2 values
Do few emergency medical services patients with lower-extremity fractures receive prehospital analgesia?
Previous literature has identified prehospital pain management as an important emergency medical services (EMS) function . Few patients transported by EMS with musculoskeletal injuries receive prehospital analgesia (PA) Patients who received PA were younger (64.0 vs. 77.3 years, p < 0.001) and more likely to have a lower-extremity fracture other than a hip fracture . Patients received analgesia from EMS almost 2.0 hours sooner than in the ED (mean 28.4 +/- 36 min vs. 146 +/- 74 min after EMS scene arrival .
A minority of the study group received PA. Older patients and patients with hip fracture are less likely to receive PA. It is unclear whether current EMS system design may adversely impact administration of PA. Further work is needed to clarify whether patient need or EMS practice patterns result in low rates of PA.
### Human: Previous literature has identified prehospital pain management as an important emergency medical services (EMS) function . Few patients transported by EMS with musculoskeletal injuries receive prehospital analgesia (PA) Patients who received PA were younger (64.0 vs. 77.3 years, p < 0.001) and more likely to have a lower-extremity fracture other than a hip fracture . Patients received analgesia from EMS almost 2.0 hours sooner than in the ED (mean 28.4 +/- 36 min vs. 146 +/- 74 min after EMS scene arrival . Do few emergency medical services patients with lower-extremity fractures receive prehospital analgesia?### Assistant: A minority of the study group received PA. Older patients and patients with hip fracture are less likely to receive PA. It is unclear whether current EMS system design may adversely impact administration of PA. Further work is needed to clarify whether patient need or EMS practice patterns result in low rates of PA.
Older patients and patients with hip fracture are less likely to receive PA . It is unclear whether current EMS system design may adversely impact administration of
Does constitutive activation of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta correlate with better prognosis and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in human gastric cancer?
glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3 beta) has been implicated in several human cancers . It has not been reported in the gastric cancer tissues to date . Study found pGSK3beta was expressed in 129 (46%) of 281 cases examined . Expression of pGSK-3Beta inversely correlated with lymphatic invasion (P < 0.001) and lymph node metastasis . It correlated with a longer patient survival . This was confirmed by immunoblot analysis .
GSK-3beta activation was frequently observed in early-stage gastric carcinoma and was significantly correlated with better prognosis. Thus, these findings suggest that GSK-3beta activation is a useful prognostic marker for the early-stage gastric cancer.
### Human: glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3 beta) has been implicated in several human cancers . It has not been reported in the gastric cancer tissues to date . Study found pGSK3beta was expressed in 129 (46%) of 281 cases examined . Expression of pGSK-3Beta inversely correlated with lymphatic invasion (P < 0.001) and lymph node metastasis . It correlated with a longer patient survival . This was confirmed by immunoblot analysis . Does constitutive activation of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta correlate with better prognosis and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in human gastric cancer?### Assistant: GSK-3beta activation was frequently observed in early-stage gastric carcinoma and was significantly correlated with better prognosis. Thus, these findings suggest that GSK-3beta activation is a useful prognostic marker for the early-stage gastric cancer.
GSK-3beta activation was frequently observed in early-stage gastric carcinoma and was significantly correlated with better prognosis . G
Does intracellular Hmgb1 inhibit inflammatory nucleosome release and limits acute pancreatitis in mice?
High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) regulates chromosome architecture and functions as a damage-associated molecular pattern molecule . Little is known about its intracellular roles in response to tissue injury or during subsequent local and systemic inflammatory responses . We investigated the function of Hmgb1 in mice after induction of acute pancreatitis . Pancreatic tissues of these mice had higher levels of serum amylase, acinar cell death, leukocyte infiltration, and interstitial edema than controls .
In 2 mouse models of acute pancreatitis, intracellular HMGB1 appeared to prevent nuclear catastrophe and release of inflammatory nucleosomes to block inflammation. These findings indicate a role for the innate immune response in tissue damage.
### Human: High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) regulates chromosome architecture and functions as a damage-associated molecular pattern molecule . Little is known about its intracellular roles in response to tissue injury or during subsequent local and systemic inflammatory responses . We investigated the function of Hmgb1 in mice after induction of acute pancreatitis . Pancreatic tissues of these mice had higher levels of serum amylase, acinar cell death, leukocyte infiltration, and interstitial edema than controls . Does intracellular Hmgb1 inhibit inflammatory nucleosome release and limits acute pancreatitis in mice?### Assistant: In 2 mouse models of acute pancreatitis, intracellular HMGB1 appeared to prevent nuclear catastrophe and release of inflammatory nucleosomes to block inflammation. These findings indicate a role for the innate immune response in tissue damage.
HMGB1 appeared to prevent nuclear catastrophe and release of inflammatory nucleosomes to block inflammation . These findings indicate a role for the innate
Are back and neck pain related to mental health problems in adolescence?
There is a high prevalence of mental health problems amongst adolescents . Evidence suggests these conditions are related to back and neck pain in this population . On the whole, females reported more mental health difficulties than males . There were strong relationships between the majority of symptom scales of the CBCL and back pain pain . Scores on theCBCL were associated with higher odds of comorbid back and . neck pain. Scores on CBCL were . associated with . higher odds . of comerbid back . pain .
These findings strongly support the need to consider both psychological and pain symptoms when providing assessments and treatment for adolescents. Further research is required to inform causal models.
### Human: There is a high prevalence of mental health problems amongst adolescents . Evidence suggests these conditions are related to back and neck pain in this population . On the whole, females reported more mental health difficulties than males . There were strong relationships between the majority of symptom scales of the CBCL and back pain pain . Scores on theCBCL were associated with higher odds of comorbid back and . neck pain. Scores on CBCL were . associated with . higher odds . of comerbid back . pain . Are back and neck pain related to mental health problems in adolescence?### Assistant: These findings strongly support the need to consider both psychological and pain symptoms when providing assessments and treatment for adolescents. Further research is required to inform causal models.
These findings strongly support the need to consider psychological and pain symptoms when providing assessments and treatment for adolescents . Further research is required to inform causal
Is the effect of HLA-DR on susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis influenced by the associated lymphotoxin alpha-tumor necrosis factor haplotype?
HLA-DRB1 is a major genetic determinant of susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis . Certain subtypes of the HLA gene increase susceptibility to RA . LTA-TNF haplotypes observed were very restricted, with only 4 haplotypes constituting 81% of all haplotypes present . The study found significant differences in LTA TNF haplotype frequencies were observed between different subtypes . The LTA LTA 2 haplotype was significantly underrepresented in cases compared with those with DRB1*04 .
These findings suggest that the MHC contains genetic elements outside the LTA-TNF region that modify the effect of HLA-DRB1 on susceptibility to RA.
### Human: HLA-DRB1 is a major genetic determinant of susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis . Certain subtypes of the HLA gene increase susceptibility to RA . LTA-TNF haplotypes observed were very restricted, with only 4 haplotypes constituting 81% of all haplotypes present . The study found significant differences in LTA TNF haplotype frequencies were observed between different subtypes . The LTA LTA 2 haplotype was significantly underrepresented in cases compared with those with DRB1*04 . Is the effect of HLA-DR on susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis influenced by the associated lymphotoxin alpha-tumor necrosis factor haplotype?### Assistant: These findings suggest that the MHC contains genetic elements outside the LTA-TNF region that modify the effect of HLA-DRB1 on susceptibility to RA.
MHC contains genetic elements outside the LTA-TNF region that modify the effect of HLA-DRB1 on susceptibility to
Does angiotensin II type 2 receptor mediate sex differences in mice renal interlobar arteries response to angiotensin II?
Angiotensin II and nitric oxide are important regulators of renal vascular tone . Females have higher nitricoxide synthase expression and ratio of angiotensinsin II type 2/type 1 receptors . Inhibition of nitricox synthases and endothelial removal abolished this difference . Endothelial-dependent vasodilation in females was more dependent on nitric Oxidation in females than in males. Endothelic-dependent . vasodyilation was more . dependent on angiotenin II in females .
A sex-specific, nitric oxide-mediated effect via angiotensin II type 2 receptors underlies the sex differences in the response of interlobar arteries to angiotensin II. Our findings may help understanding sex differences in renal hemodynamics and blood pressure control.
### Human: Angiotensin II and nitric oxide are important regulators of renal vascular tone . Females have higher nitricoxide synthase expression and ratio of angiotensinsin II type 2/type 1 receptors . Inhibition of nitricox synthases and endothelial removal abolished this difference . Endothelial-dependent vasodilation in females was more dependent on nitric Oxidation in females than in males. Endothelic-dependent . vasodyilation was more . dependent on angiotenin II in females . Does angiotensin II type 2 receptor mediate sex differences in mice renal interlobar arteries response to angiotensin II?### Assistant: A sex-specific, nitric oxide-mediated effect via angiotensin II type 2 receptors underlies the sex differences in the response of interlobar arteries to angiotensin II. Our findings may help understanding sex differences in renal hemodynamics and blood pressure control.
A sex-specific effect via angiotensin II type 2 receptors underlies sex differences in the response of interlobar arteries to
Is end-systolic volume index at 90 to 180 minutes into reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction a strong predictor of early and late mortality . The Global Utilization of Streptokinase and t-PA for Occluded Coronary Arteries ( GUSTO ) -I Angiographic Investigators?
Left ventricular remodeling is an important sequela of myocardial infarction (MI) Although remodeling occurs soon after MI, the effect of early left ventricular dilatation on outcome is not established . We assessed whether end-systolic volume index (ESVI) at 90 to 180 minutes into thrombolytic therapy for MI is associated with adverse outcomes . ESVI of > or = 40 mL/m2 was independently associated with mortality (adjusted odds ratio [95% confidence interval] 30-day, 3.4 [2.0 to 5.9], 1-year mortality and in-hospital congestive heart failure .
Left ventricular ESVI early into reperfusion therapy for MI strongly predicts adverse outcomes, including early and late mortality. The study establishes the role of very early left ventricular dilatation on outcome in MI and may be useful in identifying high-risk patients who might benefit from aggressive treatment, including the early use of ACE inhibitors.
### Human: Left ventricular remodeling is an important sequela of myocardial infarction (MI) Although remodeling occurs soon after MI, the effect of early left ventricular dilatation on outcome is not established . We assessed whether end-systolic volume index (ESVI) at 90 to 180 minutes into thrombolytic therapy for MI is associated with adverse outcomes . ESVI of > or = 40 mL/m2 was independently associated with mortality (adjusted odds ratio [95% confidence interval] 30-day, 3.4 [2.0 to 5.9], 1-year mortality and in-hospital congestive heart failure . Is end-systolic volume index at 90 to 180 minutes into reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction a strong predictor of early and late mortality . The Global Utilization of Streptokinase and t-PA for Occluded Coronary Arteries ( GUSTO ) -I Angiographic Investigators?### Assistant: Left ventricular ESVI early into reperfusion therapy for MI strongly predicts adverse outcomes, including early and late mortality. The study establishes the role of very early left ventricular dilatation on outcome in MI and may be useful in identifying high-risk patients who might benefit from aggressive treatment, including the early use of ACE inhibitors.
Left ventricular ESVI early into reperfusion therapy for MI strongly predicts adverse outcomes, including early and late mortality .
Are genetic variants of ESR1 and SGSM3 associated with the susceptibility of breast cancer in the Chinese population?
The 4 SNPs were genotyped for 453 female BC patients and 750 controls . The mean expression level of SGSM3 was significantly lower in BC tumors than in the adjacent normal tissues . Patients with genotype CC were found to have a remarkably lower SGSM 3 expression in the tumors than those with . genotype AA (p = 0.007), patients with genotypes CC had a remarkably low SGSM.3 expression in . tumors . The OR values were 1.29 for rs12665607 and 1.27 for rs17001868 .
ESR1 gene and the SGSM3 gene are associated with the risk of BC in Chinese population. Besides, rs17001868 may be a putative functional variant that can affect the expression of SGSM3 in patients with BC. With the OR ranging from 1.27 to 1.29, variants of these 2 genes can only explain limited variance of BC. Further investigations into the functional role of the susceptible genes would be helpful to clarify the etiology of BC.
### Human: The 4 SNPs were genotyped for 453 female BC patients and 750 controls . The mean expression level of SGSM3 was significantly lower in BC tumors than in the adjacent normal tissues . Patients with genotype CC were found to have a remarkably lower SGSM 3 expression in the tumors than those with . genotype AA (p = 0.007), patients with genotypes CC had a remarkably low SGSM.3 expression in . tumors . The OR values were 1.29 for rs12665607 and 1.27 for rs17001868 . Are genetic variants of ESR1 and SGSM3 associated with the susceptibility of breast cancer in the Chinese population?### Assistant: ESR1 gene and the SGSM3 gene are associated with the risk of BC in Chinese population. Besides, rs17001868 may be a putative functional variant that can affect the expression of SGSM3 in patients with BC. With the OR ranging from 1.27 to 1.29, variants of these 2 genes can only explain limited variance of BC. Further investigations into the functional role of the susceptible genes would be helpful to clarify the etiology of BC.
ESR1 gene and SGSM3 gene are associated with the risk of BC in Chinese population . With the OR ranging from 1.
Does pulmonary-derived phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma ( PI3Kγ ) contribute to ventilator-induced lung injury and edema?
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma (PI3K) is activated by mechanical stress, induces nitric oxide production, and participates in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) hydrolysis . We hypothesized that lungs lacking PI3Kγ would be protected from ventilation-induced alveolar edema and lung injury . We used an isolated and perfused lung model to study lung models . We found that PI3kγ-knockout mice lungs were partially protected from VILI-induced derangement of respiratory mechanics .
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma in resident lung cells mediates part of the alveolar edema induced by high-stress ventilation. This injury is mediated via altered Akt, eNOS, NO, and/or cAMP signaling. Anti-PI3Kγ therapy aimed at resident lung cells represents a potential pharmacologic target to mitigate VILI.
### Human: Phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma (PI3K) is activated by mechanical stress, induces nitric oxide production, and participates in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) hydrolysis . We hypothesized that lungs lacking PI3Kγ would be protected from ventilation-induced alveolar edema and lung injury . We used an isolated and perfused lung model to study lung models . We found that PI3kγ-knockout mice lungs were partially protected from VILI-induced derangement of respiratory mechanics . Does pulmonary-derived phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma ( PI3Kγ ) contribute to ventilator-induced lung injury and edema?### Assistant: Phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma in resident lung cells mediates part of the alveolar edema induced by high-stress ventilation. This injury is mediated via altered Akt, eNOS, NO, and/or cAMP signaling. Anti-PI3Kγ therapy aimed at resident lung cells represents a potential pharmacologic target to mitigate VILI.
Anti-PI3Kγ therapy aimed at resident lung cells represents a potential pharmacologic target to mitigate VILI .
Are plasma matrix metalloproteinase ( MMP ) -9 levels reduced following low-calorie cranberry juice supplementation in men?
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of consuming increasing daily doses of low-calorie cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) on plasma MMP-9 concentrations of abdominally obese men . The study found that CJC supplementation significantly decreased plasma . It also found that the reduction in plasma Mmp-9 levels was associated with a change in plasma nitrites/nitrates (NOx) concentration over the entire intervention . The findings were also noted between changes in plasma . MMP.9 levels and those of systolic (r = 0.39, p < 0.05) and diastolic blood pressure .
Our results show that daily CJC consumption is associated with a decrease in plasma MMP-9 concentrations in abdominally obese men. We hypothesize that polyphenolic compounds from cranberries may be responsible for this effect, supporting the notion that the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods can exert cardioprotective effects.
### Human: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of consuming increasing daily doses of low-calorie cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) on plasma MMP-9 concentrations of abdominally obese men . The study found that CJC supplementation significantly decreased plasma . It also found that the reduction in plasma Mmp-9 levels was associated with a change in plasma nitrites/nitrates (NOx) concentration over the entire intervention . The findings were also noted between changes in plasma . MMP.9 levels and those of systolic (r = 0.39, p < 0.05) and diastolic blood pressure . Are plasma matrix metalloproteinase ( MMP ) -9 levels reduced following low-calorie cranberry juice supplementation in men?### Assistant: Our results show that daily CJC consumption is associated with a decrease in plasma MMP-9 concentrations in abdominally obese men. We hypothesize that polyphenolic compounds from cranberries may be responsible for this effect, supporting the notion that the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods can exert cardioprotective effects.
Daily CJC consumption is associated with a decrease in plasma MMP-9 concentrations in abdominally obese men . Polyphenolic compounds from
Does increased gene dosage of myelin protein zero cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease?
A family with 6 affected members in 3 consecutive generations presented with motor and sensory demyelinating polyneuropathy . Characteristic clinical features in this pedigree include Adie pupils and substantial intrafamilial variability in the age at onset, electrophysiological findings, and clinical severity . Nucleotide sequence analyses of PMP22, MPZ, or GJB1 did not reveal causative mutations . The array CGH analyses revealed increased gene dosage involving the whole MPZ and the flanking genes of SDHC and C1orf192 . The gene dosage is estimated to be 5 copies .
The increased gene dosage of MPZ and increased expression level of MPZ mRNA emphasize the important role of the dosage of the MPZ protein in the functional integrity of peripheral nerve myelin in humans, and provide a new insight into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying CMT.
### Human: A family with 6 affected members in 3 consecutive generations presented with motor and sensory demyelinating polyneuropathy . Characteristic clinical features in this pedigree include Adie pupils and substantial intrafamilial variability in the age at onset, electrophysiological findings, and clinical severity . Nucleotide sequence analyses of PMP22, MPZ, or GJB1 did not reveal causative mutations . The array CGH analyses revealed increased gene dosage involving the whole MPZ and the flanking genes of SDHC and C1orf192 . The gene dosage is estimated to be 5 copies . Does increased gene dosage of myelin protein zero cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease?### Assistant: The increased gene dosage of MPZ and increased expression level of MPZ mRNA emphasize the important role of the dosage of the MPZ protein in the functional integrity of peripheral nerve myelin in humans, and provide a new insight into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying CMT.
The increased gene dosage of MPZ and increased expression level of MPz mRNA emphasize the important role of the dosage of the MPZ protein
Does insulin action enhancement normalize brachial artery vasoactivity in patients with peripheral vascular disease and occult diabetes?
Brachial artery vasoactivity (BAVA) evaluation is a reliable, noninvasive method of assessing arterial endothelial function in vivo . We previously have shown that patients with PVD and occult diabetes have abnormal BAVA results when fasting and after oral glucose intake during oral glucose tolerance test . Troglitazone is an oral hypoglycemic agent that enhances the action of insulin . The effect of troglitazones on BAVa in patients with occult diabetes and PVD is not known .
Patients with occult diabetes and PVD have impaired BAVA, which normalizes after treatment with troglitazone. Insulin-action enhancers may slow the progression of PVD in patients with diabetes by improving endothelial cell function. Agents that are aimed at enhancing the action of insulin may have an advantage over the other traditional therapies for diabetes.
### Human: Brachial artery vasoactivity (BAVA) evaluation is a reliable, noninvasive method of assessing arterial endothelial function in vivo . We previously have shown that patients with PVD and occult diabetes have abnormal BAVA results when fasting and after oral glucose intake during oral glucose tolerance test . Troglitazone is an oral hypoglycemic agent that enhances the action of insulin . The effect of troglitazones on BAVa in patients with occult diabetes and PVD is not known . Does insulin action enhancement normalize brachial artery vasoactivity in patients with peripheral vascular disease and occult diabetes?### Assistant: Patients with occult diabetes and PVD have impaired BAVA, which normalizes after treatment with troglitazone. Insulin-action enhancers may slow the progression of PVD in patients with diabetes by improving endothelial cell function. Agents that are aimed at enhancing the action of insulin may have an advantage over the other traditional therapies for diabetes.
Insulin-action enhancers may slow the progression of PVD in patients with diabetes by improving endothelial cell function . Agents aimed at
Does mIP-2 secreted by epithelial cells increase neutrophil and lymphocyte recruitment in the mouse intestine?
Macrophage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2) is a chemokine that attracts neutrophils . Neutrophil recruitment was significantly increased in transgenic mice in both the small intestine and proximal colon . Mip-2 was expressed in the mouse intestinal epithelium using an epithelial cell specific promoter from the gene encoding the intestinal fatty acid binding protein . The intestines of these transgenic animals were then analysed . They showed chemotactic activity to MIP-1 in the Boyden chambers .
These experiments are the first to show a functional role for epithelial chemokines in vivo and reveal an unexpected role for the neutrophil chemokine MIP-2 in controlling mucosal lymphocyte migration.
### Human: Macrophage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2) is a chemokine that attracts neutrophils . Neutrophil recruitment was significantly increased in transgenic mice in both the small intestine and proximal colon . Mip-2 was expressed in the mouse intestinal epithelium using an epithelial cell specific promoter from the gene encoding the intestinal fatty acid binding protein . The intestines of these transgenic animals were then analysed . They showed chemotactic activity to MIP-1 in the Boyden chambers . Does mIP-2 secreted by epithelial cells increase neutrophil and lymphocyte recruitment in the mouse intestine?### Assistant: These experiments are the first to show a functional role for epithelial chemokines in vivo and reveal an unexpected role for the neutrophil chemokine MIP-2 in controlling mucosal lymphocyte migration.
These experiments are the first to show a functional role for epithelial chemokines in vivo . They reveal an unexpected role for the neut
Is organ donation and time to procurement : late too late?
No consensus exists as to the maximal period of time allowable after brain death before organ procurement rates begin to deteriorate . Of 1,554 consented organ donors, 678 (46.3%) were trauma patients . Poor organ function was the primary reason for nonprocurement . For each organ analyzed individually and all organs combined, there was no decrease in the procurement to consented ratio with increasing time after BD . There was also no increase in the number of organs nonprocured because of poor organ function .
Increasing time interval between BD and organ procurement was not associated with decreased organ procurement rates or an increased number of nonsalvageable organs because of poor organ function. Further investigation of the impact of this delay on long-term organ function is warranted.
### Human: No consensus exists as to the maximal period of time allowable after brain death before organ procurement rates begin to deteriorate . Of 1,554 consented organ donors, 678 (46.3%) were trauma patients . Poor organ function was the primary reason for nonprocurement . For each organ analyzed individually and all organs combined, there was no decrease in the procurement to consented ratio with increasing time after BD . There was also no increase in the number of organs nonprocured because of poor organ function . Is organ donation and time to procurement : late too late?### Assistant: Increasing time interval between BD and organ procurement was not associated with decreased organ procurement rates or an increased number of nonsalvageable organs because of poor organ function. Further investigation of the impact of this delay on long-term organ function is warranted.
An increasing time interval between BD and organ procurement was not associated with decreased organ procurement rates or increased number of nonsalvageable organs
Does clusterin play an important role in clear renal cell cancer metastasis?
Clusterin (CLU) is implicated in regulating clear renal cell carcinoma (CRCC) progression and metastasis, yet the mechanisms are not elucidated . In the present study, we explored the potential role of CLU in CRCC metastasis . We found that CLU-rich Caki-2 cells displayed higher invasive ability . We also discovered that levels of activated ERK1/2 correlated with the rich expression of CLu and MMP-9 . We discovered that CLu-rich . cells showed reduced migration and invasion in vitro, as well as decreased metastatic potential .
Our data suggest that CLU may regulate aggressive behavior of human CRCC cells through modulating ERK1/2 signaling and MMP-9 expression.
### Human: Clusterin (CLU) is implicated in regulating clear renal cell carcinoma (CRCC) progression and metastasis, yet the mechanisms are not elucidated . In the present study, we explored the potential role of CLU in CRCC metastasis . We found that CLU-rich Caki-2 cells displayed higher invasive ability . We also discovered that levels of activated ERK1/2 correlated with the rich expression of CLu and MMP-9 . We discovered that CLu-rich . cells showed reduced migration and invasion in vitro, as well as decreased metastatic potential . Does clusterin play an important role in clear renal cell cancer metastasis?### Assistant: Our data suggest that CLU may regulate aggressive behavior of human CRCC cells through modulating ERK1/2 signaling and MMP-9 expression.
CLU may regulate aggressive behavior of human CRCC cells through modulating ERK1/2 signaling and MMP-9 expression .
Does epidural analgesia influence anastomotic leakage incidence after open colorectal surgery for cancer : A retrospective study on 1,474 patients?
Epidural analgesia is the most effective method for postoperative pain relief after major abdominal surgery . Episodes of anastomotic leakage requiring reoperation were 4.9% (95%CI: 3.8-6.0%) Females had a rate of leakage 43% lower than males (P = 0.0301) The diverting stoma resulted to be protective for anastomic leakage occurrence . AL significantly increased postoperative median length of stay but not in-hospital mortality .
Epidural analgesia does not influence the AL risk after open colorectal surgery for cancer.
### Human: Epidural analgesia is the most effective method for postoperative pain relief after major abdominal surgery . Episodes of anastomotic leakage requiring reoperation were 4.9% (95%CI: 3.8-6.0%) Females had a rate of leakage 43% lower than males (P = 0.0301) The diverting stoma resulted to be protective for anastomic leakage occurrence . AL significantly increased postoperative median length of stay but not in-hospital mortality . Does epidural analgesia influence anastomotic leakage incidence after open colorectal surgery for cancer : A retrospective study on 1,474 patients?### Assistant: Epidural analgesia does not influence the AL risk after open colorectal surgery for cancer.
Epidural analgesia does not influence the AL risk after open colorectal surgery for cancer .
Is androgen independence of primary epithelial cultures of the prostate associated with a down-regulation of androgen receptor gene expression?
Epithelial cells cultured from prostatic acini do not demonstrate significant (P > 0.05) growth response to testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) at concentrations of 0.001-10.0 nM . Nonsteroidal antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide (HO-F) does not influence cell proliferation in this concentration range . AR gene expression in six unpassaged primary prostatic epithelial cell cultures was insufficient to elicit a detectable signal upon autoradiography .
These results indicate that the lack of significant AR gene expression underlies the androgen independence of primary prostatic epithelial cell cultures.
### Human: Epithelial cells cultured from prostatic acini do not demonstrate significant (P > 0.05) growth response to testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) at concentrations of 0.001-10.0 nM . Nonsteroidal antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide (HO-F) does not influence cell proliferation in this concentration range . AR gene expression in six unpassaged primary prostatic epithelial cell cultures was insufficient to elicit a detectable signal upon autoradiography . Is androgen independence of primary epithelial cultures of the prostate associated with a down-regulation of androgen receptor gene expression?### Assistant: These results indicate that the lack of significant AR gene expression underlies the androgen independence of primary prostatic epithelial cell cultures.
These results indicate that the lack of significant AR gene expression underlies the androgen independence of primary prostatic epithelial cell cultures .
Is eRG expression associated with increased risk of biochemical relapse following radical prostatectomy in early onset prostate cancer?
ERG protein expression was investigated in a cohort of 121 men diagnosed with localized PCA at <50 years of age with a mean follow-up time of 65.7 months . ERG had significant effect on the rate of biochemical relapse following radical prostatectomy, with ERG positive patients showing higher relapse rates vs. ERG negative patients (p = 0.007) However, considering time till biochemical relapse post-radical prostatecontomy, ERG expression showed positive insignificant trends .
The study results suggest that ERG expression may be of added prognostic value in localized prostate cancer in patients with early onset PCA. However, the issue of ERG interfocal heterogeneity observed may require the evaluation of several tumor foci to assess ERG status per case. Incorporating ERG status into existing nomograms may be of added prognostic value in patients with early onset PCA.
### Human: ERG protein expression was investigated in a cohort of 121 men diagnosed with localized PCA at <50 years of age with a mean follow-up time of 65.7 months . ERG had significant effect on the rate of biochemical relapse following radical prostatectomy, with ERG positive patients showing higher relapse rates vs. ERG negative patients (p = 0.007) However, considering time till biochemical relapse post-radical prostatecontomy, ERG expression showed positive insignificant trends . Is eRG expression associated with increased risk of biochemical relapse following radical prostatectomy in early onset prostate cancer?### Assistant: The study results suggest that ERG expression may be of added prognostic value in localized prostate cancer in patients with early onset PCA. However, the issue of ERG interfocal heterogeneity observed may require the evaluation of several tumor foci to assess ERG status per case. Incorporating ERG status into existing nomograms may be of added prognostic value in patients with early onset PCA.
ERG expression may be of added prognostic value in localized prostate cancer in patients with early onset PCA . Incorporating ERG
Do the efficacy of BAY y 1015 in dextran sulfate model of mouse colitis?
The aim of the study is to study the efficacy of a potent 5-lipoxygenase activating protein inhibitor, BAY y 1015 . The two doses were equipotent in decreasing TLB4 levels . The study was conducted by treating mice with a dextran sulfate model of mouse colitis . The results showed that BAY was significantly better than olsalazine in two of the three protocols used in this study . The aim is to find a novel approach to therapy of IBD .
This study suggests the possibility of investigating the use of this compound for the treatment of human inflammatory bowel diseases.
### Human: The aim of the study is to study the efficacy of a potent 5-lipoxygenase activating protein inhibitor, BAY y 1015 . The two doses were equipotent in decreasing TLB4 levels . The study was conducted by treating mice with a dextran sulfate model of mouse colitis . The results showed that BAY was significantly better than olsalazine in two of the three protocols used in this study . The aim is to find a novel approach to therapy of IBD . Do the efficacy of BAY y 1015 in dextran sulfate model of mouse colitis?### Assistant: This study suggests the possibility of investigating the use of this compound for the treatment of human inflammatory bowel diseases.
Study suggests the possibility of investigating the use of this compound for the treatment of human inflammatory bowel diseases .
Does stress during first pregnancy increase seizure threshold in adult male offspring?
Epilepsy is developed or influenced by different environmental factors, i.e. prenatal stress which makes many contradictory developmental changes in seizure threshold and intensity . We investigated the potential seizure response of rat offspring to prenatal stress; the stress which was applied to their mothers . The kindling was induced using 13 IP injections of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) every 48 hr to adult male Wistar rat's offspring . The results of the present study demonstrated that, before pregnancy stress decreased the rate of kindling (P<0.05) in the offspring, while stress . was applied during pregnancy .
It is concluded that stress detrimental effects could be prevented by stress which was applied around first pregnancy; however this beneficial effect is weakened by before second pregnancy stress.
### Human: Epilepsy is developed or influenced by different environmental factors, i.e. prenatal stress which makes many contradictory developmental changes in seizure threshold and intensity . We investigated the potential seizure response of rat offspring to prenatal stress; the stress which was applied to their mothers . The kindling was induced using 13 IP injections of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) every 48 hr to adult male Wistar rat's offspring . The results of the present study demonstrated that, before pregnancy stress decreased the rate of kindling (P<0.05) in the offspring, while stress . was applied during pregnancy . Does stress during first pregnancy increase seizure threshold in adult male offspring?### Assistant: It is concluded that stress detrimental effects could be prevented by stress which was applied around first pregnancy; however this beneficial effect is weakened by before second pregnancy stress.
Stress detrimental effects could be prevented by stress which was applied around first pregnancy . However this beneficial effect is weakened by before second pregnancy stress .
Is durability of cryothermal pulmonary vein isolation - Creating contiguous lesions necessary for persistent isolation?
Study aimed to evaluate the impact of the ablation method on the durability of cryothermal PVI . Adenosine testing was performed in 111 patients for 439 PVs including 427 isolated with cryoballoons and 12 isolated by focal ablation . Late reconnections were detected in 32 (22.5%) PVs . The incidence of dormant conduction was significantly higher in PVs isolated by . focal . ablation than those isolated by cryoapplications . In 36 patients, 142 PVs were re-evaluated during repeat procedures a median of 6 [4.3-9.0] months after the initial procedure .
The incidence of both acute latent and late PV reconnections was significantly higher when PVI was achieved by focal cryoablation than by cryoballoon ablation despite using the same energy source. These data suggest that creating contiguous lesions is essential for achieving a durable PVI.
### Human: Study aimed to evaluate the impact of the ablation method on the durability of cryothermal PVI . Adenosine testing was performed in 111 patients for 439 PVs including 427 isolated with cryoballoons and 12 isolated by focal ablation . Late reconnections were detected in 32 (22.5%) PVs . The incidence of dormant conduction was significantly higher in PVs isolated by . focal . ablation than those isolated by cryoapplications . In 36 patients, 142 PVs were re-evaluated during repeat procedures a median of 6 [4.3-9.0] months after the initial procedure . Is durability of cryothermal pulmonary vein isolation - Creating contiguous lesions necessary for persistent isolation?### Assistant: The incidence of both acute latent and late PV reconnections was significantly higher when PVI was achieved by focal cryoablation than by cryoballoon ablation despite using the same energy source. These data suggest that creating contiguous lesions is essential for achieving a durable PVI.
The incidence of both acute latent and late PV reconnections was significantly higher when PVI was achieved by focal cryoablation than by
Are risks for low intellectual performance related to being born small for gestational age modified by gestational age?
A population-based cohort study was conducted of 352,125 boys who were born between 28 and 43 completed weeks of gestation from 1973 to 1981 in Sweden . Risk for low intellectual performance at military conscription was estimated as odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals was measured . Men born preterm with a very short birth length or a very small head circumference for gestational age faced a near doubled risk for low Intellectual performance compared with their appropriate peers . Among men who were . born at term (37-41 weeks), risk for . low intellectual . performance was increased among those with very or moderately small birth weight, birth length, or head circumference .
During early stages of gestation, growth in length and head circumference may be more important for intellectual development than weight increase. Future studies on size at birth and intellectual performance should consider also including anthropometric measurements other than birth weight.
### Human: A population-based cohort study was conducted of 352,125 boys who were born between 28 and 43 completed weeks of gestation from 1973 to 1981 in Sweden . Risk for low intellectual performance at military conscription was estimated as odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals was measured . Men born preterm with a very short birth length or a very small head circumference for gestational age faced a near doubled risk for low Intellectual performance compared with their appropriate peers . Among men who were . born at term (37-41 weeks), risk for . low intellectual . performance was increased among those with very or moderately small birth weight, birth length, or head circumference . Are risks for low intellectual performance related to being born small for gestational age modified by gestational age?### Assistant: During early stages of gestation, growth in length and head circumference may be more important for intellectual development than weight increase. Future studies on size at birth and intellectual performance should consider also including anthropometric measurements other than birth weight.
During early stages of gestation, growth in length and head circumference may be more important for intellectual development than weight increase . Future studies on size
Does regulation of the NR2B-CREB-CRTC1 Signaling Pathway contribute to Circadian Pain in Murine Model of Chronic Constriction Injury?
A chronic constrictive injury (CCI) model of rodents showed a circadian rhythm with the peak at ZT4 or ZT10 daily . Pain thresholds were significantly different between the activity period and the rest period . The intrathecal treatment with CRTC1 or CREB interference adenovirus from day 7 to day 9 after CCI surgery markedly improved pain behaviors . The treatments were more effective at relieving peak pain than drugs given at ZZT12 . The expressions of NR2B, CREB and CRTC 1 at the spinal level were consistent with the pain rhythm .
Pain behavior in the chronic pain of CCI displayed circadian rhythm and was associated with circadian secretion of pain-related receptors. The NR2B-CREB-CRTC1 signaling pathway may play a crucial role in this rhythm. Moreover, our results suggest that measures to relieve pain should be taken before pain reaches its peak.
### Human: A chronic constrictive injury (CCI) model of rodents showed a circadian rhythm with the peak at ZT4 or ZT10 daily . Pain thresholds were significantly different between the activity period and the rest period . The intrathecal treatment with CRTC1 or CREB interference adenovirus from day 7 to day 9 after CCI surgery markedly improved pain behaviors . The treatments were more effective at relieving peak pain than drugs given at ZZT12 . The expressions of NR2B, CREB and CRTC 1 at the spinal level were consistent with the pain rhythm . Does regulation of the NR2B-CREB-CRTC1 Signaling Pathway contribute to Circadian Pain in Murine Model of Chronic Constriction Injury?### Assistant: Pain behavior in the chronic pain of CCI displayed circadian rhythm and was associated with circadian secretion of pain-related receptors. The NR2B-CREB-CRTC1 signaling pathway may play a crucial role in this rhythm. Moreover, our results suggest that measures to relieve pain should be taken before pain reaches its peak.
Pain behavior in chronic pain of CCI displayed circadian rhythm . Pain behavior was associated with circadian secretion of pain-related receptors . The NR
Does the Sclerotic Scatter Limbal Arc be More Easily Elicited under Mesopic Rather Than Photopic Conditions?
We aimed to determine the limbal lighting illuminance thresholds (LLITs) required to trigger perception of sclerotic scatter at the opposite non-illuminated limbus . A 10% increase in ALI was associated with an average increase in the LLIT of 28.9% . Higher keratometry values were associated with higher LLIT values under low ALI levels . Iris shade and central corneal thickness values were not significantly associated with the ALIT . We also developed a censored linear model for ALI values ≤ 40 lux, showing a linear relationship between ALI and the LLit value was 34.4 times greater than the ALI value .
Sclerotic scatter is more easily elicited under mesopic conditions than under photopic conditions and requires the LLIT value to be much higher than the ALI value, i.e. it requires extreme contrast.
### Human: We aimed to determine the limbal lighting illuminance thresholds (LLITs) required to trigger perception of sclerotic scatter at the opposite non-illuminated limbus . A 10% increase in ALI was associated with an average increase in the LLIT of 28.9% . Higher keratometry values were associated with higher LLIT values under low ALI levels . Iris shade and central corneal thickness values were not significantly associated with the ALIT . We also developed a censored linear model for ALI values ≤ 40 lux, showing a linear relationship between ALI and the LLit value was 34.4 times greater than the ALI value . Does the Sclerotic Scatter Limbal Arc be More Easily Elicited under Mesopic Rather Than Photopic Conditions?### Assistant: Sclerotic scatter is more easily elicited under mesopic conditions than under photopic conditions and requires the LLIT value to be much higher than the ALI value, i.e. it requires extreme contrast.
Sclerotic scatter is more easily elicited under mesopic conditions than under photopic conditions . LLIT value requires the LLIT to
Do high plasma linezolid concentration and impaired renal function affect development of linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia?
Plasma linezolid trough concentrations were measured on days 3, 7 and 14 after initial drug administration . Platelet counts and haemoglobin levels were also monitored . Thrombocytopenia occurred in 17 patients (56.7%) with renal impairment (creatinine clearance <60 mL/min) Development of thrombochenia occurred significantly more frequently in patients with line zolid trough concentration >7.5 mg/L (OR, 90.0; P < = 0.0001)
Patients with renal impairment are more likely to have a high plasma linezolid concentration. In addition, a high plasma linezolid concentration and renal impairment significantly affected the development of linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia. Further studies are required to evaluate whether therapeutic drug monitoring-guided dosage adjustment of linezolid decreases the adverse effects while maintaining treatment efficacy in patients with renal dysfunction.
### Human: Plasma linezolid trough concentrations were measured on days 3, 7 and 14 after initial drug administration . Platelet counts and haemoglobin levels were also monitored . Thrombocytopenia occurred in 17 patients (56.7%) with renal impairment (creatinine clearance <60 mL/min) Development of thrombochenia occurred significantly more frequently in patients with line zolid trough concentration >7.5 mg/L (OR, 90.0; P < = 0.0001) Do high plasma linezolid concentration and impaired renal function affect development of linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia?### Assistant: Patients with renal impairment are more likely to have a high plasma linezolid concentration. In addition, a high plasma linezolid concentration and renal impairment significantly affected the development of linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia. Further studies are required to evaluate whether therapeutic drug monitoring-guided dosage adjustment of linezolid decreases the adverse effects while maintaining treatment efficacy in patients with renal dysfunction.
Patients with renal impairment are more likely to have a high plasma linezolid concentration . A high plasma plasma line zolid concentration and renal
Does a software tool for interactive exploration of intrinsic functional connectivity open new perspectives for brain surgery?
Functional connectivity analysis of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data (fcrs-fMRI) has been shown to be a robust non-invasive method for localization of functional networks . The tool was used to explore data from a healthy participant and eight brain lesion patients . The usability of the software was evaluated with four neurosurgeons previously unacquainted with the methodology . The neurosurgeon was able to consistently obtain results similar to the results of an expert, with the exception of the language network .
Although fcrs-fMRI is a nascent method still undergoing evaluation with respect to established standards, the interactive software is nonetheless a promising tool for non-invasive exploration of individual functional connectivity networks in neurosurgical practice, both for well-known networks and for those less typically addressed.
### Human: Functional connectivity analysis of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data (fcrs-fMRI) has been shown to be a robust non-invasive method for localization of functional networks . The tool was used to explore data from a healthy participant and eight brain lesion patients . The usability of the software was evaluated with four neurosurgeons previously unacquainted with the methodology . The neurosurgeon was able to consistently obtain results similar to the results of an expert, with the exception of the language network . Does a software tool for interactive exploration of intrinsic functional connectivity open new perspectives for brain surgery?### Assistant: Although fcrs-fMRI is a nascent method still undergoing evaluation with respect to established standards, the interactive software is nonetheless a promising tool for non-invasive exploration of individual functional connectivity networks in neurosurgical practice, both for well-known networks and for those less typically addressed.
fcrs-fMRI is a nascent method still undergoing evaluation with respect to established standards . The interactive software is nonetheless a promising tool
Does ketamine block non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channels attenuating glutamatergic transmission in the auditory cortex?
Using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques on pyramidal neurons, we studied the effects of ketamine on excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked by electrical stimulation of internal capsule fibers in slices of gerbil auditory cortex . Blockade of non-NMDA glutamate receptors with CNQX prevented both effects . After application of the concentration-dependent ketamine in a concentration- dependent manner led to a reduction in the amplitude of fast, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxalinedione (CNQX)-sensitive EPSPs .
Ketamine reduces membrane conductance and glutamatergic excitation, in part by blocking alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionic acid receptor channels that may be constitutively active at a low level in slice preparations of auditory cortex.
### Human: Using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques on pyramidal neurons, we studied the effects of ketamine on excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked by electrical stimulation of internal capsule fibers in slices of gerbil auditory cortex . Blockade of non-NMDA glutamate receptors with CNQX prevented both effects . After application of the concentration-dependent ketamine in a concentration- dependent manner led to a reduction in the amplitude of fast, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxalinedione (CNQX)-sensitive EPSPs . Does ketamine block non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channels attenuating glutamatergic transmission in the auditory cortex?### Assistant: Ketamine reduces membrane conductance and glutamatergic excitation, in part by blocking alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionic acid receptor channels that may be constitutively active at a low level in slice preparations of auditory cortex.
Ketamine reduces membrane conductance and glutamatergic excitation by blocking alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5
Is microRNA-mediated regulation of target genes in several brain regions correlated to both microRNA-targeting-specific promoter methylation and differential microRNA expression?
Public domain databases provide multiple layers of genome-wide data e.g., promoter methylation, mRNA expression, and miRNA expression . Study looked at the frontal cortex, temporal cortex, pons and cerebellum of human brain . The miRNA-mediated regulation of target genes was found to be highly correlated with one or both of miRNAs' expression patterns . Genes enriched for Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways that were related to brain function and/or development were found among the target genes of miRNAAs whose differential expression patterns were highly correlated .
The combinatorial analysis of miRNA-mediated regulation of target genes, miRNA-targeting-specific promoter methylation and differential miRNA expression can help reveal the brain region-specific contributions of miRNAs to brain function and development.
### Human: Public domain databases provide multiple layers of genome-wide data e.g., promoter methylation, mRNA expression, and miRNA expression . Study looked at the frontal cortex, temporal cortex, pons and cerebellum of human brain . The miRNA-mediated regulation of target genes was found to be highly correlated with one or both of miRNAs' expression patterns . Genes enriched for Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways that were related to brain function and/or development were found among the target genes of miRNAAs whose differential expression patterns were highly correlated . Is microRNA-mediated regulation of target genes in several brain regions correlated to both microRNA-targeting-specific promoter methylation and differential microRNA expression?### Assistant: The combinatorial analysis of miRNA-mediated regulation of target genes, miRNA-targeting-specific promoter methylation and differential miRNA expression can help reveal the brain region-specific contributions of miRNAs to brain function and development.
The combinatorial analysis of miRNA-mediated regulation of target genes can help reveal brain region-specific contributions of miRNAs to
Does apobec 3G efficiently reduce infectivity of the human exogenous gammaretrovirus XMRV?
Human exogenous gammaretrovirus XMRV is thought to be implicated in prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome . X MRV is resistant to human Apobec 3B, 3C and 3F, while being highly susceptible to the human A3G protein, known to confer antiviral activity against most retroviruses . We show that XMRVs as well as MoMLV virions package ApobEC proteins independent of their specific restriction activity . hA3G was found to be a potent inhibitor of XMRv as well .
Our findings confirm and extend recently published data that show restriction of XMRV infection by hA3G. The results will be of value to explore which cells are infected with XMRV and efficiently support viral spread in vivo. Furthermore, the observation that XMRV infection can be reduced by mA3 is of interest with regard to the current natural reservoir of XMRV infection.
### Human: Human exogenous gammaretrovirus XMRV is thought to be implicated in prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome . X MRV is resistant to human Apobec 3B, 3C and 3F, while being highly susceptible to the human A3G protein, known to confer antiviral activity against most retroviruses . We show that XMRVs as well as MoMLV virions package ApobEC proteins independent of their specific restriction activity . hA3G was found to be a potent inhibitor of XMRv as well . Does apobec 3G efficiently reduce infectivity of the human exogenous gammaretrovirus XMRV?### Assistant: Our findings confirm and extend recently published data that show restriction of XMRV infection by hA3G. The results will be of value to explore which cells are infected with XMRV and efficiently support viral spread in vivo. Furthermore, the observation that XMRV infection can be reduced by mA3 is of interest with regard to the current natural reservoir of XMRV infection.
Findings confirm and extend recently published data that show restriction of XMRV infection by hA3G . The results will be of
Do soap Suds Enemas Are Efficacious and Safe for Treating Fecal Impaction in Children With Abdominal Pain?
Constipation is a common cause of pediatric abdominal pain and emergency department presentation . Despite the high prevalence, there is a dearth of clinical information and wide practice variation in childhood constipation management in the ED . The objective of the study was to assess the efficacy and safety of soap suds enema (SSE) in the therapy for fecal impaction in children with abdominal pain within the pediatric ED setting . Successful therapy (bowel movement) following SSE occurred in 419 (82%) of 419 (92%) successful therapy (Bowel movement), while no SSE-related serious adverse events were identified .
SSE is an efficacious and safe therapeutic option for the acute treatment of childhood fecal impaction in the ED setting.
### Human: Constipation is a common cause of pediatric abdominal pain and emergency department presentation . Despite the high prevalence, there is a dearth of clinical information and wide practice variation in childhood constipation management in the ED . The objective of the study was to assess the efficacy and safety of soap suds enema (SSE) in the therapy for fecal impaction in children with abdominal pain within the pediatric ED setting . Successful therapy (bowel movement) following SSE occurred in 419 (82%) of 419 (92%) successful therapy (Bowel movement), while no SSE-related serious adverse events were identified . Do soap Suds Enemas Are Efficacious and Safe for Treating Fecal Impaction in Children With Abdominal Pain?### Assistant: SSE is an efficacious and safe therapeutic option for the acute treatment of childhood fecal impaction in the ED setting.
SSE is an efficacious and safe therapeutic option for the acute treatment of childhood fecal impaction in the ED setting .
Does preservation of myofilament calcium responsiveness underlie protection against myocardial stunning by ischemic preconditioning?
Rat hearts were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit (K-H) solution for 20 min and then subjected to 20 min of no-flow global ischemia followed by 15 min of reperfusion . The Ca2+ required for 50% activation increased in stunning but not in IP . Left ventricular developed pressure decreased in stunned hearts to 61 +/- 5% of control (P < 0.01), whereas recovery was complete in the IP hearts (97 +/- 4%)
These results show that the decrease in myofilament responsiveness that characterizes stunning is prevented by ischemic preconditioning.
### Human: Rat hearts were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit (K-H) solution for 20 min and then subjected to 20 min of no-flow global ischemia followed by 15 min of reperfusion . The Ca2+ required for 50% activation increased in stunning but not in IP . Left ventricular developed pressure decreased in stunned hearts to 61 +/- 5% of control (P < 0.01), whereas recovery was complete in the IP hearts (97 +/- 4%) Does preservation of myofilament calcium responsiveness underlie protection against myocardial stunning by ischemic preconditioning?### Assistant: These results show that the decrease in myofilament responsiveness that characterizes stunning is prevented by ischemic preconditioning.
These results show that the decrease in myofilament responsiveness that characterizes stunning is prevented by ischemic preconditioning .
Do phacoemulsification-deep sclerectomy modified by trabeculum microperforations and implantation of lens anterior capsule as autologous scleral implant?
Case series study comprised 127 patients and 127 eyes after mPDS surgery . Phacoemulsification-deep sclerectomy modified by trabeculum microperforations and anterior lens capsule as autologous scleral implant (mPDS) for open-angle glaucoma was the indication for surgery . Follow-up examinations were performed on days 1 and 7, and at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months . Complete and qualified success rates were 74.4% and 93.3% .
The explanation of the role of the anterior capsule in the mechanism of mPDS requires inclusion into the study of histological observations of surgeries performed on an animal model as well as prospective ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) examinations performed in humans.
### Human: Case series study comprised 127 patients and 127 eyes after mPDS surgery . Phacoemulsification-deep sclerectomy modified by trabeculum microperforations and anterior lens capsule as autologous scleral implant (mPDS) for open-angle glaucoma was the indication for surgery . Follow-up examinations were performed on days 1 and 7, and at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months . Complete and qualified success rates were 74.4% and 93.3% . Do phacoemulsification-deep sclerectomy modified by trabeculum microperforations and implantation of lens anterior capsule as autologous scleral implant?### Assistant: The explanation of the role of the anterior capsule in the mechanism of mPDS requires inclusion into the study of histological observations of surgeries performed on an animal model as well as prospective ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) examinations performed in humans.
The explanation of the role of the anterior capsule in the mechanism of mPDS requires inclusion into the study of histological observations of surgeries
Is elevation of soluble E-selectin levels following gestational diabetes restricted to women with persistent abnormalities of glucose regulation?
Increased levels of the soluble adhesion molecule sE-selectin have been reported in women with previous gestational diabetes but not in other groups at increased risk of future type 2 diabetes . We studied the relationship between sEselectin and glucose regulation in a large group of women . There was no overall difference between women with a history of gestual diabetes and control women among the 3 ethnic groups . European post-GDM women with abnormal glucose regulation postpartum (n = 30) had higher sE .
In contrast to previous findings, this larger study does not support a role for sE-selectin as a marker, independent of prevailing glucose levels, of early metabolic abnormalities or future diabetes risk in women with previous gestational diabetes.
### Human: Increased levels of the soluble adhesion molecule sE-selectin have been reported in women with previous gestational diabetes but not in other groups at increased risk of future type 2 diabetes . We studied the relationship between sEselectin and glucose regulation in a large group of women . There was no overall difference between women with a history of gestual diabetes and control women among the 3 ethnic groups . European post-GDM women with abnormal glucose regulation postpartum (n = 30) had higher sE . Is elevation of soluble E-selectin levels following gestational diabetes restricted to women with persistent abnormalities of glucose regulation?### Assistant: In contrast to previous findings, this larger study does not support a role for sE-selectin as a marker, independent of prevailing glucose levels, of early metabolic abnormalities or future diabetes risk in women with previous gestational diabetes.
In contrast to previous findings, this larger study does not support a role for sE-selectin as a marker, independent of prevailing
Do activated MCTC mast cells infiltrate diseased lung areas in cystic fibrosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
Study investigates densities and phenotypes of mast cell populations in multiple lung compartments from patients with CF, IPF and never smoking controls . MCTC numbers increased in areas showing cellular inflammation or fibrosis compared to controls . In CF lungs, mast cell in CF lungs showed elevated expression of IL-6 and TGF-β . In IPF, a significantly elevated MCT density was present in fibrotic areas of the alveolar parenchyma with increased mast cell expression of TGF .
The present study reveals that altered mast cell populations, with increased numbers of MCTC in diseased alveolar parenchyma, represents a significant component of the histopathology in CF and IPF. The mast cell alterations correlated to the degree of tissue remodelling and to lung function parameters. Further investigations of mast cells in these diseases may open for new therapeutic strategies.
### Human: Study investigates densities and phenotypes of mast cell populations in multiple lung compartments from patients with CF, IPF and never smoking controls . MCTC numbers increased in areas showing cellular inflammation or fibrosis compared to controls . In CF lungs, mast cell in CF lungs showed elevated expression of IL-6 and TGF-β . In IPF, a significantly elevated MCT density was present in fibrotic areas of the alveolar parenchyma with increased mast cell expression of TGF . Do activated MCTC mast cells infiltrate diseased lung areas in cystic fibrosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?### Assistant: The present study reveals that altered mast cell populations, with increased numbers of MCTC in diseased alveolar parenchyma, represents a significant component of the histopathology in CF and IPF. The mast cell alterations correlated to the degree of tissue remodelling and to lung function parameters. Further investigations of mast cells in these diseases may open for new therapeutic strategies.
The mast cell alterations correlated to the degree of tissue remodelling and to lung function parameters . Further investigations of mast cells in these diseases may
Does potent peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α agonist treatment increase cholesterol efflux capacity in humans with the metabolic syndrome?
Fibrate medications weakly stimulate the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α) Fibrates are currently employed clinically in patients with dyslipidaemia . LY518674 led to a 15.7% increase from baseline (95% CI 3.3-28.1%; P = 0.02, P vs. placebo = 0 .01) in efflux capacity . Ly518674 increased apolipoprotein A-I production rate in the active treatment arm strongly linked to change in cholesterol efflux .
Potent stimulation of PPAR-α leads to accelerated turnover of apoA-I and an increase in cholesterol efflux capacity in metabolic syndrome patients despite no change in HDL-C or apoA-I levels. This finding reinforces the notion that changes in HDL-C levels may poorly predict impact on functionality and thus has implications for ongoing pharmacologic efforts to enhance apoA-I metabolism.
### Human: Fibrate medications weakly stimulate the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α) Fibrates are currently employed clinically in patients with dyslipidaemia . LY518674 led to a 15.7% increase from baseline (95% CI 3.3-28.1%; P = 0.02, P vs. placebo = 0 .01) in efflux capacity . Ly518674 increased apolipoprotein A-I production rate in the active treatment arm strongly linked to change in cholesterol efflux . Does potent peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α agonist treatment increase cholesterol efflux capacity in humans with the metabolic syndrome?### Assistant: Potent stimulation of PPAR-α leads to accelerated turnover of apoA-I and an increase in cholesterol efflux capacity in metabolic syndrome patients despite no change in HDL-C or apoA-I levels. This finding reinforces the notion that changes in HDL-C levels may poorly predict impact on functionality and thus has implications for ongoing pharmacologic efforts to enhance apoA-I metabolism.
PPAR-α leads to an increase in cholesterol efflux capacity in metabolic syndrome patients . This finding reinforces the notion that changes in HDL
Are mesangial cells responsible for orchestrating the renal podocytes injury in the context of malignant hypertension?
Previous studies demonstrated that in the context of malignant hypertension overproduction of Angiotensin-II by the contracting mesangial cells aggravated hypercellularity and apoptosis of adjacent cell populations . We investigated responsiveness of normal vs. hyperglycaemic podocytes to pressure in a model of Malignant hypertension . We found that in pressure-exposed podocytes were not affected by Angioten-II, proliferation or apoptosis were evident in pressure exposed podocytes, but not podocytes .
1. Unlike mesangial cells, podocytes do not respond to high pressure or hyperglycaemia per se. Resultantly, neither high pressure nor hyperglycaemia, trigger apoptosis of podocytes in vitro. However, surplus of Angiotensin-II, amply produced in vivo by the adjacent mesangial cells, would seem to be sufficient for initiating apoptosis of both mesangial cells and podocytes. 2. Hyperglycaemia abrogates cell replication. Resultantly, in diabetic patients regeneration of renal tissue damaged by the incidence of malignant hypertension may become compromised or completely lost.
### Human: Previous studies demonstrated that in the context of malignant hypertension overproduction of Angiotensin-II by the contracting mesangial cells aggravated hypercellularity and apoptosis of adjacent cell populations . We investigated responsiveness of normal vs. hyperglycaemic podocytes to pressure in a model of Malignant hypertension . We found that in pressure-exposed podocytes were not affected by Angioten-II, proliferation or apoptosis were evident in pressure exposed podocytes, but not podocytes . Are mesangial cells responsible for orchestrating the renal podocytes injury in the context of malignant hypertension?### Assistant: 1. Unlike mesangial cells, podocytes do not respond to high pressure or hyperglycaemia per se. Resultantly, neither high pressure nor hyperglycaemia, trigger apoptosis of podocytes in vitro. However, surplus of Angiotensin-II, amply produced in vivo by the adjacent mesangial cells, would seem to be sufficient for initiating apoptosis of both mesangial cells and podocytes. 2. Hyperglycaemia abrogates cell replication. Resultantly, in diabetic patients regeneration of renal tissue damaged by the incidence of malignant hypertension may become compromised or completely lost.
Unlike mesangial cells, podocytes do not respond to high pressure or hyperglycaemia per se . Neither high pressure nor hyper
Is activation of the unfolded protein response associated with favorable prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia?
Previous studies suggest that unfolded protein response is activated in some cancer cell lines and involved in tumor development . The role of unfolded protein responses during leukemogenesis is unknown thus far . Here, we assessed the induction of key effectors of unfolded proteins in leukemic cells at diagnosis of 105 acute myeloid leukemia patients . The formation of the spliced variant of XBP1s was detectable in 16.2% (17 of 105) of AML patients . This group also had significantly increased expression of calreticulin, GRP78, and CHOP .
These results suggest that the unfolded protein response is activated in a considerable subset of AML patients. AML patients with activated unfolded protein response present specific clinical characteristics and a more favorable course of the disease.
### Human: Previous studies suggest that unfolded protein response is activated in some cancer cell lines and involved in tumor development . The role of unfolded protein responses during leukemogenesis is unknown thus far . Here, we assessed the induction of key effectors of unfolded proteins in leukemic cells at diagnosis of 105 acute myeloid leukemia patients . The formation of the spliced variant of XBP1s was detectable in 16.2% (17 of 105) of AML patients . This group also had significantly increased expression of calreticulin, GRP78, and CHOP . Is activation of the unfolded protein response associated with favorable prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia?### Assistant: These results suggest that the unfolded protein response is activated in a considerable subset of AML patients. AML patients with activated unfolded protein response present specific clinical characteristics and a more favorable course of the disease.
AML patients with activated unfolded protein response present specific clinical characteristics and a more favorable course of the disease .
Do genetic components of the circadian clock regulate thrombogenesis in vivo?
Myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden death undergo diurnal variation . The role of the molecular clock in thrombotic events remains to be established . Mutation of core clock genes-BMAL1, CLOCK, and NPAS2-were mutated or deleted . Mutations of CLOCK abolished the diurnal variations in TTVO, while deletion of NPas2 altered its temporal pattern . BMAL1 deletion shortened TTVo at ZT8, and BMAL2 deletion prolonged TTV O and reduced blood pressure .
Key components of the molecular clock regulate the response to a thrombogenic stimulus in vivo. Such a phenomenon may interact with environmental variables, and together with the influence of these genes on blood pressure may contribute to the diurnal variation in cardiovascular events observed in humans.
### Human: Myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden death undergo diurnal variation . The role of the molecular clock in thrombotic events remains to be established . Mutation of core clock genes-BMAL1, CLOCK, and NPAS2-were mutated or deleted . Mutations of CLOCK abolished the diurnal variations in TTVO, while deletion of NPas2 altered its temporal pattern . BMAL1 deletion shortened TTVo at ZT8, and BMAL2 deletion prolonged TTV O and reduced blood pressure . Do genetic components of the circadian clock regulate thrombogenesis in vivo?### Assistant: Key components of the molecular clock regulate the response to a thrombogenic stimulus in vivo. Such a phenomenon may interact with environmental variables, and together with the influence of these genes on blood pressure may contribute to the diurnal variation in cardiovascular events observed in humans.
Key components of the molecular clock regulate the response to a thrombogenic stimulus in vivo . Such a phenomenon may interact with environmental variables
Is age less than two years a risk factor for mortality after mitral valve replacement in children?
Morbidity and mortality was compared between patients less than 2 years old and patients 2 to 18 years old . 30-day survival of 89% (younger patients) versus 100% (older patients) and 10-year survival of 82% for younger patients . Freedom from reoperation for the younger age group was 40% at 10 years versus 96% for the older patients, p = 0.003. Freedom from surgery for the young age group at 10-years was 40%. Freedom from operation for the under-2 years was 40%, p .003.
In our population, there was no statistically significant difference in survival between patients less than 2 years and patients 2 to 18 years. In children undergoing MVR, age less than 2 years remains a risk factor for reoperation but not for mortality.
### Human: Morbidity and mortality was compared between patients less than 2 years old and patients 2 to 18 years old . 30-day survival of 89% (younger patients) versus 100% (older patients) and 10-year survival of 82% for younger patients . Freedom from reoperation for the younger age group was 40% at 10 years versus 96% for the older patients, p = 0.003. Freedom from surgery for the young age group at 10-years was 40%. Freedom from operation for the under-2 years was 40%, p .003. Is age less than two years a risk factor for mortality after mitral valve replacement in children?### Assistant: In our population, there was no statistically significant difference in survival between patients less than 2 years and patients 2 to 18 years. In children undergoing MVR, age less than 2 years remains a risk factor for reoperation but not for mortality.
In children undergoing MVR, age less than 2 years remains a risk factor for reoperation but not for mortality .
Does ginseng enhance psychological well-being in healthy , young adults : results of a double-blind , placebo-controlled , randomized clinical trial?
The purpose of this study was to examine these claims, with specific reference to ginseng's effects on affect and mood . Participants were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: placebo (lactose), 200 mg ginsen, or 400 mg . The study found no effect on positive affect, negative affect, or total mood disturbance (all P > .016) The study was a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial . The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Trials by Mediomedomedomedia .
The present findings do not support claims that chronic ginseng supplementation--at either its clinically recommended level or at twice that level--enhances affect or mood in healthy young adults.
### Human: The purpose of this study was to examine these claims, with specific reference to ginseng's effects on affect and mood . Participants were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: placebo (lactose), 200 mg ginsen, or 400 mg . The study found no effect on positive affect, negative affect, or total mood disturbance (all P > .016) The study was a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial . The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Trials by Mediomedomedomedia . Does ginseng enhance psychological well-being in healthy , young adults : results of a double-blind , placebo-controlled , randomized clinical trial?### Assistant: The present findings do not support claims that chronic ginseng supplementation--at either its clinically recommended level or at twice that level--enhances affect or mood in healthy young adults.
The present findings do not support claims that chronic ginseng supplementation--at either its clinically recommended level or at twice that level--enh
Does meniscus suture provide better clinical and biomechanical results at 1-year follow-up than meniscectomy?
Study was functional assessment of knee 1 year after surgery with two techniques in cases of medial meniscus tear followed by the same supervised rehabilitation . Measurements of knee extensors and flexors muscles peak torques were performed with angular velocities 60, 180, 240 and 300 s(-1) using Biodex IV system . Results of examinations were compared with reference to reference to healthy volunteers . Extensors peak torque values at 60 s(1) angular velocity and H/Q coefficient were decreased after meniscectomy more than meniscs suture .
Results suggest worse functional effects when meniscectomy is applied which implies modification of the rehabilitative methods in a postoperative period.
### Human: Study was functional assessment of knee 1 year after surgery with two techniques in cases of medial meniscus tear followed by the same supervised rehabilitation . Measurements of knee extensors and flexors muscles peak torques were performed with angular velocities 60, 180, 240 and 300 s(-1) using Biodex IV system . Results of examinations were compared with reference to reference to healthy volunteers . Extensors peak torque values at 60 s(1) angular velocity and H/Q coefficient were decreased after meniscectomy more than meniscs suture . Does meniscus suture provide better clinical and biomechanical results at 1-year follow-up than meniscectomy?### Assistant: Results suggest worse functional effects when meniscectomy is applied which implies modification of the rehabilitative methods in a postoperative period.
Results suggest worse functional effects when meniscectomy is applied . This implies modification of the rehabilitative methods in a postoperative period
Does traumatic brain injury enhance neuroinflammation and lesion volume in caveolin deficient mice?
Caveolins (Cavs) are regulators of neuronal and glial survival signaling . We hypothesized that Cavs regulate cytokine production after TBI . CCI model of TBI increased brain lesion volume in both Cav-3 and Cav-1 KO mice after 24 hours (P < 0.0001, n = 4; one-way ANOVA). CCI increased IL-2, IL-6, KC and MCP-1 in ipsilateral and IL-9 in contralateral hemispheres . CCi increased IL-1β, IL 9, KC, MCP1, MIP-1, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor .
CCI caused astrocyte and microglial activation and hippocampal neuronal injury. Cav-1 and Cav-3 KO exhibited enhanced lesion volume and cytokine/chemokine production after CCI. These findings suggest that Cav isoforms may regulate neuroinflammatory responses and neuroprotection following TBI.
### Human: Caveolins (Cavs) are regulators of neuronal and glial survival signaling . We hypothesized that Cavs regulate cytokine production after TBI . CCI model of TBI increased brain lesion volume in both Cav-3 and Cav-1 KO mice after 24 hours (P < 0.0001, n = 4; one-way ANOVA). CCI increased IL-2, IL-6, KC and MCP-1 in ipsilateral and IL-9 in contralateral hemispheres . CCi increased IL-1β, IL 9, KC, MCP1, MIP-1, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor . Does traumatic brain injury enhance neuroinflammation and lesion volume in caveolin deficient mice?### Assistant: CCI caused astrocyte and microglial activation and hippocampal neuronal injury. Cav-1 and Cav-3 KO exhibited enhanced lesion volume and cytokine/chemokine production after CCI. These findings suggest that Cav isoforms may regulate neuroinflammatory responses and neuroprotection following TBI.
CCI caused astrocyte and microglial activation and hippocampal neuronal injury . Cav-1 and Cav-3 KO exhibited
Is reporting of core items in hierarchical Bayesian analysis for aggregating N-of-1 trials to estimate population treatment effects suboptimal?
N-of-1 trials can be aggregated to estimate population treatment effects using Bayesian models . It is very important to report core items in hierarchical Bayesian analysis . Five of eleven included articles reported all items of the ROBUST criteria . Software and analysis data set items were reported the most frequently in additional items excluded from the ROBust criteria. Less than half of the studies reported the other additional items. Software, analysis data sets items were the least frequently reported in the included articles. Five of 11 included articles report all items .
Reporting of core items in hierarchical Bayesian analysis for aggregating N-of-1 trials to estimate population treatment effects is suboptimal. A PRISMA-like guidance on reviews of Bayesian N-of-1 trials may be required in the future.
### Human: N-of-1 trials can be aggregated to estimate population treatment effects using Bayesian models . It is very important to report core items in hierarchical Bayesian analysis . Five of eleven included articles reported all items of the ROBUST criteria . Software and analysis data set items were reported the most frequently in additional items excluded from the ROBust criteria. Less than half of the studies reported the other additional items. Software, analysis data sets items were the least frequently reported in the included articles. Five of 11 included articles report all items . Is reporting of core items in hierarchical Bayesian analysis for aggregating N-of-1 trials to estimate population treatment effects suboptimal?### Assistant: Reporting of core items in hierarchical Bayesian analysis for aggregating N-of-1 trials to estimate population treatment effects is suboptimal. A PRISMA-like guidance on reviews of Bayesian N-of-1 trials may be required in the future.
A PRISMA-like guidance on reviews of Bayesian N-of-1 trials may be required in the future .
Does overexpression of caveolin-1 in cancer-associated fibroblasts predict good outcome in breast cancer?
Study looked at the expression of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and to explore its correlation with clinicopathologic parameters and prognosis . The expression rate of Cav-1 in breast cancer (65.7%, 94/143) was significantly higher than that of DCIS (0%, 0/10) and normal breast tissue (0.000) A positive correlation was found between stromal cav-1 and ER (p = 0.046)
Cav-1 expression in CAFs was correlated with histological type, histological grade, ER status, and molecular subtypes in breast cancer. Stromal Cav-1 expression was an independent prognostic factor, and the absence or reduction of Cav-1 expression in stromal CAFs of invasive breast cancer predicts poor prognostic outcome.
### Human: Study looked at the expression of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and to explore its correlation with clinicopathologic parameters and prognosis . The expression rate of Cav-1 in breast cancer (65.7%, 94/143) was significantly higher than that of DCIS (0%, 0/10) and normal breast tissue (0.000) A positive correlation was found between stromal cav-1 and ER (p = 0.046) Does overexpression of caveolin-1 in cancer-associated fibroblasts predict good outcome in breast cancer?### Assistant: Cav-1 expression in CAFs was correlated with histological type, histological grade, ER status, and molecular subtypes in breast cancer. Stromal Cav-1 expression was an independent prognostic factor, and the absence or reduction of Cav-1 expression in stromal CAFs of invasive breast cancer predicts poor prognostic outcome.
Cav-1 expression in CAFs was correlated with histological type, histological grade, ER status, and molecular subtypes in breast
Does rFX1 regulate CD70 and CD11a expression in lupus T cells by recruiting the histone methyltransferase SUV39H1?
RFX1 down-regulation contributes to DNA hypomethylation and histone H3 hyperacetylation at the cluster of differentiation (CD) 11a and CD70 promoters in CD4(+) T cells of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) This leads to CD11a andCD70 overexpression, thereby triggering autoimmune responses . Overexpressing or knocking-down RFX 1 revealed that RFX's expression correlated with H3K9 tri-methylation levels, as well as CD11 a and CD 70 expression levels in CD 4(+) CD4+ T cells .
RFX1 recruits SUV39H1 to the promoter regions of the CD11a and CD70 genes in CD4(+) T cells, thereby regulating local H3K9 tri-methylation levels. These findings shed further light on the central role of RFX1 down-regulation in the epigenetic de-repression of auto-immune genes in SLE.
### Human: RFX1 down-regulation contributes to DNA hypomethylation and histone H3 hyperacetylation at the cluster of differentiation (CD) 11a and CD70 promoters in CD4(+) T cells of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) This leads to CD11a andCD70 overexpression, thereby triggering autoimmune responses . Overexpressing or knocking-down RFX 1 revealed that RFX's expression correlated with H3K9 tri-methylation levels, as well as CD11 a and CD 70 expression levels in CD 4(+) CD4+ T cells . Does rFX1 regulate CD70 and CD11a expression in lupus T cells by recruiting the histone methyltransferase SUV39H1?### Assistant: RFX1 recruits SUV39H1 to the promoter regions of the CD11a and CD70 genes in CD4(+) T cells, thereby regulating local H3K9 tri-methylation levels. These findings shed further light on the central role of RFX1 down-regulation in the epigenetic de-repression of auto-immune genes in SLE.
RFX1 recruits SUV39H1 to the promoter regions of the CD11a and CD70 genes in CD4(+) T
Does elevated expression of RNA methyltransferase BCDIN3D predict poor prognosis in breast cancer?
BCDIN3D is a member of the Bin3 methyl-transferase family that targets the 5' mono-phosphate of nucleic acids . The clinical implications in breast cancer remain unclear . The prognostic value was most significant in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients (P = 0.007) Patients with TNBC were most significant with the gene expression of BCDin3D most significant (P) survival rate of TNBC patients . The survival analysis by Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression showed that BCDIn3D expression level served as a prognostic factor .
BCDIN3D might serve as an important prognostic factor for TNBC patients.
### Human: BCDIN3D is a member of the Bin3 methyl-transferase family that targets the 5' mono-phosphate of nucleic acids . The clinical implications in breast cancer remain unclear . The prognostic value was most significant in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients (P = 0.007) Patients with TNBC were most significant with the gene expression of BCDin3D most significant (P) survival rate of TNBC patients . The survival analysis by Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression showed that BCDIn3D expression level served as a prognostic factor . Does elevated expression of RNA methyltransferase BCDIN3D predict poor prognosis in breast cancer?### Assistant: BCDIN3D might serve as an important prognostic factor for TNBC patients.
BCDIN3D might serve as an important prognostic factor for TNBC patients .
Is elder self-neglect associated with an increased rate of 30-day hospital readmission : findings from the Chicago Health and Aging Project?
The primary predictor was elder self-neglect reported to the social services agency . The average annual rate of 30-day hospital readmission was 0.2 (SD 0.7) and for those with elder self . self .neglects had a significantly higher rate of hospital readmissions . The relationship was not moderated by medical conditions, cognitive impairment, physical disability, or psychosocial well-being, authors say . The findings suggest that the significant relationship between self . Neglect and 30-Day hospital readmitted was not moderatorated by conditions, medical conditions or disabilities .
Reported elder self-neglect was associated with increased rates of 30-day hospital readmission in this community population. Greater self-neglect severity was associated with a greater increase in the rate of 30-day hospital readmission.
### Human: The primary predictor was elder self-neglect reported to the social services agency . The average annual rate of 30-day hospital readmission was 0.2 (SD 0.7) and for those with elder self . self .neglects had a significantly higher rate of hospital readmissions . The relationship was not moderated by medical conditions, cognitive impairment, physical disability, or psychosocial well-being, authors say . The findings suggest that the significant relationship between self . Neglect and 30-Day hospital readmitted was not moderatorated by conditions, medical conditions or disabilities . Is elder self-neglect associated with an increased rate of 30-day hospital readmission : findings from the Chicago Health and Aging Project?### Assistant: Reported elder self-neglect was associated with increased rates of 30-day hospital readmission in this community population. Greater self-neglect severity was associated with a greater increase in the rate of 30-day hospital readmission.
Greater self-neglect severity was associated with a greater increase in the rate of 30-day hospital readmission .
Is a high concentration of prorenin in early pregnancy associated with development of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes?
The aim of this study was to investigate whether components of the renin-angiotensin system and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) are associated with the development of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes . The study of 107 consecutive pregnant women with diabetes was carried out in early pregnancy . Levels of prorenin and SSAO levels were 30% (p = 0.004) and 16% higher, respectively, in women developing pre-clampsicities .
In type 1 diabetic women with pre-eclampsia, a higher concentration of prorenin in early pregnancy and higher levels of prorenin and SSAO throughout pregnancy were seen.
### Human: The aim of this study was to investigate whether components of the renin-angiotensin system and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) are associated with the development of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes . The study of 107 consecutive pregnant women with diabetes was carried out in early pregnancy . Levels of prorenin and SSAO levels were 30% (p = 0.004) and 16% higher, respectively, in women developing pre-clampsicities . Is a high concentration of prorenin in early pregnancy associated with development of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes?### Assistant: In type 1 diabetic women with pre-eclampsia, a higher concentration of prorenin in early pregnancy and higher levels of prorenin and SSAO throughout pregnancy were seen.
In type 1 diabetic women with pre-eclampsia, a higher concentration of prorenin in early pregnancy and higher levels of
Is the expression of HSP27 associated with poor clinical outcome in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma?
Heat shock proteins (HSP27) and 72-kDa are chaperone molecules inducible in cells exposed to different stress conditions . Increased level of HSPs reported in several human cancers, and found to be associated with resistance to some anticancer treatments and poor prognosis . In this exploratory retrospective study, we investigated the expressions of . HSP27 and HSP72 as potential prognostic factors in IHCCA patients . Kaplan-Maier analysis suggested that the expression of H.SP27 significantly worsened the patients' median overall survival (11.18 vs 55.1 months, P-value = 0.0003)
The expression of HSP27, likely increasing cell proliferation, tumor mass, vascular and capsular invasion, might promote aggressive tumor behaviour in IHCCA and decrease patients' survival. Immunohistochemical detection of HSP27 on routine sections may provide a reliable prognostic marker for IHCCA able to influence the therapeutic strategies for this cancer.
### Human: Heat shock proteins (HSP27) and 72-kDa are chaperone molecules inducible in cells exposed to different stress conditions . Increased level of HSPs reported in several human cancers, and found to be associated with resistance to some anticancer treatments and poor prognosis . In this exploratory retrospective study, we investigated the expressions of . HSP27 and HSP72 as potential prognostic factors in IHCCA patients . Kaplan-Maier analysis suggested that the expression of H.SP27 significantly worsened the patients' median overall survival (11.18 vs 55.1 months, P-value = 0.0003) Is the expression of HSP27 associated with poor clinical outcome in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma?### Assistant: The expression of HSP27, likely increasing cell proliferation, tumor mass, vascular and capsular invasion, might promote aggressive tumor behaviour in IHCCA and decrease patients' survival. Immunohistochemical detection of HSP27 on routine sections may provide a reliable prognostic marker for IHCCA able to influence the therapeutic strategies for this cancer.
The expression of HSP27, likely increasing cell proliferation, tumor mass, vascular and capsular invasion, might promote aggressive tumor behaviour in
Are baseline clinical and radiographic features associated with long-term ( 8 years ) signs/symptoms for subjects with diseased temporomandibular joint?
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which baseline clinical and radiographic features were associated with long-term outcomes in patients with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD) The impact of multiple initial clinical/radiographic findings (gender, age at first visit, treatment method and treatment method) on the long term outcomes was assessed using stepwise multiple regression and logistic regression analysis . Disc mobility and morphology of the articular eminence were significantly correlated with current range of maximal mouth opening .
The results of this study suggest that patients who appeared symptomatic at a younger age or who initially had a fixed disc were the most likely to have recurrent or persisting clinical signs/symptoms of TMJD after 8 years.
### Human: The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which baseline clinical and radiographic features were associated with long-term outcomes in patients with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD) The impact of multiple initial clinical/radiographic findings (gender, age at first visit, treatment method and treatment method) on the long term outcomes was assessed using stepwise multiple regression and logistic regression analysis . Disc mobility and morphology of the articular eminence were significantly correlated with current range of maximal mouth opening . Are baseline clinical and radiographic features associated with long-term ( 8 years ) signs/symptoms for subjects with diseased temporomandibular joint?### Assistant: The results of this study suggest that patients who appeared symptomatic at a younger age or who initially had a fixed disc were the most likely to have recurrent or persisting clinical signs/symptoms of TMJD after 8 years.
The results of this study suggest that patients who appeared symptomatic at a younger age or who initially had a fixed disc were the most likely
Is cell proximity a prerequisite for the proliferative response of bystander cells co-cultured with cells irradiated with gamma-rays?
Unirradiated cells, when they are in the presence of cells irradiated with gamma-rays, are characterized by enhanced cell growth . The mechanisms and factors involved in the proliferative response of bystander cells are largely unknown . The aim of the current work was to investigate the possible role of spatial proximity of cells, including gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC), in transmitting proliferation signals from cells irradiating with gamma rays to unirradiate cells (bystander cells)
In the present experimental model, the spatial proximity of cells is a crucial element for transmitting growth stimulation signals from irradiated cells to neighboring unirradiated cells. Direct cell-to-cell contact appears to be required for transmitting these signals. Neither functional GJIC nor soluble extracellular factors released by irradiated cells into the culture medium appear to play significant roles in this process under the present experimental conditions.
### Human: Unirradiated cells, when they are in the presence of cells irradiated with gamma-rays, are characterized by enhanced cell growth . The mechanisms and factors involved in the proliferative response of bystander cells are largely unknown . The aim of the current work was to investigate the possible role of spatial proximity of cells, including gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC), in transmitting proliferation signals from cells irradiating with gamma rays to unirradiate cells (bystander cells) Is cell proximity a prerequisite for the proliferative response of bystander cells co-cultured with cells irradiated with gamma-rays?### Assistant: In the present experimental model, the spatial proximity of cells is a crucial element for transmitting growth stimulation signals from irradiated cells to neighboring unirradiated cells. Direct cell-to-cell contact appears to be required for transmitting these signals. Neither functional GJIC nor soluble extracellular factors released by irradiated cells into the culture medium appear to play significant roles in this process under the present experimental conditions.
Direct cell-to-cell contact appears to be required for transmitting these signals . Neither functional GJIC nor soluble extracellular factors
Does interleukin-8 regulate expression of Reg protein in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric mucosa?
Reg protein is a regenerating gene product and a potent growth factor for gastric mucosal cells . Little is known regarding its association with the pathogenesis of H. pylori infection . The aim of this study was to investigate Reg protein production and its regulation in H.Pylori-associated gastritis . IL-8 production in the gastric . mucosa was significantly augmented by H.pylori . infection . IL .8 dose-dependently stimulated Reg protein . production and Reg promoter activity in vitro in cultured ECC10 cells .
The present study showed for the first time that Reg protein may be a potent stimulator of gastric epithelial cells in H. pylori-infected human gastric mucosa stimulated by IL-8. Further, our findings provide evidence of a novel link between Reg protein and H. pylori infection, which may help explain the molecular mechanisms underlying H. pylori-associated diseases, including gastric cancer.
### Human: Reg protein is a regenerating gene product and a potent growth factor for gastric mucosal cells . Little is known regarding its association with the pathogenesis of H. pylori infection . The aim of this study was to investigate Reg protein production and its regulation in H.Pylori-associated gastritis . IL-8 production in the gastric . mucosa was significantly augmented by H.pylori . infection . IL .8 dose-dependently stimulated Reg protein . production and Reg promoter activity in vitro in cultured ECC10 cells . Does interleukin-8 regulate expression of Reg protein in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric mucosa?### Assistant: The present study showed for the first time that Reg protein may be a potent stimulator of gastric epithelial cells in H. pylori-infected human gastric mucosa stimulated by IL-8. Further, our findings provide evidence of a novel link between Reg protein and H. pylori infection, which may help explain the molecular mechanisms underlying H. pylori-associated diseases, including gastric cancer.
Reg protein may be a potent stimulator of gastric epithelial cells in H. pylori-infected human gastric muc
Does coronary computed tomography angiography without significant stenosis predict favourable three-year prognosis?
The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence of death, cardiovascular events and the use of later non-scheduled imaging for coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients suspected for CAD and discharged without a need for further examination or treatment . After a median follow-up of 37 months, a low all-cause mortality of 3.7 per 1,000 person-years was found . A total of 683 out of 1001 patients were discharged from the outpatient clinic after CCTA .
Patients with suspected CAD discharged after CCTA with no need for further examination have a favourable cardiovascular prognosis.
### Human: The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence of death, cardiovascular events and the use of later non-scheduled imaging for coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients suspected for CAD and discharged without a need for further examination or treatment . After a median follow-up of 37 months, a low all-cause mortality of 3.7 per 1,000 person-years was found . A total of 683 out of 1001 patients were discharged from the outpatient clinic after CCTA . Does coronary computed tomography angiography without significant stenosis predict favourable three-year prognosis?### Assistant: Patients with suspected CAD discharged after CCTA with no need for further examination have a favourable cardiovascular prognosis.
Patients with suspected CAD discharged after CCTA with no need for further examination have favourable cardiovascular prognosis .
Is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 A1075G polymorphism associated with survival in an acute coronary syndromes cohort?
Polymorphisms of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) gene have been associated with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy in previous studies . We tested the hypothesis that the rare allele of an ACE2 gene polymorphism was associated with risk factors for and adverse outcome after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) events . Patients were predominantly of European ethnicity (90.1%) and patients of Maori . The G1075 (P < .035) allele was more frequent in patients of . Maori compared to European ancestry .
The A1075 allele was associated with covariate-adjusted mortality in male patients.
### Human: Polymorphisms of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) gene have been associated with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy in previous studies . We tested the hypothesis that the rare allele of an ACE2 gene polymorphism was associated with risk factors for and adverse outcome after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) events . Patients were predominantly of European ethnicity (90.1%) and patients of Maori . The G1075 (P < .035) allele was more frequent in patients of . Maori compared to European ancestry . Is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 A1075G polymorphism associated with survival in an acute coronary syndromes cohort?### Assistant: The A1075 allele was associated with covariate-adjusted mortality in male patients.
The A1075 allele was associated with covariate-adjusted mortality in male patients .
Coagulation factors and inhibitors levels, Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial thrombin time (APTT) remained within the reference range requested by quality assurance regulations after three months of storage . APTT and PT show an increase from baseline to one month then remain constant up to three months, while, Fibrinogen, Factor II, Factor V, Factor VII, Factor X, Von Willbrand Factor, Protein C and Antithrombin decreased from baseline .
There is good retention of all coagulation factors and inhibitors in plasma produced from whole blood within eight hours of collection, stored at minus 18 degrees C for three months.
### Human: Coagulation factors and inhibitors levels, Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial thrombin time (APTT) remained within the reference range requested by quality assurance regulations after three months of storage . APTT and PT show an increase from baseline to one month then remain constant up to three months, while, Fibrinogen, Factor II, Factor V, Factor VII, Factor X, Von Willbrand Factor, Protein C and Antithrombin decreased from baseline . Do cOAGULATION FACTORS LEVEL IN FRESH FROZEN PLASMA IN RWANDA?### Assistant: There is good retention of all coagulation factors and inhibitors in plasma produced from whole blood within eight hours of collection, stored at minus 18 degrees C for three months.
Plasma stored at minus 18 degrees C for three months stored at -18 degrees C . Plasma produced from whole blood within eight hours of collection
Is propeptide of type I procollagen predictive of posttreatment bone mass gain in adult celiac disease?
Adult celiac disease is associated with osteopenia, which is not always reversible after gluten-free diet (GFD) A prospective study was conducted to evaluate whether pretreatment indices of bone and mineral metabolism are predictive of the extent of bone mass gain after diet . Only in 12 of 20 patients was this improvement at least equal to half the SD of the z-score, which equals a gain of at least 5% in bone mass . Only those with basal PICP above the normal range did the z/scores increase after GFD by at least half .
In adult celiac disease, a high rate of osteosynthetic activity before treatment is predictive of the satisfactory recovery of bone mass after GFD.
### Human: Adult celiac disease is associated with osteopenia, which is not always reversible after gluten-free diet (GFD) A prospective study was conducted to evaluate whether pretreatment indices of bone and mineral metabolism are predictive of the extent of bone mass gain after diet . Only in 12 of 20 patients was this improvement at least equal to half the SD of the z-score, which equals a gain of at least 5% in bone mass . Only those with basal PICP above the normal range did the z/scores increase after GFD by at least half . Is propeptide of type I procollagen predictive of posttreatment bone mass gain in adult celiac disease?### Assistant: In adult celiac disease, a high rate of osteosynthetic activity before treatment is predictive of the satisfactory recovery of bone mass after GFD.
A high rate of osteosynthetic activity before treatment is predictive of the satisfactory recovery of bone mass after GFD .
Is low prealbumin level a risk factor for microvascular free flap failure?
The 1-month survival rates for patients with acute malnutrition were 76.5% (95% confidence interval, 48.8% to 90.5%) and 95.2% for patients who were not malnourished . acute malnutrition was associated with a 4-fold increased risk of failure in comparison with those patients with a normal nutritional status . In the adjusted Cox hazards proportions model, acute malnutrition is associated with an increased risk . The study was designed to identify risk factors associated with microvascular free flap failure .
Acute malnutrition in patients undergoing microvascular free flap reconstruction in the head and neck region was associated with an increased risk for free flap failure.
### Human: The 1-month survival rates for patients with acute malnutrition were 76.5% (95% confidence interval, 48.8% to 90.5%) and 95.2% for patients who were not malnourished . acute malnutrition was associated with a 4-fold increased risk of failure in comparison with those patients with a normal nutritional status . In the adjusted Cox hazards proportions model, acute malnutrition is associated with an increased risk . The study was designed to identify risk factors associated with microvascular free flap failure . Is low prealbumin level a risk factor for microvascular free flap failure?### Assistant: Acute malnutrition in patients undergoing microvascular free flap reconstruction in the head and neck region was associated with an increased risk for free flap failure.
Acute malnutrition in patients undergoing free flap reconstruction in the head and neck region was associated with an increased risk of free flap failure .
Does intraspinal adenosine induce spinal cord norepinephrine release in spinal nerve-ligated rats but not in normal or sham controls?
Some evidence links adenosine's antinociceptive effects to release of norepinephrine by terminals in the spinal cord . The reasons for this selective circumstance of action remain unclear . In ligated animals, adenosaline perfusion increased norepinphrine in spinal cord microdialysates in a concentration-dependent manner . The effects of adenosin plateaued after 75 min and remained stable until the end of the experiment . Intravenous injection of selective adenosines A1 and A2 receptor antagonists revealed that adenoside's effect on spinal nore pinephrine release was A1 receptor mediated .
This is the first study to provide direct evidence that adenosine is able to release norepinephrine in spinal cord dorsal horns in living animals. However, this effect was only seen in animals after spinal nerve ligation. These data are consistent with behavioral studies demonstrating that adenosine's antinociceptive effects in rats after spinal nerve ligation is totally dependent on intact spinal noradrenergic terminals and can be blocked by spinal alpha 2-adrenergic receptor antagonists.
### Human: Some evidence links adenosine's antinociceptive effects to release of norepinephrine by terminals in the spinal cord . The reasons for this selective circumstance of action remain unclear . In ligated animals, adenosaline perfusion increased norepinphrine in spinal cord microdialysates in a concentration-dependent manner . The effects of adenosin plateaued after 75 min and remained stable until the end of the experiment . Intravenous injection of selective adenosines A1 and A2 receptor antagonists revealed that adenoside's effect on spinal nore pinephrine release was A1 receptor mediated . Does intraspinal adenosine induce spinal cord norepinephrine release in spinal nerve-ligated rats but not in normal or sham controls?### Assistant: This is the first study to provide direct evidence that adenosine is able to release norepinephrine in spinal cord dorsal horns in living animals. However, this effect was only seen in animals after spinal nerve ligation. These data are consistent with behavioral studies demonstrating that adenosine's antinociceptive effects in rats after spinal nerve ligation is totally dependent on intact spinal noradrenergic terminals and can be blocked by spinal alpha 2-adrenergic receptor antagonists.
This is the first study to provide direct evidence that adenosine is able to release norepinephrine in spinal cord dorsal horns in
Does sitagliptin protect rat kidneys from acute ischemia-reperfusion injury via upregulation of GLP-1 and GLP-1 receptors?
Sitagliptin, an oral glucose-lowering agent, has been found to produce cardiovascular protection possibly via anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic activities of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1) The aim of this study was to investigate whether sitaglipt protected the kidney function from acute ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury in rats . The kidney injury score, inflammatory biomarkers (MMP-9, TNF-α and NF-κB) levels and CD68+ cells in IR kidneys were considerably increased .
Sitagliptin dose-dependently protects rat kidneys from acute IR injury via upregulation of serum GLP-1 and GLP-1 receptor expression in kidneys.
### Human: Sitagliptin, an oral glucose-lowering agent, has been found to produce cardiovascular protection possibly via anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic activities of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1) The aim of this study was to investigate whether sitaglipt protected the kidney function from acute ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury in rats . The kidney injury score, inflammatory biomarkers (MMP-9, TNF-α and NF-κB) levels and CD68+ cells in IR kidneys were considerably increased . Does sitagliptin protect rat kidneys from acute ischemia-reperfusion injury via upregulation of GLP-1 and GLP-1 receptors?### Assistant: Sitagliptin dose-dependently protects rat kidneys from acute IR injury via upregulation of serum GLP-1 and GLP-1 receptor expression in kidneys.
Sitagliptin dose-dependently protects rat kidneys from acute IR injury via upregulation of serum GLP-1 and GLP
Are variants of the fatty acid-binding protein 2 gene associated with coronary heart disease in nondiabetic subjects and in patients with NIDDM?
Study looked at associations of variants of the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) 2 gene with coronary heart disease (CHD) Study included 135 nondiabetic and 79 NIDDM subjects with stenosis in at least two coronary arteries . Other variants (GTA 118 GTC, GCGCA-->GCACA in the 3'-noncoding region, and the number of ATT repeats in intron 2) also did not associate with CHD . Study found that the allele frequency of an amino acid polymorphism (alanine-->threonine) in codon 54 of exon 2 of the FABP2 gene was 0.26 .
The variants of the FABP2 gene are not likely to contribute to the risk of CHD in Finnish nondiabetic and NIDDM subjects.
### Human: Study looked at associations of variants of the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) 2 gene with coronary heart disease (CHD) Study included 135 nondiabetic and 79 NIDDM subjects with stenosis in at least two coronary arteries . Other variants (GTA 118 GTC, GCGCA-->GCACA in the 3'-noncoding region, and the number of ATT repeats in intron 2) also did not associate with CHD . Study found that the allele frequency of an amino acid polymorphism (alanine-->threonine) in codon 54 of exon 2 of the FABP2 gene was 0.26 . Are variants of the fatty acid-binding protein 2 gene associated with coronary heart disease in nondiabetic subjects and in patients with NIDDM?### Assistant: The variants of the FABP2 gene are not likely to contribute to the risk of CHD in Finnish nondiabetic and NIDDM subjects.
variants of the FABP2 gene are not likely to contribute to the risk of CHD in Finnish nondiabetic and NID
Does homocysteine stimulate MAP kinase in bovine aortic smooth muscle cells?
Hyperhomocysteinemia is recognized as a risk factor for atherosclerotic disease . The mechanism of homocysteine effects on smooth muscle cell cell proliferation is unknown . The object of this study was to test the effects of D,L -homocystine on smooth . muscle cell proliferation, which is a hallmark of atherosclerosis, is unknown. The study was conducted to examine the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1 and 2, that are known to be involved in cell proliferation .
These data are consistent with the hypothesis that D,L -homocysteine stimulation of BASMC proliferation involves MAP kinase activation.
### Human: Hyperhomocysteinemia is recognized as a risk factor for atherosclerotic disease . The mechanism of homocysteine effects on smooth muscle cell cell proliferation is unknown . The object of this study was to test the effects of D,L -homocystine on smooth . muscle cell proliferation, which is a hallmark of atherosclerosis, is unknown. The study was conducted to examine the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1 and 2, that are known to be involved in cell proliferation . Does homocysteine stimulate MAP kinase in bovine aortic smooth muscle cells?### Assistant: These data are consistent with the hypothesis that D,L -homocysteine stimulation of BASMC proliferation involves MAP kinase activation.
These data are consistent with the hypothesis that D,L -homocysteine stimulation of BASMC proliferation involves MAP kinase activation .
Does remote preconditioning improve maximal performance in highly trained athletes?
Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) induced by transient limb ischemia releases a dialysable circulating protective factor that reduces injury . Exercise performance in highly trained athletes is limited by tissue hypoxemia and acidosis, which may therefore represent a type of ischema-reperfusion stress modifiable by RIPC . There was no statistically significant difference between the effect of RIPC and the low-pressure control protocol on submaximal exercise performance . However, RIPC was associated with a mean improvement of maximal swim time for 100 m of 0.7 s (P=0.04), an improvement in swim time relative to personal best time .
RIPC improves maximal performance in highly trained swimmers. This simple technique may be applicable to other sports and, more importantly, to other clinical syndromes in which exercise tolerance is limited by tissue hypoxemia or ischemia.
### Human: Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) induced by transient limb ischemia releases a dialysable circulating protective factor that reduces injury . Exercise performance in highly trained athletes is limited by tissue hypoxemia and acidosis, which may therefore represent a type of ischema-reperfusion stress modifiable by RIPC . There was no statistically significant difference between the effect of RIPC and the low-pressure control protocol on submaximal exercise performance . However, RIPC was associated with a mean improvement of maximal swim time for 100 m of 0.7 s (P=0.04), an improvement in swim time relative to personal best time . Does remote preconditioning improve maximal performance in highly trained athletes?### Assistant: RIPC improves maximal performance in highly trained swimmers. This simple technique may be applicable to other sports and, more importantly, to other clinical syndromes in which exercise tolerance is limited by tissue hypoxemia or ischemia.
RIPC improves maximal performance in highly trained swimmers . This simple technique may be applicable to other sports .
Does soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor abrogate myocardial inflammation but not hypertrophy in cytokine-induced cardiomyopathy?
Adenovirus-mediated neutralization of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) neutralized in mice . AdTNFRI did not reverse cardiomegaly but abrogated myocardial inflammation . Left ventricular wall thickening was not reversed by treatment . Downregulation of alpha-myosin heavy chain was restored by the treatment, but upregulation of beta-myo-heavy chain did not reversed . Left-ventricular diameter was significantly larger in transgenic mice than in control mice .
These results suggest that anti-TNF therapy may hold promise in the treatment of end-stage heart failure.
### Human: Adenovirus-mediated neutralization of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) neutralized in mice . AdTNFRI did not reverse cardiomegaly but abrogated myocardial inflammation . Left ventricular wall thickening was not reversed by treatment . Downregulation of alpha-myosin heavy chain was restored by the treatment, but upregulation of beta-myo-heavy chain did not reversed . Left-ventricular diameter was significantly larger in transgenic mice than in control mice . Does soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor abrogate myocardial inflammation but not hypertrophy in cytokine-induced cardiomyopathy?### Assistant: These results suggest that anti-TNF therapy may hold promise in the treatment of end-stage heart failure.
Anti-TNF therapy may hold promise in the treatment of end-stage heart failure .
Does bee venom injection significantly reduce nociceptive behavior in the mouse formalin test via capsaicin-insensitive afferents?
Bee venom (BV) administration produces 2 contrasting effects, nociception and antinocicesption . BV injection into the Zusanli point increased spinal Fos expression but not spontaneous nocicesptive behavior . The destruction of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents by resiniferatoxin (RTX) pretreatment selectively decreased BV-induced spinal FOS expression but did not affect BV's antinocheption . These findings suggest that subcutaneous BV stimulation of the . ZusAnli point activates . central catecholaminergic neurons via capsicin-insensitive afferent fibers . This in turn leads to the activation of spinal alpha2-adrenoceptors, which ultimately reduces formalin-evoked n
This study demonstrates that BV acupuncture produces a significant antinociception without nociceptive behavior in rodents, which is mediated by capsaicin-insensitive afferents and involves activation of central adrenergic circuits. These results further suggest that BV stimulation into this acupuncture point might be a valuable alternative to traditional electrical or mechanical acupoint stimulation.
### Human: Bee venom (BV) administration produces 2 contrasting effects, nociception and antinocicesption . BV injection into the Zusanli point increased spinal Fos expression but not spontaneous nocicesptive behavior . The destruction of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents by resiniferatoxin (RTX) pretreatment selectively decreased BV-induced spinal FOS expression but did not affect BV's antinocheption . These findings suggest that subcutaneous BV stimulation of the . ZusAnli point activates . central catecholaminergic neurons via capsicin-insensitive afferent fibers . This in turn leads to the activation of spinal alpha2-adrenoceptors, which ultimately reduces formalin-evoked n Does bee venom injection significantly reduce nociceptive behavior in the mouse formalin test via capsaicin-insensitive afferents?### Assistant: This study demonstrates that BV acupuncture produces a significant antinociception without nociceptive behavior in rodents, which is mediated by capsaicin-insensitive afferents and involves activation of central adrenergic circuits. These results further suggest that BV stimulation into this acupuncture point might be a valuable alternative to traditional electrical or mechanical acupoint stimulation.
BV acupuncture produces a significant antinociception without nociceptive behavior in rodents, which is mediated by capsaicin
Does pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation improve gait freezing in Parkinson disease?
Pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) stimulation is a novel therapy for Parkinson disease . Outcomes were assessed prospectively over 2 years with gait-specific questionnaires and the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (part III) The primary outcome, the Gait and Falls Questionnaire score, improved significantly with stimulation . Benefits were maintained over two years with treatment . Beneficial effects often appeared to outlast stimulation for hours or longer . Single-session on- vs off-stimulation assessments may be susceptible to "delayed washout effects"
Bilateral stimulation of the mid-lower PPN (more caudal than previous reports) without costimulation of other brain targets may be beneficial for the subgroup of patients with Parkinson disease who experience severe gait freezing and postural instability with frequent falls, which persist even while on medication. Choosing appropriate outcome measures and accounting for the possibility of prolonged stimulation washout effects appear to be important for detecting the clinical benefits.
### Human: Pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) stimulation is a novel therapy for Parkinson disease . Outcomes were assessed prospectively over 2 years with gait-specific questionnaires and the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (part III) The primary outcome, the Gait and Falls Questionnaire score, improved significantly with stimulation . Benefits were maintained over two years with treatment . Beneficial effects often appeared to outlast stimulation for hours or longer . Single-session on- vs off-stimulation assessments may be susceptible to "delayed washout effects" Does pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation improve gait freezing in Parkinson disease?### Assistant: Bilateral stimulation of the mid-lower PPN (more caudal than previous reports) without costimulation of other brain targets may be beneficial for the subgroup of patients with Parkinson disease who experience severe gait freezing and postural instability with frequent falls, which persist even while on medication. Choosing appropriate outcome measures and accounting for the possibility of prolonged stimulation washout effects appear to be important for detecting the clinical benefits.
Bilateral stimulation of the mid-lower PPN (more caudal than previous reports) without costimulation of other brain targets
Does [ Enflurane block ion current through the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ]?
The study investigates the influence of enflurane (EN) on macroscopic currents of the nicotinic acetylcholinergic receptor channel (nAChR) This ion channel is a representative member of the superfamily of ligand-gated receptor channels and is better characterized than all the other receptors in respect of structure and function . For the experiments the patch-clamp technique was used to study the embryonic type of the nAChRs expressed by cultured mouse-myotubes .
In this study we were able to show that EN reduces the currents of the ligand-gated embryonic-like nAChR in clinically relevant concentrations. Volatile anaesthetics are known to influence GABAA-, glutamate-, and glycine- activated receptors, which are members of the same family of ligand-gated receptor-channel units. Thus, the action of volatile anaesthetics on ligand-gated receptors may play a role in the mechanism of general anaesthesia. The interaction of volatile anaesthetics with nondepolarising neuromuscular blockers may also be based on this effect at the neuromuscular junction.
### Human: The study investigates the influence of enflurane (EN) on macroscopic currents of the nicotinic acetylcholinergic receptor channel (nAChR) This ion channel is a representative member of the superfamily of ligand-gated receptor channels and is better characterized than all the other receptors in respect of structure and function . For the experiments the patch-clamp technique was used to study the embryonic type of the nAChRs expressed by cultured mouse-myotubes . Does [ Enflurane block ion current through the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ]?### Assistant: In this study we were able to show that EN reduces the currents of the ligand-gated embryonic-like nAChR in clinically relevant concentrations. Volatile anaesthetics are known to influence GABAA-, glutamate-, and glycine- activated receptors, which are members of the same family of ligand-gated receptor-channel units. Thus, the action of volatile anaesthetics on ligand-gated receptors may play a role in the mechanism of general anaesthesia. The interaction of volatile anaesthetics with nondepolarising neuromuscular blockers may also be based on this effect at the neuromuscular junction.
EN reduces currents of ligand-gated embryonic-like nAChR in clinically relevant concentrations . Volatile anaesthetics are
Does the polycomb group gene product Ezh2 regulate proliferation and differentiation of murine hepatic stem/progenitor cells?
Polycomb group proteins initiate and maintain gene silencing through chromatin modifications and contribute to the maintenance of self-renewal in a variety of stem cells . We have previously shown that Bmi1, a core component of PRC1, tightly regulates the self renewal of hepatic stem/progenitor cells . In this study, we conducted lentivirus-mediated knockdown of Ezh2 to characterise the function of the protein . We found that Ezh1 function in embryonic murine hepatic cells severely impaired proliferation . This effect was more prominent than that of Bmi 1-knockdown .
Our findings indicate that Ezh2 plays an essential role in the maintenance of both the proliferative and self-renewal capacity of hepatic stem/progenitor cells and the full execution of their differentiation.
### Human: Polycomb group proteins initiate and maintain gene silencing through chromatin modifications and contribute to the maintenance of self-renewal in a variety of stem cells . We have previously shown that Bmi1, a core component of PRC1, tightly regulates the self renewal of hepatic stem/progenitor cells . In this study, we conducted lentivirus-mediated knockdown of Ezh2 to characterise the function of the protein . We found that Ezh1 function in embryonic murine hepatic cells severely impaired proliferation . This effect was more prominent than that of Bmi 1-knockdown . Does the polycomb group gene product Ezh2 regulate proliferation and differentiation of murine hepatic stem/progenitor cells?### Assistant: Our findings indicate that Ezh2 plays an essential role in the maintenance of both the proliferative and self-renewal capacity of hepatic stem/progenitor cells and the full execution of their differentiation.
Ezh2 plays an essential role in the maintenance of both the proliferative and self-renewal capacity of hepatic stem/
Does locomotion induce changes in Trk B receptors in small diameter cells of the spinal cord?
Exercise increases BDNF neurotrophin gene expression in the rat hippocampus . If exercise enhances BDNF expression also in the spinal cord, upregulation of its receptor Trk B may occur . To verify this hypothesis we tested whether exercise influences TrkB receptor system in spinal cord . Six adult, male Wistar rats walked on the treadmill five days a week, 1,000 m daily with the speed of 20 to 25 cm/s . Animals were anaesthetised with pentobarbital sodium (80 mg/kg b.w.) and perfused with 0.01 M PBS .
TrkB immunoreactivity (IR) was detected in number of spinal cells at the lumbar level in non-trained animals (Fig. 1A). The strongest IR appeared in the perikarya and processes of small diameter cells rarely scattered in the grey and white matter. The average area of these cells was 50 micron 2 (+/- 10). Exercise increased by over 50% the number of TrkB immunostained small cells (Fig. 1B). An enhancement of perikaryonal immunostaining of these cells was also observed (Fig. 1B, inset). Testing the identity of Trk B IR small diameter cells did not prove their astroglial (GFAP IR) and gabaergic (GAD IR) phenotype in the grey matter. Some of TrkB IR cells in the white matter were astrocytes. Our data point to physical exercise as a potent method to make spinal cells more receptive to neurotrophic stimuli.
### Human: Exercise increases BDNF neurotrophin gene expression in the rat hippocampus . If exercise enhances BDNF expression also in the spinal cord, upregulation of its receptor Trk B may occur . To verify this hypothesis we tested whether exercise influences TrkB receptor system in spinal cord . Six adult, male Wistar rats walked on the treadmill five days a week, 1,000 m daily with the speed of 20 to 25 cm/s . Animals were anaesthetised with pentobarbital sodium (80 mg/kg b.w.) and perfused with 0.01 M PBS . Does locomotion induce changes in Trk B receptors in small diameter cells of the spinal cord?### Assistant: TrkB immunoreactivity (IR) was detected in number of spinal cells at the lumbar level in non-trained animals (Fig. 1A). The strongest IR appeared in the perikarya and processes of small diameter cells rarely scattered in the grey and white matter. The average area of these cells was 50 micron 2 (+/- 10). Exercise increased by over 50% the number of TrkB immunostained small cells (Fig. 1B). An enhancement of perikaryonal immunostaining of these cells was also observed (Fig. 1B, inset). Testing the identity of Trk B IR small diameter cells did not prove their astroglial (GFAP IR) and gabaergic (GAD IR) phenotype in the grey matter. Some of TrkB IR cells in the white matter were astrocytes. Our data point to physical exercise as a potent method to make spinal cells more receptive to neurotrophic stimuli.
Exercise increased by over 50% the number of TrkB immunostained small cells . TrkB IR cells in the white matter were ast
Does radiosensitivity of rat mammary tumors correlate with early vessel changes assessed by power Doppler sonography?
We used a model of autochthonous mammary tumors in rats and assessed early vascular changes after irradiation by power Doppler sonography . Not all tumors regressed in a similar fashion, and late tumor regrowth was correlated with day 7 power doppler index changes . Radiosensitive tumors were defined as tumors with a greater than 50% decrease in baseline area 28 days after radiation treatment . Radioensitive tumors had a greater 50% reduction in baseline areas 28 days later .
This study suggests that early changes in tumor perfusion as assessed by power Doppler sonography after tumor irradiation may precede the long-term tumor regression.
### Human: We used a model of autochthonous mammary tumors in rats and assessed early vascular changes after irradiation by power Doppler sonography . Not all tumors regressed in a similar fashion, and late tumor regrowth was correlated with day 7 power doppler index changes . Radiosensitive tumors were defined as tumors with a greater than 50% decrease in baseline area 28 days after radiation treatment . Radioensitive tumors had a greater 50% reduction in baseline areas 28 days later . Does radiosensitivity of rat mammary tumors correlate with early vessel changes assessed by power Doppler sonography?### Assistant: This study suggests that early changes in tumor perfusion as assessed by power Doppler sonography after tumor irradiation may precede the long-term tumor regression.
Early changes in tumor perfusion as assessed by power Doppler sonography after tumor irradiation may precede the long-term tumor
Does the mRDH bandage provide effective hemostasis in trauma and surgical hemorrhage?
Hemorrhagic shock accounts for 30% to 40% of injury-associated deaths (2/3 of those patients surviving to reach the hospital) Hemorhagic shock is the leading cause of preventable and early in-hospital mortality . The modified rapid deployment hemostat (mRDH) trauma bandage has been developed and tested during the past several years . The mRDH has a unique mechanism of action involving vasoconstriction, platelet activation, and red blood cell activation and is effective in the absence of clotting factors .
The following case studies illustrate the effective use of the mRDH bandage in a variety of settings, as follows: (1) application of the mRDH to control severe hemorrhage from an improvised explosive device-induced lower extremity injury in Iraq and (2) the mRDH terminates bleeding from a penetrating groin wound allowing safe neurosurgical intervention while avoiding a groin exploration.
### Human: Hemorrhagic shock accounts for 30% to 40% of injury-associated deaths (2/3 of those patients surviving to reach the hospital) Hemorhagic shock is the leading cause of preventable and early in-hospital mortality . The modified rapid deployment hemostat (mRDH) trauma bandage has been developed and tested during the past several years . The mRDH has a unique mechanism of action involving vasoconstriction, platelet activation, and red blood cell activation and is effective in the absence of clotting factors . Does the mRDH bandage provide effective hemostasis in trauma and surgical hemorrhage?### Assistant: The following case studies illustrate the effective use of the mRDH bandage in a variety of settings, as follows: (1) application of the mRDH to control severe hemorrhage from an improvised explosive device-induced lower extremity injury in Iraq and (2) the mRDH terminates bleeding from a penetrating groin wound allowing safe neurosurgical intervention while avoiding a groin exploration.
The mRDH bandage was used to control severe hemorrhage from an IED-induced lower extremity injury in Iraq . The
Is donor heme oxygenase-1 genotype associated with renal allograft function?
The heme oxygenase (HO) isoenzyme HO-1 has recently been suggested to protect transplants from ischemia/reperfusion and immunologic injury . Short (class S) repeats are associated with greater up-regulation of HO--1 than are long repeats . The two patient groups did not differ significantly with respect to the incidence of delayed graft function, allograft rejection, or immunologic graft loss . Recipients of kidney allogs from a donor with at least one class S allele carrier had significantly lower 1-year serum creatinine levels .
Our data suggest an influence of the HO-1 gene promoter polymorphism on kidney allograft function and thus support previous studies indicating a protective effect of HO-1 induction in organ transplantation.
### Human: The heme oxygenase (HO) isoenzyme HO-1 has recently been suggested to protect transplants from ischemia/reperfusion and immunologic injury . Short (class S) repeats are associated with greater up-regulation of HO--1 than are long repeats . The two patient groups did not differ significantly with respect to the incidence of delayed graft function, allograft rejection, or immunologic graft loss . Recipients of kidney allogs from a donor with at least one class S allele carrier had significantly lower 1-year serum creatinine levels . Is donor heme oxygenase-1 genotype associated with renal allograft function?### Assistant: Our data suggest an influence of the HO-1 gene promoter polymorphism on kidney allograft function and thus support previous studies indicating a protective effect of HO-1 induction in organ transplantation.
Our data suggest an influence of the HO-1 gene promoter polymorphism on kidney allograft function . Our data support previous studies indicating
Are subjective health complaints in older adolescents related to perceived stress , anxiety and gender - a cross-sectional school study in Northern Sweden?
Self-reported mental and subjective health complaints such as pain, sleeping problems, anxiety, and various stress-related problems seem to have increased over time among older adolescents in northern Sweden . High pressure and demands from school were experienced by 63.6% of girls and 38.5% of boys . Perceived stress in the form of pressure correlated strongly with reported health complaints (r = 0.71) and anxiety . Two to three times as many girls as boys reported subjective health problems such as headache, tiredness and sleeping difficulties .
The results indicate that mental and subjective health complaints are prevalent during adolescence, especially in girls, and furthermore, that perceived stress and demands may be important explanatory factors. Future studies should pay attention to the balance between gender-related demands, perceived control and social support, particularly in the school environment, in order to prevent negative strain and stress-related ill-health. The gender gap in subjective adolescent health needs to be further explored.
### Human: Self-reported mental and subjective health complaints such as pain, sleeping problems, anxiety, and various stress-related problems seem to have increased over time among older adolescents in northern Sweden . High pressure and demands from school were experienced by 63.6% of girls and 38.5% of boys . Perceived stress in the form of pressure correlated strongly with reported health complaints (r = 0.71) and anxiety . Two to three times as many girls as boys reported subjective health problems such as headache, tiredness and sleeping difficulties . Are subjective health complaints in older adolescents related to perceived stress , anxiety and gender - a cross-sectional school study in Northern Sweden?### Assistant: The results indicate that mental and subjective health complaints are prevalent during adolescence, especially in girls, and furthermore, that perceived stress and demands may be important explanatory factors. Future studies should pay attention to the balance between gender-related demands, perceived control and social support, particularly in the school environment, in order to prevent negative strain and stress-related ill-health. The gender gap in subjective adolescent health needs to be further explored.
Mental and subjective health complaints are prevalent during adolescence, especially in girls . The gender gap in subjective adolescent health needs to be further explored .
Does dexpanthenol therapy reduce lung damage in a hyperoxic lung injury in neonatal rats?
Dexpanthenol (Dxp) plays a major role in cellular defense and in repair systems against oxidative stress and inflammatory response . It has not yet been evaluated in treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) We tested the hypothesis that proposes whether Dxp decreases the severity of lung injury in an animal model of BPD . We found that the median level of malondialdehyde, total oxidant status and oxidative stress indexes was significantly higher in the hyperoxia group .
Dxp treatment results in less emphysematous change as well as decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress markers in an animal model of BPD.
### Human: Dexpanthenol (Dxp) plays a major role in cellular defense and in repair systems against oxidative stress and inflammatory response . It has not yet been evaluated in treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) We tested the hypothesis that proposes whether Dxp decreases the severity of lung injury in an animal model of BPD . We found that the median level of malondialdehyde, total oxidant status and oxidative stress indexes was significantly higher in the hyperoxia group . Does dexpanthenol therapy reduce lung damage in a hyperoxic lung injury in neonatal rats?### Assistant: Dxp treatment results in less emphysematous change as well as decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress markers in an animal model of BPD.
Dxp treatment results in less emphysematous change as well as decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress markers in an animal model of
Does after Intestinal Transplantation Kidney Function be Impaired by Downregulation of Epithelial Ion Transporters in the Ileum?
Nephrotoxic medication after transplantation is a major cause for posttransplant renal insufficiency . It remains unclear why kidney dysfunction is particularly frequent after intestinal transplantation . The study analyzed messenger RNA expression of NHE3, DRA, CFTR and CFTR in 404 biopsies obtained between day 2 and 1508 from the terminal ileum of 10 adult intestinal transplant recipients . The time courses of immunosuppression and glomerular filtration rate were correlated . In patients, both reduced tacrolimus levels and recovery of Nhe3 and DRA expression were associated with stabilization of renal function .
Our data strongly suggest that tacrolimus impairs absorption of NaCl and water from the transplanted ileum, leading to volume depletion and impaired renal function. This may be reversible by reduction of tacrolimus to lower levels without increased rates of rejection or chronic graft failure.
### Human: Nephrotoxic medication after transplantation is a major cause for posttransplant renal insufficiency . It remains unclear why kidney dysfunction is particularly frequent after intestinal transplantation . The study analyzed messenger RNA expression of NHE3, DRA, CFTR and CFTR in 404 biopsies obtained between day 2 and 1508 from the terminal ileum of 10 adult intestinal transplant recipients . The time courses of immunosuppression and glomerular filtration rate were correlated . In patients, both reduced tacrolimus levels and recovery of Nhe3 and DRA expression were associated with stabilization of renal function . Does after Intestinal Transplantation Kidney Function be Impaired by Downregulation of Epithelial Ion Transporters in the Ileum?### Assistant: Our data strongly suggest that tacrolimus impairs absorption of NaCl and water from the transplanted ileum, leading to volume depletion and impaired renal function. This may be reversible by reduction of tacrolimus to lower levels without increased rates of rejection or chronic graft failure.
Tacrolimus impairs absorption of NaCl and water from transplanted ileum, leading to volume depletion and impaired renal function
Does c/EBP homologous protein-10 ( CHOP-10 ) limit postnatal neovascularization through control of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene expression?
CHOP-10 is a novel developmentally regulated nuclear protein that emerges as a critical transcriptional integrator among pathways regulating differentiation, proliferation, and survival . In capillary structure of skeletal muscle, CHOP10 mRNA and protein levels were upregulated by ischemia and diabetes mellitus . We showed that induction of diabetes mellitis is associated with an upregulation of CHop-10 that substantially inhibited postischemic neovascularization . We also showed that CHOP 10 was bound to the eNOS promoter .
This study identifies CHOP-10 as an important transcription factor modulating vessel formation and maturation.
### Human: CHOP-10 is a novel developmentally regulated nuclear protein that emerges as a critical transcriptional integrator among pathways regulating differentiation, proliferation, and survival . In capillary structure of skeletal muscle, CHOP10 mRNA and protein levels were upregulated by ischemia and diabetes mellitus . We showed that induction of diabetes mellitis is associated with an upregulation of CHop-10 that substantially inhibited postischemic neovascularization . We also showed that CHOP 10 was bound to the eNOS promoter . Does c/EBP homologous protein-10 ( CHOP-10 ) limit postnatal neovascularization through control of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene expression?### Assistant: This study identifies CHOP-10 as an important transcription factor modulating vessel formation and maturation.
CHOP-10 is an important transcription factor modulating vessel formation and maturation . This study identifies CHOP10 as an important gene
Does adrenergic nervous system influence on the induction of ventricular tachycardia?
Sudden cardiac death is a major cause of mortality in western countries . The prevention of such arrhythmias with beta-blockers supports this viewpoint . The adrenergic autonomic nervous system has influences in provoking life-threatening arrhythias . The authors examined the occurrence of ventricular tachycardia in patients subjected to three consecutive tests, exercise testing, isoproterenol infusion, and mental stress . Mental stress, on its own, induced nonsustained ventricular cardiac tachycardsia in 2 of 19 patients .
Among patients preselected for exercise-induced ventricular tachycardia, almost half could be induced into ventricular tachycardia by isoproterenol infusion. Mental stress was a less powerful inducer of ventricular arrhythmias in this study group.
### Human: Sudden cardiac death is a major cause of mortality in western countries . The prevention of such arrhythmias with beta-blockers supports this viewpoint . The adrenergic autonomic nervous system has influences in provoking life-threatening arrhythias . The authors examined the occurrence of ventricular tachycardia in patients subjected to three consecutive tests, exercise testing, isoproterenol infusion, and mental stress . Mental stress, on its own, induced nonsustained ventricular cardiac tachycardsia in 2 of 19 patients . Does adrenergic nervous system influence on the induction of ventricular tachycardia?### Assistant: Among patients preselected for exercise-induced ventricular tachycardia, almost half could be induced into ventricular tachycardia by isoproterenol infusion. Mental stress was a less powerful inducer of ventricular arrhythmias in this study group.
Mental stress was a less powerful inducer of ventricular arrhythmias in this study group .
Does increased patient information reduce patient anxiety regarding urodynamic studies?
Two cohorts of patients were asked to complete a visual analogue scale (VAS) quantifying their anxiety prior to urodynamics (UDS) and again after UDS . In females, pre-UDS VAS was significantly higher in round 2 than round 1 (Mann-Whitney U test p = 0.037) In males, pre UDS was lower in round 1 than round 2, but this difference was not statistically significant . Post- UDS Vas was remarkably similar between round 1 and 2 .
Patients are less anxious about having repeat UDS regardless of the depth of information provided. However, more detailed information before UDS failed to significantly reduce patient anxiety.
### Human: Two cohorts of patients were asked to complete a visual analogue scale (VAS) quantifying their anxiety prior to urodynamics (UDS) and again after UDS . In females, pre-UDS VAS was significantly higher in round 2 than round 1 (Mann-Whitney U test p = 0.037) In males, pre UDS was lower in round 1 than round 2, but this difference was not statistically significant . Post- UDS Vas was remarkably similar between round 1 and 2 . Does increased patient information reduce patient anxiety regarding urodynamic studies?### Assistant: Patients are less anxious about having repeat UDS regardless of the depth of information provided. However, more detailed information before UDS failed to significantly reduce patient anxiety.
More detailed information before UDS failed to significantly reduce patient anxiety . Patients are less anxious about having repeat UDS .
Do peripheral erythrocytes decrease upon specific respiratory challenge with grass pollen allergen in sensitized mice and in human subjects?
We aimed to investigate cellular responses following specific and non-specific airway challenges locally and systemically . We observed a significant drop of erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels in both mouse groups, challenged with allergen or OVA . Specific airway challenge resulted in goblet cell hyperplasia, enhanced mucous secretion, intrapulmonary leukocyte infiltration and lymphoid follicle formation, associated with significant expression of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 .
Our data revealed that, besides significant leukocyte dynamics, particularly erythrocytes are involved in acute hypersensitivity reactions to respiratory allergens. A rapid recruitment of erythrocytes to the lungs to compensate for hypoxia is a possible explanation for these findings.
### Human: We aimed to investigate cellular responses following specific and non-specific airway challenges locally and systemically . We observed a significant drop of erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels in both mouse groups, challenged with allergen or OVA . Specific airway challenge resulted in goblet cell hyperplasia, enhanced mucous secretion, intrapulmonary leukocyte infiltration and lymphoid follicle formation, associated with significant expression of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 . Do peripheral erythrocytes decrease upon specific respiratory challenge with grass pollen allergen in sensitized mice and in human subjects?### Assistant: Our data revealed that, besides significant leukocyte dynamics, particularly erythrocytes are involved in acute hypersensitivity reactions to respiratory allergens. A rapid recruitment of erythrocytes to the lungs to compensate for hypoxia is a possible explanation for these findings.
A rapid recruitment of erythrocytes to the lungs to compensate for hypoxia is a possible explanation for these findings .
Is [ Incidental differentiated thyroid carcinoma less prevalent in Graves ' disease than in multinodular goiter ]?
TSH stimulates proliferation of both normal and neoplastic follicular cells . Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) should induce DTC progression in patients with Graves' disease (GD) Patients with EMG had a greater DTC prevalence than patients with GD patients, with an OR of 4.17 (p<0.001) Difference in prevalence of incidental DTC between the groups was statistically significant (p=0.017) Tumor size (mm, mean ± SD) was 6.92 ± 11.26, 1.97 ± 1.85, and 9.0 for EMG, GD and HMG respectively .
Incidental DTC was less prevalent in GD as compared to EMG irrespective of age. This finding may suggest a predisposition to develop DTC in patients with thyroid nodular disease and/or a potential effect of autoimmunity to protect against development of neoplastic disease.
### Human: TSH stimulates proliferation of both normal and neoplastic follicular cells . Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) should induce DTC progression in patients with Graves' disease (GD) Patients with EMG had a greater DTC prevalence than patients with GD patients, with an OR of 4.17 (p<0.001) Difference in prevalence of incidental DTC between the groups was statistically significant (p=0.017) Tumor size (mm, mean ± SD) was 6.92 ± 11.26, 1.97 ± 1.85, and 9.0 for EMG, GD and HMG respectively . Is [ Incidental differentiated thyroid carcinoma less prevalent in Graves ' disease than in multinodular goiter ]?### Assistant: Incidental DTC was less prevalent in GD as compared to EMG irrespective of age. This finding may suggest a predisposition to develop DTC in patients with thyroid nodular disease and/or a potential effect of autoimmunity to protect against development of neoplastic disease.
Incidental DTC was less prevalent in GD as compared to EMG irrespective of age . This finding may suggest a predisposition to develop
Does post-training stimulation of the basolateral amygdala improve spatial learning in rats with lesion of the fimbria-fornix?
The learning capacity of animals bearing lesions of the fimbria-fornix system was improved by the electrical stimulation of the amygdala . The latency to find the submerged platform within this group approaches that of the non lesioned animals in the course of training (2-way ANOVA with repeated measures) The latency of the animals in this group was similar to that of those who were not lesioned . The learning ability of animals was improved in the way of the electrode stimulation . Other animals continued to show severely impaired learning abilities .
This is the first evidence that stimulating the BLA can positively influence the learning abilities of lesioned animals. Further experiments should contribute to improve the stimulation paradigms to make it more effective, if possible.
### Human: The learning capacity of animals bearing lesions of the fimbria-fornix system was improved by the electrical stimulation of the amygdala . The latency to find the submerged platform within this group approaches that of the non lesioned animals in the course of training (2-way ANOVA with repeated measures) The latency of the animals in this group was similar to that of those who were not lesioned . The learning ability of animals was improved in the way of the electrode stimulation . Other animals continued to show severely impaired learning abilities . Does post-training stimulation of the basolateral amygdala improve spatial learning in rats with lesion of the fimbria-fornix?### Assistant: This is the first evidence that stimulating the BLA can positively influence the learning abilities of lesioned animals. Further experiments should contribute to improve the stimulation paradigms to make it more effective, if possible.
This is the first evidence that stimulating the BLA can positively influence the learning abilities of lesioned animals . Further experiments should contribute to improve
Do t84-intestinal epithelial exosomes bear MHC class II/peptide complexes potentiating antigen presentation by dendritic cells?
The capacity of exosomes derived from intestinal epithelial cell line T84 to load the HLA-DR4-specific peptide (3)H-HSA 64-76 was tested in the presence of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) The capacity to load antigenic peptides, bind immune target cells, and induce T-cell activation was analyzed in vitro . HSA peptide was unable to activate the T-cells hybridoma directly but induced a productive T-Cell activation through DCs .
Exosomes released by intestinal epithelial cells bear exogenous peptides complexed to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and interact preferentially with DCs, strongly potentiating peptide presentation to T cells. Epithelial exosomes constitute a powerful link between luminal antigens and local immune cells by mediating the transfer of tiny amounts of luminal antigenic information and facilitating immune surveillance at mucosal surfaces.
### Human: The capacity of exosomes derived from intestinal epithelial cell line T84 to load the HLA-DR4-specific peptide (3)H-HSA 64-76 was tested in the presence of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) The capacity to load antigenic peptides, bind immune target cells, and induce T-cell activation was analyzed in vitro . HSA peptide was unable to activate the T-cells hybridoma directly but induced a productive T-Cell activation through DCs . Do t84-intestinal epithelial exosomes bear MHC class II/peptide complexes potentiating antigen presentation by dendritic cells?### Assistant: Exosomes released by intestinal epithelial cells bear exogenous peptides complexed to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and interact preferentially with DCs, strongly potentiating peptide presentation to T cells. Epithelial exosomes constitute a powerful link between luminal antigens and local immune cells by mediating the transfer of tiny amounts of luminal antigenic information and facilitating immune surveillance at mucosal surfaces.
Epithelial exosomes bear exogenous peptides complexed to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules . Exosomes
Does tiotropium bromide inhibit TGF-β-induced MMP production from lung fibroblasts by interfering with Smad and MAPK pathways in vitro?
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are extracellular degrading enzymes that play a critical role in inflammatory cell infiltration and tissue remodeling . The influence of tiotropium bromide hydrate (TBH) on the production of MMPs from lung fibroblasts (LFs) induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)-β in vitro . TBH also suppressed MMP mRNA expression through the inhibition of Smad activation and signaling protein phosphorylation .
These results may suggest that TBH suppresses MMP production from LFs, through interference of TGF-β-mediated signaling pathways and results in favorable modification of the clinical status of COPD.
### Human: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are extracellular degrading enzymes that play a critical role in inflammatory cell infiltration and tissue remodeling . The influence of tiotropium bromide hydrate (TBH) on the production of MMPs from lung fibroblasts (LFs) induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)-β in vitro . TBH also suppressed MMP mRNA expression through the inhibition of Smad activation and signaling protein phosphorylation . Does tiotropium bromide inhibit TGF-β-induced MMP production from lung fibroblasts by interfering with Smad and MAPK pathways in vitro?### Assistant: These results may suggest that TBH suppresses MMP production from LFs, through interference of TGF-β-mediated signaling pathways and results in favorable modification of the clinical status of COPD.
TBH suppresses MMP production from LFs, through interference of TGF-β-mediated signaling pathways . Results may suggest TB
Does perfusion of the subfoveal choriocapillaris affect visual recovery after submacular surgery in presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome?
The subfoveal choriocapillaris was perfused in 24 of the 38 eyes (63%) and nonperfused in 14 (37%) after surgery . Best-corrected visual acuity improved by at least 2 Snellen lines in 17 of the 24 perfused eyes (71%) and two of the 14 non-perfusion eyes (14%) After surgery, a visual improvement of 20/100 or better was achieved in 18 (75%) and four (29%) eyes (P = .0076)
Both final visual acuity and improvement in visual acuity were correlated with postoperative perfusion of the subfoveal choriocapillaris in patients with presumed occular histoplasmosis syndrome. Development of techniques to maintain or reestablish perfusion of the subfoveal choriocapillaris after surgery may improve visual outcome in these eyes.
### Human: The subfoveal choriocapillaris was perfused in 24 of the 38 eyes (63%) and nonperfused in 14 (37%) after surgery . Best-corrected visual acuity improved by at least 2 Snellen lines in 17 of the 24 perfused eyes (71%) and two of the 14 non-perfusion eyes (14%) After surgery, a visual improvement of 20/100 or better was achieved in 18 (75%) and four (29%) eyes (P = .0076) Does perfusion of the subfoveal choriocapillaris affect visual recovery after submacular surgery in presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome?### Assistant: Both final visual acuity and improvement in visual acuity were correlated with postoperative perfusion of the subfoveal choriocapillaris in patients with presumed occular histoplasmosis syndrome. Development of techniques to maintain or reestablish perfusion of the subfoveal choriocapillaris after surgery may improve visual outcome in these eyes.
Final visual acuity was correlated with postoperative perfusion of the subfoveal choriocapillaris in patients with presumed
Is target concentration intervention needed for tobramycin dosing in paediatric patients with cystic fibrosis -- a population pharmacokinetic study?
Two recent papers have attempted to build a full population pharmacokinetic model for tobramycin in children with cystic fibrosis . Neither study was able to provide any information about between-subject variability (BSV) and between-occasion variability (BOV), which is necessary to justify and draw conclusions about the use of target concentration intervention (TCI) In the publications no simulations were provided to show any new directions or evaluate current therapy. * In the . publications no simulation were . provided to . show any . new directions .
* This study provides sound evidence that TCI must be undertaken in this patient group, as the BOV is significantly less than the BSV. * The simulations from this model clearly show that current dosing and monitoring methods will not achieve the necessary targets to maximize the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of aminoglycosides in this patient group. * The model presented is able to be easily incorporated into Bayesian dose individualization software, e.g. Abbottbase or TCIworks, to achieve dosing targets more accurately.
### Human: Two recent papers have attempted to build a full population pharmacokinetic model for tobramycin in children with cystic fibrosis . Neither study was able to provide any information about between-subject variability (BSV) and between-occasion variability (BOV), which is necessary to justify and draw conclusions about the use of target concentration intervention (TCI) In the publications no simulations were provided to show any new directions or evaluate current therapy. * In the . publications no simulation were . provided to . show any . new directions . Is target concentration intervention needed for tobramycin dosing in paediatric patients with cystic fibrosis -- a population pharmacokinetic study?### Assistant: * This study provides sound evidence that TCI must be undertaken in this patient group, as the BOV is significantly less than the BSV. * The simulations from this model clearly show that current dosing and monitoring methods will not achieve the necessary targets to maximize the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of aminoglycosides in this patient group. * The model presented is able to be easily incorporated into Bayesian dose individualization software, e.g. Abbottbase or TCIworks, to achieve dosing targets more accurately.
Current dosing and monitoring methods will not achieve the necessary targets to maximize the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of aminogly
Does short-term high glucose exposure impair insulin signaling in endothelial cells?
Insulin plays an important role in the regulation of vascular homeostasis and maintenance of endothelial function . Insulin signaling occurs after binding to the insulin receptor, causing activation of two separate and parallel pathways: PI3K/AKT/eNOS and Ras/Raf/MAPK pathways . We studied the effects of physiological insulin treatment in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) on the two pathways under high glucose conditions . We found reduced levels of IRβ phosphorylated form in high glucose as compared to the control .
Exposure to short-term high glucose negatively affects insulin signaling even when physiological insulin concentrations are added. The impairment of the PI3K/AKT/eNOS pathway after physiological insulin treatment could contribute to detrimental effects on cardiovascular homeostasis under high glucose conditions, and might shift toward the activation of certain mitogenic effectors, such as ERK1/2, p38 and JNK, the only ones that respond to physiological insulin treatment in high glucose.
### Human: Insulin plays an important role in the regulation of vascular homeostasis and maintenance of endothelial function . Insulin signaling occurs after binding to the insulin receptor, causing activation of two separate and parallel pathways: PI3K/AKT/eNOS and Ras/Raf/MAPK pathways . We studied the effects of physiological insulin treatment in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) on the two pathways under high glucose conditions . We found reduced levels of IRβ phosphorylated form in high glucose as compared to the control . Does short-term high glucose exposure impair insulin signaling in endothelial cells?### Assistant: Exposure to short-term high glucose negatively affects insulin signaling even when physiological insulin concentrations are added. The impairment of the PI3K/AKT/eNOS pathway after physiological insulin treatment could contribute to detrimental effects on cardiovascular homeostasis under high glucose conditions, and might shift toward the activation of certain mitogenic effectors, such as ERK1/2, p38 and JNK, the only ones that respond to physiological insulin treatment in high glucose.
Exposure to short-term high glucose negatively affects insulin signaling even when physiological insulin concentrations are added . The impairment of the PI3K/
Does early fetal gene delivery utilize both central and peripheral mechanisms of tolerance induction?
The thymus of recipients of in utero gene transfer (IUGT) was analyzed for evidence of transduction of key immunoregulatory thymic cells . The cells were only efficiently transduced if IUGT was performed early in gestation . The results reveal that both thymics epithelial cells (TEC) and the cells comprising the Hassall's corpuscles, which can present antigen directly and also instruct dendritic cells to induce the formation of CD4(+)CD25(+) T-regulatory cells .
Our findings thus demonstrate, for the first time, that early IUGT can potentially take advantage of multiple tolerogenic avenues in the fetus, transducing both TEC, which promote central tolerance, and Hassall's corpuscles, which induce formation of T regulatory cells that could act to maintain peripheral tolerance to the transgene products.
### Human: The thymus of recipients of in utero gene transfer (IUGT) was analyzed for evidence of transduction of key immunoregulatory thymic cells . The cells were only efficiently transduced if IUGT was performed early in gestation . The results reveal that both thymics epithelial cells (TEC) and the cells comprising the Hassall's corpuscles, which can present antigen directly and also instruct dendritic cells to induce the formation of CD4(+)CD25(+) T-regulatory cells . Does early fetal gene delivery utilize both central and peripheral mechanisms of tolerance induction?### Assistant: Our findings thus demonstrate, for the first time, that early IUGT can potentially take advantage of multiple tolerogenic avenues in the fetus, transducing both TEC, which promote central tolerance, and Hassall's corpuscles, which induce formation of T regulatory cells that could act to maintain peripheral tolerance to the transgene products.
Early IUGT can potentially take advantage of multiple tolerogenic avenues in the fetus, study says . TEC, Hassall's corpus
Does laser-mediated microdissection facilitate analysis of area-specific gene expression in rheumatoid synovium?
Current approaches to analyzing gene expression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovium are based on RNA isolated from cultured cells or from synovial biopsy specimens . We established the combination of laser-mediated microdissection (LMM) and differential display to analyze profiles of gene expression . Several genes could be identified as being expressed differentially between the synvial lining and the sublining, and their expression could be confirmed at the messenger RNA and protein levels . The present study was undertaken to establish parameters for this technique and assess its usefulness for gene expression analysis .
The combination of LMM and RAP-PCR presents a valuable tool to obtain novel insights into the area-dependent differential regulation of gene expression in RA synovium. Both known and previously unknown genes were revealed with this technique. This study is the first to demonstrate the potential of this analytic strategy in the investigation of a nonmalignant, multifactorial, inflammatory disease.
### Human: Current approaches to analyzing gene expression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovium are based on RNA isolated from cultured cells or from synovial biopsy specimens . We established the combination of laser-mediated microdissection (LMM) and differential display to analyze profiles of gene expression . Several genes could be identified as being expressed differentially between the synvial lining and the sublining, and their expression could be confirmed at the messenger RNA and protein levels . The present study was undertaken to establish parameters for this technique and assess its usefulness for gene expression analysis . Does laser-mediated microdissection facilitate analysis of area-specific gene expression in rheumatoid synovium?### Assistant: The combination of LMM and RAP-PCR presents a valuable tool to obtain novel insights into the area-dependent differential regulation of gene expression in RA synovium. Both known and previously unknown genes were revealed with this technique. This study is the first to demonstrate the potential of this analytic strategy in the investigation of a nonmalignant, multifactorial, inflammatory disease.
Both known and previously unknown genes were revealed with this technique . This study is the first to demonstrate the potential of this analytic strategy in the
Does protecting liver sinusoidal endothelial cells suppress apoptosis in acute liver damage?
Bax siRNA was transfected into a sinusoidal endothelial cell line (M1) to suppress apoptosis . Hepatic cell apoptosis was induced by an anti-Fas antibody and staurosporine . Serum alanine aminotransferase was reduced in the LSEC-transfer efficient group, as were cleaved caspase-3 and the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling positive hepatocytes .
Hepatocyte apoptosis was reduced by the efficient suppression of LSEC apoptosis with a novel DDS. Protecting the sinusoidal structure by suppressing LSEC damage will be an effective treatment for acute liver failure.
### Human: Bax siRNA was transfected into a sinusoidal endothelial cell line (M1) to suppress apoptosis . Hepatic cell apoptosis was induced by an anti-Fas antibody and staurosporine . Serum alanine aminotransferase was reduced in the LSEC-transfer efficient group, as were cleaved caspase-3 and the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling positive hepatocytes . Does protecting liver sinusoidal endothelial cells suppress apoptosis in acute liver damage?### Assistant: Hepatocyte apoptosis was reduced by the efficient suppression of LSEC apoptosis with a novel DDS. Protecting the sinusoidal structure by suppressing LSEC damage will be an effective treatment for acute liver failure.
Hepatocyte apoptosis was reduced by the efficient suppression of LSEC apoptosis with a novel DDS . Protecting the sinus
Does serum alpha1-antitrypsin but not complement C3 and C4 predict chronic inflammation in hemodialysis patients?
Alpha1-antitrypsin (AT) and complement components C3 and C4 could identify the presence of chronic inflammation in maintenance hemodialysis patients . In 103 stable HD patients, AT directly correlated with C-reactive protein (CRP) (P < 0.005), alpha1 acid-glycoprotein (P) and von Willebrand factor antigen) in the patients with elevated CRP and hypoalbuminemia . In the subjects with normal CRP, the mean AT value of 1.74 +/- 0.50 g/L was higher (P = 0.008) than that of . 1.38 +/- .27g/L in subjects with . normal CRp and albumin .
Serum AT levels above 1.74 g/L and below 1.38 g/L may select the HD patients with severe inflammation from those without. Measurements of C3 and C4 are not helpful in this situation.
### Human: Alpha1-antitrypsin (AT) and complement components C3 and C4 could identify the presence of chronic inflammation in maintenance hemodialysis patients . In 103 stable HD patients, AT directly correlated with C-reactive protein (CRP) (P < 0.005), alpha1 acid-glycoprotein (P) and von Willebrand factor antigen) in the patients with elevated CRP and hypoalbuminemia . In the subjects with normal CRP, the mean AT value of 1.74 +/- 0.50 g/L was higher (P = 0.008) than that of . 1.38 +/- .27g/L in subjects with . normal CRp and albumin . Does serum alpha1-antitrypsin but not complement C3 and C4 predict chronic inflammation in hemodialysis patients?### Assistant: Serum AT levels above 1.74 g/L and below 1.38 g/L may select the HD patients with severe inflammation from those without. Measurements of C3 and C4 are not helpful in this situation.
Serum AT levels above 1.74 g/L may select the HD patients with severe inflammation from those without . Measurements of C
Do nutritional screening tools and anthropometric measures associate with hospital discharge outcomes in older people?
To examine the association of nutritional screening tools (NSTs) and anthropometric measures with hospital outcomes in older people . Malnutrition according to the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA) occurred in 53 (31%) patients . MAC was associated with discharge to higher level of care (OR, 95% CI = 0.88, 0.81-0.96). MAC was linked to discharge to a higher level . GEMU length of stay was associated . with MNA-SF-BMI (β, 95%, 0.003 to -0.004) and MNA/SF-CC (β)
In hospitalised older people, admission NSTs and anthropometric measures associate with discharge outcomes.
### Human: To examine the association of nutritional screening tools (NSTs) and anthropometric measures with hospital outcomes in older people . Malnutrition according to the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA) occurred in 53 (31%) patients . MAC was associated with discharge to higher level of care (OR, 95% CI = 0.88, 0.81-0.96). MAC was linked to discharge to a higher level . GEMU length of stay was associated . with MNA-SF-BMI (β, 95%, 0.003 to -0.004) and MNA/SF-CC (β) Do nutritional screening tools and anthropometric measures associate with hospital discharge outcomes in older people?### Assistant: In hospitalised older people, admission NSTs and anthropometric measures associate with discharge outcomes.
In hospitalised older people, admission NSTs and anthropometric measures associate with discharge outcomes .
Does continuous systemic perfusion improve outcome in one stage repair of obstructed aortic arch and associated cardiac malformation?
Since 1991, 56 infants have undergone reconstruction of interrupted (in 28) or coarctated aorta reconstruction . Of these, total circulatory arrest (30+/-11 min) was employed in 23 patients . In another 21 patients, perfusion was maintained for the carotid arteries with the descending aort a cross-clamped (31+/-15 min) The bodily organs were perfused throughout the operative procedures by placing dual aortic cannulae in the remaining 12 patients .
Continuous systemic perfusion was considered less invasive when concomitantly repairing the obstructed aorta and intracardiac malformations.
### Human: Since 1991, 56 infants have undergone reconstruction of interrupted (in 28) or coarctated aorta reconstruction . Of these, total circulatory arrest (30+/-11 min) was employed in 23 patients . In another 21 patients, perfusion was maintained for the carotid arteries with the descending aort a cross-clamped (31+/-15 min) The bodily organs were perfused throughout the operative procedures by placing dual aortic cannulae in the remaining 12 patients . Does continuous systemic perfusion improve outcome in one stage repair of obstructed aortic arch and associated cardiac malformation?### Assistant: Continuous systemic perfusion was considered less invasive when concomitantly repairing the obstructed aorta and intracardiac malformations.
Continuous systemic perfusion was considered less invasive when concomcomitantly repairing the obstructed aorta and intracardiac
Does modulation of the complement system in monocytes contribute to tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome?
TB-IRIS is a common complication in HIV-TB co-infected patients receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) This study investigated a putative contribution of monocytes to the development of TB IRIS . It found complement system is dysregulated before initiation of cART in patients who are predisposed to developing TB-irIS . Our results suggest inappropriate control of complement activation could be associated with the 'flaring up' of inflammation observed during TB IRis .
The current study reveals a contribution of monocytes and the complement system to TB-IRIS development. An intriguing possibility is that the development of TB-IRIS may depend partially on the relative balance between C1Q and C1-INH.
### Human: TB-IRIS is a common complication in HIV-TB co-infected patients receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) This study investigated a putative contribution of monocytes to the development of TB IRIS . It found complement system is dysregulated before initiation of cART in patients who are predisposed to developing TB-irIS . Our results suggest inappropriate control of complement activation could be associated with the 'flaring up' of inflammation observed during TB IRis . Does modulation of the complement system in monocytes contribute to tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome?### Assistant: The current study reveals a contribution of monocytes and the complement system to TB-IRIS development. An intriguing possibility is that the development of TB-IRIS may depend partially on the relative balance between C1Q and C1-INH.
The development of TB-IRIS may depend partially on the relative balance between C1Q and C1-INH .
Is pTEN and PIK3CA expression associated with prolonged survival after gefitinib treatment in EGFR-mutated lung cancer patients?
Study: EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib is sensitive to lung cancer patients . Study: Survival was significantly longer in patients with EGFR mutations or in those without KRAS mutations . Survival was longer in those with high PIK3CA or PTEN expression than those with low expression of these molecules, authors say . Tumor response was assessable in 52 tumors . None of the six tumors with KRAS mutation responded to gefinib treatment .
An evaluation of the KRAS mutation, as well as PIK3CA and PTEN expression, might help identify lung cancer patients who are most suitable for gefitinib treatment.
### Human: Study: EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib is sensitive to lung cancer patients . Study: Survival was significantly longer in patients with EGFR mutations or in those without KRAS mutations . Survival was longer in those with high PIK3CA or PTEN expression than those with low expression of these molecules, authors say . Tumor response was assessable in 52 tumors . None of the six tumors with KRAS mutation responded to gefinib treatment . Is pTEN and PIK3CA expression associated with prolonged survival after gefitinib treatment in EGFR-mutated lung cancer patients?### Assistant: An evaluation of the KRAS mutation, as well as PIK3CA and PTEN expression, might help identify lung cancer patients who are most suitable for gefitinib treatment.
An evaluation of the KRAS mutation might help identify lung cancer patients who are most suitable for gefitinib treatment .
Are two superoxide dismutases from TnOtchr involved in detoxification of reactive oxygen species induced by chromate?
Superoxide dismutases (SOD) have been reported as the most relevant bacterial enzymes involved in cells protection from reactive oxygen species (ROS) These toxic species are often the product of heavy metal stress . Two genes, chrC and chrF, from TnOtchr genetic determinant of strain Ochrobactrum tritici 5bvl1 were cloned in Escherichia coli in order to overexpress the respective proteins . Both enzymes showed a maximum activity between pH 7.2-7.5.5 .
In spite of the multiple genes coding for putative superoxide dismutase enzymes detected in the genome of O. tritici 5bvl1, the ChrC and ChrF might help the strain to decrease the levels of reactive oxygen species in cells.
### Human: Superoxide dismutases (SOD) have been reported as the most relevant bacterial enzymes involved in cells protection from reactive oxygen species (ROS) These toxic species are often the product of heavy metal stress . Two genes, chrC and chrF, from TnOtchr genetic determinant of strain Ochrobactrum tritici 5bvl1 were cloned in Escherichia coli in order to overexpress the respective proteins . Both enzymes showed a maximum activity between pH 7.2-7.5.5 . Are two superoxide dismutases from TnOtchr involved in detoxification of reactive oxygen species induced by chromate?### Assistant: In spite of the multiple genes coding for putative superoxide dismutase enzymes detected in the genome of O. tritici 5bvl1, the ChrC and ChrF might help the strain to decrease the levels of reactive oxygen species in cells.
ChrC and ChrF might help decrease the levels of reactive oxygen species in cells . O. tritici 5bvl1 may
Does iL-9 induce CCL11 expression via STAT3 signalling in human airway smooth muscle cells?
IL-9 may play a significant role in mediating both pro-inflammatory and changes in airway responsiveness that characterizes the atopic asthmatic state . We previously demonstrated that human airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells express a functional IL- 9R that mediate CCL11 expression . However, the signaling pathway governing this effect is not well understood . In this study, we showed that IL-11 expression in ASM cells does not rely on STAT6 or STAT5 but on STAT3 pathway .
Taken together, our results indicate that IL-9 mediated CCL11 via STAT3 signalling pathway may play a crucial role in airway inflammatory responses.
### Human: IL-9 may play a significant role in mediating both pro-inflammatory and changes in airway responsiveness that characterizes the atopic asthmatic state . We previously demonstrated that human airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells express a functional IL- 9R that mediate CCL11 expression . However, the signaling pathway governing this effect is not well understood . In this study, we showed that IL-11 expression in ASM cells does not rely on STAT6 or STAT5 but on STAT3 pathway . Does iL-9 induce CCL11 expression via STAT3 signalling in human airway smooth muscle cells?### Assistant: Taken together, our results indicate that IL-9 mediated CCL11 via STAT3 signalling pathway may play a crucial role in airway inflammatory responses.
IL-9 mediated CCL11 via STAT3 signalling pathway may play a crucial role in airway inflammatory responses .
Does structural brain correlate of sensorimotor gating in antipsychotic-naive men with first-episode schizophrenia?
PPI was significantly and positively associated with regional grey matter volume in the right superior parietal cortex . PPI and grey matter volumes were also observed in the left rostral dorsal premotor cortex, the right presupplementary motor area and the anterior medial superior frontal gyrus bilaterally . The brain areas in which PPI correlated did not differ between the groups of patients with first-episode schizophrenia and those with healthy controls . The study was conducted by acoustic PPI assessment and structural MRI (1.5 and 3 T) in men with schizophrenia and age-matched controls .
We used 2 different MRI scanners, which might have limited our ability to find subcortical associations since interscanner consistency is low for subcortical regions.
### Human: PPI was significantly and positively associated with regional grey matter volume in the right superior parietal cortex . PPI and grey matter volumes were also observed in the left rostral dorsal premotor cortex, the right presupplementary motor area and the anterior medial superior frontal gyrus bilaterally . The brain areas in which PPI correlated did not differ between the groups of patients with first-episode schizophrenia and those with healthy controls . The study was conducted by acoustic PPI assessment and structural MRI (1.5 and 3 T) in men with schizophrenia and age-matched controls . Does structural brain correlate of sensorimotor gating in antipsychotic-naive men with first-episode schizophrenia?### Assistant: We used 2 different MRI scanners, which might have limited our ability to find subcortical associations since interscanner consistency is low for subcortical regions.
We used 2 different MRI scanners, which might have limited our ability to find subcortical associations . Interscanner consistency is low
Do first evidence that bone marrow cells contribute to the construction of tissue-engineered vascular autografts in vivo?
Bone marrow cells expressing endothelial cell lineage markers adhered to biodegradable scaffolds . There was no stenosis or obstruction caused by the tissue-engineered vascular autografts implanted into the dogs . Vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin-1 were also produced by cells in TEVAs . There were no stenotic or obstruction from the grafts implanted in the dogs, and there was no obstruction caused from the scaffold from the animals . This was followed by proliferation and differentiation, resulting in expression of endothelial cells markers, such as CD146, factor VIII, and CD31 .
These results provide direct evidence that the use of BMCs enables the establishment of TEVAs. These TEVAs are useful for cardiovascular surgery in humans and especially in children, who require biocompatible materials with growth potential, which might reduce the instance of complications caused by incompatible materials and lead to a reduced likelihood of further surgery.
### Human: Bone marrow cells expressing endothelial cell lineage markers adhered to biodegradable scaffolds . There was no stenosis or obstruction caused by the tissue-engineered vascular autografts implanted into the dogs . Vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin-1 were also produced by cells in TEVAs . There were no stenotic or obstruction from the grafts implanted in the dogs, and there was no obstruction caused from the scaffold from the animals . This was followed by proliferation and differentiation, resulting in expression of endothelial cells markers, such as CD146, factor VIII, and CD31 . Do first evidence that bone marrow cells contribute to the construction of tissue-engineered vascular autografts in vivo?### Assistant: These results provide direct evidence that the use of BMCs enables the establishment of TEVAs. These TEVAs are useful for cardiovascular surgery in humans and especially in children, who require biocompatible materials with growth potential, which might reduce the instance of complications caused by incompatible materials and lead to a reduced likelihood of further surgery.
These TEVAs are useful for cardiovascular surgery in humans and especially in children, who require biocompatible materials with growth potential .
Does steroid-free immunosuppression after liver transplantation increase the risk of graft fibrosis?
Research has shown a higher risk for late fibrosis among pediatric liver transplant recipients who have steroids withdrawn . The study involved 27 adults, 14 of whom were on a regimen of cyclosporine, azathioprine, and steroid . The main end point of the study was liver graft histology in the late stage after OLT . The mean fibrosis scores did not differ between the 2 groups . Patients receiving steroids showed a trend toward an higher rate of de novo malignancies .
Steroid-free immunosuppression did not increase the risk of graft fibrosis in the long term.
### Human: Research has shown a higher risk for late fibrosis among pediatric liver transplant recipients who have steroids withdrawn . The study involved 27 adults, 14 of whom were on a regimen of cyclosporine, azathioprine, and steroid . The main end point of the study was liver graft histology in the late stage after OLT . The mean fibrosis scores did not differ between the 2 groups . Patients receiving steroids showed a trend toward an higher rate of de novo malignancies . Does steroid-free immunosuppression after liver transplantation increase the risk of graft fibrosis?### Assistant: Steroid-free immunosuppression did not increase the risk of graft fibrosis in the long term.
Steroid-free immunosuppression did not increase the risk of graft fibrosis in the long term .
Does endovascular photodynamic therapy with aminolaevulinic acid prevent balloon induced intimal hyperplasia and constrictive remodelling?
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with 5-aminolaevulinic (ALA) may prevent restenosis by cellular depletion and the elimination of cholinergic innervation . The staining of the tunic media of the blood vessel wall in BI+PDT showed no damage at the highest fluence. In the BI+LO groups constrictive remodelling was found to be found, in contrast to BI+ PDT treated groups at 16 weeks . In BI+L and BI+.LO groups, a light-dose increase of a factor 2 led to an IH decrease of 17% (p<0.05)
endovascular ALA-PDT prevents IH and constrictive remodelling after BI without damage of cholinergic innervation of the tunica media. The effective light fluence rate in the rat is 50-100J/cmdl.
### Human: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with 5-aminolaevulinic (ALA) may prevent restenosis by cellular depletion and the elimination of cholinergic innervation . The staining of the tunic media of the blood vessel wall in BI+PDT showed no damage at the highest fluence. In the BI+LO groups constrictive remodelling was found to be found, in contrast to BI+ PDT treated groups at 16 weeks . In BI+L and BI+.LO groups, a light-dose increase of a factor 2 led to an IH decrease of 17% (p<0.05) Does endovascular photodynamic therapy with aminolaevulinic acid prevent balloon induced intimal hyperplasia and constrictive remodelling?### Assistant: endovascular ALA-PDT prevents IH and constrictive remodelling after BI without damage of cholinergic innervation of the tunica media. The effective light fluence rate in the rat is 50-100J/cmdl.
ALA-PDT prevents IH and constrictive remodelling after BI without damage of cholinergic innervation of tunica
Does moderate hypothermia prevent cardiac arrest-mediated suppression of drug metabolism and induction of interleukin-6 in rats?
Hypothermia is being clinically used to reduce neurologic deficits after cardiac arrest (CA) Patients receiving hypothermia after CA receive a wide-array of medications . Little is known about the impact of hypothermolydmia on drug metabolism after rewarming . The objective of this study was to examine the functional regulation of two major drug metabolizing cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms . CA decreased CYP3A2 mRNA (p < 0.05), but not CYP2E1 mRNA . CA also produced an approximately ten-fold increase in plasma IL-6 .
CA produces CYP3A2 down-regulation at 24 hrs, potentially via IL-6 effects on pregnane X receptor-mediated transcription. Also, hypothermia attenuates the CA-mediated down-regulation, thereby normalizing drug metabolism after rewarming.
### Human: Hypothermia is being clinically used to reduce neurologic deficits after cardiac arrest (CA) Patients receiving hypothermia after CA receive a wide-array of medications . Little is known about the impact of hypothermolydmia on drug metabolism after rewarming . The objective of this study was to examine the functional regulation of two major drug metabolizing cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms . CA decreased CYP3A2 mRNA (p < 0.05), but not CYP2E1 mRNA . CA also produced an approximately ten-fold increase in plasma IL-6 . Does moderate hypothermia prevent cardiac arrest-mediated suppression of drug metabolism and induction of interleukin-6 in rats?### Assistant: CA produces CYP3A2 down-regulation at 24 hrs, potentially via IL-6 effects on pregnane X receptor-mediated transcription. Also, hypothermia attenuates the CA-mediated down-regulation, thereby normalizing drug metabolism after rewarming.
CA produces CYP3A2 down-regulation at 24 hrs, potentially via IL-6 effects on pregnane X receptor-mediated