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test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0307 | 4.4 | A red and white bus drives down an England street. | A red and white England bus drives down the street. | Crveni i beli engleski autobus vozi se ulicom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0316 | 1.8 | The birds are swimming in the water. | Birds fly low over water. | Ptice lete nisko iznad vode. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0318 | 2 | A black dog looking at the camera. | The black and white bull is looking at the camera. | Crno-beli bik gleda u kameru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0337 | 4.8 | A group of horses grazing in a field. | Group of horses grazing in grassy field. | Grupa konja pase na travnatom polju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0340 | 4 | Several people on motorcycles in a market square. | People on motorbikes in a city street. | Ljudi na motociklima na gradskoj ulici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0341 | 2.2 | Three sheep on a dirt road viewed from a passenger vehicle. | Three sheep on a dirt road shot from a car. | Tri ovce na prljavom putu snimljene iz automobila. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0343 | 4.2 | Group of people posing with two men dressed as Elvis. | A group of people standing with two other people dressed as Elvis. | Grupa ljudi stoji sa još dvoje ljudi obučenih kao Elvis. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0355 | 3.4 | Parrot pushing a small shopping cart. | A white bird is steering a shopping cart. | Bela ptica upravlja kolica za kupovinu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0357 | 4.2 | Man in yellow canoe paddling through water. | Man paddling a yellow canoe towards a the shore. | Čovek vesla žutom kanuu ka obali. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0360 | 3.4 | Beer bottles (-LRB- Harp Lager )-RRB- lined up on the floor. | A row of beer bottles on the floor. | Red flaša piva na podu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0361 | 2.4 | Two women sitting outside laughing. | Two women standing outside of a bus. | Dve žene stoje ispred autobusa. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0364 | 1 | A steam engine and train moving toward the camera. | A white sheep on a hillside looking at the camera. | Bela ovca na padini gleda u kameru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0373 | 1.6 | A brown and white cow in a field looking into the camera. | The black and white cat is looking up at the camera. | Crno-bela mačka gleda prema kameri. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0377 | 3.2 | Black and white cow standing near pile of snow. | a black and white cow standing in the field. | krava crno-bele boje stoji na polju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0379 | 3.4 | Home office space with bright green walls and artwork. | An office with multiple desks and green walls. | Kancelarija sa više radnih stolova i zelenim zidovima. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0382 | 4 | A black and white photo of a man driving a car and someone with a motorcycle. | A black and white photo of a man in a classic car and a man with a classic motorcycle. | Crno-bela fotografija čoveka u oldtajmer automobilu i čoveka sa oldtajmer motociklom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0390 | 3 | Three people are by the water with yellow canoes. | Three people preparing to canoe. | Troje ljudi se priprema za kanu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0400 | 3.8 | A girl in a riding hat on a horse. | A girl riding a tan horse. | Devojčica jaše svetlosmeđeg konja. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0402 | 0 | A man dressed in a pale scarf with a stick. | A runner is resting in the shade with a bottle of soda. | Trkač odmara u hladu sa flašom sode. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0407 | 0 | A very retro living room with a television in it. | A grey cat lying on a wooden table. | Siva mačka leži na drvenom stolu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0411 | 2.6 | A girl in a riding hat on a horse. | A girl riding a brown horse. | Devojčica jaše smeđeg konja. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0416 | 2.6 | A car is pulling off the side of the road onto the street. | A silver car parked on the side of the road in front of the hills. | Srebrni automobil parkiran je sa strane puta ispred brda. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0425 | 3.8 | The man is sitting cross legged wearing a cloak and holding a stick. | Man sitting cross legged while wearing a brown cloth and holding a wooden stick. | Čovek sedi skrštenih nogu dok nosi smeđi platno i drži drveni štap. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0427 | 2.6 | Two black and white dogs at the bottom of stairs. | A dog is lying at the bottom of a staircase next to another standing dog. | Pas leži na dnu stepeništa pored drugog psa koji stoji. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0434 | 2.8 | An old fashioned wooden sailing ship in the ocean. | An old fashioned wooden sailing ship is parked at the pier. | Stara drvena jedrilica parkirana je na pristaništu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0436 | 0 | A man sitting cross legged on the grass, with a tree in the background. | Ocean liner close to coast with houses in the background. | Okeanski brod blizu obale sa kućama u pozadini. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0452 | 2.6 | Two cats sitting on a couch looking out the window. | A cat looking out of a window. | Mačka koja gleda kroz prozor. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0455 | 4.6 | Three goats are being rounded up by a dog. | Three goats are chased by a dog. | Tri koze beže od psa. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0458 | 3.8 | A tan puppy on a carpeted floor. | Tan puppy lying down on white carpeting. | Braon štene leži na belom tepihu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0462 | 3.4 | A black dog standing in a grassy area. | A long-haired dog stands in a grassy wooded area. | Dugodlaki pas stoji na travnatom šumovitom području. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0466 | 5 | Train in a station. | a train in a station. | voz na stanici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0468 | 4.6 | A blue bird standing on a lawn. | Blue bird standing on green grass. | Plava ptica stoji na zelenoj travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0472 | 3 | An empty office cubicle. | An empty office chair in a cubicle. | Prazna kancelarijska stolica u kancelariji sa pregradama. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0476 | 2.2 | A man and woman sit at a table in a restaurant. | Four women and two men sit at a long table in a restaurant. | Četiri žene i dva muškarca sede za dugim stolom u restoranu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0477 | 3.8 | A young man wearing a striped shirt is holding two bicycles. | Young redheaded man holding two bicycles near beach. | Mladi crvenokosi muškarac drži dva bicikla blizu plaže. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0482 | 2.2 | A television, upholstered chair, and coffee stable in a bright room. | A leather couch and wooden table in a living room. | Kožna sofa i drveni sto u dnevnoj sobi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0495 | 3.6 | Two cats sitting on a couch looking out the window. | Two cats are looking at a window. | Dve mačke gledaju kroz prozor. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0502 | 4 | The small dog is wearing a sweater and looking up at the camera. | A small white dog wearing a jacket looks up at the camera. | Mali beli pas u jakni gleda ka kameri. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0503 | 0.4 | Two men standing in grass staring at a car. | Two women sitting in chairs in a shop. | Dve žene sede u stolicama u prodavnici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0507 | 0 | A woman stands in front of a building in the snow. | Two women and a baby pose in front of a dining room. | Dve žene i beba poziraju ispred trpezarije. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0509 | 3.8 | Home office space with bright green walls and artwork. | Small office space with bright green walls. | Mali kancelarijski prostor sa svetlo zelenim zidovima. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0512 | 5 | A green car parked at a saloon. | A green car parked outside the saloon. | Zeleni automobil je parkiran ispred salona. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0514 | 4.8 | Group of people sitting around a restaurant dining table. | A group of people sitting at a restaurant table. | Grupa ljudi sedi za restoranskim stolom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0518 | 2.4 | Two ducks are standing by the water. | The birds are swimming in the water. | Ptice plivaju u vodi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0519 | 2.8 | A black and white cow in a pen with hay. | Black and white cows behind a fence. | Crno-bele krave iza ograde. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0521 | 1.4 | A man and woman are posing for the camera. | A cat sitting on sand looking up at the camera. | Mačka sedi na pesku i gleda u kameru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0523 | 3.6 | A green and white cargo plane taking of from an airport. | White and green commercial airliner taking off of runway. | Beli i zeleni komercijalni avion uzleće sa piste. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0532 | 0 | A yellow school bus parked in a field. | A brown horse in a green field. | Braon konj na zelenom polju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0534 | 4.2 | An elderly man works on his laptop at home. | Older gentleman sitting on couch with laptop. | Stariji gospodin sedi na kauču sa laptop računarom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0540 | 0.4 | The cat is sitting on a bag of cat food. | Two eagles sitting on a long branch. | Dve orla sede na dugoj grani. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0546 | 3.8 | A large pile of wooden items piled high. | A large pile of scrap wood. | Velika gomila otpadnog drveta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0550 | 4 | A woman riding a brown horse. | A girl riding a brown horse. | Devojčica jaše smeđeg konja. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0551 | 1.2 | Black and white photo of a girl on a sofa. | a black and white photo of a cow under a tree. | Crno-bela fotografija krave ispod drveta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0559 | 4 | A black dog stands next to materials at a construction site. | A black dog stands in the middle of a construction site. | Crni pas stoji usred gradilišta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0567 | 3 | Two women sitting in chairs in a shop. | Two women are sitting in a cafe. | Dve žene sede u kafiću. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0572 | 0 | A women painting a chair with a dining room in the background. | A man and boy walking along a beach with the sea in the background. | Čovek i dečak šetaju duž plaže sa morem u pozadini. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0584 | 2.4 | A cat sleeping on the coach with a pillow behind it. | The cat is laying on an animal print blanket. | Mačka leži na ćebetu sa animal printom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0586 | 3.4 | Two motorbikes racing on a dirt course. | two motorbikes on a dirt track. | Dve motocikle na makadamskoj stazi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0593 | 0.8 | A young woman is riding a Bay hose in a dirt riding-ring. | A man is staring at a horse with a white mane. | Čovek gleda konja sa belom grivom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0621 | 4.2 | A gray cat laying on a brown table. | A grey cat lying on a wooden table. | Siva mačka leži na drvenom stolu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0622 | 4.4 | Motorcycle parked next to a car outside. | A motorcycle parked next to a car. | Motocikl parkiran pored automobila. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0627 | 4 | A pile of used wooden building materials with a chair on top. | Pile of wooden debris with chair on top. | Gomila drvenog otpada sa stolicom na vrhu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0643 | 1.8 | A passenger train waiting at the city train station. | A passenger train with a yellow engine. | Putnički voz sa žutim motorom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0649 | 2.8 | A black train moves down the tracks. | A long train is on train tracks. | Dugačak voz je na železničkim šinama. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0650 | 5 | A Philips flat-screen TV is shown with its two remote controls. | A Phillips flat screen TV with two remote controls. | Televizor marke Philips sa ravnim ekranom i dva daljinska upravljača. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0651 | 0 | A cruise ship is in front of a docking area. | Calico cat sitting on step in front of a door. | Kaliko mačka sedi na stepeništu ispred vrata. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0656 | 0.2 | A black and white cow standing in hay looks back at the camera. | There is a black and white sheep standing on the grass. | Na travi stoji crno-belo ovca. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0661 | 4 | Four people rowing down a river. | Four people row a canoe in water. | Četiri osobe veslaju kanu po vodi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0662 | 3.8 | A dark brown horse standing in a field. | A brown horse in a green field. | Braon konj na zelenom polju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0667 | 4.4 | Two men talking in front of a plane. | Two men talking in front of a small plane. | Dva čoveka razgovaraju ispred malog aviona. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0670 | 3.2 | two cats, one brown and one white laying on a bed with a blue blanket. | Two cats, one ginger, the other white laying on a bed. | Dve mačke, jedna crvena, druga bela leže na krevetu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0672 | 4.6 | The train sits at the train station. | A train parked at a train station. | Voz parkiran na železničkoj stanici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0681 | 0 | Two animals sitting on a rock. | The brown train is sitting on the railroad tracks. | Braon voz sedi na železničkim šinama. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0692 | 1 | A black and white cow looking through the fence. | A black and white dog looking at the camera. | Crno-beli pas gleda u kameru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0700 | 0.8 | Two women in a clothing store. | Two women in a sailboat. | Dve žene u jedrilici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0703 | 4 | Older gentleman looking at red motorcycle. | A man looking at a red motorcycle. | Čovek gleda crveni motocikl. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0707 | 1.6 | Black and white cows grazing in a pen. | Two black and white cows drinking out of a pond. | Dve crno-bele krave piju iz bara. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0708 | 0 | A small camouflaged airplane parked in the grass. | A small dog wearing a pink shirt tied to a railing. | Mali pas koji nosi roze majicu vezan za ogradu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0718 | 3.4 | A black and white photo of a love seat. | Black and white photo of couch with purse at one end. | Crno-bela fotografija kauča sa torbom na jednom kraju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0723 | 1 | Black bird standing on concrete. | Blue bird standing on green grass. | Plava ptica stoji na zelenoj travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0728 | 4 | Crowd of people walking past a giant mushroom. | A group of four people walking past a giant mushroom. | Grupa od četiri osobe prolazi pored gigantske pečurke. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0733 | 3 | A sheep beside a road and a lake. | A sheep is on the edge of a road with a lake and a mountain in the background. | Ovca je na ivici puta sa jezerom i planinom u pozadini. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0745 | 3 | A group of people sit at a table in an Italian restaurant. | A group of six people sitting at a table with salad served. | Grupa od šest osoba sedi za stolom sa posluženom salatom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0746 | 0.75 | Tan cows look closely at the camera. | A white and grey cat in a bathroom sink looking at the camera. | Bela i siva mačka u lavabou gleda u kameru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2014 | 0748 | 3.4 | Older woman holding newborn baby. | a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby. | Žena sedi na kauču i drži bebu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0022 | 2.8 | Two dogs play in the grass. | Two dogs playing in the snow. | Dva psa se igraju u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0029 | 4.8 | Three people sit at a picnic table outside of a building painted like a union jack. | Three people sit at an outdoor table in front of a building painted like the Union Jack. | Tri osobe sede za stolom na otvorenom ispred zgrade obojene kao Unija Džek. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0038 | 1.4 | A dog swims through the water. | A dog wearing a cape is running through the snow. | Pas koji nosi plašt trči kroz sneg. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0043 | 2.4 | A young laughing girl and a boy are playing on a big drum. | A baby girl and little boy are standing next to a guitar and a drum. | Bebe devojčica i mali dečak stoje pored gitare i bubnja. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0047 | 1.8 | The brown dog runs on the snow with a white ball in his mouth. | Four dogs play in the snow with the city skyline behind them. | Četiri psa se igraju u snegu sa gradskim horizontom iza njih. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0071 | 4.8 | A bird flies across the water. | A bird flies above the water. | Ptica leti iznad vode. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0073 | 1.4 | A dog is running through a pond | A pale dog is running along a dirt path. | Bledi pas trči duž prljavog puta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0083 | 0.4 | A man and a woman watch two dogs. | A man in a maroon bathing suit swings on a rope on a lake. | Čovek u tamnocrvenom kupaćem kostimu ljulja se na konopcu na jezeru. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0084 | 1.33 | A man sits by a dock looking at the water. | A man jumps off a rock into the water | Čovek skače sa stene u vodu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0097 | 2.4 | A brown and white dog is running through the snow. | a brown and white dog is running on the grass. | Braon i beli pas trči po travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0104 | 0.4 | A man and a woman are standing in front of a building | Two girls are sitting on an ATV on the sand in front of a bridge. | Dve devojke sede na ATV-u na pesku ispred mosta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0150 | 0.6 | Three dolphins are jumping out of a pool in front of a crowd of people. | A man is giving a presentation in front of a lot of people. | Čovek drži prezentaciju pred mnogo ljudi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0154 | 4.8 | The dog is running through a field. | A dog runs through a field. | Pas trči kroz polje. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0155 | 2.8 | A black and white dog is jumping into the water. | a white dog runs across the water. | Beli pas trči preko vode. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0174 | 2 | A tan and white dog retrieving a ball on a gravel path. | A large dog walks along a gravel path in the woods. | Veliki pas šeta duž šljunkovite staze u šumi. |
Subsets and Splits