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test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0433 | 4 | You are on the right path. | You are right on the mark. | Vi ste potpuno u pravu. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0436 | 1 | This doesn't answer your question, but: | This is a part answer to your question | Ovo je delimičan odgovor na tvoje pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0445 | 4 | How should I proceed about this? | So how should I do this? | Kako bih trebalo ovo da uradim? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0447 | 4 | Does this page answer your question? | Does this answer your questions? | Da li ti je ovo odgovorilo na pitanja? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0450 | 2 | You can use it, too. | You can still use it for practice. | Još uvek možete koristiti to za vežbanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0470 | 2 | It really depends on how the employer documents it. | It depends how you're stating it. | To zavisi od toga kako to izražavaš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0471 | 2 | I've had this same problem. | I've had this problem while working in a pubs. | Imao sam ovaj problem dok sam radio u kafanama. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0476 | 0 | You need to read a lot to know what you like and what you don't. | You should tell a good story and sometimes you have to tweak reality/history to do so. | Treba da ispričaš dobru priču i ponekad moraš da prilagodiš stvarnost/istoriju da bi to učinio. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0490 | 3 | It depends on what you want to do next, and where you want to do it. | It depends on what you want to be able to do. | To zavisi od onoga što želiš da možeš da uradiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0494 | 1 | Yes, you have to file a tax return in Canada. | You are not required to file a tax return in Canada if you have no taxable income. | Niste obavezni da podnesete poresku prijavu u Kanadi ako nemate oporeziv prihod. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0496 | 5 | I don't see why there should be any problem with this whatsoever. | I don't see why that should be a problem. | Ne vidim zašto bi to trebalo da bude problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0502 | 1 | Hope this is what you are looking for. | If what you are looking for is much higher, they get the picture. | Ako je ono što tražite mnogo više, oni shvataju sliku. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0516 | 0 | The best thing you can do is to know your stuff. | The best thing to do is to overcome the fussiness. | Najbolja stvar koju možete učiniti je prevazići sitničavost. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0521 | 2 | It depends on the dish and how amenable it is at the stage you make the mistake. | It depends on the sauce and the result you want. | To zavisi od sosa i rezultata koji želite. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0535 | 2 | You just have to base your answer on what you do know, which is what you want. | You have to do what is right for you. | Moraš učiniti ono što je ispravno za tebe. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0537 | 0 | You PROBABLY don't have any chance at the moment. | Saying "thanks, I don't have any questions at the moment." | Reći "hvala, trenutno nemam pitanja." |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0548 | 3 | It really doesn't matter. | It doesn't matter unless it is really far off. | To nije važno osim ako nije zaista daleko od toga. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0549 | 3 | You don't need to know everything. | You don't have to know. | Nije ti potrebno da znaš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0567 | 3 | I think you're looking for Mikey (1992). | I think you're looking for the movie | Mislim da tražite film. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0571 | 5 | It makes absolutely NO difference. | No, it makes no difference. | Ne, to nema nikakve razlike. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0581 | 5 | I think it's fine to ask this question. | I think it is okay to ask the question. | Mislim da je u redu postaviti pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0582 | 4 | I'm going to be very direct here. | I'm going to be blunt, here: You don't. | Moram biti direktna ovde: Ti ne. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0583 | 1 | You just have to base your answer on what you do know, which is what you want. | Yes, you can do exactly what you want to do. | Da, možeš tačno ono što želiš da uradiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0599 | 0 | You should do it. | You should prime it first. | Prvo ga treba pripremiti. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0603 | 5 | There's not a lot you can do about that. | I'm afraid there's not really a lot you can do. | Bojim se da zaista nema puno toga što možete da uradite. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0607 | 0 | What kind of insulation is it? | What kind of floors are above? | Kakve podove imamo iznad? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0615 | 4 | It depends entirely on your company and your contract. | I guess it depends on the nature of your contract. | Pretpostavljam da zavisi od prirode tvog ugovora. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0616 | 5 | You answered your own question. | You've answered your own question already. | Već si odgovorio na svoje pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0628 | 3 | I don't think that there's any. | I don't think there is any universal term. | Mislim da ne postoji univerzalni termin. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0629 | 3 | There are a few things you can do: | There are a few minimally-effective things you can do at the personal level. | Na ličnom nivou postoji nekoliko stvari koje možete uraditi, iako su minimalno efikasne. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0639 | 3 | This is the tip I find most useful: | Something like this is useful: | Nešto poput ovoga je korisno. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0641 | 2 | That's what I believe. | Yes, I believe it's a good idea. | Da, verujem da je to dobra ideja. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0643 | 1 | If you are not sure how to do it, don't do it at all. | If not, don't do that and spend that time with something you like to do. | Ako ne, nemoj to raditi i provedi to vreme radeći nešto što voliš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0648 | 0 | It's all in her head. | It's all about adhesion. | Sve se svodi na prianjanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0650 | 2 | If you are not sure how to do it, don't do it at all. | If you do not have a very strong scientific reason to do it, don't. | Ako nemate vrlo jak naučni razlog da to uradite, nemojte. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0659 | 0 | You need to read a lot to know what you like and what you don't. | You have to know what you want to do. | Moraš znati šta želiš da radiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0660 | 2 | I would say you can do it, but it wouldn't be advised. | Personally, I would say not unless it suits you. | Lično bih rekao ne, osim ako ti odgovara. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0662 | 5 | Can you do this? | Can you do it? | Da li možeš to da uradiš? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0664 | 3 | Sure, I've done this very trip. | I've done this many dozens of times. | Ovo sam uradio mnogo desetina puta. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0666 | 3 | You can use it, too. | You can do it, too. | Možeš i ti to uraditi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0675 | 5 | How do you do that? | How to do that? | Kako to uraditi? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0678 | 3 | I've located an article that might be of some help: http://www.dsattorney.com/qa-pseudonyms-in-contracts/ | I found some link that might be of help to you: | Pronašao sam neki link koji bi mogao da vam pomogne: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0682 | 2 | I would say you can do it, but it wouldn't be advised. | I would say it is impossible to know, so don't risk it. | Rekao bih da je nemoguće znati, zato nemoj rizikovati. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0683 | 1 | Unfortunately the answer to your question is we simply do not know. | The answer to your question is not really. | Odgovor na tvoje pitanje zapravo nije. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0684 | 1 | If you are not sure how to do it, don't do it at all. | You don't, it will not work. | Ti to nećeš, to neće raditi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0694 | 5 | It's also a matter of taste. | It's definitely just a matter of preference. | To definitivno samo stvar preferencije. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0695 | 1 | It's not a good idea. | It's a good idea to do both. | Dobra je ideja da se uradi i jedno i drugo. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0704 | 2 | This answer is based on my experience teaching undergraduate math in the US. | This answer is based on experience I did not researched for references. | Ovaj odgovor se zasniva na iskustvu za koje nisam istraživao reference. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0705 | 4 | There are a few things I think you should do. | There are quite a few things you would need to do; | Postoji prilično mnogo stvari koje bi trebalo da uradite; |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0713 | 0 | You will want to clean the area first. | You will also want to remove the seeds. | Takođe ćete želeti da uklonite semenke. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0718 | 2 | It depends on what you want to have in your tank. | It depends on what you want to achieve. | To zavisi od onoga što želiš postići. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0721 | 1 | There are a couple of options that you could consider: | There are a lot of ways that could go poorly for you. | Postoji mnogo načina na koje bi to moglo loše da se završi za tebe. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0723 | 3 | You don't have to worry. | Since you have one ticket, you don't have to worry. | Pošto imaš jednu kartu, ne moraš da brineš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0736 | 1 | Vietnamese citizens need a visa to visit the USA. | Nepalese citizens require a visa to visit the UK. | Građanima Nepala je potrebna viza za posetu Velikoj Britaniji. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0737 | 1 | It depends on how it's used. | It depends on how long it's been out. | To zavisi koliko je dugo bilo vani. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0742 | 5 | I don't see why there should be any problem with this whatsoever. | I don't see why this could be a problem. | Ne vidim zašto bi ovo mogao biti problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0743 | 5 | There's not a lot you can do about that. | I really do not think there is much you can do about that. | Mislim da za to stvarno ne možete mnogo da uradite. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0745 | 5 | You got it right. | Yes you got it. | Da, shvatio si. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0749 | 0 | You just have to base your answer on what you do know, which is what you want. | Remember this is your degree we are talking about, its up to you what you want to do. | Zapamti, ovo je tvoj stepen o kojem govorimo, na tebi je šta želiš da uradiš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0750 | 4 | How do you do that? | How should you do that? | Kako bi trebalo da to uradiš? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0761 | 4 | I was in a similar situation. | I am in a similar situation. | Ja sam u sličnoj situaciji. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0768 | 0 | What is your lid made of? | What is your paper for? | Za šta je tvoj rad? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0770 | 0 | You don't need any visa. | You don't need sauce at all. | Uopšte ti ne treba sos. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0778 | 2 | That is your problem, not your supervisor's. | Work with your supervisor and your team to solve the problem. | Saradjujte sa svojim nadzornikom i timom kako biste resili problem. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0779 | 4 | It depends on what you want to do next, and where you want to do it. | It's up to you what you want to do next. | Na tebi je šta želiš da uradiš sledeće. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0784 | 5 | There are two things to consider: | A couple things to consider: | Par stvari koje treba uzeti u obzir: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0787 | 3 | It depends entirely on your company and your contract. | It depends on your company. | To zavisi od tvog preduzeća. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0806 | 3 | The wood probably isn't rotten, it's just worn out. | It's just worn out and not safe. | Samo je istrošeno i nije sigurno. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0829 | 4 | Well, I wouldn't put it on my cv. | I wouldn't put this job on my resume. | Ne bih stavio/la ovaj posao u svoj životopis. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0831 | 1 | This is a great one... | This is a difficult one. | Ovo je težak zadatak. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0854 | 0 | The answer to both questions is: Yes. | To directly answer the two questions in your title. | Da direktno odgovorim na dva pitanja u tvom naslovu. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0855 | 2 | Yes, there is a reason to not do what you propose. | Valid reasons to feel the way you do, but not a reason to resign. | Važeći razlozi za osećanja koja imaš, ali ne razlog za ostavku. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0861 | 2 | I think it is depends on the program. | It depends on how the term is used I think. | Mislim da zavisi od toga kako se termin koristi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0862 | 5 | Can you do this? | So, CAN you do this? | Dakle, MOŽEŠ li ovo da uradiš? |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0868 | 4 | I think there isn't a general answer. | I don't think there is an answer for this. | Mislim da nema odgovora na ovo pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0869 | 5 | There are a few things you can do: | There are a couple things you can try. | Postoje neke stvari koje možete pokušati. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0871 | 1 | The key is you have to find something that works for you, and your goals. | You may want it, but the process given to you is what you have to work within. | Možda to želite, ali proces koji vam je dat je unutar kojeg morate raditi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0875 | 0 | You don't have to know. | You don't have equipments/facilities to do research in B. | Nemate opremu/facilitete za istraživanje u B. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0877 | 2 | I think you've pretty much done your review. | You've pretty much answered your own question. | Prilično si sam odgovorio na svoje pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0879 | 0 | There are a few things I think you should do. | There are a few things I don't understand: | Postoje neke stvari koje ne razumem: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0882 | 2 | You burn more Calories digesting protein than you do carbohydrates and fat. | The more you sweat, the faster you will burn calories and fat. | Što više znojite, to brže ćete sagoreti kalorije i masti. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0887 | 1 | It depends on what you want to do next, and where you want to do it. | It depends on what you want to say/imply. | To zavisi od toga šta želiš da kažeš/da impliciraš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0889 | 5 | You got it right. | You've got it right. | Ti si u pravu. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0892 | 5 | You answered your own question. | You pretty much answered your own question. | Prilično ste sami odgovorili na svoje pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0901 | 3 | I have the same thing. | I had the same problem as you. | Imao sam isti problem kao ti. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0908 | 0 | Yes, there is a chemical difference. | Yes, there is a reason for it. | Da, postoji razlog za to. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0909 | 0 | They can be out of level by a bit, but flat is important. | Yes, although they can be a bit sour. | Da, iako mogu biti malo kiseli. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0916 | 2 | I would look at this: U.S. | I would look at this way: | Ja bih to posmatrao na ovaj način: |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0921 | 5 | You are on the right path. | You're on the right path. | Vi ste na pravom putu. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0925 | 1 | If you haven't, you should. | You should, but you don't have to. | Treba da, ali ne moraš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0937 | 3 | Yes it is common! | The simple answer is yes! | Jednostavan odgovor je da! |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0945 | 3 | I don't think that there's any. | I don't think there are any benefits. | Mislim da nema nikakvih koristi. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0947 | 2 | It looks to me that this is set up for what you want: | It is up to you whether you want to do that. | Na vama je da li želite to da uradite. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0950 | 1 | Problem is, the system doesn't account for people who could care less about money, or title. | The Joker doesn't care about money. | Džokeru nije stalo do novca. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0955 | 1 | In the first case, I think you don't need it. | So I don't think you need to put it on the cover. | Mislim da ne moraš staviti to na naslovnu stranu. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0961 | 2 | It is impossible to answer this question without a form check. | It is difficult, if not impossible, to give a complete answer to this question. | Teško je, ako ne i nemoguće, dati potpuno odgovor na ovo pitanje. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0965 | 2 | You need to add this to your resume because it is the only position you have had. | This gives you the opportunity to make your case that you really do have expertise in XXX. | Ovo vam pruža priliku da argumentujete da zaista imate ekspertizu u XXX. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0966 | 4 | Work into it slowly. | You work on it slowly. | Radiš na tome polako. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0975 | 0 | No, you do not NEED a bread machine. | You do not need to worry. | Ne moraš da brineš. |
test | main-forums | answer-answer | 2016 | 0976 | 1 | Yes, it is possible to publish a paper on model analysis. | Yes, it is hard to publish in a peer reviewed journal. | Da, teško je objaviti rad u recenziranom časopisu. |