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test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0589 | 2.5 | The Space Infrared Telescope Facility's mission is to search for the beginnings of the universe. | NASA is scheduled to launch the Space Infrared Telescope Facility on Monday morning. | NASA je zakazala lansiranje teleskopa za infracrveno svetlo u ponedeljak ujutru. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0597 | 3.4 | The respected medical journal Lancet has called for a complete ban on tobacco in the United Kingdom. | A leading U.K. medical journal called Friday for a complete ban on tobacco, prompting outrage from smokers' groups. | Vodeći britanski medicinski časopis je u petak zatražio potpunu zabranu duvana, što je izazvalo bes među grupama pušača. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0602 | 4 | The driver of the truck escaped and is now being sought by the police, Supoyo said. | But police say the driver of the truck has not been found and is wanted for questioning. | Međutim, policija tvrdi da vozač kamiona nije pronađen i da se traži radi ispitivanja. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0604 | 4.25 | "In so many different ways, the artistry of black musicians has conveyed the experience of black Americans throughout our history," Bush said. | Surrounded by singers from Harlem, Bush said: ''The artistry of black musicians has conveyed the experience of black Americans throughout our history. | Okružen pevačima iz Harlema, Buš je rekao: ''Umetnost crnih muzičara je prenela iskustvo crnih Amerikanaca kroz našu istoriju.'' |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0606 | 4 | Geraldine Andrews, the pastor's daughter-in-law, said Robinson recently took her daughter out of a mental health facility. | Geraldine Andrews, Reynolds' daughter-in-law and a friend of Wilson's family, said Robinson had recently taken Wilson out of a mental health facility. | Geraldin Endrjuz, snaha Rejnoldsa i prijateljica Vilsonove porodice, rekla je da je Robinson nedavno izveo Vilsona iz ustanove za mentalno zdravlje. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0610 | 3.4 | Before Thursday's matinee, Baker called a clubhouse meeting, concerned that the controversy had distracted the Cubs. | Baker called a pregame meeting, believing the the corked-bat episode had distracted the team. | Bejker je sazvao sastanak pre utakmice, verujući da je epizoda sa prevarantskim štapom ometala tim. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0611 | 2.8 | She was taken by ambulance to Charing Cross Hospital in Hammersmith. | She was taken to Charing Cross Hospital, where she remained critically ill last night. | Ona je odvedena u bolnicu Charing Cross, gde je provela prošlu noć u kritičnom stanju. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0616 | 1.6 | Shortly after the opening bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 11.13 to 9,228.48, while the S&P 500 index gained 1.74 to 982.33. | After a weak start, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day up 26.26 to 9,217.35, while the S&P 500 index rose 3 to 980.59. | Nakon slabog početka, indeks industrijskog proseka Dow Jones završio je dan sa rastom od 26.26 poena na 9,217.35, dok je indeks S&P 500 porastao za 3 poena na 980.59. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0618 | 3.8 | In addition, primary care trusts (PCTs) were given star ratings for the first time this year. | Primary Care Trusts and Mental Health Trusts have also been formally rated for the first time this year. | Ove godine su i Povereništva za primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu i Povereništva za mentalno zdravlje prvi put zvanično ocenjena. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0637 | 2.667 | "We are expending all available resources toward the investigation," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Greenberg, a counterterrorism prosecutor in Seattle. | "We are aware of the situation," said Assistant US Attorney Todd Greenberg, a counter-terrorism prosecutor in Seattle. | "Svesni smo situacije", rekao je pomoćni tužilac SAD Tod Grinberg, tužilac za borbu protiv terorizma u Sijetlu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0643 | 1.2 | The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC shed 15 points, or 0.98 percent, to 1,492. | The broader Standard & Poor's 500 Index <.SPX> edged down 9 points, or 0.98 percent, to 921. | Širi indeks Standard & Poor's 500 <.SPX> je pao za 9 poena, odnosno 0,98 procenata, na 921. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0649 | 4.8 | The research firm earlier had forecast an increase of 4.9 percent. | The firm had predicted earlier this year a 4.9 percent increase. | Firma je ranije ove godine predvidela povećanje od 4.9 procenata. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0654 | 3 | PeopleSoft will commit $863 million in cash and issue 52.6 million new shares, the companies said. | The new deal would be valued at $1.75 billion, including $863 million in cash and 52.6 million PeopleSoft shares. | Novi dogovor bi bio vredan 1,75 milijardi dolara, uključujući 863 miliona dolara u gotovini i 52,6 miliona deonica kompanije PeopleSoft. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0657 | 4 | So in his State of the Union address in January, Bush declared that the British government "has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." | In his Jan. 28 State of the Union message, Bush said, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." | U svom govoru o stanju Unije 28. januara, Buš je rekao: "Britanska vlada saznala je da je Sadam Husein nedavno tražio značajne količine uranijuma iz Afrike." |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0666 | 4 | The other 24 members are split between representatives of the securities industry and so-called "public" board members. | Of the 24 directors who are not exchange executives, half are representatives of the securities industry and half are designated public members. | Od 24 direktora koji nisu izvršni direktori berze, polovina su predstavnici industrije hartija od vrednosti, a polovina su određeni javni članovi. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0669 | 2.75 | The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida became one of the first in the nation Saturday to officially reject the national denomination's policies on homosexuality. | The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida voted Saturday to repudiate a decision by the denomination's national convention to confirm a gay man as bishop. | Episkopska biskupija Centralne Floride glasala je u subotu da odbaci odluku nacionalne konvencije denominacije o potvrđivanju homoseksualnog muškarca za biskupa. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0679 | 2.25 | McGill also detailed the hole that had been cut in the Caprice's trunk. | McGill also said a dark glove was stuffed into a hole that had been cut in the Caprice's trunk. | Mekgil je takođe rekao da je tamna rukavica bila utaknuta u rupu koja je bila isečena u gepeku Kaprisa. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0693 | 3.2 | That compared with a year-earlier profit of $102 million, or 13 cents a share. | That was more than double the $102 million, or 13 cents a share, for the year-earlier quarter. | To je bilo više od dvostruko većih 102 miliona dolara, odnosno 13 centi po akciji, u odnosu na isti kvartal prethodne godine. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0695 | 4.75 | "The economy, nonetheless, has yet to exhibit sustainable growth. | But the economy hasn't shown signs of sustainable growth. | Međutim, ekonomija nije pokazala znakove održivog rasta. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0698 | 2.8 | The commission estimated California lost $937 million to corporate tax shelters in 2001. | California's lost tax revenue was mostly due to international corporate tax shelters. | Gubitak poreskih prihoda Kalifornije uglavnom je bio zbog međunarodnih poreskih skloništa za korporacije. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0699 | 1.4 | In other markets, U.S. Treasuries started off on Monday weaker, as stocks rose early. | In other markets, U.S. Treasuries inched higher as declining stocks raised the appeal of safe-haven debt. | Na drugim tržištima, američke trezorske zapise su blago porasle jer je padanje akcija povećalo privlačnost sigurnih dugova. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0711 | 0.75 | The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC was down 25.36 points, or 1.53 percent, at 1,628.26. | The broader Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX gave up 11.91 points, or 1.19 percent, at 986.60. | Širi indeks Standard & Poor's 500 .SPX je izgubio 11.91 poen, odnosno 1.19 procenat, na 986.60. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0717 | 3.667 | The Pentagon had hoped to retain control of the postwar effort, so the decision is a victory for Secretary of State Colin L. Powell. | The Pentagon had hoped to retain control of the postwar effort, so the decision was seen by some insiders as a victory for Powell and the State Department. | Pentagon je bio nadajući se da će zadržati kontrolu nad posleratnim naporom, pa je odluka viđena od strane nekih insajdera kao pobeda za Powella i Stejt department. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0728 | 3.4 | Prof Sally Baldwin, 63, from York, fell into a cavity which opened up when the structure collapsed at Tiburtina station, Italian railway officials said. | Sally Baldwin, from York, was killed instantly when a walkway collapsed and she fell into the machinery at Tiburtina station. | Sali Boldvin iz Jorka je trenutno poginula kada se srušio prolaz i ona je pala u mašineriju na stanici Tiburtina. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0729 | 3.4 | It calls for the agency to plan an independent safety and engineering organization. | The agency has yet to fully formulate a strategy for the creation of an independent engineering technical authority. | Agencija još uvek nije u potpunosti formulisala strategiju za stvaranje nezavisnog inženjerskog tehničkog autoriteta. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0730 | 3.857 | WorldCom's accounting problems came to light early last year, and the company filed for bankruptcy in July 2002, citing massive accounting irregularities. | WorldCom's financial troubles came to light last year and the company subsequently filed for bankruptcy in July, 2002. | Finansijski problemi kompanije WorldCom su došli na videlo prošle godine, nakon čega je kompanija podnela zahtev za bankrot u julu 2002. godine. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0740 | 3 | The study also found that consumer goods advertisers continued to spend the most dollars online, representing 35% of all Web advertising. | In the second quarter, consumer advertisers continued to spend the most online, slightly increasing their share. | U drugom kvartalu, potrošački oglašivači su nastavili da troše najviše online, blago povećavajući svoj udeo. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0746 | 3.5 | Kiernan testified that Seifert had received a gunshot wound to the back. | Seifert, he testified, had a gunshot wound in the back. | Sejfert, kako je svedočio, imao je prostrelnu ranu u leđima. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012train | 0749 | 3.25 | It is priced at $5,995 for an unlimited number of users tapping into the single processor, or $195 per user with a minimum of five users. | It is priced at $5,995 or $195 on a per user licensing plan with a minimum of five users. | Cena je 5.995 dolara ili 195 dolara po korisniku na osnovu licencnog plana sa minimalno pet korisnika. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0010 | 1.4 | Tropical storm heads for pass along Honduras coast | Tropical storm warnings for Southeast coast | Upozorenja na tropsku oluju za jugoistočnu obalu |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0019 | 0.75 | Suicide bomber kills 12 in Nigeria church | Suicide bomber kills 21 in NW Pakistan | Samoubilački bombaš ubija 21 osobu u severozapadnom Pakistanu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0028 | 3.4 | US says ready to help blind Chinese activist | U.S. ready to help Chinese activist: official | SAD spremne da pomognu kineskom aktivisti: zvaničnik |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0034 | 4.8 | Gazans fire 2 rockets into Israel; no injuries | 2 Gaza rockets hit Israel; no injuries | Dve rakete iz Gaze pogodile Izrael; nema povređenih. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0052 | 0.4 | Berri says ready to help launch national unity government | The perception of Spain has changed dramatically with this government | Percepcija Španije se dramatično promenila sa ovom vladom. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0054 | 1.8 | 13 dead in Iraq bomb attacks | 16 killed in north Iraq attacks | 16 osoba ubijeno u napadima na severu Iraka. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0061 | 2.4 | Hurricane Isaac Moves Inland After Landfall | Hurricane Isaac batters US coast near New Orleans | Hurikan Isak pogađa obalu SAD blizu Nju Orleansa. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0065 | 1.6 | Nigeria mourns over 193 people killed in plane crash | Nigeria opens probe into deadly air crash | Nigerija pokreće istragu o smrtonosnoj avionskoj nesreći. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0082 | 3.2 | ICC jails Congolese warlord for 14 years over child soldiers | Congolese warlord sentenced to 14 years in landmark case - video | Kongoanski ratni vođa osuđen na 14 godina zatvora u presedanom slučaju - video |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0103 | 0.4 | 7 soldiers killed, 56 injured in PKK attack in eastern Turkey | 3 killed, 14 injured in attacks in Iraq | 3 osobe ubijene, 14 povređene u napadima u Iraku. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0116 | 4 | Schiphol airport partly evacuated after bomb threat | Schiphol airport evacuated due to bomb threat | Aerodrom Šipol evakuisan zbog pretnje bombom. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0132 | 0.8 | MIER ups 2012 growth forecast to 4.2pc | CMIE cuts 2012-13 growth forecast to 6.3% | CMIE smanjuje prognozu rasta za 2012-13 na 6.3% |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0166 | 1.4 | Activists: Syrian troops storm Damascus suburb | Activist says Syrian citizen cameraman killed in Homs | Aktivista tvrdi da je sirijski građanski snimatelj ubijen u Homsu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0190 | 1.8 | Tehran: EU sanctions won't force Iran into nuclear talks | Low expectations for Iran nuclear talks | Niska očekivanja za pregovore o iranskom nuklearnom programu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0191 | 2.2 | Portugal Drownings: UK Girl And Grandad Named | British Girl And Grandad Drown In Portugal | Devojčica iz Velike Britanije i deda se udave u Portugalu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0216 | 3.2 | Iran, powers set for high-stakes nuclear talks | U.S., Iran prepare for Istanbul nuclear talks | SAD i Iran se pripremaju za nuklearne razgovore u Istanbulu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0218 | 1.2 | Syrian forces kill teen in Aleppo protests | Syrian forces kill 3 protesters in Damascus-activists | Sirijske snage ubile su 3 protestanta u Damasku - aktivisti. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0251 | 1.25 | Jaguar to create 1,100 jobs in UK | Royal Mail to create 1,000 jobs | Pošta Velike Britanije će otvoriti 1.000 radnih mesta. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0259 | 4.2 | Iraq searches Syria bound Iran plane: officials | Iraq searches Syrian-bound Iranian plane | Irak pretražuje iranski avion koji leti ka Siriji. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0268 | 2.6 | Syria fighting rages as Russia urges Western re-think | Syria fighting rages in capital, Russia pressed | Borbe u Siriji besne u glavnom gradu, Rusija pritisnuta |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0270 | 3.6 | Erdogan's party submits plan for Turkish presidency | Erdogan's party aims for Turkish presidency | Stranka Erdogana teži ka turskom predsedništvu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0285 | 0.4 | Publisher acquitted in privacy case | PBS publishes new guidelines on impartiality | PBS objavljuje nove smernice o nepristrasnosti. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0291 | 0 | Samsung overtakes Nokia in phones | Charges over dog attack on police | Optužbe zbog napada psa na policiju. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0293 | 5 | Gu Kailai murder trial ends in China | Gu Kailai's Murder Trial Ends in China | Suđenje za ubistvo Gu Kailai završeno je u Kini. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0305 | 4.4 | Not 'hiding the ball' on Russia: Obama | Obama says he's not 'hiding the ball' on Russia | Obama kaže da nije 'skrivanje lopte' u vezi sa Rusijom. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0309 | 4.8 | England captain Andrew Strauss retires from professional cricket | England captain Strauss retires from cricket | Kapiten Engleske, Stros, se povlači iz kriketa. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0316 | 3.6 | China backs Sri Lanka on UN resolution | War crimes: China backs Lanka on UN resolution | Ratni zločini: Kina podržava Šri Lanku u vezi sa UN rezolucijom. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0325 | 3.8 | Ton up: Tendulkar reaches 100th international hundred | Sachin Tendulkar's reaches 100 centuries - in pictures | Sahin Tendulkar postiže 100 stotki - u slikama |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0335 | 0.2 | Conspiracy against me - Lance | Day begins amid panic | Dan počinje usred panike. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0367 | 3.8 | Mursi takes oath of office, becomes Egyptian president | Morsi to take oath as first Egypt civilian president | Morsi će položiti zakletvu kao prvi civilni predsednik Egipta. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0373 | 2.2 | Syrian opposition pleads for criminal court action | Syrian opposition leader criticizes U.S. | Lider sirijske opozicije kritikuje SAD. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0375 | 4 | Sunderland 2-2 Bolton: Davies double gets Trotters a point but they stay in bottom three | Sunderland 2-2 Bolton: Davies in at the double | Sanderlend 2-2 Bolton: Dejvis postigao dva gola |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0379 | 2.6 | Syrian forces shell towns, clash with rebels | Syrian forces and rebels clash in coastal province | Snage sirijske vojske i pobunjenici sukobljavaju se u obalskoj provinciji. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0390 | 0.6 | Bahraini protesters and police clash after funeral | Greek protesters, police clash as bailout deal in limbo | Grčki protestanti i policija sukobili se dok je sporazum o finansijskoj pomoći u neizvesnosti. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0405 | 4.4 | Apple buying security firm AuthenTec for $356 million | News Summary: Apple buying AuthenTec for $356M | Vest sažetak: Apple kupuje AuthenTec za 356 miliona dolara. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0417 | 4 | Trade newspaper Variety up for sale | Hollywood trade publication Variety put up for sale | Hollywoodska publikacija Variety stavljena je na prodaju. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0423 | 0.8 | Australians flee homes amid floods | Australian speaker steps aside | Australijski govornik se povlači. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0443 | 2 | Germany dodges recession with growth in first quarter | Eurozone avoids recession in Q1, thanks to Germany | Evrozona izbegava recesiju u prvom kvartalu, zahvaljujući Nemačkoj. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0452 | 1.4 | Asian stocks rise after Greek vote eases fears | Oil rises after Greek election result | Cena nafte raste nakon rezultata grčkih izbora. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0459 | 3 | British soldier killed in southern Afghanistan | Two British soldiers killed in Afghanistan | Dva britanska vojnika ubijena u Avganistanu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0463 | 0.6 | Obama silent on China dissident | Obama to visit Korean DMZ | Obama će posetiti korejsku demilitarizovanu zonu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0472 | 2 | Suicide Bomber Kills 6 in Afghan Capital | Suicide bomber kills 37 at mosque in Afghanistan | Samoubilački bombaš ubija 37 ljudi u džamiji u Avganistanu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0480 | 4.6 | Denver shooting: Police to detonate devices in suspect's home | Police to detonate devices in Colorado shooting suspect's home | Policija će detonirati eksplozive u kući osumnjičenog za pucnjavu u Koloradu. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0485 | 1.4 | Syria hands over bodies of journalists | Syria TV says govt troops free captive journalists | Sirija TV navodi da su vladine trupe oslobodile zarobljene novinare. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0506 | 4.5 | Coroner: Whitney Houston died in bathtub | Coroner confirms Whitney Houston found in bathtub | Patolog potvrđuje da je Vitni Hjuston pronađena u kadi. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0510 | 0.8 | Japan suffers severe flooding - in pictures | Oklahoma wildfires destroy homes - in pictures | Požari u Oklahomi uništavaju domove - u slikama |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0513 | 0 | Japan to deport Chinese held over island landing | German court weighs delay to euro fund ruling | Nemački sud razmatra odlaganje odluke o fondu evra. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0516 | 4.4 | Some Syria violence amounts to civil war-Red Cross | Some Syria violence qualifies as civil war -Red Cross | Deo nasilja u Siriji se smatra građanskim ratom - Crveni krst |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0529 | 1 | Romney Wins Nevada Caucus | Romney shifts focus to Santorum ahead caucuses | Romni preusmerava fokus ka Santorumu pred kongrese. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0546 | 3.4 | Apple iPad mini makes debut | Apple iPad mini makes debut in Asia | Apple iPad mini pravi debi u Aziji. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0559 | 0.6 | Hamas hangs three Gaza prisoners | Myanmar announces release of prisoners | Mjanmar objavljuje oslobađanje zatvorenika. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0562 | 1 | East Timor votes in presidential election | Venezuelans urged to vote in presidential election | Venezuelanci su pozvani da glasaju na predsedničkim izborima. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0573 | 2.8 | Sunday Times journalist Marie Colvin killed in Syria | Sunday Times journalist, French photographer 'killed in Syria' | Novinar Sunday Timesa i francuski fotograf 'ubijeni u Siriji' |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0574 | 1.6 | KL shares higher at mid-afternoon | KL shares lower at mid-morning | Akcije kompanije KL su niže u prepodnevnim satima. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0575 | 2.4 | Chicago teachers strike in bitter contract dispute | Chicago teachers union delegates could end strike | Delegati sindikata učitelja u Čikagu mogli bi okončati štrajk. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0595 | 0.8 | Israel to free Palestinian hunger striker | Israel asks US for arms that could aid Iran strike | Izrael traži od SAD oružje koje bi moglo pomoći udaru na Iran. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0608 | 4.4 | Not a good beginning: Hollande's plane hit by lightning en route to Berlin | French President Francois Hollande's plane hit by lightning en route to Berlin | Avion francuskog predsednika Fransoa Olanda pogođen je gromom na putu za Berlin. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0628 | 4.8 | Afghan Parliament Votes to Oust Key Ministers | Afghan parliament votes to remove key ministers | Avganistanski parlament glasa da ukloni ključne ministre. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0642 | 3.4 | Attacker in Afghan uniform kills 2 NATO troops | Man in Afghan army uniform kills NATO soldier | Čovek u uniformi Avganistanske vojske ubija vojnika NATO-a. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0644 | 3.8 | Cheap generics no panacea for India’s poorest | Cheap cancer drugs no cure for India's poorest | Jeftini lekovi protiv raka nisu lek za najsiromašnije u Indiji. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0653 | 4.5 | 'Arrest warrant' for Maldives ex-president | Maldives court issues arrest warrant for former president | Sud Maldiva izdao nalog za hapšenje bivšeg predsednika. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0655 | 2.2 | HRW: Jordan turning away Palestinian refugees from Syria | Report: Jordan biased over Palestinians from Syria | Izveštaj: Jordan pristrasan prema Palestincima iz Sirije |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0672 | 4 | Syrian forces overrun rebel stronghold | Syria army takes northern rebel stronghold | Sirijska vojska preuzima severnu pobunjeničku utvrđenje. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0675 | 1 | Chinese stocks close higher midday Friday | Chinese stocks open lower Friday | Kineske akcije otvorene su niže u petak. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0681 | 2.6 | Sandy slams into Northeast; at least 18 dead, 7.4M without power | Eastern U.S. storms leave 2 dead in Va., 2 million without power | Oluje na istoku SAD odnose 2 života u Virdžiniji, 2 miliona ljudi bez struje |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0684 | 1 | Putin Declares Victory in Russia Presidential Vote | Complaints in Russian election mount | Žalbe na ruske izbore se gomilaju. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0692 | 1.4 | Supreme Court to Hear Voting Rights Act Case | Supreme Court to hear corporate human rights case | Vrhovni sud će razmatrati slučaj ljudskih prava korporacija. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0699 | 4 | Libya postpones assembly election to July 7 | Libya postpones landmark election to July 7 | Libija odlaže istorijske izbore za 7. jul. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0704 | 4.2 | London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony 'to feature a green and pleasant land' | London 2012 Olympics: Opening Ceremony to be a 'green and pleasant land', says Danny Boyle | Olimpijske igre u Londonu 2012: Otvaranje ceremonije će biti 'zelena i prijatna zemlja', kaže Deni Bojl |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0714 | 3.8 | Pakistan blocks Twitter over anti-Islamic material | Pakistan blocks Twitter over 'blasphemy' | Pakistan blokira Twitter zbog 'svetogrđa'. |
test | main-news | headlines | 2013 | 0715 | 3.8 | Annan to visit Syrian refugees in Turkey Tuesday | Annan to visit Syrian refugees in Turkey before Iran | Anan će posetiti sirijske izbeglice u Turskoj pre Irana. |
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