Daniel Medel, Mercedes Reguant, Tània Cemeli, María Jiménez Herrera, Carme Campoy, Aida Bonet, Montserrat Sanromà-Ortíz, Judith Roca
Analysis of Knowledge and Satisfaction in Virtual Clinical Simulation among Nursing Students: A Mixed Study
Nursing reports (Pavia, Italy)
using global positioning systems gps assess individuals exposure environment first step data cleaning establish minimum gps inclusion criteria set rules used determine gps data able included analyses care needed stage avoid data exclusion data loss systematically biasing results terms characteristics environment participants extent potential systematic bias sample retention due gps data loss application gps inclusion criteria unknown aim study describe differences sample size sociodemographic characteristics retained sample applying three different gps inclusion criteria study assessed 7day gps data collected children aged 913 years recruited nine schools auckland new zealand part kids city study participants ethnic minorities attending schools lower socioeconomic areas disproportionately excluded retained samples highlights potential equity implications basing assessment exposurewhich ultimately influences research results relationship environment healthon nonrepresentative gps data
Hassen Ben Ghezala, Aida Benzarti, Amira Ben Jazia, Nozha Brahmi
[Not Available]
La Tunisie medicale
viewed sequence decisions clinical diagnosis becomes amenable detailed investigation terms standard statistical concepts study six clinicians diagnosing identical sets cases nontoxic goitre used illustrate objective technique studying diagnostic process aid digital computer considerable variation clinicians routes correct diagnosis shown routes compared detail five statistical measures related effective use information available clinicians rapid analysis diagnostic skill two visual methods presented developed teaching undergraduates interpretative skills involved diagnosis studying skills experienced clinicians
Eman R Mohamed, Manahel A Almulhem, Abdulmohsen H AlElq, Muhammed Zeeshan, Rakan S Alharbi, Abdulsalam E Almuhanna, Moath S Alotaibi, Fadi M Alhabib
Obstetrics and gynecology patients' perceptions about bedside teaching at a Saudi teaching hospital
Journal of family & community medicine
whenever relationships among variables complex time processes play essential part random components mask process study graphical display becomes indispensable tool biomedicine broad sense research medical care management activities field features good use graphics facilitate new valuable approximation available information aim paper twofold explain reader graphical display limited way attract information quickly means instrument process knowledge acquisition stress graphical language needs maturity perhaps guidelines quantitative information revealed highquality graphics avoiding worthless mechanical displays
William Mundo, Jordan Vaughn, Adetoriola Odetunde, Tai Donovan, Al'ai Alvarez, Kristyn Smith, Cortlyn Brown, Italo Brown, Suchismita Datta, Samreen Vora, Jacqueline Ward-Gaines
A national pilot study on simulation-based upstander training for emergency medicine clinicians
AEM education and training
whereas burnout refers state exhaustion cynicism toward work engagement defined positive motivational state vigor dedication absorption article discuss main definitions conceptualizations concepts used literature addition review important antecedents burnout work engagement examining situational individual predictors also review possible consequences burnout engagement integrate research findings using job demandsresources theory although burnout work engagement related important jobrelated outcomes burnout seems strongly related health outcomes whereas work engagement strongly related motivational outcomes discuss daily momentary fluctuations burnout work engagement possibilities future research
Christina M Wise, Gretchen D Lovett, Gail M Swarm, Andrea Nazar
The 7 Elements Communication Rating Form for Teaching and Assessing Medical Communication Competency
whereas traditional explanations differences longrun paths development across americas generally point significance differences national heritage religion highlight relevance stark contrasts degree inequality wealth human capital political power accounting fundamental economic institutions evolved timewe argue moreover roots disparities extent inequality lay differences initial factor endowments dating back era european colonizationwe document comparative studies suffrage public land schooling policies systematic patterns societies americas began extreme inequality heterogeneity population likely develop institutional structures greatly advantaged members elite classes disadvantaging bulk population providing political influence access economic opportunitiesthe clear implication institutions presumed exogenous economists need learn come understand relation economic developmentour findings contribute knowledge extreme differences extent inequality across new world economies persisted centuries also study processes longrun economic growth past present
María Jesús Broch Porcar, Álvaro Castellanos-Ortega
Patient safety, what does clinical simulation and teaching innovation contribute?
Medicina intensiva
whether exposure air pollution adversely affects growth lung function period rapid lung development occurs ages 10 18 years unknownin prospective study recruited 1759 children average age 10 years schools 12 southern california communities measured lung function annually eight years rate attrition approximately 10 percent per year communities represented wide range ambient exposures ozone acid vapor nitrogen dioxide particulate matter linear regression used examine relationship air pollution forced expiratory volume one second fev1 spirometric measuresover eightyear period deficits growth fev1 associated exposure nitrogen dioxide p0005 acid vapor p0004 particulate matter aerodynamic diameter less 25 microm pm25 p004 elemental carbon p0007 even adjustment several potential confounders effect modifiers associations also observed spirometric measures exposure pollutants associated clinically statistically significant deficits fev1 attained age 18 years example estimated proportion 18yearold subjects low fev1 defined ratio observed expected fev1 less 80 percent 49 times great highest level exposure pm25 lowest level exposure 79 percent vs 16 percent p0002the results study indicate current levels air pollution chronic adverse effects lung development children age 10 18 years leading clinically significant deficits attained fev1 children reach adulthood
Ying Qi, Pengfei Zhao, Ruobing Bai, Yun Shao, Shinong Pan, Yang Hou
Teaching diagnostic radiology to radiology majors: Implementation and evaluation of a flipped classroom model
Medical teacher
whether men women fundamentally different similar debated century review summarizes major theories designed explain gender differences evolutionary theories cognitive social learning theory sociocultural theory expectancyvalue theory gender similarities hypothesis raises possibility theorizing gender similarities statistical methods analysis gender differences similarities reviewed including effect sizes metaanalysis taxometric analysis equivalence testing relying mainly evidence metaanalyses gender differences reviewed cognitive performance eg math performance personality social behaviors eg temperament emotions aggression leadership psychological wellbeing evidence gender differences variance summarized final sections explore applications intersectionality directions future research
Danielle P Wingrove
Experiences of junior dental faculty transitioning from clinician to educator
Journal of dental education
whether schoolchildren exhibit better behavior context wearing uniforms longstanding area debate education nonetheless little empirical inquiry benefits drawbacks school uniform policies contribute new insights dialogue present investigation used nationally representative data early childhood longitudinal study kindergarten class 2011 n 6320 examine students socialbehavioral engagement outcomes across elementary school years function school uniform policies general students schools required school uniforms demonstrate better social skills internalizing externalizing behavior school attendance compared students schools without school uniforms associations true across public private schools however indication lowincome students schools required uniforms demonstrated better school attendance lowincome students schools
Flaviane Cristina Rocha Cesar, Lizete Malagoni de Almeida Cavalcante Oliveira, Mariana Cristyen Galvão, Ana Luiza Andrade Lacerda
How Do Healthcare Professionals Develop the Communication Process to Promote Patients' Health Literacy?
International journal of environmental research and public health
whether sex independent prognostic factor lung cancer survival subject ongoing debate large national registries single hospital studies shown conflicting findings study explore impact sex lungcancerspecific survival unselected population wellcharacterized respect stage covariates patients diagnosed lung cancer single hospital serving whole defined region southern norway 10 years 20072016 included followup data available least 56 months patients analyses adjusted stage treatment performance status smoking age histology epidermal growth factor receptoranaplastic lymphoma kinaseimmunotherapy treatment period differences lungcancerspecific survival sex explored using restricted mean survival times rmst 1261 patients diagnosed lung cancer 596 47 females 665 53 males mean ages 685 695 years respectively observed 5year lungcancerspecific survival rate 274 95 ci 237 312 females 214 95 ci 182 248 males however adjustment covariates significant differences sex observed 5year rmst 09 months shorter 95 ci 21 031 p 026 males compared females cohort sex associated difference lungcancerspecific survival adjusting clinical biological factors imbalance stage diagnosis main contributor observed difference lungcancerspecific survival sex
Jian Zhao, Xin Gong, Jian Ding, Kepin Xiong, Kangle Zhuang, Rui Huang, Shu Li, Huachun Miao
Integration of case-based learning and three-dimensional printing for tetralogy of fallot instruction in clinical medical undergraduates: a randomized controlled trial
BMC medical education
whether used describe fitness genome architecture spatial distribution environmental variables concept landscape figured prominently collective reasoning tradition landscapes evolutionary biology one fitness mapped onto axes defined phenotypes molecular sequence states characteristics landscapes depend natural selection structured across genomic environmental landscapes thus bridge among differing uses landscape concept ie metaphorically literally adaptive phenotype distribution across geographical landscapes relation selective pressures one ultimate goals evolutionary biology thus construct fitness landscapes geographical space natural plant populations ideal systems explore feasibility attaining goal much known quantitative genetic architecture complex traits many different plant species less known molecular components architecture issue molecular ecology parchman et al 2012 pioneer one first truly genomewide association studies tree moves us closer form mechanistic understanding adaptive phenotype natural populations lodgepole pine pinus contorta dougl ex loud
Priya Mittal, Ganesh Ranganath Jadhav, Mohammed Abdul Kader M, Mohammed A Al-Qarni, Abdulelah Sameer Sindi, Marco Cicciù, Giuseppe Minervini
Undergraduates' comparative assessment, utilizing a structured rubric, of hands-on versus video-supported presentation in class II cavity preparation
Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine
whether tobacco advertising promotion increases likelihood youths begin smoking important public policy implicationsto evaluate association receptivity tobacco advertising promotional activities progress smoking uptake process defined sequentially never smokers would consider experimenting smoking never smokers would consider experimenting experimenters smoked least fewer 100 cigarettes established smokers smoked least 100 cigarettesprospective cohort study 3year followup november 1996a total 1752 adolescent never smokers susceptible smoking first interviewed 1993 populationbased randomdigit dial telephone survey california reinterviewed 1996becoming susceptible smoking experimenting 1996more half sample n979 named favorite cigarette advertisement 1993 joe camel advertisements popular less 5 n92 baseline possessed promotional item 10n172 willing use item favorite advertisement 1993 predicted adolescents would progress 1996 odds ratio 182 95 confidence interval ci 104320 possession willingness use promotional item even strongly associated future progression or289 95 ci 147568 data estimate 34 experimentation california 1993 1996 attributed tobacco promotional activities nationally would 700000 adolescents yearthese findings provide first longitudinal evidence knowledge tobacco promotional activities causally related onset smoking
Yue Li, Xiao Li, Yan Liu, Yang Li
Application effect of BOPPPS teaching model on fundamentals of nursing education: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies
Frontiers in medicine
consensus emerged characterize student engagement learning activities threecomponent construct featuring behavioral emotional cognitive aspects propose adding agentic engagement important new aspect define students constructive contribution flow instruction receive high school students 237 females 128 males taiwan completed surveys classroom motivation four hypothesized aspects engagement grades obtained end semester structural equation modeling analyses showed agentic engagement distinct important construct one associated students constructive motivation related three aspects engagement predicted independent variance achievement discussion highlights important though currently neglected ways students contribute constructively flow instruction receive personalizing enhancing lesson conditions learn
Parantak Singh, You Li, Ankur Sikarwar, Weixian Lei, Difei Gao, Morgan B Talbot, Ying Sun, Mike Zheng Shou, Gabriel Kreiman, Mengmi Zhang
Learning to Learn: How to Continuously Teach Humans and Machines
... IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision workshops. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
large proportion population papua new guinea png maintain subsistence lifestyle exposure modernisation industrialisation since european contact influenced transition towards western diets review aimed scope summarise published research dietary intake among pacific islander adults png four electronic databases grey literature searched two reviewers completed screening data extraction fourteen studies included highlands n 7 southern n 5 momase n 1 highlandssouthern region n 1 studies islands region majority studies published prior year 2000 n 9 geographical region degree urbanisation impact dietary intake urban areas reported higher intakes energy protein fat compared rural areas southern region variety foods including sago taro kaukau cooked banana coconut cassava contributed energy intake kaukau main energy protein source highlands main foods contributing protein southern region fresh fish land animals purchased animals review highlights evidence gap regarding dietary intake research within context international initiatives urgent call research aimed understanding social cultural contextualisation dietary behaviours png
Mary Ryder, Freda Browne
Changing the delivery of continuing professional education: An action research approach
Nurse education today
low survey response rate may indicate risk nonresponse error high know little nonresponse causes error nonresponse ignorable leveragesalience theory survey participation suggests survey topic factor decision participate noncooperation cause nonresponse error test three hypotheses derived theory 1 faced survey request topic interest cooperate higher rates less interested topic 2 tendency interested cooperate readily diminished monetary incentives offered 3 impact interest cooperation nonignorability implications key statistics data come threefactor experiment examining impact cooperation surveys five different topics using b samples five different populations known attributes related topics c two different incentive conditions
Luis Basco-Prado, Ainoa Biurrun-Garrido, Esperanza Zuriguel-Pérez, Juan Roldán-Merino, Olga Mestres-Soler
Critical thinking level in nursing degree students according to sociodemographic and academic variables: A correlational study
Nurse education in practice
adult literacy programs considered potentially important vehicle improve literacy numeracy skills impact livelihoods rural poor integrated approach less focused thus research examined contributions adult literacy integrated functional adult education ifae program enhancement livelihoods embedded mixed method design used data obtained structured interviews conducted 235 participants semistructured interviews performed 24 respondents results revealed program positive roles family life economic issues social issues participants livelihoods therefore setting directive approach better contributions program imperative
Tavonga Tawanda, Awelani V Mudau
The influence of indigenous knowledge on chemistry metacognition
adverse impacts climate change physical health wellknown research effects mental health still scarce thus unclear whether potential impacts already reached treatment practice study aimed quantify psychotherapists experiences patients reporting climate changerelated concerns views dealing topic psychotherapy nationwide online survey responses collected 573 psychotherapists germany therapists reported presence patients sociodemographic characteristics climate changerelated reactions psychotherapists views dealing topic psychotherapy also assessed descriptive statistics used analyse responses 72 410573 psychotherapists indicated patients expressing concerns climate change treatment therapists 41 166410 stated least one patient sought treatment deliberately concerns patients mainly young adults higher education frequent primary diagnoses depression adjustment disorder generalized anxiety disorder psychotherapists encountered patients differed without encounters views potential functional impairment necessity target concerns treatment although 79 326415 respondents felt adequately prepared current therapeutic skills 50 209414 reported lack information deal concerns therapy results indicate psychotherapists frequently confronted climate changerelated concerns regard mental health impact climate change patients meaningful psychotherapeutic care regular care could improved continuous refinement conceptualization knowledge mental health influences climate change would allow providing tailored methods assessing addressing climate changerelated concerns practice
Sivapalan Sanchayan, Asela Olupeliyawa, Madawa Chandratilake
Feedback practices in undergraduate clinical teaching in Sri Lanka - a qualitative study
BMC medical education
alcohol use established risk factor interpersonal violence extent people affected interpersonal violence others drinking yet quantified different world regions modelling study aims provide first estimates national regional prevalence interpersonal violence others drinking international systematic literature search 02282023 prospero crd42022337364 conducted identify general adult population studies assessing prevalence interpersonal violence others drinking restrictions publication date language reports provide data interpersonal violence others drinking primary outcome original research studies captured selected group people excluded observed prevalence data extracted used build fractional response regression models predict pastyear prevalence emotional physical violence others drinking 2019 randomeffects metaregression models used aggregate observed prevalence sexual intimate partner violence study risk bias rob assessed using modified version newcastleottawa scale 13835 identified reports 50 included covering 830000 individuals women 347112 men 322331 menwomen combined 160057 61 countries average prevalence 168 95 ci 152183 283 95 ci 239324 men women combined gbd super regions high income central europe eastern europe central asia respectively emotional violence common form interpersonal violence others drinking physical violence averaged around 3 women 5 men regions pooled prevalence sexual violence others drinking men women 13 95 ci 0533 95 pi 01169 34 95 ci 1483 95 pi 02353 respectively ranged 04 95 ci 0116 95 pi 0073 27 95 ci 1163 95 pi 02300 different forms intimate partner violence rob moderate critical reports accounting critical rob substantially alter results share population experiencing harms others drinking significant integral part public health strategies research reported publication supported canadian institutes health research cihr grant cihr frn 477887
Mohammod Moninoor Roshid, Md Zulfeqar Haider
Teaching 21st-century skills in rural secondary schools: From theory to practice
attention increasingly popular component deep neural networks interpret boost performance models little work examined attention progresses accomplish task whether reasonable work propose attention reasoning capability air framework uses attention understand improve process leading task outcomes first define evaluation metric based sequence atomic reasoning operations enabling quantitative measurement attention considers reasoning process collect human eyetracking answer correctness data analyze various machine human attention mechanisms reasoning capability impact task performance improve attention reasoning ability visual question answering models propose supervise learning attention progressively along reasoning process differentiate correct incorrect attention patterns demonstrate effectiveness proposed framework analyzing modeling attention better reasoning capability task performance code data available httpsgithubcomszzexpoiair
Karen R Bottenfield, Maura A Kelley, Shelby Ferebee, Andrew N Best, David Flynn, Theresa A Davies
Effectively teaching cultural competence in a pre-professional healthcare curriculum
BMC medical education
automated peak detection functionalities available commercially accessible software achieving optimal true positive rates frequently necessitates visual inspection manual adjustments initial phase study heterovariants glycoforms monoclonal antibody distinguished using liquid chromatographymass spectrometry revealing discernible peaks intact level comprehensively identify peak heterovariant intactlevel analysis deep learning approach utilizing convolutional neural networks cnns employed subsequent phase study current case study utilizing conventional software peak identification five peaks detected using 05 threshold whereas seven peaks identified using cnn model model exhibited strong performance probability area curve auc 09949 surpassing partial least squares discriminant analysis plsda probability auc 08041 locally weighted regression lwr probability auc 06885 data acquired experimentation realtime auc receiver operating characteristic curve also illustrated superior performance cnn plsda lwr
Veronica Wright, William Hirschfeld, Erika Walker, Ezra Klein, Kevin White, Jessica Bunin
Implementation of a "Health Equity Rounds" Curriculum in a Military Internal Medicine Residency Program: A Pilot Study
Military medicine
breast ultrasound us useful tool diagnosing breast masses entail falsepositive biopsy results overlapping features benign malignant breast masses subjective interpretation evaluate performance conductivity imaging reducing falsepositive biopsy results related breast us compared diffusionweighted imaging dwi abbreviated mri consisting one pre one postcontrast t1weighted imaging prospective seventynine women median age 44 years 86 breast imaging reporting data system birads category 4 masses detected breast us 3t t2weighted turbo spin echo sequence dwi abbreviated contrastenhanced mri t1weighted gradient echo sequence usguided biopsy reference standard obtained day mri maximum mean conductivity parameters whole single regions interest rois measured apparent diffusion coefficient adc values obtained area lowest signal within lesion adc map performance conductivity adc abbreviated mri reducing falsepositive biopsies evaluated using following criteria lowest conductivity highest adc values among malignant breast lesions birads categories 2 3 abbreviated mri one conductivity parameter maximum area curve auc receiver operating characteristics selected pvalue 005 considered statistically significant usguided biopsy revealed 65 benign lesions 21 malignant lesions mean conductivity parameter single roi method selected auc 074 considering conductivity 010 sm adc 160 103 mm2 sec birads categories 2 3 reduced falsepositive biopsies 23 15 65 38 25 65 43 28 65 respectively without missing malignant lesions conductivity imaging may show lower performance dwi abbreviated mri reducing unnecessary biopsies 2 technical efficacy stage 2
Chang-Chyi Jenq, Jiun-Ren Lin, Francesca Quattri, Lynn Monrouxe
Medical students', residents', and nurses's feedback to clinical educators in Taiwan: A qualitative study
Medical education
cardiovascular disease cvd affects men women emerging evidence suggests notable gender differentials disease prevalence study aims explore analyse gender differentials cvd disease prevalence india present study utilizes data first wave nationally representative survey longitudinal ageing study india lasi wavei 201718 eligible sample size 31464 individuals aged 60 years logistic regression analysis used understand risk cvd demographic characteristics factors contribution gender differences cvd prevalence examined using nonlinear fairlie decomposition prevalence cvd lower men 3106 compared women 3885 women 33 higher likelihood cvd compared men 133 95 ci 125142 lack education also confers lower risk pronounced women schooling 081 95 ci 07094 compared men 052 95 ci 047058 morbidity influences cvd presence among women men individuals suffering three diseases markedly increased odds men 389 95 ci 35443 women 697 95 ci 6481011 smoking accounted increase 2052 gender gap years schooling dramatically lessened gender gap 4630 result show gender differential cvd prevalence underlying risk factors underscoring need genderspecific preventive strategies interventions findings highlight importance refined approach cardiovascular health considers complex interplay biological social environmental determinants
Yi Duan, Fen Zhou, Xiaoyu Li, Liangrong Geng, Shujin Yue
Is better readiness the key to deeper learning in distance education? A cross-sectional online study
child health health care disparities arising unequal distribution resources well documented nationally representative inventory health wellbeing children across spectrum opportunity lacking using nationally representative sample children pooled 20132017 medical expenditure panel survey data linked censustractlevel child opportunity index 20 composite measure neighborhood health education socioeconomic conditions describe us childrens socioeconomic characteristics health care utilization expenditures across spectrum child neighborhood opportunity levels found neighborhood level child opportunity associated almost childrens health status health care utilization expenditures access care satisfaction care outcomes children living loweropportunity neighborhoods highest rates poor physical mental health status fewest ambulatory care visits accounted highest share emergency department visits parents also least likely report positive experiences health care good communication providers easy access care findings underscore myriad harms children gaps health education financial resources community level provide targets public investments improve childfocused outcomes
Jihyun Lee
Concept-Focused and Procedure-Focused Instruction on the Algebra Performance of Grade 9 Students With and Without Mathematics Difficulty
Journal of learning disabilities
community health workers chws wellpositioned health advocates frequently lack support feel undervalued advocacy training may prepare chws support communities better study uses designbased research approach 1 explore participation curriculumdevelopment workshops digital advocacy course influenced chws n 25 perceptions advocacy 2 describe chw involvement shaped course development data collected via five discussion groups seven surveys six months initially chws perceived communityadvocates selfadvocates increasingly reflected merits advocating better working conditions aspired greater involvement decisionmaking chws reflected positively advisory role shaping course improve content acceptability validity training efforts engage chws advocacy must overcome systemic barriers norms internalized chws deter reaching full potential advocates
Cherinet Osebo, Tarek Razek, Dan Deckelbaum, Jeremy Grushka, Kosar Khwaja, Ali Fazlollahi, Christian Vlček, Eadan Farber, Johana Montero Ortiz, Alexa Papanastasiou, Rabi Ndeserua, Bryson Mcharo, Anna Lemnge, Albert Ulimali, Laurean Rwanyuma, Victoria Munthali, Respicious Boniface
Enhancing trauma care through innovative trauma and disaster team response training: A blended learning approach in Tanzania
World journal of surgery
competencybased training forefront educational innovation general surgery pediatric surgery training programs wait downstream changes currently consensus means pediatric surgery fellow practiceready study aimed provide framework better defining competency practice readiness way support milestones system allow improved assessment pediatric surgery fellows exploratory qualitative study developed interview guide nine questions focused faculty recognize competency advance autonomy among pediatric surgery fellows demographic information collected using anonymous online survey platform iteratively reviewed data interview ensure adequate information power achieved answer research question used inductive reasoning thematic analysis determine appropriate codes additionally dreyfus model used framework guide interpretation contextualize responses method generated common themes total 19 pediatric surgeons interviewed identified four major themes 127 codes practicing pediatric surgeons associate practicereadiness fellow skillbased competency recognition benefits struggle developing expertise facilitating autonomy difficulties variability evaluation variability evaluation typically included concept practice readiness assessment evaluation described study participants essential aspects practicing pediatric surgeons perceive practice readiness competency pediatric surgery fellows competency divided interpersonal versus technical skills subthemes within struggle included personal professional struggle benefits struggle identify assist struggling autonomy commonly stated variable based attending analysis yielded several themes associated practice readiness pediatric surgery fellows aim refine list themes using dreyfus model interpretive framework establish consensus amongst community pediatric surgeons order define competency key elements make fellow practiceready work focus establishing assessment metrics educational interventions directed achieving key elements
Barnabas Tobi Alayande, Callum Forbes, Paul Kingpriest, Adeyinka Adejumo, Wendy Williams, Felix Wina, Christian Agbo Agbo, Bamidele Omolabake, Abebe Bekele, Bashiru O Ismaila, Fiona Kerray, Augustine Sule, Egide Abahuje, Jamie M Robertson, Steven Yule, Robert Riviello, Mercy Isichei
Non-technical skills training for Nigerian interprofessional surgical teams: a cross-sectional survey
BMC medical education
curing patients underlying disease primary goal physicians performing hematopoietic cell transplantation hct ultimate objective provide patients optimal posthct quality life many survivors includes returning work rtw conducted survey 1 5yr posthct survivors center evaluate perspective facilitators barriers rtw well gauge interest potentially useful rtw support interventions survivors aged 18 65 yrs n 994 sent annual survey included 36 supplementary questions posthct rtw survey questions selected published national cancer survivor surveys modified specifically hct survivors three hundred fortyfour 35 survivors mean age 53 yrs completed survey 272 79 worked prior diagnosis 272 patients 145 53 working currently another 22 8 attempted go back work following hct presently working found allogeneic versus autologous hct p 006 associated decreased likelihood currently working whereas frequent employer communication month p 070 supportive employer p 036 associated greater chance currently working survivors currently working 45 reported made one changes work schedule eg flexible schedule parttime work environment eg work home upon rtw ninetyfive percent responders reported could benefited rtw support provided transplant center 13 indicated received education rtw challenges information disability benefits access physical therapy among requested support interventions improve posthct quality life survivors open assistance providers address work status goals recognize barriers successful return offer rtw support including working directly employers allogeneic hct survivors particularly vulnerable failing attempts rtw target retention interventions previously published manuscript rtw guidance providers stem cell transplant patients endorsed american society transplant cellular therapy available open access used tool counsel support patients
Anna Adelheid Lange, Raphaël Bonvin, Sissel Guttormsen, Sofia Carolina Zambrano Ramos
Physicians' emotion awareness and emotion regulation training during medical education: a systematic scoping review protocol
BMJ open
current guidelines recommend amiodarone dronedarone rhythm control patients atrial fibrillation af coronary artery disease cad comparative study antiarrhythmic drugs aads cardiovascular outcomes general practice study included patients af cad received first prescription amiodarone class ic aads flecainide propafenone dronedarone sotalol january 2016 december 2020 primary outcome composite hospitalization heart failure hhf stroke acute myocardial infarction ami cardiovascular death used cox proportional regression models including inverse probability treatment weighting iptw estimate relationship aads cardiovascular outcomes among af cohort consisting 8752 patients 1996 individuals cad including 477 took dronedarone 1519 took aads median followup 38 months 463 patients took dronedarone 544 patients took aads experienced cardiovascular events compared dronedarone use aads associated increased cardiovascular events adjusting covariates hazard ratio hr 1531 95 confidence interval ci 11122141 p 0023 iptw hr 1491 95 ci 11741992 p 0012 secondary analysis showed amiodarone class ic drugs associated increased risk hhf low number subjects sotalol group limits data interpretation patients af cad dronedarone associated better cardiovascular outcomes aads amiodarone class ic aads associated higher risk cardiovascular events particularly hhf
Muhammad Mushtaq, Khadim Shah, Yasir Rahman Khattak, Nouman Khattak, Hooria Farheen, Sabiha Akhtar
Satisfaction of patients in government medical teaching institutes of Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: a cross-sectional analytical study
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
disparities educational outcomes aboriginal children narrowed early childhood education year 12 completions positive trends replicated intervening years attendance reading writing numeracy targets missed erratic attendance primary years greatest impact achievement literacy numeracy scores decline absences increase family functioning health caregiver expectations past encounters education system socioeconomic disadvantage implicated poorer rates attendance response community concerns aboriginalmainstream partnership forged 2011 began work 2016 address patterns attendance achievement among aboriginal primary students regional city western australia paper describes innovative communityled talk program presents findings teaching support staff interviews two years implementation qualitative methods employed analyse data develop themes ensure rigour findings highlighted cascading impact erratic attendance role strong relationships respect investment time children critical elements student engagement wellbeing communityled collaborative educational programs potential positively impact aboriginal students engagement contribute culturally responsive environments sustained efforts enable learning flourish
Hanna Chin, Åke Ingerman, Linda Block, Helena Odenstedt Hergès
Navigating the complex dynamics of anesthesiologists' professional identity formation in the context of their specialty training program: a phenomenographic perspective
BMC medical education
disruptions brain maturation first years life asd well documented little known brain structure function related young children asd compared typically developing peers applied multivariate pattern analysis examine covariation patterns brain morphometry local brain spontaneous activity 38 toddlers preschoolers asd 31 typically developing children using t1weighted structural mri restingstate fmri data acquired natural sleep results revealed significantly reduced brain structurefunction correlations asd resultant brain structure function composite indices associated age among typically developing children among asd suggesting mistiming typical brain maturational trajectories early life autism additionally brain function composite indices associated overall developmental adaptive behavior skills asd group highlighting neurodevelopmental significance early local brain activity autism
Guro Karlsholm, Linn Beate Strand, Beate André, Kjersti Grønning
Learning evidence-based practice by writing the bachelor's thesis - A prospective cohort study in undergraduate nursing education
Nurse education today
educational success high school linked elementary school achievement little evidence parent involvement elementary school provides lasting benefits children high school using data chicago longitudinal study study investigated association parent involvement elementary school success high school parent involvement school based teacher parent reports parent reports home involvement used determine greater reported parent involvement associated indicators school success results indicated even controlling background characteristics risk factors parent involvement school significantly associated lower rates high school dropout increased ontime high school completion highest grade completed study suggests parent involvement school important component early childhood education help promote longterm effects
Leslie C Lopez, Megan Guidry
Enhancing Early Identification of Speech-Language-Hearing Delays Through Interprofessional Peer Teaching in a Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduate Training Program
American journal of audiology
educators agree using selfassessment education valuable major challenge poor agreement often found faculty assessment student selfassessment aim study determine use predefined grading rubric would improve reliability faculty dental student assessment periodontal oral competency examination faculty members used grading rubric assess students performance exam immediately taking exam students used rubric selfassess performance data collected third andor fourthyear students four classes one us dental school 2011 2014 since two four classes took exam third fourth years data compared determine students selfassessment skills improved time statistical analyses performed determine agreement two faculty graders students faculty assessments criterion rubric overall grade data upper lower performing quartiles students subanalyzed results showed faculty reliability overall grades high k0829 less individual criteria studentfaculty reliability weak moderate overall grades spearmans rho0312 individual criteria students upper quartile selfevaluated harshly faculty p00001 lower quartile students overestimated performance p00445 compared faculty evaluation significant improvement found assessment time students took exam third fourth years study found limited support hypothesis grading rubric used faculty students would increase correspondence faculty student assessment points need reexamine rubric instructional strategies help students improve ability selfassess work
Duncan N Shikuku, Hauwa Mohammed, Lydia Mwanzia, Alice Norah Ladur, Peter Nandikove, Alphonce Uyara, Catherine Waigwe, Lucy Nyaga, Issak Bashir, Eunice Ndirangu, Carol Bedwell, Sarah Bar-Zeev, Charles Ameh
Evaluation of the feasibility of a midwifery educator continuous professional development (CPD) programme in Kenya and Nigeria: a mixed methods study
BMC medical education
evaluation research shows physical activitybased youth development papyd programs positive impact social emotional growth less known participants return year year factors associated continued participation junior giants sportbased youth development program 518yearold boys girls noncompetitive free participate 8week program uses baseball softball platforms teaching life skills fostering social emotional competencies mixedmethods study evaluated quantitative factors associated intentions return program following year qualitative reasons parentscaregivers intended reenroll child parentscaregivers junior giants participants n 8495 completed online surveys childs demographics social emotional climate learning character development intentions return following year descriptive data illustrated parentscaregivers reported quite positive outcomes experiences child chisquare ttest analyses revealed significant differences p 001 intended returners n 7179 845 reported noundecided returning n 1316 155 intended returners significantly likely identified latino second year participation significant predictors binomial logistic regression 2 df 22 146325 p 001 included age raceethnicity years played character development reading league experiences physical activity perceived support small medium effect sizes using responses subset 217 parentscaregivers reported child would return program thematic analysis resulted seven themes lack organization communication dissatisfied coaching didnt learn baseballsoftball competitive enough skill levels matched aged nonprogram related reasons quantitative results contribute literature predictors retention youth development programs qualitative findings echo common motives cited dropout youth sport provide opportunities reflection potential changes future programming
Suzanne Murphy, Kerry Bell, Erica Jane Cook, Sarah Crafter, Rosemary Davidson, Caroline Fairhurst, Kate Hicks, Victoria Joffe, David Messer, Lyn Robinson-Smith, Luke Strachan, David Torgerson, Charlie Welch
Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication difficulties (E-PLAYS-2) trial: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial evaluating a computerised intervention to promote communicative development and collaborative skills in young children
BMC psychology
existing research identified diverse fall risk factors adults aged 60 older across various areas comprehensively examining interrelationships factors enhance knowledge complex mechanisms ultimately prevent falls study employs novel approacha mixed undirected graphical model mugmto unravel interplay sociodemographics mental wellbeing body composition selfassessed performancebased fall risk assessments physical activity patterns using parameterized joint probability density mugms specify higherorder dependence structure reveals underlying graphical structure heterogeneous variables mugm consisting mixed types variables continuous categorical versatile applications provide innovative practical insights equipped transcend limitations traditional correlation analysis uncover sophisticated interactions within highdimensional data set study included 120 elders central florida whose 37 fall risk factors analyzed using mugm among identified features 34 exhibited pairwise relationships covid19related factors housing composition remained conditionally independent others results study serve foundational exploration future research investigating longitudinal aspects features plays pivotal role enhancing knowledge dynamics contributing fall prevention population
Vinay Saggar, Philip O'Donnell, Hillary Moss, Andrew Yoon, Carlo Lutz, Andrew Restivo, Oark Ahmed, Debayan Guha, Farrukh Jafri, Maninder Singh
Effectiveness of a virtual reality trainer for retention of tourniquet application skills for hemorrhage control among emergency medicine residents
AEM education and training
existing research people living hiv pwh covid19 pandemic primarily focused clinical outcomes critical gap remains understanding implications covid19 delivery inhospital care services pwh study aimed describe characteristics outcomes pwh hospitalised 2020 mexico city comparing patients admitted due covid19 vs patients admitted due causes pwh hospitalised 24 h four institutions mexico city january 1st december 31st 2020 included patients classified two groups according leading cause first hospitalisation covid19 noncovid19 characteristics among groups compared using chisquare kruskal tests cox model used describe risk death hospitalisation characteristics associated outcome mortality hospitalisation events compared data 2019 overall included 238 pwh hospitalised 2020 among 42 18 hospitalised due covid19 196 82 due noncovid19 causes mainly aidsdefining events ade pwh hospitalised due covid19 higher cd4 cell counts 380 cellsmm3 iqr 184580 vs 97 cellsmm3 iqr 34272 p 001 higher proportion virologic suppression vs compared hospitalised due noncovid19 causes 92 vs 55 p 001 adjusted hazard ratio ahr aids 31 95ci 1372 covid19 associated death ahr 09 95ci 0329 compared 2019 mortality significantly higher 2020 19 vs 9 p 001 hospitalisations decreased 57 pwh covid19 higher vs cd4 cell counts lower mortality compared hospitalised due noncovid19related causes often recently diagnosed hiv ades hospitalisations deaths 2020 pwh related advanced hiv disease increased mortality decreased hospitalisations pwh 2020 evidence impact interruption health services delivery pwh advanced disease due pandemic findings highlight challenges faced pwh 2020 country advanced hiv remains concern
Marziyeh Barzegar, Hamidreza Miri, Samirerh Abedini, Farahnaz Kamali, Elham Boushehri
A comprehensive "real need" assessment, a step toward improving the quality of faculty development programs: A survey-based study in Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences
Health science reports
focusing numeracy essential preschool classrooms deaf hard hearing dhh children also important concepts numeracy taught way incorporates executive functions introduces computational thinking prepares students life 21stcentury world technologyenhanced teaching resources eg codeapillar beebot kubo provide coding opportunities engage young children problem solving planning organization tools provide kinesthetic experiences exploration early numeracy skills like counting addition subtraction estimation present article provides rationale including 21stcentury teaching practices educational technology resources preschool classrooms dhh children one path toward strengthening early mathematics understanding authors also offer tips teachers select technology tools classroom use ways integrate use tools part meaningful mathematics instruction
Hafaza B Amod, Lindani Ndlovu, Petra Brysiewicz
Clinical mentorship of midwifery students: The perceptions of registered midwives
Health SA = SA Gesondheid
food product labelling deemed important providing consumer information little known characteristics reading reading study aimed determine sociodemographic characteristics filipino adult consumers reading reading food product labels nutrition facts provide insights understanding usage food labels may help designing better label formats packaged foods related health education campaigns crosssectional design using secondary data expanded national nutrition survey enns 20182019 employed survey form reading food product labels nutrition facts enns 20182019 collected facetoface interviews descriptive statistics test proportions logistic regression done using stata version 16 always reading product labels reported 196 adult consumers 18 years old 459 reported reading food product labels among read food product labels 167 reported reading nutrition facts higher proportions adults reading nutrition facts found among attained higher educational level less 40 years old living urban residences belonging higher wealth status interested top reason adults reported reading nutrition facts reading product labels nutrition facts common among filipino adults interested top reason reading food product labels older persons adults low educational attainment belonging poor households likely read food product labels influenced nutrition facts imply need food label format would cater cannot difficulty reading food labels nutrition facts intensified campaign importance reading food product labels also needed
Sevasti Panagiota Glynou, Christina Anna Petmeza, Ariadni Georgiannakis, Sara Sousi, Alexander Zargaran, David Zargaran, Afshin Mosahebi
Perceptions, awareness and influences of medical students towards plastic surgery: A systematic review
JPRAS open
health advocacy established physician role educational attention advocacy individual patient level public advocacyefforts effect change level communities populations societyremains poorly defined concept whose educational foundation underdeveloped enrich understanding public advocacy explored professionals two disciplinesmedicine lawhave approached tasks experienced challenges using constructivist grounded theory interviewed 18 professionals nine physicians eight lawyers one qualified disciplines engage public advocacy used constant comparison throughout iterative process data collection analysis develop understanding means professional public domain public advocacy work occurs intersection personal professional identities lawyers perceived public advocacy embedded element professional identity physicians often viewed outside core professional scope nonetheless professional identity influenced groups conducted work physicians likely draw professional attitudes eg orientation towards evidence trusted social position lawyers likely draw professional skills eg building argument litigating test cases work requires courage often demands individuals tolerate personal professional risk medicine enshrined advocacy competency frameworks legal profession whose practitioners fully embrace advocacy intrinsic professional identity suggesting roles difficult engineer impose collaboration across publicfacing professions like medicine law creates opportunities reimagine public advocacy identify skills required well refresh educational strategies
Beatrice Emma-Okon, Michal Tombs, Rufus Akomolafe, Olugbenga Ayannuga
Teaching pre-clinical medical students remotely in Nigeria post Covid-19 pandemic: can past experiences shape future directions?
BMC medical education
increased opportunities physical activity pa critical public health need children schoolbased interventions often place teachers position choose pa time spent academic lessons active learning designed overcome combining pa academic material moreover teachers likely responsive change academicrelated outcomes pa study utilizes large cluster randomized control trial student attention time task tot accelerometerbased pa assessed conjunction active learning participants 2716 children 46 male 46 white 28 elementary schools central texas assigned either 1 active learning math n 10 spelling n 9 2 traditional sedentary academic lessons n 9 pa measured accelerometers tot measured momentary time sampling protocol series threelevel student classroom school regression models estimated effect intervention intervention lead significantly increased tot moreover dose pa steps intervention positively associated increase tot contrast greater dose pa associated reduced tot students control schools race gender ses moderate effects planned pa part active academic lesson positively impacted tot contrast traditional sedentary lesson associated lower tot differential impact offers intriguing possibilities better understand relationship pa academic performance
Vahid Saidkhani, Masoumeh Albooghobeish, Zahra Rahimpour, Mohammad Hosein Haghighizadeh
The effect of scenario-based training versus video training on nurse anesthesia students' basic life support knowledge and skill of cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a quasi-experimental comparative study
BMC medical education
increasing telehealth use throughout sports medicine improved patients access health care communities may opportunities connect provider barriers telehealth implementation influenced internal eg providers digital health literacy resources external eg communitys social determinants health sdoh factors study aimed assess impact internal external factors telehealth use athletic trainers ats crosssectional survey total 767 ats participated study participants age 39 13 completed survey containing electronic health literacy scale digital health literacy instrument reported professional use telehealth provider yesno provided resources clinical site provided zip code community served data collection researchers extracted sdoh information using zip code data 2 us databases including population density median household income poverty index education level technology access chisquare independent samples tests conducted compare telehealth use sdoh factor total 623 n 478767 ats reported using telehealth 816 ats n 626 dedicated facility offer health care services identified significant difference digital health literacy scores users nonusers telehealth p 013 identify significant differences telehealth users community type p 957 population density p 053 income p 462 poverty index p 073 computer p 211 broadband internet access p 295 data suggest internal factors digital health literacy clinical site resources may contributed ats previous telehealth use clinical practice however sdoh data extracted community zip code provided clinical services similar without previous telehealth use
Philip M Preshaw, Christoph A Ramseier, Bruno G Loos, Aušra Balčiūnaitė, Tin Crnić, Kevin Davey, Henrik Dommisch, Johanna B Ettmayer, Anthony Roberts, E Etienne Verheijck, Clemens Walter, Graziano Zappalà
Contemporary educational methods in periodontology
Journal of clinical periodontology
instructional time viewed crucial learning little known effectiveness reducing absences relative increasing number school days using administrative data north carolina public schools paper jointly estimates effect absences length school calendar test score performance exploit state policy provides variation number school days prior standardized testing find substantial differences two effects extending school calendar ten days increases math reading test scores 17 08 standard deviation respectively similar reduction absences would lead gains 55 math 29 reading perform number robustness checks including utilizing flu data instrument absences familyyear fixed effects distinguishing excused unexcused absences controlling contemporaneous measure student disengagement results robust alternative specifications addition findings indicate considerable heterogeneity across student ability suggesting targeting absenteeism among low performing students could aid narrowing current gaps performance
Adrian Harrison, Gareth Evans, Gonzalo Blanco
Expanding science skills: teaching tissue culture, data analysis, and reporting through imaging the actin cytoskeleton
Journal of microbiology & biology education
interprofessional ip competency interprofessional education ipe received increasing attention health agreement specific competencies teaching approaches frequently limited professionspecific understandings part quality improvement initiative focused improving delivery ipe offerings enquiry maps current regulatory curricula requirements ip practice health professional students 12 professions trained across aotearoa new zealands national vocational education provider requirements ip competency national accreditation documents operative teaching curricula mapped 12 professions namely clinical exercise physiology counselling massage medical radiology midwifery nursing occupational therapy osteopathy paramedicine physiotherapy social work sport exercise science desk audit conducted identify presence core ip competencies profession involved fourstep process 1 examination regulatory standards profession confirm ip requirements profession 2 examination operative curricula profession identify presence translation ip regulatory requirements professionspecific programs study 3 mapping identify within domains core common ip competencies across professions 4 consideration similarities differences accreditation documents curricula 12 professions 10 clearly identified ip competency expectation clinical exercise physiology counselling exceptions explicit requirement ip competency evident coordination collaboration identified competency domains accreditation documents curricula descending order prevalence communication shared values reflexivity roleunderstanding teamwork also identified requirements amongst 10 professions ip competency requirements ip competencies identified common across professions used inform development teaching assessment greater alignment teaching curricula required competency standards area recommended
Guichun Lin, Wenting Zhou, Qing Lin, Dingping Wang, Yalan Yang, Hong Zhou
Analysis of the Effect of High-Simulation Teaching on Nursing Students' Learning of Nursing Knowledge on Double J Tubes after Ureteral Soft Scope Lithotomy
Archivos espanoles de urologia
laparoscopic assistance often entrusted less experienced individuals residents medical students operating room nurses important note typically receive little formal laparoscopic training deficiency lead poor visibility minimally invasive surgery thus increasing risk errors moreover operating room nurses medical students currently included key users structured laparoscopic training programs aim study evaluate laparoscopic skills nurses clinical medical postgraduate students residents undergoing virtual reality training additionally aimed compare differences laparoscopic skills among different groups nursesstudentsresidents virtual reality training operating room nurses clinical medical postgraduate students residents tertiary grade hospital china march 2022 selected participants participants required complete laparoscopic simulation training course 6 consecutive weeks one task four training modules selected evaluation indicator beforeandafter selfcontrol study used compare basic laparoscopic skills participants laparoscopic skill competency compared groups operating room nurses clinical medical postgraduate students residents twentyseven operating room nurses 31 clinical medical postgraduate students 16 residents included training course scores navigation training module task training module coordination training module surgical skills training module different groups operating room nursesclinical medical postgraduateresidents laparoscopic simulation training statistically significant p 005 laparoscopic simulation training statistically significant difference training course scores different groups surgical level scores training course compared operating room nurses clinical medical postgraduate students residents showed significant increases p 005 findings show significant improvement laparoscopic skills following virtual surgery simulation training across participant groups integration virtual surgery simulation technology surgical training holds promise bridging gap laparoscopic skill development among health care professionals
Michał Szczepanik, Adina S Wagner, Stephan Heunis, Laura K Waite, Simon B Eickhoff, Michael Hanke
Teaching Research Data Management with DataLad: A Multi-year, Multi-domain Effort
learning practicing actual patients major mode teaching clinical skills concerns patient safety unavailability lack standardization led development simulation medical education simulationbased teaching affected challenges lack protected time faculty inexperienced learners number students per group led integration various elearning formats curriculum hybridized format changes traditional clinical skills teaching flipped classroom study aims measure effectiveness hybridizing videobased learning simulation flipping clinical skills teaching fourthyear medical students department paediatrics child health aga khan university pakistan study employed mixedmethods design fourthyear medical students batch 202021 n 100 consented participate study quantitative component focuses identifying effect intervention perceived selfefficacy medical students batch 202021 relevant clinical skill along performance intervention batch 202021 end clerkship objective structured clinical exam osce compared previous batch 201920 taught using simulation alone focused group discussions fgds used explore experiences medical students batch 202021 intervention quantitative data underwent descriptive inferential analysis using stata v16 qualitative data underwent content analysis using nvivo software hybridization videobased learning simulation significantly improved selfefficacy scores examinations cardiovascular respiratory neurological abdomen pvalue 005 osce scores intervention group significantly higher neurological abdominal stations compared previous batch pvalue 005 addition overall structure intervention appreciated students stated allowed reinforcement basic concepts retention insight clinical applications hybridization videobased learning simulation facilitated creation better opportunities medical students revive prior knowledge apply core concepts problem engage clinical reasoning
Burcu Arkan, Aylin Bostanlı
Teaching psychiatric nursing with films during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing
limited literacy common prevalence increases age prospective study assessed whether limited literacy associated mortality older adultsto assess association limited literacy mortalityfiveyear prospective study 1999 2004 communitydwelling elders memphis tn pittsburgh pa health aging body composition study subjects literacy assessed rapid estimate adult literacy medicine scores categorized limited 0 8th grade reading level adequate literacy 9th grade reading leveltwo thousand five hundred twelve black white elders without baseline functional difficulties dementiatime deathparticipants mean age 756 years 48 male 38 black 24 limited literacy median followup time 42 years compared adequate literacy limited literacy higher risk death 197 vs 106 hazard ratio hr 203 95 confidence intervals ci 162 255 adjusting demographics socioeconomic status comorbid conditions selfrated health status healthrelated behaviors health care access measures psychosocial status limited literacy remained independently associated mortality hr 175 95 ci 127 241limited literacy independently associated nearly 2fold increase mortality elderly given growth aging population prevalence chronic diseases mechanisms limited literacy associated mortality elderly warrant investigation
Aklile Semu Tefera, Ermiyas Endewunet Melaku, Besufekad Mulugeta Urgie, Erzik Muhammed Hassen, Tilahun Deresse Tamene, Enguday Demeke Gebeyaw
Barriers to implementing problem-based learning at the school of medicine of Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia
BMC medical education
limited resources make highquality comprehensive coordinated cancer care provision challenging rural settings rural cancer patients often rely local hospitals care develop resources strategies support highquality local cancer care critical understand current experiences rural cancer care physicians including perceived strengths challenges providing cancer care rural areas methods semistructured interviews conducted 13 cancer providers associated 12 nonmetropolitanrural iowa hospitals diagnose treat 100 cancer patients annually iterative thematic analysis conducted develop domains participants identified geographic proximity sense community strengths local care described decisionmaking processes challenges related referring patients larger centers complex procedures including lack dedicated navigators facilitate track transfers institutions occasional lack respect academic physicians participants reported desire strengthening collaborations larger urbanacademic cancer centers including access educational opportunities shared resources strategies collect monitor data quality clinical trials rural cancer care providers dedicated providing highquality care close home patients would welcome opportunities increase collaboration larger centers improve coordination comprehensiveness care collect monitor data quality care access continuing education opportunities research needed develop implementation approaches extend resources services expertise rural providers facilitate highquality cancer care cancer patients
Orhan Aydin, Mehmet D Sulu, Ceren Ari-Arat
A Meta-Analysis of Self-Management Interventions in Teaching Daily Living Skills to Autistic Individuals
Journal of autism and developmental disorders
literature suggests youth physical activity pa behaviors affected network influences less known network influences perceived skill competency component physical literacy selfefficacy study aims provide understanding potential network characteristics associated youth pa skill competency youth n 158 ages 8 12 years recruited two summer care programs ie boys girls clubs participated researcheradministered surveys youth selfreported age sex involvement team sports weekly pa skill competency assessed using version playself measure youth also asked report five people summer program five program interacted linear regression used evaluate associations skill competency demographics pa social network characteristics skill competency significantly associated r2 17 age 06 p 01 sex 06 p 01 sports team involvement 16 p 001 weekly pa 20 p 001 skill competency also significantly associated number connections youth played frequently 09 p 001 number connections helped youth active 18 p 001 heterogeneity type relationships within youths network 11 p 001 skill competency scores significantly associated individual variables social network composition addition youth networks comprising several types relationships heterogeneity reported significantly high skill competency pa interventions effective considering reinforcing aspects networks skill competency
Emcy Louw, Robert J Mash
Registrars' experience with research in family medicine training programmes in South Africa
South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care
lowdose computed tomography scans traditionally used attenuation correction hybrid myocardial perfusion imaging mpi also contain additional anatomic pathologic information utilized clinical assessment seek uncover full potential scans utilizing holistic artificial intelligence aidriven image framework image assessment patients spectct mpi 4 refine spect registry sites studied multistructure model segmented 33 structures quantified 15 radiomics features ct attenuation correction ctac scans coronary artery calcium epicardial adipose tissue scores obtained separate deeplearning models normal standard quantitative mpi features derived clinical software extreme gradient boosting derived allcause mortality risk scores spect ct stress test clinical features utilizing 10fold crossvalidation regimen separate training testing data performance models prediction allcause mortality evaluated using area receiveroperating characteristic curves aucs 10480 patients 5745 548 male median age 65 interquartile range iqr 5773 years median followup 29 years 1640 651 62 patients died auc mortality prediction model combining ctac mpi clinical data 080 95 confidence interval 074087 higher ai ctac model 078 071085 ai hybrid model 079 072086 incorporating ctac mpi data p0001 patients normal perfusion comprehensive model 076 065086 significantly better performance ai ctac 072 061083 ai hybrid 073 062084 models p0001 allctac significantly enhances ai risk stratification mpi spectct beyond primary role attenuation correction comprehensive multimodality approach significantly improve mortality prediction compared mpi information alone patients undergoing cardiac spectct
Nicole D Bolter, Lindsay E Kipp, P Brian Greenwood
Retention in Junior Giants, a sport-based youth development program: what factors are associated with intentions to return?
Frontiers in sports and active living
many corporations information systems units recognize environmental sustainability urgent problem address academic community slow acknowledge problem take action propose ways community engage development environmentally sustainable business practices specifically researchers educators journal editors association leaders need demonstrate transformative power leveraged create ecologically sustainable society issues opinions piece advocate research agenda establish new subfield energy informatics applies information systems thinking skills increase energy efficiency also articulate scholars incorporate environmental sustainability underlying foundation teaching leaders embrace environmental sustainability core principles foster changes reduce environmental impact community
Joshua Epuitai, Pamella R Adongo, Paul Oboth, Felister Apili, Edward Kumakech, Samuel Owusu-Sekyere, Julius N Wandabwa
"We are actually being involved in management of the patient": A qualitative exploration of experiences of students and faculty regarding the use of clinical simulation in Busitema University and Lira University
Research square
many countries successfully deployed covid19 vaccination programmes disparities uptake one factor influencing vaccine coverage religion existing research found link religious beliefs vaccine hesitancy study looks religion england examine relationship public health analysis used data survey 12000 respondents england conducted yougov online panel respondents asked whether identified religion number covid19 vaccinations received employed logistic regressions analyse data accounting age gender education generalised trust trust government political ideology find respondents identify part church england significantly covid19 vaccinations conversely adherents pentecostal evangelical islamic faiths significantly fewer covid19 vaccinations relationships hold even adjusting age education level trust political affiliation research indicates potential influence religious affiliation vaccine uptake highlighting need carefullytailored public health programmes recognizing diverse associations different religious affiliations health behaviour important shaping future vaccination campaigns policy interventions engaging religious communities leaders may one method deal vaccine hesitancy improve public health
Alfred K Doku, John Tetteh, Juliette Edzeame, Ron J G Peters, Charles Agyemang, Elom Hillary Otchi, Alfred Edwin Yawson
The Ghana heart initiative - a health system strengthening approach as index intervention model to solving Ghana's cardiovascular disease burden
Frontiers in public health
many championed value music medical education research specific music offered medical education sparse attempts synthesise literature critical interpretive synthesis cis 56 texts including published articles correspondence abstracts one thesis published 1977 2022 undertaken explore evidence basis offering music medical education total 52 musicfocused programmesactivities described encompassing curricular extracurricular receptive participatory music activities wide range musical genres inductive analysis data extracted texts revealed variety rationales use music medical education could grouped within seven interrelated themes wellbeing supportive learning environment affective engagement teaching learning developing skills clinical practice humanism medicine creative expression identity results synthesis demonstrate remains gap claimed affordances music explicitly addressed medical education research despite paucity research area available data support affordances music multiple may well represented linear models evidence engagement music beneficial medical students strongest relation affordances music wellbeing facilitating supportive learning environment affective engagement memorisation creative expression identity engagement music might enhance humanism including developing skills clinical practice requires investigation accounting student agency multiple affordances music ensure future teaching research best positioned benefit medical students wellbeing personal professional development
Lauren Denusik, Danielle Glista, Michelle Servais, Jodi Friesen, Janis Oram, Barbara Jane Cunningham
"We were the best people to do the job": Caregivers' reported outcomes of a virtual caregiver-delivered program for autistic preschoolers
Autism & developmental language impairments
meaningless gross motor imitation gmi common challenge children diagnosed autism spectrum disorder asd topic attracted much attention appropriate test paradigms developed current study proposed wrist rotation imitation wri task meaningless gmi assignment established wri ability evaluation system using lowcost wearable inertial sensors acquired simultaneous data acceleration angular acceleration wri task three metrics ie total rotation time rotation amplitude symmetry extracted data acceleration angular acceleration adopted construct classifiers based five machine learning ml algorithms including knearest neighbors linear discriminant analysis naive bayes support vector machines random forests illustrate technique study recruited 49 asd children aged 3565 years 59 agematched typically developing td children findings showed compared td children asd may exhibit shorter total rotation time lower rotation amplitude weaker symmetry implies children asd might exhibit decreased wri abilities classifier naive bayes algorithm outperformed four algorithms achieved maximal classification accuracy 88 maximal auc value 091 two metrics ie rotation amplitude symmetry high correlations gross fine motor skills evaluated gesell developmental schedulesthird edition psychoeducational profile3 pep3 three metrics significant correlation visualmotor imitation abilities evaluated subdomain pep3 asd symptom severity evaluated childhood autism rating scale cars strengths study associated lowcost measurement system correlation wri metrics clinical measures decreased wri abilities asd high classification accuracy
Julien Grosjean, Frank Dufour, Arriel Benis, Jean-Marie Januel, Pascal Staccini, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni
Digital Health Education for the Future: The SaNuRN (Santé Numérique Rouen-Nice) Consortium's Journey
JMIR medical education
mentors learn general strategies effective mentoring existing mentorship curricula comprehensively address support marginalized mentees including lgbtqia mentees identifying best mentoring practices existing evidencebased curricula adapted create harvard sexual gender minority health mentoring program primary goal address needs underrepresented health professionals two overlapping groups 1 lgbtqia mentees 2 mentees focused lgbtqia health inaugural cohort n 12 early mid latecareer faculty piloted curriculum spring 2022 six 90minute sessions evaluated program using confidential surveys session programs conclusion well focus groups faculty highly satisfied program reported skill gains behavioral changes findings suggest novel curriculum effectively prepare mentors support mentees identities different whole curriculum parts could integrated trainings enhance inclusive mentoring adaptations also model mentorship curricula tailored particular focus ie lgbtqia health ideally mentor trainings help create inclusive environments throughout academic medicine
Masoumeh Mahmoudi, Ali Asghar Ghorbani, Mehdi Pourasghar, Azita Balaghafari, Jamshid Yazdani Charati, Nassim Ghahrani, Farzaneh Amini
Designing, implementation and evaluation of story reading: a solution to increase general empathy in medical students
BMC medical education
methamphetamine use rising recent years occurring within new populations broader geographical areas limited research use impact pregnancy objective study examine association prenatal methamphetamine use maternal neonatal outcomes large contemporary birth cohort retrospective cohort study using californialinked vital statistics hospital discharge data 20082019 methamphetamine use identified using international classification disease icd9 icd10 codes chisquare tests multivariable poisson regression models used evaluate associations methamphetamine use maternal neonatal outcomes total 4775463 pregnancies met inclusion criteria 18473 039 methamphetamine use compared use individuals methamphetamine use increased risk nonsevere hypertensive disorders arr181 95 ci 171 190 preeclampsia severe features arr338 95 ci 314 363 placental abruption arr377 95 ci 351 405 cardiovascular morbidity arr430 95 ci 379 488 severe maternal morbidity arr353 95 ci 329 377 adverse neonatal outcomes also increased including preterm birth 37 weeks arr285 95 ci 277 294 neonatal intensive care unit admission arr246 95 ci 239 253 infant death arr273 95 ci 235 316 methamphetamine use pregnancy associated increased risk adverse maternal neonatal outcomes persists adjustment confounding variables sociodemographic factors results study inform prenatal postpartum care highrisk socioeconomically vulnerable population
Caitlin A Hildebrand, Meghana B Patel, Alyssa B Tenney, Julia A Logan, Khanh H Luong, Miranda J Crouch, Amanda E Osta, Courtney DeRoo, Kurt O Gilliland, Timothy S Harlan, Alice S Ammerman
Culinary Medicine Experiences for Medical Students and Residents in the U.S. and Canada: A Scoping Review
Teaching and learning in medicine
midlife hypertension represents risk factor development alzheimers disease ad risk age 65 less certain establishing relationships late life hypertension pathological changes ad could crucial understanding relevance blood pressure risk factor disorder investigated associations selfreported latelife hypertension cognitive status ad pathology death impact antihypertensive medication also examined using cornell medical index questionnaire ascertained whether participants ever reported hypertension also noted use antihypertensive medication donated brains 108 individuals assessed ad pathology using consensus guidelines statistical analysis aimed elucidate relationships hypertension ad pathology found associations selfreported hypertension cognitive impairment death however hypertension significantly likely exhibit lower levels ad pathology measured thal phase braak stage cerad score niaaa criteriaeven controlling sex level education presence apoe4 alleles significant associations could found examining use antihypertensive medications findings suggest latelife hypertension associated less severe ad pathology postulate ad pathology may promoted reduced cerebral blood flow
Hexiang Peng, Yiqun Wu, Ren Zhou, Jin Jiang, Xi Chen, Mengying Wang, Tao Ren, Chihui Yu, Tao Wu
Comparison of self-efficacy among graduate teaching assistants before and after training
BMC medical education
hospitalbased healthcare professionals expected teach supervise receive training education designed implemented evaluated interprofessional hospitalbased teaching certificate program based experiential learning reflective practice healthcare professionals little formal training education participants attended educational seminars incorporated new concepts skills behaviors teaching submitted written reflections participants also met education coach received feedback trained observer observed master teacher used descriptive statistics analyze survey distributed 20172019 cohort also analyzed written reflections determine whether participants described new teaching skill concept behavior applied teaching survey completion rate 1520 75 participants described feeling connected educator community establishing educational alliances senior educators learning teaching strategies certificate members outside profession participants indicated likely pursue educational innovation leadership scholarship reflections 88 described incorporating new concept teaching participants interprofessional teaching certificate program engaged curriculum professional development education graduates program reported knowledge gain behavior change establishment educational alliances community practice
Ana Josefa Cañas-Lerma, Paula Hidalgo-Andrade, Viviana Araujo-Lugo, Gabriela Moya, Sebastià Verger
Emotional experiences in palliative care and professional quality of life: a qualitative approach
Palliative care and social practice
much prior research documented negative associations aggression peer relationships social skills research begun examine whether forms aggression also may associated prosocial skills increased social status however studies examined associations within diverse samples elementary aged youth current study examined associations aggression popularity social preference leadership among 227 urban ethnic minority 74 african american 9 biracial including african american 12 ethnic minorities 5 european american elementary school youth average age 95 years 485 female results indicated urban high risk environment displaying aggressive behaviors associated increased perceived popularity decreased social preference cases increased perceived leadership results also suggested gender differences association forms aggression ie relational overt popularity current study underscores importance examining youth leadership along forms aggression social status among urban minority youth implications future research aggression prevention programming highlighted
Yalin Aygun, Hulusi Boke, Fatma Hilal Yagin, Sakir Tufekci, Talha Murathan, Ertugrul Gencay, Pablo Prieto-González, Luca Paolo Ardigò
Emotional and Social Outcomes of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model in Physical Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Children (Basel, Switzerland)
numerical skills increasingly important modern life interventions developed support numeracy skills difficulties previous studies demonstrated applying transcranial direct current stimulation tdcs improve numerical skills however tdcs interventions designed induce lasting changes typically involve reapplying brainstimulation several days repeated tdcs application increase risks associated procedure well restricts transferability method wider population particularly may experience mobility issues stroke survivors acalculia current study investigated whether single session tdcs anodal right parietal lobe cathodal left parietal lobe followed four selfpractice sessions without tdcs could result enhancement numerical skills nineteen healthy adults n 10 tdcs n 9 sham control implicitly learnt magnitude association nine arbitrary symbols previously used cohen kadosh et al 2010 numerical proficiency assessed using numbertospace task automaticity assessed numerical stroop results revealed singlesession tdcs significant effect participants accuracy numbertospace tasks numerical stroop tasks congruity effect implying automaticity may require longer practice conclude single session tdcs considered avenue interventions
Maria Angeli, Mary Hassandra, Charalampos Krommidas, Ioannis Morres, Yannis Theodorakis
Assessing the Impact of a Health Education Anti-Smoking Program for Students: A Follow-Up Investigation
Children (Basel, Switzerland)
parents primary caregivers school teachers play crucial role shaping personality lifestyle children elementary school years aims study evaluate oral health knowledge elementary school teachers assess attitude towards oral health education implementation elementary school curriculum descriptive crosssectional study carried among 1200 teachers working government elementary schools data collected structured selfadministered questionnaire consisting teachers demographic data responses knowledge attitude questions total 1031 teachers participated study response rate 86 twothirds 66 participants demonstrated high oral health knowledge participants educational level statistically significantly associated oral health knowledge almost participants 90 agreed oral health education included elementary school curriculum twothirds participants 74 showed willingness participate online courses promote oral health among elementary school children considering oral health knowledge positive attitude teaching experience fact potential reach large number children establish consistency continuity providing educational instructions elementary school teachers encouraged become involved promoting oral health elementary school children part teaching system approach good strategy improve childrens oral health therefore reduce burden preventable oral diseases dental caries periodontal disease worldwide
Yu Shi, Shijian Miao, Yang Fu, Chengjun Sun, Hongsheng Wang, Xiaowen Zhai
TeamSTEPPS improves patient safety
BMJ open quality
patient care often involves interprofessional collaboration interprofessional teaching formats participants medical physiotherapy fields still rare furthermore interprofessional education often takes place separate courses integrated clinical curriculum therefore goal project develop implement interprofessional content bedside teaching clinical subject course parkinsons disease condition allowed exemplary demonstration interprofessional teamwork different competencies interprofessional bedside teaching specific clinical context interprofessionalism intended integrated experienced natural part clinical practice bedside teaching complemented work breakout groups lecture course first conducted winter semester 202122 participants medical physiotherapy students teaching teams also interprofessional concurrent evaluation carried using university west england interprofessional questionnaire uweip course participation uweip scores subscales indicated positive attitude except interprofessional learning scale among physiotherapy students reflected neutral attitude significant group differences observed scale precourse time point medical physiotherapy students p001 among medical students course participation p002 course proved wellsuited integrating interprofessional content clinical education serve model future teaching units evaluation reflected positive attitude toward interprofessional learning
Fatma Orgun, Nilay Özkütük, Cemre Paylan Akkoç, Gülsüm Çonoğlu
Use of standardized patients in patient education practices of senior nursing students: A mixed-methods study
Nurse education today
policymakers educators parents recognize need family life sexuality education childrens formative years adolescence little nationally representative information timing content instruction elementary schools 1999 data gathered 1 789 fifth sixthgrade teachers part nationally representative survey 5543 public school teachers grades 512 based responses 617 fifth sixthgrade teachers said teach sexuality education analyses carried topics skills sexuality education teachers taught grades taught teaching approaches pressures experienced whether received support parents community school administrators needs seventytwo percent fifth sixthgrade teachers report sexuality education taught schools one grades fiftysix percent teachers say subject taught grade five 64 grade six 75 teachers teach sexuality education grades cover puberty hiv aids transmission issues alcohol drugs affect behavior stick decision however schools provide sexuality education taken account even topics taught little half fifth sixthgrade classrooms topics much less likely covered teaching topics less prevalent grades teachers think gaps teachers say teaching teachers recommendations taught grade especially large topics sexual abuse sexual orientation abortion birth control condom use std prevention substantial proportion teachers recommend topics taught grade six earlier half 57 fifth sixthgrade sexuality education teachers cover topic abstinence intercourse17 option protection pregnancy stds 40 best alternative one option protection fortysix percent teachers report one top three problems teaching sexuality education pressure whether community parents school administrators 40 teachers report need type assistance materials factual information teaching strategies large proportion schools little prepare students grades five six puberty much less dealing pressures decisions regarding sexual activity sexuality education teachers often feel unsupported community parents school administrators
Jessie W Ho, Emily J Cerier, Carmen M Diaz, Yue-Yung Hu, Leah C Tatebe, Hasan B Alam, Julie K Johnson, Amy L Halverson
Residents Need a Dynamic Approach to Leadership Education: A Qualitative Study
Journal of surgical education
previous studies shown evidence association school climate aggression explored mechanisms behind association crosssectional study focused mediating effects selfcontrol moderating effects parentchild relationship association school climate aggression data obtained anonymous survey conducted among 1030 chinese elementary middle school students 5272 male average age 1153 years responded items school climate aggression selfcontrol parentchild relationship first results showed school climate negatively associated aggression second mediation analysis showed selfcontrol significantly mediated association school climate aggression third moderated mediation analysis showed parentchild relationship significantly moderated first stage indirect path school climate selfcontrol specifically association notably stronger among children adolescents better parentchild relationships sum findings constitute valuable reference improving selfcontrol context targeted interventions aimed preventing aggression children adolescents china
Zerina Lokmic-Tomkins, Kalpana Raghunathan, Helen Almond, Richard G Booth, Susan G McBride, Mari Tietze, Michelle Honey, Paula Procter, Monica Peddle, Lisa McKenna
Perspectives on the implementation of health informatics curricula frameworks
Contemporary nurse
prior research demonstrated relationship sleep cognitive performance sleep relates underlying genetic environmental etiologies contributing cognitive functioning regardless level cognitive function unclear present study assessed whether importance genetic environmental contributions cognition vary depending individuals agingrelated sleep characteristics large sample consisted twins six studies within interplay genes environment across multiple studies igems consortium spanning mid latelife average age mage 576 range 2791 years n 7052 female 4370 1525 complete monozygotic mz pairs 2001 complete dizygotic dz pairs quantitative genetic twin models considered sleep duration primary moderator genetic environmental contributions cognitive performance four cognitive abilities semantic fluency spatialvisual reasoning processing speed episodic memory accounting age moderation results suggested genetic shared nonshared environmental contributions semantic fluency genetic shared environmental contributions episodic memory vary sleep duration significant moderation observed spatialvisual reasoning processing speed results semantic fluency episodic memory illustrated patterns higher genetic influences cognitive function shorter sleep durations ie 4 hours higher shared environmental contributions cognitive function longer sleep durations ie 10 hours overall findings may align associations upregulation neuroinflammatory processes ineffective betaamyloid clearance short sleep contexts common reporting mental fatigue long sleep contexts associated poorer cognitive functioning
B Caitlin Peters, Robin Gabriels, Arlene A Schmid, Rebecca K F Lassell, Zhaoxing Pan, Ari Hoffman, Susan Hepburn
Occupational Therapy Using Zones of Regulation™ Concepts: A Feasibility Study
OTJR : occupation, participation and health
privacy highly cherished value would argue notion absolute privacy unattainable individuals make choices surrender certain degree privacy exchange outcomes perceived worth risk information disclosure research attempts better understand delicate balance privacy risk beliefs confidence enticement beliefs influence intention provide personal information necessary conduct transactions internet theoretical model incorporated contrary factors representing elements privacy calculus tested using data gathered 369 respondents structural equations modeling sem using lisrel validated instrument proposed model results suggest although internet privacy concerns inhibit ecommerce transactions cumulative influence internet trust personal internet interest important factors outweigh privacy risk perceptions decision disclose personal information individual uses internet findings provide empirical support extended privacy calculus model
Johannes Fuchs, Bastian Jackl, Michael Juttler, Daniel A Keim, Rita Sevastjanova
TreEducation: A Visual Education Platform for Teaching Treemap Layout Algorithms
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics
recognized key hiv prevention strategy preexposure prophylaxis prep availability accessibility well documented globally aimed describe prep drug registration status availability prep services across hiv care sites participating international epidemiology databases evaluate aids iedea research consortium used countrylevel prep drug registration status aids vaccine advocacy coalition data iedea surveys conducted 2014 2017 2020 among participating hiv clinics seven global regions used descriptive statistics assess prep availability across iedea sites serving adult patients 2020 examined trends prep availability among sites responded three surveys 199 sites completed 2020 survey prep available 161 81 prep availability highest sites north america 2930 97 east africa 7074 95 lowest sites central 1020 50 west africa 16 17 prep availability higher among sites countries prep officially registered 146161 91 1432 44 availability higher health centers 109120 90 district hospitals 1416 88 compared regionalteaching hospitals 3663 among 94 sites responded three surveys prep availability increased 47 2014 60 2017 76 2020 prep availability substantially increased since 2014 available iedea sites however prep service provision varies markedly across global regions
Emma Soneson, Emma Howarth, Alison Weir, Peter B Jones, Mina Fazel
Empowering School Staff to Support Pupil Mental Health Through a Brief, Interactive Web-Based Training Program: Mixed Methods Study
Journal of medical Internet research
research well documented urban youth exposed increasing rates community violence little known increases risk violence exposure protects children exposure violence factors reduce negative outcomes associated witnessing violence study expands current research evaluating relations exposure violence family relationship characteristics parenting practices aggression depression symptoms data drawn sample 245 africanamerican latino boys caregivers economically disadvantaged innercity neighborhoods chicago rates exposure could predicted family relationship parenting characteristics although trend discipline related exposure community violence related increases aggressive behavior depression 1year period even controlling previous status future studies continue evaluate role exposure violence development youth among different neighborhoods communities implications intervention policy discussed
Dalia Albahari
Perceived opportunities of clinical reasoning learning in postgraduate psychiatry training: Trainees' and faculty's perspectives
Qatar medical journal
school foods become healthier healthy hunger free kids act research suggests still substantial food waste cafeterias therefore necessary study factors impact food consumption including holding recess lunch reverse recess starting lunch periods early late study examined association timing recess prelunch vs postlunch recess timing lunch period food consumed students lunch conducted secondary data analysis repeated crosssectional design 8week plate waste study examining 20183 trays food conducted new orleans la 2014 study involved 1036 fourth fifthgrade students eight public schools measured percent entres fruit vegetables milk consumed students lunch used mixedmodel analyses controlling student sex grade timing lunch period examined association reverse recess student lunch consumption mixedmodel analyses controlling student sex grade recess status examined whether timing lunch period associated student lunch consumption average students reverse recess consumed 51 fruit students postlunch recess p0009 significant differences entres vegetables milk intake compared students midday lunch periods average students early lunch periods consumed 58 less entres p0001 45 less milk p0047 students late lunch periods consumed 138 less entres p0001 159 less fruit p0001 reverse recess associated increased fruit consumption early lunch periods associated decreased entre milk consumption late lunch periods associated decreased entre fruit consumption additional research recommended determine whether associations causal
Hai Hu, Xiaoqin Lai, Longping Yan
Training nurses in an international emergency medical team using a serious role-playing game: a retrospective comparative analysis
BMC medical education
significant strides made comprehending pathophysiology treatment epilepsy investigation warranted elucidate factors impacting development transmission particularly within familial contexts study sought explore prevalence risk factors associated epilepsy offspring patients epilepsy treated tertiary epilepsy center adult patients confirmed epilepsy pwe receiving outpatient care consecutively enrolled starting january 2021 january 2023 data recorded various variables including age gender epilepsy pathophysiology cognitive impairment family history epilepsy descriptive statistics various statistical tests multivariate logistic regression analyses employed analyze data total 1456 pwe included among 463 patients 318 children twentyfive patients offspring diagnosed epilepsy representing prevalence 54 analysis offspring epilepsy revealed older ages higher proportion parents idiopathic epilepsy greater prevalence positive family history epilepsy multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated significant association family history epilepsy increased epilepsy risk offspring genetic syndromeimmanent predisposition advanced age family history epilepsy identified significant risk factors epilepsy offspring means monocenter study
Shumin Wang, Yizhi Liu, Fengze Wang, Baochang Zhao, Lijun Gao, Miao Guo
Teaching effects of the online and offline flipped classroom model (FCM) in the post-epidemic era: Development and feasibility study
Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
singlemethod studies reported effectiveness simulated interprofessional teaching understanding full effects remains incomplete teaching design also provides relevant theoretical guidance reduces scientific quality rigor research purpose work study effects simulated interprofessional education sipe teaching model based 3p theory course clinical critical thinking training convergent mixed method provide basis future teaching design convergent mixedmethod design used consisted survey semistructured interview data collection took place september 2021 july 2022 cluster sampling method used select 60 fulltime nursing students school china randomly divide control group 36 experimental group 24 according principle voluntary participation 6 students majoring clinical medicine 6 students majoring pharmacy recruited join experimental group form interprofessional team students studied clinical critical thinking training together control group used traditional simulation teaching experimental group used sipe cctdi california critical thinking disposition inventory aitcsii student assessment interprofessional team collaboration student learning scale used quantitative evaluation course descriptive statistics mannwhitney u test used compare critical thinking interprofessional collaboration skills two groups students semistructured interviews used qualitative evaluation thematic analysis used understand student development basis interprofessional core competencies learning experience students interprofessional cooperation abilities critical thinking scores improved compared beginning course scores experimental group significantly higher control group p 005 three themes emerged regarding simulated interprofessional teaching clarifying team positioning improving team efficiency optimizing learning experience sipe build students critical thinking teamwork interprofessional core competencies makes useful teaching design
Olga Scrivner, Thuy Nguyen, Michael Ginda, Kosali Simon, Katy Börner
Interactive network visualization of opioid crisis research: a tool for reinforcing data linkage skills for public health policy researchers
Frontiers in artificial intelligence
social media influencers gleaning increasing trust investment brands advertisers followers insights role influencers adolescents relationship formation consumption behaviors still rare drawing literatures influencer content value influencer credibility parental mediation parasocial relationship psr study proposed conceptual model expounds appeal influencers among adolescents test model administered online survey recruited proportion demographic quotas ie age gender ethnicity among 500 united states adolescents aged 10 19years old via qualtrics panel results revealed entertainment value influencergenerated content influencer expertise trustworthiness attractiveness followers perceived similarity favorite influencers positively related perceived psr adolescent followers favorite influencers turn associated adolescents materialistic views purchase intentions also explored role parental mediation adolescents social media use psr influencers results indicate neither active mediation restrictive mediation related psr adolescents influencers active mediation negatively associated adolescents materialism whereas restrictive mediation positively related adolescents purchase intentions toward influencerpromoted products study proposed tested comprehensive conceptual model accounts role influencers adolescent followers materialism purchase intentions study yields three major theoretical contributions first adopts applies concept psr literature media psychology explicate influencers appeal among adolescents lays theoretical foundation future research impact influencers second advances current literature social media influencers specifying key contributing factors development adolescents psr influencers lastly explores roles two facets parental mediation active restrictive mediation appeal influencers among adolescents offers directions future research parental mediation influencer context
Chen Lilan, Jianqi Zhong
Intelligent recommendation system for College English courses based on graph convolutional networks
social networking already demonstrated efficiency elearning gamification use gamethinking playful design nongame contexts shown potential motivational tool paper presents results testing social networking gamification undergraduate course comparing terms effect students academic achievement participation attitude effects gamification plugin deployed learning management system compared social networking site educational setting found approaches presented better performance traditional elearning approach terms academic achievement practical assignments came assessing knowledge traditional elearning approach better also challenging current assumptions participation rates scores remained low new tools although students attitudes positive
Monireh Faghir Ganji, Narjes Abdolmohammadi, Maryam Nikbina, Alireza Ansari-Moghaddam, Arash Tehrani-Banihashemi
Mothers' experience of virtual education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
social networks influence individuals substance use disorders suds mechanisms influence underexplored among women use drugs study triangulates perspectives criminal justice professionals sud treatment professionals women past current experiences substance use explore dynamics conducted semistructured interviews n 42 2022 women current past opioid use disorder n 20 sud treatment professionals n 12 criminal justice professionals n 10 work women opioid use disorder interviews centered around participants backgrounds perceived barriers facilitators medications opioid use disorder moud treatment genderspecific issues moud treatment interviews audiorecorded transcribed deidentified used fourstep qualitative data analysis process code transcripts across participants accounts identified mechanisms womens social networks influenced opioid use trajectories intergenerational substance use family support strain intimate partner influence peer support pressure overall emergent themes present study reflect embedded nature support within social systems women access engaged various forms social support tended useused moud selfidentified recovery combining moud treatment psychosocial interventions allows women heal trauma learn effective coping skills receive valuable resources support recovery interventions focusing family resilience peer recovery support disrupt cycle addiction promote moud treatment success psycinfo database record c 2024 apa rights reserved
Xiaoyan 晓燕 Wang 王, Lifeng 丽峰 Yang 杨, Shasha 莎莎 Hu 胡
Teaching nursing students: As an umbrella review of the effectiveness of using high-fidelity simulation
Nurse education in practice
socioeconomic disparities among fundamental causes health disparities socioeconomic status ses impact health directly one potential mediating factors link ses health health literacy hl yet although hl considered modifiable risk factor socioeconomic disparities health relationship ses hl health disparities well understood study reviewed evidence regarding mediating role hl relationship socioeconomic health disparities medline cinahl embase psychinfo eric web science google google scholar mednar doaj worldcat used retrieve studies specifically addressed socioeconomic sociodemographic factors related low hl levels well mediating role hl relationship ses disparities health outcomes selected studies assessed methodological quality sixteen published studies retained inclusion content analyzed using constant comparison method review indicates disadvantaged social socioeconomic conditions contribute low hl levels whereby low ses particularly educational attainment important determinant hl hl mediates relationship ses health status quality life specific healthrelated outcomes health behaviors use preventive services hl considered modifiable risk factor socioeconomic disparities health enhancing level hl population making health services accessible people low hl may means reach greater equity health
Juliane Kröplin, Leonie Maier, Jan-Hendrik Lenz, Bernd Romeike
Knowledge Transfer and Networking Upon Implementation of a Transdisciplinary Digital Health Curriculum in a Unique Digital Health Training Culture: Prospective Analysis
JMIR medical education
established undergraduate summer programs effective across many institutions programs may available principal investigators may fully address diverse needs incoming undergraduates article outlines 10week science technology engineering mathematics medicine stemm education program designed prepare undergraduate students graduate school unique model incorporating mentoring dyads triads cultural exchanges diverse activities emphasizing critical thinking research skills cultural sensitivity specifically offer straightforward adaptable guide used mentoring undergraduate students laboratory focused mitochondria microscopy may customized disciplines key components include selfguided projects journal clubs various weekly activities mindfulness training laboratory techniques focus individual cultural expression beyond unique format 10week program also seeks offer intensive research program emulates graduatelevel experiences offering immersive environment personal professional development led numerous achievements past students including publications awardwinning posters
Elizabeth Zimmermann, Samuel Tomczyk
Fostering Digital Life Skills Through Social Media With Adolescents in 6 German States: Protocol for an Accessibility Study According to the RE-AIM Framework
JMIR research protocols
physicians hone skills informal learning clinical practice others lack understanding physicians seek improvement use workplace context build capabilities physicians rarely pursue formal professional development activities improve communication skills examining physicianpatient communication offers powerful opportunity illuminate important aspects preparation future learning workplace qualitative observational study involved 100 hours observation eight pediatric rehabilitation physicians interacted patients families academic teaching hospital 20182020 detailed field notes observations postobservation interviews exit interviews data sources data collection analysis using constructivist grounded theory approach occurred iteratively themes identified constant comparative analysis daily work experienced physicians employ habits inquiry constantly seeking better understanding navigate challenging conversations practice monitoring attuning situational contextual cues taking risks navigating uncertainty exploring new varied ways practicing seeking strategies successful engaging communication challenges drives physician learning interplay habits inquiry knowledge inquiry improve communication supported existing conceptual knowledge generate new strategies habits inquiry prompt continual reinvestment problem solving refine existing knowledge build new skills navigating communication challenges practice
Jabulani Mpofu, Maximus M Sefotho
Challenges of competency-based curriculum in teaching learners with learning disabilities
African journal of disability
standardized assessment knowledge attitudes practices kap related gestational diabetes hypertension possible valid tool existing research remains limited prospective validation study aimed develop validate novel tool assess kap midwives obstetric nurses included 125 midwives obstetric nurses routinely care patients gestational diabetes hypertension tool demonstrated good internal consistency cronbachs alpha knowledge 0729 95 ci 06540776 attitude 0756 95 ci 06900814 practices 0925 95 ci 09050943 difficulty indices ranged 038 099 knowledge 041 099 attitudes 041 093 practices indicating appropriate item difficulty discrimination indices confirmed items could differentiate respondents low high knowledge levels range 002077 knowledge 006064 attitudes 020084 practices robust psychometric properties tool support use future research kap related diabetes gestational hypertension management midwives nurses instrument potential valuable various settings including baseline assessment educational programs evaluation learning outcomes interventions
Kenichiro Takeda, Hajime Kasai, Hiroshi Tajima, Nami Hayama, Mikihito Saito, Chiaki Kawame, Takuji Suzuki
Effectiveness of Lung Ultrasound Training Utilizing a High-Fidelity Simulator
ATS scholar
studies suggested adverse impacts covid19 scientific outputs work routines scientists evidence required understand detailed obstacles challenging scientists work productivity pandemic including different people affected eg gender online surveybased thematic analysis investigated pandemic affected scientists perception scientific academic productivity science technology engineering mathematics stem medicine fields analysis examined inequitable changes duties responsibilities caregiving children family andor households exist scientists mothers compared scientists fathers nonparents survey collected data 2548 survey responses six languages across 132 countries results indicate many scientists suffered delays restrictions research activities administrations due lockdown institutions well increased workloads adapting online teaching environment caregiving responsibility children family increased compromised time academic efforts especially due temporary shutdown social supports higher percentages female parent participants male parent participants expressed increased burdens indicating unequal divisions caregiving women men range physical mental health issues identified mainly due overworking isolation despite numerous obstacles participants reported advantages pandemic including efficiency online teaching increased funding covidrelated research application alternative research methodologies fluidity workday commuting findings imply need rapid institutional support aid various academic activities diminish gender inequity career development among academicians highlighting crisis exacerbate existing inequalities
Sarah Godfrey, Jill M Steiner, Abdulla A Damluji, Ramya Sampath, Sarah Chuzi, Haider Warraich, Ashok Krishnaswami, Gwen Bernacki, Sarah Goodlin, Richard Josephson, John Mulrow, Caroline Doherty
Palliative Care Education in Cardiovascular Disease Fellowships: A National Survey of Program Directors
Journal of cardiac failure
supervised toothbrushing programmes established many countries world little known different perspectives implementation aim study explore stakeholders barriers facilitators implementation schoolbased toothbrushing programme taiwan focus groups interviews used explore views elementary school students teachers staff nurses piloted schoolbased toothbrushing programme topic guides developed according theoretical domains framework tdf cover behavioural factors systematically comprehensively data analysed content analysis overall 36 students 29 teachersstaff five school nurses n 65 included overarching theme importance habit formation staff children ensure toothbrushing part programme embedded school schedule routine children necessarily appear retain dental knowledge taught programme provision fluoride toothpaste toothbrush use schools allowing teachers staff choose timing brushing engaging classmates supervise found key factors implementing schoolbased toothbrushing programme support staff active engagement children help children develop toothbrushing habit classmatesupervised toothbrushing may reduce burden teachers staff implement programme
Katherine S Peterson
The interprofessional practice experiences of final-semester prelicensure BSN students completing clinical immersion: A descriptive qualitative study
Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
tailored information might potential motivate stroke survivors make essential lifestyle changes improve longterm outcomes varies among different stroke populations yet fully understood november 2022 may 2023 stroke survivors uk clinically stable participated communitybased descriptive crosssectional study participants rated several information themes likert scale one five indicating relevance information group data analysed using wilcoxon chisquared tests spss descriptive statistics employed examining preferred information delivery method timing personnel frequency seventy survivors average age 67 19 61 males recruited survivors emphasised importance symptoms risk factors recovery information hospital stay medication lifestyle change information significant community subgroup analysis revealed distinct patterns firsttime stroke survivors highlighted importance social financial support acute phase median likert score 3 chronic phase median likert score 4 p 001 prior strokes emphasised information driving working stroke acute phase median likert score 4 chronic phase median likert score 3 p 005 survivors recruited six months stroke prioritised knowledge carer support community acute phase median likert score 35 chronic phase median likert score 4 p 001 survivors information needs differ depending factors recovery phase type stroke time since diagnosis presence previous stroke considering factors essential developing providing information stroke survivors
Colleen Ryan, Michelle Vanderburg, Ritesh Chugh, Katrina Johnston, Roslyn Clapperton, Kerry Bond, Margaret Flanders, Chelsea James
Mobile applications in nursing science education: A scoping review with snowballing method
Nurse education today
teachers knowledge widely viewed key aspect professional development new era little research attention paid one key components teacher data literacy accordingly study aimed combine teacher data literacy tpack technological pedagogical content knowledge widelyused framework understanding assessing teachers knowledge first used qualitative methods develop integrated framework distributed quantitative selfreport survey based framework teachers analyzed resulting data qualitative phase highlighted five types teachers knowledge required integrated core knowledge system incorporating data literacy provided insights reflecting teaching learning smart learning environments quantitative analysis data tdltpack questionnaire indicated teachers competent practitioners areas improvement experienced teachers 30s 40s performed higher levels aged 50 displayed incremental decreases performance factors age experience academic qualifications role teachers may affect different aspects knowledge including data literacy research findings provide useful insights additional teacher training development programs context smart education
Rajeev Soni, Sudhanshu Kacker, Neha Saboo
A study to evaluate the burden of hearing loss and its correlation with risk factors among high-risk infants at a teaching institution, Jaipur
Journal of family medicine and primary care
telemedicine offers significant benefits remain substantial knowledge gaps literature particularly regarding use saudi arabia study aims explore health consumers behavioral intention use telemedicine examining associated factors ehealth literacy attitudes toward telemedicine services crosssectional observational study conducted collect data demographics health status internet skills attitudes toward telemedicine ehealth literacy online survey administered two large public gatherings riyadh ehealspl scale used measure perceived ehealth literacy levels data analysis performed using spss ibm corp united states 385 participants equal distribution genders largest age group 1820 years old 57 nearly half participants neither employed students 43 access governmental hospitals employment 71 reported proficiency using internet healthwise 47 rated health excellent 56 medical insurance 87 expressed high likelihood using telemedicine offered provider participants categorized based ehealth literacy scores 54 scoring low 46 scoring high overall participants showed positive attitudes toward telemedicine 82 agreeing saves time money provides access specialized care half participants perceived process seeing doctor telemedicine video complex ehealth literacy attitudes toward telemedicine showed statistically significant association intention use telemedicine p 0001 positive significant correlation ehealth literacy attitudes 0460 p 0001 multivariate ordinal regression analysis revealed odds high likelihood intention use telemedicine significantly increased positive attitudes p 0001 mediation analysis confirmed significant mediating role attitudes toward telemedicine relationship ehealth literacy intention use telemedicine findings underline importance enhancing health literacy consumer attitudes toward telemedicine particularly healthcare digital transformation experiencing globally crucial promoting increased acceptance utilization telemedicine services beyond covid19 pandemic
DongXu Wang, BingCheng Huai, Xing Ma, BaiMing Jin, YuGuang Wang, MengYu Chen, JunZhi Sang, RuiNan Liu
Application of artificial intelligence-assisted image diagnosis software based on volume data reconstruction technique in medical imaging practice teaching
BMC medical education
text messages short messaging service programs increasingly utilized delivering health education studies explored unique challenges recruiting retaining participants programs study utilizes survey focus group data text2bhealthy short messaging servicebased nutrition physical activity promotion program examine barriers enrollment facilitators retention among parents elementary school students results show participants hard reach recruitment materials difficulty selfenrollment apprehensive program costs however 8990 percent participants retained results suggest providing manual enrollment options alternative program delivery methods eg email messages opportunities reenroll may facilitate participation short messaging servicebased health education promotion programs
Vicki Howe, Ashley Whitworth, April Noonan, Ines Medel, Sebastian Perez, Emily J Christenberry
A scoping review of advanced pharmacy practice experience readiness assessment measures across schools of pharmacy
Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning
acute effects highload resistance training force generating capacity muscles widely examined limited data exist relationship forcevelocity profile fv evidence suggests high sensitivity vertical fv profile monitor changes muscles mechanical properties according type exercise protocol however interpretation findings seems straightforward therefore purpose study examine effects highload resistance training protocol muscles mechanical properties loaded jumps vertical forcevelocity profile fv relation maximal strength 29 resistancetrained male mean agesd 354 78 years 29 female athletes mean agesd 325 70 years participated study fiverepetition maximum 5rm back squat unloaded countermovement jump cmj fv profile assessed loaded jumps performed 25 50 75 100 percent body mass participants performed exercise protocols corresponding 5rm immediately unloaded cmj fv profile measurements repeated significant decrease cmj height 56 average power 4 recorded men women fv profile change exercise protocol however significant decrease theoretical maximal power 4 5 theoretical maximal velocity 3 maximal strength associated changes fv profile findings suggest acute highload exercise decreased vertical jump performance maximal power output without concomitant change fv profile large interindividual variability fv measures indicates less straightforward connection applied exercise acute response fv profile highlighting complexity fv profile monitor changes response acute training load
Mili Saha, Shobha Islam, Asma Akter Akhi, Goutam Saha
Factors affecting success and failure in higher education mathematics: Students' and teachers' perspectives
association coeliac disease type 1 diabetes well documented association coeliac disease type 2 diabetes risk remains undetermined conducted nationwide cohort mendelian randomisation analysis investigate link nationwide matched cohort used data swedish espresso cohort including 46150 individuals coeliac disease 219763 matched individuals comparator group selected general population followed 1969 2021 data 9053 individuals coeliac disease underwent second biopsy used examine association persistent villous atrophy type 2 diabetes multivariable cox regression employed estimate associations mendelian randomisation analysis 37 independent genetic variants associated clinically diagnosed coeliac disease p5108 used proxy genetic liability coeliac disease summarylevel data type 2 diabetes obtained diagram consortium 80154 cases finngen study 42593 cases median 157 years followup 6132 133 30138 137 incident cases type 2 diabetes people coeliac disease comparator individuals respectively coeliac disease increased risk incident type 2 diabetes hr 100 95 ci 097 103 compared comparator individuals persistent villous atrophy associated increased risk type 2 diabetes compared mucosal healing among participants coeliac disease hr 102 95 ci 090 116 genetic liability coeliac disease associated type 2 diabetes diagram 101 95 ci 099 103 finngen 101 95 ci 099104 coeliac disease associated type 2 diabetes risk
Cathy R Fulton, Anna L M Macagno, Stephanie L Dickinson, Kathleen Calzone
Advanced practice nurse pharmacogenomics capacity and utilization
Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
association education noncommunicable diseases ncds well established remains unclear whether association varies gender aim study examine two critical research questions whether association education ncds conditioned gender factors contributing data longitudinal aging study india wave 1 20172018 used empirical analysis study employs bivariate binary logistic regression oaxaca decomposition analyses results reveal net likelihood least one chronic ncd increases increase education level men 5 schooling odds ratio 118 95 confidence interval ci 109 128 10 schooling 143 95 ci 133 153 however women result showed contrasting pattern decomposition analysis revealed distinctive roles marital status working status diagnosis morbidity men women key factors behind gendered heterogeneous relationship education ncds india study found important acknowledge potential impact selfreporting bias morbidity data examining relationship education ncds
Bas Ph Ter Brugge, Lena Sophia Fegg, Marjo Wijnen-Meijer
Preparing medical students for their educational task as physicians: important, desirable and unexplored territory
BMC medical education
association american medical colleges aamc designated crossdisciplinary telemedicine competencies curricular implementation disparate stages across medical schools significant curricular gaps investigated factors associated presence telemedicine curriculum family medicine clerkships data evaluated part 2022 cera survey family medicine clerkship directors cd participants answered questions telemedicine curriculum clerkship including whether required optional whether telemedicine competencies assessed availability faculty expertise volume visits student autonomy visits cds attitude importance telemedicine education awareness society teachers family medicines stfm telemedicine curriculum ninetyfour 159 cds 591 responded survey onethird fm clerkships 38 413 teach telemedicine cds 59 628 assess competencies presence telemedicine curriculum positively associated cds awareness stfms telemedicine curriculum p032 attitude cds toward importance telemedicine teaching p007 higher level learner autonomy telemedicine visits p035 private medical schools p020 almost twothirds clerkships 628 assess telemedicine competencies fewer onethird cds 286 considered telemedicine education important clerkship topics cds attitudes significant determinant whether teaching telemedicine skills occurred awareness telemedicine education resources higher learner autonomy telemedicine encounters may promote integration clerkship curriculum
Benjy Tom Varughese, Daniel Manoj, Antony L Arakkal, Latif Rajesh Johnson, Ranjit Immanuel James
Mock court: a valuable tool to teach legal procedures to undergraduate medical students
International journal of legal medicine
concept anthropocene reflects past present nature scale magnitude human impacts earth system true significance lies used guide attitudes choices policies actions influence future yet date much research anthropocene focused interpreting past present changes saying little future likewise many futures studies insufficiently rooted understanding past changes particular longterm coevolution biophysical human systems anthropocene perspective one encapsulates world intertwined drivers complex dynamic structures emergent phenomena unintended consequences manifest across different scales within interlinked biophysical constraints social conditions paper discuss changing role science theoretical methodological analytical challenges considering futures anthropocene present three broad groups research questions 1 societal goals future 2 major trends dynamics might favor hinder 3 factors might propel impede transformations towards desirable futures tackling questions requires development novel approaches integrating natural social sciences well humanities beyond current today present three examples one group questions illustrating science might contribute identification desirable plausible futures pave way transformations towards argue time debates sustainability anthropocene focus opportunities realizing desirable plausible futures
Amy Turner, Kathleen Huth, Donna Luff, Benjamin Zendejas, Lori R Newman, Alan M Leichtner
Lack of standardization and faculty development in pediatric colonoscopy: A qualitative study
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition
gendersex differences neuropsychiatric symptoms dementia population well described gendersex differences mild behavioral impairment mbi dementiafree populations relationship cognitive performance subsequent cognitive decline studied aimed explore gendersex differences association mbi level cognitive performance rate decline dementiafree cohort studied 8181 older adults enrolled online protect uk study mbi assessed using mbi checklist cognition measured digit span paired associate learning spatial working memory verbal reasoning statistical analysis conducted using linear regression models linear mixedeffects models 8181 individuals median age 63 years 73 females 11 females 14 males mbi syndrome females exhibited less often symptoms decreased motivation 45 versus 36 males impulse dyscontrol 40 versus 44 males p 0001 social inappropriateness 12 versus 15 p 0001 showed often symptoms emotional dysregulation 45 versus 36 p 0001 associations mbi domains measures cognitive performance decline stronger males females exception association emotional dysregulation rate cognitive decline verbal reasoning present exclusively females mbi may influence cognition greater extent males females propose predictors biomarkers dementia consider gendersex effect modifier
Anita Anis Allana, Syeda Kauser Ali, Kulsoom Ghias
Bioethics curriculum for undergraduate medical students: an evaluation study utilizing mixed methods approach
BMC medical education
internet provides accessible medical information often times cater average patients ability understand medical text 6th 8th grade reading level per american medical association amanational institute health nih recommendations study looks analyze current online materials relating posterior cruciate ligament pcl surgery readability understandability actionability top 100 google searchs pcl surgery compiled research papers procedural protocols advertisements videos excluded data collection readability examined using 7 algorithms flesch reading ease score gunning fog fleschkincaid grade level colemanliau index smog index automated readability index linsear write formula two evaluators assessed understandability actionability results patient educational materials assessment tool pemat outcome measures included reading grade level readers age minimum maximum understandability actionability 100 results 16 excluded based exclusion criteria statistically significant difference readability results algorithms current recommendation ama nih subgroup analysis demonstrated difference readability pertained page appeared google search also difference readability individual websites versus organizational websites hospital nonhospital educational websites three articles 8th grade recommended reading level three healthcare institutes discrepancy readability recommendation amanih online educational materials regarding pcl surgeries regardless appear google across different forums understandability actionability equally poor future research focus readability validity video social media becoming increasingly popular sources medical information
Julie Montreuil, Miriam Lacasse, Marie-Claude Audétat, Élisabeth Boileau, Marie-Claude Laferrière, Alexandre Lafleur, Shirley Lee, Mathieu Nendaz, Yvonne Steinert
Interventions for undergraduate and postgraduate medical learners with academic difficulties: A BEME systematic review update: BEME Guide No. 85
Medical teacher
literature replete clinical studies reporting robin sequence rs populationbased analyses scarce significant variability within literature terms reported incidence demographic parameters outcomes authors conducted 20year populationbased analysis guide clinical practice birth cohort created available datasets healthcare cost utilization projectkids inpatient database hcupkid 20002019 robin sequence patients identified stratified syndromic status incidence demographic parameters outcomes including mortality tracheostomy rates computed subset analysis comparing isolated syndromic cohorts conducted data analyzed 2 test incidence rs 51510000 95 ci 499531 birth cohort 75 million overall 633 cohort isolated rs 367 syndromic rs robin sequence patients significantly higher rate cardiac 259 neurological 86 anomalies compared general birth cohort commonly managed urban teaching hospitals p 00001 pooled mortality tracheostomy rates 66 36 respectively syndromic status associated longer length hospital stay 278 versus 136 tracheostomy rate 62 versus 21 mortality 141 versus 22 compared isolated rs p 00001 true incidence rs likely higher previously reported estimates isolated rs patients low associated mortality tracheostomy rate typically managed urban teaching hospitals syndromic status confers higher mortality rate tracheostomy rate length stay compared nonsyndromic counterparts
Andrés Santiago Cisneros-Barahona, Luis Marqués-Molías, Nicolay Samaniego-Erazo, Catalina Mejía-Granizo, Gabriela De la Cruz-Fernández
Multivariate data analysis: Validation of an instrument for the evaluation of teaching digital competence
musical instrument classification task wellstudied remains gap identifying nonpitched percussion instruments greater overlaps frequency bands variation sound quality play style pitched instruments paper present musical instrument classifier detecting tambourines maracas castanets instruments often used early childhood music education generated dataset diverse instruments eg brand materials construction played different locations varying background noise play styles conducted sensitivity analyses optimize feature selection windowing time model selection deployed evaluated best model mixed reality music application 12 families home setting dataset comprised 369000 samples recorded inlab 35361 samples recorded families home setting observed light gradient boosting machine lgbm model perform best using approximate 93 ms window 12 melfrequency cepstral coefficients mfccs signal entropy best lgbm model observed perform 84 accuracy across three instrument families inlab 73 accuracy deployed home knowledge dataset compiled 369000 samples nonpitched instruments first kind work also suggests low feature space sufficient recognition nonpitched instruments lastly realworld deployment testing algorithms created participants diverse physical cognitive abilities also important contribution towards inclusive design practices paper lays technological groundwork mixed reality music application detect childrens use nonpitched percussion instruments support early childhood music education play
Na Wu, Wei Li, Rong Huang, Hui Jiang
Effect of simulation-based training workshop on obstetric emergency team collaboration and communication: a mixed study
Frontiers in medicine
national institutes health american medical association recommend patient education materials pems written sixthgrade reading level many patient education materials related traumatic orthopaedic injuries meet recommendations purpose study create standardised method enhancing readability traumarelated orthopaedic pems reducing use three syllable words reducing use sentences 15 words length hypothesise applying standardized method significantly improve objective readability orthopaedic trauma pems patient education website queried pems relevant traumatic orthopaedic injuries orthopaedic trauma pems included n 40 unique written prose format 3500 words pem statistics including scores seven independent readability formulae determined pem applying standard method pems significantly different readability scores comparing original edited pems p 001 mean flesch kincaid grade level original pems 100 10 significantly higher edited pems 58 11 p 001 none original pems met recommendations sixthgrade reading level compared 31 775 edited pems standard method reduces use three syllable words 15 word sentences shown significantly reduce readinggrade level pems traumatic orthopaedic injuries improving readability pems may lead enhanced health literacy improved health outcomes
Louise Hughes, Jenna Bowen, Wyn Davies, Rhian Deslandes, Matt Ivory, Susan Kingman
When pharmacy and theater collide: How diversity can develop inclusive communication skills
Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning
present edition bibliographically third one vol 8 springer series information sciences 8 book actually stems vol 17 series communication cyber
Harrison A Patrizio, Riley Phyu, Bum Kim, Nils V Brolis
Improved cardiac auscultation competency interweaving visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli: a preliminary study
International journal of medical education
rapid digitalization higher education accelerated covid19 pan demic restructured landscape teaching learning comprehensive standing implications students academic outcomes across various academic disciplines remains unexplored study therefore aims fill gap providing indepth examination effects crisisdriven digitalization student performance specifically shift emergency remote education covid19 crisis lever aging panel dataset encompassing 82694 individual student course grades span six years explore effects digitalization across nationalities educational levels genders crucially academic disciplines findings threefold firstly note crisisdriven digitalization significantly impacted students chances passing course achieving higher course grades comparison precrisis period ii secondly found effect heterogeneous across disciplines notably practical disciplines nursing experienced negative impact sudden shift contrast theoretical disciplines business administration mathematics saw positive effect iii lastly results highlight significant variations impact based educational levels nationalities masters students harder time adapting digital shift bachelor counterparts international students faced greater challenges less international academic environments insights underscore need strategic interventions tailored maximize potential digital learning across disciplines student demographics study aims guide educators policymakers creating robust digital learning environments promote equitable outcomes enhance students learning experiences digital age
Chalani Lasanthika, Ann-Christin Janlöv, Thamara Amarasekara, Helena Larsson
Caring burden and coping with haemodialysis: a qualitative study with family caregivers in Sri Lanka
BMJ open
scientific community widely recognizes benefits physical activity pa oncology supportive care cancer survivors undergone chemo radioimmunotherapy treatments struggle meet pa recommendations underscores importance identifying factors influencing active lifestyle adoption maintenance proposing multilevel model micro meso macrolevel better understand facilitators barriers currently socioecological model explains active lifestyle posttreatment phase breast colorectal prostate lung cancers objective identify factors influencing active lifestyle cancer survivorship assess feasibility individualized program targeting active lifestyle objectives addressed 3 stages stage 1 aims elucidate factors associated active lifestyle cancer survivors stage 2 involves developing explanatory model based previously identified factors create tailored health education program active lifestyle oncology treatments stage 3 aims evaluate feasibility potential effects personalized health education program national implementation first exploration factors influencing pa stage 1 based mixed methods approach using explanatory sequential design multilevel analysis quantitative phase involves completing questionnaire socioecological perspective subsequently subset respondents engage semistructured interviews aid interpreting quantitative results phase aims construct model factors influencing active lifestyle develop individualized 12week program based earlier findings stage 2 stage 3 implement multicenter multimodal program 150 physically inactive sedentary cancer survivors across metropolitan france program feasibility evaluated measured pa level connected device multidimensional variables declared pa sedentary behaviors pa readiness motivation pa preferences pa knowledge skills barriers facilitators assessed program 52 weeks afterward institutional review board approved mixed methods study phase 1 april 2020 intervention phase 3 approved march 2022 recruitment data collection commenced april 2022 intervention implementation concluded may 2023 data collection full analysis expected finalized july 2024 determinants factors physical activity oncology treatments defacto study seeks enhance understanding within socioecological model factors influencing active lifestyle among cancer survivors assess whether tailored intervention based model support active lifestyle clinicaltrialsgov nct05354882 httpswwwclinicaltrialsgovstudynct05354882 derr110219652274
Mağfiret Kaşıkçı, Zeynep Yıldırım
Interventions to improve ethical decision-making skills in nursing students: A systematic review
Nursing ethics
social determinants health sdoh greater impact individual health outcomes healthcare services person receives healthcare providers face barriers addressing factors clinical settings previous studies shown providers often lack necessary knowledge resources adequately screen otherwise assist patients unmet social needs study explores perceptions behaviors related sdoh among healthcare providers united states us crosssectional study analyzed data 22item online survey using reaction datas research platform healthcare professionals us survey items included demographic questions well likert scale questions healthcare providers perceptions behaviors related sdoh descriptive statistics calculated analyses conducted using ttests analysis variance total 563 respondents completed survey majority male 726 white 81 located urban areas 822 terms perceptions providers agreed strongly agreed sdoh affect health outcomes patients 685 241 agreed strongly agreed healthcare setting set address sdoh terms behavior fewer half currently screened sdoh 486 addressed 427 sdoh ways providers 557 wanted additional resources focus sdoh statistical analyses showed significant differences gender females likely males prioritize sdoh specialty psychiatrists pediatricians familygeneral medicine practitioners likely prioritize sdoh healthcare providers understand connection unmet social needs patients health also feel limited ability address issues ongoing efforts improve medical education shift healthcare system allow payment delivery holistic care considers sdoh likely provide new opportunities healthcare providers addition institutional patient levels providers potential advocate policy system changes societal level better address root causes social issues
Tobias Schöbel, Leonard Schuschke, Yasmin Youssef, Daisy Rotzoll, Jan Theopold, Georg Osterhoff
Immersive virtual reality in orthopedic surgery as elective subject for medical students : First experiences in curricular teaching
Orthopadie (Heidelberg, Germany)
traditional method teaching consists repetition memorization constructivist theory proposes independent discovery free play culturalhistorical approach hand insist early introduction formal mathematics implicit explicit knowledge according outlook important psychological developmental necessary child heshe learn mathematics primary school present methodology organizing play activity children preschool age introducing symbolic means materialized perceptual levels essential aspect preparation learning mathematical concepts primary school experiment consisted pedagogical work online modality authors private college city puebla mexico eighteen children three levels preschool education three six years old participated 45minute sessions three times per week six children preschool level shown playing roles online allows children least partially include different symbolic means activity allows children satisfy curiosity positively engaged topic play also develop symbolic functions preparation intellectual actions numerical content primary school article shows feasible way organize preschool play roles online thus scaffold formation childrens imagination ability use symbolic means important future learning culturalhistorical approach offers useful guidelines although research needed support development childrens symbolic function within mathspecific activity based activity theory applied learning
Silvia Würstle, Lisa-Marie Spanke, Niklas Mehlhase, Gail Stanley, Jonathan Koff, Stavros Dimitriadis, Sarah König, Alexander Hann
Evaluation of a Virtual Reality-Based Open Educational Resource Software
Journal of medical education and curricular development
use virtual manipulatives vm rising classrooms still limited research regarding teacher experiences perceptions virtual manipulatives research regarding teacher perceptions vm focused shortterm uses following professional development sessions none highlighted experiences teachers using emergency remote teaching covid19 purpose study explore teacher perceptions experiences virtual manipulatives following emergency remote teaching covid19 achieve researchers conducted online survey gather data educators n 103 experiences perceptions usage virtual manipulatives qualitative quantitative data show educators feel vm valid feasible support mathematics instruction physical manipulatives available results regarding usage virtual manipulatives including frequency use standards taught types used presented discussed online version contains supplementary material available 101007s11528022007969
Mohammad Owais Khan, Sakeena Khan
Influence of online versus traditional learning on EFL listening skills: A blended mode classroom perspective
many benefits young people use social media adverse effects cyberbullying online challenges social comparison imitation may provoke aggravate suicidal thoughts behaviors influence social media mental health suicidal thoughts behaviours amply studied little empirical evidence potential role adolescent suicides current study aimed inform digital suicide prevention strategies examining meaning social media lives young suicide victims elucidating harmful supportive effects social media use wellbeing distress data analyzed psychological autopsy study 35 adolescents died suicide netherlands 43 adolescents died suicide year 18 girls 17 boys age twenty years average seventeen years interpretative phenomenological analysis performed 55 semi structured interviews peers parents decedents young people benefitted peer support recovery stories however various themes discussed relating harmful effects social media including dependency triggers imitation challenges cybervictimization psychological entrapment themes dependency triggers imitation salient young females group girls cultivated online identity around suicidal thoughts behaviours nextofkin particularly parents faced various challenges talk adolescents social media use including technological illiteracy online anonymity youths closedness based findings recommend education stimulate digital literacy parents health workers educators supporting conscientious social media use young people extending prevention cyberbullying encourage future research examine virtual social networks may sustain suicidal thoughts behaviour investigate effectiveness digital interventions like moderated peer support use positive role models
Laura VanPuymbrouck, Emily M Chun, Elizabeth D Hesse, Kelsey Ranneklev, Camila Sanchez
Developing Client Self-Advocacy in Occupational Therapy: Are We Practicing What We Preach?
Occupational therapy international
many teacher training programs health professional students interprofessional integrate assessment feedback prior participation peer teachers 2021 student interprofessional facilitator training sift program developed allow senior students already trained peer teaching revise build practice newly acquired skills interprofessional context aim study explore participant perception performance contextual factors influence student aspirations clinical teachers alumni 2021 peer teacher training program n 74 invited participate sift program participated invited attend individual semistructured interviews thematic analysis used code categorise data themes using communities practice conceptual framework skills interprofessional facilitation observed assessed students provided individual feedback assessment data analysed using descriptive statistics sixteen students six disciplines joined sift program 1316 81 completed students medicine nursing diagnostic radiography medical imaging dentistry speech pathology students reported increased recognition teaching learned skill development clinician identity formation educators development interprofessional communication skills increased awareness roles health professions increased understanding leadership participants expressed desire additional opportunities interprofessional networking peer teaching good level competence facilitation skills reached participants sift program provided sustainable framework health professional students develop evidence teaching leadership skills interprofessional context study highlighted important role observation assessment feedback student teacher training programs process clear assessment guidelines direct observation feedback supervisors provided way ensure quality improvement peer teaching sift program help build capacity interprofessional programs large numbers teachers required small group teaching next step ensure variety opportunities within interprofessional contexts facetoface engagement
Megan E Worsfold, Clare Jouanny, Ela Hamer, Stian A Mohrsen, Patryk Jadzinski, Mick Harper
"This is how I'm going to do it, but this is not how you're going to do it": the expectation gap between student paramedics and mentors in East and Central Scotland
BMC medical education
recognized role optimizing lifestyle diet physical activity behaviours management infertility best practice remains unknown factors influencing lifestyle people infertility well understood systematic review evaluated barriers enablers healthy lifestyle people infertility perspectives people infertility health professionals order inform optimal behavioural change strategies ovid medliner psycinfo embase ebm reviews cinahl searched inception 28 august 2023 eligible studies qualitative quantitative primary studies explored barriers andor enablers lifestyle infertility management quality assessment performed using centre evidencebased management critical appraisal survey tool critical appraisal skills programme qualitative checklist data analysed thematic analysis themes mapped capability opportunity motivation behaviour comb model theoretical domains framework tdf screening 12 326 abstracts 99 fulltexts 27 studies included 12 quantitative 6 qualitative 9 mixedmethods 22 studies women infertility n 2524 11 studies men infertility n 1407 6 studies health professionals n 372 identified barriers enablers relating capability eg strategies behaviour change opportunity eg limited time resources money motivation eg interplay lifestyle emotional state based identified themes suggested intervention components integrate lifestyle management infertility include facilitating development selfmanagement skills support lifestyle change eg selfmonitoring action planning goal setting incorporating mental health strategies eg providing information benefits healthy lifestyle behaviours mental health encouraging patients reframe healthy lifestyle behaviours selfcare strategies findings identified important factors influence lifestyle management people infertility suggested relevant intervention components consider designing interventions given paucity qualitative studies identified research needed understand complex interacting factors shape lifestyle fertility journey
H Mangray, S Madziba, A Ngobese, M T D Smith, D L Clarke
A dedicated quality improvement programme can increase access to paediatric minimal access surgery in South Africa
South African journal of surgery. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir chirurgie
already consensus scientific community deleterious effects tv exposure especially tv advertisements childrens beliefs preferences food intake link tv childrens eating behaviors understudied peru country experiencing steady economic growth recent years currently status uppermiddleincome country following research effects media exposure childhood obesity report qualitative study tv viewing eating habits children attending elementary schools lima capital data eight focus groups 38 boys girls 6 11 years old eight focus groups 36 female caretakers indepth interviews two fathers provided consistent information childrens eating habits media viewing patterns dual coding entire corpus qualitative data found children watch great deal tv school season children watch early wake morning lunchtime returning school completing homework 5 pm 9 pm 10 pm survey data parents showed average children watch 5 hours tv weekdays weekendday large amount exposure concerning especially focus groups revealed children 1 recall number tv advertisements involving food items 2 request food items seen tv 3 able buy food usually involves chocolate candy potato chips boys girls reported different favorite tv shows suggesting differences exposure tv content related food addition families reported drinking sodas frequently underlining behavior discouraged public health officials