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test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0105 | 3.8 | As well as the dolphin scheme, the chaos has allowed foreign companies to engage in damaging logging and fishing operations without proper monitoring or export controls. | Internal chaos has allowed foreign companies to set up damaging commercial logging and fishing operations without proper monitoring or export controls. | Unutrašnji haos je omogućio stranim kompanijama da uspostave štetne komercijalne sečarske i ribolovne operacije bez adekvatnog nadzora ili kontrole izvoza. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0108 | 4.2 | The next court session will be when the three-judge tribunal announces its verdict in mid-February. | The court's three-judge tribunal was expected to give its verdict next February. | Očekivalo se da će tročlano veće suda doneti presudu sledećeg februara. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0110 | 3 | The consensus among Wall Street analysts was for a loss of 28 cents a share. | Analysts surveyed by First Call were expecting sales of $723 million and a loss of 28 cents a share. | Analitičari koje je anketirao First Call očekivali su prodaju od 723 miliona dolara i gubitak od 28 centi po akciji. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0127 | 4 | The civilian unemployment rate improved marginally last month -- slipping to 6.1 percent -- even as companies slashed payrolls by 93,000. | The civilian unemployment rate improved marginally last month _ sliding down to 6.1 percent _ as companies slashed payrolls by 93,000 amid continuing mixed signals about the nation's economic health. | Stopa nezaposlenosti civila se blago poboljšala prošlog meseca - spustivši se na 6.1 procenat - dok su kompanije smanjile plate za 93.000, usred nastavka mešovitih signala o ekonomskom zdravlju nacije. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0128 | 4.75 | Moffitt said the results need to be replicated in another study before testing of individuals for presence of the long or short versions of the gene will be pursued. | Professor Moffitt said the results needed to be replicated before pursuing testing of individuals for the presence of the long or short versions of the gene. | Profesor Moffitt je rekao da rezultati treba da budu replikovani pre nego što se krene sa testiranjem pojedinaca na prisustvo dugih ili kratkih verzija gena. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0131 | 3.533 | The compensation committee will prohibit securities industry directors from sitting on it. | The exchange also said its five-person compensation committee will consist only of directors from outside the securities industry. | Berza je takođe saopštila da će njen petočlani komitet za nadoknadu činiti samo direktori van brokerske industrije. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0134 | 1.25 | Q: Can I buy coverage for prescription drugs right away? | Congress has added a new benefit - an option to buy insurance coverage for prescription drugs. | Kongres je dodao novu pogodnost - opciju kupovine osiguranja za lekove na recept. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0137 | 4 | Shares of Mandalay closed down eight cents to $29.42, before the earnings were announced. | Shares of Mandalay closed down 8 cents at $29.42 Thursday. | Akcije kompanije Mandalay su pale za 8 centi i zatvorile se na 29,42 dolara u četvrtak. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0150 | 3 | In 1999, the building's owners, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, issued guidelines to upgrade the fireproofing to a thickness of 1{ inches. | The NIST discovered that in 1999 the Port Authority issued guidelines to upgrade the fireproofing to a thickness of 1 1/2 inches. | NIST je otkrio da je 1999. godine Port Authority izdao smernice za unapređenje protivpožarne zaštite na debljinu od 1 1/2 inča. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0165 | 2.6 | The dollar was last at $1.1149 to the euro, close to its strongest level since April 30. | The dollar pushed as high as $1.1115 to the euro in early trade, extending Tuesday's one percent rally to hit its strongest level since April 30. | Dolar je dostigao visoku vrednost od 1,1115 evra u ranom trgovanju, produžujući rast od jedan procenat iz utorak kako bi dostigao svoj najjači nivo od 30. aprila. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0173 | 3.5 | The single currency rose as far as 135.13 yen , matching a record high hit shortly after the euro's launch in January 1999. | The single currency rose as far as 135.26 yen , its highest level since the introduction of the single currency in January 1999. | Jedinstvena valuta je porasla do 135,26 jena, što je njen najviši nivo od uvođenja jedinstvene valute u januaru 1999. godine. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0174 | 1.5 | A New Castle County woman has become the first Delaware patient to contract the West Nile virus this year, the state's Department of Health reported. | A 62-year-old West Babylon man has contracted the West Nile virus, the first human case in Suffolk County this year, according to the county health department. | 62-godišnji muškarac iz Zapadnog Babylona je zaražen Zapadnim Nilskim virusom, prvi ljudski slučaj u okrugu Suffolk ove godine, prema podacima odeljenja za zdravstvo okruga. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0176 | 2 | He also reaffirmed his wish to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis peacefully. | But the North Korean nuclear crisis has dominated his time in office. | Međutim, kriza sa severnokorejskim nuklearnim oružjem dominirala je njegovim vremenom na funkciji. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0181 | 3.5 | A rebel who was captured said more than 2,000 insurgents were involved in the attack. | A captured rebel said 2,100 combatants had been involved in the offensive. | Uhvaćeni pobunjenik je rekao da je u napadu učestvovalo 2.100 boraca. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0187 | 3 | Kyi, a U.N. envoy says, as Japan adds to growing international pressure by saying it will halt its hefty economic aid unless Suu Kyi is freed. | JAPAN added to growing international pressure on Burma yesterday, threatening to halt its hefty economic aid unless the military government released pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. | JAPAN je dodao pritisak rastućeg međunarodnog pritiska na Burmu juče, preteći da će obustaviti svoju veliku ekonomsku pomoć ukoliko vojna vlada ne oslobodi liderku pro-demokratije Aung San Suu Kyi. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0191 | 4.75 | Wal-Mart, Kohl's Corp., Family Dollar Stores Inc., and Big Lots Inc. were among the merchants posting May sales that fell below Wall Street's modest expectations. | Wal- Mart, Kohl's Corp., Family Dollar Stores Inc., and Big Lots Inc. posted May sales that fell below Wall Street's modest expectations. | Wal-Mart, Kohl's Corp., Family Dollar Stores Inc. i Big Lots Inc. objavili su prodaju u maju koja je bila ispod skromnih očekivanja Vol Strita. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0194 | 3.4 | Mr Eddington warned yesterday that the future of the airline was "in the hands of the negotiators". | "The future of BA is in the hands of the negotiators," Eddington told British Broadcasting Corp. television on Sunday. | "Budućnost BA je u rukama pregovarača," rekao je Edington britanskoj televiziji BBC u nedelju. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0196 | 3.4 | "Both of these kids are in wonderful physical condition right now," he said during a press briefing at the hospital. | "Both of these kids are in wonderful physical condition right now," said Goodrich, also director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore. | "Oboje ove dece su trenutno u divnoj fizičkoj kondiciji," rekao je Gudrič, takođe direktor dečje neurohirurgije u Dečjoj bolnici u Montefioreu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0206 | 4.25 | On the cell's surface, the foreign components are recognised by other cells that then realise it is infected and kill it. | The foreign bits are recognized by other cells that realize it is infected and kill it. | Strane delove prepoznaju druge ćelije koje shvate da je zaražena i ubiju je. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0214 | 3.8 | Trading in Loral was halted yesterday; the shares closed on Monday at $3.01. | The New York Stock Exchange suspended trading yesterday in Loral, which closed at $3.01 Friday. | Juče je Njujorška berza obustavila trgovanje akcijama kompanije Loral, koja je zatvorila na 3,01 dolara u petak. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0220 | 3 | Knox County Health Department is following national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Protocol to contain infection. | The health department spokesperson added the department is following Centers for Disease Control protocol. | Portparol Ministarstva zdravlja dodao je da Ministarstvo prati protokol Centara za kontrolu bolesti. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0226 | 3 | Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said the push for higher standards and accountability "is showing results." | Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said he was pleased by the results. | Kancelar škola Džoel Klajn je rekao da je zadovoljan rezultatima. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0228 | 4.6 | One witness told Anatolian he saw the plane on fire while it was still in the air. | One witness told the Anatolian news agency he saw the plane on fire in mid-air. | Jedan svedok je rekao agenciji Anadolija da je video avion u plamenu u vazduhu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0242 | 3 | He proposed a system under which it would take fewer and fewer votes to overcome a filibuster. | Frist proposed a process in which it would take gradually fewer votes to overcome filibusters preventing final votes on judicial confirmations. | Frist je predložio proces prema kojem bi bilo potrebno postepeno manje glasova da bi se prevazišli filibusteri koji sprečavaju konačno glasanje o potvrđivanju sudija. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0249 | 4.25 | Hormone replacement therapy that combines estrogen and progestin doubles a woman's risk of breast cancer, a British study of more than a million women has found. | A major British study has added to the evidence that hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer, especially when women receive a combination of estrogen and progestin. | Veliko britansko istraživanje je doprinelo dokazima da hormonska terapija povećava rizik od raka dojke, posebno kada žene primaju kombinaciju estrogena i progestina. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0260 | 1.8 | Barbini's comments came Tuesday, the second day of the Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology. | U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman kicks off the three-day Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology on Monday. | Ministarka poljoprivrede SAD-a, En Veneman, otvara trodnevnu Ministarsku konferenciju i izložbu o poljoprivrednoj nauci i tehnologiji u ponedeljak. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0261 | 2.8 | Yesterday, shares closed up 29 cents, or 0.54 percent, at $54.32. | Amazon's shares yesterday closed at $54.32 on the Nasdaq Stock Market, up 29 cents. | Akcije Amazona su juče zatvorene na 54,32 dolara na berzi Nasdaq, što je rast od 29 centi. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0267 | 1.25 | Lawtey is not the first faith-based program in Florida's prison system. | But Lawtey is the first entire prison to take that path. | Ali Lawtey je prvi ceo zatvor koji je krenuo tim putem. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0276 | 3.75 | The transaction will grant Handspring stockholders 0.09 of a share of Palm--and no shares of PalmSource--for each share of Handspring common stock. | Under the proposed terms of the transaction, and following the spinoff of PalmSource, Palm will exchange 0.09 shares for each share of Handspring. | Prema predloženim uslovima transakcije, nakon odvajanja PalmSource-a, Palm će razmeniti 0.09 akcija za svaku akciju Handspring-a. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0285 | 3.75 | The giant rock was first observed on August 24 by Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research Program, based in Socorro, New Mexico. | The rock was first observed by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Program, also known as LINEAR. | Stena je prvi put primećena od strane programa za istraživanje asteroida blizu Zemlje Lincolna, poznatog kao LINEAR. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0289 | 3.75 | "We need to change old habits and seriously rethink business-as-usual." | He urged employees to "avoid complacency" and to "change old habits and seriously rethink business-as-usual." | Pozvao je zaposlene da "izbegavaju samozadovoljstvo" i da "promene stare navike i ozbiljno preispitaju poslovanje kao i obično." |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0292 | 3.5 | "These despicable acts were committed by killers whose only faith is hate," Bush said, adding that the United States will find the killers. | These despicable acts were committed by killers whose only faith is hate and the United States will find the killers and they will learn the meaning of American justice. | Ovi odvratni činovi su počinjeni od strane ubica čija je jedina vera mržnja i Sjedinjene Američke Države će pronaći ubice i one će naučiti šta znači američka pravda. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0303 | 4.6 | There are a total of 659 women enrolled at the academy, the report said. | There were 659 women enrolled at the academy at the time of the survey. | U vreme istraživanja, na akademiji je bilo upisano 659 žena. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0304 | 3.25 | It is a national concern that will touch virtually every American," Abraham said. | The impact of natural-gas shortages "will touch virtually every American," Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham warned yesterday. | Ministar energetike Spenser Abraham upozorio je juče da će nedostatak prirodnog gasa "dotaknuti gotovo svakog Amerikanca." |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0306 | 1.333 | In the United States, 20.7 percent of all women smoke. | Nevada is where the most women smoke, 28 percent. | Nevada je mesto gde najviše žena puši, 28 procenata. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0312 | 2.5 | It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. | That poll had 712 likely voters and sampling error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points. | Ta anketa je obuhvatila 712 verovatnih glasača i grešku uzorkovanja od plus ili minus 3.7 procentnih poena. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0316 | 3.25 | Shares of MONY were gaining $2.57, or 9%, to $31.90 in after-hours trading on Instinet. | MONY shares rose 8.76 per cent to $31.90 in after-hours trading in New York. | Akcije kompanije MONY su porasle za 8.76 odsto na 31.90 dolara u trgovanju nakon zatvaranja berze u Njujorku. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0320 | 3 | Diana was at her lowest ebb when she wrote the letter to Paul Burrell claiming there was a plot to kill her. | Burrell said Diana wrote a letter in October 1996 claiming there was a plot to kill her in a smash and gave it to him to keep as insurance. | Barel je rekao da je Dajana napisala pismo u oktobru 1996. tvrdeći da postoji zavera da je ubiju u saobraćajnoj nesreći i dala mu ga da čuva kao osiguranje. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0325 | 3.6 | Gillespie sent a letter to CBS President Leslie Moonves asking for a historical review or a disclaimer. | Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie issued a letter Friday to CBS Television President Leslie Moonves. | Predsednik Republikanske nacionalne komisije Ed Gillespie poslao je pismo u petak predsedniku CBS televizije Lesliju Munvisu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0342 | 2.2 | "Let's show we won't let them off," said Marc Blondel, leader of the Force Ouvriere union. | "The movement to defend pensions is gaining momentum, and we won't give up," said Marc Blondel, leader of the Force Ouvriere union. | "Pokret za odbranu penzija dobija na zamahu, i nećemo odustati", rekao je Mark Blondel, lider sindikata Force Ouvriere. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0343 | 4.8 | Contrary to what PeopleSoft management would have you believe, Oracle intends to fully support PeopleSoft customers and products for many years to come." | Ellison said that contrary to the contentions of PeopleSoft management, Oracle intends to "fully support PeopleSoft customers and products" for many years to come. | Ellison je rekao da, za razliku od tvrdnji menadžmenta kompanije PeopleSoft, Oracle namerava "potpuno podržati korisnike i proizvode" još mnogo godina. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0351 | 4 | Under Mexican law, bounty hunting is considered a form of kidnapping. | Bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico, and the bounty hunter was charged with kidnapping. | Lov na ucene je ilegalan u Meksiku, a lovac na ucene je optužen za otmicu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0355 | 3.4 | The announcements were made at the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) in Amsterdam. | The submission was on Monday, but the announcement was made Friday at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam. | Predaja je bila u ponedeljak, ali je obaveštenje dato u petak na Međunarodnoj konvenciji o emitovanju u Amsterdamu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0376 | 3.2 | Its keywords are supported by Chinese language Web portals. | Chinese language Web portals also support 3721 keywords, the Web site said. | Kineski jezički web portali takođe podržavaju 3721 ključnu reč, kako je navedeno na veb sajtu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0388 | 2.5 | The consensus estimate of analysts polled by Thomson First Call called for a profit of $1.70 per share. | Analysts polled by Reuters Research, a unit of Reuters Group Plc, on average forecast profit of $1.69 per share. | Analitičari anketirani od strane Reuters Research, jedinice kompanije Reuters Group Plc, u proseku predviđaju profit od 1,69 dolara po akciji. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0389 | 3.25 | Initial autopsy reports show they died of dehydration, hyperthermia and suffocation. | Two more died later, and initial autopsy reports show they succumbed to dehydration, hypothermia and suffocation. | Još dvoje je kasnije preminulo, a početni izveštaji obdukcije pokazuju da su podlegli dehidrataciji, hipotermiji i gušenju. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0402 | 3.8 | Authorities appealed to the public Friday to come forward and provide what could be the key to solving the sniper-style shootings that have killed three people outside area convenience stores. | Authorities looked to the public yesterday for help in solving the deadly sniper-style shootings of three people outside Charleston-area convenience stores. | Vlasti su juče tražile pomoć od javnosti u rešavanju smrtonosnih snajperskih ubistava tri osobe ispred prodavnica u okolini Čarlstona. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0408 | 4.4 | Second comes HP (27 percent with $2.9 billion, up just 0.4 percent). | HP fell to second place with server sales growing 0.4 percent to $2.9 billion. | HP je pao na drugo mesto sa rastom prodaje servera od 0.4 odsto na 2.9 milijardi dolara. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0413 | 3.5 | U.S. forces recently apprehended some 40 suspected foreign militants near the Syrian border and are now interrogating them. | The Third Armored Cavalry Regiment recently apprehended about 40 suspected fighters near the Syrian border, officials said. | Zvaničnici su saopštili da je Treći konjički puk nedavno uhapsio oko 40 osumnjičenih boraca blizu sirijske granice. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0415 | 1.5 | That compares with a profit of $1 million, or breakeven, on $1.39 billion in revenue during the same period last year. | Total revenue for the second quarter was $1.48 billion, up 7% from $1.39 billion in the same period last year. | Ukupni prihod za drugi kvartal iznosio je 1,48 milijardi dolara, što je povećanje od 7% u odnosu na 1,39 milijardi dolara u istom periodu prošle godine. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0419 | 2.8 | Bolivia's army fought to stop columns of protesters from streaming into the food-starved capital on Wednesday as a popular uprising against the president spread. | Bolivia's army fought to stop a column of dynamite-wielding miners from streaming into the besieged capital on Wednesday, leaving two dead as a popular uprising against the President spread. | Vojska Bolivije se borila da zaustavi kolonu rudara koji su nosili dinamit dok su pokušavali da uđu u opsednutu prestonicu u sredu, pri čemu su dvojica poginula dok se popularni ustanak protiv predsednika širio. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0423 | 3.6 | The A920 comes with a printer, scanner, and copier for $89. | Dell's Personal All-in-One A920 is an entry-level device that combines printer, scanner and copier functions for $89. | Dell-ov lični sve-u-jednom A920 je uređaj za početnike koji kombinuje funkcije štampača, skenera i kopir aparata za 89 dolara. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0434 | 4.2 | But in the first 30 seconds after Young entered the ring, the family knew it was an uneven match, Meyers said. | But in the first 30 seconds of the bout, family members knew it was an uneven match, Jodie Meyers, Stacy Young's sister, said. | Ali već u prvih 30 sekundi borbe, članovi porodice su znali da je meč nepravedan, rekla je Džodi Majers, sestra Stejsi Jang. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0449 | 3 | Singapore reported no suspected SARS cases Wednesday, but officials quarantined 70 people who had contact with the Taiwanese patient. | Still, Singapore quarantined 70 people who had been in close contact with the scientist. | Ipak, Singapur je stavio u karantin 70 ljudi koji su bili u bliskom kontaktu sa naučnikom. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0453 | 3 | Downstream at Mount Vernon, the Skagit River was expected to crest at 36 feet -- 8 feet above flood stage -- tonight, Burke said. | The Skagit was expected to crest during the night at 38 feet at Mount Vernon, 10 feet above flood stage, the National Weather Service said. | Skagit se očekivalo da će dostići vrhunac tokom noći na 38 stopa u Mount Vernonu, 10 stopa iznad nivoa poplava, saopštio je Nacionalni meteorološki servis. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0463 | 1.6 | On Monday, the Dow declined 5.25, or 0.1 percent, at 8,983.80, having shed 2.3 percent last week. | In early trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 39.94, or 0.4 percent, at 8,945.50, having slipped 3.61 points Monday. | Na početku trgovanja, industrijski prosek Dow Jones je bio niži za 39.94, odnosno 0.4 procenata, na 8,945.50, nakon što je pao 3.61 poen u ponedeljak. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0465 | 4 | The injured were taken to hospitals in Jefferson City and Columbia, a college town about 30 miles to the north. | The injured were taken to hospitals in Jefferson City and Columbia, about 48km north; their conditions were not immediately available. | Povređeni su prevezeni u bolnice u Džeferson Sitiju i Kolumbiji, oko 48km severno; njihovo stanje nije odmah bilo dostupno. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0467 | 1.333 | The dollar was at 117.85 yen against the Japanese currency, up 0.1 percent. | Against the Swiss franc the dollar was at 1.3289 francs, up 0.5 percent on the day. | Prema švajcarskom franku, dolar je bio na nivou od 1,3289 franaka, što je povećanje od 0,5 procenata u toku dana. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0481 | 3.6 | In addition to O'Connor, Rehnquist's majority opinion was joined by Justices David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer. | Joining him in the majority opinion were Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer. | Pridružili su mu se u većinskom mišljenju sudije Sandra Dej O'Konor, Dejvid H. Sauter, Rut Bejder Ginsburg i Stiven Dž. Brajer. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0515 | 3 | Martin, 58, will be freed today after serving two thirds of his five-year sentence for the manslaughter of 16-year-old Fred Barras. | Martin served two thirds of a five-year sentence for the manslaughter of Barras and for wounding Fearon. | Martin je odslužio dve trećine petogodišnje kazne zbog ubistva Barrasa i ranjavanja Fearona. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0519 | 3 | IDEC shareholders would own 50.5 percent of the stock of the combined company, and Biogen shareholders the remaining 49.5 percent. | The companies said Idec holders would own about 50.5 percent of the stock of the combined company. | Kompanije su saopštile da će vlasnici Idec-a posedovati oko 50.5 procenata akcija kombinovane kompanije. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0520 | 3.5 | Nonetheless, the open-source guru insisted, "This attack was wrong, and it was dangerous to our goals." | "This attack was wrong, and it was dangerous to our goals," Raymond said. | "Ovaj napad je bio pogrešan, i bio je opasan po naše ciljeve", rekao je Rejmond. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0527 | 4 | Frank Quattrone, the former Credit Suisse First Boston technology investment-banking guru, reportedly pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges of obstruction of justice and witness tampering. | NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Former star investment banker Frank Quattrone pleaded not guilty Tuesday to criminal charges of obstruction of justice and witness tampering. | Bivši zvezdani investicioni bankar Frank Kvotroni nije se izjasnio krivim u utorak na optužbe za krivična dela ometanja pravde i uticanja na svedoke. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0532 | 2.2 | The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 86.56 points, or 0.94 percent, to 9,109.99, after giving up more than 1 percent earlier. | The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 79.43 points, or 0.86 percent, to 9,117.12 on Friday. | Industrijski indeks Dow Jones .DJI pao je za 79,43 poena, odnosno 0,86 procenata, na 9.117,12 u petak. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0534 | 3.4 | The Dow Jones industrial average ended the day down 10.89 at 9,837.94, after advancing 111.04 Wednesday. | The Dow Jones industrial average fell 10.89 points, or 0.11 percent, to 9,837.94. | Industrijski indeks Dow Jones pao je za 10,89 poena, odnosno 0,11 procenata, na 9.837,94. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0548 | 3.5 | Perry has since called two special legislative sessions to try force the redistricting plan through. | Since then, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has called two special sessions trying to push the measure through. | Od tada, guverner Teksasa Rick Perry je sazvao dve posebne sednice pokušavajući da sprovede meru. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0552 | 4.25 | The agency will "consider as timely any tax returns or payments due" Aug. 15 if they are submitted by Aug. 22. | The agency said it would consider as timely any tax returns or payments due from Friday through Aug. 22 if they are completed by Aug. 22. | Agencija je saopštila da će smatrati blagovremenim sve poreske prijave ili uplate koje dospevaju od petka do 22. avgusta, ako budu završene do 22. avgusta. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0557 | 2.6 | Democrats currently hold a 17-15 advantage in the state's congressional delegation. | The Texas congressional delegation now is 17-15 Democratic. | Delegacija kongresmena iz Teksasa sada je 17-15 u korist Demokrata. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0561 | 3 | Chaudhry was released 56 days later and the Fiji military installed an all-indigenous government led by Qarase, who won democratic elections in September 2001. | The Fijian military installed an all-indigenous government led by Mr Qarase, who won democratic elections in September 2001. | Fidžijska vojska je uspostavila vladu koja se sastoji isključivo od domorodačkog stanovništva, a predvodi je gospodin Qarase, koji je pobedio na demokratskim izborima u septembru 2001. godine. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0578 | 2.4 | New legit download service launches with PC users in mind. | BuyMusic is the first subscription-free paid download music service for PC users. | BuyMusic je prva usluga za preuzimanje muzike za korisnike računara bez pretplate. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0580 | 3.8 | The 30-year bond US30YT=RR rose 22/32 for a yield of 4.31 percent, versus 4.35 percent at Wednesday's close. | The 30-year bond US30YT=RR grew 1-3/32 for a yield of 4.30 percent, down from 4.35 percent late Wednesday. | Obveznica sa rokom dospeća od 30 godina US30YT=RR porasla je 1-3/32, prinos iznosi 4.30 procenata, što je manje u odnosu na 4.35 procenata kasno u sredu. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0582 | 3 | Last week, his lawyers asked Gov. Mark R. Warner to grant clemency, but the governor declined to intervene. | Last week, his lawyers asked Warner to grant clemency under certain conditions that would have lead to a new sentencing hearing. | Prošle nedelje, njegovi advokati su zatražili od Vornara da odobri pomilovanje pod određenim uslovima koji bi doveli do novog saslušanja o izricanju kazne. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0586 | 3.5 | Gov. Linda Lingle and members of her staff were at the Navy base and watched the launch. | Gov. Linda Lingle and other dignitaries are scheduled to be at the base to watch the launch. | Guvernerka Linda Lingl i ostali zvaničnici su planirani da budu na bazi kako bi posmatrali lansiranje. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0597 | 3.5 | The best the investigators can do is nitpick about the process and substance of isolated business decisions ... and question his competence as a manager." | Ebbers' lawyer, Reid Weingarten, said despite the thorough investigation, "the best the investigators can do is nitpick about the process and substance of isolated business decisions." | Advokat Ebbersa, Rid Vajngarten, rekao je da uprkos temeljnoj istrazi, "najbolje što istražitelji mogu da urade je da traže dlaku u jajetu u vezi sa procesom i suštinom izolovanih poslovnih odluka." |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0600 | 3.75 | The Justice Department filed suit Thursday against the state of Mississippi for failing to end what federal officials call "disturbing" abuse of juveniles and "unconscionable" conditions at two state-run facilities. | The Justice Department filed a civil rights lawsuit Thursday against the state of Mississippi, alleging abuse of juvenile offenders at two state-run facilities. | Ministarstvo pravde je u četvrtak podnelo tužbu za građanska prava protiv države Misisipija, tvrdeći zlostavljanje maloletnih prestupnika u dva državna objekta. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0601 | 2.25 | The Chelsea defender Marcel Desailly has been the latest to speak out. | Marcel Desailly, the France captain and Chelsea defender, believes the latter is true. | Marcel Dezai, kapiten reprezentacije Francuske i defanzivac Chelseaja, veruje da je ovo drugo tačno. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0605 | 3.25 | She was the only woman in her unit and a member of Teamsters Local 995. | She was the only woman employed as a warehouse worker and heavy equipment operator and the only woman in her Teamsters local. | Ona je bila jedina žena zaposlena kao radnica u skladištu i operater teške opreme, i jedina žena u svojoj lokalnoj sindikalnoj organizaciji Teamsters. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0608 | 4.8 | Special police detained Khodorkovsky early on Saturday in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, where his plane had made a refuelling stop. | Police detained Khodorkovsky early on Saturday when his jet made a refueling stop in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk. | Policija je uhapsila Hodorkovskog rano u subotu kada je njegov avion napravio pauzu za dopunu goriva u sibirskom gradu Novosibirsku. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0609 | 3.8 | Sony Ericsson also said it would shut down its GSM/UMTS R&D center in Munich, Germany, to increase profitability. | Sony Ericsson also said it plans to close its R&D site in Munich, Germany, for GSM and UMTS handsets. | Sony Ericsson je takođe saopštio da planira da zatvori svoje istraživačko-razvojni centar u Minhenu, Nemačka, za GSM i UMTS mobilne telefone. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0610 | 3.4 | But the country is scrambling to prevent it spreading to the vast countryside where most of its 1.3 billion people live. | China is scrambling to stop the disease from spreading to the countryside, where most of its 1.3 billion people live. | Kina se trudi da zaustavi širenje bolesti na selo, gde većina od svojih 1,3 milijarde ljudi živi. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0611 | 2 | Kansas Department of Health and Environment records show there were 88 abortions performed on girls age 14 and younger last year. | Statistics from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment show that 11,844 abortions were performed in the state last year. | Statistike Ministarstva zdravlja i životne sredine Kanzasa pokazuju da je prošle godine obavljeno 11.844 abortusa u državi. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0614 | 4.6 | "The discovery that the MAP bug is present in the vast majority of Crohn's sufferers means it is almost certainly causing the intestinal inflammation," it said in a statement. | The researchers say that the fact the MAP bug is present in the vast majority of Crohns sufferers means it is almost certainly causing the intestinal inflammation. | Istraživači tvrde da činjenica da je MAP bakterija prisutna kod velike većine obolelih od Kronove bolesti gotovo sigurno uzrokuje upalu creva. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0617 | 3.5 | The life expectancy for boys born in 2001 was 74.4 years, up two years since 1990. | According to the report, average life expectancy has increased by nearly two years since 1990. | Prema izveštaju, prosečna očekivana životna dob je povećana za skoro dve godine od 1990. godine. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0620 | 3.333 | For the full 12-month period, high-speed cable modem connections increased by 49 percent. | For the full year period ending June 30, 2003, high-speed lines increased by 45 percent. | Za period od cele godine koji se završava 30. juna 2003. godine, visokobrzinski internet priključci su povećani za 45 procenata. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0623 | 2.667 | We believe the report is fully consistent with what the courts have ruled ... that the department's actions are fully within the law. | Comstock said several federal courts have ruled that the detentions are fully within the law. | Comstock je rekao da su nekoliko saveznih sudova presudili da su zadržavanja potpuno u skladu sa zakonom. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0630 | 3.2 | Indeed, Mr. Weill, a self-described workaholic, said he planned to remain very involved in the company. | Still, Mr. Weill will remain very much a power at the company. | Ipak, gospodin Veil će i dalje ostati veoma moćan u kompaniji. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0633 | 3.8 | Gregory Parseghian, a former investment banker, was appointed chief executive. | Greg Parseghian was appointed the new chief executive. | Greg Parseghian je imenovan za novog izvršnog direktora. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0635 | 3.4 | The report cites the marriage of the alleged operational commander of the Bali bombings, Mukhlas, to Farida, a "highly cosmopolitan and well-educated young woman". | The report cites the marriage of the alleged operational commander of the Bali bombings, Mukhlas, as an example of how JI uses marriage to grow. | Izveštaj navodi brak navodnog operativnog komandanta Baliskih bombi, Muklasa, kao primer kako JI koristi brakove za rast. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0636 | 3.4 | The Cradle of Liberty Council isn't the first one to buck the national group's stance. | Philadelphia's council is not the first to defy the national policy. | Gradsko veće Filadelfije nije prvo koje se suprotstavilo nacionalnoj politici. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0639 | 3.6 | "It''s absurd," Funny Cide's trainer Barclay Tagg said. | Meanwhile, Funny Cide's trainer, Barclay Tagg, called the allegations "ridiculous." | U međuvremenu, trener Funny Cide-a, Barclay Tagg, nazvao je optužbe "ridikuloznim". |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0643 | 3.8 | Last year, Cuban officials said none of nearly two dozen nominated Cuban musicians received U.S. visas on time to attend the Grammys in Los Angeles. | Cuban officials said that last year none of about two dozen nominated Cuban musicians received U.S. visas in time to attend the Latin Grammys. | Kubanski zvaničnici su saopštili da prošle godine nijedan od oko dvadeset nominovanih kubanskih muzičara nije dobio američku vizu na vreme da prisustvuje Latinskoj Gremi ceremoniji. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0672 | 1.8 | The American conservatives are clearly in the minority within the Episcopal Church. | The letter indicates the Vatican's interest in bolstering conservatives within the Episcopal Church. | Pismo ukazuje na interes Vatikana da ojača konzervativce unutar Episkopalne crkve. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0674 | 3.2 | The New York senator's new book, "Living History," appears a certain bestseller. | Hillary Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady, has a book out Monday titled Living History. | Hilari Klinton, senator iz Njujorka i bivša prva dama, objavila je knjigu pod nazivom 'Živeći istoriju' u ponedeljak. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0699 | 3 | "Canada is a small country, and it needs companies like this, deals like this." | A passionate nationalist, Mr. D'Alessandro said: "Canada is a small country, and we need more companies like this." | Strastveni nacionalista, gospodin D'Alessandro je rekao: "Kanada je mala zemlja i trebamo više kompanija poput ove." |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0706 | 1.8 | Police official S.K. Tonapi told Reuters at least 40 people had been killed and more than 100 wounded. | State interior ministry spokesman Vasant Pitke told Reuters that at least 42 people had been killed and 112 injured. | Portparol Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Vasant Pitke je rekao Rojtersu da je najmanje 42 osobe poginule, a 112 povređene. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0711 | 2.75 | "Jeremy's a good guy," Barber said, adding: "Jeremy is living the dream life of the New York athlete. | He also said Shockey is "living the dream life of a New York athlete. | On je takođe rekao da Šoki živi san života jednog sportiste iz Njujorka. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0715 | 1.6 | But Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial (JP:8306: news, chart, profile) declined 3,000 yen, or 0.65 percent, to 456,000 yen. | Sumitomo Mitsui Financial (JP:8316: news, chart, profile) was down 2.5 percent at 198,000 yen. | Sumitomo Mitsui Financial (JP:8316: vesti, grafikon, profil) je pao za 2.5 procenata na 198.000 jena. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0732 | 2.75 | About 1,557 genes on chromosome 6 are thought to be functional. | The remaining 1,557 genes are believed to be all functional. | Veruje se da su preostalih 1.557 gena svi funkcionalni. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0734 | 3.25 | In the second quarter, Anadarko now expects volume of 46 million BOE, down from 48 million BOE. | Production for the second quarter was cut to 46 million barrels from 48 million barrels. | Proizvodnja za drugi kvartal je smanjena sa 48 miliona barela na 46 miliona barela. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0735 | 2.25 | U.S. troops encountered no resistance during the five-hour sweep near Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's hometown and the center of a region of Baath Party supporters. | Tikrit is Saddam Hussein's hometown and the region around it is known as a hotbed of Baath Party supporters and former high-ranking Iraqi military officials. | Tikrit je rodni grad Sadama Huseina, a region oko njega je poznat kao leglo pristalica Baas stranke i bivših visokorangiranih iračkih vojnih zvaničnika. |