280 ovuf mean age 329 116 years 806 patients 286355 lived rural areas majority low level education 40 formal education 301 primary school 287 secondary school total 648 patients primiparous 230355 100 cases ovuf caused iatrogenically cesarean delivery majority 763 patients laboured one day less mean duration 10 05 days giving birth fetus died 583 cases 358 cases fistula lasted 10 years mean age 101 100 years repair proportion 882 n 313 ovuf isolated 113 n 40 associated ureterovaginal fistula 828 n 294 cases ovuf single average fistula size 24 10 cm range 05 55 cm 274 772 fistulas measured 15 3 cm 149 n 53 larger 3 cm fibrosis present 651 cases cervical involvement absent 977 postoperative complications absent 944 cases ovuf surgically repaired abdominally success rate 975 346355 proportion ovuf relatively high drc affected patients young undereducated primiparous women living rural areas cesarean section sole identified cause ovuf isolated single without fibrosis majority cases abdominal repair ovuf effective good results almost cases teaching young doctors working mainly remote areas perform safe cesarean section needed reduce incidence ovuf drc | 10.1002/jum.16439 |
Sara Alberti, Valeria Vannini, Luca Ghirotto, Loris Bonetti, Sergio Rovesti, Paola Ferri | Learning to teach with patients and caregivers: a focused ethnography | 2,024 | BMC medical education | increased emphasis placed entrepreneurial thinking acting todays careers witnessed growing research entrepreneurial selfefficacy ese last two decades present study provides systematic review literature theoretical foundations measurement antecedents outcomes ese work treats ese moderator based review agenda future research developed implications entrepreneurship education training highlighted need consider alternative theoretical perspectives improve understanding ese influences outcomes different levels analysis highlighted addition review identifies need examine factors drive shortterm fluctuations longterm changes ese b examine developmental precursors ese childhood adolescence early adulthood c examine negativecurvilinear effects ese investigate whether ese treated collective level phenomenon e look effects ese outcomes outside entrepreneurial contexts f improve measurement research design | 10.1186/s12909-024-05197-5 |
Mahnaz Zali, Azad Rahmani, Hadi Hassankhani, Hossein Namdar-Areshtanab, Neda Gilani, Arman Azadi, Mansour Ghafourifard | Critical care nurses' experiences of caring challenges during post-resuscitation period: a qualitative content analysis | 2,024 | BMC nursing | increased life expectancy chinese population coupled chronic disease care needs people end life attracting much attention home hospice care help dying older adult achieve comfort maintain dignity home however dying home means great responsibility challenge family caregivers many unmet needs study aimed investigate home hospice care needs family caregivers older adult people chronic diseases end life china analyze influencing factors home hospice care needs caregivers crosssectional study may september 2023 4 community health service centers selected stratified sampling seven administrative districts jinzhou city liaoning province home hospice care piloted 224 family caregivers selected communities seven community service centers simple random sampling method general information questionnaire home hospice care needs questionnaire developed research group used investigate univariate analysis used compare differences scores different characteristics factors significant differences selected multivariate linear regression analysis determine final influencing factors total score hospice care needs family caregivers 12161 1524 among endoflife knowledge need dimension score 2404 271 highest score index 8013 symptom control need score 1558 339 lowest score index 6232 addition caregivers caregiving experience dying older adult longer disease duration dying older adult higher levels education factors influencing total need home hospice care among family caregivers variance explained 227 needs family caregivers terminally ill older adult high healthcare professionals implement services meet multidimensional needs improve quality care according factors affecting needs | 10.1186/s12912-024-01814-2 |
Nicholas Shabanowitz, Nicholas R Nelson, Jo Ellen Rodgers, Denise H Rhoney | Student Pharmacists Provide Similar Quality Clinical Reasoning Feedback as Resident Teaching Assistants | 2,024 | American journal of pharmaceutical education | increased numbers women employed childrens first year life increased attention paid parents policy makers importance early experiences children establishing links might exist early maternal employment child cognitive outcomes important ever negative associations maternal employment first year life childrens cognitive outcomes age 3 later ages reported using data national longitudinal survey youthchild supplement however known whether findings would replicated another study whether results due features child care eg quality type home environment eg provision learning andor parenting eg sensitivity study explored issues using data 900 european american children national institute child health human development study early child care provides information child cognitive scores 15 24 36 months well data home environment assessed home observation measurement environment scale parental sensitivity childcare quality type first 3 years life maternal employment ninth month found linked lower bracken school readiness scores 36 months effects pronounced mothers working 30 hr per week effects pronounced certain subgroups ie children whose mothers sensitive boys children married parents although quality child care home environment maternal sensitivity also mattered negative effects working 30 hr per week first 9 months still found even controlling childcare quality quality home environment maternal sensitivity implications policy also discussed | 10.1016/j.ajpe.2024.100677 |
Anne-Marie Brady, Jennifer Fortune, Ahmed Hassan Ali, Geraldine Prizeman, Wing Ting To, Grainne Courtney, Kama Stokes, Miriam Roche | Multidisciplinary user experience of a newly implemented electronic patient record in Ireland: An exploratory qualitative study | 2,024 | International journal of medical informatics | increasing availability immediate patient access pathology reports imperative physicians equipped discuss pathology reports patients validated measures exist assess pathology report findings communicated patient encounters pilot scoring rubric evaluating medical students communication pathology reports standardized patients rubric iteratively developed using pathology competencies medical education accreditation council graduate medical education pathology residency milestones brief training third fourthyear medical students completed 2 standardized patient encounters presenting simulated benign malignant pathology reports encounters video recorded scored 2 pathologists calculate overall itemspecific interrater reliability students recognized need pathology report teaching lacking medical curriculum interrater agreement high malignant report scores intraclass correlation coefficient 065 negligible benign reports intraclass correlation coefficient 0 malignant reports items demonstrated good interrater agreement except discussing block cassette summary explaining purpose pathology report acknowledging uncertainty participating students n 9 felt training valuable given limited prior exposure pathology reports pilot study demonstrates feasibility using structured rubric assess communication pathology reports patients findings also provide scalable example training pathology report communication incorporated undergraduate medical curriculum equip physicians facilitate patients understanding pathology reports | 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2024.105399 |
F Karpouzis, R Lindberg, A Walsh, S Shah, G Abbott, K Ball | Impact and process evaluation of a primary-school Food Education and Sustainability Training (FEAST) program in 10-12-year-old children in Australia: pragmatic cluster non-randomized controlled trial | 2,024 | BMC public health | increasing frequency patients asked make complex decisions cancer screening prevention treatment decisions fraught emotion cognitive difficulty simultaneously many americans low numeracy skills making cognitive demands even greater whenever often case patients presented risk statistics asked make comparisons risks benefits multiple options make informed medical decisions commentary highlight 10 methods empirically shown improve patients understanding risk benefit information andor decision making methods range presenting absolute risks using frequencies rather presenting relative risks using risk format clarifies treatment changes risks preexisting baseline levels using plain language provide recommendations healthcare providers health educators best communicate complex medical information patients including using plain language pictographs absolute risks instead relative risks | 10.1186/s12889-024-18079-8 |
Amy Winn, Esther Kikelomo Afolabi, Mary Bifarin, Temidayo Avwioro, Olusegun Isaac Alatise, Peter T Kingham, Margaret Barton-Burke | Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of chemotherapy management among nurses at Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife, Nigeria | 2,024 | Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing | increasing numbers patients novel drugs distinct causes systolic diastolic heart failure automated assessment cardiac function important aimed provide noninvasive method predict diagnosis patients undergoing cardiac mri cmri obtain left ventricular enddiastolic pressure lvedp modelling study patients undergone cardiac catheterisation university hospital heidelberg heidelberg germany july 15 2004 march 16 2023 identified individual left ventricular pressure measurements used existing patient data routine cardiac diagnostics initial group extracted patients diagnosed ischaemic cardiomyopathy dilated cardiomyopathy hypertrophic cardiomyopathy amyloidosis well control individuals structural phenotype data pseudonymised processed within university hospitals ai infrastructure used data build different models predict either demographic ie aiage aisex diagnostic ie aicoronary artery disease aicardiomyopathy aicmp functional parameters ie ailvedp randomly divided datasets via computer training validation test datasets aicmp compared models validated prospective setting benchmarking also done 66 936 patients undergone cardiac catheterisation university hospital heidelberg identified 183 772 individual left ventricular pressure measurements extracted 4390 patients initial group 1131 258 diagnosed ischaemic cardiomyopathy 1064 242 diagnosed dilated cardiomyopathy 816 186 diagnosed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 202 46 diagnosed amyloidosis 1177 267 control individuals structural phenotype core cohort included patients cardiac catherisation cmri within 30 days emergency cases excluded aisex able predict patient sex areas receiver operating characteristic curves aucs 078 95 ci 077078 aiage able predict patient age mean absolute error 786 years 777795 pearson correlation 057 95 ci 056057 aucs classification tasks ranged 082 95 ci 079084 ischaemic cardiomyopathy 092 091094 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ai models could easily integrated clinical practice provide added value information content cmri allowing disease classification prediction diastolic function informatics life initiative klaustschira foundation german center cardiovascular research ecardiology section german cardiac society ai health innovation cluster heidelberg | 10.1016/j.apjon.2023.100371 |
Tyler B Becker, Vanessa N Cardino, James Lucas, Jenifer I Fenton | Teaching critical thinking in nutritional sciences: a model course and assignments | 2,024 | Advances in physiology education | increasing pressure placement capacity allied health students need novel creative means students develop foundational skills prepare practicebased learning opportunities arisen study aimed explore experiences domestic international firstyear students completing preclinical preparation programs contrasting inperson simulation online options contribute best practice evidence program design delivery firstyear students physiotherapy podiatry occupational therapy selfselected either oneweeklong inperson simulation program online preparation placement program integrative mixedmethods approach employed qualitative findings student focus groups analyzed reflexive thematic analysis complemented quantitative prepost questionnaires examined patterns findings 53 student participants study simulation n 29 online n 24 selfselecting international students disproportionately opted simulation program older students disproportionately selected online program students appeared benefit simulation program online program alignment focus group findings quantitative questionnaire data inperson simulation allowed students apply learning practice patient communication simulation students reported asubsequent increase confidence although seemed particularly marked international students contrast online program effective developing students clinical reasoning proficiency documentation programs faced minor challenges student perceived relevance skill development online inperson simulation preparation programs perceived enhance readiness foundational skills development novice allied health students practical nature simulation generating advantageous findings study provides useful information benefits challenges types delivery foundational skills development andor clinical preparation allied health students | 10.1152/advan.00177.2023 |
Rahila Mushtaq, Mansoor Ghani, Naveeda Iqbal, Samina Kausar, Misbah Hanif, Sumera Jabeen | Exploring the live experiences of the nursing faculty, working in public sector institutions of Punjab regarding educational transformation from diploma to degree programme | 2,024 | JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association | increasing school refusal among elementary school children qualitatively examined associated factors elementary school teachers underwent semistructured interviews data generated analyzed using scat conducted interviews 27 teachers 18 men nine women responsible children refusing attend school analyzed verbatim transcripts interviews abstracted six constructs school refusal underdeveloped interpersonal skills families difficulty supporting children attend school low selfesteem diverse views school refusal tenuous relationships among local community members environment games media easily accessible children refusing attend school may unable relate well people owing underdeveloped interpersonal skills may low selfesteem regarding home environment children positive school life living families difficulty supporting children attend school may make children less likely tenuous relationships local community members decline involvement people around children family members encouraging school attendance recently diverse views school refusal accepted increasingly parents children likely choose spend time outside school environment games media easily accessible may make easy relate people without attending school undermining need school attendance | 10.47391/JPMA.9630 |
Anke van der Merwe, Corlia Janse van Vuuren | Creating transformational learning experiences for 21st century healthcare students through preclinical skills training at a South African university | 2,024 | BMC medical education | many western societies structured adults live longer take responsibility health valuable investigate older persons reason demand using mixed methods pilot studied older persons reason responsibility health responsibility patient interviews small swedish sample 6584 year olds analyzed qualitative characteristics quantitative complexity reasoning using adult development theory predicted least three different stages performance reasoning results indicated four different stages two actual reasoning health responsibility two reasoning occur qualitatively different results suggest longstanding blind spot health studies older people comprehend responsibility issues way significant implications closing gap demand take responsibility capabilities | 10.1186/s12909-024-05177-9 |
Sarah Amin, Sundus Ambreen, Noor Ul-Ain, Tasneem Murad, Khadeejah Sajwani, Aasma Qaiser | Professionalism Program Evaluation and Its Impact on Undergraduate Medical Students | 2,024 | Cureus | mental anxiety caused covid19 pandemic trend lying become increasingly prevalent among chinese college students thinking ahead decadent abandonment weak daily particularly chinese double non college students likely face academic burnout ab due lower school satisfaction afterdegree employment ratio comparison double firstclass college students view present study examined structural relationships physical exercise pe mobile phone addiction mpa learning engagement le ab among chinese double non college students aiming exploring corresponding mechanism provide supportive guidance alleviating potential ab study adopted crosssectional survey approach among sample double non college students china recruited 930 participants 272 men 658 women second half 20222023 academic year completed questionnaires involving physical exercise rating scale mobile phone dependence index scale utrecht work engagement scalestudent maslach burnout inventorystudent survey series statistical analyses including descriptive statistics bivariate correlations direct indirect effects among study variables proceeded based collected data results showed pe directly negatively influence ab also indirectly negatively influence ab mediation mpa well chain mediation mpa le pe significantly indirect effect ab via le physical exercise proved effective way reduce mpa enhance le consequently leading decreased ab chinese double non college students findings discussed light related research implications future directions put forward application potential theoretical research educational practice | 10.7759/cureus.53051 |
Stefano Terzoni, Cristina Mora, Susanne Vahr Lauridssen, Serge N'Guessan, Chiara Sighinolfi Maria, Giorgia Gaia, Bernardo Rocco, Margarita Afonina, Serena Maruccia, Barbara Pinna, Mauro Parozzi, Paolo Ferrara, Anne Destrebecq, Jerome Marley | Perceived usefulness of the nurse-patient therapeutic relationship in the rehabilitation journey of people with urinary incontinence: A mixed-method study | 2,024 | Neurourology and urodynamics | millions children experiencing acute traumatic events validated screening tools needed research service contexts aimed identify evaluate short forms acute stress checklist children english asckids spanish cuestionario de estrs agudonios cean using data 4 samples ns 254 225 176 80 children recent acute trauma confirmatory factor analyses full checklist largest sample guided item selection 6item 3item short forms across samples short forms asc6asc3 english cea6cea3 spanish correlated acute stress disorder asd symptom severity full checklist r 79 92 interview measure r 52 62 receiver operating curve analyses short form detecting current asd status showed high areas curve 76 95 cutoff scores identified based sample 1 provided acceptable sensitivity 59 100 specificity 57 86 across samples children scoring cutoff screener reported greater concurrent impairment asd symptoms severe posttraumatic stress 3 months later brief measures could expand clinicians researchers ability screen acute posttraumatic stress children | 10.1002/nau.25432 |
Jinxia Jiang, Yue Liu, Peng Han, Jian Zhao, Yan Shi, Yugang Zhuang | Perceptions and experiences of Generation Z nursing students during their practicum in an intensive care unit: A qualitative study | 2,024 | Heliyon | two billion downloads since launch tiktok fastestgrowing videosharing platform worldnbspmany people turn tiktok dermatologic medical information however limited data psoriasis psoriasis treatmentnbspcontent social media platform compare viewer engagement content quality viewer experience psoriasis treatment tiktok videos betweennbspphysicians nonphysicians searched terms psoriasis psoriasis treatment tiktok video characteristics collected content quality evaluated using discern viewer experience assessed using ava viewer engagement significantly differ physicians nonphysician content creators 0033nbspplusminus 0005 vsnbsp0047nbspplusminus 0001 p0066 compared nonphysicians physicians created videos higher quality discern 176nbspplusminus 0058 vs 144nbspplusminus 0032nbspplt0001 greater viewer experience ava 255nbspplusminus 0183 vs 196nbspplusminus 0081 p0001 however room improvement termsnbspof creating videos higher quality physicians nonphysicians tiktok powerful tool promote health literacy dispel misinformation dermatologists may consider focusingnbsptheir efforts creating comprehensive educational content incorporating trending features reach wider audience j drugs dermatol 2024232 doi1036849jdd7050e | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26205 |
Yiqun Lin, Andrew Lockey, Robert Greif, Adam Cheng | The effect of scripted debriefing in resuscitation training: A scoping review | 2,024 | Resuscitation plus | much earlier identification hearing loss come expectations increasing numbers deaf children develop literacy abilities comparable hearing age peers date despite claims literature parallel development hearing deaf learners respect early literacy learning remains case many deaf children go develop ageappropriate reading writing abilities using written language examples deaf hearing children drawing developmental models e ferreiro 1990 olson 1994 discussion focuses ways deaf children draw apart hearing children third stage early literacy development critical move emergent conventional literacy reasons significance deviation explored eye proposing implications pedagogy research reconsider really matters early literacy development deaf children | 10.1016/j.resplu.2024.100581 |
Raquel da Luz Dias, Lara Hazelton, Mandy Esliger, Peggy Alexiadis Brown, Philip G Tibbo, Nachiketa Sinha, Anthony Njoku, Satyanarayana Satyendra, Sanjay Siddhartha, Faisal Rahman, Hugh Maguire, Gerald Gray, Mark Bosma, Deborah Parker, Owen Connolly, Adewale Raji, Alexandra Manning, Alexa Bagnell, Reham Shalaby, Vincent Israel Opoku Agyapong | Distributed Medical Education (DME) in psychiatry: perspectives on facilitators, obstacles, and factors affecting psychiatrists' willingness to engage in teaching activities | 2,024 | BMC medical education | national focus reading math achievement science social studies received less instructional time yet accumulating evidence suggests content knowledge important predictor proficient reading starting design study developed content area literacy instruction cali individualized personalized instructional program kindergarteners fourth graders build science social studies knowledge developed cali implemented general education classrooms multiple iterations n230 students using principles designbased implementation research aims develop cali usable feasible instructional program would potentially improve science social studies knowledge could implemented literacy block without negatively affecting students reading gains ie opportunity cost evaluated efficacy cali randomized controlled field trial 418 students kindergarten fourth grade results reveal cali demonstrates promise useable feasible instructional individualized general education program efficacious improving social studies d22 science d21 knowledge evidence improving oral reading comprehension skills d125 | 10.1186/s12909-024-05178-8 |
Juan C Tellez, Imad Radi, Rodrigo E Alterio, Madhuri B Nagaraj, Haley B Baker, Daniel J Scott, Herbert J Zeh, Patricio M Polanco | Proficiency Levels and Validity Evidence for Scoring Metrics for a Virtual Reality and Inanimate Robotic Surgery Simulation Curriculum | 2,024 | Journal of surgical education | ongoing gaps obesity education delivery health professions canada around world transformative shift needed address mitigate weight bias stigma foster evidencebased approaches obesity assessment care clinical setting obesity canada created evidencebased obesity competencies medical education guide curriculum development assessment evaluation applied health professionals education programs canada across world obesity canada education action team seventeen members health professions education research along students patient experts iterative group consensus process using four guiding principles key enabling obesity competencies created using 2015 canmeds competency framework foundation principles included representation canmeds roles throughout competencies minimizing duplication original canmeds competencies ensuring obesity focused content informed 2020 adult obesity clinical practice guidelines 2019 us obesity medication education collaborative competencies emphasizing patientfocused language throughout total thirteen key competencies thirtyseven enabling competencies make canadian obesity education competencies coecs coecs embed evidencebased approaches obesity care one widely used competencybased frameworks world canmeds crucially competencies outline address mitigate damaging effects weight bias stigma educational clinical settings next steps include creation milestones nested entrustable professional activities national report card obesity education undergraduate medical education canada free open access medication education content including podcasts infographics easier adoption curriculum around world across health professions spectrum | 10.1016/j.jsurg.2024.01.004 |
David R Mann, Christopher S Thomas, Raphael H Parrado, G Tyler Rives, Cynthia L Talley | Future Surgical Leaders: Resident Perception Of Longitudinal Leadership And Non-Technical Skills Curriculum | 2,024 | Journal of surgical education | 1375 identified aboriginal torres strait islander population northern queensland accessing billed 715 health assessment 12month period northern queensland primary health network nqphn embarking ambitious 12month program dramatically improve access health assessments integrated coordinated care first nations people within region supporting primary care providers targeted education training digital health literacy bundles tools nqphn aims facilitate quality culturally safe 715 health assessments manage chronic conditions success program measured using regional practicelevel data focusing number health assessments management plans identified chronic conditions | 10.1016/j.jsurg.2024.01.007 |
Fiona Arundell, Athena Sheehan, Kath Peters | Strategies used by midwives to enhance knowledge and skill development in midwifery students: an appreciative inquiry study | 2,024 | BMC nursing | patients developing complex healthcare medicine needs imperative pharmacy professionals enhance knowledge skills enable advanced level pharmaceutical practice improving service provision supporting patient care uk royal pharmaceutical society rps urging employers incorporate protected time within working week facilitate development currently protected development time pdt well established within pharmacy profession little qualitative data available utility explore pharmacy professionals primary care currently utilise planned protected development time perception onetoone semistructured interviews conducted february march 2023 via microsoft teams pharmacists pharmacy technicians pts pharmacy support workers psws working large health board area scotland established pdt since august 2021 interview recordings transcribed verbatim analysed using inductive thematic framework approach interviews conducted 13 participants 12 female 6 pharmacists 5 pts 2 psws five core themes derived data logistics competing priorities methods development inequalities benefits participants utility pdt variable focused selfdevelopment improve clinical knowledge however supporting development others often taking precedence disparities utility inequity protection service delivery highlighted participants befitted pdt reporting selfassessed improvement confidence competence experience participants pdt typically perceived positive including supporting development improving wellbeing however fostered inequalities needs addressing educational input required provide direction development across four pillars professional practice clinical practice leadership education research promoting advanced practice research required assess impact pdt health outcomes local population | 10.1186/s12912-024-01784-5 |
Weihao Zhang, Miao Jiang, Wei Zhao, Shuai Li, Fan Li, Feifei Feng, Yongjing Wang, Yan Li, Lan Liu | Evaluation of the effectiveness of using flipped classroom in puncture skills teaching | 2,024 | BMC medical education | pediatric obesity rates reaching epidemic scales across united states innovative research identify key factors successful implementation obesity intervention programs increasingly paramount project healthy attitudes produces positive youth happy family centered pediatric obesity prevention program targeting elementary age children families determine whether project happy interventions emphasizing social networks successful small scale evaluation project happy pilot program conducted school public elementary campus solano county california april 2018 may 2018 first year medical students touro university california college osteopathic medicine served family navigators guiding participants 5 week curriculum didactic lessons cooking demonstrations physical exercises eligibility requirements project happy included basic english proficiency confirmed enrollment least one child elementary school willingness attend study sessions primary outcome evaluated shift attitude toward individual health changes body mass index bmi health behaviors assessed secondary outcomes outcomes assessed surveys measurements bmi completed session 1 session 10 4 6 8 month follow sessions initial study participants included seven families consisting elementary school students siblings parents n27 four families n13 completed entire 5 week intervention course study survey results participants attitudes regarding health suggested positive trend toward self efficacy bmi appeared stable increased participants demonstrated retention successful health behaviors 8 months end intervention qualitative reports conscious meals eating valuing nutrition daily basis playing lot outside inside weekends carrying water bottle cooking lot higher percentage respondents final session compared selected option strongly agree following statements healthier family works together 875 final session vs 846 first session drinking water makes healthy 875 final session vs 846 first session moving body makes healthy 875 final session vs 769 first session reach goals even things get way 625 final session vs 462 first session eating fruits veggies make healthy 100 final session vs 923 first session healthy enjoy favorite foods 875 final session vs 667 first session create healthy balanced meal 870 final session vs 750 first session concrete data analysis severely complicated loss study participants follow incomplete data collection project happy showed promising indications evaluated studies larger scale longer duration | 10.1186/s12909-024-05132-8 |
Virginia Deborah Elaine Welter, Merryn Dawborn-Gundlach, Leroy Großmann, Moritz Krell | Adapting a self-efficacy scale to the task of teaching scientific reasoning: collecting evidence for its psychometric quality using Rasch measurement | 2,024 | Frontiers in psychology | pervasive health misinformation mistrust many greatest risk covid19 demonstrated lower vaccine acceptance chicago il surveillance data revealed lower rates vaccine uptake among black latinx individuals compared others partnered two local federally qualified health centers fqhcs develop implement languageconcordant low literacy patient education materials promote covid19 vaccine knowledge acceptance uptake multiphase study included 1 iterative content generation refinement health literacy experts health center providers staff communitydwelling adults 2 materials testing via twoarm randomized experiment among adults latinx communities chicagoland area results indicate english spanishlanguage covid19 fact sheets increase knowledge covid19 vaccination materials publicly available used health centers community organizations promote covid19 vaccination among diverse populations | 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1339615 |
Amy M Sullivan, Margaret M Hayes, Christine P Beltran, Amy P Cohen, Morgan Soffler, Suzanne Cooper, William Wisser, Richard M Schwartzstein | Do we teach critical thinking? A mixed methods study of faculty and student perceptions of teaching and learning critical thinking at three professional schools | 2,024 | Medical teacher | rapid advances information technology massive datasets collected fields science biology chemistry social science useful meaningful information extracted data often statistical learning model fitting massive datasets sample size number predictors large case conventional methods face computational challenges recently innovative effective sampling scheme based leverage scores via singular value decompositions proposed select rows design matrix surrogate full data linear regression analogously variable screening viewed selecting rows design matrix however effective variable selection along line thinking remains elusive article bridge gap propose weighted leverage variable screening method utilizing left right singular vectors design matrix show theoretically empirically predictors selected using method consistently include true predictors linear models also complicated general index models extensive simulation studies show weighted leverage screening method highly computationally efficient effective also demonstrate success identifying carcinoma related genes using spatial transcriptome data | 10.1080/0142159X.2024.2316862 |
Susanne G Johnson, Birgitte Espehaug, Lillebeth Larun, Donna Ciliska, Nina Rydland Olsen | Occupational Therapy Students' Evidence-Based Practice Skills as Reported in a Mobile App: Cross-Sectional Study | 2,024 | JMIR medical education | rapid development sequencing technology continuous accumulation biological big data people capable using bioinformatic skills analyze omics data work biological problems urgently needed workforce highlights importance developing bioinformatics skills early undergraduate curriculum meanwhile coursebased undergraduate research experience cure courses proved effective teaching format many advantages traditional labs lectures introduced implementation cure course bioinformatics data analysis visualization undergraduate students major bioinformatics evaluated learning outcomes able address 10 15 core competencies identified network integrating bioinformatics life sciences education besides results evaluated laboratory course assessment survey demonstrated goals collaboration discovery relevance iteration accomplished course meanwhile significant increase scores final examinations longterm improvement students research ability bioinformatics data analysis visualization also observed summary cure course useful undergraduate students learning related knowledge participate authentic research field bioinformatics | 10.2196/48507 |
Areeba Abid, Avinash Murugan, Imon Banerjee, Saptarshi Purkayastha, Hari Trivedi, Judy Gichoya | AI Education for Fourth-Year Medical Students: Two-Year Experience of a Web-Based, Self-Guided Curriculum and Mixed Methods Study | 2,024 | JMIR medical education | recent advances understanding racial socioeconomic mental health issues medicine relation policy legislation medical professionals increasingly involved local national advocacy efforts frontlines initiatives medical students addition completing required coursework clinical training devote serving patients civic participation burgeoning evidence concerning health care disparities inequity along greater awareness racial socioeconomic discrimination made advocacy essential aspect many students medical training every year thousands medical students join national medical advocacy organizations addition regional state local groups despite rich history medical student involvement advocacy remains much speculation skepticism practice essential component medical profession early initiatives pushing national health insurance world war ii encouraging antidiscrimination policies practices medical students collectively working create change patients efforts banning smoking airplanes creating safe syringe programs protesting police brutality many medical students work tirelessly advocacy despite minimal educational support guidance advocacy process given medical student advocacy continues grow shown measurable successes past authors believe efforts rewarded expanded upon authors examine historical examples medical student advocacy suggest ways advocacy integrated core medical school curricula activities call attention opportunities support students development knowledge skills facilitate legislative change expansion interprofessional collaborations credit curricular updates promote social health equity | 10.2196/46500 |
Lisa Schmitz, Christian S Betz, Arne Böttcher, Sophia M Häußler, Mark Praetorius | [How much digitization do ENT curricula need? : Opportunities and limits from the perspective of students and teachers] | 2,024 | HNO | recent surges covid19 incidence vaccine authorization children aged 5 11 years elementary schools face decisions requirements masking mitigation measures decisions require explicit determination community objectives eg acceptable risk level inschool sarscov2 transmission quantitative estimates consequences changing mitigation measures estimate association adding removing inschool mitigation measures eg masks covid19 outcomes within elementary school community varying student vaccination local incidence rates decision analytic model used agentbased model simulate sarscov2 transmission within school community simulated population students teachers staff household members ie immediate school community transmission evaluated range observed local covid19 incidence 050 cases per 100 000 residents per day assuming 33 infections detected population used model reflected mean size us elementary school including 638 students 60 educators staff members 6 grades 5 classes per grade variant infectiousness representing wildtype virus alpha variant delta variant mitigation effectiveness 0100 reduction inschool secondary attack rate representing increasingly intensive combinations mitigations including masking ventilation student vaccination levels varied main outcomes 1 probability least 1 inschool transmission per month 2 mean increase total infections per month among immediate school community associated reduction mitigation multiple decision thresholds estimated objectives associated outcome sensitivity analyses adult vaccination uptake vaccination effectiveness testing approaches selected scenarios conducted student vaccination coverage 70 less moderate assumptions mitigation effectiveness eg masking mitigation could reduced local case incidence 14 fewer cases per 100 000 residents per day keep mean additional cases associated reducing mitigation 5 fewer cases per month keep probability inschool transmission less 50 per month local case incidence would 4 fewer cases per 100 000 residents per day study inschool mitigation measures eg masks student vaccinations associated substantial reductions transmissions infections level reduction varied across local incidence findings underscore potential role responsive plans deploy mitigation strategies based local covid19 incidence vaccine uptake explicit consideration community objectives | 10.1007/s00106-024-01437-8 |
Nissim Maxim Frija-Gruman, Yvonne Steinert, Mary Ellen Macdonald, Ning-Zi Sun | Learning Through Teaching: How Physicians Learn Medicine in Authentic Clinical Contexts | 2,024 | Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges | representatives different disciplines stressing central importance freedom analyzing poverty emphasizing important policy issues book offers view poverty w | 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005662 |
Raj Bapuji, Debra Eagles, Nathan Ferreira, Nathan Hecht, Yuxin Zhang, Michael Y Woo, Warren J Cheung, Valentina Ly, Paul Pageau | Comparison of peer-assisted learning with expert-led learning in medical school ultrasound education: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2,024 | CJEM | rising time constraints health care professionals increasingly depend technology provide health advice teach patients manage chronic disease effectiveness videobased tools improving knowledge health behaviors disease severity health care use patients major chronic illnesses well understood aim study assess current literature regarding efficacy videobased educational tools patients improving process outcome measures across several chronic illnesses systematic review conducted using cinahl pubmed predefined search terms search included studies published october 2021 eligible studies intervention studies videobased selfmanagement patient education adult patient population following chronic health conditions asthma chronic kidney disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chronic pain syndromes diabetes heart failure hiv infection hypertension inflammatory bowel disease rheumatologic disorders eligible papers underwent full extraction study characteristics study design sample demographics results bias assessed cochrane riskofbias tools summary statistics synthesized stata se statacorp llc data reporting conducted per prisma preferred reporting items systematic reviews metaanalyses checklist 112 studies fully extracted 59 527 deemed eligible inclusion review majority included papers superiority randomized controlled trials rcts 3959 66 fewer prepost studies 1359 22 noninferiority rcts 759 12 represented conditions interest obstructive lung disease 1859 31 diabetes 1159 19 heart failure 959 15 plurality 2859 47 videobased interventions occurred occurred alongside adjunct interventions included printed materials inperson counseling interactive modules frequently studied outcomes disease severity health behavior patient knowledge videobased tools effective improving patient knowledge 3040 75 approximately half reported health behavior 2138 56 patient selfefficacy 1223 52 outcomes improved videobased tools minority health care use 1128 39 disease severity 2369 33 outcomes improved videobased tools total 48 2246 superiority noninferiority rcts 54 713 prepost trials moderate high risk bias robust evidence videobased tools improve patient knowledge across several chronic illnesses tools less consistently improve disease severity health care use outcomes additional study needed identify features maximize efficacy videobased interventions patients across spectrum digital competencies ensure optimized equitable patient education outcomes | 10.1007/s43678-024-00663-x |
Brígida F S de Mendonça, Raquel B de Carvalho, Karina T S Pacheco | Interprofessional education in undergraduate dental curricula: A systematic review | 2,024 | Journal of dental education | rogers protection motivation theory theoretical framework study identified determinants young adolescents level privacy concerns turn affects resultant coping behaviors protect privacy survey data 144 middle school students revealed perceived risks information disclosure increased privacy concerns whereas perceived benefits offered information exchange decreased privacy concerns subsequently privacy concerns impact riskcoping behaviors seeking interpersonal advice additional information eg privacy statement refraining using web sites ask personal information counter expectation privacy selfefficacy appear related privacy concerns implications privacy education protect online privacy among young adolescents discussed | 10.1002/jdd.13464 |
Karina Karlsen, Carina Nygård, Lisbeth Gaustad Johansen, Edith Roth Gjevjon | In situ simulation training strengthened bachelor of nursing students' experienced learning and development process- a qualitative study | 2,024 | BMC nursing | social transformation rapid economic development deepening awareness psychological health china peoples demand psychological health services becoming increasingly urgent key challenge chinese medical organizations train enough qualified psychological care nurses greater understanding psychological care competences pcc help clinical nurse selection training assessment develop pcc framework chinese nurses obtain consensus framework among experts descriptive mixed methods study designed consisting literature review semistructured interviews followed three delphi rounds experts n 16 involved nurses nursing managers educators nine chinese provinces specific interest psychological care descriptive statistics assisted data analysis using iceberg model theoretical foundation five main dimensions associated subdomains integrated 39 chosen articles semistructured interviews 24 nursing managers nurses confirmed themes literature review generating new themes incorporated initial pcc framework three delphi rounds experts reached consensus pcc framework including five domains knowledge skills professional ethics personal traits internal motivations 22 subdomains connotations response rate rr values three rounds consultation 8000 8750 9286 composite reliability cr values 089090 kendall coordination coefficients 01550200 p 005 basis iceberg model literature review qualitative research methods along delphi technique used develop scientific systematic pcc framework research methods feasible results reliable thereby providing basis adopting framework nursing education formal assessment tool developed test pcc nurses clinical practice | 10.1186/s12912-024-01771-w |
Pauline Uwajeneza, Yolanda Babenko-Mould, Marilyn Evans, Donatilla Mukamana | Teaching family planning to nurse and midwife students: A constructivist grounded theory study | 2,024 | Nurse education in practice | sports specialization level competition rise anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction aclr athletes age 20 increased significantly recent years reports demonstrated revision aclr rate higher return sport rts rate lower population evaluate 2year clinical outcomes 3 cohorts primary aclr pediatric adolescent athletes age 20 based skeletal age focus rts incidence second surgery case series level evidence 4 prospective evaluation 324 athletes younger 20 years age underwent aclr minimum 2year followup surgical technique selected predicated skeletal age includes allepiphyseal technique hamstring autograft youngest cohort elementary middle school group 1 partial transphyseal complete transphyseal hamstring autograft performed athletes middle cohort group 2 bonetendonbone autograft skeletally mature high school athletes group 3 mean chronological age entire cohort 15 years range 819 years 55 males 3 cohorts included 49 patients 15 group 1 mean age 12 years 66 20 group 2 mean age 143 years 209 65 group 3 mean age 162 years group 2 athletes significantly higher revision aclr rate 20 compared group 1 6 p 039 group 3 6 p 001 similarly group 2 athletes significantly lower rts rates 85 compared group 1 100 group 3 94 rate revision aclr significantly higher rts rates significantly lower group 2 compared groups 1 3 agerelated risk profile may used counsel athletes parents preoperatively regarding expectations surgery respect revision aclr rts rates | 10.1016/j.nepr.2024.103916 |
Yerlan Temirkhanov, Taiyrzhan Iskakov, Mira Iralina, Aidyn Zhumagulov, Gulnaz Atagulova, Saltanat Boztayeva | Investigating the conception of collaborative learning (CL) and student engagement in the acquisition of practical skills (SEPSA) among prospective physical education and sports students | 2,024 | PloS one | strict adherence international recommended treatment guidelines case fatality severe malnutrition ought less 5 african hospitals fatality rates 20 common often attributed poor training faulty case management improving outcome depend upon identification greatest risk targeting limited health resources retrospectively examined major risk factors associated early 48 h late inhospital death children severe malnutrition aim identifying admission features could distinguish highrisk group relation world health organization guidelinesof 920 children study 176 19 died 59 33 deaths occurring within 48 h admission bacteraemia complicated 27 deaths 52 died 48 h despite 85 vitro antibiotic susceptibility cultured organisms sensitivity specificity likelihood ratio whorecommended danger signs lethargy hypothermia hypoglycaemia predict early mortality 52 84 34 95 confidence interval ci 22 51 respectively addition four bedside features associated early case fatality bradycardia capillary refill time greater 2 weak pulse volume impaired consciousness level presence two features associated odds ratio 96 95 ci 48 19 early fatality p 00001 conversely group children without seven features signs dehydration severe acidosis electrolyte derangements low fatality 7formal assessment features emergency signs improve triage rationalize manpower resources toward highrisk groups required addition basic clinical research necessary identify test appropriate supportive treatments | 10.1371/journal.pone.0288568 |
Priyanka Iyer, Valerie Mok, Arjan Singh Sehmbi, Nicos Kessaris, Rhana Zakri, Prokar Dasgupta, Pankaj Chandak | Online versus in-person surgical near-peer teaching in undergraduate medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-methods study | 2,024 | Health science reports | suicide leading cause death issue children adolescent suicide risks spotlight today empower teachers primary secondary schools serve gatekeepers ensure safety children adolescents systematically tailored localized life gatekeeper suicide prevention program designed chinese schools ultimate goal preventing child adolescent suicide aim outline research protocol examining outcomes recently created standardized schoolbased life gatekeeper program reducing teachers stigma increasing knowledge willingness intervene perceived competence participants recruited eligible primary secondary schools cluster sampling used randomly assign school either intervention group control group primary outcomes stigma suicide suicide literacy perceived competence willingness intervene suicidal individuals measured using stigma suicide scale literacy suicide scale willingness intervene suicide questionnaire respectively measurements taken four time points including preintervention immediately intervention 6month followup 1year followup current study features innovative implementation real world using randomized controlled trial design examine effectiveness schoolbased gatekeeper program among primary secondary school teachers following sequence defined refined steps research also investigate viability schoolbased gatekeeper program primary secondary school teachers could quickly inexpensively implemented large number schools | 10.1002/hsr2.1889 |
Ruth Ponsford, G J Melendez-Torres, Alec Miners, Jane Falconer, Chris Bonell | Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence, and improve educational attainment: a systematic review | 2,024 | Public health research (Southampton, England) | support american society biochemistry molecular biology asbmb community biochemistry molecular biology bmb scientisteducators developed administered assessment instrument designed evaluate student competence across four core concept skill areas fundamental bmb four areas encompass energy metabolism information storage transfer macromolecular structure function assembly skills including analytical quantitative reasoning first offered 2014 exam administered nearly 4000 students asbmbaccredited programs 70 colleges universities describe development continued maturation exam program including organic role faculty volunteers drivers stewards facets content format selection question development scoring | 10.3310/DWTR3299 |
Matthew D Mara | Training future leaders: A qualitative study exploring leadership development in predoctoral dental curricula | 2,024 | Journal of dental education | advance computerbased assessments many process data response times rts action sequences eyetracking data log data collaborative problemsolving cps mouse clickdrag becomes readily available findings previous studies eg peng et al multivariate behavioral research 120 2021 xu british journal mathematical statistical psychology 733 474505 2020 von davier handbook research technology tools realworld skill development pp 750777 igi global 2016 man harring educational psychological measurement 813 441465 2021 suggest substantial relationship humancomputer interactive process information proficiency means process data potentially useful variables psychological educational measurement make full use process data paper aims combine two useful easily available types process data including mouse clickdrag traces response times conventional cognitive diagnostic model cdm better understand individuals response behavior improve classification accuracy existing cdm full bayesian analysis using markov chain monte carlo mcmc employed estimate proposed model parameters viability proposed model investigated empirical data two simulation studies results indicated proposed model combing types process data could improve attribute classification reliability real data analysis also provide improvement item parameters recovery person classification accuracy | 10.1002/jdd.13465 |
Melanie Nasseripour, Adam Hasan, Liz Chapple, Anusha Chopra, Lucy Cracknell, Zahraa Maiter, Aviijit Banerjee | An evaluation of the use of caries risk/susceptibility assessment in an undergraduate dental curriculum | 2,023 | Frontiers in oral health | advancement computerbased testing log file data drawn considerable attention researchers although emerging studies begun explore log file data gap exploitation log file data capturing understanding participants cognitive processes debate maximize insights log file data yet reached consensus therefore present protocol scoping review aims characterize application log file data current publications including data preprocessing techniques analytical methodologies theoretical frameworks used researchers review also aim illuminate log file data enhance psychological educational assessments findings highlight opportunities challenges presented log file data emerging essential source evidence future advancements psychological educational assessment | 10.3389/froh.2023.1290713 |
Clever M Nguyen, Krista Hartmann, Craig Goodmurphy, Avram Flamm | E-FAST Ultrasound Training Curriculum for Prehospital Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Clinicians | 2,024 | Journal of education & teaching in emergency medicine | advancement science artificial intelligence education experiencing significant innovation adaptive learning system emerging promising approach achieving personalized learning cognitive model plays crucial role fundamental rationale behind adaptive learning system currently uniform highly operational method constructing cognitive models study adopts interpretive structural modeling ism foundational approach constructing cognitive model solid geometry based literature expert opinions 17 cognitive attributes high school solid geometry identified subsequently questionnaire survey involving 40 experts conducted establish contextual relationships among attributes applying ism method resulted sevenlevel model model revised based expert opinions create final cognitive model revealing three primary paths within domain high school solid geometry paper contends use ism method constructing cognitive models effective objective resulting cognitive model unveils content structure high school solid geometry provides innovative perspective construction cognitive models | 10.21980/J8S060 |
Telksew Yelma Yezengaw, Adera Debella, Simachew Animen, Almaz Aklilu, Wondu Feyisa, Mickiale Hailu, Betelhem Sime, Ahmed Mohammed, Alemayehu Deressa, Ibsa Mussa, Addisu Alemu, Haymanot Mezmur, Magarsa Lami, Addis Eyeberu | Clinical practice competence and associated factors among undergraduate midwifery and nursing sciences students at Bahir Dar city, Northwest Ethiopia | 2,024 | Annals of medicine and surgery (2012) | advancing digitization medicine digital medical data playing increasingly important role health care research data literacy must already taught medical education end 28hour online elective medical students following constructivist approach implemented teaches learners different aspects data literacy critical collection use sensitive medical data assessment learners reflections course topics shows one hand importance data literacy learners perspective hand importance taking overarching coherent view medical data curricular courses medical ethics statistics special themes deepened applicationoriented manner | 10.1097/MS9.0000000000001518 |
Gulshan Tajuria, David Dobel-Ober, Eleanor Bradley, Claire Charnley, Ruth Lambley-Burke, Christian Mallen, Kate Honeyford, Tom Kingstone | Evaluating the impact of the supporting the advancement of research skills (STARS) programme on research knowledge, engagement and capacity-building in a health and social care organisation in England | 2,024 | BMC medical education | advent artificial intelligence technology machine learning algorithms widely used area disease prediction cardiovascular disease cvd seriously jeopardizes human health worldwide thereby needing establishment effective cvd prediction model great significance controlling risk disease safeguarding physical mental health population considering uci heart disease dataset example initially single machine learning prediction model constructed subsequently six methods pearson chisquared rfe lightgbm comprehensively used feature screening basis base classifiers soft voting fusion stacking fusion carried build prediction model cardiovascular diseases order realize early warning disease intervention highrisk populations address data imbalance problem smote method adopted process data set prediction effect model analyzed using multidimensional multiindicators single classifier model mlp algorithm performed optimally preprocessed heart disease dataset feature selection five features eliminated ensemsv algorithm combines base classifiers determine prediction results soft voting results classifiers achieved optimal value five metrics accuracy jaccardscore hammloss auc etc auc value reached 0951 rf et gbdt lgb algorithms employed first stage submodel composed base classifiers ab algorithm selected second stage model ensemble algorithm ensemst obtained stacking fusion two stages exhibited best performance 7 indicators accuracy sensitivity f1score mathewcorrcoef etc auc reached 0952 furthermore comparison algorithms classification effects based different training set occupancy carried results indicated prediction performance fusion models better single models overall effect ensemst fusion stronger ensemsv fusion fusion model established study improved overall classification accuracy stability model significant extent good application value predictive analysis cvd diagnosis provide valuable reference disease diagnosis intervention strategies | 10.1186/s12909-024-05059-0 |
Tamara Ondruskova, Rachel Royston, Michael Absoud, Gareth Ambler, Chen Qu, Jacqueline Barnes, Rachael Hunter, Monica Panca, Marinos Kyriakopoulos, Kate Oulton, Eleni Paliokosta, Aditya Narain Sharma, Vicky Slonims, Una Summerson, Alastair Sutcliffe, Megan Thomas, Brindha Dhandapani, Helen Leonard, Angela Hassiotis | Clinical and cost-effectiveness of an adapted intervention for preschoolers with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities displaying behaviours that challenge: the EPICC-ID RCT | 2,024 | Health technology assessment (Winchester, England) | advent artificial intelligence computeraided instruction developed intelligent computeraided instruction computeraided instruction overcomes many weaknesses traditional physical education teaching also significantly increases teaching effect efficiency article first studies analyzes characteristics computeraided instruction systems use statistical methods logical analysis randomly select two classes undergraduate students experimental control group respectively control group traditional teaching model adopted experimental group adopted computeraided teaching mode experimental group showed significant improvement physical education compared control group results study validated use computerassisted instruction beneficial implementation physical education programs mostly teaching concepts principles academic nature | 10.3310/JKTY6144 |
Irene Steinberg, Sabine Nabecker, Robert Greif, Gerardo Cortese | Teaching airway teachers: a post-course quantitative and qualitative survey | 2,024 | BMC medical education | advent new tobacco products polytobacco use among adolescents increasing smoking among adolescents negatively impacts physical mental health study aimed determine polytobacco use among adolescents south korea identify mental health problems caused single dual polytobacco use data 54948 adolescents 2020 korea youth behavior webbased survey included mental health variables primary outcome loneliness anxiety depression descriptive statistics raoscott 2 test complex sample multivariable logistic regression analysis conducted determine association type tobacco product use mental health among subjects 952 nontobacco users followed single 30 dual 11 poly users 07 subjects polytobacco use significantly higher rates loneliness 332 p0001 anxiety 223 p0001 depression 499 p0001 used fewer tobacco products subjects used polytobacco products 213 95 ci 161283 times likely report loneliness 152 95 ci 112207 times likely report anxiety 218 95 ci 168282 times likely report depression nontobacco users among adolescents polytobacco use associated symptoms loneliness depression anxiety internalized mental health problems polytobacco use warrants early assessment highrisk groups education need tobaccouse cessation active intervention psychological difficulties highrisk groups experience | 10.1186/s12909-023-04912-y |
Heidi N Anksorus, Courtney L Bradley, Earl J Morris, Mariette Sourial, Krista L Donohoe, Stacey D Curtis | Skills laboratory faculty job satisfaction: Effects of high-contact teaching and the COVID-19 pandemic | 2,024 | Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning | advent 5g era humans must learn knowledge skills crossborder integration must also get grips breadth efficiency artificial intelligence ai technology order jointly overcome current difficulties create happy beautiful life article use example elementary school discuss decisionmaking factors influence teachers choosing ai technology digital content schools imported artificial intelligencebased collaborative teaching discussing relevant literature study introduce concept digital media education compare development application smart technology humancomputer collaborative teaching methods describing three key aspects factors influence elementary school teachers choice ai technology 12 evaluation criteria total completion expert questionnaires data analysis found main factors affecting teachers choice ai technology collaborative tasks functional characteristics modeling characteristics terms evaluation criteria four important aspects found learning assistance security teaching observation record review results research analysis help provide reference digital content development individual recommendation services future work study discuss teaching innovations digital media education aimed improving quality effectiveness teaching learning | 10.1016/j.cptl.2023.12.012 |
Ayten Ozkirac Kirsal, Gul Kahveci | Using varied technological agents-assisted simultaneous prompting for teaching discrete skills to children with developmental disabilities | 2,024 | International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience | advent era artificial intelligence speech recognition engine technology profound impact social production life education fields voice interaction basic practical type humancomputer interaction build intelligent automatic physical education teaching mode paper combines humancomputer interaction based speech recognition technology physical education teaching students input voice signals system receives signals analyzes signals recognizes signals feeds back information students multiple forms system process external speech signal paper uses mel cepstral coefficient algorithm extract speech information comparing speech recognition rate antinoise rate hidden markov model probabilistic statistics neural network hybrid model hidden markov rate statistical neural network combination speech recognition engine uses hybrid model speech recognition rate 983 average antinoise rate reach 85 comparing humancomputer interaction physical education teaching method traditional teaching method humancomputer interaction method superior traditional teaching method acquisition physical knowledge acquisition physical skills satisfaction physical education courses ability active learning effectively solves drawbacks traditional physical education rationally uses humancomputer interaction technology basis violating physical education realize diversification physical education improve quality teaching improve students individual development students autonomous learning ability therefore combination humancomputer interaction physical education based recognition engine technology trend todays physical education development | 10.1002/jdn.10318 |
Eric S Luth, Peter Juo | A Versatile Semester-Long Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience using Optogenetics and RNAi to Identify Genes Important for Synapse Function | 2,023 | Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience | aid brain computer interface bci users communicate receive signals wirelessly wired connections operate smart devices bci classifiers architecture quite difficult since numerous elements combined elements made brain signals also include high levels weak sounds could provide reliable participant recordings daily activities must use computer vision techniques create model order control information high dimension volume signals present classification classifier primary obstacles due extracted classified brain activity study also presented novel hierarchical recursive feature elimination method refer hrfe embracing noisy additions hrfe makes variety categorization suggestions eliminate bias classifying bci systems different types put hrfe test two bci signal data setsspecifically dataset bci contests iiiusing shallow deep convolution network classification techniques grid assets used create electrocorticography ecog signals contralateral right motor cortex signals recorded bci contests iii database using ecog signals choose top 20 features biggest effects distortion classification selection simulation findings show hrfe significant computer vision enhancement compared comparable feature selection methods literature particularly ecog signal achieves 93 reliability | 10.59390/XZQL5300 |
Andrew J Payne, Kyle B Bills, Scott C Steffensen | Teaching Synaptic Transmission Using Primary Literature: A Skills-Focused Pedagogical Approach | 2,023 | Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience | appearance aggravation aging society cancer become one major problems threaten life health chinese residents seriously explore cancer epidemiological characteristics among elderly china 2005 2016 provide strategies cancer prevention treatment stratified analysis conducted cancer mortality data elderly aged 60 years china selected chinese cancer registry annual report joinpoint regression model used calculted average annual percentage change aapc estimate time trends ageperiodcohort apc model used explore age period birth cohort effect risk cancer death bayesian ageperiodcohort bapc model used predict trends cancer mortality among elderly gender region 2035 20052016 cancer mortality elderly china showed decreasing trend aapc 12 p0001 cancer mortality rural areas higher urban areas urbanrural difference gradually narrowed 61 p001 apc model showed cancer mortality increased age relative risk rr period effect decreased rr lower later born cohort earlierborn cohort rural areas lung cancer mortality ranked first male female showed increasing trend among female 6064 8084 85 age groups aapc6064 10 aapc8084 08 aapc85 20 p005 2035 cancer mortality elderly predicted decline nationally sex rural areas rising urban areas cancer mortality elderly china showed decreasing trend 2005 2016 still higher world average early cancer screening important especially elderly male rural areas | 10.59390/NYOR9047 |
Joel O Aluko, Olayinka A Onasoga, Regis R Marie Modeste, Odinaka B Ani | Student nurses' practices and willingness to teach relatives breast self-examination in Nigeria | 2,024 | Health SA = SA Gesondheid | availability lowcost mobile devices ease internet access mobile health mhealth digitally revolutionizing health sector even resourceconstrained settings however necessary assess enduser perceptions deploying potential interventions study aimed assess mobile phone usage patterns acceptability mobile phone support care treatment patients tuberculosis tb south india exploratory study conducted urban private tertiary care teaching hospital nearby public primarylevel health care facilities bangalore south india recruited 185 patients tb consecutive sampling subsequent written informed consent participants responded intervieweradministered pretested questionnaire questionnaire included questions demographics phone usage patterns benefits using mobile phone technology improve health outcomes treatment adherence frequency mean median sd interquartile range used describe data bivariate associations assessed demographics clinical details phone usage mhealth communication preferences using chisquare test odds ratios associations p value 20 included logistic regression model p value 05 considered significant 185 participants 151 816 used mobile phone half owned smartphone primary use mobile phone communicate voice calls 147151 974 short message service sms text messaging feature used 66151 437 mobile phone users total 87 151 mobile phone users 576 knew use camera 41151 272 mobile phone users used mobile phones communicate health care providers although receiving medication reminders via mobile phones acceptable participants 2 participants considered repeated reminders intrusion privacy majority participants 137185 741 preferred health communications via voice calls total participants 123185 665 requested reminders sent specific times day 22185 119 suggested reminders synchronize prescribed medication schedule whereas 40185 216 time preferences english literacy associated preference sms comparison voice calls participants 142185 768 preferred videobased directly observed treatment compared inperson directly observed treatment although mobile phones supporting health treatment adherence acceptable patients tb mhealth interventions consider language mode communication preferred timing communication improve uptake | 10.4102/hsag.v29i0.2494 |
Julia L Mafumo, Takalani R Luhallma, Maria S Maputle | Professional nurses supporting learners during professional socialisation in Limpopo province | 2,024 | Health SA = SA Gesondheid | changing healthcare landscape united states teaching hospitals face increasing pressure provide medical education well costeffective care study investigated financial resource utilization mortality impact teaching hospital status pediatric patients admitted sepsis conducted retrospective weighted statistical analysis hospitalized children diagnosis sepsis agency healthcare research quality 2009 kids inpatient database provided data analysis diagnosis sepsis severity illness levels based patient refined diagnosisrelated groups 720 septicemia disseminated infections teaching hospital status based presence training programs statistical analysis conducted using stata 121 stata corporation college station tx weighted analysis revealed 17461 patients sepsis9982 teaching 7479 nonteaching hospitals comparing patients length stay 82 vs 48 p 0001 number procedures received 203 vs 087 p 0001 mortality 47 vs 16 p 0001 costs per day 2326 vs 1736 p 0001 total costs 20428 vs 7960 p 0001 higher teaching hospitals even stratified severity classes length stay number procedures received total costs higher teaching hospitals difference mortality study suggested teaching hospitals provide pediatric inpatient care sepsis greater costs resource utilization without clear improvement overall mortality rates comparison nonteaching hospitals | 10.4102/hsag.v29i0.2450 |
Mohamed Frikha, Nourhen Mezghanni, Nesrine Chaâri, Noureddine Ben Said, Mohammed S Alibrahim, Majed M Alhumaid, Marwa M Hassan, Raghad S Alharbi, Mostafa S Amira, Nasser Abouzeid | Towards improving online learning in physical education: Gender differences and determinants of motivation, psychological needs satisfaction, and academic achievement in Saudi students | 2,024 | PloS one | clinical laboratory improvement amendments clia final rule ability clinical laboratory scientist cls perform method validation become increasingly important knowledge statistical methods procedures used method validation imperative clinical laboratory scientists however incorporating concepts cls curriculum challenging especially time limited resources paper provides outline one approach addressing topics lecture courses integrating student laboratory clinical practicum direct application | 10.1371/journal.pone.0297822 |
Barry Swerdlow, Lisa Osborne-Smith, Julie Soelberg | Design of a Workshop for Focused Transesophageal Echocardiography During Noncardiac Surgery in Nurse Anesthesia Education | 2,024 | Journal of medical education and curricular development | cognitive orientation daily occupational performance coop approach children developmental coordination disorder learn use problemsolving strategy deal motor difficulties perform daily activities choice therapists use guided discovery enable children find solutions although coop recommended group setting studies needed support effectiveness singlecase study design multiple baselines across participants four systematic replications used five groups four children aged 812 years randomly included baseline baseline includes 58 measurements coop intervention stage comprised 10 sessions followup stage includes five measurements prior baseline child five groups choose five activities three carried intervention sessions childrens performance activities scored using performance quality rating scale pqrs main measure three secondary measures collected perceived activity performance using canadian occupational performance measure quality life using kidscreen27 spontaneous motor rhythm using computerised typing task graphed data analysed visually individual level visual aid implying objective rule vaior protocol provides colour code based level trend two consecutive phases facilitating objective visual analysis statistics performed pqrs scores individual level group level protocol approved comit de protection des personnes sudest cpp 2021070 comit dthique de la recherche avec les tres humains de luniversit du qubec troisrivires cer222940703 results published peerreviewed scientific journal nct05231486 | 10.1177/23821205241229001 |
Elena Andina-Díaz, Lindsay Welch, José Siles-González, Nestor Serrano-Fuentes, Ana Isabel Gutiérrez-García, MCarmen Solano-Ruiz | Photovoice: An active learning tool with community nursing students | 2,024 | Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.) | construction development belt road international community increasing demand highquality technical skilled talents understand chinese international perspective exploring chinese curriculum system suitable development international students conducive promoting international development vocational education improving quality international student training providing talent support chinese foreign enterprises promoting going chinese enterprises international production capacity cooperation training international students higher vocational colleges starts late little experience lacks theoretical innovation lacks development characteristics vocational education teaching quality evaluation international chinese course higher vocational colleges multipleattributes group decisionmaking magdm recently todim edas technique employed manage magdm probabilistic hesitant fuzzy sets phfss employed useful tool depicting uncertain information teaching quality evaluation international chinese course higher vocational colleges paper probabilistic hesitant fuzzy todimedas phftodimedas technique built manage magdm phfss finally numerical example teaching quality evaluation international chinese course higher vocational colleges employed show phftodimedas technique main contribution paper outlined 1 todim technique based edas technique extended phfss based critic technique 2 critic technique employed derive weight numbers phfss 3 phftodimedas technique founded manage magdm phfss 4 numerical case study teaching quality evaluation international chinese course higher vocational colleges comparative analysis supplied validate proposed phftodimedas technique | 10.1111/phn.13285 |
Santhi M Dharmarajlu, Hamad G Dailah, Md Anuratha | Effectiveness of simulation-based paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation training program among nursing students in Saudi Arabia | 2,024 | African journal of reproductive health | continuous development times music education primary secondary schools constantly innovating terms teaching concepts teaching methods implementation methods reform basic music education aroused reflection music teacher education colleges universities talent training model music teachers become hot issue widely concerned new era explore educational significance influencing factors entrepreneurship education college music education examine mediating role selfefficacy gender adjustment entrepreneurial education based analysis music education entrepreneurial talent training colleges universities questionnaire survey statistics data processing adopted work work path model established based mediating effect moderating effect equation model tested results show music education positive correlation entrepreneurial selfefficacy negative correlation entrepreneurial intention proved certain effect entrepreneurial intention entrepreneurial selfefficacy positive correlation entrepreneurial intention mediating effect music professional education entrepreneurial intention also proved since gender differences certain stereotypes cannot ignored music education learning gender adjustment also certain influence entrepreneurial selfefficacy based music professional education thereby moderating effect entrepreneurial intentions entrepreneurship education improve comprehensive competitiveness students result entrepreneurship education improve innovation entrepreneurship education model music education system colleges universities combining relationship entrepreneurial efficacy intention contributes overall cultivation talent colleges universities | 10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i1.5 |
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