All my life, my parents have told me not to open the basement door, but I got curious and disobeyed them.
What is that glowing ball in the sky and why does it hurt my eyes?
The worst thing about being a ghost isn't hearing the neighbor who murdered you pronounced innocent.
It's seeing that neighbor inviting your little brother into their house to "see their new puppies" and not being able to warn anyone.
My youngest son refuses to call my wife "Mommy".
She is not "just a doll" and I'll make him learn it one way or another.
“It can’t believe it!” I cry into the phone after the police officer tells me they’ve found my missing daughter alive after all these years.
I hang up the phone and glance into the backyard, making sure the hole I buried her in is still undiscovered before getting in the car and heading to the station.
His daughter’s onlyfans was turning out successful.
If only she knew she had one.
"Ma'am, if you'll just follow me, I can offer you ten very suspenseful stories from my private collection," the book seller said to assuage the entitled, screaming woman in front of him.
In a backroom of the old skyscraper, he pushed her into an unused elevator shaft there and the ten stories sounded very suspenseful indeed.
The police officers showed you the video of your wife being tortured and killed by the sadistic killer that was loose in your city
It was difficult trying to hide your erection from the officers
I writhed in pain as my boyfriend held me down and twisted the coat hanger inside me.
I regretted lying about being pregnant to get him to stay.
When I was young a psychic once looked at me and told me that one day I would lose my faith.
Now, as I lay here in the burn center of the hospital on life support I realize that the psychic had a lisp.
Our eyes met across a crowded room.
I was the only person he hadn't gunned down in the office-the only one he didn't want to, it seems- and he stared into my eyes, raised the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.
After hearing terrible stories from my grandmother about what a guard did to her in Auschwitz decided to go back in time and kill him.
As I look at his lifeless body I slowly started to disinegrate.
The worst part of quadriplegia isn't being unable to feel anything in any of your limbs.
It is still being sensitive enough to feel the hairy caterpillar crawling into your ear.
The boy kept staring into my eyes as he dragged his mother's corpse inside, peeled off her skin, and hung it next to me.
For the first time ever, I, the monster in his closet, was terrified of him.
As the tapeworm appeared in the toilet pan I grabbed it and pulled hard - I wanted that thing out of me.
And that’s when I felt my tongue jerk backwards.
Sometimes, I think God created this zombie outbreak specifically to punish me.
Being a necrophile is significantly less gratifying when the dead insist on squirming.
They banged on the locked door, crying and urging him not to commit suicide, how selfish and tragic it would be.
He ignored them as he stared straight ahead, aiming the plane towards the snowy mountains.
My wife is not with me anymore, and after all my attempts with the ouija board, I learn that it's just another fairy tale for kids.
I can't even make her feel like I'm still here, let alone move the planchette.
Tears roll down my cheeks as my husband goes deeper.
The creature dragged my kid down a hole so small, the more we dig, the more blood we see.
Woken up by a violent coughing fit that shook my ribcage, I recoiled in horror when I saw matted locks of white hair spilling out of my mouth.
Hands trembling, I tried to yank them out, only to retch when I felt something tugging at the inside of my stomach.
He twisted the revolver, put the barrel against his head and pulled the trigger "click" but nothing happened.
He began to cry because now the thing which killed his parents just a few minutes ago knows that he's here.
Drunk on the power with his newfound ability of invisibility, Professor Ustov stood nude in the elevator, heart pounding in his chest, a stirring in his loins, waiting for the stranger to enter.
The young lady, with her heightened sense of hearing and smell due to her blindness, slowly reached into her purse and clasped the taser as the doors started to close.
My wife begged for my forgiveness after she smothered our newborn in her sleep
Thankfully she doesn't remember me handing her the pillow while she was sleepwalking, or that I know the baby wasn't mine
My Dad said he was going out to get a pack of cigarettes as he closed the door behind him.
I screamed as the rusty, metal spikes he'd used to construct his handmade iron maiden bit deeply into the skin of my ankles, legs, arms and chest, screamed into that brief, hollow eternity that is born in all traumatic events, screamed until my breath gave way and all I could hear was the soft gurgling of my newly pierced lungs.
Alice stared at the table in Wonderland, thinking, then hastily gobbled up the cake labeled EAT ME and washed it down with the potion labeled DRINK ME.
Her blood-curdling scream was heard all through Wonderland as her skeleton began to grow but the rest of her body shrank.
Thinking it was the only way to save humanity, my final wish was to erase half of worlds population.
It's been a month, and we still haven't found a single female.
[MAR22] "Next time don't call 911 if there's no emergency, okay?" the police officer said to the little girl, who was still crying in front of her own parents.
He then took the money from the couple, thinking, *"If only she would forgive me one day,"* and pretended that he never saw the bruises on her face.
"Goddammit, Timmy, you idiot, hold the flashlight still!"
Timmy calmly stood and slammed the hood shut on his father's neck.
[FEB22] The king came to regret allowing his pet tiger to roam the halls of the palace unsupervised.
As he looked over the eviscerated and half eaten body of his beloved, he only had one question: what could do this to a tiger?
When I came home, my dead mother's ghost was sitting in her favorite chair.
It wasn't the first time I've seen her there, but this time I noticed that she was nodding at me and patting the chair next to her, right before the chest pains started.
I truly believed him, when my father plead "not-guilty" to murdering all the people they found buried under our house.
Lucky for me, though, the jury did not.
I took a break from cleaning Grandpa's attic and decided to crack open the old notebook I found, its yellowed pages filled with his scrawl.
"August 2nd, 1969: the *Chronicle* printed one of my letters today..."
My baby screamed as the water he was dunked in made his skin burn and peel
"That's never happened before" the priest said, horrified
As the bullet penetrates my chest, I fall to the ground and I start bleeding out for the 6th time.
I pray to God for whoever is watching this Gif to close it and end my existence.
A small team of human scientists was sent to mars.
A small team of scientists returned to earth.
After the Christian Rapture happened to everyone's considerable shock, those left behind (and those born to them after) all had a strange, unremovable marking appear on their foreheads.
It took decades to translate, but the result was horrifying; "Do not harvest, not fit for consumption."
As I hear the little boy suffocating in his sleep, I wish I could turn him over so he can breathe again.
After all, everyone knows that monsters can't touch you when you're under a blanket.
The airplane cut diagonally across the sky, leaving in its wake a single white chemtrail.
Along whose edge reality began to sag, then peel away like old wallpaper, revealing an infinity of black nothingness.
I thought kidnappers were supposed to be evil people.
But I’m starting to think mine is just misunderstood.
After my Father unexpectedly committed suicide, it took me several years until I felt at peace enough to open the sealed suicide letter.
I wish I’d opened it years ago, though, because this letter is not his handwriting.
I really hate pulling out rusty nails
What kind of a person paints their fingernails rust coloured anyways?
"Daddy, Daddy!" I heard her scream, a smile forming on my face.
As we drove away with the little girl we saw the father nodding at us with the money in his hand.
I'd been strapped in a chair, beaten with sticks, jabbed with needles and wheeled back out of room still none to the wiser to who my captors were.
As I was taken back to my cell I caught a glimpse of a sign by the entrance that read "Oakland Care, for the mentally unwell"
Every night, my brother giggles in his sleep.
I asked him about it today, and he says he hears it too.
[DAY 52 RECORDING] Oxygen preservation will last me one more day, goodbye everyone.
[DAY 175 RECORDING] I&)-(/$:&:@:CANT:@/)/)(/:&;&;@DIE-@/@/$:)
After my latest failed attempt I awoke in the hospital to the smiling faces of my family and the doctor saying I was lucky to be alive.
As the doctor left the room all smiles faded and my mother said, in her typical dismissive tone, "I guess you can't even die right".
When offered the chance to see all the times I've almost died, of course I took it.
As the scenes progressed from my infancy through to now, I couldn't help but notice the same strange man in all of them.
I hate it when my family stands up after every meal
Why won’t this poison work?
Scientists talk about the “uncanny valley,” an evolutionary trait humans have picked up that causes them to reject things that look similar to humans but not quite human enough.
What scientists don’t talk about are the creatures that caused us to need this ability, or the possibility that they are still hiding among us.
As I stared into her eyes, my knees were weak, and I had butterflies in my stomach
It was then I realized I spiked the wrong drink
As child, I always enjoyed putting two mirrors next to each other and seeing the endless mirror tunnel that would form.
I stopped doing it when I saw the thing climbing through the mirrors towards me.
They say once you become a murderer, you can tell who else has murdered.
“He’s innocent,” I announce with the bang of my Gavel dismissing the court.
My girlfriend always said"if I die I will be alive in your mind"
I thought she meant as a memorie, not as a possession
“YOU CAN’T TAKE HER!” I scream as I hold my daughter as close to me as I can, out of their reach.
If they get to her, they’ll return her to that sadistic, wretched swine that gave birth to her.
He grabbed at the twine, but his daughter's balloon quickly flew beyond reach.
He flailed through the air while years of abusive memories flashed through his mind, leaving no doubt as to why she had pushed him from the basket.
Two weeks after moving to Australia to be with my boyfriend, he dumped me.
So I tossed a lit cigarette into the bushland near his home.
He liked it when she babied him, but she loved it.
One night when he passed out drunk she used her ice pick to make a few modifications to his brain through his eye sockets, and he became her baby forever.
My mother stood beside my bed, and explained to me that she just wanted me to remain her perfect little angel for as long as possible
I begged my mother to remove the stitches, but she assured me that my future husband will open them on my wedding night
As our ship pulled into harbour beneath the blinking lighthouse, we saw the faces of our familes for the first time in months, gathered to greet us on the moonlit shore.
It was only when we were close enough to make out their vacant eyes and too-wide smiles that we realized the lighthouse was blinking a message in Morse: >!T H E Y!< >!A R E!< >!N O T!< >!Y O U R!< >!F A M I L Y!< >!A N Y M O R E!<
stop repeating everything over and over again.
I'm trapped in a time loop that repeats every eleven seconds. There's no escape and I can't
I watch intently from the control room as the pretty young girl enters the dimly lit room and a convicted rapist, my test subject, takes notice and approaches to do with her what he will.
My animatronic rapist-bait works as designed, and now we begin testing its vaginal bear-trap.
The first group of people to ever grow up off-planet saw Earth for the first time and were amazed at just how gorgeous and vibrant it was.
The Earth-born Captain sent to oversee the project was horrified at the sight of a Purple and Black planet.
I don’t know what scared me more, whether it was hearing a voice saying “help me” at 4 in the morning...
...or that I recognised it was my own voice and it was coming from the closet.
My little brother Timmy has to be the dumbest, brattiest kid I know!
The other day, I found him playing with a wild raccoon, and today he won't drink any of the lemonade mom made us.
My mom was frantically trying to stop me from swinging around the pink lightsaber that I found in her bedroom drawers.
That is, until I swung it at her and her headless body fell to the ground.
People often mocked me, for my only super power was weakly teleporting a small stones nearby
I guess they didn't know that pebbles in their arteries could choke their heart to death
As a punishment for my envy, I was forced to accompany my wife until she fell in love again, before I could ascend to paradise.
Now, sitting at her grave and watching the last humans leave earth, I just wish she had moved on.
A revolutionary new drug enabled people to stay awake indefinitely, with no side effects.
Within a week, it was decided the economy would collapse, if people didn't work 20 hours a day.
I was enjoying my afterlife in the paradise when an angel told me I have to go back to my body as the doctor successfully revived me.
I cried in despair knowing that I have to live in a vegetative state again.
When I was a kid, a fireman had to come and cut my head free from a fence, all because I thought I could fit.
I wish I'd learned my lesson, I'm at least 120 feet into this cave and I'm so stuck I don't think I'm ever getting free.
My son asked “ mom, can I play with the kids in the basement?”
We’ve just moved in
[APR21] In his final words to me, my son told me he’d sooner die and be reborn a pig than live and work as a farmer like me.
As I saw a plump hog scratch ‘D-A-D?’ into the dirt, I knew he’d finally help put food on the table.
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, one creature was stirring, but it was no mouse.
It crept up the stairs and went to their beds, and stole their small bodies away from their heads.
My birthday wish this past year was to stay sixteen forever.
"You can't age in hell" I told myself as I dug the knife deeper into my chest.
"The woman's strangled body was discovered tonight in her basement by local police," said the reporter on the evening news.
The forensic detective on site looked up in horror at the reporter, realizing that he hadn't told the newsman where they had found the body.
I’ve always hated my husband for kidnapping me.
Yet I couldn’t help but to be just a little excited to go get our new daughter.
"You better not be bringing that upstairs," my mother warned, noticing me about to leave the kitchen with a bag of chips.
I sat down next to her at the table and opened the bag, stifling my tears, as I wondered how much longer my sister could possibly last without food.
Flinging myself over the edge, I felt a mixture of freedom and fear during the free fall that followed.
The monstrous creature managed to snatch me in mid-air and flew back up to the nest where its offspring were hungrily waiting.
my brother would often find new ways to make his wax figures look more realistic.
i stood in his wax museum, watching as everyone admired his work, if only they could hear me screaming...
Happy children laughed as they pressed their face against the other side of the glass.
That night I learned why mother always kept the mirror covered.
Claire adored her blue-eyed, black-haired little doll so much that she played with her everyday; until one day she ripped her head off.
Now the doll plays alone.
I assumed the cute guy I hooked up with at the party was joking when he told me he was an alien.
But the joke was on me, because a pregnancy, let alone one that has lasted 19 months so far, is not something I ever expected to have to deal with as a gay man.
Pizza guy delivered my pizza and said "Enjoy it you two".
I was just glad I wasn't the only one that saw it.
Did you know that there’s no such thing as a ‘left-handed’ person?
There are your kind, and then there are those of us who escaped from the other side of your mirror.
He was cute, cooked a damn good porkchop and had a rustic farmer vibe so of course I let him fuck me like an animal.
I woke up the next day in his barn, locked shoulder to shoulder in a fence with other women as he prepared the milking machines.
I bawled my eyes out in my high school counselor’s office, finally explaining all the abuse my mother had put me through.
“I got quite the interesting phone call today,” my mother told me later that day as I came home from school, the chancla in her hand. (edit/update: i’m so sorry to everyone who has been commenting about how they can relate to this story. For whatever it’s worth, feel free to message me if you ever want to talk to someone.)
My mother cried out in horror as she walked in on me wishing to a genie to give me the same slim shapely figure as my sister.
As I watched my hands and arms shrivel into the corpse of a murdered refugee, “you’re adopted!” She wailed.
After my brother suffered a car accident, doctors offered to wire his brain up in a way that he will be thinking he is living a happy life.
Unfortunatelly i can only afford the cheapest plan where he is at home, scrolling through memes and mildly entertaining subredits.
I always told my daughter that our dog’s fur was like a coat to keep him warm in the winter.
I would regret my choice of words as my bloodied little girl came to tell me, scissors in hand, that it was so hot she had taken his coat off.
My new therapist promised he could cure me of my fixation with that serial killer who performs autopsies on his live victims.
"I want you," he said, his eyes twinkling, "to open up."
"You killed my wife, so I'll make you pay," he said, seething with hatred.
Later a nurse walked to the incubator to check the baby and discovered that it was deathly still, with red finger marks around its neck.
"This is taking forever- just pick one already!" my husband griped, tapping his foot impatiently.
I stared helplessly at my two trembling children as he waved the gun between them, but the words still wouldn't come out.
The killer was found to be a man with severe mental illness.
He was so far gone I was able to convince him he had committed those crimes.
"Your husband's surgery is a success and he'll be back home after a week,"
Tears started to well up in my eyes as I instinctively touched the bruises hidden under my shirt.
When I was a little girl, I wished on a falling star that I could be an astronaut.
I wonder if anyone is making the same wish on me now that my heat shields have failed.
In mid-April, women of child-bearing age were attacked, anethesized, and their ovaries stolen.
As I unwrapped a chocolate rabbit, a hand slapped a sweet pungent cloth over my face, and a snarling voice said, "I'm the Ether Bunny and I collect eggs."
"So, will you take the red pill or the blue pill this time?" she asked.
Bound and gagged, he nodded frantically at the poisonous red pill, but she smiled popping the viagra in his mouth saying, "Nahh, let's go another round."
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.
We'll grind them into supplies to feed the working classes.
The hardest thing I’ve ever done is attend my best friends funeral after he was killed in combat.
His PTSD was getting worse and his screaming was giving away our position, so I did what I had to.
Everyone celebrated Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins when they returned from the moon.
Why am I the only one that remembers there were only two astronauts on the mission when they left?
I looked at the grim reaper and asked whether I was going to heaven or hell.
“You’ve already experienced both, now there is nothing else” he said.
That psychopath said that I have only one chance to post a well-written twosentencehorror, or else I won't see my children again.
I have no idea why he wants me to do such a thing, but I'd do anything for my family. I just hope not to make stupid mistakes.