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test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0197 | 2.6 | A brown and white dog is walking up snowy steps. | A black and white dog frolics in the snow. | Crno-beli pas se veseli u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0242 | 0 | A woman in a black and orange jacket throws a stick for a brown and black dog to fetch. | The man in a blue jacket is standing in a crowd. | Čovek u plavom sakou stoji u gomili. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0257 | 2.4 | A dog running across the snow with a snowball in it's mouth. | A tan dog is running through the grass with a yellow toy in its mouth. | Tamni pas trči kroz travu sa žutom igračkom u ustima. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0277 | 4 | A small boy is building with some wooden blocks. | A small boy wearing a blue shirt stacks wooden blocks. | Mali dečak u plavoj majici slaže drvene blokove. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0301 | 4 | A man and a woman walk with a white dog on a leash. | A man, woman and dog walk down a paved road. | Muškarac, žena i pas šetaju niz popločanu ulicu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0335 | 4 | A young boy wearing a red winter coat is eating and holding up a candy bar. | A young boy wearing a red coat eats a chocolate bar. | Mladi dečak u crvenom kaputu jede čokoladu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0353 | 0 | Two racing dogs run in the mud. | The man is going into the water. | Čovek ulazi u vodu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0356 | 3.2 | A young boy jumping into a pool that says "no diving". | A boy jumps into a pool while lifeguards watch. | Dečak skače u bazen dok spasioci posmatraju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0363 | 1.4 | Three dogs running in the dirt. | The yellow dog is running on the dirt road. | Žuti pas trči po zemljanoj stazi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0373 | 3.6 | Four children on stools in a diner. | Four children sit on tall bar stools at a yellow and grey bar. | Četvoro dece sedi na visokim barskim stolicama za šankom u žuto-sivoj boji. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0374 | 4.4 | Boy and white dog running in grassy field | A boy and a dog running on grass | Dečak i pas trče po travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0380 | 5 | Two boys playing a game of flag football. | Two boys are playing flag football. | Dva dečaka igraju fudbal sa zastavicama. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0387 | 1.8 | The black and white dog has its mouth wide open. | A black and white dog jumps in the snow. | Crno-beli pas skače po snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0398 | 4.8 | One white boy and one black boy stand with arms around each other. | Two young boys, one white and one black, are standing with their arms around each other. | Dva mlada dečaka, jedan beli a drugi crni, stoje sa rukama oko jedan drugog. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0415 | 0.6 | Girl playing in a puddle with her bare feet. | A child is playing with two white and black geese. | Dete se igra sa dve bele i crne guske. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0422 | 1.4 | Two children splashing in the water. | Two dolphins jumping into the water. | Dve delfine skaču u vodu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0440 | 0.2 | A man in a suit dances with a young girl in front of an audience. | A women dangles from a blue fabric connected to a tree. | Žena visi sa plavog platna koje je povezano sa drvetom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0442 | 4.2 | Three children playing on a floor with toys. | Three children sitting in floor playing with several toys. | Troje dece sedi na podu i igra se sa nekoliko igračaka. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0459 | 4.6 | The two dogs are playing in the yard. | Two dogs are playing on the grass. | Dva psa se igraju na travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0503 | 4 | The # 2 greyhound dog is running around a track. | a muzzled greyhound dog is running around a track | Ograničeni gonič trči oko staze. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0510 | 4.6 | four children are playing on a trampoline. | Four kids are jumping on a trampoline. | Četvoro dece skaču na trambolini. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0527 | 1.8 | A black and tan dog standing in a field near trees | A white dog is standing by a river shaking himself dry. | Beli pas stoji pored reke i trese se da se osuši. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0542 | 4.6 | A black dog running into the water. | A black dog running through water. | Crni pas trči kroz vodu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0574 | 0.2 | a man and woman walking past a record shop | A man and woman kissing in front of a crowd of people. | Muškarac i žena se ljube ispred gomile ljudi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0589 | 2.6 | Two dogs play in the grass. | Two tan dogs play in the snow. | Dva smeđa psa se igraju u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0592 | 3.8 | Three children wrestle on a floral carpet. | Three children playing on the floor. | Troje dece se igra na podu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0593 | 0 | A boy in red jumping into a sandbox. | A dog swimming in a pond | Pas koji pliva u ribnjaku. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0598 | 5 | a dog jumps into the water. | A dog is jumping into the water. | Pas skače u vodu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0629 | 3.6 | A wet, blond dog carries a stick on the shore. | The wet, brown dog has a stick in his mouth and is running in the sand next to the water. | Mokar, smeđi pas ima štap u ustima i trči po pesku pored vode. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0634 | 4.6 | A man and a dog on rocks on a beach. | A man and dog on a rocky seashore. | Čovek i pas na stenovitoj obali mora. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0639 | 2 | Large group of people standing outside of a building. | A group of people are ice skating in a big city. | Grupa ljudi kliza na ledu u velikom gradu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0691 | 5 | Two dogs are running in the field. | Two dogs running in a field. | Dva psa trče po polju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0693 | 0 | Two people are in bed. | Two boxers are in the ring. | Dva boksera su u ringu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0720 | 3.4 | A light brown dog runs down a path happily. | A pale dog runs down a path. | Bledi pas trči niz stazu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0730 | 0 | A red haired women in black is posing for a man while resting on a tree. | A man in a black shirt is holding a child wearing sunglasses. | Čovek u crnoj košulji drži dete koje nosi sunčane naočare. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0739 | 2 | Two black dogs are jumping and playing with a yellow tennis ball in the snow. | A brown dog and a black dog playing with a yellow soccer ball. | Braon pas i crni pas se igraju sa žutim fudbalskim loptom. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0743 | 2 | A black and white dog is jumping over a hurdle. | A white dog running over a bridge. | Beli pas trči preko mosta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0757 | 4.6 | Two brown dogs runs through the water. | Two brown dogs running through water. | Dva smeđa psa trče kroz vodu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0770 | 3 | A black dog is jumping out of water. | A black dog is shaking off water. | Crni pas se trese da bi se osušio. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0790 | 4.6 | A man climbing a rock-face. | A man is climbing a rock wall. | Čovek se penje uz stenu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0792 | 2 | Woman playing tennis and hitting the ball. | A woman is playing volley ball. | Žena igra odbojku. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0795 | 2.6 | A young boy with his hair standing up, is sliding down a blue slide | The kid in the orange shirt is sliding down a teal slide. | Dete u narandžastoj majici klizi niz plavi tobogan. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0797 | 0.4 | A dog standing in the water. | A girl playing on a parachute. | Devojčica koja se igra na padobranu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0801 | 2.6 | A surfer is riding on a breaking wave. | a group of surfers catching a wave | Grupa surfera hvata talas. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0816 | 4.2 | Two dogs are running through the grass near a house and trees. | Two dogs are running through a green yard | Dve psine trče kroz zelenu baštu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0830 | 0 | A brown and white dog is running across a brown field. | A person hanging from a rocky cliff. | Osoba koja visi sa stene. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0838 | 2.2 | A black dog standing in the grass near a volleyball. | A brown and black down with a blue collar near a soccer ball on a grassy field. | Braon i crni pas sa plavom ogrlicom pored fudbalske lopte na travnatom terenu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0861 | 4 | A white dog with light brown markings has a stick in his mouth and his paws in the snow. | A white dog holds a stick in its mouth while it runs through snow. | Beli pas drži štap u ustima dok trči kroz sneg. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0868 | 0 | A man in a wet suit is throwing a baby wearing a wet suit up into the air. | A man in a white print shirt and a woman in a black dress dancing. | Muškarac u beloj košulji sa printom i žena u crnoj haljini plešu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0875 | 2 | A black and white dog is running through the grass. | A tan dog is walking through snow. | Tamni pas šeta kroz sneg. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0885 | 3 | A harnessed dog leaps over a log as another dog follows behind. | A brown and white dog is leaping over a log in a field while another dog follows behind it. | Braon i beli pas preskače panj na polju dok ga drugi pas prati. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0923 | 2.6 | A dog running on the grass | Two dogs are running on the grass. | Dva psa trče po travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0932 | 0 | Many football players sitting on the ground. | A dog rolls on the ground. | Pas se valja po zemlji. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0934 | 0 | A little boy and a little girl playing together outside. | A woman wearing a white shirt stands on the street. | Žena u beloj košulji stoji na ulici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0939 | 4.8 | The surfer does a flip off of a wave. | A surfer does a flip on a wave. | Surfer radi salto na talasu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0944 | 3 | A female DJ holds up a Michael Jackson album. | a girl holding a picture of Michael Jackson smiling | devojčica koja drži sliku Majkla Džeksona koji se smeje |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0955 | 2.2 | two white standard poodles play with a toy in the snow | Two dogs fighting in the snow. | Dva psa se bore u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0957 | 4.4 | Boy lies on stomach in grass. | Small boy lying on his stomach on the grass. | Mali dečak leži na stomaku na travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0970 | 0.8 | A white dog runs along a rocky shoreline. | A dog jumps over a hurdle. | Pas preskače prepreku. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0983 | 3.4 | a black and white dog jumping in the air to catch a Frisbee | A black and white dog jumping in a yard. | Crno-beli pas skače u dvorištu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0984 | 0 | The woman is holding the harness that the brown and white dog is wearing. | A man and woman are looking at artwork that is on easels and clipped to a fencing wall. | Muškarac i žena gledaju umetnička dela koja su postavljena na stalke i pričvršćena za ogradni zid. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 0993 | 0.6 | A girl is jumping. | A boy is rock climbing. | Dečak se penje na stenu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1003 | 0 | A young pitcher is throwing the baseball. | A brown dog is walking on the grass beside a fence. | Braon pas šeta po travi pored ograde. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1014 | 2.4 | Three children playing in snow. | Three children playing in hay | Troje dece se igraju u senou. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1017 | 3.4 | Two people ride their bikes down a dirt road. | Two people riding their bikes on a hill. | Dve osobe voze svoje bicikle na brdu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1025 | 4 | A brown dog is running through the field. | a brown dog with his tongue wagging as he runs through a field | braon pas sa isplaženim jezikom trči kroz polje |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1044 | 2 | A dog is standing in the sand. | A tan dog is standing in front of some plants. | Tamni pas stoji ispred nekih biljaka. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1045 | 4 | Four girls in swimsuits are playing volleyball at the beach. | Four ladies in swimsuits play sand volleyball on the beach. | Četiri dame u kupaćim kostimima igraju odbojku na pesku na plaži. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1050 | 4.8 | A blonde haired toddler swinging on a tire swing. | A blonde haired child is swinging on a tire swing. | Plavokosa devojčica se ljulja na gumenoj ljuljašci. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1073 | 0.6 | A child wearing blue and white shorts is jumping in the surf. | A girl wearing green twists something in her hands. | Devojčica u zelenom nešto vrši u svojim rukama. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1081 | 2.4 | Two dogs running on the shore. | A white dog running on the beach. | Beli pas trči po plaži. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1102 | 4.4 | A yellow car speeds along a snowy field. | A yellow car drives quickly in the snow. | Žuti automobil brzo vozi po snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1112 | 2.4 | Two dogs playing in snow. | Two dogs playing in grass. | Dva psa se igraju u travi. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1113 | 4.8 | One boy is pushing another boy on a swing. | A boy is pushing another boy on the swings. | Dečak gura drugog dečaka na ljuljašci. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1114 | 3.4 | A pitcher on a mound throws a baseball. | A boy in the middle of a pitch at a baseball game. | Dečak usred terena na bejzbol utakmici. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1143 | 2.8 | A little girl is riding a toy tricycle on springs. | A little girl is playing on a toy outdoors. | Mala devojčica se igra na igrački napolju. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1151 | 0.8 | A woman is sitting in the water. | The woman is skating in the park. | Žena kliza na klizalištu u parku. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1153 | 2.2 | A tan girl in a floral bikini is swimming in dark blue waters. | a little girl in a flowered bathingsuit runs through the sand at the beach | Mala devojčica u cvetnom kupaćem kostimu trči kroz pesak na plaži. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1180 | 3.8 | a grey dog swimming through a river with a stick in his mouth | Dog swimming through water carrying stick in its mouth | Pas pliva kroz vodu noseći štap u ustima. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1183 | 0.4 | A woman in a blue bathing suit is jumping off a dock into a lake. | a boy in a blue shirt and blue jeans runs across a playground | Dečak u plavoj majici i plavim farmerkama trči preko igrališta. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1198 | 4.6 | Two black dogs are playing on the grass. | Two black dogs are playing in a grassy plain. | Dve crne psine se igraju na travnatoj ravni. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1244 | 3 | Two puppies playing with a plastic bag. | Two dogs playing in a yard. | Dva psa se igraju u dvorištu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1252 | 4.6 | A man in a black suit is surfing along a crashing wave. | A surfer wearing a black wet suit is riding a a white wave in the ocean. | Surfer u crnom mokrom odelu vozi se na belom talasu u okeanu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1262 | 0.8 | Three little girls are sitting on the grass. | Two poodles are running through the snow. | Dva pudla trče kroz sneg. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1265 | 4 | A brown dog runs towards the camera on a dirt trail with mountains in the background. | A brown dog runs toward the camera down a rocky trail through the brush with mountains in the background. | Braon pas trči ka kameri niz kamenitu stazu kroz rastinje sa planinama u pozadini. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1268 | 1.2 | Dog is jumping down a ramp. | A girls is jumping in the sand. | Devojčica skače po pesku. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1270 | 3.2 | The dog plays in the park. | The dog leaps over the fence in the park. | Pas preskače ogradu u parku. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1280 | 3.6 | Four dogs stand in the snow. | Four dogs playing in the snow. | Četiri psa se igraju u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1283 | 3.4 | Brown and black dogs on snow, showing teeth and barking at each other. | A black dog fighting with a brown dog in the snow. | Crni pas se bori sa smeđim psom u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1288 | 5 | A man running on a track. | a man running track | muškarac trči stazu |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1321 | 4 | A light-colored dog runs through the grass. | A dog runs through the grass. | Pas trči kroz travu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1347 | 4 | Child holding an object that is on fire. | A child in pink holds an object that appears to be on fire. | Dete u roze boji drži predmet koji deluje kao da gori. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1408 | 2.8 | A small white dog climbs over a log. | a small dog steps onto a log. | Mali pas korača na panj. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1415 | 3.8 | The dogs play in the snow on hind legs. | Two dogs play in the snow. | Dva psa se igraju u snegu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1429 | 2.6 | A boy skateboards down the railing of some graffiti stairs | A skateboarder slides down a handrail on his feet. | Skejtborder klizi niz gelender na svojim nogama. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1433 | 2 | A black and white dog runs through the water. | Black and brown dog runs through field. | Crni i smeđi pas trči kroz polje. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1458 | 0.8 | A girl is running on a desert path. | A young girl is talking on a cell phone. | Mlada devojka razgovara na mobilnom telefonu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1467 | 5 | A man steers a blue boat past brightly colored houses. | a man driving a blue boat passes by some colorful houses. | Čovek koji vozi plavi čamac prolazi pored nekih šarenih kuća. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1494 | 1 | A woman wearing large sunglasses holds newspapers in both hands. | A fat woman wearing faint blue top is blowing soap bubble. | Debela žena u svetlo plavom topu puše sapunicu. |
test | main-captions | images | 2015 | 1497 | 5 | A deer jumps a fence. | A deer is jumping over a fence. | Jelen preskače ogradu. |
Subsets and Splits