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test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0987 | 1 | You just have to base your answer on what you do know, which is what you want. | So if that's what you need, you really do have to be explicit about it. | Dakle, ako je to ono što ti treba, zaista moraš biti eksplicitan u vezi sa tim. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0990 | 2 | Yes, you should mention your experience. | Yes, you should make a résumé. | Da, trebalo bi da napravite biografiju. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0998 | 2 | I think it is great that you had a test conducted. | I think that's a great plan. | Mislim da je to odličan plan. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1012 | 0 | You don't have to know. | Other than that you don't have a tax issue. | Osim toga, nemate problem sa porezom. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1013 | 1 | Yes, there is a rule against this. | There's no rule against it. | Nema pravila protiv toga. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1014 | 5 | What are your goals? | What are you goals? | Koji su ti ciljevi? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1046 | 2 | I'm going to go out on a limb here... | I'm going to be very direct here. | Ovde ću biti vrlo direktna. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1052 | 2 | If your long stay visa for Switzerland is valid, then you will not need a transit visa. | You do not need a transit visa, but to enter Zurich you will need a visa. | Ne treba vam tranzitna viza, ali za ulazak u Cirih će vam biti potrebna viza. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1062 | 5 | A few more point to think about: | A few things to think about: | Par stvari o kojima treba razmisliti: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1063 | 2 | Now you don't have to be perfect on every answer. | You don't have to know. | Nije ti potrebno da znaš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1065 | 5 | I'm afraid we are out of luck in this one. | I think this is one of those things where you are just out of luck. | Mislim da je ovo jedna od onih situacija gde jednostavno nemate sreće. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1066 | 0 | It is more deciding what you should do and what you should get others to do. | Point is: know what you want and don't be afraid to ask for it. | Bitno je: znati šta želiš i ne bojati se da to zatražiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1072 | 4 | It varies by the situation. | This varies by institution. | Ovo varira od institucije do institucije. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1077 | 4 | I have the same thing. | I have the same problem. | Imam isti problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1080 | 4 | I have the same thing. | I have the exact same problem. | Imam potpuno isti problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1088 | 0 | You are on the right path. | You're right on about the sample definition. | Tačno si u vezi sa definicijom uzorka. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1099 | 2 | Primer/paint will not work. | Nope that will not work. | Ne, to neće funkcionisati. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1106 | 2 | The best thing you can do is to know your stuff. | The best thing you can do is find something else interesting to do while you wait on hold. | Najbolja stvar koju možete uraditi je pronaći nešto drugo zanimljivo dok čekate na liniji. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1107 | 5 | It's also a matter of taste. | It's mostly a matter of taste. | To je uglavnom stvar ukusa. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1111 | 2 | I was in a similar situation. | Personally when I was in a similar situation I sent the couple a card and a gift. | Lično, kada sam bio u sličnoj situaciji, poslao sam paru čestitku i poklon. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1127 | 3 | You can use it, too. | Yes, you can do it. | Da, možeš to uraditi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1135 | 4 | You have to decide what you want to get out of this. | You have to find out what works for you. | Morate otkriti šta vam odgovara. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1150 | 1 | It depends on what they are. | It depends on how it's used. | To zavisi od toga kako se koristi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1153 | 5 | I had the same problem as you. | I have just had the same problem. | Upravo sam imao/la isti problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1156 | 2 | Sometime if you really want it you might need to pay an agency to get the place for you. | You could probably get a tour agency to do it for you but it would cost you. | Verovatno biste mogli angažovati turističku agenciju da to uradi umesto vas, ali bi vas to koštalo. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1162 | 1 | You don't need to know everything. | They just don't want you to know it. | Oni jednostavno ne žele da ti to znaš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1169 | 2 | Also it is useful to keep the consistency in your story. | It is important to keep the story in the scope of your limit. | Važno je držati priču unutar granica vašeg ograničenja. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1178 | 1 | I think it's just a habit. | I think it's a bad idea. | Mislim da je to loša ideja. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1179 | 4 | It's not a good idea. | No, it's not a good thing. | Ne, to nije dobra stvar. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1196 | 5 | I'm thinking it's a bad idea. | I think it's a bad idea. | Mislim da je to loša ideja. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1197 | 1 | It depends on what you want to do next, and where you want to do it. | You need to pick how and where you want to place your foot and do it. | Morate odabrati kako i gde želite postaviti svoju nogu i to uraditi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1199 | 4 | You have a problem. | This is a big problem. | Ovo je veliki problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1205 | 2 | Unfortunately the answer to your question is we simply do not know. | If the conversation is not about work, you know what the answer is to your own question. | Ako razgovor nije o poslu, znate odgovor na svoje pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1209 | 4 | Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered in its full generality. | This cannot be answered in general. | Ovo se ne može opšte odgovoriti. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1216 | 2 | I would personally beware of the Motley Fool. | I would recommend looking at The Motley Fool. | Preporučio bih da pogledate The Motley Fool. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1218 | 4 | I think there isn't a general answer. | I don't think there is a single definition. | Mislim da ne postoji jednoznačna definicija. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1223 | 5 | It's not a good idea. | Not a good idea. | Nije dobra ideja. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1225 | 0 | You don't need any visa. | You don't have to worry. | Ne moraš da brineš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1228 | 0 | You have to decide what you want to get out of this. | You're probably going to have to read various blogs to get all the information you want. | Verovatno ćeš morati da pročitaš različite blogove kako bi dobio/la sve informacije koje želiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1244 | 5 | I had the same problem as you. | I have exactly the same problem. | Imam tačno isti problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1250 | 4 | My answer to your question is "Probably Not". | The answer to your question is not really. | Odgovor na tvoje pitanje nije baš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1265 | 1 | You should do it. | You should never do it. | Nikada to ne bi trebalo da radite. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1267 | 4 | I had the same problem as you. | I had the same issue. | Imao sam isti problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1305 | 4 | Hope this is what you are looking for. | Is this the kind of thing you're looking for ? | Da li je ovo vrsta stvari koju tražite? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1306 | 5 | There are two things to consider: | I think there are two important things to consider: | Mislim da postoje dve važne stvari koje treba uzeti u obzir: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1326 | 5 | It's pretty much up to you. | It is up to you. | Na tebi je. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1327 | 4 | There are a few things you can do: | There are a few things you need to consider: | Postoje neke stvari koje treba da uzmete u obzir: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1335 | 1 | The answer to this and all such similar questions is in two stages: | The answer to both questions is: Yes. | Odgovor na oba pitanja je: Da. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1356 | 0 | It is impossible to answer this question without a form check. | This is a part answer to your question | Ovo je delimičan odgovor na tvoje pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1360 | 3 | There are a few things you can do: | There are a few things I think you should do. | Mislim da postoji nekoliko stvari koje bi trebalo da uradiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1365 | 4 | It depends on what you want to do next, and where you want to do it. | It depends on what and where you are going to do. | To zavisi od toga šta i gde nameravaš da radiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1383 | 3 | There are a few possible reasons. | There are a few reasons that paint wrinkles. | Postoje nekoliko razloga zbog kojih se farba gužva. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1389 | 5 | There are three options: | There are only three options: | Postoje samo tri opcije: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1390 | 5 | So think it in this way. | Think of it this way. | Razmišljaj o tome na ovaj način. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1392 | 5 | Maybe this could work for you. | Maybe this can work for you. | Možda ovo može da funkcioniše za tebe. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1397 | 1 | It depends on what you want to do next, and where you want to do it. | They can, but the way to do it depends on what you have available. | Oni to mogu, ali način na koji će to uraditi zavisi od onoga što imaju na raspolaganju. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1404 | 0 | Microwave would be your best bet. | Your best bet is research. | Vaš najbolji izbor je istraživanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1407 | 4 | In the US, it will depend on the school. | This will depend on the university. | To će zavisiti od univerziteta. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1416 | 1 | It's not a good idea. | It's not just a good idea, it's an excellent idea. | To nije samo dobra ideja, već je odlična ideja. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1437 | 4 | There are a few things I think you should do. | There are a few minimally-effective things you can do at the personal level. | Na ličnom nivou postoji nekoliko stvari koje možete uraditi, iako su minimalno efikasne. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1440 | 3 | I've had this same problem. | I had this same situation. | Imao sam istu situaciju. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1445 | 5 | This is not a good idea. | Not a good idea. | Nije dobra ideja. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1449 | 5 | I realized there is already an accepted answer but I figure I would add my 2 cents. | I know this is an old question but I feel I should add my 2 cents. | Znam da je ovo staro pitanje, ali osećam da treba da dodam svojih 2 centa. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1452 | 0 | Yes, there is a reason to not do what you propose. | Yes, there is a chemical difference. | Da, postoji hemijska razlika. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1453 | 1 | Yes, there is at least one to my knowledge. | To my knowledge, there's no time requirement. | Prema mom saznanju, nema zahteva za vremenskim ograničenjem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1465 | 0 | You don't have to worry. | You don't have to do anything to season it. | Ne moraš ništa da radiš da bi ga začinio/la. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1467 | 0 | There is no test that can tell you if it is sealed or not. | There is no code telling you that you cannot do this. | Ne postoji zakon koji vam zabranjuje da to uradite. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1477 | 0 | Yes, you should make a résumé. | Yes, you should talk to your professor. | Da, trebalo bi da razgovaraš sa svojim profesorom. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1481 | 0 | You shouldn't feel any obligation at all. | You don't need sauce at all. | Uopšte ti ne treba sos. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1482 | 4 | I've had this same problem. | I had this problem before. | Imao sam ovaj problem ranije. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1490 | 5 | You may have to experiment and find what you like. | You have to find out what works for you. | Morate otkriti šta vam odgovara. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1511 | 1 | My answer to your question is "Probably Not". | This is a part answer to your question | Ovo je delimičan odgovor na tvoje pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1512 | 1 | The key thing to realize here is that it's not your job to make people do their work. | It really isn't your problem how they are going to find a qualified person to do the job. | Zaista nije tvoj problem kako će oni pronaći kvalifikovanu osobu da obavi posao. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1537 | 4 | Not a direct answer to the question, but something to consider. | Not a real answer to your question, but maybe it helps. | Nije pravi odgovor na tvoje pitanje, ali možda pomaže. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1542 | 1 | There are two possible causes for this: | There are two options for you - | Imate dve opcije - |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1555 | 5 | I agree with the other comments. | I agree with the previous comments. | Slažem se sa prethodnim komentarima. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1557 | 3 | The answer to both questions is: Yes. | If the answer to any of these questions is yes, a PhD may be worthwhile for you. | Ako je odgovor na bilo koje od ovih pitanja potvrdan, doktorske studije mogu biti vredne za vas. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1558 | 5 | It rather depends on which country you're in. | That depends on which country you are in. | To zavisi od zemlje u kojoj se nalazite. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 1568 | 5 | This is a terrible idea. | This is a bad idea. | Ovo je loša ideja. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0004 | 1.4 | Vivendi shares closed 1.9 percent at 15.80 euros in Paris after falling 3.6 percent on Monday. | In New York, Vivendi shares were 1.4 percent down at $18.29. | U Njujorku, deonice Vivendi su pale za 1.4 odsto na 18.29 dolara. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0007 | 3.6 | Bremer said one initiative is to launch a US$70 million nationwide program in the next two weeks to clean up neighborhoods and build community projects. | Bremer said he would launch a $70-million program in the next two weeks to clean up neighborhoods across Iraq and build community projects, but gave no details. | Bremer je rekao da će pokrenuti program od 70 miliona dolara u naredne dve nedelje kako bi očistio kvartove širom Iraka i izgradio projekte zajednice, ali nije pružio detalje. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0018 | 3.5 | Governor Gray Davis estimated yesterday that the fires could cost nearly $2 billion. | State officials estimated the cost at nearly $2 billion. | Državni zvaničnici su procenili trošak na skoro 2 milijarde dolara. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0019 | 3.2 | The American Express Corp. has pledged at least $3 million of more than $5 million needed. | The city had requested federal funds, but withdrew that request when American Express pledged at least $3 million. | Grad je zatražio savezna sredstva, ali je povukao tu zahtev kada je American Express obećao najmanje 3 miliona dolara. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0025 | 4 | Claudette, the first hurricane of the Atlantic storm season, hit the mid-Texas coast July 15 with 85-mph wind. | Claudette, the first hurricane of the Atlantic storm season, hit the mid-Texas coast July 15, classified as a Category 1 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 85 mph. | Klodet, prvi uragan sezone atlantskih oluja, pogodio je srednju obalu Teksasa 15. jula, klasifikovan kao uragan kategorije 1 sa maksimalnim stalnim vetrovima od 85 milja na sat. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0028 | 2 | Results from No. 2 U.S. soft drink maker PepsiCo Inc. (nyse: PEP - news - people) were likely to be in the spotlight. | Wall Street was also waiting for aluminum maker Alcoa Inc. (nyse: PEP - news - people) to report earnings after the close. | Vol Strit je takođe čekao da proizvođač aluminijuma Alcoa Inc. (nyse: PEP - vesti - ljudi) objavi kvartalne rezultate nakon zatvaranja berze. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0030 | 3.6 | Taylor's aides warn an abrupt departure could trigger more chaos, a view shared by many in Liberia and, in private, even by mediators. | His aides warn an abrupt departure could trigger more bloodshed, a view shared by many in Liberia. | Njegovi saradnici upozoravaju da bi nagli odlazak mogao izazvati više krvoprolića, stav koji dele mnogi u Liberiji. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0031 | 4.2 | But Odette is the first to form over the Caribbean Sea in December, the Center said. | It is the first named storm to develop in the Caribbean in December. | To je prva nazvana oluja koja se razvila u Karibima u decembru. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0034 | 4 | The AFL-CIO is waiting until October to decide if it will endorse a candidate. | The AFL-CIO announced Wednesday that it will decide in October whether to endorse a candidate before the primaries. | AFL-CIO je saopštio u sredu da će odlučiti u oktobru da li će podržati kandidata pre predizbora. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0043 | 3.25 | It was developed with consultation from more than 300 leaders in academia, industry, government and the public. | The plan, called The NIH Roadmap, was developed over 14 months with help from more than 300 consultants in industry and academia. | Plan nazvan NIH putokaz razvijen je tokom 14 meseci uz pomoć više od 300 konsultanata iz industrije i akademskog sveta. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0048 | 3.4 | Local police authorities are treating the explosion as a criminal matter and nothing has been ruled out. | Acting New Haven Police Chief Francisco Ortiz said police were treating the explosion as a criminal matter. | Vršilac dužnosti šefa policije Nju Hejvena, Francisco Ortiz, izjavio je da policija tretira eksploziju kao krivično delo. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0054 | 3.667 | Chiron already has nearly 20 percent acceptances from PowderJect's shareholders. | Chiron has acceptances from holders of nearly 20 percent of PowderJect shares. | Hajron je dobio prihvatanja od vlasnika skoro 20 procenata akcija kompanije PowderJect. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0070 | 3.75 | "We believe we are fully prepared to roll out the [touch-screen] machines for the 2004 presidential primary," said Gilles W. Burger, State Board of Elections chairman. | "We believe we are fully prepared to roll out the revised Diebold machines," said Gilles W. Burger, chairman of the Maryland State Board of Elections. | "Verujemo da smo potpuno spremni da uvedemo revidirane Diebold mašine," rekao je Žil Burger, predsednik Odbora za izbore savezne države Merilend. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0083 | 1.2 | Analysts expected earnings of 27 cents a share on revenue of $17.7 billion, Thomson First Call says. | Hewlett-Packard is putting in for a second-quarter profit of $659 million, or 29 cents a share, on revenue of $18 billion. | Hjulet Pakard planira drugo tromesečno profita od 659 miliona dolara, odnosno 29 centi po akciji, na prihodu od 18 milijardi dolara. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0085 | 3.8 | Another was in serious condition at Northwest Medical Center in Springdale. | At Northwest Medical Center of Washington County in Springdale, one child is in serious condition. | U Severnom medicinskom centru okruga Vašington u Springdejlu, jedno dete je u ozbiljnom stanju. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0087 | 3.4 | Sean Harrigan, president of the California Public Employees' Retirement System, also suggested paring down the NYSE's 27-member board, changing its composition and making it more accountable. | Sean Harrigan, president of the California Public Employees' Retirement System, also suggested paring the NYSE's 27-member board and allotting more seats to investors outside the securities industry. | Šon Harigan, predsednik Kalifornijskog sistema za penzionisanje javnih službenika, takođe je predložio smanjenje 27-članog odbora NYSE-a i dodeljivanje više mesta investitorima van industrije hartija od vrednosti. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0091 | 3.2 | The Swedish central bank was also meeting on Wednesday and widely expected to announce a cut on Thursday. | The Swedish central bank, also meeting on Wednesday, is widely expected to announce a cut on Thursday of as much as half a percentage point. | Švedska centralna banka, koja se takođe sastaje u sredu, široko se očekuje da će u četvrtak objaviti smanjenje od čak pola procenta. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0094 | 3.6 | His 1996 Chevrolet Tahoe was found abandoned in a Virginia Beach, Va., parking lot June 25. | His sport utility vehicle was found June 25, abandoned without its license plates in Virginia Beach, Va. | Njegov terenski automobil pronađen je 25. juna napušten, bez registarskih tablica, u Virdžinija Biču, Virdžinija. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0096 | 3 | Heatley was sixth in the league in goals last season with 41 and ninth in points with 89. | Heatley led Atlanta in scoring last season with a team-record 41 goals and 48 assists. | Prošle sezone Heatley je predvodio Atlanta u postizanju golova sa rekordnih 41 pogodak i 48 asistencija. |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0099 | 1.6 | "Tony's not feeling well," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. | We're thrilled to be up 3-2,'' Coach Gregg Popovich said Wednesday. | Trener Greg Popovič je rekao u sredu: 'Oduševljeni smo što vodimo sa 3-2.' |
test | main-news | MSRpar | 2012test | 0100 | 3.2 | Electronic Data Systems Corp. Thursday said the Securities and Exchange Commission has asked the company for documents related to its large contract with the U.S. Navy. | In a regulatory filing, EDS said the SEC had asked for information related to its troubled IT outsourcing contract with the US Navy. | U regulatornom podnesku, EDS je rekao da je SEC zatražio informacije vezane za njihov problematični ugovor o IT outsourcingu sa američkom mornaricom. |